How to choose an original gift. Choosing an original gift. Other interesting gift ideas for a lovely lady

It is very difficult to choose gifts for the representatives of the strong half of humanity. In addition, most often they are stingy in their desires, reject the constant "I have everything." How to choose a truly original gift for a guy that he will remember and like?

You have been invited to a birthday boy - a friend or your boyfriend. What to give? There are actually a huge number of ideas, and therefore it is worth deciding on it after analyzing your own relationship with the birthday boy. If you are dating this young man, then the gift should be somewhat intimate and obliging to some kind of reciprocal action on his part. If a guy needs a birthday present, and this guy is a good friend of yours, you can turn on imagination and humor and present something unusual. But it is even more important to know well what they are interested in in order to choose a present in accordance with their hobbies and preferences.

Find out interests

It is advisable and profitable to choose gifts based on hobbies - the chance is so high that you will buy something really useful and necessary:

Whatever gift you choose for your boyfriend's birthday or other event, the basic rule is to do it with soul and imagination.

Creative ideas

Originality is one of the rules for choosing a really interesting gift. It should be especially shown when looking for a present for a loved one - in this case, you can give free rein to your imagination. If a guy has a good sense of humor, you can give him a radio-controlled toy, a talking hamster or a game console - surely no man will refuse such a present. Fart pillows (yes, such gifts are in vogue today!), Rugs for the bathroom or toilet with some interesting inscription, panties with an unusual pattern - all this can be given to your loved one.

And we don’t give it!

When choosing presents, pay attention to the fact that they do not deliver unpleasant emotions and do not hit the man's pride, emphasizing his shortcomings. After all, a gift should please and bring good emotions, and not vice versa. Therefore, give up incomprehensible books advising to quit smoking or train a love muscle, figurines and souvenirs that will simply gather dust on the shelves, photographs in frames - all this is very banal and uninteresting. And it is even more banal to give panties, socks, cosmetics kits in the form of shampoos, shaving foams or shower gels. These are ordinary household items that you can easily buy and not for a holiday. Gifts that are definitely worth giving up include:

  1. Clothes. It has a right to exist, but definitely not in the form of a birthday or New Year's souvenir. No, you can buy some original tie if the man is a fan of them, but here it is also important to guess with style, color, and design.
  2. Pets. You can give kittens and puppies to girls, but men are not so responsible. Therefore, you shouldn't force them to change.
  3. Intimate toys. Although this is a very original gift, it can still hurt a man's pride. Especially if you give gifts like this at random ...
  4. Gifts for the future. If you started dating just a couple of months ago, but decided to give tickets to a concert that will take place in six months, this is risky - by doing so, you oblige the man to be with you all this time ...

Which rules?

When choosing a gift for a guy for the New Year or any other holiday, do not proceed from some of the features of your gift directly. A good gift should be:

  1. Practical. Men are practical, realistic by nature, used to thinking soberly, so spontaneous decisions are not for them. Guys value practicality, so do not try to wrap a useless gift in bright packaging - anyway, such a present will gather dust in the far drawer. It is much better to choose something useful than it will definitely be useful.
  2. Meaningful. Think about what emotions you want to convey to the young man with your gift. If your souvenir is personal, touching, but you will definitely create a special mood that the guy will like and remember.
  3. Relevant. To achieve the relevance of the gift, try to find out what you want in some way unobtrusively so that the man does not even suspect that you are planning to give something special. Make sure that he does not buy himself something that you hide so carefully and are preparing to present as a surprise.
  4. Suitable for the age. You should be guided by the number, but always in combination with the characteristics of the characters and preferences of the person himself. Remember the individual approach, because we have very different preferences at every age.

For the new year

New Year is the brightest holiday when you can give absolutely anything, including a stylish gift for a guy with your own hands. At this time, you can work miracles, hooliganism, therefore, souvenirs should be unusual and match the fabulous atmosphere of the New Year's mood.

Useful Tips

Choosing a gift for a girl can be tricky if you don't think it over well.

What gifts should not be given to a girl

* Cosmetics- it has long ceased to be a deficit. Now in stores you can find whatever your heart desires, which means that the girl knows perfectly well what she likes and she already has her own preferences. If you are not sure if, for example, the set of shadows that you looked after will suit her, you do not need to take it.

* DIY gift(sometimes) - we often hear that the best gift is one that is made by hand. But the reality is that a gift like this doesn't always work the way you want it to. First, find out how the girl relates to "hand-made" and only then think about whether or not to start, and if you still decide to make a gift with your own hands, make sure that you have the necessary tools and a clear idea of ​​how what to do and how.

* clothing- besides the fact that you can "miss" the size of the clothes, the girl can take such a gift as a hint that she is dressing tastelessly.

* Houseware - if you are not very familiar with the girl, you should not give her a blender, vacuum cleaner, saucepan, frying pan and other household items. Even if you know that the girl does not have a vacuum cleaner at home, she will expect other gifts from you - at least flowers, sweets and other things that will delight her.

* Underwear(sometimes) - this is especially inappropriate at the beginning of a relationship, as such a gift may be misunderstood by the girl.

* Ring(sometimes) - if you do not have serious intentions yet, this gift may be misunderstood. Despite the fact that a ring does not always mean a marriage proposal, a girl may take this gift too close to her heart.

What gift to give a girl

* Best gift for a girl: jewelry

They have always been and will be a great gift for any girl. The main thing is to know what the girl prefers - gold, silver, or other materials that are used in jewelry.

As mentioned earlier, it is advisable to give the ring only if you have a serious relationship, or if you are already married. You can also donate a bracelet, necklace, earrings, etc.

In the case of a limited budget, it is quite possible to present beautiful jewelry, which is now in vogue. There is a huge selection of pendants, bracelets, chains, earrings, etc. at a very affordable price.

It is worth noting that it is advisable to select jewelry based on the meaning that you want to convey. For example, a gift in the form of a heart pendant speaks for itself.

* What kind of gifts do girls like: sweet gift

Every girl loves sweets. Instead of a trivial box of chocolates, you can prepare a set of various chocolates for her, neatly folded into a beautiful package.

You can also order an original cake with different flowers and a memorable inscription on it.

You can prepare a sweet surprise in the form of small cakes and / or sweets, chocolates and put them beautifully in a small basket that you can decorate according to your taste (or you can simply add a ribbon).

* What gift can you give a girl: technique

If the budget allows, give her a tablet, a smartphone (preferably a bright color - yellow, red), an MP3 player, a camera, or a digital photo frame, where you can write down your joint photos in advance, which will be shown on her desktop.

* What a gift to give your girlfriend: soft toys

Not every girl loves soft toys, but if your girlfriend is not one of those, then feel free to choose a beautiful, soft toy with a cute face. As an addition, you can present sweets with a soft toy.

Try adding sky lanterns that you can launch into the sky at sunset, making your deepest desires.
* What a gift to give a girl: tickets (to a concert, to a theater)

It is difficult to forget a concert of your favorite band / performer or a good performance that will give a girl a sense of celebration.

* Creative gift for a girl: outdoor activities

If the girl is fond of or just loves active rest, you can arrange for her a horse ride, ice skating or go-karting, or a hot air balloon ride.

* Unusual gift for a girl: music

Prepare a CD for her with her favorite songs and make a beautiful cover for the CD. The cover made by yourself and signed by you personally will look original and unique. Use your imagination and everything will work out.

* What kind of gift can you give a girl: office stuff

If a girl works in an office, you can give her flash drives of an unusual / funny shape, beautiful notebooks with pens in a case, etc.

* Original gifts for your girlfriend

If you have known each other for a long time, and you have a clear idea of ​​the tastes of your girlfriend, you can give her gifts such as: perfume, cosmetics, handbag, underwear - of course, everything should be in beautiful packaging and preferably well-known (in a good way) for her brands.

You can also give a gift certificate for a certain amount to any store / boutique of clothing, perfumery, jewelry, etc. that she prefers.

You can try buying a gift certificate to a good beauty salon that provides various services, including SPA treatments and massages, which will allow the girl to relax and gain a sense of lightness.

If a girl loves to dance, then you can give her a certificate with which she can take dance lessons.

Try arranging a photo session for her with a professional photographer. You can participate in the photo session together or only your girlfriend.

You can use photographs to create a beautiful book. You can do it yourself or order a book from a photo studio / photo studio.

* Romantic gift for a girl

Have a romantic dinner in a nice cafe or restaurant. Prepare the girl's favorite flowers in advance.

If the budget is not tight, then you can make a gift in the form of a vacation voucher.

Remember that you don't need a reason to give a girl a gift. Any girl loves pleasant surprises made just for fun.

* Gift ideas for girl: educational gifts

If the girl is a creative person, then you can arrange for her a trip to a master class on such interesting activities as decoupage, quilling or scrapbooking. If a girl loves to cook, you can offer her a trip to a master class on creating beautiful cakes, for example.

It should be noted that during such events it is advisable to reserve an additional seat, because the girl can invite her friend or she can ask you to go with her.

Nice gift for a "stranger" girl

It may sound strange, but finding a gift for a girl you don't know very well is not that hard. And all because people you don't know much don't have high expectations from each other.

If you decide to choose a gift for a friend or classmate, you should think about what kind of relationship you want to have with this girl.

* If you decide to put the emphasis on romance, but you should start with an invitation to the cinema, theater, and then to a cafe, restaurant or a walk through the beautiful places of the city.

Here, of course, everything depends on your budget. For the first date and several subsequent ones, it is better to choose neutral places.

Try to ignore extreme sports and other "non-standard" entertainment.

* As a variant of a hint of a serious relationship, a gift in the form of a soft toy can serve. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the quality of the toy - so that it is well stitched, has a pretty face and is generally made with high quality.

* Also, a gift in the form of a variety of jewelry can serve as a signal that you are ready to move on to a romantic relationship. And yet, it is worth being careful here, since some women may reject such a gift, which means it is advisable to measure the value of the gift with the income, both yours and the girl's. For example, if you are still a student living on a scholarship, you can choose a simple, cute chain or bracelet as a gift. Obviously, if you are not very limited in finances, then you can choose a less modest gift.

When choosing a gift for a girl, you need to know 2 things. The first is that girls are inherently unpredictable creatures, and the second - she always has something to surprise. Girls like to receive gifts much more than boys. Before you decide to buy a gift for your beloved woman, you need to take into account the age and her preferences.

You need to study all the factors in order to understand whether March 8 or February 14. Below is given to you list of 100 original gifts for a girl:

1. Gift certificate for SPA services.
2. Flowers in ice
3. A star named after her.
4. Airbrushing on the car.
5. Gift certificate perfumery and cosmetic shop.
6. Travel to a certain country
7. Romantic night at the hotel.
8. Photo session for her and you.
9. Your own author's poem in a frame.
10. Ring with a diamond
11. Going to a shoe store or clothing store for the whole day and money for it
12. Successful enlarged photo in a frame or a collage of photos.
13. Collection of favorite films.
14. A gift certificate to the boutique of her favorite brand of clothing and footwear.
15. Tickets for Figure Skating.
16. Tickets for the "star" premiere at the theater.
17. Expensive underwear.
18. Favorite perfume
19. Erotic game "Fanta".
20. iPod.
21. Jewelry with engraving.
22. Watch of her favorite brand.
23. A huge bouquet (tree) of sweets.
24. The dream of any woman is a fur coat.
25. Parachute jump.
26. Paid trip to the beauty salon
27. Subscription to the solarium for a year.
28. In an intimate store - a dildo, butterfly-type devices.
29. Decoupage style passport cover.
30. Subscription to the fitness center.
31. Helicopter flight.
32. Romantic tour for two.
33. Joint rest all day according to her wishes.
34. Original handmade jewelry box.
35. Brand bag (if you know which plan you like).
36. Flower in a pot.
37. Feng Shui figurines.
38. Brand glasses.
39. Portrait of a woman in medieval dress.
40. An original custom-made hair clip.
41. Bright, fashionable business card holder.
42. Night tour of the rooftops for two.
43. Leather wallet
44. A book that she has long wanted to read.
45. Soft toy.
46. ​​Romantic candlelight dinner.
47. Tie yourself and present a scarf as a gift.
48. Decorate the room with balloons.
49. Figurine with the sign of the zodiac.
50. Fashionable women's slippers.
51. A romantic trip to the sea.
52. Romantic trip to Paris, Rome….
53. Fashionable flash drive.
54. Walking on a yacht.
55. Any manual work.
56. Declaration of love, placed on an advertising medium: on a banner in front of the house or on a billboard.
57. The original bookmark for books.
58. Box-case for cosmetics.
59. Certificate for attractions.
60. Tattoo.
61. DIY heart.
62. Certificate for an appointment with a dentist.
63. Subscription to the equestrian club.
64. Certificate in the massage room.
65. Going to a karaoke club or home karaoke.
66. Fashionable pet.
67. A love letter sent by mail.
68. Ultrasonic toothbrush.
69. Riding a limousine around the city
70. The room is all decorated with flowers.
71. Jacuzzi with air massage.
72. Horseback riding.
73. Windsurfing.
74. Certificate for a cosmetologist.
75. Driving courses.
76. Courses of foreign languages.
77. Courses on image.
78. Courses in make-up.
79. Erotic mini dress (erotic peignoir).
80. Breakfast in bed
81. Fulfillment of the cherished desire of a woman.
82. Completed repairs at her house with their own hands and means.
83. Master class on diving for two.
84. Conception of the child you have been waiting for.
85. Video story about your beloved.
86. Master class on your favorite cuisine for two.
87. Big Teddy Bear
88. A relaxing evening for her: erotic massage, an extraordinary dinner, cooked with your own hands.
89. Hot air balloon flight.
90. Traffic rules in the latest edition.
91. "Eyelashes" for headlights on the car.
92. Heart Shaped Cup
93. A huge puzzle with her portrait.
94. The marriage proposal that she has been waiting for.
95. A desk calendar with her favorite photos.
96. Shopping with her in a huge mall.
97. A romantic song performed by herself.
98. Exclusive laptop.
99. Organized bachelorette party at the club for her and her friends.
100. Tuning on her car.

Do you like receiving gifts? And give? And choose? For most people, the process of choosing gifts is a rather painful procedure, especially if you want to give something really necessary, useful, meaningful, and not get off with a cute trinket. How often a gift turns out to be unnecessary and remains gathering dust somewhere on a shelf in the closet, or even completely redistributed - and all this is a consequence of the giver's carelessness, his ignorance of the elementary rules for choosing gifts.

Nevertheless, the gift industry is currently so well developed that it is simply a sin if you don’t give a person something that he has always dreamed of, then at least something that he will sincerely rejoice at. How to choose the right gift?

7 tips for choosing a gift

1. Find out about the person's hobbies. In accordance with his hobby, you can choose the desired gift. Present the florist with a houseplant, the book lover - an encyclopedia, the lover of board games - handmade backgammon, the collector of alcoholic drinks - a mini-bar.

2. Gifts related to the profession of a person. Choosing the right gift will help not only a hobby, but also a person's profession. Surely a businessman will not give up a good organizer, a programmer - from a new useful gadget, and for a football player an alarm clock in the form of a soccer ball will become a "native".

3. Gift by nature. The character of a person is also an important criterion, being guided by which you can choose the right gift. For a person with a good sense of humor, cool gifts are suitable - fortunately, nowadays there are a great many of them for every taste. For an extreme, you can give a parachute jump or hang gliding, diving or bungee jumping.

4. A gift related to life events. The hero of the occasion recently had a child? You can choose a gift in the form of a baby monitor or a sling. Is the birthday boy a new settler? Then he will rejoice at household items, charms for the house, dishes. Are you going to visit a person who has gone through a difficult period in his life? Give him something to cheer up.

5. Reason for the holiday. A gift can be of a nature exclusively for a particular holiday and will remind you of it for many years. But here, too, be original and do not dwell on cufflinks on February 23rd or a vase on March 8th. You need to choose a gift that is not expected from you, that will surprise and rejoice.

6. You can just ask that the hero of the occasion would like to see as a gift, from him or his relatives. Believe me, a well-known but necessary gift is a hundred times better than a useless surprise.

7. If you decide give money , approach this question outside the box. The fact that money in ordinary envelopes has not been given for a long time is not even a question - there are special envelope postcards for this. You can also arrange a money tree or donate a piggy bank with a paper bill in it.

Be careful when purchasing such things as a gift:

1. Interior items, home decor (vases, indoor fountains, paintings, etc.) Such a gift may simply not "fit" into the general atmosphere of the house or not suit your taste.

2. Clothes - it is easy not to guess with the model, size and color.

3. Pets - unless you are sure that the hero of the occasion dreams of a parrot or a cat.

4. Cosmetics, perfume - unless you probably know that the person for whom you want to choose a gift uses exactly this lipstick and exactly the same perfumery.

5. Household appliances - the characteristics may simply not be suitable, and it will be doubly offensive to both you and the hero of the occasion, because the goods of this group are not cheap.

Do not use as a gift:

1. Gifts in any way related to a person's handicap ... Roughly speaking, if the hero of the occasion has a bald head, there is no need to give him a remedy for hair loss. Do not remind of the bad on the day of the holiday!

2. Gifts for the future ("I'm sure you'll need it someday!")

3. Things from your home , even those that you have never (or almost never) used. Firstly, it is unethical, and secondly, the birthday man might have noticed this thing in your home and be offended when he received such a gift.

4. Things with marriage - even if you notice it after the purchase (keep this thing for yourself and buy something else).

5. What is already there at the hero of the occasion.

Having approached the process of choosing gifts creatively, having devoted a sufficient amount of time to it, you will surely choose exactly the option that will delight the hero of the occasion, and you will receive as a reward the phrase “This is what I dreamed about!”

Each of us from time to time chooses a gift to someone as a token of our attention. Choosing and purchasing a gift follows the same scenario. At first, we do not sleep at night and think about what to come up with so original to really surprise a person and be remembered for a lifetime. After that we rush to the shops in search of our plans. And in the end, we give a banal coffee service or perfume. But with such a gift it is extremely rare to please. How to choose an original gift? Let's figure it out.

Choosing a gift is not an easy task and is very responsible. In this matter, the main thing is to show intelligence and, of course, have great patience.

If you know a person and constantly communicate with him, then it is worthwhile to listen to his desires from time to time. It is possible that a person will say out loud what he would like long before the significant day. And you just need to be careful and write down all his wishes. You can do the same with all your friends and family, then it will be easier for you to please.

If this day is approaching, and you do not know what to give, think and remember everything about this person. Who does he work for, what are his hobbies and social status. You can't go wrong if you look at the online gift shop.

A gadget would be a good gift. This high-tech device will be able to delight and give comfort. Gadgets appeared in our life not so long ago, but they managed to fall in love with everyone and win sympathy and delight.

A gadget is an original and unique gift. Such a gift can surprise your friend, girlfriend, loved one or loved ones. For everyone, such devices will be interesting. Children will be especially happy. Therefore, it is better and more original gift not to come up with.

All gadgets have some useful function. For example, if your girlfriend is freezing, she can be presented with heated slippers. And there is a gadget that produces oxygen from indoor plants.

And someone will like a spy pen that has a built-in camera, or a pen with a cheat sheet. It is a good gift for college students or high school students.

Many people will love the night light, which projects a map of the starry sky on the ceiling. And for those who are constantly sitting at the computer, you can present a cup that will make coffee when you want it. And there are cups that are powered by USB and maintain the required temperature of the drink.

There is a gadget that determines the temperature not only for today, but also tells what the weather will be tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

And how many pleasant trinkets are offered that can brighten up the gray everyday life and give joy and fun.

Now you know how you can surprise the hero of the occasion. Choose original and interesting gifts and make your family and friends happy!