How to remove stains from your favorite clothes - everything you need to know about stains. How to deal with stains of various origins

Even the tidiest person will sooner or later put his first stain on clothes that are a pity to throw away. In this case, the question immediately arises of how to properly remove stains and how you can remove stains from clothes. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to deal with pollution, and either do not achieve the result that is required, or give up, throw away spoiled clothes and spend money on new ones. But you can go a simpler and more effective way - figure out how to remove a stain from clothes. Now let's start!

Determine the type of pollution to select a means of control

In order to make the most of the tips on how to get stains out of things, you need to know how certain stains look. The ability to determine the nature of pollution will allow you to better select a product in order to remove stains on clothes. So, all spots can be classified into several common types:

  • Fatty. Such contaminants do not have pronounced boundaries, they are blurred and devoid of sharp rays that are widespread in all directions. Fresh grease stains always have a darker color than the color of the fabric, with age it acquires a matte shade and becomes lighter. Before removing the stain from clothes, you need to soak the thing well in order to loosen the pollution, and only then proceed directly to the removal.
  • Grease-free stains. Fat-free stains are distinguished by prominent borders that are darker than the interior of the stain. Such traces are often left from beer, juice, tea, wine, fruits and other products. Non-greasy stains can vary in color from yellow to brown.
  • Combined. These stains contain both fatty and non-fatty components, which are more common than any one type. The boundaries are slightly blurred, but more distinguishable than pure fat spots. Substances that leave such traces include blood, milk, soup, sauce and other similar sources.

How to remove stains on different types of clothing? We'll have to select methods that are designed for a specific category of pollution. Of course, there are universal ways to remove stains from clothes, and they are suitable for almost all situations, however, if you are interested in how to remove stains from clothes effectively, it is better to narrow the specialization.

Below you can find out about universal ways to remove stains on clothes - they are suitable for many categories of dirt, and if you do not know how to remove stains on clothes, try these recommendations:

  • Knife. This is a great tool for scraping off stubborn stains - it will work well with wax, clay, grease, jam and other stains. It is enough to scrape off the main part of the dirt, and only then start washing the clothes - this is much more effective than washing the stains without removing them from the clothes.
  • Laundry soap. Not sure how to remove stains from clothes? In any incomprehensible situation, use laundry soap, which is the most universal recipe, even in the most difficult cases. It is enough to apply a small amount of soap foam on the surface of the stain, leave it for a while, then rinse the treated clothes or send it to the washing machine - the stains will definitely disappear.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. How to remove stains from white clothes? It is difficult to find a remedy more effective than hydrogen peroxide. Usually, peroxide is applied directly to the surface of the fabric to be treated, left to soak for several hours, after which the item is washed. This is enough to remove the marks.

You have learned how to remove stains from colored items and white clothes without unnecessary problems. If these methods do not bring the desired result, you need to either repeat the procedure or go to the tips for certain types of fabrics on how to remove the old stain from clothes. You will meet them right now.

How to remove grease stains from fabric surfaces?

Most often, people are interested in how to remove old stains from clothes if oily food or an object gets on it. There are several effective strategies that can be followed to permanently remove traces of fat:

  • Salt. Dissolve a small amount of salt in water, soak a cotton swab in the prepared solution, then treat the greasy stain with it. If the dirt is large and deep, it is necessary to wet it and sprinkle with plenty of salt. After the salt has absorbed the greasy stain, the clothes should be washed well.
  • Solvent. How can stains be removed from clothes smeared with oil paint or other technical substances? Solvent treatment is what you need in this case! Apply a small amount of solvent to the surface of the oily stain and rub gently from the edges to the center, then wash the item.
  • Alcohol. How to remove old stains from clothes that have gotten on with grease? Use ammonia, or denatured alcohol if not on hand. A cotton swab is moistened in the liquid, applied to the stain and left in this position for 30-60 minutes. After completing the procedure, the clothes are machine washed.
  • Turpentine. How to remove old stains from clothes if nothing helps against fat? There is an aggressive and extremely effective anti-fat agent called turpentine. It must be used carefully so as not to damage clothes, it is better to refrain from processing delicate fabrics. If all is well, you need to apply turpentine to a cotton swab or cloth, and then apply it to the stain for a few minutes. Then the thing must be washed.

These are not all the ways to remove old stains from clothes that have been hit by grease. You can successfully use laundry soap, a solution of vinegar in water, a mixture of ammonia and glycerin, as well as many other recipes.

How to get rid of traces of chocolate, coffee and tea?

Since stains from the above foods and drinks contain dyes, proteins and fats, removing them is not an easy task. So how to remove stains from colored fabric after a bad tea? Proven Tips:

  • Ammonia. Soak a cotton swab in ammonia, gently wipe the spot from the edges to the center (so as not to smear it on the fabric), wait 15-20 minutes, then wash the thing in the machine.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. How to remove stains from clothes if there is no ammonia? The method completely repeats the above recipe, only instead of ammonia, hydrogen peroxide is used directly.
  • Glycerol. Heat a small amount of glycerin and pour it on the surface of the pollution, let it brew a little. When the stain has weakened, the glycerin must be removed and the item must be sent to the machine wash.

Alternative ways to remove old stains from colored clothes? You can remove coffee, tea and chocolate using oxalic acid solution or hyposulfite solution. If the contamination is not very serious, it is better to simply wipe the surface of the fabric with a brush lathered with laundry soap - this also helps a lot. Now it remains to figure out how to remove stains from colored things that have come under the blow of wine, juice of berries and fruits.

We remove pollution from red wine, berries and fruits

The question of how to remove a red stain from clothes is quite common among modern housewives, so the opportunity to list the most effective ways to remove stains from colored linen should not be overlooked:

  • Mix a little glycerin and raw egg yolk in equal parts, bring to a homogeneous state, and then apply the prepared product to the places with dirt. Wait 5-6 hours, then rinse off the rest of the product, send the thing to the drum of the washing machine and wash for greater effect.
  • How to remove a stain on colored fabric if wine or berry juice has been spilled on it? Potassium permanganate is a remedy that can help in such a situation. It is necessary to moisten the dirty area of ​​the fabric in potassium permanganate, and then wipe it with a solution of peroxide. The stain will weaken noticeably, all that remains is to wash the clothes in the typewriter.
  • To effectively remove stains, you can mix white soap and 10% ammonia, and then dip the contaminated place into the resulting solution. It is even better to rub with a brush if the fabric is not delicate.

There will no longer be a question of how to remove stains on colored things - on the contrary, you yourself will be able to answer the questions of friends and acquaintances about how to remove stains from colored things and clothes of white tones. Even if any of the above tips on how to remove old stains from colored clothing does not work for you, you can always try another of the many options available. But the best thing, of course, is to keep an eye on things and try not to get them dirty.

Any thing becomes unsightly if a dirty stain appears on it. Many people immediately throw away such clothes, not being able to wash them. But virtually any kind of contamination can be removed using a variety of cleaning methods. In the question of how to remove the stain, not only household chemicals will help, but also folk methods. The cleaning method depends primarily on the nature and cause of the contamination.

It is very difficult to remove greasy and oily marks, especially if the pollution is old. Solvents and other folk remedies cope well with this task. Here are some cleaning methods to help you get rid of grease stains:

In the question of how to remove an old grease stain from clothes that cannot be washed, denatured alcohol will help. You need to moisten a cloth with liquid and wipe the dirty area. Then iron it with a heated iron.

Removing paint stains

Fresh paint marks are much easier to remove than old, dried ones. Therefore, if this kind of pollution appears on any thing, you need to immediately take cleaning measures. In the event of the formation of this type of pollution, the following steps must be taken to solve the problem of how to remove paint stains:

  1. Scrape off the dry top layer of paint with a pointed object (knife, razor), taking care not to damage the structure of the material.
  2. Soak a cloth in a solvent (gasoline, acetone, turpentine) and intensively start cleaning the contaminated area. The tissue should be replaced as soon as it becomes dirty.
  3. After the disappearance of the coloring pigment, treat the remaining traces with a soda solution.
  4. Rinse the item three times in lukewarm water, wash as usual and hang to dry in a well-ventilated place.

From clothes made of colored material, small dirt can be removed with heated glycerin. To do this, soak a cotton pad well in such a product and apply for 2-3 minutes to the dirty track, then clean the stain with a clean, wet cloth and apply a new cotton pad soaked in glycerin. If this agent is mixed with denatured alcohol in the same amount, then the stain from the paint will be removed faster.

On white things, this type of pollution can be removed with a paste, which is prepared as follows: combine ammonia, turpentine and crushed chalk in equal parts. Apply the resulting mass to the paint trail and leave until it dries. Then clean off the remnants of the paste and treat the dirty trail with a solvent (gasoline, turpentine, acetone). At the end of the manipulation, wash and dry clothes.

Removing wine stains

It is not uncommon for traces of red wine to remain on clothes or tablecloths. In the question of how to remove stains of this type of pollution, the following cleaning methods will help:

  1. Soak soiled laundry for half an hour in hot milk or whey. Then wash it by hand using laundry soap.
  2. A fresh stain can be easily removed by sprinkling damp table salt over it and letting it sit for 30-40 minutes. Then wash the thing in soapy water.

Removing blood stains

When a bloody mark appears on clothes, a certain sequence must be followed when cleaning it. First, you need to soak the item in cold water, then wash in warm soapy water.

Fresh stains can be easily removed by soaking dirty laundry for a day in the following solution: 1 liter of hot water, 1 tbsp. l. table salt. The contaminated area can be washed off with dishwashing detergent.

In the question of how to remove blood stains, the following methods will help:

  1. Wet the dirty trail with a solution of ammonia (1 tsp for 200 ml of cold water), leave for 20-30 minutes. After processing, wash in the usual way.
  2. Apply aspirin paste (1-2 crushed tablets mixed with water) to the contaminated area and leave to dry. Then remove the remaining mixture and brush the stain with a soft-bristled brush.

Removing sweat stains

To know how to remove sweat stains on clothes, it is enough to use the following methods:

  1. Soak the laundry in a saline solution (1 teaspoon for 200 ml of warm water) for 30-40 minutes. Then wash. The method is applicable for silk and linen materials.
  2. Clean the stains with the following composition: 1 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. ammonia and 200 ml of warm water. Then wash the clothes in the usual way.
  3. Clean dirty stains with a solution of acetic or citric acid (1 tsp for 250 ml of water). At the end of the manipulation, wash the laundry and rinse it several times. This cleaning method is suitable for woolen garments.

Removing mold stains

Clothes that long time is in a damp wardrobe, may be affected by mold. To know how to get rid of mold stains, you first need to eliminate the cause of the mold, and then start cleaning the clothes. The most effective methods for removing musty odors and gray stains from clothing are as follows:

  1. Soak the laundry for 10-15 minutes in an alcohol solution (ammonia and water are taken in a ratio of 1:16). Then rinse the laundry in soapy water and wash in the washing machine. This method is used to clean delicate fabrics (silk, wool).
  2. Soak laundry for 10-12 hours in whey or sour milk. At the end of the process, wash in the usual way. This method is applicable for cotton, satin, calico and flax.

After cleaning clothes from mold in any way, dry the clothes in a well-ventilated and sunny place.

Methods for removing different types of stains

Here are some easy ways to clean stains at home:

  1. Fresh traces of green grass can be easily removed if clothes are immediately washed in soapy hot water, adding table salt there.
  2. Lipstick can be easily removed from fabrics with rubbing alcohol. It is necessary to carefully wipe the place of contamination with a cotton swab dipped in this liquid.
  3. The iodine stain will come off if you treat it with potato starch. Apply powder to a damp, dirty spot and leave for 5-10 minutes. After that, wash off the starch with clean water.
  4. Lemon removes rusty stains from things. You need to put a slice of fruit in cheesecloth and place on the area of ​​contamination. Then press with a well-heated iron.
  5. You can remove a fresh ink stain with baking soda. It is necessary to prepare a paste by combining it with water. Apply the product to the dirty footprint and leave for a couple of minutes. After processing, clean with a non-hard brush and wash.
  6. The trace of brilliant green can be removed with a school eraser. It is necessary to moisten the dirty place and clean it with an eraser.

The presented methods will help you quickly and effectively cope with the task of how to remove stains caused by various factors, and return your favorite thing to its previous cleanliness.

No person is immune from pollution, even the most tidy one. If a thing gets dirty, it is not always possible to clean it immediately. And it turns out the problem is how to remove the stain.

It should be noted right away that any dirt should be removed as quickly as possible, sometimes it is enough to simply wash off. Stubborn dirt is difficult and sometimes almost impossible to remove.

Pollution classification

Dirt on clothes comes from various substances, some types can be easily removed even with improvised means. But some are very difficult to breed.

Difficult stains include:

What will help remove the stain

There are many chemical stain removers to remove all kinds of stains. For example, the well-known “Vanish”.

But, before using them, you should carefully study the instructions, perhaps such a tool is not suitable in this particular case.

Do not grasp the bleach, it can bleach the damaged area and result in a discolored piece on the fabric. The first step is to test the cleaner on an inconspicuous spot on your clothing. It may not be suitable in this case.

You should start cleaning from the edges of the dirty area, not from the middle. This will prevent streaks from forming on the fabric. When washing silk items, wash them completely, as streaks often form on silk.

How to wash stains

If the dirt is fresh, then it can be washed off by many means, not only chemical, but depending on its origin. Some products will help remove fat, while others will help splash wine or blood.

Will help remove stains:

  1. Soda.
  2. Citric acid or fresh lemon.
  3. Mustard.
  4. Acetylsalicylic acid.
  5. Petrol.
  6. Hydrogen peroxide.
  7. Alcohol, vodka.
  8. Turpentine.
  9. Soap solution.
  10. Vinegar.
  11. Laundry soap.
  12. Salt.
  13. Acetone.
  14. Ammonia.

How to remove stains at home

Throwing away expensive, but dirty things can be a pity. Therefore, it is better to try to clean them. There are many cleaning products available, but if you do not have them at hand, you can use the old, proven methods.

Grease stains are one of the most common stains on clothes. It can be "earned" during cooking, careless use, household or repair work. Greasy marks cannot be removed with water and regular washing powder. More sophisticated cleaning methods are required. Consider how to remove greasy stains from clothes using available tools at home.

In order not to puzzle over how to remove a greasy stain from clothes after washing, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate it in advance. Preparatory stage:

  1. Inspect the product for grease stains. If they are found, do not throw it into the drum with other clothing, but treat it separately.
  2. Shake out the item, brush off dry dirt with a brush.
  3. Take everything you need to remove contamination - selected components, dishes for mixing them, cotton pads, sticks, a brush, clean light cotton cloth.

General rules for removing greasy stains:

  1. When choosing cleaning agents, take into account the type of fabric, its color and the “age” of soiling.
  2. Increase the concentration and aggressiveness of drugs gradually.
  3. Check the action of the product on an inconspicuous area.
  4. Treat the stain from the wrong side by placing a clean cotton towel under the fabric.
  5. Carry out cleaning from the edges of the "blot" to the center.
  6. After using the product, rinse the item.
  7. Hand wash or machine wash according to manufacturer's recommendations. If aggressive components have been used, it is better to wash the product first by hand and then in a washing machine.
  8. Hang your wardrobe outside in the shade or in a ventilated room to dry.

Tip: Removing oily stains is better not to postpone the long box. The easiest way is to get rid of fresh dirt. Fat that has penetrated deep into the fibers is more difficult to remove.

Fresh stains

Faced with the problem of how to remove a greasy stain on clothes at home, if it has been recently introduced, you should use agents that dissolve lipids and interfere with their penetration into the structure of the threads as soon as possible.

Laundry soap

Laundry soap (72%) for cleaning stains can be used on all fabrics. Methods:

  1. Soak the product in warm water. Lather the stain. Leave on for 8-10 hours.
  2. Moisten only dirt with water. Lather it up. Place the item in plastic. Leave on for 12 hours.
  3. Wet the stain. Lather it up. Sprinkle sugar on top. After 10-15 minutes, brush.


If you have a question of how to get rid of greasy stains on delicate clothes, fine table salt will help. Algorithm:

  1. Sprinkle salt on dirt.
  2. Rub it into the fibers.
  3. When the salt has absorbed the grease, brush it off with your hand or brush.
  4. Repeat steps if necessary.

If grease gets on a product that cannot be washed, then after salting it is necessary to wipe the stain with cotton wool soaked in ethyl alcohol.

Chalk, starch, talc

Crushed chalk, talcum powder (baby powder) and potato or rice starch are absorbent. When applied to the stain, the grease is absorbed. With the help of chalk, you can clean light-colored fabrics, including very thin ones - silk, chiffon. Stages:

  1. Apply one of the products to the stain.
  2. Withstand some time - chalk and powder - 2 hours, starch - 10-15 minutes.
  3. Remove powder with a brush or dry cloth. Chalk is easier to remove with a damp cloth.
  4. Repeat if contamination persists.

When using starch, it is important to rinse the product vigorously, otherwise the fabric may become coarse due to the remaining particles of the substance.

Tooth powder, soda, iron

When figuring out how to remove a greasy stain from light-colored woolen clothes, you should use tooth powder or soda. Algorithm:

  1. Place the item on the ironing board.
  2. Powder the stain with toothpaste (baking soda).
  3. Place porous paper on top.
  4. Iron with a non-hot iron.
  5. Place a load on top (a stack of books, a board and a weight).
  6. Remove the oppression after 10-12 hours.
  7. Shake out powder.

Solving the problem of how to remove a greasy stain from delicate clothes at home, you can do without powdered absorbents. You will need an iron and several sheets of absorbent paper. Stages:

  1. Place the product on the board.
  2. Place paper under the stain and on top of it.
  3. Iron with a warm iron.
  4. As soon as some of the fat is transferred to the paper, change it and repeat the steps.


Liquid ammonia (ammonia solution) will help you quickly remove a greasy stain on colored clothes. It is suitable for natural and synthetic fabrics of any shade. Methods:

  1. Combine water and ammonia in a 2: 1 ratio. Apply to stain for 15 minutes.
  2. Mix water (3 large spoons) with ammonia (1 large spoon) and salt (1 small spoon). Moisten the stain in the solution. Wait 15 minutes.
  3. Add 1 small spoonful of ammonia to a glass of water. With the help of cotton wool, treat the greasy trail with liquid. Place a light-colored cotton cloth on top. Iron with a warm iron.

Important: Ammonia has a pungent odor. Its vapors can disrupt the respiratory system, and contact with the skin and mucous membranes leads to burns. When using it, put on gloves and open the window.

Dish detergent

Dishwashing detergent has the ability to break down grease. At the same time, it does not damage the fibers of the fabric, therefore it can be used to remove stains from a chiffon blouse, a bolognese jacket, and tight trousers. If the thing is light, then it is better to take a white or transparent gel. Stages:

  1. Pour the product onto the stain. Rub it into the fibers.
  2. Leave it on for 15-30 minutes.
  3. Wash the item in warm water. If the fabric is thick, you can pour boiling water over the contamination.

Other recipes

Consider how to remove greasy stains from clothes in other ways at home:

  1. Apply fresh bread crumb to the stain. Wait until the fat is absorbed. The method is suitable for velvet.
  2. Make a mixture of mustard powder and water that resembles sour cream in consistency. Apply to stain for 30 minutes. Brush off dried powder.
  3. Squeeze shaving foam onto the stain. Wipe into fibers and wait 5 minutes.
  4. Pour shampoo for oily hair on the dirt. Leave on for 60 minutes. The method is suitable for delicate fabrics.

Old stains

When figuring out how to remove a greasy stain on clothes that was received several days, weeks or months ago, you should know that you will have to use aggressive products.


Refined gasoline perfectly dissolves lipids. With it, you can remove not only traces of vegetable or butter, but also stains from lubricants. It is suitable for processing dense natural fabrics as well as wool.


  1. Pour gasoline onto the rag. Place it under the stain.
  2. Moisten cotton wool in the substance and wipe the dirt on top.
  3. Rinse and wash the item thoroughly.
  4. Air dry to dissipate characteristic aroma.

You can remove a greasy stain from your skin with gasoline and starch. They should be combined to form a gruel and applied to the stain. After drying, shake off the mass from the product and wipe the treatment area with a damp sponge.

Another way to use gasoline to remove stubborn greasy stains is to soak sawdust in it and sprinkle it on the stain. Wait until the chips are dry, remove and wash.


Glycerin belongs to alcohols, therefore it dissolves fats well. It can be applied to "capricious" fabrics - silk, chiffon, thin jersey.

  1. Place a drop of the product on the stain. After 30 minutes, clean the trail with a cotton pad soaked in warm water.
  2. Combine water, ammonia and glycerin in equal parts. Pour the mixture over the stain. Leave on for 30 minutes.

Other means

Other effective methods with which you can remove old greasy dirt:

  1. Wipe the "blot" with cotton wool dipped in turpentine. The method is suitable for plush fabric.
  2. Combine turpentine and ammonia. Soak a disc in liquid and apply to the stain for 3 hours.
  3. Dissolve 150 g of salt in 1 liter of boiling water. When the water has cooled down a little, lower the product into it for 1-2 hours. The method will help get rid of traces of stubborn grease on kitchen curtains.
  4. Mix dish gel and baking soda to make a paste. Apply it to the stain. Rub with a brush. Leave on for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Combine water and vinegar in a 50/50 ratio. Dip the thing in the solution for 15 minutes.
  6. Pour Sprite, Schweppes or Coca-Cola (for dark clothes) on the stain. Wash after 2-3 hours.

You can remove greasy marks with different ages of prescription from clothes without stain removers and dry cleaning. Fresh dirt can be easily removed with salt, laundry soap and dish detergent. Old stains require the use of turpentine, gasoline, glycerin. After cleaning, it is important to rinse the garment thoroughly and wash it in a mode selected for the type of fabric.



It so happens that an attempt to remove difficult dirt leads to an even worse result, and the thing goes to the trash can. To prevent this from happening, decide on the type of fabric, and in no case soak the item in bleach or prepared solution without testing its effect on a small area of ​​matter. Before loading clothes into the washing machine, try removing the dirt by hand.

A solution of ammonia, water and a cleaning agent works well against greasy stains. The cleaning agent can be replaced with salt. For cooking, you need ½ tsp. salt for 3 tablespoons alcohol. Just apply the ready-made mixture to the contaminated area. Wipe off the dirt from the edges, gradually approaching the center of the spot. This will protect the item from unwanted stains. If the stain is old, it is much more difficult to remove it, so take action as soon as it appears.

If the dirt is light, it is enough to rub the area with laundry soap or powder before washing.

Heavy artillery is used for difficult spots. Starch mixed with gasoline is applied to white clothes and they are waiting for the mixture to dry completely. If there is no gasoline, rub the area with laundry soap, sprinkle with sugar and wash off after half an hour.

Machine oil can be easily removed with a cleaning agent. Apply soapy water to the area and the oil will disappear after 30 minutes. Talcum powder will help remove grease from silk or woolen products. Sprinkle the powder over the dirt, put cheesecloth on top and iron it.


Over time, an ugly shine forms on the trousers. To remove it, wet the shiny area with water, sprinkle with sand and rub lightly. When the sand is completely dry, rinse the fabric and iron with an iron. If woolen items shine, use ammonia diluted with water: about 100 ml per 1 tsp. ammonia.

Iron stripes

Dilute 2 tsp. peroxide with water 200 ml, add a couple of drops of alcohol. This method eliminates tan marks on white and woolen items. To remove stripes from cotton fabrics, the concentration is changed - 1 tsp. per 100 ml of water. After application, you need to wait 30 minutes. Also, onion juice will cope with this problem: rub the burned area, and you will see how quickly the black mark disappears.


If the ink is fresh, you can rinse it in boiled milk or use ammonia and salt. Old marks from the handle are difficult to wash off.


It is enough to rinse the fabric under cold running water. Old blood stains can be easily removed with hydrogen peroxide. Previously, the thing is kept in a saline solution.

Berries, fruits, wine

If your baby dumped a bowl of fruit salad or blueberries on his chest, that's okay. Take off your shirt immediately and pour boiling water over the dirty places, then treat with vinegar and warm water. (1 tablespoon vinegar per 200 ml of water) Raspberries, cherries, apples - everything can be easily removed if you rinse clothes in hot milk and then wash by hand.

Do not use soap for grouting, otherwise you will not wash the berry patterns. Boiling water also copes with red wine stains. White wines and champagne cannot withstand cold water and ice cubes. Try it and you will be surprised.

Coffee, chocolate, tea - nothing complicated. All the same ammonia and salt water work wonders! The coffee spots on the white T-shirt are rubbed with a piece of cloth dipped in vodka. If the stains are old, the clothes are kept in hydrogen peroxide for 15 minutes. If the tablecloth on the table is damaged, sprinkle it with lemon juice. Juice removes stubborn tea circles well.

Lipstick removed with alcohol, as well as green grass stripes on jeans. Greens on white - hydrogen peroxide 3% and the addition of ammonia.

Attention! All of the above methods are only suitable for fabrics. Contamination of leather products is removed exclusively with soap solutions, without any alcohol impurities.