How to disguise puffiness under the eyes. Preparation and make-up. A magical makeup that can make under-eye circles less noticeable

The problem of bags under the eyes is common to almost everyone. About 90% of the population in one situation or another suffer from this ailment. In addition, they add a minimum of plus five years, especially for women. What girls do not do to hide this unpleasant flaw.

Some resort to drastic measures, undergoing surgery to remove bags under the eyes. But this problem can be solved in another way, while spending only five minutes of your time.

Why do bags under the eyes appear? First of all, this is a genetic predisposition. The next factor is the passion for salty foods, which leads to the fact that salt is retained in the body and this will certainly affect the skin under the eyes. The skin is very thin and there is a small accumulation of fat underneath. It is this fat that absorbs moisture very easily. Also, bags under the eyes appear from improperly selected cosmetics. And if an inflammatory process occurs, it can develop into a chronic one and provoke the development of a hernia.

Undoubtedly, a correct lifestyle, balanced diet, good sleep, all this is an excellent prevention. But today you will find out how you can eliminate this unpleasant defect with the help of cosmetic makeup in 5 minutes. But first, let's find out about the mistakes that girls make when trying to hide bags under their eyes.

Possible mistakes

For a fresher look, make-up artists recommend choosing a concealer under the eyes that is slightly lighter than the main foundation. This is not suitable if you are trying to hide the bags under the eyes, as in this case the bags become even more noticeable.

In addition, girls, in order for the concealer to be denser, powder it generously. If you have mimic wrinkles on your face or generally rich mimicry, then the wrinkles will be printed on the concealer.

Another mistake that many girls make is the use of black pencil around the eyes, especially if the corners of the eyes are visually lowered. In this case, the so-called effect of crying eyes arises, and the face always looks a little sad.

So, how can you hide bags under your eyes with makeup?

A magical makeup that can make under-eye circles less noticeable

We invite you to try light everyday makeup that can be done in 5 minutes.

First you need to apply a moisturizing, caring cream around the eyes. This will leave the skin soft, prepared and the makeup, in this case, will not have a negative impact.

The next step is to apply a liquid concealer to the crease, then apply a lighter shade of eyeshadow to the upper eyelid. It is better to use matte colors, since mother-of-pearl focuses on the overhanging eyelid and fine wrinkles.

In order not to accentuate the crease of the eyelid, use a cool shade of eyeshadow. Using a sharp brush, blend the drawing well.

The next trick of this makeup to hide bags under the eyes is a pencil with a bright, cold and rich color. Thus, we shift the emphasis from the lower eyelid to the upper one. The next touch is the application of mascara. The only advice is not to paint too brightly the lower eyelids, so as not to get the effect of spider legs.

At the end, the eyebrow line should be emphasized, which will allow you to finally divert attention from the lower eyelid to the upper one. When choosing a shade for eyebrows, be guided by your hair color. Finish our makeup with blush and glitter.

So, this makeup allows the face to look fresh and light, while perfectly masking the bags under the eyes and, despite the use of bright colors, the face does not look overwhelmed.

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Neglect of healthy sleep, fatigue, stress and many other unfavorable factors are reflected in our appearance with you, girls, not in the best way. Alas, only a few of us can boast of a fresh complexion, healthy blush and no bags under the eyes. Of course, good rest and a state of inner harmony is the best make-up for any woman.

However, what if these conditions are difficult to achieve, and you need to look good right now? Then such a necessary and irreplaceable thing for all of us as decorative cosmetics comes to the rescue. We suggest you learn how to hide bags under the eyes with makeup.

1. Concealer

When choosing a concealer for bags and dark circles under the eyes, go for matte products with a soft, creamy texture. Dry pencils are generally not suitable for this area of ​​the face, as they can crack and create a fine mesh of fine wrinkles on the surface of the face. The color of the concealer should match your natural skin tone as much as possible. If bags under the eyes are accompanied by pigmentation, use a colored pencil. A concealer of one shade or another has its purpose:

peach - masks blue and bluish circles under the eyes;
orange - neutralizes dark circles;
yellow - hides red circles;
sand / beige / ivory - makes the eyes shine.

The correct technique for applying concealer is to apply the product pointwise directly to the bags and up to the wings of the nose. Afterwards, the corrector should be thoroughly shaded with warm fingertips or a cosmetic brush. To prevent stretching of the skin under the eyes, apply the concealer with gentle, hammering movements. It is strongly not recommended to rub the product into bags intensively. To prevent the area under the eyes from creating a contrast with the overall complexion, accompany the use of concealer by applying foundation to the skin. A thin layer of translucent powder on top of the concealer will keep the product in place throughout the day.

2. Makeup base

An alternative to concealer is a makeup base. And in this case, the matte texture of the product remains preferable. Pearlescent primers tend to "highlight" the skin, due to which the defects become even more pronounced. To apply a make-up base, squeeze a small amount of the product onto your hand and let it oxidize slightly in air - in this way you will increase the concentration of the masking pigment. Then apply the base pointwise on the face (forehead, chin, nose, cheeks, bags under the eyes) and blend with your fingers, a brush or a slightly damp sponge. On problem areas, it is allowed to apply the primer in several layers.

3. Eye cream with lifting effect

Drainage cream should be applied before applying concealer or makeup base. Often, these lifting creams contain caffeine. It is this component that has a tonic effect on the skin and reduces puffiness under the lower eyelids. To enhance the effect of the product, store it in the refrigerator and apply cold under the eyes.

Bags under the eyes are a common nuisance for most women suffering from chronic fatigue, constant lack of sleep, and frequent stress. Many perceive this problem solely as a cosmetic defect that occurs after a sleepless night or too hard a day at work and simply try to hide or disguise them. However, the reasons can go much deeper.

The causes of bags under the eyes

Waking up in the morning and finding bags under the eyes, the thought immediately arises of how to hide them. There can be many methods. However, first of all, you need to understand why such a nuisance touched you.

The main reasons for the appearance of bags under the eyes include:

Determining the cause allows you to understand whether masking the defect can be dispensed with, or it is worth taking additional steps to eliminate the root of the problem.

Visual disguise

To hide bags under the eyes, you need to choose the most effective method for yourself. The choice must be approached individually, taking into account the characteristics of your skin and the body as a whole.

Effective camouflage methods include:

These are just the main ways to eliminate bags under the eyes. It is impossible to enclose them in a general framework for every woman faced with this problem. Each method can have a different degree of effectiveness for an individual representative of the fair sex.

Use of cosmetics

If you woke up in the morning and noticed swelling under your eyes, the fastest and easiest way to disguise it is to paint over them with makeup. In the modern world, there is a huge number of a wide variety of cosmetics that can combat such external defects. And they are sure to be found in your cosmetic bag.

The most commonly used:

The best effect is achieved when using a complex of these funds. The main thing is to competently approach the process, combine the components correctly and not overdo it.

Preparation and make-up

To properly paint over visible defects, it is necessary, first of all, to prepare the area around the eyes so that the result is natural. To do this, cleanse the skin with lotion, then apply a special drainage cream, usually containing components such as caffeine, sea salt, seaweed, horse chestnut extract.

After that, you can proceed to the stage of direct make-up. To hide puffiness or circles under the eyes as much as possible, it is important not only to paint over problem areas, but also to focus on other parts of the face. This will make visually unattractive areas less visible. In addition, the final result is significantly influenced by the correctly selected color tone of the cosmetic product.

Improves the efficiency and application of cooling metal tips, which are often found with a corrective drug. Alternatively, you can simply refrigerate your product in the refrigerator before using.

The eye cream is a cream with a draining effect and is intended exclusively for the eye contour area. Takes into account its features. The caffeine in the cream tones the skin, hyaluronic acid normalizes the water balance. It is with such a light, nourishing cream or gel that you need to start applying makeup.

Massage the product using your fingertips on the lower eyelid.

If the problem occurs regularly, buy a special roller made of metal, which should be cooled before each use. This will combine the massage, the cold effect and the action of the remedy itself. After the cream is absorbed, remove the residue with a clean cloth or cotton pad.

After that, proceed with the main makeup.

Makeup base

A make-up base is needed to even out the tone and surface of the skin. Its use is relevant in the presence of age spots, enlarged pores, blackheads. To hide bags under the eyes, choose a foundation with a matte texture.

Squeeze a drop of the product onto your hand and wait for a while for it to oxidize in the air, then the pigmentation will intensify. Using point movements, apply the foundation not only on the area under the eyes, but also on other parts of the face: cheekbones, cheeks, chin, nose, forehead. Blend the base evenly with a sponge.


Concealer, or as it is also called, concealer, is a common remedy in the fight against bags and circles under the eyes. The best option is matte swatches with a light, soft, creamy texture. The presence of reflective particles only enhances the focus on the problem area. Dry pencils will not work well. Pay special attention to the choice of shade. The tone of the corrector should match the skin color as much as possible.

Spread the concealer evenly over the problem area with a brush, blending well the edges. Be careful with the amount used. Over-application will lead to clogged pores, which means the bags will not go anywhere. The downside of concealer is that it can leak in hot weather.

Tone cream

Directly the defective area on top of the corrector can be covered with foundation. The main requirement is that the tone must be chosen correctly. If it matches your skin, your face will not look like a mask. Apply a thin layer over the concealer and on the T-zone, spreading the product over the contours of the face.

Powder or blush

After applying the corrector, it is advisable to apply a bronzer that does not contain reflective particles. Apply to cheekbones and blend upward. The color should be slightly darker than the base skin tone.

Loose powder

Focused on fixing makeup. Due to its light matte texture, it is practically invisible on the face, however, it does not allow makeup to float and retains the desired effect longer.

If applied correctly, not in a thick layer, it will hide any remaining imperfections.

Eyeshadow and eyeliner

The use of shadows and a pencil is aimed at visually enlarging the eyes and distracting attention from the existing imperfections of the face.

The color of the eyeshadows should not be bright and match the color of the eyes. At the same time, choose a pencil, in comparison with the shadows, a brighter and colder shade. This will focus on the upper eyelid, and divert attention away from swelling.

Folk recipes

In the absence of special cosmetics at hand, recipes from the people will help get rid of the ill-fated bags under the eyes. The most popular and fastest are the following methods:

These are just a few of the many known methods for eliminating skin blemishes under the eyes. Despite their low cost, they are extremely effective, and do not carry a hidden threat in the form of a possible allergy to chemical elements contained in conventional cosmetics.

Emergency measures

The listed folk remedies can be attributed to emergency measures to combat bags that suddenly appear in the eye area. After all, at least one of the products used will definitely be in the kitchen of any housewife.

In addition, you can use ointments with vasoconstrictor properties, for example, "Troxevasin", "Heparin ointment".

What cannot be done? Makeup errors.

When masking bags under your eyes, do not make the following mistakes:

  • Bold, dark eyeliner narrows the eyes, and in the case of lowered corners - creates the effect of crying eyes. As a result, more attention is paid to sacks.
  • Too long and thick eyelashes. Focusing on the eyelashes makes the eyes invisible and, accordingly, highlights imperfections under the eyes.
  • Unworked eyebrows. If there are bags, pay attention to the upper part of the face. Eyebrows should be of the correct, beautiful shape.

Disguising defects under the eyes will not be difficult for any woman who knows the secrets of proper makeup application and some folk recipes. However, in order to permanently eliminate the problem, analyze the reasons for its appearance, and then your efforts will be crowned with success, and you will shine with beauty and youth.

Chronic lack of sleep and fatigue, regular stress, and many other factors are the causes of puffiness under the eyes. Therefore, the question: how to disguise these bags under the eyes is quite relevant and requires detailed consideration.

Disguise bags under the eyes with decorative cosmetics

Not always there is time, suddenly finding in the morning "bags", to make compresses or masks. After all, this requires at least fifteen free minutes, which, often, there is absolutely nowhere to take. How to be?

In this case, decorative cosmetics, beloved by all girls, will become an excellent assistant.

It is worth warning in advance that it will not be possible to completely hide the bags under the eyes. With a certain angle or lighting, these flaws will still be visible. However, you can make them less visible.

Base makeup

Originally, the makeup base was of course designed to even out and enhance skin tone. But who said that it is not suitable for disguising "bags"? The product should be applied to the area under the swelling, and then blend evenly with a brush or sponge.


The concealer (the same concealer) is just created to solve a similar problem. They can easily cover bags or blue spots under the eyes. It is important to choose a concealer that matches your skin tone.
A concealer with a light consistency and no reflective elements will give the best result.

The product should not be lighter than the skin tone - then the difficult places will visually become even larger, which means that they will attract more attention. You should also choose a corrector with a yellowish tint, but by no means beige or pink.

Don't use too much concealer on your skin. First, the product should not clog pores. And secondly, in hot weather, the corrector may simply "leak".

Blush or bronzer

After applying concealer, use a bronzer or blush. It is necessary to apply the product to the cheekbones, and then blend with a brush upwards. This cosmetics, just like concealer, should be slightly darker than the natural skin tone.


The foundation is just a godsend for those who want to mask puffiness under the eyes. The product should match your skin tone exactly. You need to apply a small amount of cream with light, gentle movements over the entire face area.


Powder will help to consolidate the achieved effect and keep the make-up for a long time. It should be crumbly, matte and almost transparent. A properly selected and used product can very well hide puffiness under the eyes.


Like other cosmetics, shadows should not have pearlescent particles. The shade should be chosen not too bright. It is important that it is in harmony with the color of the eyes. To visually make the eyes wider and larger, you need to mark a white, cream or light gray point with shadows, approximately under the eyebrow, above the pupil.
The main challenge is to focus on the upper eyelid. Therefore, it is recommended to use a pencil of a bright color.

Makeup mistakes

  • Do not apply eyeliner in dark blue and deep brown colors. It is worth forgetting the fat black eyeliner.
  • You don't need to paint your eyelashes too much. Better to refuse the black color. An excellent option would be chocolate brown and gray colors.
  • The shape of the eyebrow can also help you to cover the bags under your eyes. Be aware that the wider low eyebrows will make the under-eye whiskers even more noticeable. Therefore, it is necessary to raise their contour a little. It is important that the eyebrows have a neat appearance. An eyebrow brush and clear gel will be provided with this helpers. Shadows can be accentuated with eyebrows. Matte pressed shades of brown and homotones are suitable. Begin to shade them away from the place in the inner corner of the eye, aneotransport.

Other ways to disguise

But what if you still have fifteen free minutes in stock? In this case, you can apply fresh cucumber slices to the problem areas and stay in a horizontal position.

Chilled green tea bags, fresh cabbage juice, frozen water cubes with lemon juice or other herbal extracts, and coffee grounds are also good for relieving puffiness.

In addition, vasoconstrictor ointments and creams can be used. For example, "Heparin", "Troxevasin". They should be applied in one thin layer and left for 20 minutes. What did not have time to be absorbed, then you need to remove it with a damp cotton pad.

Other aids can also be purchased at the store. These can be special gel masks, patches, creams and quick-acting formulations. To maximize the effectiveness of the cream, keep it refrigerated and then immediately apply to the skin.

Notes for women

To avoid the appearance of bags under the eyes, it is recommended not to consume alcohol or a large amount of liquid at night.

Related video: how to disguise bags under the eyes