How to marry Muslim. Unified Muslim reference service

At the time when the interpenetration of cultures cannot be avoided, it becomes relevant to how peacefully coexisted religions and traditions, radically different from each other. When it comes to society as a whole, it would seem that everything is relatively simple and understandable: there are also Jewish synagogues in big cities, and Muslim mosques, if desired, you can even find the Hindu ashram. But everything becomes much more difficult when it comes to a family, especially when children appear in it, and you have to decide which faith to bring them up. Therefore, today we will understand whether Muslim can marry a Christian, which there may be the future of such a marriage.

General rules and religious canons

Any world religion believes that the change of religion is sin. Therefore, many believers Christians and Jews are not ready so easy to go on it even for the sake of a loved one. But at the same time, coercion to faith is considered immoral and unwanome.

Men confessing Islam, at all times married women of other religions, so there is no ban on such marriages. A other business is the attitude to this union of other family members and society as a whole. Raising children can also be a problem. Muslim man, since childhood, brought up in Islamic traditions, believes that it is his family to respond to the head of the family. It is logical that he wants to protect himself and his loved ones for sins.

It is not condemned by marriage with a woman of another faith, in which:

  • the status of a man according to Islamic canons is maintained;
  • in the future, the wife agrees to accept Islam (extremely desirable, but not necessarily);
  • joint children are brought up in Muslim traditions.

Perhaps this will seem amazing, but many Muslims see some advantages in marriages with women of another religion: marrying non-Musulman, a man can turn her into his faith. Any religion to continue its existence needs followers, so the growth of their number by means of appeal is very desirable. But it is worth considering that in this case it is forbidden to impose faith, to force a person to accept Islam forcibly, manipulate them. The husband should become an example of piety, kindness and justice for his wife, so that she herself wanted to learn more about his faith, and later to accept it.

However, much more Muslims see in such a marriage danger, especially if the family lives not in Muslim society. In countries in which most believers make up Christians, and it is so difficult to follow all Muslim traditions (for example, not always and not everyone has the opportunity to make a prayer in time). If a Muslim takes a Christian to his wife, the risk of her undesirable from the point of view of Islam influence on the spouse, a man can be rushing from the true path, to betray his faith (especially if a non-Musulman society surrounds him).

In the family, in which the father and mother profess different religions, radically different from each other, sooner or later there may be a problem with raising children. It is impossible to instill a child at once two faiths, you will have to choose. In this case, it all depends on how spouses will file this problem among themselves. More often still have to follow the belief of her husband.

The situation with the marriage of Muslim and Christian is completely different. Despite the fact that there is no direct ban on such an alliance in the Koran, there are indirect evidence of its inadmissibility in the sacred texts. The reason is that, according to Muslim worldview, the main in the relationship is a man, and the woman only follows him. Therefore, Muslims believe that Muslim's wife will sooner or later still have to abandon their religious beliefs and values, having gone to the beliefs and values \u200b\u200bof her husband. However, if a man, before entering into marriage, agree to accept Islam, then such an alliance will be quite admissible and will take a positively perceived by Muslim society.

Islam and Atheism

If marriage with a Jew or Christian is still considered permissible, the relationship of Muslim with the atheistic was extremely undesirable from the point of view of Islam. The fact is that both Christianity and Judaism prescribe a woman to be modest, submissive and remain innocent before marriage. The atheism is the library itself to choose a lifestyle, principles and values. Naturally, most women live as they like themselves, and the person who is guided by only their own beliefs does not fit into any religious canons. Accordingly, a woman who does not profess any religion is not at all necessary to maintain chastity before marriage, and for unmarried Muslims the loss of innocence is a shame for the whole family.

However, Muslim can marry a woman who lost innocence (for example, she has already been married). If he is warned about this, then the challenge himself makes a decision, whether his such marriage is arranged. If, after marriage, it turns out that the bride has lost her virginity, the husband has the right immediately.

It can be said that a unambiguous answer to the question, is it possible to marry a Christian to Muslim, no. The Quran does not prohibit this, but there are many nuances that should be taken into account for each person individually.

A few words about a man who wished to marry Muslim

All of the above applies, mainly to women who marry Muslim. The reason for this is pretty simple. The fact is that the situation is reverse, that is, the marriage of Muslims with a Christian is categorically prohibited not only by Orthodoxy, but also to Muslim. According to Sharia, such an alliance should be recognized as illegal and adulterial. Therefore, usually believers relatives in every way oppose such unions. If he will still take place, from her husband require the transition to Islam.

But we had to deal with such a situation in our pastoral practice. One Orthodox young man married Tatar, which was very mediocre Muslim, but all her relatives were believer. As a result, all the assurances of his wife that, as soon as her beloved on her marries her, she was immediately baptized, turned out to be empty, and, as a result, marriage is deeply unhappy. Husband and wife are constantly scandaling, accuse each other in all mortal sins, and now this family is on the verge of divorce. But for her husband, communication with Muslims went not at all the benefit of his soul. He lost the opportunity to become a priest, and his life went awry.

But, unfortunately, the reality that the priest has to face is often worse. As a result of such unions, most often wives and husbands are very quickly segmented, jealousy to salvation is replaced by adaptable, and often direct apostasy occurs. Even if the spouse does not switch to Islam, the faith of it as a result is still weakening.

Instead of Sunday services, such spouses begin to go to theaters and fashionable "parties", just to please their "half". Children in such parents grow cynos who do not believe in anything. What, however, is understandable, because a living example of hypocrisy in their eyes!

This phenomenon is not at all. - In the third century, Ivmch noted him. Cyprian Carthaginsky, when in his book "On the Fallen" wrote that the cause of a large number of apostates during the decay persecutions was that "conclude married unions with incorrect; The members of Christ offer to the pagans. "

So why is this happening? Is the Orthodox faith more weak, what is the disbelief or any blessing, if the marriage concluded with the wrong leads, leads to such planning results? The answer is that God does not help those who directly violates his will.

And how can be the peaceful that marriage, where one approves Jihad and praises Shahids (even if not Russia, and in Israel), and the other tries to learn love for enemies? As a Muslim, considering icons of idols, will be tolerated them in your home? How does a Christian live in an apartment that is not consecrated by a priest where the devil is free, called by "spouse"? How to burn out from constant ridicule over your faith and close your eyes on the obvious absurdity of Islam? Some claim to be able to "respect the belief of the other." But as a person living in truth, can respect the lie? This is nonsense and apostasy! God says: "Mount to those who evil calls good, and good evil, the darkness is honored with light, and the light is dirty, bitter worship sweet, and sweet bitter!" (Is. 5, 20) This curse falls into conventions!

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Alexandra 28 years old. Two and a half years ago, she accepted Muslim, married and left Dagestan.

How does the former Minsk shop live in a small village? What is this at all, change religion, country, the usual way of life? About this and not only the child by asked our heroine.


I could not come to the house of the groom as a bride, so we got married in Belarus.

Accidentally found out that there is an Islamic society in Minsk. We met with Imam (spiritual person), he told us about the duties of his wife and her husband in Islam, asked consent and married us in the presence of witnesses.

To our arrival in Dagestan, the husband's family prepared at home tables with guest treats: one table for women, another for men.

Usually at weddings there are from 300-1000 people. All day or 2 days meet and accompany guests. Everyone comes when can, from morning to evening: drink tea, eat, congratulate, give a gift.

When a son is married, then parents, if it turns out, build him a house, and the parents of the bride, if possible, provide young furniture and dishes. These are local customs.

In Islam, the bridegroom must pay the bride of the Mahr (Wedding gift) - agreed between the bride and parents of the bride. This bride money spends on their personal needs.

There is a tradition to steal the bride, which Islam condemns and prohibits. That is, a unmarried girl steals the guy, and then informs it to her relatives. Since it is not known where they and what they did, she is forced to marry him - other guys will no longer be launched.

Marry give, as we have, someone early, whom late. But more often - early.

This eliminates the relationship to marriage, extramarital children, abortions, diseases, disrespectful attitude towards girls in guys and disappointment in guys from girls.

Man and woman

The wife does not have to work, her duty to care for children, do household chores. And the husband is obliged to fully provide the family materially and solve any external issues.

The husband has no right to beat his wife. If the wife is unworthy (Merzko) behaves, then after three warnings and explanations and boycott, if she does not stop, he can hit her, maximum, toothbrush or divorce.

No tyranny and domestic violence. But since the husband provides and solves all family questions, the wife must consult with him and try not to create new problems to him.

The wife is obliged to put her husband in fond of where it goes, and look for his consent. This moment was at first very strange and unusual for me, but now I do not see the problems in this.

Neither a woman nor a man go on cafes and restaurants. Instead, go to visit relatives, including the most distant, ten.

Unfortunately, in Belarus often the responsibilities of a man and women are confused and because of this problems arise.

Woman has to do everyone immediately: Work, children, cleaning, cooking, and sometimes solve all family problems independently.

Custom families

According to Sharia (Islam Law), if the believers quarreled because of the domestic issue and do not speak - more than 3 days to be prohibited in a quarrel. And who first went to reconciliation, the good deal is written on that light.

There is a huge number of nationalities in the country, and nationalities are divided into areas of residence and each terrain has its own language. A total of about 30 languages \u200b\u200bin Dagestan, probably, most of them have no written written, so everyone communicate in Russian outside the house.

Also, people are divided into a religious indicator: those who study and follow Islam, and those who only consider themselves Muslims, but are not adhere to Islam and lead a secular lifestyle.

My husband's family seeks to follow Islam:

  • make Namaz (prayer) 5 times a day;
  • in a woman, with outsiders, there can be only a face and brushes;
  • men wear beard, go to the mosque;
  • everyone holds the post per month Ramadan;
  • give a mandatory alms and others.
  • women do not speak without need with familiar men.


Here is a hot climate, in summer 25-35 degrees in the shade, and we are completely closed with legs to the head. Men are also forbidden to walk in shorts and without a T-shirt.

In fact, the Islamic form of clothing is relief.It can be said that in general life in Islam for a woman is relief.

No makeup layer, no costs on expensive paints. It retains money, a lot of time and skin health.If you wish, you can eat at home for your husband. No heels - do not hurt legs.

No fitting clothes - do not worry that you do not have a figure of the model, there is no tanning, etc.

At least the loss of time to buy clothes, you can generally buy any clothes you like without fitting. Just get the size - still suitable, as free.

No need to torment and spoil hair with haircuts, flocks, varnishes, paints and even pay for it. If you want, portal, of course, but still the hair on people you close the handkerchief.

Life and traditions

People do not seek to get an apartment in the city center, build a house for their taste, often on the outskirts, plant the garden, in short, live in nature.

The kitchen usually build separately from the main house so that frequent and numerous guests do not interfere with family members.

To rest, if there is a desire, go to the mountains (berries and herbs) or the sea, and the other here are not far. But such trips are rarely happening: there is no wild desire to the city dwelle in nature.

Husbands and older sons work. The husband is obliged to provide his family meal and clothing. Women have a very respectful attitude towards men and their opinions.

Children belong to the elders with great reverence, do not argue, and do not rude.Most likely because women raise children at home themselves, do not give to the garden. Children get used to obey their relatives, and not some kind of aunt.

In families, mostly many children (3-5 or more). The wife is engaged in children and does not worry, as she get a job, go to the maternity or hospital.

Starting with 5 years, children can learn to write and read in Arabic (Quran on Arabic), and sometimes learning tongue completely. Parents themselves teach themselves who know Arabic. Learn not only children, but also wishing adults.

Typical day

My usual day is a woman's day on vacation, which is engaged in household chores, by education, hobbies. There is no schedule except 5 mandatory daily prayers.

With dawn in the mosque shouting Azan (call on prayer), heard in every home. There are such words "prayer is better than sleep," this is a special reminder for Song.

Everyone gets up to pray, and after someone sleeping who is awake.

Some women at home are engaged in sewing, knitting, prepare for themselves and to order, go to the lessons in the mosque - to study religion, learn to read in Arabic.


In the law of the Republic of Belarus there is no concept of polygamy, but there is in Islam. And in Dagestan is unofficially found.

Of course, it is wild for Belarusians, but is it not better to have two wives than a wife and mistress?

By ball, you can marry 1-4 women. But each must have a separate house, every husband must provide with her children, treat everyone equally well and spend the same amount of time.

It is very difficult for a man, so many are forced to be content with one wife.

The first wives, of course, are not happy, because they are used to that the husband belongs completely to them.But the second are satisfied: they were also able to marry and find a family.

In Belarus, often such women have the status of mistresses and no rights. Please note that the second-fourth wives themselves agree to be the second-fourth.

In addition, Muslim can marry even adult, an elderly lonely woman, Without married duties. Just in order to help and provide her, to be her feeder and defender, for the good matter.

I do not regret anything. I spend a lot of time to study the Quran: there you can find answers to all questions, not only religious, but also household. At home, of course, I miss. But not in the capital's life, but only by relatives. Belorussky (European) Lifestyle Now for me is unacceptable!

And strictly fulfill all its instructions. She is the eldest family among women. It is not right to talk to her at your own request, only when that herself speaks to her.

  • Work permit. It must be asked to her husband, he can give, but it does not exempt from the household. Muslims can only work with doctors, nurses, teachers, and other professions they are prohibited.
  • A woman has no right to talk with outsiders. For healing - strict punishment, they can blame in prostitution.
  • Wearing hijab. These are dark clothing that hides the body from an extraneous eye. What are these multicolored dresses, so favorite youth. Even the decorations can not see outsiders. All just for her husband.
  • It is impossible to leave the house.

Muslim marriage with a representative of another religion (Christian, Jews)

For example, in court, the evidence of two women is equal to the testimony of one man. Muslim can change his wife, and what is interesting, can enter into short-term marriages from one hour to a year.

In fact, this is the resolution of prostitution. And God forbid the wife to look at a small man or she will be closed in adultery. This may end up very sadly, for example, can score stones.
Such a punishment is not practiced in all Muslim countries, but in Somalia in 2008 there was a case when a teenage girl was scored only on the grounds that it was supposedly raped by three men. The Islamist authorities regarded this so that she provoked them to violence.
About such and many other consequences of marriage with Muslim, the Orthodox should certainly know before making a decision on marriage with Mohammedanin.

Marriage with Musulmanin

If he becomes a believer, agrees with the basics of faith and religious practice, say Shakhada (the formula of the monotheist), then will remain to settle everything with relatives and find understanding and support in their face. Although you are 22 years old, the term of your communication is great with him (eight years), and therefore I assume that in the context of creating a family for the rest of my life, everything is already analyzed and seriously considered.
Shamil-Hazrat, as is known, in the sacred Quran it is said that girls and women are not married to innerians. But what if the girl came out without the knowledge of the family? How to be with her? Do you need guardians to punish it for it and how? No, the guardians are not punished, but pray for this family so that its members will acquire faith and piety.

Marriage between Christian and Muslim


The present reason is that I can not do this with my first guy, leave it, whereas he became like a native man, always worked on me. My mom, having learned about the proposal to marry, said that I didn't know him and that for several months it is impossible to know a person, and therefore it is against.

Milan, 21 years old. I think you need to stop your choice on Muslim, not this, so friend, and it is desirable that he is your nationality. Listen to the general opinion of the parents, before introducing them with your new young man and pre-acquaint playing with his parents.


I and my future husband of different religions: he is a Christian, I am Muslim. With a little, but still work, I persuaded him to read by anyone.

But he in turn asked me to go to church and get married.

Is there a happy marriage between Muslim and Christian?

Nowadays, Christian and Muslim marriage is possible, but often the insight comes. And then I left home to my mother and dad, and well, if they are returned without serious consequences for their health, incurred physically and mentally. And yet, despite this, some girls without regardless "are graying" with Orthodox, leave their country and leaving their husbands into the ground promised - on their homeland. It's important to know! In Islam, a woman is in a fit compared to a man. In one of the Hadiths (the retelling of the words of the Prophet) it is said that "the woman is created from the rib and never straighten up before you, and if you want to benefit from it, then let the curvature remain with it. And if you try to straighten it, you will only break it. " Why Christians go for Muslims causes a lot of marriage with a Muslim.


Nevertheless, it does not prevent me from being religiously educated in matters of both Orthodoxy and Islam (and not only these two religions). In addition, I am limited to tolerance. This means that I do not bother me with one adequate representative of any religion, whether Muslim or the adept of the Church of the Pasta Monster (this is not a figure of speech, this is a real religious movement). OVDS: The traditional family will save humanity from rolling into the abyss "Today, when society is increasingly like a reckless person," who built his house on the sand ", the debt of the church - to remind society about his solid foundation - the family as a union of men and women created with The purpose of the birth and raising children.

The authorities of a number of Europe and America, despite numerous protests, including Catholics, continue to keep politics, deliberately aimed at the destruction of the very concept of family. First, there are three reasons because of which the heirs receive from each other inheritance: kinship, marriage and Valaa (this is a relationship received by the liberation of slave), and three reasons preventing the receipt of inheritance: slavery, murder and different religion.

If your sister did not reject my religion, the fact that she ran away from the house of his parents does not impede her right to receive inheritance, even if her stay of her stay away from his parents was great. Secondly: the marriage of Muslims with non-believers is considered to be a great sin, and the unanimous opinion that it is forbidden and the marriage is considered invalid.

I immediately want to place all the points over İ. I am christian.

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I would like to clearly clarify the question of how different confessions belong to such marriage? You can find out, by analogy with "observing Muslim", whether in your example, a "observing Christian" husband - and then you can define Christian whether a family in your example or atheistic. In essence, the answer is the following: Christian marriage with Muslim is not possible.

In practice, this is possible only if the "Christian" is nominal, and not conscious, that is, Christianity for her reduces the maximum to the campaigns to put candles in the church. If you really want to marry "without changing your religions" - you do not need to run to Alimam, nor to the bass, and leave them alone and without noise to go to the registry office. Probably, the same thing can be said about Christians, especially among them, there are many people who "believe in God, but they do not go to church," this is around the world. And there are reasons for it.

Is marriage between a Christian and Muslim woman possible?

Projects "Lemmar" Navigation Ask a question to the priest Good afternoon, tell me whether marriage is possible between Christian and Muslim? I am a Christian I love Muslim, and she is me. Her parents against our meetings, they say that she will marry only Muslim.

Although they themselves live modern life. How do I achieve her hands from them? Thanks for the answer. Alexander. Replies Archpriest Mikhail Samokhin: Hello, Alexander! Marriage is possible in the case of the transition of your girl in Christianity and upbringing your children in the Orthodox faith.

It seems to me almost impossible to make agreement on such a marriage among parents who are believers of Muslims, since the Quran categorically prohibits women-Muslims to marry non-Muslimman. If you are a believing Christian, then probably imagine that the difference in faith can be the basis for problems in future family life.

Can Muslim marry Christian? Is such a marriage valid?

Suppose they are students often found besides studies in companies. A cheerful student feast ended with a random connection.

She became pregnant and wants to solve all his problems with marriage. And it may be the complaints of parents, the "curves" of smiles of friends and acquaintances.

He is quite attractive, and his money is found, because he came to learn to another country. So get out of it - this is not the worst option. And what is he Muslim and how life will last in the future, the girl does not think much. Such a short-lived marriage, in the future can deliver big trouble.

  • The desire to go to another country. He is from another world. And there everything is fabulously, besides rich, it does not bother on expensive gifts. And here such a prose of life, parents give quite a little money to study. And I want not only to eat well, but also looks beautiful.

Features of Christian and Muslim Marriage

Tell me how to do? Marriage in Islam is a formalized mutual exchange agreement, in which her husband undertakes to ensure the dowry and full content for his wife in exchange for the right to use with married connections that are prohibited from marriage. It must be borne in mind that, in contrast to a woman, a Muslim man can have at the same time four legitimate wives.

Is Muslim and Christian marriage possible? (Letter from Wika) Monthly rested, but everything is good once ends and I had to return home to Ukraine again, and he in the UAE. When I was pregnant, I told him, he was very stronger, he was nervous, he didn't even want to hear anything about it.

He said that parents will drive him out of the house, and he does not have anything and does not know how we will live. And about the child he even scared to think if everyone recognizes his family.

Is marriage between Christian and Muslim

Metropolitan Hilarion at a meeting of the Synod in Vatican called Catholics together to defend the traditional family "Orthodox Church, as well as Catholic, in his teaching about the family always followed his holy Scripture and a sacred legend, arguing the principle of marriage, based on the words of the Savior himself. In our time, this position should be even more cohesive and unanimous, "the" Interfax-Religion "portal of the words of Metropolitan leads. As Hierarch, Orthodox and Catholics emphasized, it is necessary to "not just be limited to good calls", but to legally defend a traditional family, based on the marriage of men and women, both in the framework of the dialogue with the legislative and executive power of individual countries and at the sites of international organizations, such as UN and the Council of Europe.

Priest's answer:

According to God, the goal of the earthly life of each person is the right self-determination for God and his truth - Jesus Christ (In.14.6), as well as in achieving a saving relationship with God through the redeeming sacrifice of Christ. These relationships are referred to as: burning, holiness, or pretext (2 Peter. 1,4). The family is a small church (Col.4.15), which serves as one of the means to achieve the above-mentioned goal, for, each person has two legal ways leading to everlasting: holy marriage, or holy celibacy, one of whose varieties is a monasticism. In the Orthodox family, as in the Small Church, the process of preparing its members should occur: husband, wives and children, through the right faith and church life, for eternity. That is why the Apostle Paul commands Christians to marry in the Lord (1 Cor. 7.39), that is, with a person who shares the most important thing: Our Orthodox faith. The introduction of a Christian, or Christian, marriage with an innogenian, or an innovative, in particular, with Muslim, there is a violation, both the design of God on the ultimate goal of life - oblivion and the commandments of the Apostle Paul: marry in the Lord. Up until the 18th century, in the Russian Orthodox Church, such marriages were unconditionally missed. But, starting with Peter1, there were relaxation in this area: Orthodox was allowed to marry with inners under the condition that the latter will not seduce them into their faith, and children born from such a marriage will take baptism and brought up in Orthodoxy.

But entering into interreligious marriages, the spouses, as a rule, claim: "Whoever believes - no matter, because God is one! The main thing is that we love each other! ". As a priest, I repeatedly had to make sure that this love continues until Orthodox (Orthodox), living in such interreligious marriages, will not face, inevitably, with indigenous differences in cultures, and most importantly, religions: Islam and Orthodoxy. It may be discovered, for example, when the future husband, or his relatives, will offer the bride for marriage of the Muslim rite of "wedding" and the automatic adoption by Islam, leading to the renunciation of Jesus Christ. Or when children are like in such a marriage, and the wife - the Christian will want to inform them the sacrament of baptism, attaching them to the Church of Christ, and the husband is Muslim, on the contrary, trim, initiating in Islam (sometimes spouses agree: girls - to baptize, boys. It turns out: girls - to heaven, and boys - in hell!). Or, these contradictions are found when the Christian, after marriage, will try to fulfill its religious duties: visit the temple, pray at home, etc. You can of course, come to another option: to become secular people (read, renounce your religious beliefs), but not yet the fact that this problem will not pop up in the future. After all, the secular husband, ethnic Muslim, may be believers, practitioners of Islam, who, inevitably, raise the issue of religious affiliation of his wife and children. Only in very rare cases, the spouses manage to get along without changing their religious views (again, provided that these views are simply no!). Basically, as a rule, there are heavy collisions of choice: or My Orthodoxy, or my family ... In my arrival there was such a case: an Orthodox woman married Muslim, and he did not give her to go to the temple, to pray to the temple, to pray for them to pour them Children as long as, after many years, not ... Died. In another case, the Orthodox, who married Muslim, until his death, could not not only fulfill religious duties towards God, but also to wear a native cross. She hid it ... in her hair, where he was discovered when, after death, her body was worn.

That is, if there are various religious views of her husband and wife, unanimity can not be between them. Their marriage is contemplated on the foundation, originally having a deep crack, threatening at any time to turn into the abyss. By the way, research in this field of American sociologists suggests that mixed marriages have chances to break up three times more often. This problem is sharply detected in the process of educating the children. Saint John Chrysostoust writes: "To form the hearts of children in virtue and piety - the sacred duty of parents, who cannot be swallowed, without becoming guilty of some kind of decisions ..." But how can you raise children in faith and piety, if parents understand this faith in different ways and Can not be unanimous in words nor in the image of their religious life? The child's upbringing should not be an introduction to some abstract, alleged, common, for all religions, God, but in determining it with a member of a clear religion, giving him specific forms of science, prayer, public service, etc. Difficulties of religious education Start in an interreligious marriage since the birth of a child. According to Islam, firstly, the unlawful spouse (spouse) must adopt Muslim. Secondly, children (in any case - boys) must be cut and brought up in the traditions of Islam. According to Orthodoxy, children who are born in interreligious marriages should be brought up in the Orthodox faith. So, one of the spouses will be forced to eliminate religious education, or - the same, conflict situations will arise between them, and children growing in an atmosphere of division will usually grow unbelievers. Often the problem of education "is solved" by spouses and so: we will not be children nor baptize or cut. Let them grow and decide what religion to belong to them. In practice, this leads to the fact that without seeing the examples of an example of unanimous religious life and the corresponding ideological education, children grow religiously indifferent. So, according to the word of Zlatoust, the Orthodox parent and "is made guilty of some kind of decision."

Few people think about the fact that even the death of one of the spouses does not put the point in these disagreements. An Orthodox husband cannot bury his wife - Muslims on the Orthodox rite, can not pray for her: ordering the funeral and memorial diligendies, clock drops. Even the natural desire of the spouses to be buried together on one cemetery cannot be realized, as Muslims are forbidden to bury the inners together with Orthodox, as well as according to Orthodox canons, in the Christian cemetery, the Inovers, together with Christians, are not buried. Therefore, before the Orthodox marry the Invester, it is necessary to weigh everything and think about the consequences of your decision.

What if it happened? - Now you have to live in a distorted family atmosphere and humble. Is it necessary to decline the innovative spouse (spouse) to accept Orthodoxy? - Make it will be extremely difficult. In no case can not be imposed here to impose their religious views. Better - in practice, in everyday life to preach Christianity with its own example.

Is it possible to present Muslims on the baptism of her children? - You can, you can. But here the interreligious marriage came out here: from the point of view of Islam, Christians - Kafiirs, polybodnes, since they confess the faith in the Holy Trinity. And Muslim Mother (Even - Ethnic) attend the initiation of her child to a multipositive religion, means to break the ideas of his religion, bother.