Like a snake, a man leaves the family. Interception plan: how to recapture a married man from his legal wife

Answers to questions about the love triangle for men and women.

The feeling of falling in love and the instinct to preserve the clan push men and women to create family unions. Sometimes people feel so strongly about their loneliness that they are ready to sacrifice a lot in order to find their soul mate. But having found their beloved women and marrying them, men change their attitude towards them. After the seal on the marriage appears in the passport, women turn from an object of worship into housekeepers, dishwashers, cooks and educators. Often in the list of these things there is absolutely no communication and contact with the husband. Therefore, having found the perfect wife, men begin to look for the perfect mistress.

What does the ideal wife look like in the eyes of a man?

  • She knows how to cook beautifully
  • She endlessly puts things in order in the family nest
  • She loyally cares for children
  • She gets along with her mother-in-law and other relatives of her husband.

What does the ideal lover look like in the eyes of a man?

  • She is beautiful and knows how to take care of herself
  • She never has a headache and is always ready for active sex
  • She does not walk around the house in a filthy robe and slippers.
  • She does not burden with problems of the family budget and poor grades of children in school.

Can a woman combine an ideal wife and an ideal lover? Practice shows that this task turns out to be impossible for women because, fulfilling the role of a voluntary slave of the stove and doormat, it is difficult for women to become a sex goddess.

Divorce due to cheating can be reduced by doing housework together

But if she can shift at least part of the "light housework" onto her husband's shoulders, she will have the time and desire to deal with new hairstyles, skin and body care and new outfits. Since it turns out to be easier and much more interesting for a man to find a woman on the side, and not to unload his wife from domestic work, then this task remains impossible for a woman.

Why does a married man need a mistress, what does a mistress mean to him, what does he expect from her?

The main reason why men have an affair on the side is dissatisfaction with their sexual life with their wife. It can be difficult for husbands to understand what to expect from a woman who is spinning like a squirrel in a wheel of initiative and the embodiment of a man's desires is not worth it. If a woman works not only at home, but also goes to work, then returning home after a hard day, picking up the children from kindergarten or school, washing the dishes, and feeding the family dinner, she dreams not of sex, but sleep.

A man, even if he went to work, but freed from domestic work, is full of energy and sexual desires. Perhaps many women will be surprised, but the vast majority of men, especially those under 30, want sex every day or every other day. If such a schedule does not coincide with the schedule of his wife's desires, he will seek satisfaction on the side.

As a result, unloading a man from domestic work and loading themselves, women themselves create the prerequisites for her husband's betrayal.

Also, the reason that makes a man look for a mistress may not be the quantity, but the quality of sex. Many married couples are shy or afraid to discuss these topics with each other. And it is difficult for them not only to express wishes about what they would like to get from sex, but also difficult to talk about what they do not like in sexual intercourse.

What does a married man expect from his mistress?

When deciding to commit adultery, a man expects satisfaction of sexual requests from his mistress. But communication on the side involves not only having sex, but also communication. If scandals and a showdown occur in the family, and the mistress knows how to listen and understand the man, then an affair on the side can lead to a divorce from his wife. Many single women, entering into a love affair with a married man, seek to divorce such a man from his wife. And to achieve this goal, they skillfully use the contrast that a man sees between his mistress and his wife.

The psychology of relationships between a married man and his mistress

As a rule, a married man, meeting with his mistress, does not seek to divorce and marry another woman. He is quite satisfied with the love triangle, where, in the circle of his family, he receives care from his wife, contact with his children, and from the side of his mistress, complete satisfaction of his sexual needs. Such a double life can cause him to feel petty remorse and guilt towards his wife. Unfortunately, these negative emotions do not in any way affect his intentions to leave this situation unchanged.

A woman who acts as a mistress cannot help but feel the inferiority of her position and will in every possible way strive to change it. If the mistress insists on a divorce, and the man opposes it, the idyll between her and the married man may be violated. This can lead to a gap between them.

Can a married man love both his wife and his mistress: signs

Men and women put different meanings into the word "love". So for a woman, love can be synonymous with fidelity, devotion, a sense of inspiration and the desire to take care of a man. And for a man, "love" can mean a willingness to have sex with a woman. Can a man be willing to have sex with more than one woman? Unambiguously can and even strives for this. This does not mean that every man should be suspected of adultery with or without reason. The presumption of innocence or lack of proof of a crime applies not only to hardened criminals, but also to husbands.

Can a married man be jealous of his mistress?

Jealousy or a sense of ownership is inherent in the relationship of a married man and his mistress. Despite the fact that in the life of his mistress he is only "coming for an hour", she can be jealous of his wife. In addition, she cannot but understand that she is not the only one to whom such a man could turn his attention. A man is able to be jealous of his mistress of other men and feel like the sultan of a harem, where each concubine is his property.

Why do married men have young lovers?

Often, middle-aged men give birth to young mistresses in order to increase their self-esteem and increase potency, if there is a tendency for it to fade away. This is because young women are the most sexually attractive. They attract the attention of men, like females capable of procreation. Here pheromones play a role, which a young woman smells of during the period of fertility.

Can a lover be older than a man?

Yes, young, sexually inexperienced men tend to have experienced lovers older than them in age. If a middle-aged woman, in addition to successful sex, offers a young man delicious meals, the ability to listen without getting annoyed and give wise advice - such a union can be very successful.

How many mistresses can a married man have?

If a man is in great sexual shape and wants sex every day, then the number of his mistresses can be equal to the number of his having sex. This is a slight exaggeration of the truth, which is that it is not difficult for a man who has allowed himself one mistress to have such a number that his body can withstand.

Does a man leave the family for his mistress: how often, in what cases?

In the overwhelming majority of cases, a man does not leave the family for his mistress. Because he perfectly understands that he is already in an excellent position. Often, the initiator of the gap is the wife, who found out about her husband's betrayal. In this case, a man can reluctantly go to his mistress. He can also leave the family if his marriage is bursting at the seams due to a mutual misunderstanding between him and his wife.

If his mistress offers him attentive care and understanding instead of scandals in his family, he can buy into such tricks and leave his wife. In the event that a man marries his new passion and instead of the “mistress” status she receives the “wife” status, he risks repeating the failures of his first marriage, but in a harsher version, and his new wife risks getting the role of a wife expecting her husband after the campaign to a new, more interesting woman.

What mistresses do men go to?

In order to win in the love triangle, the mistress must be many times better than the wife. Often a woman tries so hard to get closer to the ideal of a man and win that she really becomes a beauty, a clever woman and a goddess of sex. The only thing that a man should remember when leaving for such a woman is that she works for such an image at the limit of her capabilities and will stop straining immediately after becoming a wife.

When do married men leave their mistresses?

Mistresses are not abandoned if they perform the functions assigned to them. But in the event that a woman who is in the role of a mistress begins to take over the functions of a wife, that is, a scandal, finds out the relationship, refuses to have sex, then she receives the status of a former lover, and the man finds a more interesting option for himself.

Does a man go through parting, do men forget their former mistresses?

If the separation between two people happened by mutual agreement, then it can be painless for both men and women. If such people remember the time spent together, then with slight sadness and gratitude. If the breakup was painful and on the initiative of one of the parties, then the man or woman who lost intimacy will suffer and suffer from experiences. If the woman who left was a bright, non-standard and Personality with a capital letter, then it will be impossible for a man to forget such a woman.

What is the right way to part with a mistress for a married man?

If a man wants to leave a woman beautifully, and without causing too much moral harm to her, he should think about how the vacuum or the void that will form after his departure will be filled. The most banal, primitive, but working way to "leave unnoticed" is to introduce such a woman to a man who may be interested in a sexually anxious lady. If the vacuum is not filled, then the one who abandoned his mistress to the mercy of fate is guaranteed to receive phone calls from his former mistress with requests to meet or "random meetings" on the street.

The best way to leave a mistress is to captivate her with a new man.

Love triangles or polygons existed in the distant past, are in the present and will be in the future as long as humanity exists. And one can only analyze and state such facts, without trying to give miraculous recipes for solving this problem.

How to get a married man out of the family? Single women can build their own happiness, one has only to want and make an effort to achieve what they want. Sometimes everything does not go according to the plan outlined by the parents and, the princess, who was so unable to meet her prince, agrees to the prince "from someone else's shoulder."

Married men who engage in extramarital sexual relations are viewed by the female population as an exception to the rule, rather than realizing that this is the unspoken norm. We will not be one size fits all, our goal is to teach the weaker sex the art of taking a husband out of the family.

First, consider the main types of husbands with mistresses:

  • a young family man, disillusioned with his wife, after several years of marriage, and several attempts to improve relations;
  • a middle-aged man who has an affair on the side due to a lack of understanding, support;
  • ladies' man - as a rule, age does not matter, a great lover of the female sex;
  • disappointed and suffering from boredom and monotony;
  • accidentally changed.

Let's dwell on each type, try to deduce a causal relationship. We need this in order to know the "enemy in the face", a pun may not be appropriate.

Disappointed type

A married young man who is dissatisfied with any aspect of marriage:

  1. Relationships between spouses can be ruined as a result of the appearance of a child, to whom the wife pays all her attention.
  2. A childless couple, one of whom does not want to change a carefree lifestyle for a monochromatic marital pastime.
  3. Sexual relations that have lost their brightness, novelty.
  4. Household habits that young people did not take into account during courtship.

Looking for

Middle age reconciles with habits, the period lived together brings people closer together, and also teaches the understanding that the chosen partner is not ideal, some features will remain unchanged until the end of life.


  1. An insecure type who gives preference to making household decisions to his wife, who benefits from this position.
  2. Interest, often of a younger companion, gives a man a feeling of confidence in his masculine and partner powers.


Careful about their appearance, possibly attending a sports club. Age ranges from 20 to 57 years old.

Looks like that:

  1. Outwardly confident, good-looking, sexually active.
  2. Prefers girls who take care of themselves.
  3. Leads to desire, can choose a woman who does not fit his type of preferences.
  4. Relationships with this type are fleeting, from one night to a month, a partner can be permanent, who does not take side adventures to heart.


Frustrated with marital relationships in general, bored husband:

  1. Lack of opportunities and desires for self-expression, unhappy family man.
  2. He understands marital relations as a duty, a compulsory necessity for the implementation of everyday problems.
  3. As a rule, not knowing how to look after, with a low level of intelligence.

Random connection

A common type of infidelity, characteristic of all of the above types:

  1. A sudden flare up of mutual desire.
  2. Passion.

Signs of a lover ready to become a husband

The female sex tends to view relationships with a married man more emotionally than it really is. Themselves extramarital affairs from the point of view of men, there is a pleasant and insignificant adultery. This is the first fact a woman must accept. No husband thinks of an extramarital affair as an opportunity to change one wife to another.

The girl, on the contrary, puts a greater meaning in extramarital affairs than it really is. For some reason, it seems to her that since a man had sexual intercourse with her while his wife is alive, this is a complete victory, soon a divorce and another wedding.

However, everything happens exactly the opposite. Adultery is so good that you do not need to think about anything, except for the pleasant novelty of communication, bed.

  • a kind of distraction from the problems that family people have to solve;
  • getting new, forgotten sensations;
  • treason makes you feel a certain surge of strength, emotions;
  • helps with renewed vigor to be involved in solving family problems;
  • a cure for boredom.

You should not blame men for all the grave problems, women experience the same, they simply do not want to confess, tk. from birth, they have been forced to play a different social role than the stronger sex. He is the breadwinner, she is the keeper of the hearth. He is an active male, she - takes care of children.

However, there are options in which a lover can change his life, divorce his wife and become a newlywed again.

This happens by the mutual desire of the lovers, the mistress is not able to influence the man's decision to leave the family. By her actions, she can speed up the process, but in no way create a situation for which the partner is not internally ready. This is the second fact that a woman should understand.

Cheating always means a double standard, a double life, playing by the rules for a tedious amount of time.

If a young man is ready to change his life, it looks like this:

  1. The relationship of lovers is frank in everything, but the partner is silent about the relationship with his wife.
  2. The man himself tries to spend every free minute together.
  3. He is interested in the life of his passion, helps to solve problems not at the request, but on his own initiative.

At this stage, a woman can raise a question about a joint future, push her to thinking. It is important to know - a man should not feel coercion, pressure from his mistress!

The couple makes the decision to live together, but the man makes the decision to leave the family on his own.

What a mistress doesn't need to do:

  1. Leave messages to a deceived wife on clothes, a lover's car.
  2. Blackmail by disclosing the novel.
  3. Discuss the spouse of a loved one.
  4. Call your lover on your home number or after hours.

How to behave correctly:

  1. Be gentle and affectionate.
  2. To treat a loved one with understanding, he is not a subject, but a person.
  3. It is unobtrusive to communicate your feelings, it is better - verbally.
  4. Respect the freedom of a loved one.
  5. Giving more than asking.

These are not easy rules, given the emotional component of a woman's nature. Understanding and accepting are the main principles.

A relationship that lasts more than a year is likely to remain extramarital, this is the third fact that a woman should better understand right away.

Strategy, tactics, result

Strategic methods for withdrawing a husband are non-standard, as is the situation itself. How to take a married man out of the family relationship psychology, which you need to know. There are things that should be understood and accepted, life is not built on emotions alone:

  • soberly assess the habits that you do not like in your lover, multiply by two - this will be your further reaction to them in a joint future;
  • if you have children in a former family, be prepared for the fact that your husband's past is inextricably linked with the family he left for you. They leave the woman, not the children;
  • a delicate topic that they are afraid to raise - according to statistics, sexual intercourse with an ex-wife is not considered treason. Ironically, you can be deceived in the place.

Use patience and understanding of the situation as a tactic. Your partner will appreciate your realistic, low-emotional approach. Rivers of tears and hysterics will not change, but worsen the situation in which you find yourself.

The result will not be long in coming, if the partner is determined to take a serious step, he will not say something like the following phrases:

  • we need to test our relationship for strength, we will not change anything for another year or two;
  • my wife is ill, the children are small, in general, I am for it, it’s just the wrong time.

Almost every mistress heard similar phrases in different variations, and subconsciously understood that this was a delay, an excuse, and not a real reason. The above may be true, but only half - with such honesty he can hide the real reason - the unwillingness to change anything.

Life together

He chose you, you are a couple. Be prepared for the fact that he will be comparing you to your ex, knowingly and not. The more years you have lived, the closer the connection between people is, sometimes it is inseparable.

The man is extremely reluctant to exchange some slippers for others. He will leave the family only when he feels himself superfluous, a person who is not supported by anything. And when the thought that his mistress might leave his life will be unbearable for him.


Adultery is a component of a relationship; it rarely happens that spouses who have lived together do not face this dilemma. When feelings are dulled, ardor fades away and passion subsides - ordinary everyday problems remain. Sometimes they put such pressure on us that the only consolation is an illusory double life, which leads us into a blissful delusion, gives us sincere happiness.

Sometimes life turns so that we find happiness where we did not expect, were not ready to find it. There is only one way out - to be sincere, honest with yourself and your partner.


If it falls to a woman to fall in love with a married man, then she will surely want to take him away from the family and take him away from his wife. For your happiness, of course, you need to fight, so below are some tips that will help you win an unfree man.

So, before thinking about how to take a married man away, it is worth finding out whether it needs to be done. There are many reasons and factors that may indicate that it is better to just forget about your beloved, find another and not even try to discourage your spouse. The main points of interest are listed below.

Do not forget that you cannot build happiness on someone else's misfortune, so, destroying a family, you need to be prepared for the fact that the ex-wife does not want to give up and will in every way interfere with the spouse's new relationship. Anything can happen. What if the abandoned woman loves her ex-spouse so much that she decides to commit suicide? Why take such a sin on your soul?

Very often, mistresses are turned on by men who love their wives very much and are not going to leave them. In this case, you should not try to do something, since all attempts will be in vain and in vain.

It is also worth remembering that if a man cheated on his woman, then where is the guarantee that he will not cheat on the one to whom he leaves his wife? Is the mistress ready for such a situation? Does she need it?

If a man has several marriages behind him, then this indicates his inconstancy. Such a person, perhaps, is in constant search for an ideal, or he is simply not capable of truly loving. In this case, it is also worth thinking about whether the union will be happy in that situation if the beloved still leaves his wife and decides to build a life together with his mistress.

If the spouse is belligerent and ready to do much in order to keep her husband, then this reduces the chances of the mistress to win in such a struggle.

If a man has children (especially young ones), then this means that he will periodically see them. And this means that he will also see his ex-wife. Is this acceptable for the one who wants to take someone else's husband away?

Love is an insidious thing, so winning someone else's husband can be very dangerous if the wife wants to try to eliminate her rival by all means. So it's worth thinking about it and assessing your strengths. After all, a married man is not the end of life. How many other free handsome men are around!

Of course, a connection, a relationship with a married man cannot last forever, so at a certain moment you will have to make a choice: leave or conquer. If it is decided by hook or by crook to discourage someone else's spouse from his wife, then below are some useful tips that will help you do this faster and with minimal loss and effort.

First you need to study the situation in the man's family. He, of course, can say that everything is bad. But in reality, things may be different. Having scouted the situation, you can identify the weaknesses of the man himself and his wife. And if you use them for your own purposes, then the chances of success will increase.

A lover is a kind of holiday for a man, and it is very easy to get used to it. So, the task of a woman is to make dates with a married woman as romantic, passionate and bright as possible, so that he understands what he refuses, continuing to live with his wife.

A woman should create an atmosphere for a man in which he will feel as good as possible. First, a married person should feel loved, desired, and smart. Secondly, if the mistress understood: “I love a married man” and decided to win him back from his wife, then she should realize that in the best scenario, she will play the role of that very wife. So it's important to show yourself as a good hostess.

Polls have shown that about a third of unmarried women are the mistresses of married men. The ladies explained this choice by the fact that they like an open relationship and the absence of obligations. Also, some women noted that a man with his mistress behaves very differently than with his wife. There are no complaints, but this looks like an eternal candy-bouquet period.

In no case should you bother! So you never need to call a married man first, and even more so to chase him, going to work or sending messages through friends or acquaintances! Let the man make appointments himself and manage to miss his mistress. Excessive pressure can scare off a “married man” and force him to end such a relationship.

Sex is a very powerful weapon in the hands of a mistress. So you need to do everything so that in bed a man feels like a god and a beast, and also gets pleasure and satisfaction. Variety, passion and wild desire are what is required of a mistress. It is necessary to make the married man understand that he has never experienced anything better with anyone.

In addition, the mistress must certainly become better than the wife in everything. Otherwise, why leave your wife if she is much better than a mistress? So you can subtly ask a man about his spouse to find out all her strengths and weaknesses, as well as advantages and disadvantages.

It is necessary to show that a man is not only a sexual object, but also a loved one, who is very dear and necessary. But this should be shown subtly, almost imperceptibly.

Many people want to know what to do if a man is married. The psychology of the stronger sex is such that they do not tolerate indifference towards them. So if the mistress will show that she is just playing as a man, then there is a high probability that he will want her love and will conquer and conquer the lady himself.

Men love to be listened to. So you should prepare your ears and constantly listen to the stories of your beloved, pretending that all these boring stories are incredibly interesting and instructive.

Do not use blackmail in any case! This will not help, but will only turn the married man away from his mistress. It is also not worth arousing jealousy, because all males are by nature owners.

Do not persuade a man to leave his wife. Persuasion can get boring, and this method is simply ineffective and useless.

You need to become an ideal for a man. You can ask your lover about what kind of woman he dreams of seeing next to him. Any comments in your account should not be taken with hostility, but adopted and used in pursuit of the ideal.

A man should not be allowed to consider his mistress a friend. In this case, he will never perceive her as his potential wife.

If the mistress understands that the only thing that prevents a man from leaving his wife is fear or indecision, then she can resort to at least a conversation with his wife. It is best to start by writing an anonymous letter, because it is possible that a lady will want to find a rival and eliminate her (jealousy is a terrible feeling that can provoke a person to the most cruel and crazy actions). Surely the lady will arrange an interrogation for her husband, during which the whole truth will be revealed, which will facilitate the fate of her mistress. Perhaps a personal heart-to-heart talk can also take place. But if the wife knows how to keep the spouse, then it complicates things.

It only remains to add that to beat off a married man is only half the battle, because you also need to keep him, and this is much more difficult, since there is no guarantee that the beloved will not find another mistress and will not want to go to her. Therefore, you should think carefully about whether you need to take a man out of the family. But if there are strong feelings between lovers, then you need to fight for happiness, because in this case the spouses will not be happy anyway. In the end, you can wish the mistresses prudence.

The article will not be a guide, how lovers take a man out of the family- it would be too immoral, in my blog I still try to stay neutral. This information is suitable for both wives and mistresses - I will give you the answer to the most tricky question in the world, and you yourself think and analyze.

How to get a married man out of the family?

A question that worries 99% of mistresses. Wives (those wives who have resigned themselves to betrayal, and did not leave, proudly slamming the door) are worried about the opposite - how to keep them. The answer will be for both of them. When you ask other men or more experienced women, psychologists for advice, surf the Internet, you find approximately the same information about how to take a married man away - I will now exaggerate, because all the same all this does not work much:

1. Always be in a good mood so that the man can rest with you and see the difference between you and your wife

2. More sex, different and different

3. Always look good

4. Do not cut! This is what the wife does, and you have to be good in her background.

5. Not demand much, take an interest in business, share interests, etc. Add what you see fit.

Ladies, as you can see, this is not effective. No, this is effective in the sense that the lover's love and affection for you grows, but I can say with almost complete certainty that his desire to divorce and leave for you decreases in direct proportion. Here's a paradox. I'll tell you more about it.

The opinion of men how to take a man out of the family

The opinion of men how to take a man out of the family not much more interesting than a woman's or anyone else's. Men do not like to talk about relationships, poke around in them, analyze - even when it comes to themselves. For this reason, they will not tell anything special about themselves - well, they do not know how to look at the root. So their advice will be about the same as I listed above. Although, most likely, they will also add about patience, understanding and so on - which they love to receive from women. Be kind, patient, understanding - while I make the most important decision in my life. If only I took ..

Remember, a man's greatest desire in a relationship is for everything to stay in place. Men do not like unnecessary movements - this is one of the reasons why it is so difficult for him to go to the registry office with you, even if he wants to get married. It's such a hassle! For the same reason, he is in no hurry to get divorced, although he has been living with his mistress for 5 years. Almost the same thing happens when the mistress is beyond praise, “I can’t love”, and the wife is a bitch. Everything is good, well, why change something ?! So the more you become perfect, the less chance you have. A man thinks that everything is fine with you, everything suits you, his love is enough for you - and nothing bothers him. And the wife is no longer so difficult to endure - after all, in a moment of irritation, you can think about your beloved and immediately it will become a little easier! There are only 2 exceptions to this situation:

1. When the wife got tired of all this and she drove her husband to his mistress, filing for divorce

2. When something in the family does not suit the cardinal way. But this is NOT sex, not a bad appearance and character of the wife, not the absence of children - in a man's head everything is a little different. This woman found a cool lover, fell in love and ran away from her husband, forgetting about everything in the world. A man does not leave the family without carefully weighing the pros and cons. And if there are at least one more or even equal pluses, he is unlikely to get divorced.

How to take a married man out of a family psychology

To the question how to take a married man out of a family psychology answers - do not put yourself in his place. You are a woman, you think completely differently. For a man, his wife and family are not just people, they are the conditions of his life. Lifestyle. Be careful now. A lover is a specific person whom he enters into the conditions of his life. She is not a separate life, a part of life - yes, but nothing more. Starting a mistress, a man simply writes her in as an additional condition of the way of life that suits him. Completely or not - the question is not very fundamental. If a man does not divorce his wife, then it is not only a matter of his wife. It can be a lot in what else - he likes the apartment in which they live, he is used to their daily routine, he is comfortable in the environment that has developed around their family, he is comfortable with getting to work from this house, he is comfortable in everyday matters , he is comfortable for financial reasons and whatnot. There is little sex, understanding, good mood and coziness - so there is a mistress for this! The puzzle is complete! There are 2 parts of a man's life that complement each other perfectly.

How a mistress to take a man out of the family

To mistress to take a man out of the family, she needs to understand - feelings do not decide. Unless, of course, we are talking about a young man of about 25 who recently married, there are no children yet, the wife immediately plunged into everyday life, and here a beauty with great sex - there are chances here. Or the man has long decided that, if the opportunity arises, it is necessary to update the model of his wife for a younger one. There is also such a category of men - "jumpers". They are easy-going and easily change wives, marrying 3-4 times.

In all other cases, a man leaves the family for his mistress only when the living conditions, everyday life, the surrounding environment are many times more comfortable and attractive than they were before. When a new woman can give him a whole new world. And pathos has nothing to do with it. We don’t change our usual and quite satisfying work just because in another place the office is a little newer and the director is prettier. Here it is necessary that: the salary was much higher, it was convenient to get there, the director was not a tyrant, paid for gasoline, and also voluntary medical insurance and the prospect of growth. Then you can leave. And so it makes no sense to exchange an awl for soap. Do not be offended that it is so mundane - but I already wrote that a man is not guided by feelings in this matter. Rarely. The desire to be with the woman he loves is realized through adultery and divorce is not required. Only if a whole new bright world and everyday life is attached to the mistress, then an exchange takes place. And usually this exchange happens pretty quickly. To leave and leave everything to his wife, forgetting his past life for the sake of a new woman - this is just when a man knows that in a new place he will be much better. This is not a calculation - it is important to understand! If, living with his wife, a man has living conditions that suit him, and with his mistress only love and good mood, he will not leave. A woman who obediently awaits him in her little sweet world cannot push him to divorce. Few resources. A man needs his world and his beloved woman - and not necessarily in one bottle.

Fell in love with a married man who is unhappy in marriage? You both know that you are perfect for each other, but he still stays with his wife? Of course, the likelihood that he will ever leave her is small, but here are a few steps by taking which you can lead a man to the right decision. Remember, you cannot force him to do this. This should be his independent decision, taken without pressure. Be wise and patient. Very often, people get married for some wrong reason, and this will never make their marriage strong. You should not try to hold on to something that does not bring happiness to anyone around you. Therefore, often, a divorce is a kind of gift for all parties.


    Don't have sex with him. A married man cheating on his wife is driven by purely physiological reasons. It is clear that at that moment he wanted to part with his wife, which is why he did it. But, if he really intended to leave his spouse, he would have done it even before you met and before the moment of intimacy with you. If you have already had sex, stop it in the future. Explain the situation by saying that you cannot go to bed with him, since this is dishonest both in relation to his wife and in relation to you.

    Do not try to convince him to leave his wife by means of manipulation. Manipulative behavior often only works for a short time. A man must decide everything within himself, voluntarily. After all, you also want him to do it on his own, and not just because you need it.

    By not going to bed with him, you present yourself as a prize that still needs to be earned. By this you illustrate that you do not agree to the role of a mistress, but deserve respect and official status. You must have your own personal life and your own interests. It is very good if your common interests are alien to his wife, this will bring you closer together and make you more attractive in his eyes.

    Find out how he benefits from being married. Even if he's unhappy, but still not divorced, there must be something holding him back. The reasons can be different: children, reputation, money (if he is afraid that his wife will take away all or half of his property), etc. Do not make the common mistake trying to become better than his wife. This behavior will only push him away from you. There is no point in competing with his wife. He must love you because you are completely different.

    Find out what mistakes his wife made. A woman should feel a man. Most likely, his wife ceased to be interesting to him and no longer attracted him: neither as a woman, nor as a person. There are many articles, books and publications on this topic. Clean up the house, cook a delicious dinner. This will demonstrate your economic qualities. Men need to feel comfortable. It's important to show that you admire him. Women, for whom work and domestic well-being (in material terms) are in the first place, forget about their duties as wives and begin to perform male functions. Any man in such a situation feels discomfort and begins to look for the best on the side. Thus, he needs to confirm his masculinity. If he tells you that he no longer sleeps with his wife, don't really believe it. Therefore, do not think that having sex with you, he will quickly leave his wife. No, for this to happen, you must give him everything that he lacked in marriage. More often than not, this is far from intimacy, but the self-awareness of a man next to a woman.

    Get to know him as a person. Becoming friends with him and making him open up to you is quite difficult. This can take a lot of time and patience. Since his affection for his wife may be much deeper than you, and he himself, it was assumed. A man should feel more than just sexual attraction for you. He needs to feel the need for you, feel safe with you, and confidently share his desires, fears, hopes and plans. In addition, getting to know him better, you can discover hitherto unknown traits of his character that you will not like and will make you reconsider your attitude towards this man.

    Date other men. Don't get hung up on one thing and don't get too attached to it. Men love the spirit of competition. Be careful, though, and don't say too much in your discussions. Trying to make him jealous can undermine his confidence in you.

    Don't show that you need him too much. Do not call, do not write, do not look for a meeting. He must come to you himself. If you start talking about love from the very first days, he may stop reaching out for you and just accept it and allow himself to be loved, and in speed he will leave (as was the case with his wife).

    Don't be jealous of a man for his wife. Don't be angry with her. As a woman, you should have compassion for her, because this is not her fault (or not only her).

    Don't become a family counselor for a man. The desire to help him solve problems with his wife will not make you more attractive in his eyes. Let him untie this knot himself.

  1. You shouldn't try to resist his wife in any way. By telling her about your relationship and her husband's betrayal, you thereby destroy all chances for a bright future next to him. A man can take this for a betrayal on your part and completely turn away from you.

    • Remember that it is important for a man to regain the sense of his masculine wealth, which he probably lost over the years of marriage. Therefore, you are required to just sit and accept everything that he can and wants to give you, without ceasing at the same time to admire and be proud of him.
    • If you think the same way, don't do anything behind his back. Let him solve his problems with his wife himself.


    • Even if you have managed to become very attached to a man, be ready to leave at any time, even if it causes you hellish pain. After all, it may also happen that he does not leave his wife.
    • According to statistics, most divorces are initiated by women. Consider this and do not stop considering the option that he will not leave his wife and hurt you.
    • It may take a man time to reflect on the whole situation and make a decision. Do not think that he is turning his back on you. Just be patient. When he comes to you, do not reproach him. Be gentle and welcoming.
    • Ask yourself why you need this particular married man? There are a lot of free guys around who are not averse to starting to look after you. Make sure your feelings are more than just the excitement that a man is not yet available. Often noticable and insecure women (sometimes as a result of psychological trauma received in childhood) hunt married men and by any means take them away from the family, just to amuse their wounded pride. As soon as a man becomes free, he becomes uninteresting. Therefore, before the situation becomes irreversible, answer yourself these questions.
    • Consider if you want to have a person next to him who does not respect his marriage obligations and does not know how to remain faithful to his legal spouse. Where is the confidence that the same will not happen to you? Agree that dishonesty, infidelity and deceit are not the best qualities for a man.
    • After a divorce from his wife, a man may feel tension, both emotionally and materially. The reality of everyday life can be very different from your romantic encounters before. He can only feel worse when he is left without a wife, money, reputation and friends (who often support the abandoned wife). Don't let him regret his decision.
    • Your reputation could be hurt too. It all depends on what social circles you are in. It will not remain a big secret for anyone that a man left the family precisely for you. This news may emerge at work, among mutual friends. Prepare to be criticized and negatively assessed. You will have to come to terms with judgments from some people, even if they are downright unfair. You should be prepared for the fact that relationships with some people can become strained or even deteriorate. The louder and more dramatic the divorce was, the more food for gossip the ill-wishers will have. Never let evil tongues affect your relationship. The best response to all critics is your strong family.
    • The wife can try by any means (sometimes even unsafe for you) to return the man to the family. You must be emotionally prepared for this.
    • If you nevertheless decide to stay by his side, you will have to admit that his wife will always be a part of his life (like the mother of his children, like a woman with whom warm memories and periods of life are connected). She was, is and will be in his life. It is impossible to erase the past and you must really understand it. But it is in your power to make it just a pleasant memory, nothing more.
    • Remember, someone who cheated once can do it again. If a man left his wife, he may leave you after a while.
    • In the event of a painful divorce, not only the wife can suffer, but also the children (if any). Consider whether you are ready to take on this responsibility. Will you be able to withstand his regular meetings with his ex-wife and children in the future, who will most likely hate you and blame you for the breakdown of the family?