What is the likelihood of getting pregnant after a miscarriage. Early and late miscarriages. Post-miscarriage examinations

In any female body, a hormonal surge occurs. The hormonal background changes too much and quickly, and this negatively affects the work of the ovaries, other organs and the entire body as a whole.

If you start bleeding profusely, you need long-term bleeding.

If, after the miscarriage happened, you underwent curettage, you have a damaged mucous membrane. The likelihood that an injured endometrium will be able to accept and hold a new fertilized egg is very small.

Is it possible to get pregnant again after a miscarriage

It is possible and necessary to become pregnant after a miscarriage. The only question is when exactly the time will come for a new pregnancy.

You can get pregnant in the first month after the interruption. The day you miscarried is the first day of your next cycle. In two or three weeks there will be the next one, then again. But this, in fact, is not worth it.

Do not rush to make a new attempt in order to forget the unpleasant situation. So that this time it ends with the birth of a healthy baby, you will have to wait.

How to get pregnant after a miscarriage

A pregnancy that occurs one month after a miscarriage is likely to end suddenly again. After three months, the chances of having a baby are significantly increased. But ideally, the female body will need a year to fully recover.

During this year, you will have time to go through all the necessary examinations. Doctors must find out the cause of the miscarriage, for this they will send the embryo for research. Perhaps he initially had abnormalities or pathologies and was not viable.

You will be tested for various infections and tested for sex hormones. If it turns out that the cause of the miscarriage was an infection untreated from the wound, you will be prescribed treatment, if it is an excess of hormones, then the doctors will work on your hormonal background.

To conceive a child after a miscarriage, it is necessary not only to conduct a complete examination, but also to give up addictions. Alcohol and nicotine reduce the likelihood of getting pregnant, they make sperm and eggs weak.

Eat right, avoid stress and strenuous physical activity. Follow all the recommendations of your doctor, tell him about all the changes in your health.

Spontaneous abortion is a big tragedy for every family. Couples treat this grief in different ways: some of them try to conceive again faster, others fear for a long time to become pregnant. Women who have experienced spontaneous abortion often ask gynecologists the question: "Is it possible to get pregnant after a miscarriage?" Our physiology is calculated that it is possible to do this within the first month after an abortion, but there are reasons why you should not get pregnant immediately after a miscarriage.

What is a miscarriage and what are its consequences

A miscarriage is the sudden termination of pregnancy due to poor health of the mother or the presence of abnormalities in the development of the fetus. This is a spontaneous abortion that occurs before the 28th week of the embryo's life. A miscarriage occurs, as a rule, in the early stages of embryo development (up to 2 months). This is how natural selection is carried out, because often the rejected fetus has genetic abnormalities. After the first 8 weeks of embryo development, the chance of miscarriage is halved.

Spontaneous abortion is divided into 2 main groups:

  1. Early... These include those cases when a miscarriage occurred at a short gestation period (up to 16 weeks). Why this happened in this case is very difficult to determine, and sometimes impossible.
  2. Late... This group includes those miscarriages that happened after 4 months of pregnancy. The cause is much easier to establish and is often an injury sustained by a pregnant woman or genetic abnormalities in the fetus.

Regardless of how long it happened in a pregnant woman, a serious hormonal change is carried out in her body, which affects the work of the whole body and especially the ovaries. The likely consequences could be:

  • Injury to the inner endometrium after cleaning the uterus, if this procedure was performed.
  • Changes in hormonal levels.
  • Significant blood loss if the miscarriage is accompanied by profuse bleeding.

Causes of miscarriage

  • "Natural selection"... The maternal organism rejects the fetus, which has defects that are incompatible with life. This often occurs in the early stages of pregnancy.
  • Unbalanced hormonal levels... Hormones have a strong effect on pregnancy, they can even provoke a miscarriage. They are produced by organs such as the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, and pituitary gland.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases... Sexual diseases such as gonorrhea, herpes infection, chlamydia and others can provoke serious inflammatory processes. During pregnancy, they worsen and melt the mucous plug of the uterus, activating the inflammation of the endometrium, which holds the ovum. Venous diseases lead not only to spontaneous abortion, but also to the fact that after a miscarriage it does not come out to get pregnant again.
  • Chronic illnesses... These include problems with body weight, metabolism, cardiovascular system. Women of normal weight are more likely to get pregnant than those who are obese or anorexic.
  • Deformation, mechanical damage to the uterus, adhesions, abortions and other operations on the genitals. The factor that caused the miscarriage is a weakened uterus, which cannot keep the fertilized egg inside. Sometimes pregnancy is hampered by an anomaly in the structure of the bend of the uterus.

Is it possible to get pregnant after a miscarriage?

Rest assured that pregnancy after a miscarriage is possible. Before deciding on this, parents-to-be have to make an important decision - when this will happen. Your answer should be influenced by two aspects: the woman's physical condition and her willingness to become pregnant again, as well as her psychological health. Don't let fear take over. Remember that getting ready for pregnancy will greatly increase your chances of carrying a healthy baby.

When can you get pregnant after a miscarriage? Obstetricians-gynecologists believe that women can plan pregnancy 12-24 weeks after the miscarriage. Other experts call a longer period of time - 1 year. However, the answer to this question should be a gynecologist who knows the individual characteristics of your body. After all, the important point will not be the time after which you will become pregnant, but whether you will be able to bear a healthy child. In order to prevent repeated termination of pregnancy, the causes that caused it should be eliminated.

- The likelihood of pregnancy after an early miscarriage

Pregnancy after an early miscarriage, for example 3 months after the incident, can be successful. The less time has passed since the spontaneous termination of pregnancy, the greater the risk of its recurrence. You cannot prevent this, but you will succeed in increasing your chances of a successful pregnancy. It is believed that it takes a year for the full recovery of the female body, so it is recommended to try re-fertilization after this time.

- What is the likelihood of getting pregnant after a late miscarriage

Is it possible to get pregnant after a miscarriage that occurs at a late stage of fetal development? The answer is yes. However, a new pregnancy should occur after proper recovery. Later, its spontaneous interruption often leads to weakness of the cervix. It takes time for the genitals of a woman who has experienced an unsuccessful pregnancy to return to normal. To protect a woman from a repetition of this, the doctor ties the cervix with a special sling for 33-36 weeks. This is a simple operation, and according to statistics, almost everyone who underwent it successfully gives birth to children.

If your health condition prevented a normal pregnancy, the gynecologist will prescribe treatment for you, after which you can try your luck again and safely give birth to a baby. However, if the doctors did not find any disease, then it is worth taking the following measures to create the necessary conditions for pregnancy:

  1. Complete calmness... The chances of getting pregnant after a miscarriage are greatly increased if you are not nervous. For this, the expectant mother should exclude from the environment everything that provokes irritation. Taking a vacation and a change of scenery is a good solution. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. If your nerves are still naughty, use your usual folk remedies - soothing herbal teas made from mint or lemon balm.
  2. Refrain from medications... It is worth minimizing the intake of any medications. However, if you are taking the drug on a regular basis, consult your doctor before stopping it.
  3. "No" bad habits... Both parents should give up cigarettes and alcoholic beverages. They have a detrimental effect on the quality of male semen and female eggs, which is why it can be problematic to get pregnant, and the fetus will develop abnormally.
  4. Take vitamins... Folic acid and vitamin E are especially important for expectant mothers; they prepare the body for the upcoming pregnancy and contribute to its correct course.
  5. A healthy diet... Women should eat well. If you have a lean physique, eat more protein and the right fat, which is found in seeds, olives, red fish, and avocados. The exchange of these two components directly affects the production of sex hormones.
  6. Weight Loss... If you have problems associated with obesity, it is worth filling the diet with plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits. Their part should be equal to at least 60% of the total daily food volume.

Video: how soon you can get pregnant after a miscarriage

If the parents have not been diagnosed with any diseases that interfere with fertilization, the period for a repeated attempt to conceive a child is determined only by their psychological readiness. Sometimes it is possible to become pregnant immediately after an unauthorized abortion, then they must be observed by a gynecologist all the time until the very birth. Having taken all measures during the recovery period to eliminate the possible causes that provoked the past miscarriage, future parents will have no reason to worry or hesitate.

Even women who have had 3 or more miscarriages remain more likely to conceive and give birth to a healthy child. To do this, future parents must understand that what happened cannot be considered a sign that they cannot give birth to a baby. The right mental attitude will have a strong positive effect on new conception and successful childbirth.

The worst thing that can happen during a desired pregnancy is its premature termination, or in other words, a miscarriage. Not only physical pain is experienced by a woman in this situation, but also moral. According to statistics, every third pregnancy is doomed to such a misfortune.

After a miscarriage occurs, a woman should visit the gynecological department for a comprehensive examination. Doctors will carry out a complete diagnosis of the body to identify the reason for this spontaneous abortion. Usually, this is facilitated by chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus, hormonal disorders, previous abortions, severe depression, genital infections, uterine folds, problems in the cardiovascular system, and much more. Having determined the cause of the miscarriage, the doctor will give qualified recommendations for the further planning of the next pregnancy. The prescribed tests will show abnormalities in the body that will need to be eliminated in order to be able to bear the child. It is not worthwhile to independently engage in pregnancy planning immediately after a miscarriage, because each subsequent spontaneous interruption reduces the possibility of becoming a mother. For subsequent successful gestation, you need to follow all the recommendations of the gynecologist. At least six months should pass before it will be possible to try to conceive a child again. During this period, you need to manage to treat the identified hormonal abnormalities and normalize the menstrual cycle. Emotional support from a partner is very important in this situation. After completing the course of treatment and receiving good tests, you can try to conceive again. If it happened that the pregnancy came before the permitted time, then you should not think that there will be a repetition of the past situation. The miscarriage that has happened has a negative effect on the psyche of a woman. Therefore, it is recommended to visit a family psychologist to get rid of the stressful condition. Yoga classes, relaxing massages, workouts in the gym, swimming in the pool have a good effect on raising the mood. A positive perception of what is happening will help the successful conception of a baby. For a positive result, you should revise your lifestyle and diet. Daily consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables helps to fill the body with vitamins. It is recommended to go for walks in the fresh air every day. Be sure to get rid of all bad habits that adversely affect your health. Drinking alcohol and smoking weaken the function of the eggs and sperm. Avoid strenuous physical labor. It is recommended to drink mint and lemon balm tea, which help to relax the body. Take vitamin E and folic acid, which will help in the proper development of pregnancy. If there are changes in the state of health, then immediately notify the gynecologist with whom you are being observed.

See your doctor regularly and follow their recommendations. Positive thinking and a healthy lifestyle contribute to the early onset of the desired pregnancy and its successful bearing.

The question of whether it is possible to become pregnant after a miscarriage worries all women who have suffered the loss of a child during pregnancy. They only come to realize it in different ways. Someone withdraws into themselves for a long time, moves away from communicating with relatives and does not seek to maintain contacts with loved ones. Someone is ready to rush into the pool headlong and immediately start trying to get pregnant after the misfortune.

In the ranks of scientists, there is no single point of view about whether it is possible to become pregnant immediately after a miscarriage or whether it is worth waiting for a longer period. However, it is known that the bulk of experts nevertheless agree that at least 3-6 months should pass from the time of the miscarriage before the onset of a new pregnancy. This is the optimal time to restore physical strength and psychological health.

Miscarriage - spontaneous abortion

Spontaneous termination of pregnancy occurs in 20% of women. About half of them do not even know about their pregnancy, so they are all the more unable to suspect a miscarriage. Basically, women experience single miscarriages, with subsequent attempts to get pregnant, the circumstances are favorable. And only 1% of women have spontaneous abortion more than 3 times in a row.

It should be remembered that with each miscarriage, the chance of a successful conception decreases. When asked if it is possible to get pregnant after a miscarriage, the answer is obvious - yes. In most situations, termination of pregnancy is not even subject to treatment, since it is an accidental coincidence. But there are situations in which it is necessary to understand in order to nullify the possibility of spontaneous abortion in the future.

Most miscarriages are due to chromosomal defects. With the death of an unviable embryo, natural selection occurs, when an organism unsuitable for life dies, unable to cope with the load imposed on it. Chromosomal abnormalities are a coincidence, but the higher the age of the mother and father, the higher the risk of their development. The risk group includes women who decide to give birth over the age of 35.

Is it possible to get pregnant immediately after a miscarriage

The physiology of the female body is such that recovery is quick. The body is ready for a new conception after a miscarriage already two weeks later. But gynecologists say that haste is undesirable. The next pregnancy should begin after careful and painstaking "correcting mistakes".

If up to six weeks the most common cause of spontaneous abortion is genetics, then at a later date, the responsibility falls mainly on infections and viruses that live in the mother's body and are transmitted to the embryo at the time of its development. Because of their appearance, a growing organism undergoes severe deformations, often incompatible with life. Given these data and being interested in how to get pregnant after a miscarriage, get tested for PPIs and ask your doctor what types of examinations you are recommended to undergo in order to identify the exact cause of the problem and eradicate it.

The question of how to get pregnant after a miscarriage is relevant for couples who want a baby. In this case, experts recommend that they go through the entire set of studies to identify possible causes of past failures. This includes examination of the hemostasis system, immune status, hormonal levels. If, as a result of the revealed data, treatment is required, check with your doctor how long it will take to get pregnant after a miscarriage and taking medication.

Is it possible to get pregnant after a miscarriage and is it safe

You should not make your own decision about the readiness of your body for conception. Consult with a specialist to rule out unreasonable risks. The doctor will tell you whether it is possible to get pregnant after a miscarriage, and what health consequences the decision will have. In the absence of contraindications after the examination and the measures taken to restore health, pregnancy is considered safe. A miscarriage in the early stages is usually less serious than in the later stages.

Women who are interested in whether it is possible to become pregnant after a miscarriage will also be interested in something else - to reduce the risks of negative conditions, it is worth changing their life and the life of a partner. You should lose weight, rebuild the diet with the inclusion of foods rich in valuable elements of the composition in the menu. It is necessary to exclude any traumatic factors - stress, depression, harmful factors at work. If the thought comes to your mind, is it possible to get pregnant a month after the miscarriage, drive it away. Perhaps the pregnancy will come and end with a safe delivery. But the opposite situation may occur, in which the question of whether it is possible to become pregnant immediately after a miscarriage when receiving an affirmative answer will be the beginning of a new tragedy in your life.

Is it possible to get pregnant after a miscarriage and what are the chances of success

The optimal period for a break between a failed pregnancy and a new conception is 3-6 months. During this time, the reproductive system is rehabilitated and restored to ensure full bearing of the fetus in the future. When asking your doctor how long it will take to get pregnant after a miscarriage, do not expect an answer that will mean that your body is immediately ready for transformation. The specialist will once again weigh all the risks and give the most optimal time for your couple.

It is known that after a single miscarriage, the chances of a woman are high, and they are only slightly lower than that of one whose history does not appear to have a miscarriage. If you received a positive answer to the question whether it is possible to become pregnant immediately after a miscarriage, but the miscarriage occurred a second time, the chances of a favorable outcome in the future reach 70%. If you already have three unsuccessful pregnancies that ended in a spontaneous abortion on your account, then the question of how to get pregnant after a miscarriage should not leave you alone, you still have a 50% chance of success.

When wondering if it is possible to get pregnant a month after a miscarriage, keep in mind that this period does not solve anything. So isn't it better to prepare a solid platform for your own child? Gain strength, accumulate positive emotions and decide to fulfill your plans as soon as the time comes. Don't forget about the benefits of vitamins. If you are interested in how to get pregnant after a miscarriage, ask your doctor about which vitamin complexes to give preference to. Most likely, the specialist will prescribe folic acid for you to reduce the risks of neural tube pathology in your unborn baby.

One more point - it is important to figure out why you are interested in how to get pregnant after an early miscarriage as quickly as possible. This desire should alert. Psychologists say that behind such a step is the woman's veiled guilt before her husband and family. If psychological discomfort is really present and the motives for having a child have an additional background, often after a miscarriage it is impossible to get pregnant, which is due to an unfavorable emotional background. Psychosomatics manifests itself in such an unusual way.

I can't get pregnant after a miscarriage - SOS, what to do

A woman can conceive a child almost immediately after a spontaneous abortion. With the return of normal ovarian function, the chance of conception increases, provided that contraceptive methods are not used. How long does it take to get pregnant after a miscarriage, you ask. After 10 days and even during bleeding, which means that you need to take a responsible approach to the issue of conception. If you want to recover, give yourself the time and opportunity to do so. A rested and re-energized body can more easily cope with adverse environmental factors and endure difficulties more easily.

But what about women who cannot get pregnant after a miscarriage? The answer is simple:

  1. Visit a specialist in the field of pregnancy planning. If necessary, go through the examination procedures recommended by the doctor, follow his recommendations;
  2. Go in for sports- sign up for fitness, go cycling, start jogging in the morning. Gradually increase the load, preparing the body for a new pregnancy;
  3. Don't get too caught up in thoughts, is it possible to give birth after a miscarriage. Enjoy sex with your partner. The more you are together, the higher the chance of conception. If the experts did not find the reasons for your infertility, and when asked whether it is possible to become pregnant after a miscarriage, you received an affirmative answer, implement this rule 100%.
  4. Use natural semen traps... Limit sexual intercourse a few days before ovulation in order to increase the amount of sperm in your partner, and on the day of ovulation indulge in all the joys of intimate life. By this time, enough sperm has accumulated and the chances of pregnancy will increase. In order not to get confused in determining the day of ovulation, buy a profile test at the pharmacy or track the process on an ultrasound scan.

And one more correct rule. Interested in how long after a miscarriage you can plan a pregnancy, do not get hung up on the answer, do not become dependent on it. Relax and try to distract yourself. Start a new hobby that engulfs you, start reading an exciting book or watch great TV shows in your spare time. Staying busy is the best cure for your troubles. And don't forget about bed play. After intercourse, try to lie still for a while, placing a pillow under your coccyx to drain the semen down into your vagina. This will increase her chances of meeting an egg. See how many things you have to do? Therefore, the question of how long it will take to become pregnant after a miscarriage, as psychologists advise, should be “let go a little”.

Recovery in accelerated mode

Doctors unanimously answer the question of how long after a miscarriage it is possible to plan a pregnancy, indicating a period within 3-6 months. Many even consider 3 months a short period and insist on a six-month separation from the previous pregnancy. In order for the recovery of forces to go faster, and the state of health did not inspire suspicion, it is recommended to perform a number of simple actions:

  • Drink plenty of fluids- not less than 2 liters per day;
  • Get enough sleep for 7-8 hours per day, rest, do not overload and do not overwork;
  • Organize a nutritious meal- food should be rich in protein, vitamins, microelements;
  • Protect yourself from overexertion after a miscarriage for at least a month, no need to take on difficult work, carry weights;
  • Do not use tampons for insertion into the vagina. Use pads if you have spotting;
  • Eliminate pool visits, saunas and even taking a bath for a period of a month. With the permission of the doctor, only a shower will be relevant at this time;
  • Avoid sexual intercourse until approved by your doctor. with a partner, so as not to let the infection into the body and not to injure the uterus additionally.

Find out which contraceptives are right for you during your recovery period. When the body recovers, you can remove drugs from use so that there is a possibility of a new pregnancy.

If the pregnancy is interrupted at a period of 9 weeks or more, there is a risk of milk fluid from the breast. Do not be alarmed when these symptoms appear. Soon they will disappear, but until that time, there may be soreness of the mammary glands, swelling, swelling and traces of discharge on clothes. These are hormonal processes that end up to several weeks after a spontaneous abortion. So that this situation does not bother you, wear a bust made of dense fabric using special sterile pads for nursing mothers.

According to statistics, spontaneous miscarriage accounts for 10 to 20% of all diagnosed pregnancies. After failure, many women try to conceive a child again. How does a new pregnancy go after a miscarriage?

Causes of miscarriage

Spontaneous miscarriage is the termination of pregnancy before the fetus reaches a viable term (22 weeks). The birth of a child after 22 weeks is called premature birth. In the latter case, the newborn is provided with all the necessary assistance so that the child can survive outside the mother's womb. Resuscitation measures are not carried out for up to 22 weeks.

Possible causes of miscarriage:

  • chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus;
  • intrauterine infection;
  • pathology of the blood coagulation system;
  • immunological disorders;
  • malformations of the uterus;
  • endocrine disorders.

According to statistics, about 80% of all miscarriages occur for up to 12 weeks... The first trimester is considered the most dangerous for the embryo, because at this time any impact can be fatal for him. Miscarriages occurring at a very early stage are mainly associated with chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus. After 6 weeks, the likelihood of infections and hormonal imbalances increases as possible causes of abortion. If a miscarriage occurs after 12 weeks, the cause should be sought in the hemostatic system.

It is not always possible to find out the exact cause of a miscarriage. Early termination of pregnancy is believed to be the result of natural selection. The woman's body is trying to get rid of the initially defective embryo in the only way available to it. That is why it is not customary in European countries to maintain early pregnancy. Domestic experts adhere to a different tactic and fight for every life, regardless of the gestational age.

In most cases, during a miscarriage, an already dead embryo is rejected. It happens that the fetus dies in utero, but its expulsion does not occur. A malfunction occurs, as a result of which the uterus does not contract, and the dead embryo remains inside for a long time. This condition is called regressive (non-developing) pregnancy and occurs in 20% of all cases of successful conception.

Factors provoking spontaneous miscarriage:

  • the woman's age (after 35 years, the risk of miscarriage is 20%, after 40 years - 40%);
  • the number of births and abortions (women with two or more pregnancies in the past have a higher risk of miscarriage);
  • spontaneous abortions in the past;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • bad habits (smoking more than 10 cigarettes per day increases the risk of miscarriage in the first trimester);
  • trauma;
  • fever (an increase in body temperature above 37.5 degrees increases the risk of spontaneous miscarriage);
  • taking medications (especially anti-inflammatory drugs);
  • lack of folic acid;

When does pregnancy occur after miscarriage?

For most women, a new pregnancy occurs 3-12 months after the miscarriage occurs. The likelihood of a successful conception is increased if the miscarriage has passed without complications. In the absence of other health problems, pregnancy may reoccur within the next month.

Spontaneous miscarriage is a condition that causes a lot of blood loss. Bleeding is a direct threat to a woman's life, so doctors do not recommend waiting for the ovum to exit on its own. The chance that the embryo, along with the membranes, will come out completely is not so great. With the development of bleeding against the background of a miscarriage, vacuum aspiration of the ovum and curettage of the uterine cavity are performed.

The procedure for removing the embryo along with the membranes is not always successful. After manipulation, the following complications are possible:

  • massive bleeding;
  • infection of the uterus;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • retention of parts of the ovum.

After the procedure, some women experience menstrual irregularities. Against this background, the onset of a new pregnancy may be delayed. It may take more than 6 months for the body to recover. In some cases, a woman needs to undergo a course of restorative therapy before thinking about conceiving a child. If pregnancy does not occur within 12 months, it is imperative to be examined by a specialist.

Planning a pregnancy after a miscarriage (pre-conception preparation)

Doctors advise not to rush into conceiving a child immediately after a spontaneous abortion. The minimum period for which the body has time to recover and prepare for pregnancy is 3 months. Some recommendations sound a period of at least 6 months. The duration of this interval depends on how the operation to remove the ovum went. If complications develop after the procedure, you should wait at least six months before thinking about a new pregnancy.

Before conceiving a child, a woman should be sure to be examined by a specialist:

  • tests for STIs;
  • blood hormones;
  • hemostasiogram;
  • autoimmune antibodies;
  • karyotype;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • geneticist consultation.

Screening for PPIs includes the delivery of tests for the main pathogens of the reproductive system infection. These include:

  • chlamydia;
  • mycoplasma and ureaplasma;
  • gardnarells;
  • herpes simplex virus;
  • cytomegalovirus;
  • gonococci;
  • Trichomonas;
  • yeast-like mushrooms;
  • other opportunistic flora.

To identify pathogens, it is enough to pass a bacteriological culture from the cervical canal and a smear from the vagina and urethra. With the help of bacterial culture, it is possible to assess the state of the normal microflora of the genital tract. The doctor may also recommend donating blood for antibodies to the herpes virus, cytomegalovirus, rubella and toxoplasma. Antibodies are determined by ELISA when taking venous blood.

Hormone testing includes:

  • luteinizing hormone (LH);
  • follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH);
  • prolactin;
  • estradiol;
  • progesterone;
  • testosterone;
  • 17-OPK;
  • cortisol;
  • DHEA-S.

These hormones must be passed to those women who in the past had problems with conceiving or bearing a child. Sex hormones are given on days 1-3 of the menstrual cycle in the morning on an empty stomach. The exception is progesterone, which is given on days 21-22 of the cycle (with a regular cycle of 28 days). If the menstrual cycle is irregular, you should check with your gynecologist for the exact time of the tests.

According to the indications, tests for other hormones are prescribed:

  • thyroid hormones (TSH, T3, T4);
  • antibodies to TSH receptors;
  • 17-ketosteroids;
  • other hormones in the direction of narrow specialists.

An analysis of the blood coagulation system is of great importance in diagnosing the cause of a miscarriage. All women whose pregnancy was interrupted in the early stages should have a hemostasiogram. If any deviations are found, it is imperative to get a consultation with a hemostasiologist. According to the analysis, the doctor will give his recommendations on planning a new pregnancy. You may need to undergo treatment or blood-altering medications throughout your next pregnancy.

Identifying autoimmune antibodies is an important step in preparing for conception. We are talking about the detection of APS (antiphospholipid syndrome). This disease is one of the most common causes of miscarriages after 10 weeks. If a woman has had 2 or more miscarriages in the past, an anti-APS antibody test is mandatory.

Fetal karyotyping is an analysis, the material for which must be taken directly during the operation for a miscarriage. During the procedure, the doctor not only removes the elements of the ovum, but also takes the tissue of the embryo for examination. Based on the results of the analysis, the doctor can confirm or deny various chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus.

If a chromosomal pathology is detected during karyotyping, a woman must definitely visit genetics. This should be done even if 2 or more miscarriages have occurred (even without a karyotype study). The doctor will draw up an individual genetic map and assess the possible risks for subsequent pregnancy. You should know that all the conclusions of a geneticist are only advisory in nature. The woman will have to make a decision about the possibility of a new pregnancy on her own, taking into account all the results of the examination and the existing risks.

For women with Rh negative blood, tests for Rh antibodies are added to the examination. An immunological conflict arises if an Rh-negative woman becomes pregnant with a fetus with an Rh-positive blood group. When antibodies appear in a woman's blood, there is a high risk of spontaneous miscarriage. It is necessary to find out if there are dangerous antibodies in the blood before the onset of a new pregnancy.

An ultrasound of the pelvic organs is performed for all women 7 days after a spontaneous miscarriage. According to the indications, a second ultrasound examination may be required in a month. If a year or more has passed since the miscarriage, it makes sense to have an ultrasound scan done by a good specialist again. If any pathology is detected, it is necessary to undergo examination and treatment by a gynecologist.

Further examination and treatment will depend on the detected pathology. If hormonal problems are identified, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist-endocrinologist. In case of violations of the blood coagulation system, a woman has a direct road to a hemostasiologist. In some cases, before planning a new pregnancy, you need to undergo surgical treatment by a gynecologist.

A spontaneous miscarriage can be caused by an exacerbation of chronic diseases (hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and others). In this case, even before conceiving a child, it is worth visiting an appropriate specialist and achieving remission. When a new pregnancy occurs, you will also have to periodically visit a doctor so as not to miss an exacerbation of the disease. With the competent supervision of a specialist, a woman has every chance to maintain a pregnancy and give birth to a healthy child in due time.

The course of pregnancy

A new pregnancy after a miscarriage in the past is a great joy for any woman. Unfortunately, this period does not always go well. A woman who once had a miscarriage is at risk of developing a wide variety of complications. If in the past the expectant mother had 2 or more abortions, the risk of an unfavorable outcome increases several times.

In the early stages, the likelihood of repeated miscarriage is high.... The risk of spontaneous abortion is increased in women who have not received the necessary training before conceiving a child. Often, a second miscarriage occurs at the same time as the previous one. When the first signs of a threat of termination of pregnancy appear, a woman should immediately see a doctor and start conserving therapy.

In the second half of pregnancy, the risk of spontaneous miscarriage is significantly reduced. Here, other problems appear that can significantly affect the course of the II and III trimesters. Many expectant mothers have placental insufficiency, as a result of which the baby suffers from a lack of oxygen and nutrients. In severe cases, fetal growth retardation and the birth of a child with low body weight and various health problems are possible.

Women who have had a miscarriage in the past have several the risk of premature birth increases... The generic process also does not always proceed well and may end with a cesarean section. The likelihood of such an outcome cannot be predicted. For many expectant mothers, pregnancy is proceeding quite safely, and nothing prevents the baby from being born in the time programmed by nature.

The prognosis for the course of a new pregnancy after a single miscarriage is quite favorable. The risk of another fetal loss increases by 20%, but even in this situation, many women safely carry and give birth to healthy children. Competent pregravid preparation significantly increases the chance of a successful outcome even in the case of multiple miscarriages in the past.