What cosmetic procedures are possible for pregnant women. Cosmetology procedures during pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy, many women do not stop actively caring for themselves. Beauty salons, hair coloring, manicure and massage. What cosmetic procedures can be done to pregnant women without harm?



Hair dyeing for pregnant women has its own peculiarities, for example, it is recommended to use ammonia-free dyes from well-known manufacturers that guarantee the safety and quality of their products, for example Kydra Nature, Paul Mitchell. The most harmful substances are formaldehydes and ammonia, so ask your technician about the composition of the dye he is going to use.

Recovery procedures

To restore hair during pregnancy, professional highly effective procedures can and should be used, for example, keraplasty - hair restoration with keratin. Keratin is a building material of hair, which is destroyed by ultraviolet radiation, hot styling, staining with aggressive dyes. A course of 3-5 keraplasty procedures will allow you to forget about hair problems, since the hair does not return to its original state.

A haircut

In this regard, there are no prohibitions, but you should pay attention to those haircuts that will be easy to style. In any case, one must not forget about grooming procedures, because the mother's body spends a lot of energy on building a new creature, and, as a rule, the mother's body does not have resources to maintain healthy hair.

Home masks

Homemade masks should be done at least once a week: the most useful are those that contain yolk, oils, honey, and fermented milk products. For example, stir one yolk, a teaspoon of olive oil and add half a teaspoon of brandy, apply the composition to your hair and leave it on for half an hour. Rinse and style your hair as usual. Enjoy!



Facial massage is, in principle, a useful procedure, and for pregnant women it is irreplaceable. Firstly, it has a pronounced relaxing effect on the muscles of the face; secondly, it relieves puffiness, which often occurs in pregnant women; thirdly, it helps to improve blood circulation in the tissues of the face and neck. You can do the massage yourself, but it is much more pleasant and useful to contact a massage master.


The question of the benefits of traditional mechanical cleaning is still controversial. And since at any period of life it is better to abandon it in favor of peeling, you should not do this procedure during pregnancy.

You can do a gas-liquid peeling, which will gently cleanse the pores from impurities, wash away dead cells from the skin surface, moisturize and improve the complexion. It is possible to use gentle fruit and milk peels, they are not contraindicated in pregnancy.

Injections (mesotherapy, hyaluronic acid, botox)

Pregnancy and lactation are contraindications for mesotherapy, biorevitalization, contour plastics, vector lifting and volumetric modeling. Therefore, it is worth postponing all beauty injections until the period when you finish breastfeeding.

Very often you can hear how beautiful pregnant women look, how they look prettier and younger. Unfortunately, most often this is common flattery and a desire to please a woman in such a joyful and difficult situation. Sharp changes in hormonal levels are reflected not only in the woman's mood, but also in her appearance. The figure, skin, hair undergoes changes. There are a lot of changes, and often they do not improve a woman's appearance.

Another problem for all pregnant women is the huge number of restrictions that literally prohibit normal self-care. Someone advises not to have a haircut, someone strictly prohibits hair coloring and the use of modern cosmetics. This is partly justified by the possible harm from the use of cosmetics, but more often it is based on deep superstitions.

We will try to figure out which procedures aimed at improving the appearance are allowed for women during pregnancy, and which are not, is it possible to use cosmetics, and how to ensure a blooming appearance in such a difficult period.

Body care during pregnancy

One of the main concerns of all expectant mothers is preventing the appearance of stretch marks. But do not forget that this problem is not the only one and care should be comprehensive. An important component of body care during pregnancy is hydration and work to prevent swelling. The easiest way is to purchase a special moisturizer for pregnant women at the pharmacy. By the way, such creams often contain anti-stretch marks complexes.

The easiest way to prevent stretch marks is to use a special cream. But many women prefer. Indeed, the systematic use of a variety of oils noticeably improves the condition of the skin and to some extent prevents the appearance of stretch marks. You can buy almond oil, coconut oil, or wheatgrass oil. You can also use regular olive oil. Every day, risk areas, such as the abdomen, thighs, chest and inner surface of the upper arms, should be lubricated with oil, lightly massaging. It is necessary to continue the procedure from 12 weeks of pregnancy and a few more weeks or even months after childbirth.

Is it possible to visit the bathhouse and do massage during pregnancy

All lovers of saunas and baths will be disappointed - you cannot visit them during pregnancy. Of course, there are women who say that they went to the bathhouse "to the last" and nothing happened to them, but there are very few of them. Those with whom "happened" prefer to keep silent about their misfortune and stupidity. You need to understand that high temperatures provoke overheating of the body, increased blood circulation, which can lead to spontaneous abortion. In addition, overheating in the early stages of pregnancy can lead to improper formation of the organs of the unborn baby.

No matter how much you want to take a steam bath, this is exactly the situation when it is better to overdo it than not to overdo it, and not to expose yourself to unnecessary risk. For the same reason, many other thermal procedures, for example, wraps, are contraindicated for pregnant women. But the restrictions on massage are not so strict. On the contrary, some types of massage can be beneficial during pregnancy.
Everyone knows that many women develop in late pregnancy. Also, pains in the lower back and legs are integral companions of pregnancy. A properly selected massage will help to cope with this situation. A light foot massage relieves tension and fatigue, while lymphatic drainage massage helps to reduce tissue swelling. But you need to remember that you can visit a masseur only after consulting your doctor. It is imperative to warn the masseur about his interesting position so that he carefully avoids all possible "dangerous zones".

Hair care during pregnancy

A huge amount of superstition and prejudice is associated with hair care during pregnancy. That only is a complete ban on haircuts and hair dyeing. Although, in reality, hair care during pregnancy is not much different from that at any other time. Of course, hormone surges are reflected in the condition of the hair, but in most cases, these changes are positive. Many healthy pregnant women have thicker, healthier hair and even faster hair growth. Very often the hair grows, so you have to wash it more often. But dry and fine hair gains new shine and strength.

As for cutting your hair, there are no restrictions, unless, of course, you are afraid of black cats and other signs. The situation with hair coloring is a little more difficult. Most modern hair dye products are completely harmless and do not penetrate into the body, so they can be used. But it is necessary that the hairdresser is well ventilated, since the smells of paints are usually not very pleasant.

If you decide to dye your hair, be sure to tell the hairdresser about your condition, he will help you choose the most gentle dyeing methods and the most harmless dyes. You can, for example, choose a tinting balm or paint with a minimum oxidant content. The same rule applies to perm. It is not contraindicated, you just need to choose the most gentle means and take into account the condition of the hair.

Manicure and pedicure during pregnancy

Many girls refuse to use nail polishes during pregnancy, believing that they can somehow harm the baby. This is a delusion, you can paint your nails, the varnish is on the surface of the nail and does not affect the health of the fetus in any way. The only caveat is to paint them in a well-ventilated area.

In general, there are no restrictions on or pedicure during pregnancy, it is advisable only to avoid highly traumatic procedures, since they can bring unpleasant sensations that no pregnant woman needs. It is also worth giving up nail extension during this period. During this period, very often the material simply does not stick to the nails, which is associated with hormonal changes in the body.

Hardware cosmetology procedures

But as for hardware cosmetology procedures, then most of them will have to be forgotten during pregnancy. Any procedures that can affect the general blood circulation are strictly contraindicated, these are photo procedures, laser procedures, as well as active massage. Massage in the neck area, collar area and on the back of the head is especially dangerous.

Also, during pregnancy, the conduct of procedures that are accompanied by strong painful sensations, for example, a laser, photo procedures, a variety of injection procedures (including mesotherapy), is strongly limited. Women with a low pain threshold are sometimes allowed mesotherapy with a vitamin cocktail and hyaluronic acid, but this is done only with the consent of the doctor. No matter how nervous the first ones are, Botox injections are strictly prohibited.

As for a variety of peels, most of them are also not welcome, as they can lead to pain, trauma, infection. Only non-aggressive chemical peeling has no contraindications. It has no systemic effect, does not lead to unpleasant sensations and practically does not injure the skin.

Almost all procedures aimed at nourishing, relaxing and moisturizing the skin are allowed. But you need to report your condition and be interested in whether this or that procedure is contraindicated for you.

Epilation and depilation during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the safest and most desirable depilation method to use is a razor. You can also use a quality depilatory cream, it does not stay on the skin for long and does not have a systemic effect. But the removal of hairs from the root is a more dangerous and painful procedure, so there are some limitations.

It is possible to remove hairs using an electric epilator, wax or other similar techniques only if you have resorted to this procedure for a long time and often, and the painful sensations are already reduced and familiar. But even in this case, epilation in the bikini area should be abandoned, since it is difficult to predict its consequences.

All modern methods of dealing with unwanted vegetation on the body, such as electro-, photo- and laser hair removal during pregnancy are contraindicated. In order not to harm your unborn baby, it is better to postpone the procedure until the postpartum period.

Facial skin care during pregnancy

The behavior of facial skin during pregnancy is simply unpredictable. Constant jumps in the hormonal background lead to the fact that the skin, which was dry yesterday, can today please with an oily sheen, and as soon as you buy a cream for oily skin, it turns out that it is no longer suitable. It is necessary to immediately prepare for the fact that in most women during pregnancy, the skin becomes more oily, so it is better to choose light moisturizers. By the way, hydration is a very important step in skin care, especially in the third trimester, when doctors insist on limiting fluid intake. If you are accustomed to using rich, fatty creams in winter, get ready for the fact that this winter you will need to choose lighter products.

When choosing a cosmetic product for facial skin care, it is imperative to monitor the degree of its safety for the unborn baby. Fortunately, the likelihood of purchasing a frankly dangerous product in our stores is minimal, but you need to give preference to the highest quality cosmetics that have passed all the necessary tests. The second option is home cosmetics. You can learn how to prepare cosmetics yourself or buy ready-made ones from the manufacturer. Then you can ask to add to the cream exactly those components that you like and will definitely not cause trouble.

Pregnant women and lactating mothers often complain of a huge number of restrictions on personal care. Some of them are quite justified: hormonal changes in the body completely change the standard reaction and not that hair dye - the usual mascara can cause. However, some limitations are associated more with beliefs or lack of truthful information.

What cosmetic procedures can be done for pregnant and lactating mothers

What are such restrictions actually associated with?

  • First, with a change in the tissues themselves: skin, hair, nails. During pregnancy, they become looser, hypersensitive, thinner. This is a natural process associated with bearing a fetus.
  • Secondly, the pain threshold rises and procedures that previously did not cause much discomfort - epilation of the legs, for example, turns into extremely painful. Against the background of painful sensations, inflammation develops easily, which should not be allowed. In addition, a sensitivity to odors appears, which makes many cosmetic procedures impracticable.
  • Thirdly, the expansion of blood and lymph vessels significantly increases the risk of injury and bleeding.
  • Fourth, so many commonplace phenomena turn into threats. Vibration, electromagnetic impulses, physical activity, even music with an abundance of too low or too high frequencies can provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus, which leads to a miscarriage.

The severity of certain restrictions is associated with the condition of the expectant or nursing mother, but they cannot be ignored. On the other hand, cosmetic procedures for which the listed factors are invalid are quite feasible.

In no case should you refuse to take care of yourself: a beautiful appearance is a good reason for a great mood, and the latter is more than desirable for a pregnant or young mother.

The video below talks about beauty treatments during pregnancy:


All cosmetic procedures can be divided into acceptable, relatively acceptable and prohibited. But in any case, before going to a beauty salon, you should consult with the leading doctor, and also repeat everything. With the restructuring of the hormonal background, the indicators can change markedly.

Pregnant and lactating mothers are allowed to resort to the following procedures:

  • - it helps to improve skin tone and, from which many expectant mothers suffer;
  • - with fruit acids,. At home, it is preferable to use scrubs with neutral abrasive particles: brewed ground coffee, salt, sugar;
  • moisturizing masks for sensitive skin- as a rule, during pregnancy, the water balance of the skin is disturbed. For the same reasons, it is recommended to switch to moisturizers and thermal water;
  • manicure and pedicure- procedures are completely safe. The only limitation here may be the smell of varnish or solvent. If sensitivity appears to them, it is worth looking for other means;
  • using oils as creams and masks not only permitted but strongly recommended. During pregnancy, it is almost inevitable. To at least to some extent prevent the appearance, it is advisable to lubricate the skin with almond, linseed, olive oil. Moreover, this recommendation is relevant for both;
  • head, back, neck, arms and legs massage... Low-intensity procedures are selected, aimed at relaxing the muscles, relieving edema. The massage therapist must be warned about pregnancy, since many techniques are prohibited in this state. Massage for a nursing mother has fewer restrictions.

Treatments with relative contraindications

This category includes procedures that can be performed at a certain stage of pregnancy or in the absence of a particular complication. And in such cases, a consultation with a doctor is necessary.

These include:

  • epilation- as such, it has no restrictions. But it is allowed to perform only with a low pain threshold. The point is not even that the woman herself is experiencing much more severe pain than it should be, but that the pain syndrome increases the tone of the uterus, and this is dangerous. In addition, due to the looseness of the skin and vasodilation, the risk of injury increases;
  • depilation- salt and sugar, not available to everyone for the same reasons. Nursing mothers can use depilation without restrictions;
  • - vasodilatation, fragility of the walls increases the risk of injury. On short terms, this factor is not so great and the procedure is allowed;
  • hair coloring- it is allowed, provided that an ammonia-free product is used and a pregnant or lactating woman is not allergic to its smell;
  • perm.- in the first trimester, it is highly undesirable due to an unforeseen reaction to the smells of the substances used. B 2 and 3 are allowed if sparing agents are used. It should be borne in mind that the hair at this moment is very weakened and any radical procedures affect the condition of the curls much more noticeably. If a woman is already losing her hair, it is necessary to refrain from curling and dyeing. During the feeding period, the restrictions are the same;
  • nail extension- is allowed or allowed for the same reasons. The procedure itself does not pose any danger, but chemicals with a pungent odor are used. If a woman is not sensitive to them, then it is carried out only in a well-ventilated area;
  • tattoo- the painfulness of the procedures increases markedly. In addition, due to the looseness of the skin and intense lymph flow, the coloring pigments are destroyed much faster, "spread", deforming the applied pattern, so that the result is completely unattractive;
  • based- is allowed if the woman does not show an excessive painful reaction. But here it is worth considering one more feature: artificially introduced substances during pregnancy and lactation are consumed much faster, therefore the result of mesotherapy is kept for a very short time;
  • dry air sauna- allowed by individual indications. A bath is in any case an excess of heat, and it is far from always useful. It is not for nothing that our ancestors got rid of unwanted children by visiting a bathhouse, so this procedure is carried out only after the permission of the doctor.

This video will tell you about the allowed and prohibited beauty procedures for pregnant women:


Absolute contraindications are associated with all factors that can cause the activity of the myometrium and potentially threatening miscarriage. Of course, there are exceptions, but much less often than it seems.

Prohibited procedures include:

  • solarium- is strictly prohibited. During pregnancy, such an intense radiation not only causes, but also affects negatively the state of the cardiovascular system and the endocrine system. In addition, the danger increases dramatically;
  • thermal procedures- this includes not only a sauna or a bath, but also any procedures with a low or high temperature: mud, chocolate, and so on. Excess heat is quite capable of causing increased activity of the myometrium, which leads to miscarriages and premature birth;
  • banned intensive general massage especially challenging. This effect stimulates the tone of the uterus, which is unacceptable;
  • any hardware procedures based on the use of micro-frequencies, radio frequencies, or, including laser or, are under an absolute ban;
  • all types of medium or deep peeling in such a state are impracticable. Mechanical ones are fraught with damage to blood vessels, bleeding, and the appearance of scars. Chemicals threaten with poisoning, and not only women, but also the child, since the substances used in this case easily enter the bloodstream, and from there through the placenta to the fetus or through milk to the child. In addition, such procedures are painful in the usual state, and even with sensitivity to pain, they become unbearable;
  • or mesotherapy with hormonal or placental drugs is strictly prohibited. The body already undergoes severe hormonal changes;
  • contour correction with not executed. Firstly, the reaction to the drug becomes unpredictable, and secondly, the result lasts for a very short time.

The only relative exception to the list is laser peeling for stretch marks removal. The latter should be eliminated within six months after giving birth, that is, even during feeding, otherwise it will be simply impossible to remove them.

Plastic surgery during such periods

Any surgical intervention during pregnancy is highly undesirable. Hormonal changes, dilation of blood and lymph vessels, an increase in blood and lymph volume, displacement of organs and other factors turn the simplest operation into a procedure fraught with severe blood loss.

It is no less dangerous. Acceptable operations requiring local anesthesia, which is administered directly on the operated site - dental procedures, for example. Operations under general anesthesia are performed only for health reasons.

The fact is that without exception, all anesthesia drugs penetrate the placenta, and, therefore, affect the development of the fetus. In addition, the drug disrupts uterine and placental blood flow, which impairs the nutrition of the fetus. In the 3rd semester, the situation becomes even worse: the abdominal organs are displaced and "pinched", large blood vessels are pressed down, which reduces blood flow. The pressure in the peritoneum decreases the working volume of the lungs, which markedly increases the risk of hypoxia during general anesthesia. During this period, they try to postpone the operation at least until the formation of lungs in the fetus, and sometimes they cause premature birth.

Obviously, there can be no talk of any kind of plastic surgery during pregnancy.

The same applies to the period of breastfeeding .. The process itself becomes a contraindication - anesthetic drugs enter the milk and often lead to its disappearance, and the woman's condition - until the volume of blood and lymph has returned to its previous indicators, and the hormonal balance is not restored, resort surgical intervention is prohibited.


Of all the methods of plastic surgery, only procedures performed under local anesthesia and necessary to eliminate a defect are considered acceptable. Moreover, a defect does not mean aesthetics, but damage that reduces the functionality of the organ.

Such an exception most often becomes - operations on the nose. An example is if its shape does not allow a pregnant woman to breathe fully. In this case, the risk of plastic surgery is less than the benefits it will bring to the unborn child.

No other surgeries are allowed during breastfeeding. Milk production requires almost the same volume of blood and lymph as pregnancy. Until these 2 indicators are normalized, any surgical intervention is fraught with severe blood loss. So, all possible types of plastic surgery to restore attractiveness are postponed for at least a year after childbirth, until the hormonal balance returns to normal.


Any plastic surgery, especially those associated with the use of general anesthesia, is prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding. After the end of the lactation period, and, and, and, and are allowed.

However, it is worth remembering that if the face correction is carried out at any other time, then it makes sense to do abdominoplasty or mammoplasty only if the woman does not plan the next pregnancy within 5 years. Otherwise, the result is saved for a short time.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding causes a change in all body tissues and the restructuring of all systems. This severely limits the range of acceptable cosmetic care procedures and completely prohibits any kind of surgical correction.

How much time you need to wait, and where to start plastic surgery after pregnancy, this video will tell:

We are lucky to become mothers at a time when not cutting our hair during pregnancy is considered just a superstition, and not a hard and fast rule. All psychologists are convinced that the expectant mother should feel beautiful and positive for a successful pregnancy and the emotional comfort of the child. And what woman, expectant mother does not want to make herself even more beautiful with the help of affordable cosmetic procedures? Yes, pregnancy imposes restrictions, but there are fewer of them than everyone usually thinks.

Cosmetology procedures - what is possible?

The list of cosmetic procedures during pregnancy that specialists can vouch for:

  • Using an epilator. There is no ban on this. The only problem is an increase in sensitivity, which means soreness. Waxing is also acceptable.
  • Drainage massage of the face and neck. This massage will help relieve swelling and improve skin tone.
  • Body massage. Only these should be special conditions for the massage of pregnant women. The massage therapist should be aware of pregnancy. Before that, you need to consult your doctor. Some salons may have special tables for pregnant women. If you have toxicosis, your doctor should choose a cream that smells good. A body massage will help relieve pain, tension, stress and improve blood circulation.
  • Relaxing foot massage. This is a very pleasant procedure that relieves pain and swelling. But if there are varicose veins on the legs, massage may be prohibited. Consult your doctor.
  • Body peeling. Only salts should be chosen for this procedure.
  • Body wraps with natural oils. Before doing this, consult your doctor about which oil will not hurt.
  • Manicure and pedicure. SPA and Japanese methods are especially good. If you have toxicosis, sit closer to the window or ask to open the door for ventilation. This will make the smell less annoying. Just don't sit in a draft.
  • Facial peeling with fruit acids. The exfoliation should be very gentle.
  • Mesotherapy based on hyaluronic acid, herbal extracts, with the addition of vitamins. Allowed only for pregnant women who do not have an increased reaction to pain.
  • Moisturizing creams for face and body. Moisturizers are especially important in the third trimester, when there may be restrictions on the recommendations of the doctor in the intake of liquids. The composition of the creams should be as natural as possible.
  • Thermal water. It will be useful especially in summer and winter indoors, but it is useful to use it at any time of the year. You can spray immediately after cleansing the skin. The skin will be hydrated and the appearance of irritation and redness will be minimized.
  • Sauna, bath. They are not allowed for everyone, according to strictly individual indications and only certain types of them. Always consult your doctor. The steam bath and sauna bring excess heat. They are especially dangerous in the first trimester. For pregnant women with a normal course of pregnancy, a dry-air sauna is more recommended.

Cosmetological procedures - what is not allowed?

For pregnant women, the list of "doctors AGAINST" includes:

  • Hair coloring for at least the first 4 months. The chemical composition of the paint passes through the skin into the mother's body, and then passes through the placenta to the child. For many mothers, the smell of paint itself can become problematic. As a last resort, some experts recommend using ammonia-free paints and painting at home or better with a friend. Do not overexpose the painting time. Immediately after painting, you should go for a walk and open all the windows of the house. Doctors warn that due to hormonal changes, hair dye can lie poorly and differ slightly from the usual shade. Lightening and painting in light colors will be especially unpredictable.
  • Perm. The chemical composition is unambiguously harmful, and the effect itself may not be the one that can be expected. At the same time, there are no contraindications to such procedures as hair extension or hair lamination.
  • Laser and photo epilation.
  • Extension of nails. The substances used for nail extension are toxic compounds, especially methacrylate, and have a pungent odor. We are assured that the amount used for building up does not carry a volume that is dangerous for a child. Still, it is not worth the extra one to expose the unborn child to potential danger.
  • Facial peeling with retinolic acid, ultrasonic peeling.
  • Mechanical cleaning. It can provoke infection and only increase skin irritation. We should not forget about the increased sensitivity of pregnant women.
  • Whitening procedures. Retinol-based procedures are strictly prohibited. If you are concerned about age spots, try using folk remedies. In general, they will certainly disappear after childbirth or the end of breastfeeding.
  • Placental and hormonal mesotherapy.
  • Hot, coffee, chocolate, mud and seaweed wraps.
  • Solarium. At the very least, it increases the risk of hyperpigmentation. Do not forget about the increased risk of cancer.
  • Tattoo. Substances for tattooing penetrate the body, which means they get to the child, which is not desirable.
  • Active massage. It can significantly affect the state of blood circulation, which will destabilize the condition of the pregnant woman.

Remember that during pregnancy, immunity decreases, there is a tendency to hyperpigmentation, edema and allergic reactions. Consider any cosmetology procedures from these angles. Allow yourself to become even more beautiful with safe products that are free from dyes, preservatives and toxic substances. Try not to schedule multiple procedures in the salon at once, do not overwork. Stay less in the cabin, so as not to inhale all kinds of substances and odors.

Look at yourself in the mirror, smile charmingly - you are beautiful!

Natalia Mazhirina
Center "ABC for Parents"

Often, the need for procedures in pregnant women is caused not by an ordinary whim, but by a deterioration in the condition of the skin and hair. During the period of expectation of the child, the expectant mother begins hormonal disruptions and restructuring, and this almost always provokes problems with appearance.

Many cosmetic procedures for pregnant women are highly undesirable. We asked the cosmetologist, dermatologist Tatyana Yurchenko about what is forbidden to do during the nine months of waiting for a child, how doctors and pregnant women themselves get out of the situation.

Features of cosmetology for pregnant women

This period in a woman's life is an absolute contraindication for any injection and hardware techniques, since there are no studies that would be carried out on pregnant women. All procedures are done under the condition not to harm the child, so that there is no toxic or chemical effects.

Many experts believe that during pregnancy it is not advisable to use any physical effects on the skin: cold (cryotherapy), heat, using current, laser and ultrasound, except mechanical. Masks and treatments with substances that have a high absorption capacity and toxicity (for example, retinol, phenol, salicylic acid) are prohibited. All procedures should be gentle with external preparations, nourishing and moisturizing creams, and the preparations should be selected in consultation with a cosmetologist and voiced to an obstetrician-gynecologist. Although it is easier now than a few years ago, there are many eco-, bio- and organic cosmetics that a pregnant woman can put on herself from head to toe. But here it should be borne in mind that during pregnancy, any substance that has not previously given an allergic reaction can cause it. Usually, the beautician conducts preliminary tests on the forearm and the side of the neck.

The specificity of pregnant women is also that they are very suspicious during this period. Even if a woman undergoes some absolutely safe procedure, and then something happens to her for a different reason, she is inclined to blame everyone, including the beautician, for this, so they often refuse to work with pregnant women.


Pregnant women often have problems with the skin of the face. Acne is common. Of all existing peels - mechanical (scrubs), chemical (acids), enzymatic (for example, the enzyme papain obtained from papaya) - all chemical preparations are prohibited. Mechanical cleaning, superficial exfoliation with gommages, ultrasonic peeling for any month are recommended. Enzyme peels can also be done. They are so light that you cannot even call them peels - they are light acids.


Pregnant women often experience increased growth of vellus hair on the body, limbs and face. Most of all - in swarthy women. This is due to the fact that the main hormone of pregnancy is chorionic gonadotropin. It stimulates the production of steroid hormones in the fetus and affects the mother's pituitary gland, in which it stimulates the production of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, the sensitive receptors to which are located in the vellus hair follicles. After pregnancy, the problem can go away on its own, and during it, in any trimester, only mechanical hair removal is recommended (shugaring - professional sugar depilation, wax depilation). But even if a pregnant girl has brown eyes, dark hair and depilation, there is a possibility of pigmentation. Laser and photoepilation is not performed for pregnant women due to the lack of evidence of their safety.

Whitening procedures

The most common problem in pregnant women is darkening of the white line of the abdomen. In 90% of cases, pigmentation appears in the armpits and genitals. In 95% - in the area of ​​the nipples and areolas in women who are pregnant for the first time, and in 100% of cases - in pregnant women again. The most unpleasant thing is the pigmentation on the face (melasma), which often does not go away even after pregnancy and breastfeeding. At the same time, whitening procedures for pregnant women cannot be done, since they are quite aggressive. Whitening does not consist in applying creams, but most often it is injections, peels and then care procedures. The only way to deal with such pigmentation is the use of sunscreens throughout pregnancy and lactation with a factor of at least 30, and preferably 50 SPF.


Although there are many different wraps, they are categorically contraindicated during this period - a pregnant woman can neither warm, nor cool, nor wrap anything. The only thing a beautician can work with during this period is legs. With a stomach, back, sides - you can’t. Throughout pregnancy, they should be smeared with creams and oils for pregnant women, or natural oils, including olive, fortified serums, in order to try to prevent stretch marks on the skin of the abdomen, thighs and buttocks. Although in reality, stretch marks are often a genetic problem. Roughly speaking, if mom and grandmother had them, then whatever you do, you will also have them.


Officially, pregnant women are prohibited from all injections, for example, such as botox, hyaluronic acid, etc. Hormonal drugs are strictly prohibited to inject. For example, the extract of the placenta of humans and animals, which are usually used for non-pregnant mesotherapy.

Some women who love injections are not stopped by pregnancy, although due to changes in hormonal levels, no one knows how this will affect the skin.


It is categorically impossible to do vacuum massage, as well as classical massage with sports one. Although some pregnant women manage to do a vacuum on the buttocks. Theoretically, you can walk on your hips not at maximum power, the main thing is not to touch your stomach and sides.

You can do general massages that involve the face and body. They are done for pregnant women in a lateral position and are aimed primarily at lymphatic drainage to relieve swelling, relaxation and relaxation. Any face massage can be done. To prevent hair loss, head massages are done.

Marina Frolova

Thank you for your help in preparing the material of cosmetologist, dermatologist Tatyana Yurchenko ( [email protected]).