Calendar plan on the topic spring middle group. Calendar-thematic planning in the middle group. Theme week "Spring"

Average preschool age from 14.03 to 18.03

Target: Expanding children's understanding of the seasonal change in spring.


To develop the ability of children to distinguish changes in nature;

to consolidate the idea of ​​​​spring clothes.

· To consolidate the idea of ​​migratory birds in the spring.

Encourage children to reflect the impression of spring in different activities.

· Promote respect for nature.

Final event- exhibition of drawings "Spring is red".

Introductory-motivational stage. Draw the attention of children to the design of the group, pictures of spring, migratory birds, spring clothes hang on the board. Reading a poem about spring. Can you guys guess what we are going to talk about this week? What do you know about spring? What would you like to know?

Spring has come - red and behold.
He distributes his gifts:
Forest trees and animals
Fluffy white clouds.
Someone leaves and grass
Someone blue sky
I call someone drops,
To someone the cheerful trill of birds,
Someone will change their coats
Someone caresses the wind.
And warm sunshine
And the first gentle flower.


Day of the week.


1. Physical education.

According to the plan of the head of the FIZO.

2. Cognitive research activity. FTsKM.

Target. To promote the development of cognitive - research activities of children; expand horizons.


1. Expand and enrich children's knowledge about spring changes in nature: snow melts, rivers overflow, birds fly, etc.

2.Create conditions for the development in children of the ability to observe, analyze changes in nature

3. To cultivate a sensitive and careful attitude to nature.

Morning collection. Conversation: “Why do people say “spring is red”?

Purpose: to continue to develop speech as a means of communication. Encourage children to share a variety of information with the teacher and children.

Labor activity.

Canteen duty.

Purpose: to teach independently, to fulfill the duties of a duty officer (carefully arrange cutlery)

Finger g-ka.

Articulation g-ka.

"Pipe", "Jam".

Morning Mrs. A.

"Spring is coming."


Observation of the work of a janitor Objectives: - to form a willingness to help, the ability to evaluate the results of work; - to cultivate respect for working people; - develop speech, increase vocabulary (the name and purpose of the janitor's working inventory).

Who cleans up the tracks?

What does a janitor do?

Individual work:

“Be the smartest! ".

Purpose: to continue to develop agility, endurance. Matvey R. Ilya A. Denis. G

Labor activity.

collective work;

Give specific instructions on an individual basis;

To instill a sense of satisfaction from the result of work;

Improve work skills.

Motor activity:

"Empty place".

The goal is to develop speed, agility.


The goal is to coordinate speech with movement, develop general speech skills.

Reading thin. literature.

"Twelve months"


Hardening activities after sleep. "Health Path"

S/r./i. "Away".

Introduction of the printed board game "Seasons"

The work of children in the corner of artistic activity: "Spring branches"

Riddles about spring.

Walk 2.

P / and "Who will remain in the circle",

p / and "Live maze", independent activity of children.

Observation of the weather (it is cool in the evening, but it is already light).

Looking at pictures of spring

Offer games for children "Lacing", D / I. "Colored mosaic", "Domino". Games and activities initiated by children in activity centers.

Role-playing game "Away".

Prepare items for the game.

Portable material for outdoor games with elements of sports.

Making a sliding folder with visual information for parents "Spring is coming to us."


1. Musical activity. According to the music director

2. Speech activity.

Theme: "Spring".


To consolidate knowledge about the change of seasons; give an idea of ​​the changes taking place in early spring in nature; identify the simplest cause-and-effect relationships;

To form in children the ability to listen and understand the speech addressed to them, the ability to remember and retell what they heard, answer questions, and participate in a collective conversation.

Cultivate love for nature.

Morning collection.

Conversation "Spring" - why do they say that in spring nature comes to life?

Purpose: development of cognitive interest.

Finger gymnastics."Fingers".

Purpose: to develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Articulation gymnastics.

"Horse", "Watch".

Purpose: development of the muscles of the speech apparatus.

Labor activity.

Duty in a corner of nature (Wipe dust from flowers).

Purpose: To develop in children the care of flowers.

Morning gymnastics.

"Spring is coming."


Watching the sky and clouds.

The goal is to consolidate ideas about spring. Pay attention to the changes that have taken place in the sky.

Riddles about spring.

Didactic game "What kind of sky" - children watch the sky and describe it.

The goal is to develop the ability to select relative adjectives.

Draw clouds on the snow (sand) with a stick.

Labor activity.

Collective cleaning of the site from snow and debris.

Purpose: to teach to cleanliness and order on the site.

Outdoor games

The goal is to develop speed of reaction.

P / and "We are droplets"

Individual work.

Learn to jump in length from a place and from a run;

Develop jumping power. Diana. Matvey A. Ilya A.


tempering event

Purpose: to improve the health of children.

S/R./I. "Family".

Purpose: to teach children to use substitute objects in the game.


P./i“Cat and Mice”, “At the Bear in the Forest” are independent active activities.

Coloring pages on the theme of spring.

Games and independent activities initiated by children in activity centers

Games with portable material. Children's independent games

Role-playing games "Family", board games: "Lotto", "Cut pictures".

"What is superfluous."

Independent activity in activity centers.

Day of the week.

Joint activity of adults and children.

Organization of a p / p developing environment for independent activities of children in activity centers.

Interaction with parents/social partners.

direct educational activities.

Educational activities in sensitive moments.


1. Physical activity. According to the plan of the head of the FIZO.

2. Artistic activity (drawing) according to the plan of the head of fine arts.

3. Musical activity. According to the plan of the head of music.

Morning collection.

Conversation, "What changes have occurred in nature."

Purpose: to form children's ideas about the signs of spring.

Articulation gymnastics.

"Cup", "Nuts".

Purpose: to develop the articulatory apparatus.

Finger gymnastics."Fingers".

Purpose: development of the speech apparatus.

Labor activity.

To water flowers.

Purpose: to teach children how to care for indoor plants.

Morning gymnastics.

"Spring is coming."

Walk 1

Sun watching.

Purpose: to give an idea of ​​early spring, about what changes have occurred with the sun.

Exercise for the development of fine motor skills of the hands

“Lay it out yourself” - lay out the sun from the sticks.

DI. "When does it happen?" - the teacher describes a natural phenomenon, the children answer what season it belongs to.

The goal is to consolidate ideas about seasonal changes in nature.

Outdoor games.

"Birds and Rain", "Cats and Mice".

Goals: - learn quickly, move at the signal of the teacher;

Practice pronunciation of sounds.

Labor activity.

Putting things in order on the site, collecting branches and old leaves.

Purpose: to promote the desire to work together, to experience the joy of communicating with each other. Reading thin. literature.

"Ugly duck".


Exercise after sleep.

"Walking the Paths of Health".

Purpose: to improve the health of children.

Entertainment "Spring palette".

Listening to the audio recording "Sounds of Spring"

Outdoor games

"Jump over the stream"

"Sun, sun, look out the window."

Split pictures on the theme "Spring".

Games "Dress the doll Masha for a walk", "Seasons", "Lotto seasons".

Create conditions for playing with your favorite toys - teach them to play calmly, take care of toys.

Suggest for games mosaic, puzzles

Purpose: to develop thinking, memory, perseverance.

Create conditions for playing with sports toys

Purpose: to develop physical activity

Take scoops, molds, spatulas to the site for independent play activities of children.

Invite parents to talk at home with their children about the signs of spring

Day of the week.

Joint activity of adults and children.

Organization of a p / p developing environment for independent activities of children in activity centers.

Interaction with parents/social partners.

direct educational activities.

Educational activities in sensitive moments.


Cognitive activity: REMPTheme: "Spring Tale"

Continue to learn to compare objects in height.

To consolidate knowledge of the numbers 1-5, their sequence in the number series.

Develop logical thinking, attention, constructive abilities. To consolidate knowledge about primrose flowers.

Cultivate independence, activity, desire to help.

Morning collection.

Conversation "Already the snow is melting, streams are running"

"Games with a Sunny Bunny".

Articulation gymnastics.

"Fence", "Proboscis".

Purpose: development of the muscles of the speech apparatus.

Finger gymnastics.

Labor activity

Purpose: to teach correctly, arrange cutlery.

Morning gymnastics.

"Spring is coming."

Walk 1

Birdwatching at the kindergarten.

Purpose: to expand children's ideas about wintering and migratory birds, Encourage children to make their own conclusions - what is the spring revival in the life of birds.

DI. "Who will name more actions?" - exercise in the selection of verbs corresponding to spring natural phenomena.

What do birds do in spring? (they arrive, return to their native lands, build nests, settle in birdhouses, breed chicks, etc.).

"Guess the bird from the description."

The goal is to teach how to write a descriptive story, to develop coherent speech.

Exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Crumble bread for the birds.

mobile game

"Birds, time! Birds, two!

The goal is to teach children to perform movements, counting.

"Birds - Nests - Chicks"

Objectives: to be able to be attentive to the commands of the teacher; navigate in space.

Individual work.

Movement development.

Purpose: to exercise in jumping in place on two legs Matvey A. Denis Yu. Daniil.K.

Reading thin. literature.

E. Permyak "three little pigs"


Exercise after sleep.

"Walking the Paths of Health"
Purpose: to improve the health of children.

C / r game "Journey through the spring city."

Independent games in the corners of creativity.

Adding plant care equipment to a natural corner.

Games and independent activities initiated by children in activity centers

Suggest board games

Develop thinking, memory, speech. Create conditions for games in the puppet corner

Develop children's play experience, contribute to lead to role play

Offer puzzles, mosaic, lacing

Develop fine motor skills, concentration, imagination. Create conditions for games with motor toys

Develop physical activity

Invite parents to look at illustrations in magazines and books where spring meets.

Day of the week.

Joint activity of adults and children.

Organization of a p / p developing environment for independent activities of children in activity centers.

Interaction with parents/social partners.

direct educational activities.

Educational activities in sensitive moments.


Artistic activity (sculpting).


To consolidate in children the skill of sculpting a bird from plasticine, conveying the oval shape of the body, pulling and pinching small parts; beak, tail.

To form the skill to note the variety of the resulting images, to enjoy them

Cultivate kindness to our smaller brothers

Morning collection.

Conversation "First flowers"

Purpose: to introduce children to the first spring flowers, their structure.

Articulation gymnastics.

"Smile", "Shovel".

Purpose: development of the muscles of the speech apparatus.

Finger gymnastics.

"We believe".

Purpose: development of fine motor skills of hands.

D / and "Collect snowdrops"

Labor activity. Canteen duty. “Let’s arrange the cutlery correctly.

Morning gymnastics.

"Spring is coming."

Walk 1

Birdwatching at the kindergarten

Objectives: - to teach to recognize and distinguish birds by plumage, size, voice;

Develop observation, memory;

Cultivate a friendly attitude towards birds.

Labor activity.

Restoring order in the area.

Objectives: - to organize collective work;

Give specific instructions on an individual basis;

To instill a sense of satisfaction from the result of work;

improve work skills

Outdoor games.

P / and "On the thawed patches",

P / and "On the meadow"

Individual work.

"Throwing at the target." Matvey M. Ilya A.

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to take the correct starting position when throwing.

Reading thin. literature.

M. Gorky. "Sparrow"


Exercise after sleep.

"Walking the Paths of Health"
Purpose: to improve the health of children.

Examination of the album "Spring", postcards, illustrations.

Reading proverbs, sayings and riddles about spring.

D / and "Who was sitting on a branch"

Walk 2.

P/I. "Shaggy dog", "Grandma - hedgehog".

Offer plot pictures for consideration - encourage communication between children, develop thinking, memory, speech. Create conditions for playing with toys at will

Cultivate a desire to play together, take care of toys.

Take scoops, balls, molds, spatulas to the site for independent play activities of children.

Suggest attributes of story games for beating

Form the preconditions for a role-playing game. Create conditions for dressing up.

Encourage dramatizations based on familiar material.

Take scoops, balls, molds, spatulas to the site for independent play activities of children.



Complex-thematic plan. The theme is "Spring is coming to us, with quick steps."

Average preschool age from 14.03 to 18.03

Target: Expanding children's understanding of the seasonal change in spring.

Tasks :

  • to develop the ability of children to distinguish changes in nature;
  • consolidate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bspring clothes.
  • To consolidate the idea of ​​​​migratory birds in the spring.
  • Encourage children to reflect the impression of spring in different activities.
  • Cultivate respect for nature.

Final event- exhibition of drawings "Spring is red".

Introductory-motivational stage.Draw the attention of children to the design of the group, pictures of spring, migratory birds, spring clothes hang on the board. Reading a poem about spring. Can you guys guess what we are going to talk about this week? What do you know about spring? What would you like to know?

Spring has come - red and behold.
He distributes his gifts:
Forest trees and animals
Fluffy white clouds.
Someone leaves and grass
Someone blue sky
I call someone drops,
To someone the cheerful trill of birds,
Someone will change their coats
Someone caresses the wind.
And warm sunshine
And the first gentle flower.

2. Practical-activity stage.

Day of the week.

Joint activity of adults and children.

Organization of a p / p developing environment for independent activities of children in activity centers.

Interaction with parents/social partners.



1. Physical education.

According to the plan of the head of the FIZO.

2. Cognitive research activity. FTsKM.

Theme: "Spring breeze through the window."

Target. To promote the development of cognitive - research activities of children; expand horizons.


1. Expand and enrich children's knowledge about spring changes in nature: snow melts, rivers overflow, birds fly, etc.

2.Create conditions for the development in children of the ability to observe, analyze changes in nature

3. To cultivate a sensitive and careful attitude to nature.

Morning collection. Conversation: “Why do people say “spring is red”?

Purpose: to continue to develop speech as a means of communication. Encourage children to share a variety of information with the teacher and children.

Labor activity.

Canteen duty.

Purpose: to teach independently, to fulfill the duties of a duty officer (carefully arrange cutlery)

Finger g-ka.

Articulation g-ka.

"Pipe", "Jam".

Morning Mrs. A.

"Spring is coming."


Observation of the work of a janitor Objectives: - to form a willingness to help, the ability to evaluate the results of work; - to cultivate respect for working people; - develop speech, increase vocabulary (the name and purpose of the janitor's working inventory).

The teacher asks the children questions.

Who cleans up the tracks?

What does a janitor do?

Individual work:

“Be the smartest! ".

Purpose: to continue to develop agility, endurance. Matvey R. Ilya A. Denis. G

Labor activity.

collective work;

Give specific instructions on an individual basis;

To instill a sense of satisfaction from the result of work;

Improve work skills.

Motor activity:

"Empty place".

The goal is to develop speed, agility.


The goal is to coordinate speech with movement, develop general speech skills.

Reading thin. literature.

"Twelve months"


Hardening activities after sleep. "Health Path"

S/r./i. "Away".

Introduction of the printed board game "Seasons"

The work of children in the corner of artistic activity: "Spring branches"

Riddles about spring.

Walk 2.

P / and "Who will remain in the circle",

p / and "Live maze", independent activity of children.

Observation of the weather (it is cool in the evening, but it is already light).

Looking at pictures of spring

Offer games for children "Lacing", D / I. "Colored mosaic", "Domino". Games and activities initiated by children in activity centers.

Role-playing game "Away".

Prepare items for the game.

Games and independent activities initiated by children in activity centers.

Portable material for outdoor games with elements of sports.

Making a sliding folder with visual information for parents "Spring is coming to us."



1. Musical activity.According to the music director

2. Speech activity.

Theme: "Spring".


- consolidate knowledge about the change of seasons; give an idea of ​​the changes taking place in early spring in nature; identify the simplest cause-and-effect relationships;

To form in children the ability to listen and understand the speech addressed to them, the ability to remember and retell what they heard, answer questions, and participate in a collective conversation.

Cultivate love for nature.

Morning collection.

Conversation "Spring" - why do they say that in spring nature comes to life?

Purpose: development of cognitive interest.

Finger gymnastics."Fingers".

Purpose: to develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Articulation gymnastics.

"Horse", "Watch".

Purpose: development of the muscles of the speech apparatus.

Labor activity.

Duty in a corner of nature (Wipe dust from flowers).

Purpose: To develop in children the care of flowers.

Morning gymnastics.

"Spring is coming."


Watching the sky and clouds.

The goal is to consolidate ideas about spring. Pay attention to the changes that have taken place in the sky.

Riddles about spring.

Didactic game"What a sky" - children observe the sky and describe it.

The goal is to develop the ability to select relative adjectives.

Draw clouds on the snow (sand) with a stick.

Labor activity.

Collective cleaning of the site from snow and debris.

Purpose: to teach to cleanliness and order on the site.

Outdoor games

Outdoor games

The goal is to develop speed of reaction.

P / and "We are droplets"

Individual work.


Learn to jump in length from a place and from a run;

Develop jumping power. Diana. Matvey A. Ilya A.


Tempering event "Walking along the paths of health"

Purpose: to improve the health of children.

S/R./I. "Family".

Purpose: to teach children to use substitute objects in the game.


P./i “Cat and Mice”, “At the Bear in the Forest” are independent active activities.

Coloring pages on the theme of spring.

Games with portable material. Children's independent games

Role-playing games "Family", board games: "Lotto", "Cut pictures".

"What is superfluous."

Independent activity in activity centers.

Day of the week.

Joint activity of adults and children.

Organization of a p / p developing environment for independent activities of children in activity centers.

Interaction with parents/social partners.

direct educational activities.

Educational activities in sensitive moments.



1. Physical activity. According to the plan of the head of the FIZO.

2. Artistic activity (drawing) according to the plan of the head of fine arts.

3. Musical activity. According to the plan of the head of music.

Morning collection.

Conversation, "What changes have occurred in nature."

Purpose: to form children's ideas about the signs of spring.

Articulation gymnastics.

"Cup", "Nuts".

Purpose: to develop the articulatory apparatus.

Finger gymnastics."Fingers".

Purpose: development of the speech apparatus.

Labor activity.

To water flowers.

Purpose: to teach children how to care for indoor plants.

Morning gymnastics.

"Spring is coming."

Walk 1

Sun watching.

Purpose: to give an idea of ​​early spring, about what changes have occurred with the sun.

Exercise for the development of fine motor skills of the hands

“Lay it out yourself” - lay out the sun from the sticks.

DI. "When does it happen?" - the teacher describes a natural phenomenon, the children answer what season it belongs to.

The goal is to consolidate ideas about seasonal changes in nature.

Outdoor games.

"Birds and Rain", "Cats and Mice".

Goals: - learn quickly, move at the signal of the teacher;

Practice pronunciation of sounds.

Labor activity.

Putting things in order on the site, collecting branches and old leaves.

Purpose: to promote the desire to work together, to experience the joy of communicating with each other.Reading thin. literature.

"Ugly duck".


Exercise after sleep.

"Walking the Paths of Health".

Purpose: to improve the health of children.

Entertainment "Spring palette".

Listening to the audio recording "Sounds of Spring"

Outdoor games

"Jump over the stream"

"Sun, sun, look out the window."

Split pictures on the theme "Spring".

Games "Dress the doll Masha for a walk", "Seasons", "Lotto seasons".

Create conditions for playing with your favorite toys - teach them to play calmly, take care of toys.

Suggest for games mosaic, puzzles

Purpose: to develop thinking, memory, perseverance.

Create conditions for playing with sports toys

Purpose: to develop physical activity

Take scoops, molds, spatulas to the site for independent play activities of children.

Invite parents to talk at home with their children about the signs of spring

Day of the week.

Joint activity of adults and children.

Organization of a p / p developing environment for independent activities of children in activity centers.

Interaction with parents/social partners.

direct educational activities.

Educational activities in sensitive moments.



Cognitive activity: REMP Topic: "Spring Tale"


Continue to learn to compare objects in height.

To consolidate knowledge of the numbers 1-5, their sequence in the number series.

Develop logical thinking, attention, constructive abilities. To consolidate knowledge about primrose flowers.

Cultivate independence, activity, desire to help.

Morning collection.

Conversation "Already the snow is melting, streams are running"

"Games with a Sunny Bunny".

Articulation gymnastics.

"Fence", "Proboscis".

Purpose: development of the muscles of the speech apparatus.

Finger gymnastics.


Labor activity

Purpose: to teach correctly, arrange cutlery.

Morning gymnastics.

"Spring is coming."

Walk 1

Birdwatching at the kindergarten.

Purpose: to expand children's ideas about wintering and migratory birds, Encourage children to make their own conclusions - what is the spring revival in the life of birds.

DI. "Who will name more actions?" - exercise in the selection of verbs corresponding to spring natural phenomena.

What do birds do in spring? (they arrive, return to their native lands, build nests, settle in birdhouses, breed chicks, etc.).

"Guess the bird from the description."

The goal is to teach how to write a descriptive story, to develop coherent speech.

Exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Crumble bread for the birds.

mobile game

"Birds, time! Birds, two!

The goal is to teach children to perform movements, counting.

"Birds - Nests - Chicks"

Objectives: to be able to be attentive to the commands of the teacher; navigate in space.

Individual work.

Movement development.

Purpose: to exercise in jumping in place on two legs Matvey A. Denis Yu. Daniil.K.

Reading thin. literature.

E. Permyak "three little pigs"


Exercise after sleep.

"Walking the Paths of Health"
Purpose: to improve the health of children.

C / r game "Journey through the spring city."

Independent games in the corners of creativity.

Adding plant care equipment to a natural corner.

Games and independent activities initiated by children in activity centers

Suggest board games

Develop thinking, memory, speech. Create conditions for games in the puppet corner

Develop children's play experience, contribute to lead to role play

Offer puzzles, mosaic, lacing

Develop fine motor skills, concentration, imagination. Create conditions for games with motor toys

Develop physical activity

Take scoops, balls, molds, spatulas to the site for independent play activities of children.

Invite parents to look at illustrations in magazines and books where spring meets.

Day of the week.

Joint activity of adults and children.

Organization of a p / p developing environment for independent activities of children in activity centers.

Interaction with parents/social partners.

direct educational activities.

Educational activities in sensitive moments.



Artistic activity (sculpting).

Theme: "Bird"


To consolidate in children the skill of sculpting a bird from plasticine, conveying the oval shape of the body, pulling and pinching small parts; beak, tail.

To form the skill to note the variety of the resulting images, to enjoy them

Cultivate kindness to our smaller brothers

Morning collection.

Conversation "First flowers"

Purpose: to introduce children to the first spring flowers, their structure.

Articulation gymnastics.

"Smile", "Shovel".

Purpose: development of the muscles of the speech apparatus.

Finger gymnastics.

"We believe".

Purpose: development of fine motor skills of hands.

D / and "Collect snowdrops"

Labor activity. Canteen duty. “Let’s arrange the cutlery correctly.

Morning gymnastics.

"Spring is coming."

Walk 1

Birdwatching at the kindergarten

Objectives: - to teach to recognize and distinguish birds by plumage, size, voice;

Develop observation, memory;

Cultivate a friendly attitude towards birds.

Labor activity.

Restoring order in the area.

Objectives: - to organize collective work;

Give specific instructions on an individual basis;

To instill a sense of satisfaction from the result of work;

improve work skills

Outdoor games.

P / and "On the thawed patches",

P / and "On the meadow"

Individual work.

"Throwing at the target." Matvey M. Ilya A.

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to take the correct starting position when throwing.

Reading thin. literature.

M. Gorky. "Sparrow"


Exercise after sleep.

"Walking the Paths of Health"
Purpose: to improve the health of children.

Examination of the album "Spring", postcards, illustrations.

Reading proverbs, sayings and riddles about spring.

D / and "Who was sitting on a branch"

Walk 2.

P/I. "Shaggy dog", "Grandma - hedgehog".

Offer plot pictures for consideration - encourage communication between children, develop thinking, memory, speech. Create conditions for playing with toys at will

Cultivate a desire to play together, take care of toys.

Take scoops, balls, molds, spatulas to the site for independent play activities of children.

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> scheduling

promising planning (Spring) average Group.

Advice for educators. promising planning (Spring) average Group.Formation of elementary mathematical representations D.m.: envelope, plan, in which M(4 a week. Spring. Artistic and aesthetic development (Drawing)"Kids ran out... > Promising

Complex-thematic plan educational work... > Complex-thematic

Pedagogical development | Planning walks in middle group "Spring"

Bashkortostan Name of material: methodical development Subject: Planning walks in middle group "Spring" Publication date: 04/25/2017 Section Purpose: to consolidate the idea of spring. Pay attention to the changes that have taken place in the sky. 4 a week. > Pedagogical development | Planning

Calendar planning | 1 A week

Calendar planning. Group _____average _ Month_1 - April 24 (4 weeks)_.Days weeks on this topic " Spring" - one a week.Conversation with all the children: about what they did yesterday; what kind plans on the today; the wishes of the children (what would you like? Individual conversations with parents about the educational and upbringing process in group. > Scheduling |

Topic: 22. “A breeze came through the window spring…" (one a week) - Thematic...

Thematic plan work in middle group under the program "Kindergarten 2100." spring…" (one a week). Topics of the day: Spring came!”, “Friends spring- the sun, icicles and a stream", "Birds arrive from the south", "Animals spring"," Awakening of nature. > Topic: 22. “A breeze came through the window

Medium Group№6 Theme weeks « Spring came"

Home » THEME WEEKS » Medium Group№6 Theme weeks « Spring came." Information about the educational organization.On this week we will continue to meet spring like the time of year. We offer you games and tasks for a joint ... > Middle group #6 Topic

Approximate thematic planning in middle group on...

Thematic planning in middle group aimed at expanding and replenishing the vocabulary of children middle preschool. Vocabulary: month, Spring, puddles, streams, ice floes, buds, leaves, grass, snowdrop, thaw, icicle, nest, meadow, step on, come ... > Approximate thematic

Calendar-thematic plan on the week in middle group on...

Publication date: 2017-11-23 plan on the week in middle group on the topic "The street is full of surprises" Sosnina Svetlana Sergeevna Plan contains information about the joint work of the educator with children, independent activities of children ...

The development of speech. Connected speech. Continue to teach children to describe objects, choosing the words they need in meaning.
Vocabulary. To consolidate the understanding of generalizing concepts; vegetables, clothes, furniture.
Sound culture of speech. Teach children to clearly and correctly pronounce the sound p (p), select words with this sound. Pronounce phrases and words clearly, with appropriate intonation (question, narrative). Continue to learn to identify and name the first sound in a word, as well as words with a given sound.

Physical culture. "Sparrows"
1. Exercise children in walking and running in a circle; holding hands, walking and running in all directions; throwing bags at a horizontal target; to consolidate the ability to occupy the correct sp. standing long jump.
Educational activities in regime moments X
1 half day. Morning exercises No. 30.d / and “Flower - seven-flower” (with Kuizener sticks) distinguishing and naming the color of the sticks. ZKR: Exercise children in the correct pronunciation of the sound z in words. Exercise children in the correct pronunciation of the sound z and in a clear pronunciation of phrases. Finger gymnastics: “Drip-drip-drip rings drops - (drum fingers on the table, imitating playing the piano) April has come to us.” Dining room duty - appoint a duty officer to show the correct table setting according to the scheme.
1 walk Watching the wind. Goals: - continue to consolidate ideas about weather changes; - to form concepts about the wind, its properties; - learn to determine the direction of the wind. Outdoor games "Faster than the wind", "Who is higher?". Goals: develop running speed; learning to jump is easy.
2 half a day. gymnastics after sleep. Prevention of flat feet walking along health paths. Health lesson - "Tricks of the Queen of the Cold" - to form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhealth as one of the main values; to expand knowledge about the prevention of colds; educate the concept of a healthy lifestyle; develop an interest in knowing yourself, your abilities and abilities. Retelling the story of E. Charushin "Sparrow", to teach children to retell the story on their own; develop the ability to understand figurative expressions.
2 walk. I/r "Jump on". Objectives: to teach the long jump from a running start. P / and “Faster than the wind”, “Who is higher?”. Goals: develop running speed; learning to jump is easy. Independent games with toys

Mathematics. Continue to introduce the cylinder by comparing it with a ball and a cube. Improve understanding of the meaning of words far - close.
Theme "Birds on the branches"
Program sod-e: teach children to draw birds on branches: build a simple composition, convey the features of the appearance of a bird - body structure and color. Improve the technique of drawing with gouache paints: move the brush freely along the pile, repeating the outlines of the silhouette. Develop a sense of shape and color. To cultivate interest in nature, the desire to reflect aesthetic emotions and ideas received in the drawing.
Physical culture. "Naughty Magpies"
Tasks.1. Standing long jump.
2. Throwing balls at a vertical target from a distance of 1.5 m from the shoulder. Hitting the ball with one hand several times in a row and catching it with both hands.
1 half day. Morning exercises No. 30. D / and “Which figure is superfluous?” teach children to compare figures according to the totality of signs and find differences. Z.K.R. The game "Wonderful Box" - to achieve the correct pronunciation of the sound in words. D / games: “Who sings how” - to form the articulation of speech. Practicing the correct onomatopoeia for birds
1 walk Bird watching. Purpose: to form a desire to take care of birds; teach and name birds and body parts; exercise in the ability to find differences and similarities in birds. Mobile games "Crow and Sparrow". Goals:
continue to teach orientation in space, develop the ability not to bump into each other; listen to the command of the educator; cultivate friendships. "Mice lead a round dance." Goals: to exercise in performing movements; cultivate interest in the game.
2 half a day. gymnastics after sleep. Prevention of flat feet walking along health paths. D / and “Tell me a word” - select the rhymes of the word-name of the birds. Reading fiction O. Tsinger "Hello, feathered friends." Ind.r. in physio with Zakhar, Sergey, Maxim, Yarik - to consolidate the ability of children to line up in a column according to their height. Reinforce the correct grip on the ball.
2 walk. I/r. In long jumps from a place, consolidate the ability to take the correct sp. push off vigorously and land softly. P / and “Birds again! There are two birds!” Purpose: to exercise the ability to coordinate movements with the text. Independent games with toys. Considering illustrations with birds.
Offer a building designer small and large - continue to work out the ability to stack cubes (bricks, bars) on top of each other. Board-printed games "Fold the pattern", "Kuzener's Sticks" - learn to group objects, take into account their relative position. C / r.ig "Family". Organize the game, observe the relationship of children, direct the course of the game in a positive direction. GCD
Cognitive. Purpose: to understand the meaning and use in active speech nouns with a generalizing meaning "people" and "man". Understand that boys will be dads and girls will be moms. Realize that only a woman can be a mother. Start noticing growth processes, remember that every child will grow up at some point.

Music according to the plan of the musical worker.

Educational activities in regime moments 1 half day. Morning gymnastics No. 30. Visual gymnastics: “Ray up, ray down, Smile at the children, Look to the right, look to the left, Go around the sun.” Memorizing the poem by G. Ladonshchikov “Spring”, Develop the figurativeness of speech, understanding the meaning of figurative words and expressions; learn to select definitions, comparisons to a given word.

2 half a day. gymnastics after sleep. Prevention of flat feet walking along health paths Didactic game: "What insect, name it." Task: to form the concept of an insect in children; recognize and name representatives of insects: a fly, a butterfly, a dragonfly, etc. Ind.r. in art with a subgroup of children "Fish" Continue to learn how to cut squares.
2 walk. Ind.r. in long jumps from a place to consolidate the ability to take the correct SP, vigorously push off and land softly. P / and “Birds again! There are two birds!” Purpose: to exercise the ability to coordinate movements with the text. "Inflate, my balloon!" Goals:
learn to perform a variety of movements, forming a circle;
exercise children in pronunciation of the sound [w].
Independent games with toys Offer a small and large building designer - continue to practice the ability to stack cubes (bricks, bars) on top of each other.
Board-printed games "Fold the Pattern", "Kusener's Sticks", "Lotto. Who lives where" - learn to group objects, take into account their relative position. C / r.and "Family". Organize the game, observe the relationship of children, direct the course of the game in a positive direction. Consultation for parents "General safety tips"

Design. "Aircraft"
Tasks: To give children an idea about aircraft, their types, the dependence of their structure on the purpose; lead to a generalization; what are the parts of the aircraft; exercise in designing aircraft according to a model, transforming a sample according to certain conditions, in planar modeling according to schemes, in inventing their own versions of buildings; develop the ability to outline the sequence of construction of the main parts, distinguish and name geometric shapes, reason, draw independent conclusions.
Physical culture. "On a Branch"
Tasks.1. Repeat walking and running in a circle; exercises in jumping and crawling: exercise in the ability to maintain a stable balance when walking and running on a limited area of ​​\u200b\u200bsupport. Educational activities in regime moments, individual work. Independent activity of children. Interaction with family 1 half day. Morning exercises number 30. Riddles about the seasons, parts of the day - develop memory, logical thinking
1 walk Observations: note the changes in the weather: it is getting warmer, a crust has appeared on the snowdrifts - crust, compare the snow with winter snow - “The snow is no longer the same, it has turned black in the field ....”, pay attention to thawed patches, they appear where there are more the sun shines.
2 half a day. Exercise after sleep. Didactic game: "What insect, name it." Task: to form the concept of an insect in children; recognize and name representatives of insects: a fly, a butterfly, a dragonfly, etc. Ind.r. in art with a subgroup of children "Palms - butterflies" To teach children to independently invent a decoration for a butterfly. Conversation: "I love vitamins - I want to be healthy" - to teach a child to take care of his health. Exercises for posture correction with a subgroup of children "Reach the ball, walk with the ball"
2 walk. Ind.r. in long jumps from a place to consolidate the ability to take the correct SP, vigorously push off and land softly.
Independent games with toys. Offer a small and large construction kit - continue to practice the ability to stack cubes (bricks, bars) on top of each other. Board-printed games “Domino. Mathematical "Fold the pattern", "Kusener's Sticks" - learn to group objects, take into account their relative position. C / r. game "Family". Organize the game, observe the relationship of children, direct the course of the game in a positive direction.
Lepka: "Come visit us"
Program sod-e: teach children to sculpt birds in a constructive way from four to five parts of different shapes and sizes using additional materials (matches for legs, beads for an eye, seeds for beaks). Show the possibility of obtaining a more expressive color by mixing two original colors. Direct to an independent search for ways to convey the movements of a stucco figurine (the head is lowered down, the wings are raised). Develop a sense of form, the ability to compose. Cultivate an interest in nature.
Music according to the plan of a music worker
Educational activities in sensitive moments, individual work Independent activities of children 1 half day. Morning exercises number 30. Proverbs and sayings about health and sports. Health is happiness! This is when you are cheerful and everything works out for you. Everyone needs health - both children and adults, and even animals - to form concepts about a healthy lifestyle. What should be done to be healthy? You need to want and be able to take care of your health. If you do not take care of your health, you can lose it, talking with children about the daily routine at home and in kindergarten.
1 walk. Observation of the work of a janitor. Goals: - to form a willingness to help, the ability to evaluate the results of work; - to cultivate respect for working people; - develop speech, increase vocabulary (name and purpose of the janitor's working equipment). T / d: Putting things in order on the site. Objectives: - to organize collective work; give specific instructions on an individual basis; instill a sense of satisfaction from the result of work; improve work skills. P / and "Merry Sparrow", "Sun Bunnies". Goals: - to form the ability to follow the rules of the game; cultivate independence.
2 half a day. Exercise after sleep. D.I. "Sunny Bunnies" - exercise preschoolers in combination with movements with the text of the poem. See the book by N.A. Karpukhina Lesson notes, p.108 Conversation “Where we walk” - Consolidate knowledge of the rules of behavior on the street, tell what a violation of traffic rules can lead to.
2 walk. Ind.r. in long jumps from a place to consolidate the ability to take the correct sp
Independent games with toys. Offer a building designer small and large - continue to work out the ability to stack cubes (bricks, bars) on top of each other. Board-printed games: "Geometric Lotto", "Domino", "Fold the Pattern", "Kusener's Sticks" - learn to group objects, take into account their relative position. C / r. game "Family". organize a game, observe the relationship of children, direct the course of the game in a positive direction. A conversation with parents about making crafts for April 12 "Cosmonautics Day" (from any material)

Galina Silaeva
Calendar plan in the middle group on the topic "Spring"

Theme of the week: « Spring came Day of week Monday Date 03/21/2016

Directly (individual, group)

Morning: Reception and examination of children.

Morning exercises - to help strengthen the immune system. Remind children when to use a napkin. Finger gymnastics « Spring»

It's been two weeks

(We lower our hands down in turn, fingers together.)

Drops are dripping.

Snow melts in the sun

(Hands out to the sides, palms down.)

And flows like a stream.

(Both hands, palms down, move in the same direction.)

Way. development of fine motor skills. Examining postcards, photographs with views of nature spring in the city and in the countryside - expanding the knowledge of children about seasonal changes.

Ind. work with Savely, Egor -

fixing the names of trees.

Di "Winter or Spring- expanding children's knowledge of the seasons.

Listening to musical works topic"Spring Awakenings"- way. the development of interest in music, the desire to listen to music, sing along, perform the simplest dance movements. Develop emotionality, figurative perception of music through movement. Situation "They came to us Spring» - contribute to the development of speech as means of communication; develop speech comprehension and activate vocabulary.

GCD (group) I. Musical activity.

Muses. rhythm. movements "Let's run, let's jump" RV

Dance: "Finnish Poleka" RV

Music game. tools.


Muses. a game "I will field the meadow"

RV. play with the children.

II. Visual activity

Subject: "Flower-seven-flower"


Contribute to the formation of the consolidation of skills to apply plasticine on cardboard with a thin layer;

To promote the development of fine motor skills of hands and accuracy.

Ways: game, artistic word, finger gymnastics, verbal, examining the sample, discussing the method of modeling, independent work of children, the result.

Facilities: plasticine, boards, cardboard with a picture of a flower, wet wipes.

Walk Observation of the formation of icicles, drops. Bypassing the area with children, note which side of the house icicles form. Why? Read a poem to children

Labor assignments: feed the birds - encourage pupils to take care of animals. P / s "Traps with Ribbons"

train in loose running, dodge the driver, method. shaper. ability to navigate in space.

"Chains forged"-way. enrichment of motor experience.

Di "You are welcome"-way. shaper. children have the ability to use words of gratitude in speech. (with subtitle)

Individual work with Vasilisa, Misha K., Maxim R., Varya - Throwing objects at the target - to develop hand strength and eye. Encourage children to participate

in joint games, create game situations that contribute to the formation of an attentive, caring attitude towards others.

Evening Get up. Gymnastics after sleep, walking along massage paths for the prevention of flat feet.

Remind children to use only their own comb.

Reading the work of N. Kalinin "How Vasya fished" help you understand the meaning of what you read. D / and with Arina, Vika, Misha M., Misha K. - "What lies where?" way. the formation of the ability of pupils to determine the location of an object in relation to another object, to use prepositions in speech "in", "on the", "under", "behind", "near", "before".

Stringing large buttons, beads, balls on a thread for the development of fine motor skills of fingers. (with subtitle). Encourage children to use substitute objects, promote the development of children's ability to assign roles.

Walk Observation of the state of the weather - enriching children's knowledge about natural phenomena.

Labor activity - together with the educator, remove branches from the territory of the site - involve pupils in collective labor activity. A game "Keep counting"- fixing the countdown from 5 (with subgroups. children).

Di "Call it sweetly"- activation of the dictionary. (with children) Create conditions for monitoring machines.

Theme of the week: « Spring came Day of the week Tuesday Date 03/22/2016

Joint activities in regime moments Directly educational activities (individual, group) Organization of independent activities of children.

Morning: Reception and examination of children.

Morning exercises - stimulate the work of internal organs and sensory organs, contribute to the formation of correct posture.

“Before eating, wash your hands with soap”.("Rules of etiquette in kindergarten in verse") Before you sit down at the table, wash your hands. This is necessary so that the stomach does not hurt! – to contribute to the consolidation of the kgn. Conversation - conversation « Spring» - continue to form ideas about spring.

Di "Choose a Word"- way. shaper. the ability of children to compose stories from pictures, to select words that are similar in sound; Activate vocabulary, improve auditory perception. (with subgroup).

P / s "Let's play with sunbeams. ?- contribute to the formation of children's ideas about the phenomena of inanimate nature: sunlight, solar heat. Submit illustrations for topic: "Ice drift"- to promote the formation of interest in natural phenomena; promote the development of logical thinking of children.

GCD (group) I. Motor activity


ATS as shown by the instructor.

P / s "Bears and bees"

The role of the educator: monitor discipline, do exercises with children, activate inactive children

II. Speech development

Making up stories from pictures.


shaping method. the ability of children to work with pictures with a consistently developing action;

way. the development of logic. Thinking;

encourage children to follow the sequence when telling, not to interrupt each other.

Ways: conversation, games. moment, viewing, showing a sample.

Facilities: pictures, puppy toy.

Walk Observing the work of the janitor - continue to acquaint children with labor operations, talk about the importance of clearing snow from the yard. To form ideas about the work of adults, to cultivate respect for it.

Labor activity: Garbage collection on the site - to contribute to the formation of the ability to work in a team, to achieve the goal by common efforts. P / s "Fox and Hare"- Forming method. the ability to run in all directions, develop spatial orientation skills, speed and agility.

IMP "At Malania"- remember the game, encourage educate. perform actions according to the word.

Individual work with Egor, Nikita, Varya - “Jumping from a place. shaper. the ability to perform jumps from a place, correctly take a starting position, perform a jump, maintain balance. To encourage children to independent play activities - to contribute to the formation of organizational skills in children.

Evening Gymnastics after sleep - remove residual inhibition after sleep, prepare the child's body for the upcoming load.

Implementation of cultural hygienic procedures: washing, putting hair in order.

Encourage pupils to solve problems - the desire to take care of their appearance, using a mirror to find flaws in their appearance and correct them. Reading poems about spring, memorization at the choice of pupils - to contribute to the creation of positive emotions.

D/ and "Who do I look like?"- Forming method. interest in their lineage. (Nikita, Vasilisa, Nastya).

imp - "Find where it's hidden?"- way shaper. children have endurance, observation, parity. To encourage pupils to independent constructive activities - to improve fine motor skills of hands, imagination.

Walk Observation of a jackdaw and a crow - to identify distinctive features, a way to develop observation skills.

Work. instructions: fix the feeders, put food in them - encourage them to take care of the birds. P / s "Owl"- remember the game, the way. development of agility and speed.

Individual work on the development of speech with Vasilisa, Egor, Nikita - "Who lives where" (A fox lives in a hole, a squirrel lives in a hollow)- to promote the development of skills to answer with a full answer, to enrich vocabulary. Create a situation for communication "Signs spring» - facilitating expansion of pupils' ideas about the characteristic features of the season - Spring.

Theme of the week: « Spring came Day of the week Wednesday Date 23.03.2016

Joint activities in regime moments Directly educational activities (individual, group) Organization of independent activities of children.

Morning: Reception and examination of children.

Morning exercises - strengthen the muscular system.

Dining room duty is a generalization of knowledge about table setting.

Work: wipe the leaves of large plants - encourage children to take care of flowers.

tangram "Robot"- way. the formation of the ability to find geometric shapes known to children to consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes. (Savely, Misha K., Ilya)

Di "Find the right color"- way. the formation of the ability of pupils to apply knowledge about colors, act according to oral instructions. Develop attention.

Di "Guess What I'm Playing"- to encourage pupils to develop the timbre hearing of children, to distinguish the sound of familiar noise instruments, to name them correctly. Bring in various types of paper to open a creative workshop - encourage pupils to be creative.

GCD (group) I. Mathematical and sensory development.


Way. shaper. the ability to compare 4-5 objects in height, arrange them in decreasing and increasing sequence;

Encourage labeling results of comparison words: highest, lower, lowest, higher;

Way. the formation of the ability to distinguish and name geometric shapes.

Ways: game situations, games. exercise ,conversation.

Facilities: Christmas trees, rectangles, mouse.

II. Musical activity.

Muses. rhythm. movements "Let's run, let's jump"- continue to perform ex. acc. with music rattling rhythm with rattles. RV: observe the performance, encourage active children.

Dance: "Finnish Poleka"- way. emotional development. responsive. RV: dance with the children.

Music game. tools.

Singing: And I'm in the meadow - to perform with the children.

Muses. a game "I will field the meadow"- Encourage children to pass on the character. features of the game

RV. play with the children.

Walk Observation of the melting of snow, the appearance of the first spring thawed patches. Going around the area with children, note where the snow and ice melt faster - in the sun or in the shade, why?

Labor activity - putting things in order on the territory - teaching children to keep the area clean. P / s "Birds in Nests"- contribute to the formation of children to run with a change in the pace of movement, act on a signal. Increase motor activity, enrich motor experience.

Ind. work on fixing the names of the seasons, riddles, signs, poems - Alina, Nastya, Egor, Varya, Nikita Independent gaming activity - to form in children the ability to prepare the environment for the game, negotiate interaction, select the necessary attributes.

Evening Gymnastics in bed after sleep - the development of children's motivation to maintain and promote health.

Finger. gymnastics "Friendship"- performing actions in accordance with the text.

Reading the story of V. Dragunsky "Childhood Friend"- way. shaper. the ability of children to emotionally perceive the figurative content of the work, to comprehend the idea. Exercise "List the signs spring» - way. consolidating children's knowledge about spring. Conversation "How Spring different from other seasons?- way. shaper. the ability to express their thoughts, to listen to others.

A game "Sun Bunnies"- way. shaper. cheerful mood.

Individual. work with Misha Sh., Saveliy, Lisa - contributes. fixing the score within 5. Game situation "Good will not go away, but evil will disappear" -

to encourage manifestations of compassion in children, the desire to help, to form a benevolent attitude towards each other.

Walk Observation of the behavior of birds at the feeder.

Cleaning the site from fallen branches - to cultivate the desire to collectively ennoble your site. Di "Mom's Helpers"- encourage pupils to express their opinion, justify it. (with subtitle)

P / s "Catch a Mosquito"- way. the formation of the ability to perform jumps on the spot,

vigorously pushing off with both feet. Develop the ability to concentrate and develop attention Create conditions for games with portable material - use imaginary objects, cultivate goodwill.

Theme of the week: « Spring came Day of the week Thursday Date 03/24/2016

Joint activities in regime moments Directly educational activities (individual, group) Organization of independent activities of children.

Morning: Reception and examination of children.

Morning exercises - a way. shaper. joyful mood in children and the desire to exercise daily

Watering plants in the center of nature - continue to encourage care for plants.

Di "Guess the toy"- way. formation to find an object, focus on its main features, description with Savely, Nastya, Alice.

Individual work on FEMP with Liza, Arina, Varya - to improve the ability to find one and many objects in the environment.

P / s "Bear and Children" contribute to the consolidation of the ability to run in one direction and act on a signal. Offer spring-themed coloring pages to help create positive emotions.

GCD (group) I. Motor activity


Repeat walking and running in a circle with a change in direction of movement and in all directions;

way. shaper. the ability to jump high with a run, throw bags at a target, crawl between objects.

ATS as shown by the instructor.

P / s "Bears and bees"

The role of the educator: monitor discipline, do exercises with children, activate inactive children.

II. Knowledge of the objective and social world, the basics of safe behavior.

Subject: "World of indoor plants"


Contribute shaper. expanding children's ideas about indoor plants;

Encourage students to distinguish them by their appearance.

Ways: conversation, examination, physical minute.

Facilities: indoor plants that are in group.

Lit-ra:O. A. Solomennikova, p57

Walk Observation of the birch - continue to get acquainted with the tree, formir. the ability to highlight the characteristic features and changes associated with the season.

Labor activity - sweep the veranda together with the teacher - the formation of skills to help adults, the education of diligence. Di "Is this true or not?"- way. development of attention (with children)

With Misha Sh., Varya, Vika, practice standing on one leg.

P / s "The ball to the driver"- way. the formation of children's skills in throwing, catching the ball.

Independent gaming activity - to promote in children the ability to prepare the environment for the game, agree on interaction, select the necessary attributes.

Evening Get up. Gymnastics in bed after sleep, walking along massage paths to prevent flat feet. Remind pupils about the rules of behavior in the toilet room. Individual work with Maxim R., Sergey - strengthening the ability to turn clothes inside out.

Children's games with a constructor, building material - the development of constructive skills, fantasies, consolidation of the concepts of height, color. Contribute constructor Lego- Contribute shaper. children have perseverance and imagination.

Walk Observation of celestial objects - to stimulate the interest of children to see unusual things in the ordinary.

Labor activity - together with the educator, remove branches from the territory of the site - involve pupils in collective labor activity. Individual work with Ilya, Varya - to stimulate the interest of children in long jump from a place.

P. /i "The deer has a big house"- way. strengthening the ability to correlate movement with text.

Di "I will name, and you describe"- to promote the development of dialogue speech, interpersonal communication (with brought up by a subgroup.) To encourage children to m.p. and - to improve the ability to act in accordance with the rules of the game, to promote the expressiveness of movements.

Theme of the week: « Spring came Day of the week Friday Date 03/26/2016

Joint activities in regime moments Directly educational activities (individual, group) Organization of independent activities of children.

Morning: Reception and examination of children.

Morning exercises - contribute to the development of an emotional charge for the coming day, help relieve negative emotions.

Breathing exercise: "Hedgehog"

"Spruce looks like a hedgehog:

Spruce in needles, a Christmas tree too "

(after active inhalation through the nose, the children pronounce as they exhale "puff - puff") - strengthening the nasopharynx, upper respiratory tract and lungs. Individual work on the development of speech (vocabulary work, exercise in grammatically correct speech)- way. strengthening the ability to form diminutive - affectionate names of young animals.

Di "Say the opposite"- Encourage children to choose antonyms. (with subtitle)

Bring in a large designer - contribute to a joyful mood.

GCD (group) I. Visual activity


Subject: "Beautiful building"


Way. shaper. the ability of pupils to convey different designs in the drawing;

Way. fixing the names of the figures.

Ways: showing techniques, examining.

Facilities: pencils, sketchbooks, illustrations, geometric shapes.

Lit-ra: T. S. Komarova, p69

II. Reading fiction.

"Grandmother, granddaughter and hen"


Continue to expand the experience of listening to a fairy tale

Way. forming the development of the ability to perceive the text, name the main characteristics of the characters, the motives of their actions, evaluate them from the standpoint of aesthetic norms.

Ways: reading a fairy tale, conversation.

Facilities: showing illustrations, fairy tale.

Lexical words: clanking, blyak, rocker, tinkling, creaking, groaning.

Reader page - 10

Walk Observing the sun - lead children to the idea that the sun is necessary for all living beings.

Labor activity: collect toys in a basket - support children's desire to be useful, interest in work assignments. P/game "Find Your Color"- way. shaper. children's ability to navigate in space, exercise in distinguishing primary colors

Individual work with Vasilisa, Egor, Maxim R. - to practice walking with a side step.

Di "Say a word"- Encourage children to complete the proverbs. (with children). Create conditions for the game "Find a Surprise"- invite children to find, based on visual landmarks (bows tied on the branches of shrubs) surprise prepared by the teacher. Contribute to the prevention of nervous strain, bring joy to children.

GCD (group) Motor activity: way. forming the ability of children to crawl under the rail, without touching the edge with their backs, to maintain balance; exercise in different types of walking and running.

move: walking one after the other, "like mice", "like herons", with a change of direction, with a change of pace, running one after another, walking, building in a circle.

outdoor switchgear: "Tongue", "Let's dance", "Relax", "Stroke the barrel".

OD: "Come Fast - Don't Fall", "Get in the hole".

P / s "Aircraft", slow running.

Evening Get up. Gymnastics in bed after sleep - continue to work to improve the health of children, create conditions for the systematic hardening of the body.

D/ game "Set the table for refreshments"-Improve your table setting skills. improve skills

communication. Di "Collect a picture"- way. shaper. the ability of children to assemble a whole from parts. (with subtitle)

With Maxim R., Varya, Yegor - to practice writing numbers.

Draw the children's attention to the fact that the day has become longer, find out why this is happening.

Introduce desktop printed games - to promote the desire to play N/A games.

Walk Observation of icicles. Why they are formed - a way. shaper. ability to build logical connections.

Individual work with Nastya, Varya, Alina is a way. development of skills to navigate in space.

Di "Guess the description"- way. shaper. the ability to guess an object according to certain signs.

With Vasilisa, Vika, Ilya, remember poems about spring. Create conditions for games with sports equipment.