Calligraphy for beginners. What is the artificial calligraphy technique and how to properly handle the instruments. How to learn to write beautifully? Rules and techniques for mastering beautiful writing for children and adults

Beautiful handwriting or calligraphy is often called the art of writing, which leads many to think that it is impossible for a person without a certain talent to achieve success in this field. But it is not so. So, many famous painters had disgusting handwriting, and in fact it can hardly be said that God deprived them of the ability to hold a pen or brush.

In terms of the ability to write beautifully, according to many researchers, it is not talent that plays a big role, but patience and inner peace. It has been noticed that children who grow up in a supportive, calm family environment, as a rule, have a smoother and more beautiful handwriting than their peers, whose life goes by in constant stress.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that almost everyone can learn the skill of writing, and here are some tips on how to learn how to write in a beautiful handwriting.

For starters, it is important to sit comfortably at the table and take care of good lighting. If your hand is too tense when writing, then this position of the hand will not contribute to the appearance of even and beautiful characters from under your pen. In addition, you must strictly monitor your posture. Correct posture allows you to completely relax, which will help you write beautifully.

Assessing your handwriting

To understand what to work on first, it will be useful to objectively assess the state of your writing at the moment and compare the spelling of letters, strokes and spacing between owls and letters with the ideal of beautiful handwriting that you would like to achieve. So you will immediately understand where the weak points are in your letter, which curls and strokes can be improved, and which should be completely eliminated.

Writing accessories

A suitable pen and paper play an important role in calligraphy. As a rule, fountain pens are chosen as the main tool, rather than cheap ballpoint or pencils. A good quality ink pen makes it much easier to draw straight and uniform lines when writing. The same applies to paper, which must be of sufficient quality so that the marks applied to it do not blur from the ink. Someone prefers to use notebooks for first graders for training, and this is sometimes justified, especially at first.


Before moving on to long words, it is advisable to practice writing each letter of the alphabet individually, as you once did in school. You need to have a sample in front of you and try to carefully, beautifully write out each dash, and also monitor the spacing between the letters. These exercises should be repeated until the time when your letter begins to show signs of automaticity.

Connecting lines

The beauty of handwriting largely depends on the ability to connect letters into words with straight, beautiful lines. Italic - the so-called connections between letters, translated from Latin means "running hand", which perfectly conveys the essence of the correct connection. Make sure that your hand, figuratively speaking, floats loosely over the sheet of paper and do not forget to fill in all the necessary spaces between the letters.

Hand motility

It is necessary to develop fine motor skills of the hands, which will significantly improve handwriting. Here you can choose an activity to your liking: someone prefers macrame, while another can choose modeling from plasticine or the construction of houses with matches. It will be useful to do drawing as well. It is desirable to draw with a pencil, carefully drawing out small details.


Successful calligraphy requires constant and persistent training. You need to love the process itself, and the rest will be done by your perseverance and hard work. After hard study, a positive result will definitely not keep you waiting, and your handwriting will become something like a business card.

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Text affects our entire life. We encounter him every day and write a lot: at school, at work, for posts in social networks ... Often, we are evaluated by the texts, they form an opinion about us.

Why is it so difficult to write text? After all, I want to be able to write so that people understand us, want to read more and more. ..So how to make sure that you are not painfully ashamed of your texts? How to learn to write the most interesting articles?

Read on for tips on how to learn how to write lyrics!

1. Visualize everything you write about

80% of the information that a person receives every second, he receives with the help of sight. It is logical that if we want to convey to the reader as much information as possible, then we need to use the most effective way.

Scientists have proven that texts are best perceived in which specific expressions are written to form a specific image.

In order for the reader from “It seems to be clear” to come to “I understand,” you need to visualize images for him.

2. Enter into dialogue with the reader

They try to look smarter, insert professionalism (and often clericalism) right and left, use expressions like “As we all know…” or “Obviously…” in cases where everything is actually far from obvious. They write in long, hard-to-read sentences and so on.

In most cases, the readers will be divided into two halves: some will believe in the “great genius” of such an author, and their self-esteem will fall below the plinth, others will say: “Who are you to laugh in front of me?” and stop reading. So don't write like that.

Classical texts, which assume equality between author and reader, help the latter to feel like a genius.

Stephen Pinker, linguist at Harvard University

And how should you write correctly?

You have to be on the same level with the reader. Use the so-called "cooler test": Imagine that you are reading your material to a friend you met at the cooler at work. Better yet, let someone else read the text. To a friend, colleague, loved one. And ask three questions:

Will he be pleased to listen to you?

Will he understand you?

Will he make the right conclusions?

If the answer to all three questions is yes, then you've written great material.

In my youth, I had problems when I could not start a text for a long time, and then I opened a window for a new post in LiveJournal or a new letter in the mail, wrote there, and everything worked out right away, because writing a letter or post is easier than article. It helps a lot to come up with a specific addressee to whom the text is addressed: it’s as if you personally tell him this story, focusing on the fact that he will be interested in how many minutes he will listen to you continuously (and then you need to distract yourself, somehow joke or change the topic ) etc

In general, talk to your reader like a friend, then even the most demanding and busy people will find time for your text or article.

3. Do not delay, hiding the main thing

At the very beginning of the material, present the main idea to the reader. If he does not understand what the "salt" is, then it will be difficult to perceive the text.

Imagine that the editor-in-chief of a sports publication is told that the Russian junior team has beaten their peers from Spain. Despite the fact that this is the sphere of his professional competence, he will not understand anything.

Which team? Youth is up to 18, and up to 16, and up to 14. In what sport did you beat? Football? Basketball? Hockey? A lot of questions arise even from a person who is knowledgeable in the topic.

What if your reader is a beginner? He will not understand anything and will feel like an idiot. These are negative emotions. They are associated with your blog or publication. The bottom line is that you will lose the reader. This is bad.

Therefore, always give out the main idea at the beginning so that the reader can perceive the material based on it. There is no point in intrigue if the person does not understand what you are talking about here. Then he stops reading.

4. Put the text on the back burner

After the written material is brought to its optimal form (from your point of view), close it and put it off until the next day. Do other things. You can start working on the next text, the main thing - do not touch what has already been written.

The next day, open the material and re-read it again. Most likely, there will be details that you want to fix, add or change. Fix it, but it's better to stop there.

Conduct the final editing of the material no earlier than a day after it was written.

5. Always check spelling and punctuation!

Banal spelling mistakes or commas can seriously ruin the impression of you.

If such incidents happen to you from time to time, then it is stupid to suggest that you repeat the school course of the Russian language. Most likely, you do not have time for this.

In this case, try to check your texts through specialized online services or in Microsoft Word.

Services for checking spelling and punctuation in the text:

  • - a simple and intuitive service for quickly checking the text, where you can also check the uniqueness of the text;
  • - a set of several cool services for every day for a professional copywriter and journalist;
  • - a service from Yandex for checking the literacy of the text, you can embed it into your site.

Better to check 100 times and make sure everything is fine than to relax once and then blush. Always check the written text for literacy!

6. Write as much as possible

Everything is the same as with cycling: it is impossible to learn how to ride in theory. You just need to pick up and go! Fall, rise and try again. There is no other way.

It is the same with the text as with the great. You have to write every day, regularly, constantly. Live this business. Not a day without a line. Then and only then can you become a truly professional copywriter or journalist.

Write every day, fill your hand.

  • Stephen King writes 6 pages a day,
  • James Patterson - 4 pages,
  • James Joyce considered it a good day when he added 6 new letters to the text.
  • How many pages (words, signs) do you write per day?

7. Read as much as possible

Writing well is impossible unless you spend at least a few hours a day reading books. When we read, new words and expressions are deposited in our head, old ones are updated, the style and manner of correct speech are adopted.

Read classic literature. But do not forget to read something else as well - sometimes it is useful to shift your attention even to frank "slag" in order to be able to distinguish one from the other.

You have to read a lot, I would even say - read everything. Don't make lists of authors, media or books for yourself, but actually read everything, including any informational rubbish. You need to have an idea: what and how is already written, how they write now, how they do not write. In any business, the most important thing is the coordinate system in which you exist. For a writer, such a system should be all the texts that are available to him.

Oleg Kashin

In the beginning, it's not a shame to try to imitate a famous author. There is nothing wrong with that, A.S. himself. In his youth, Pushkin imitated, for example, Byron (the famous English romantic poet of the 19th century).

Calligraphy (from the Greek for "beautiful handwriting") is the art of decorative writing. This practice spans millennia and countless cultures. While calligraphy was used for religious purposes in the past, it now has many other uses. If you want to explore this beautiful art for yourself, read on.


Calligraphic letter

    Circle or outline the overall shape and location. You need to allocate space for symbols on your page. You can just leave basic lines, or you can delineate a space for each symbol. If you want more skillful writing, you can style the entire page before you start printing the letters.

    • Use a ruler to draw the paper correctly and look at a sample of your preferred style so you can emulate your chosen writing style.
  1. Hold your writing instruments correctly. The calligraphy brush should be held slightly differently from the pen. In addition, it depends on whether you are using the pen for writing - east or west. Holding the writing utensils properly will help you write the letters correctly. tly.

    • For oriental calligraphy, hold the nib relatively straight on the first three fingers of your hand. The closer to the stubble you hold it, the sharper the lines will be. In this manner, your elbow should be raised and your arm should be motionless, moving the brush only with your fingers.
    • For Western calligraphy, hold the pen in approximately the same way, but use a regular brush to paint. Using a brush rather than a pen for Western writing will give your letters a rounder and more fluid shape.
    • For Western or Arabic calligraphy, hold your pen at a 30-60 degree angle at all times with the pen's point pointing up and to the left from you. When most of the nib is parallel to the leaf, the brush draws thicker lines. When the feather is perpendicular, the lines appear thinner. With a bird's feather, the result is the same.
  2. Create letters. Form letters on the page. Pay attention to how you hold the writing instrument. Use different lines to give the letter a proper look. Keep strokes even and proportional.

    • Make sure you are not working too slowly with the pen, as excess ink will spill onto the page, resulting in "bleeding" and jagged letters.
    • Let the ink dry before you draw new lines. Make sure that the edge of your hand is not touching the sheet, so as not to stain it.
  3. Use pressure to control the lines of the letters. You will definitely want to use different lines so that your letters have the proper look. You can achieve this by controlling the angle of your pen. Or by controlling the pressure on the sheet. Use strong but quick pressure to get thick lines. If you want your lines to be as thin as hairs, draw them in very light strokes.

    • Different nibs or pen shafts will also help you get different line weights. There are a variety of nibs that work well in one way or another.
  4. Use the correct stroke sequence. Each character or letter will be made up of several different segments. These segments are made with single movements, therefore they are called strokes. Every stroke you make matters, so be vigilant.

    • The stroke sequence is different for different types of calligraphy. The best way to learn how to do this is to purchase a calligraphic writing book. The trick of Western writing is that it is important to use the same strokes as you would normally write (for example, vertical, then horizontal).
    • The sequence of strokes not only ensures correct and even application of the segments, but also often has a philosophical significance!
  5. Protect your writing surface. Make sure that the paper you are writing on will not get dirty in the future. Monitor your actions and make sure that your hand does not come into contact with the wet ink on the sheet. What's more, it's important to protect the paper from anything your hand comes into contact with, such as grease. You can place an extra sheet under your hand to protect the manuscript.

    Decorate the leaf. Once the ink is dry, you can add a variety of decorations to your writing. They can be in the form of illustrations with colored or golden decorative elements. This will not only make your text stand out, but also make it expressive and attractive.

    Practice to improve your skills

    Practice often. You can apply an ordinary letter using any materials at hand. The most important thing is that you fill your hand and gain an understanding of how to change the width of the lines on the sheet. Freestyle practice allows you to build experience quickly and easily, as these workouts can take place anywhere with the materials available and with little planning ahead.

    Use the grid method. If you want to practice more formally, you can draw a grid on the sheet. Draw it out with barely pressure with a simple pencil. The area of ​​each square is approximately 1 "x1". Fill in each line with a variation of the letter you want to write out until the strokes are even and accurate.

    Copy other people's work. You can view the work of those who tried to recreate calligraphic writing. Use any illustrations, such as those taken from the Internet or calligraphic textbooks, and copy the drawings through tracing paper. Trace characters while trying to recreate the original strokes. If you intend to use ink, prepare ahead of time as it may seep through the paper.

    • Since paper can leak, it is best to use inexpensive photocopies and prints of the jobs you redraw. This will protect you from damage to the original.

    Mastering calligraphy

    Decide on your writing style. There are several types of calligraphic writing that correspond to the calligraphic traditions of different cultures. Therefore, you should decide which letter you like. And what letter would you like to study.

    • Western calligraphy is a style familiar to most English-speaking people. It rose during the heyday of Latin writing. It is often seen in the Bible and illustrated manuscripts.
    • Oriental calligraphy is a style found in Japanese, Chinese and Korean decorative writing. So widespread and honorable in the East, calligraphy was used for poetry and as an accompaniment to illustrations and other forms of art.
    • Arabic calligraphy has a religious orientation that is inherent in the Islamic world. Muslims are convinced that one cannot engage in artistic activities that reflect life and being (this is punishable by God). Therefore, calligraphy is the main art form in Arabic culture, in line with Muslim beliefs.
  6. Outline your ideas. Before you take on a new segment, write down your ideas on a sheet of paper. Think about what and where you want to write. Think about the space you intend to fill. Sketch some quick sketches (pen or pencil on sketch paper) to prepare for the final image.

    Get the best paper. You will need sheets on which to create. You can use simple scrapbook sheets as well as elaborate calligraphy paper. Use whatever material suits you. You can buy it at an office, workshop or stationery store.

    Purchase suitable writing instruments. You will need supplies to write with. Technically, you can use any writing medium. However, there are certain tools that are better than others. Which one to use, however, depends on what type of calligraphic writing you are doing. And what writing utensils are more convenient for you to write.

    • Fountain pens and pens that you dip in ink. These are wooden, plastic, or bone pens with a metal tip (the nib at the end that comes into contact with the paper during the writing process). The tip sinks into the ink, which in turn is deposited on the walls inside the nib. This pen is typical of both Arabic and Western calligraphy. Although it can also be used for oriental writing.
    • Fountain pens are similar to fountain pens, but the ink is inside the refill. You don't need to dip them in the inkwell, but you will need to change the refill periodically.
    • Brushes, which are used in Western and Eastern scripts, are striking in a variety of sizes. But they often have approximately the same shape. They must be dipped in ink, pressed on the sheet and indicated in the direction to form strokes and lines.
  7. Get the best ink available. You will need ink to write. There are many brands of ink available. And the result partly depends on which one you choose. The ink comes in a variety of colors, but black is the preferred color for all writing styles. Rely on your preference.

    • Ink sticks, which require melanteritis, are made from mascara, which must be crushed and mixed with water. Which gives us the ink with which we write. It is a great tool for calligraphers as it produces multiple tones from the same ink depending on the mix concentrate. You can buy similar inks in workshops and Asian stores, including online.
    • Compact ink is the most commonly used in calligraphic craft. This ink is already pre-mixed, and all you have to do is dip the nib in it. Indian ink is the most common. They are easy to find in art stores.
    • Refills are a special type of water-soluble ink that is made for fountain pens. It is very important to use refills for a fountain pen, as other types of ink will ruin it and clog it up irrevocably. This ink comes pre-sealed, so all you have to do is insert the refill into the fountain pen.
  8. Purchase rulers and other orientation tools to keep it presentable. The guide lines you draw will ensure your manuscript is straight. Or you might want to write along a curved or circular line, which again requires a reference. Rulers and other guiding tools will give your writing a clean and professional look.

  9. Purchase duct tape or weights to avoid annoyance. You will need duct tape or weights to secure the sheet you are writing on. This way, you will avoid skewing or bending the paper in the process. You can also use paper clips or an easel.

    • Be careful when choosing a ribbon. If it's too strong, you can damage or tear your sheet when you want to move it. It is best to use artistic tape.

Today, people, despite advances in technology, still have to write by hand. First of all, this applies to schoolchildren and students who are forced to take notes on lectures, submit essays and presentations, and take control tests. How can you learn to write quickly so that the notes you have made can be easily understood? The tips below will help you increase your writing speed in no time.

How to write fast: choosing a pen

You should not use a pencil, it only delays the process. The speed with which a student takes notes of lectures largely depends on the pen in his hands at this time. How to learn to write quickly? Get yourself the most convenient stationery by trial and error. First of all, such parameters of the handle as thickness and shape play a role. You should also pay attention to the material, the product should not slip out, cause discomfort. The appearance of calluses, rapid fatigue of the fingers are signals that say that the pen is not suitable.

Choosing the right pen is only half the battle; how the student holds it is also important. The product should be placed on the middle finger, the index and thumb are used to grip it. The rest of the fingers are practically not involved in the process, they should remain in a static and relaxed state. How to learn to write quickly? The mistake is made by people who convulsively squeeze the handle.

Useful exercises

The expander is a useful tool for those who want to significantly increase their writing speed. By the way, exercises with this device are useful not only for this, but also as a physical activity. Modern sporting goods stores offer customers not only models for adults, but also products specially designed for children.

How to learn to write quickly? The expander is not the only way to achieve this goal. Modeling from plasticine effectively helps to develop fine motor skills. You can sculpt anything, for example, small animal figures. The more small details, the more effective such training is. People who do not like to tinker with plasticine can abandon it in favor of beading.

Finally, you need to write constantly. Keeping a diary will be an excellent workout, you can just write down ideas that accidentally arise in your head, present on paper a summary of the books you have read. The timer helps to keep track of the writing speed at such moments.

Abbreviation system

Any schoolchild knows about the existence, it would also hardly occur to students to write down words like “so on”, “so on” in full. Everyone knows the principles of reduction of units of measurement of volume, length, speed and other quantities. However, for those wondering how to learn to write quickly with a pen, this is not enough.

Reading scientific literature helps to master the art of shortening the text. For example, the name of the subject in the articles is used only at the beginning, then only the first letter with a period is put. A student can devise a personal abbreviation system by taking some time to do so. How to learn to write quickly with a pen? For example, you can throw out all letters from a word except for the initial and final letters, use only the first letters at all.

Of course, notations made using abbreviations should be clear. If it takes a lot of time to decipher them, it is simply inappropriate to continue using this method.

A few words about statements

The abbreviation system does not come to the aid of the student in all situations. How to learn to write a presentation quickly without breaking the rules of grammar? Here, the student will be helped first of all by a good memory, therefore, it must be constantly trained. To do this, you can memorize poems, retell the books read aloud, and it is better to write down their brief contents.

The draft is used at the stage when the student listens to the text on which the presentation is being written. It is necessary to fix the story plan, main thoughts, complex words and expressions on paper. The points do not have to be detailed, they are only required to cover the main issues. So that invaluable time is not wasted thinking about how to spell this or that word, which punctuation mark to choose in this or that case, it is necessary to learn the rules of grammar and punctuation.

A little about handwriting

If the lecture notes must first of all be understandable to the author himself, then the statements and essays are read by the reviewers. and fast man in this case? He will learn if he works with recipes that were used in the first grade. After working through the spelling of each letter, you can start with whole words. It is useful to use a squared notebook, trying to display words so that there is only one letter per square.

Learning how to quickly type on the keyboard is also helpful. Any program for training typing speed will help with this. For example, you can use "Keyboard Solo".

Beautiful, calligraphic handwriting- a real art that is allowed to learn. Drawing letters positively, writing slowly, copying examples of calligraphic handwriting are some tips that can come in handy in the first stage of learning positive writing.


1. For the classic writing of letters, use special notebooks - recipes. Usually, first-graders use such notebooks to learn how to write capital letters. You will also buy books on teaching calligraphy and faithful writing. Exercise in the form of writing excerpts from different stories every day, spending a few hours writing. Over time, your hand will get used to tracing positively outlined letters. But do not rush to immediately jump to writing complex sentences. To begin with, deal with the alphabet, with special attention and diligence writing each letter.

2. Hire a calligraphy tutor handwriting... Occasionally, independent comprehension of material from books is unsatisfactory, tea is necessary so that a specialist from the outside appreciates your efforts for excellence. It may seem to you that you have more closely achieved a certain skill (handwriting has become more intelligible to others than before), but in fact it turns out that there is still a long way to improve writing. Minor writing flaws, positive holding of the pen under the necessary bias - all this and much more can only be pointed out by a specialist in calligraphy. handwriting .

3. Take lessons in fine arts and drafting. Learn to draw, draw geometric shapes evenly, and draw a circle of the correct shape by hand. Over time, you will "fill" your hand, and your handwriting will be transformed beyond recognition, in a cool sense. It is often permissible to hear that the knowledge to draw is an innate skill, but, as is famous, if there is an irresistible desire to learn something, then it will definitely work out!

4. Purchase coloring pages for children, in which it is allowed not only to paint the figures, but also to paint them on the dotted lines. So you will learn how to accurately reduce the dotted line to a solid one, which will work well when writing letters consisting of vertical lines, like the letters - "g", "p", "c", etc.

Writes "like a chicken with a paw", "like a doctor" - today it is often allowed to hear this about the handwriting of this or that person. It is not enough that since the time of Peter I the font of manuscripts has been continuously changing and simplifying, so now, with the development of computer technology, people have completely stopped writing by hand. And even fewer who can boast of calligraphic handwriting .

You will need

  • - a special recipe;
  • - writing instruments.


1. In pre-revolutionary times, calligraphy was a separate subject in schools and was considered an important science. Then the beauty of the written letters was given by the fact that the words were applied to the paper by the tear-off method. So it was more than probabilities and time, in order to diligently print the letters. However, after the next school reforms in 1968, the Ministry of Education decided that it was necessary to increase the writing speed of children by abandoning the detachable habits of writing letters. At the same time, they canceled the special line-up of notebooks, which helped to positively write words on paper. Consequently, in order to learn how to write calligraphy, it is necessary to use special recipes. They are marked with a special ruler, which helps to write letters with a positive bias. Also, in such a recipe, points are drawn along which it is necessary to circle the letter as it should be according to the norms of calligraphy. The core plus of such markings is that the hand of the writer mechanically takes the desired position and writes the letter along the correct trajectory.

2. The rule of calligraphy is based on the idea that the whole letter has its own writing formula. Knowing her, will the person who writes mechanically know? where and how to put the pen, how to positively lead the line and where the letter on the letter should end. And finally, calligraphic writing must strictly be tear-off. On the contrary, it will not work to spell out the letter perfectly. Tea, such a spelling of words - with little respites, is considered the most physiological for a person. All lines in letters and words must be smooth, gently rounded and brought to a logical conclusion.

3. Many other factors also affect the beauty of handwriting. One of them is the wrong posture when writing. Never a person sitting crookedly with a low head and an unnaturally twisted neck will write beautifully. Letters must be written with one slant, i.e. look uniform on paper. If a person sits abnormally, then his angle of vision periodically changes, and therefore the inclination of the letters. And this is a closer violation of the laws of calligraphy.

4. Another prerequisite for developing great handwriting is the correct positioning of the writing paper. She should lie exactly with the maximum possible inclination of 20 degrees (no more!). The middle of the written text should correspond to the middle of the chest. This also helps to preserve the tilt of the letters when writing in the positive direction.

5. And of course, you should not be upset that at first not everything works out, that it takes a lot of time to write one word. All this progresses with skill and acquires the required speed. But after a few hard training, your handwriting is less likely to be called ugly and incomprehensible.

Excellent handwriting has been appreciated at all times. Joyful owners of calligraphic handwriting could get jobs unattainable for those who write poorly. And even now, when an ordinary pen is gradually being replaced by a computer keyboard, beautiful handwriting has not lost its meaning. It is nice for loved ones to receive a message written in your own hand. And you still have to fill in various documents by hand quite regularly.

You will need

  • - recipes;
  • - a fountain pen;
  • - ball pen;
  • - paper in a ruler and in a cage.


1. Assess your handwriting and identify any shortcomings. Answer yourself in good faith to the question whether he is reasonable enough, whether you write the letters and their elements exactly. Also think about what handwriting you would like. Perhaps you will have to master the new elements of the letters. It's better to do this right away, there is absolutely no need to retrain several times.

2. Education calligraphy slightly different from teaching a first grader to write. Get your copy. They can be purchased or downloaded from the Internet and printed. Try the same sequence that you used to teach children. Take care of the correct posture. Sit up straight, lay the sheet slightly obliquely, take a positive pencil.

3. Write a few lines of script in a sharpened, simple pencil. Imagine that you are just learning to write. Be diligent to write all the elements evenly, correctly respecting the proportions and slope. If you are in control of the process, one or two sessions of writing with a pencil will be enough.

4. Write a few lines with insert pen and primitive ink. Start with letter elements, then write all letters, lowercase and uppercase. If you want to spice up your upcoming handwriting with some curls in capital letters, grasp them now. The most basic thing - write straight, observing the slope and pressure. The height of the letters should also be even, therefore, write first the recipe in two lines.

5. Try to write something on the checkered sheet. Be diligent so that the height of the letters is approximately equal to 2/3 of the cell. Let the vertical stripes do not bother you, write the letters with that slope, the one that you prefer for yourself. Observe letter heights and pressure closely.

6. Having mastered the letter on sheets of paper in a cage, go to a notebook in one line. Be diligent to observe the height of the letters, in fine handwriting it is about 1/3 of the distance between the rulers or a little more. The height of the uppercase letters almost reaches the ruler above.

7. Try writing a few lines with a fountain pen. Write not elements of letters, but words or small texts. Keep track of letter heights, height-to-width ratio. Display connection elements perfectly.

8. Go to a ballpoint or gel pen. Follow the same rules as when working with a pencil and fountain pens. Excellent pressure, classic for fountain pens, is less invisible when working with a ballpoint, but you still need to do it. Beautiful letters only come out if your movements are correct and precise.

9. Switch to a ballpoint pen and monitor the process. Try not to look at the notebook all the time. Think for a while about the table of contents of the text, not how it will look on the sheet. Then see what you get. If you stop observing how you write, and the letters still turn out to be smooth and beautiful, then everything is in order. If, being distracted, you stop writing correctly, you need to observe observationally the lessons for some time.

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Helpful advice
A mature person who doesn't need everyone to learn again can do without intermediate stages. Write a few words in pencil in order to understand the sequence of movements and learn how to measure the efforts. After that, it is allowed to go directly to a ballpoint pen. But in this case it is necessary to control the movements more severely.

One of the tasks of the original school is to teach children to write calligraphy, however, even in the distance, not all adults have this skill. Learning to write calligraphic is allowed on your own, applying certain rules.


1. First, take the correct body position. To do this, sit in a chair straight, tilt your head slightly forward. If you are right-handed, then place your left hand on the table and transfer part of your body weight onto it, at the same time hold the paper with this hand. If you are left-handed, place your fulcrum on your right hand. The hand you are writing with should barely touch the tabletop.

2. Take a writing tool - pen or quill - in your working hand. Use a huge finger to press the handle against the nail phalanx of your middle finger. Bend your index slightly and hold the handle on top. It is necessary to hold the writing instrument in your hand without tension.

3. Relax and straighten the remaining two fingers - excess tension in them will interfere with the smooth movements of the hand. Check the correct position of the handle, with the other hand, pull it out at the top end. If it slides freely, then you are doing everything right.

4. Start practicing your calligraphic lettering by drawing free-form lines on the paper. Write at a 30 degree angle first, then 45 and 90 degrees. The main thing is to learn to observe the slope at a given angle. Observe the sequence: you need to write only from top to bottom and from left to right.

5. Practice writing the letter "o", draw each line in one step and carefully connect the touching lines. This is necessary for writing rounded characters. Do not change the position of your hand while writing, as the angle may change.

6. Learn to write severely vertical strokes. When writing a stroke, do not rely on the previous one, if its angle of inclination is changed - each line of strokes may bend. Watch your breath and draw strokes as you exhale. Avoid too fast and unhurried movements, choose a writing pace that is comfortable for you. Calligraphic writing requires a certain determination from the author and is the result of assertive training.

Do the exercises slowly and methodically at first, increasing the speed will be a natural process.

Helpful advice
Move on to writing difficult letters little by little, as soon as you master the technique of primitive exercises.

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