Labrador stone: interesting. Labradorite stone properties

Labradorite is a precious stone that is obtained from the mineral of the same name with the help of special processing. The color of Labrador Retrievers is blue, purple and dark green. The main secret of the stone is a beautiful iridescent glow in bright light (scientists call this effect iridescence).

Labrador stone goes well with almost any outfit, and some people believe that it has healing and magical properties.

According to legend, the Hyperboreans were the first to use this stone. In the era of antiquity and the Middle Ages, the stone was practically unknown (although there were many legends about the mysterious jewels of the East). However, in 1770, large deposits were discovered on the Labrador Peninsula, which is located on the territory of modern Canada, and the gem itself became very popular in Europe.

Also, small deposits were discovered in Russia, after which they began to make jewelry, snuff boxes and so on from stone.

Main varieties

There are such types of Labrador:

Black Lunar

This variety of Labrador Retriever has a characteristic blue or bluish sheen in bright light. The black labrador is widely used in jewelry, and most jewelry is made from stones of this type.


Mined in the USA, and its characteristic feature is a bright yellowish-golden and even white color.


In the light, this stone shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow. This type of stone was discovered in 1940, and the production of jewelry with spectrolite began after the Second World War.

Labradorite or labradorite?

In many European countries, a labrador is called a labradorite. This often leads to confusion, as labradorite is also the name given to an igneous rock that slightly resembles a labradorite in appearance and some physical properties.

Here you need to understand that labradorite differs from labradorite in composition, physical and medicinal properties, therefore it is a mistake to put an equal sign between these minerals.

Physical Properties

The Labrador has the following physical characteristics:

  1. Consists of 50-70% CaAl2Si2O8 and 30-50% NaAlSi3O8. May contain small impurities of iron, manganese and magnesium.
  2. The color of the stone is dark gray, smoky gray and completely black. In the light, the stone has characteristic blue, blue, blue-green and multi-colored overflows (depending on the stone) due to a phenomenon called iridescence. It should be remembered that iridescence appears only after polishing, and an untreated stone looks uninteresting and does not shine.
  3. Opaque,
  4. Does not luminesce.
  5. Soluble in acids.
  6. It crumbles and is easily crushed on impact.
  7. It has a triclinic syngony.
  8. Density - about 2.7 grams per cubic centimeter.
  9. Hardness - 6 - 6.5 units on the Mohs scale.
  10. The average crystal size is about 5-10 centimeters; crystals larger than 50 centimeters are extremely rare.

Place of Birth

The first major stone deposit is the Canadian Labrador Peninsula. Also, it is mined in the USA, Mexico, Finland, India, Madagascar, Ukraine and so on.

Magical and healing properties

The Labrador has the following healing properties:

  1. Helps with infertility, impotence and some other diseases of the genitourinary system.
  2. Relieves pain in the joints and spine.
  3. It relieves headaches and can slightly reduce the temperature during colds (by 0.3 - 0.6 degrees).
  4. Can be used to prevent cancer, diseases of the throat, lungs and mouth.
  5. Helps in the fight against kidney stones by stimulating metabolism.
  6. Normalizes sleep and relieves nervousness. Also, it can be used to treat alcoholism and drug addiction as an additional therapy.

The stone also has magical properties:

  1. The value of this mineral is to protect houses from the penetration of both evil spirits and bandits (for a person who does not break the law, he does not pose a threat). For example, put a small labradorite under the rug in front of the door - and then it will be extremely difficult for thieves to break the door.
  2. Helps to anticipate events that will happen in the near future (2-7 days).
  3. Gives the owner eloquence, sharp intuition and self-confidence.
  4. With the help of this stone, a businessman will be able to make more profitable purchases.
  5. It will allow ordinary people to avoid conflicts.
  6. Also, the Labrador is considered an adornment of young and beautiful girls. It is believed that with the help of the magic of labradorite, you can charm your lover.
  7. It enhances psychic and parapsychological abilities, so people of creative professions love to wear it.

Who suits the zodiac sign?

Can all zodiac signs wear this stone?

Find out who this mineral is suitable for:

  1. Capricorns, Aquarius and Cancers should wear this stone with care. The fact is that the Labrador has a great psychic potential, and these signs of the zodiac can rather weakly control this element. In other words, a stone can do more harm than good to these signs of the zodiac.
  2. Aries, Taurus and Gemini fits the horoscope. Labradorite will give them self-confidence. Also, it will help restore mutual understanding in the family and strengthen the marriage. For businessmen and creative people, the mineral will give self-confidence, which can be useful in their business activities.
  3. Leo, Virgo, Libra can also wear this stone. He will give these signs of the zodiac confidence in the future, good mood and love of life. With it, you can activate mental activity, which will help during your studies.
  4. Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces should combine this stone with other jewelry, as wearing a Labrador by these signs of the zodiac has little astrological effect. For these signs of the zodiac, the stone will slightly enhance extrasensory abilities and cure minor illnesses, as well as slightly improve mood.

Application of stone

Due to its unusual color and characteristic brilliance, the stone has found its wide application in everyday life. There are two main applications - this is the use as a precious product and the use as a facing material.


A large number of jewelry is made from the Labrador. It can be earrings, rings, beads, pendants, figurines and so on. Also, various magical pendants and amulets are made from it, with the help of which you can protect yourself from evil spirits and criminals. In the manufacture of jewelry, gold is usually not used - after all, the golden luster is very poorly combined with the characteristic brilliance of the stone itself, and no one will buy such jewelry.

But silver and platinum are used very often - the whitish luster of precious metals resonates well not only with the stone itself, but also with its blue-green characteristic luster.

Other uses

Labrador is also used as a facing material. It is used to make wide thin tiles, which then cover the floors and the surface of the walls. For example, such cladding was very often used when decorating metro walls in Soviet times (then large deposits of this stone were discovered in Ukraine).

However, today labradorite is rarely used as a facing material due to the high price of such tiles.

Care and price

You need to take care of the stone like this:

  1. Polish the stone regularly with a soft, clean cloth or special brush to keep it shiny.
  2. Use only water when processing. It is forbidden to use detergents - after all, they contain acids and alkalis that can harm the stone.
  3. Must be stored in a dry place.
  4. The stone tolerates high and low temperatures well, so there are no special recommendations regarding the temperature regime (although this does not mean at all that the stone can be stored in the cold or heated in an oven).

Labrador is not too expensive. A small pebble will cost only 5-10 dollars. The price of a good jewelry for a woman will be about 50-60 dollars. The average price of a beautiful labrador figurine will be about $100. Also, you need to understand that the markup in most stores is very high, so the Labrador can cost even more.

Here you need to understand the following - today there is no artificial Labrador that would be indistinguishable in all respects from a natural stone. Therefore, buying such a stone is stupid - if some artificial stones reproduce natural stones very accurately, then an artificial labrador is actually a cheap fake.

You can distinguish a real stone from a fake as follows:

  1. A real Labrador shimmers in the light with blue, blue-green and iridescent colors, while a fake does not have such an effect.
  2. Also, you should ask the seller to provide a quality certificate that confirms the origin of the stone. If the jewelry seller refuses, then it makes sense to refuse the purchase.

Labrador in silver

Let's learn some interesting facts about this gemstone:

  1. Lithotherapists believe that the Labrador can somehow accumulate the energy of the moon. Therefore, during the full moon, it must be placed in an open place so that it recharges.
  2. In Kyiv, at the end of the 10th century, the Church of the Tithes was built, which was decorated with small fragments of a labrador. Scientists still do not know where these stones were mined.
  3. Seven centuries ago, it was believed that every wealthy Indian woman should have a Labrador bracelet.
  4. At the end of the 18th century, a small Labrador found in Russia was sold for huge money. The uniqueness of the stone was that in shape it is very reminiscent of the profile of the famous French king Louis XIV.
  5. It is believed that Labrador owners can sometimes dream things.

More than two thousand years ago, a mineral of incredible beauty was discovered to mankind, the properties and power of which are being studied to this day, but have not yet been fully disclosed. Having gone through the history of many peoples, the Labrador opened up to new nations and continents gradually, changing the names, properties, and lives of people. Today this stone is a symbol of inexhaustible energy, bodily and spiritual harmony, infinity of consciousness and subconsciousness.

Origin story

The mysterious gem opened the world to the no less mysterious northern people - the Hyperboreans. It was they who, according to legend, were the first to discover not only the mineral, but also its strong magical properties. After some time, it became known that the Labrador faithfully serves a worthy owner, and a dishonorable person leads to an early death.

This is interesting! One of the ancient myths describes the Labrador as the moonlight that fell on the stones near the stream. Lunar glare turned into a scattering of wonderful stones, succumbing to the gaze of the sorceress.

The ancient Greek people revered the nugget as a sacred mineral. Solidarity towards the gem was shown by the Chaldeans - the priests of Babylon and Mesopotamia. The iridescent glare of the gem was considered a divine gaze. They prayed for a nugget, holding it in their hands or placing it over a window opening. Even then, people knew that a Labrador should have only one owner, otherwise the gem would lose its power. Therefore, the best storage for a personal copy was a leather pouch tied around the heart.

Hindus of ancient times discovered in the nugget the ability to protect the love of the family hearth. Spouses were supposed to have a pair of stones - male and female. Gems of greenish-blue tones were considered masculine, and brown-gold minerals were considered feminine.

Labrador acted as a messenger of heaven for the people of Kievan Rus. The gem was endowed with incredible healing power sent down from above. The mineral began to be widely used in the construction of cathedrals, temples, tombs of rulers.

Passing through the centuries, the nugget was called by different names, it was mistaken for other minerals. So the Labrador was called the black moonstone, fish eye, black opal, peacock stone. Later it was confused with labradorite - a rocky rock.

The end of the 18th century was marked by several important stages in the history of stone. People have discovered large mineral deposits in Canada and Russia. As a result, the Labrador has become extremely popular in Europe. Fashionistas sought to adorn themselves with jewelry with a mineral, and complemented their homes with exquisite decor items. Later, during the Soviet era, the labrador became a popular facing material during the construction of the subway and the Mausoleum.

The official name of the stone was given by the Canadian Labrador Peninsula of the same name, where the mineral was discovered. And on the territory of Russia, lumps of a Labrador were found by chance, during the construction of the Hermitage. Popularity was not long in coming - all Russian nobility did not miss the opportunity to decorate their apartments with a gem. However, until now, the mysterious mineral has not revealed to mankind the essence of some of its mysterious properties.

Place of Birth

Canada and Ukraine are famous for the largest gem mining sites. In Russia, the mineral is mined on the territory of the Khabarovsk and Krasnoyarsk Territories, Buryatia and Yakutia. The following states also possess Labrador deposits:

  • Mexico.
  • Australia.
  • India.
  • Brazil.
  • Germany.
  • Greenland.
  • Burma.
  • Mongolia.

The islands of Sri Lanka and Madagascar have the most beautiful examples with multicolor iridescence. A high-quality ornamental stone is found in Tibet. Unique specimens also come from Finland.

Physical Properties

A mineral from the feldspar group is brittle, easily damaged by impact, melts at high temperatures, and is also susceptible to the destructive effects of acids.

Formula30-50% NaAlSi3O8+50-70% CaAl2Si2O8
impuritiesFe, K, Mg
Density2.69-2.70 g/cm³
Refractive index1,560-1,568
kinkUneven, stepped and brittle.
ShineGlassy to metallic.
ColorSmoky gray, dark gray to almost black with a bright play of colors.

An interesting feature of the Labrador is iridescence - the play of light on the surface of the stone, shimmering in different shades. This effect is inherent in the iris of our eyes, so the Labrador is often called the peacock, fish, cat's eye and other similar names. The phenomenon of iridescence is also called labradorescence or labradorization. Iridescent highlights look more pronounced on the treated surface of the stone.

Varieties of the mineral

Labrador is classified not by the shades of the mined specimens, but by the optical properties. Depending on the spectrum of light reflections, the following types of mineral are distinguished:

It is the shimmering highlights that give the Labrador beauty and charm. The color of the stone varies between dark blue and gray shades, approaching black.

Do you know that in 1799 an extraordinary nugget was found in Russia, on the cut of which the profile of Louis XIV was clearly visible. This copy was immediately sold at a price of 250 francs.

At that time, Russia was already swallowed up by the fashion for labrador decor - jewelry, interior items, interior cladding. Even the dresses of noble fashionistas were sewn from a special type of silk called "tausin". The color of the fabric accurately conveyed the shade of black moonstone.

healing power

Labrador contains a number of medicinal properties that affect not only individual problem areas, but the entire body as a whole. The stone is used by healers in cases of:

  • hypertension;
  • eye diseases;
  • infectious and viral diseases;
  • disorders of the nervous system (psychosis, stress, insomnia or disturbing dreams, depressive states);
  • problems with bones, muscles or joints.

In addition, lithotherapists note a positive result after a massage using any type of stone - the joints become more mobile, muscle and other types of pain in the musculoskeletal system disappear, salt deposition slows down.

Among the possibilities of the Labrador, doctors note a general strengthening effect on the body. The stone ensures the smooth functioning of the immune system, normalizes metabolism, improves memory, and increases the efficiency of the brain. This makes the mineral indispensable for people engaged in mental work.

On this, the healing abilities of the gem do not dry out. Labrador acts as an assistant for women and men when there is a problem:

  • infertility;
  • impotence;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • kidney disease;
  • drug or alcohol addiction.

Labrador will help a woman not only conceive, but also bear a healthy child. And also experts are inclined to believe that the stone is able to prevent the development of oncology.

The unimaginable play of light makes the mineral not only outwardly attractive. Spectral changes on the surface of the mineral directly affect the emotional state of a person. Constant interaction with a Labrador improves mood, helping to enjoy life without stress, insomnia or nightmares.

magical aspects

It is not surprising that with such a set of medicinal properties, the Labrador is no less powerful magically. Since ancient times, it has been used by magicians and sorcerers in order to enhance the ability of divination. Modern psychics use the gem for seances, penetration into the minds of people in order to read thoughts, reveal the secrets of the past or present. It is also known that a mineral placed next to a pillow causes prophetic dreams.

It is not easy to tame this gem, because the Labrador reveals all the hidden traits of the owner, and they are not always good. Wherein it must be remembered that the owner of the stone can be only one. This applies not only to the constant wearing of the mineral - even touching the talisman is undesirable for anyone if you do not want to destroy your tandem.

A sparkling nugget acts as a talisman of the family hearth. Moreover, for complete harmony, it is recommended to have stones of male and female belonging. The lightest shades of the stone are considered male minerals, and the dark ones are considered female.

Any kind of Labrador is able to develop intuition, which protects a person from wrong decisions and rash actions. The talisman activates the imagination, giving rise to new ideas, contributing to the development of a personality that is in harmony with itself and the outside world.

Since ancient times, the mineral was considered the keeper of creative natures - poets, musicians, painters, sculptors. Nothing has changed over the centuries. Revealing talents, the stone pushes people to accomplish the impossible, moving beyond the limits of their dreams.

Based on this, experts do not advise young, emotionally immature individuals to wear a labrador amulet. Such an alliance is fraught with the emergence of a craving for adventures, which can lead to disastrous consequences. Another thing is a person with a wealth of life experience, who understands what and why he is doing.

Compatibility with other stones

The Labrador belongs to the element of Earth, which makes him compatible with his earthly counterparts:

Jewelry with a mineral

The Labrador is widely used by jewelers. The price of a gem depends on its variety, degree of iridescence. Accordingly, the cost of a piece of jewelry comes from the price of the stone, the material of the setting, and the work of the craftsman.

The averages fluctuate within the following limits:

  • A silver ring - from 10 thousand rubles, a gold ring with the highest grade of stone reaches 140 thousand rubles.
  • Silver pendant - from 8 thousand.
  • Silver earrings - 8-15 thousand rubles, gold - up to 160 thousand.
  • A silver bracelet will cost an average of 14 thousand rubles.

Souvenirs are also made from Labrador. The average cost of a small figurine is 5 thousand rubles.

How to distinguish a fake

It is quite difficult to fake a Labrador Retriever, as well as pass off another mineral for it. This nugget owes the effect of labradorization. Thanks to the iridescent highlights, the gem is difficult to confuse with another stone. Twist the labrador in your hand - if you don't see something like the Northern Lights, as if passing through a stone, you have a fake.

In addition, when buying jewelry, it is appropriate to ask for a quality certificate for a stone. Large jewelry houses are required to have such documents for each product.

How to wear and care

Labrador goes well with business style. An impeccably white shirt is accentuated by neat earrings with a mineral. Thus, it will be possible to create a discreet, intellectual, but at the same time very seductive image.

A charming evening dress will certainly cause a sensation, combined with a shimmering stone. It can be a massive necklace, a sophisticated pendant or a set of jewelry.

Labradors must be handled with care. The stone is very sensitive to acids, so it is not recommended to use chemical cleaning agents, it is enough to rinse the gem with running water.

The Labrador Retriever needs regular polishing. For these purposes, a soft cloth or brush is suitable. Polishing is necessary to maintain shine and shimmer.

It is better to store the stone separately from other jewelry, especially if the neighboring minerals are harder. A box with soft walls is perfect.

The gem is resistant to temperature extremes, however, it is not worth deliberately exposing the mineral to such changes. It does not hurt to periodically charge the mineral in the light of the moon.

It is not recommended to wear a stone continuously and daily, as strong energy can be unpredictable, turning either in a positive or in a negative direction.

Compatibility with names and zodiac signs

A strong and mysterious Labrador patronizes all women, whose name is Yana. Intellectual by nature, Yana will be able to emphasize mental abilities, receiving wisdom from the stone on an intuitive level. The talisman will help her to lower the veil of illusions, revealing the true face of those around her.

The fact that a stone belongs to only one name does not mean at all that it cannot be worn by others. The main requirement of a Labrador is character. The stone will destroy the wicked person, leading him to a dead end in life.

(“+++” - the stone fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - is categorically contraindicated):

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion-

The nugget is ideal for water signs:

  • Fishes.
  • Scorpion.

For representatives of Water, the gem promises harmony, happiness, becoming a protector and friend.

In addition to these signs, a sparkling nugget is suitable for:

  • Virgins. The female half of the representatives of the sign will extract only good things from an alliance with a Labrador. Virgo women will become prudent, cautious in their actions, bright, energetic. The talisman will highlight only the best qualities of the Virgin.
  • . The mineral will bring them new knowledge, invaluable experience. Taurus will become more open, bold, saying goodbye to old complexes.

Astrological incompatibility is observed with the minerals of the elements of Fire - Lions, Sagittarius,. The stone will slow down such people, preventing them from achieving goals, building a career, family, and so on. At the same time, all negative qualities will be multiplied and brought to the attention of others. The addition will be suddenly increased outbursts of anger, nervousness.


Labrador is a stone that connects the Earth with the Cosmos, consciousness with the subconscious, the astral body with the physical. Not everyone is given to make friends with him, for someone friendship can be fatal. However, this wonderful creation of nature is an invaluable gift of our planet, created to protect, heal, guide a person, bringing each ward closer to the ideal.

Labrador - the stone of the mysterious northern people

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Labradorite was found for the first time at the end of the 18th century on the American continent. This event took place on the Labrador Peninsula, after which the stone got its name. Labradorite stones are an igneous rock from which the mineral labradorite is mined.

In different languages, the name of the stone sounds differently, so the mineral is very often confused with the rock. All the beauty embodied in gems of this type appears only after jewelry processing.

Mysterious Moonstone

Labrador stone is known to mankind over two thousand years. As soon as it was not called: both the black moonstone and the peacock stone. The mineral acquired its real name only in 1770, after it became widely known in Europe.

Even the ancient Greeks knew about its magical properties and revered as sacred. According to legend, Hyperboreans gave the stone to people. The Labrador brought happiness to a good person - he could kill a bad one.

In Kievan Rus, the mineral began to be used in the construction of temples, tombs of rulers. Since then, it has been used for interior decoration, mosaics and other decorative elements. In Soviet times, stone was used to decorate metro stations and mausoleums.

After the discovery of a Labrador near St. Petersburg, the stone brought a new round of fashion to everything related to it. labradorite became present everywhere where possible:

  • jewelry was made from it;
  • royal palaces were decorated with tiles and statues;
  • nobility ordered everything from small to large: snuffboxes and countertops, inkwells and vases;
  • ladies sewed dresses similar in color to the pattern of a Labrador.

It was the construction of the road to Peterhof that helped to discover the stone on the territory of our country. It was the first deposit in Europe. Later, a richer deposit was also found here. It happened in the middle of the XIX century on the territory of Ukraine.

Nowadays, labradorite mined in Yakutia, Buryatia, Krasnoyarsk and Khabarovsk regions. Apparently due to their volcanic origin, the supply of these gems is unlimited. But not everyone can afford a trinket from this mineral.

Labrador Represents variety of feldspar. It contains silicates of calcium and sodium, with an admixture of aluminum. This stone contains all the colors of the rainbow that shimmer in the light. This property is called the effect of iridescence - the "iris of the eye", inherent in some types of minerals. This property of minerals is often used in decoration to create special effects.

All known types of labradorites can be divided into:

  • Spectrolite;
  • Black Moonstone;
  • Sun stone;
  • Bulls-eye;
  • lynx eye;
  • Aventurine Labrador;
  • Tavusit.

Shared Labrador depending on the optical property and crystallography of each individual stone.

  1. Spectrolites were found in Finland before the Second World War, and mining began after it ended. This type of Labrador shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow, hence the name.
  2. Black moonstone is a dark-colored mineral with a blue or blue iris (irisation). Most of these labradorites are found in Madagascar.
  3. A mineral with a golden iridescence is called the Sun Stone.
  4. The bull's eye shimmers with bright red colors, and the stone itself is a brownish-purple color.
  5. The aventurine Labrador has a golden shimmering sheen. The presence of copper or magnetite creates a shimmering effect.
  6. If you compare tavusit with anything, then, probably, it will be reflections and overflows of peacock feathers.
  7. The lynx eye differs from the bull's eye in its characteristic green iridescence.

Not a single photo can convey the beauty of labradorites, but it is still worth looking at the stones at least in the pictures.

The magical properties of the stone

Mystical labradorite stone. He considered a strong amulet. Wearing a mineral as an amulet helps to see prophetic dreams.

The magical properties of the mineral have been attributed for a long time. It takes its power from its owner. And as the ancients said, the positive qualities of a person can improve, and the negative ones will have a bad effect on the owner.

The Labrador that was previously with a positive person takes over from him the best and passes it on to a new owner. Placed under the pillow, acts as a catalyst for prophetic dreams. Next to a stranger helps to see the future. Based on these qualities, we can conclude that the Labrador acts as an amplifier and repeater of the thoughts of one person to the entire surrounding reality.

Sorcerers and magicians of all stripes use the stone in their activities:

  • First of all, the protective properties of the Labrador are valued. The stone creates a barrier that is unable to overcome negative energies in order to break through to the aura of the individual in order to influence it. By creating harmony between the physical and etheric bodies, the Labrador strengthens their defenses and increases spiritual strength.
  • Labradorite has the ability to act soothingly on a person, smoothing out experienced fears and unpleasant memories. It reveals the abilities hidden in each of us: someone becomes a psychic, and someone becomes a great artist.
  • Labrador gives people who have lost faith in themselves the opportunity to restore and maintain it. There is an ability to better comprehend their ideas, analyze knowledge and develop an inner consciousness of what is happening.
  • The mineral gives us strength and resistance to stressful situations. Almost like in Chinese philosophy, there is a need to rethink the past and prepare the soul for further development.

Therapeutic features of the Labrador

In official medicine, there are practically no methods of treatment with minerals. But lithotherapy and folk healing widely use Labrador in the treatment of various diseases. In general, affecting the body, the mineral improves well-being and improves mood. In particular, by affecting human organs, it has a direct effect, curing multiple diseases:

  • wearing a stone helps to cure colds, viral and infectious diseases;
  • eye diseases are treated in the same way and vision improves;
  • with hypertension it must be worn, with hypotension it is best to remove it for a while;
  • influence on the mind, stimulates the brain and cures psychoses;
  • they treat infertility and increase potency;
  • in folk medicine, they try to treat rheumatism, spinal diseases, hernia, joint diseases with the help of a mineral.

Rules for wearing a mineral

The stone loves light very much - this is evidenced by the way it plays in the sun.

Therefore, it cannot be hidden and stored in the dark. The sun gives him the opportunity to gain warmth and positive energy.

To improve the qualities of the stone, it worth recharging from moonlight. The moon is associated with water, so interaction with the human body, which is 80% water, will be much more effective.

The mineral can be worn by both women and men.

Since the mineral is very strong, it can turn both positively and negatively, so you should not wear it every day.

This mineral got its name in honor of the Labrador Peninsula, located in North America. These stones were discovered in this place in 1770. Labrador and its varieties also have other names: bull's eye, moon black stone, spectrolite, caryatite.

The stone is a type of tulle spar. Mineral hue - greenish-gray, dark gray. They make a great backdrop for the flashes of green, red, or yellow, blue that run across them as they turn. Luster - glassy, ​​matte.

Mineral colors

The color of the mineral is unattractive: there may be gray and almost black mourning stones. The Labrador takes on the appearance of a precious opal when sparkling flashes play on its surface.

Main deposits

There are reports of the discovery of incredibly beautiful minerals in Finland. At the same time, less bright stones are found in Greenland, Germany, India, Ukraine and Tibet. In Australia, there are high gem quality Labradors that are being cut.

Healing properties

In traditional medicine, there is an opinion that the labrador is a stone (its price is low, from 300 rubles), which helps to strengthen the human body. Some healers believe that this mineral eliminates pain in diseases of the joints and spine.

Lithotherapists believe that the stone helps with impotence and infertility, some diseases of the prostate gland and the genitourinary system. Rings and pendants help to improve well-being, help with insomnia, in stressful situations, in addition, improve sleep. The stone helps to remove stones from the kidneys, improves the functioning of all organs.

Labrador is a stone whose properties also affect the mental state. After its improvement, the Labrador begins medical work. Rings (they must be worn strictly on the middle finger), as well as pendants with a mineral, can even help an addict cope with painful addiction. It will relieve nervous stress, restore the body after emotional exhaustion, bring it out of depression, and also calm the Labrador in case of excessive excitement - the value of the stone also lies in this.

A piece of stone or a figurine, located near the head of the bed, will save you from obsessive nightmares, in addition, it will cure insomnia, while stabilizing the natural clock of the human body.

Naturopathy and labradorite

Labrador is a stone whose properties are widely used to treat eye diseases. In addition, the nugget has a positive effect on the health of blood vessels and the heart, and it also helps with memory loss. Ancient healers used it to treat various mental disorders. Because before there were no drugs at all that could treat the human psyche. Due to this, the stone is widely used to relieve excessive stress.

To date, this mineral is used to treat depressive disorders and nervous asthenia. Experts say that these stones are also effective in infertility. Labrador stimulates male potency, it is also used in urology to treat prostatitis.

The mineral helps with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, it perfectly cures inflammation of the joints, in addition, it alleviates the course of rheumatoid arthritis and arthrosis. Experts say that the stone accelerates the healing of fractures, this property of nuggets is especially in demand for fractures in the elderly.

Labrador (stone): magical properties

The magical power of the stone is not fully disclosed, but it is known that it enhances the ability to mystical awareness of the world around us and foresight, and allows you to develop extrasensory abilities. In addition, it has long been a talisman of sorcerers and healers.

Experts believe that the Labrador is a stone, the magical properties of which make it possible to awaken any hidden talents in a person, in addition, it helps to develop them, gives incredibly vivid dreams, makes the owner try to "embrace the immensity", in addition, to do everything that previously seemed unattainable . He is exactly the talisman with which you will make the impossible possible. Probably, it is because of this that the stone should be worn by adults who are already thirty years old.

The mineral can push younger people to adventures. Unfortunately, this can lead to disastrous consequences. The mineral is considered an amulet of creative people - poets, writers, artists, musicians; he brings them the ability to "catch the wave", inspiration, and with this the patronage of patrons, recognition and fame. The stone "attaches" to its owner, protecting him from any unpleasant situations, ill-minded people.

He is recommended as a guardian of well-being and tranquility in the house. It is necessary to keep a Labrador crystal or a figurine from it in plain sight, you cannot put it under the threshold, as some sources say. If the gem "sees" the situation every day, then it very actively processes any negative energy into positive vibes.

This mineral draws its power from the moon, therefore, it must be activated by laying it on the windowsill every full moon.

Women's and men's stones

Specialists also distinguish these stones by gender. Men are considered lighter with a bluish-golden tint, and dark with green-brown are considered feminine. It is advisable to buy a “family couple” of stones - they will help you manage your household diligently and competently, in addition, they will protect the family hearth, regularly teach a reverent attitude towards their soulmate.

Labrador (stone): properties, zodiac sign

It must be remembered that this mineral cannot be worn all the time, and also let strangers touch the talisman from it - aimless touches can destroy the friendly energy of this nugget.

Astrologers also did not ignore the labrador (stone). The zodiac sign to which it corresponds cannot be singled out separately - the mineral is recommended to everyone without exception. Although it is especially useful for Scorpions, Leo, Virgo and Aries. The mineral is energetically associated with the throat, sex and heart chakras.

Amulets and talismans

Labrador is an excellent amulet for the inhabitants of the house, it must be kept on the surface so that he can see the house, people and be noticeable himself. As already mentioned, the wrong advice is to remove the stone under the threshold, in which case its positive power is violated.

This is the talisman of all high-level practicing magicians. The mineral "hates" people who strive for evil, although it will not interfere with them, but at some point such people will lead to a very sad end.

The mineral is very "attached" to the owner, "loves" him, and also helps in any, especially unpleasant situations. From this we can conclude that an excellent amulet for those people who have to take a lot of risks is a labrador stone. The sign of the zodiac to which it suits best cannot be singled out separately, as mentioned above. He is a talisman of people who are looking for, while confidently standing on their feet and constantly analyzing situations, their actions, able to make at least minimal forecasts.

The nugget will connect its owner with the past, and also help to feel the connection between the past and the present, to draw the right conclusions. The mineral will also contribute to foresight, although it will only help those people who are naturally inclined to this and do not spend the gift thoughtlessly. Labrador helps a person who seeks to make sense of the world.

From the history

According to legend, the Hyperboreans for the first time demonstrated to people the beauty of a unique stone that shimmered with all shades of the rainbow.

In Europe, he became famous since 1770, after these stones were found in northern Canada on the island of Labrador. Labrador soon began to be worn by London and Parisian fashionistas in brooches, earrings and rings.

And in 1781, during the construction of the Hermitage in the vicinity of St. Petersburg, several huge stones with Labrador eyes were suddenly discovered. This provoked a surge in the incredible popularity of the gem in our country. After that, tabletops made of stone appeared in the royal residences, the Petersburg nobility began to acquire golden snuff boxes with it, even ball gowns were sewn to match the decorations made of tausin silk (the word "tausin" in the old Russian language meant "peacock").

Other application

In Ukraine, in the middle of the 19th century, a huge deposit of Labrador was found. From that moment on, stone began to be actively used in exterior and interior cladding: for example, it was used in the decoration of Moscow metro stations, the Lenin Mausoleum, as well as many architectural monuments and monumental buildings.

Today, the labrador stone is also actively used. Jewelry with it: bracelets, rings, necklaces, earrings, cufflinks - are still very popular today. It is also used to create small decorative items and interior sculptures.

The mineral is mined in the same place - as before, the deposits have not disappeared in Ukraine, Burma, Canada, although its availability has again become a thing of the past. At the present moment, only a person with royal wealth can afford a large statue, facing the facade from it.

Labradorite is a very rare, jewelry and ornamental mineral with a stunningly beautiful optical effect. A stone of mystics and magicians, mysterious in structure and purpose, having a long history of human use. By itself, outwardly rather nondescript, it captivates the eye with iridescent tints on the polished surface after processing.

Historical relevance

For the first time a large deposit was discovered in Canada at the end of the 18th century and immediately the stones became wildly popular due to their optical ability to convey all the colors of the rainbow.

Until that time, the Labrador was also used in jewelry and talismans of different peoples and civilizations, but this was the exception rather than the rule.

The European fashion for it received a new development after the discovery of large deposits of labradorite in Russia. Court women of fashion even considered it a special chic to wear outfits made of fabrics that imitate the bright overflows of the mineral. The breed, in which there was more than 60% labradorite, has become a popular finishing material for decorating palaces, estates and even churches. Particularly popular were small figurines, snuff boxes, writing instruments and other interior decoration items.

During the formation of the USSR, labradorite was even decorated with a communist shrine - the interior of the mausoleum of V. I. Lenin.

The gem has a smoky gray, almost black hue with bright, iridescent tints. An opaque variety of feldspars.

Varieties and types of Labrador

The stone is classified according to the primary colors of iridescence, that is, the gem grade directly depends on the main shade of the mother-of-pearl optical effect:

  • Spectrolite - casts all the colors of the rainbow at the same time, the most valuable of all Labradors, is widely used in jewelry.
  • Lunar black - very dark with iridescence of blue and blue hues, is used as inserts in jewelry, a century ago it was widely used in finishing work in the design of royal palaces, religious shrines and tombs of leaders.
  • Sunny - a labrador with a golden yellow iridescence, is widely used in jewelry, most often cut in the form of a cabochon.
  • Lynx or "cat" Labrador - a kind of mineral with green iridescence and a light beam characteristic of pupillary minerals.
  • Bull's eye is a purple-brown Labrador with red iridescence.
  • Aventurine Labrador - iridescence has a bright multi-colored reflection, characteristic of the gem of the same name.
  • Tavusit is a stone with iridescence, similar in color to a peacock feather.

Chemical and physical properties

As noted earlier, the labrador belongs to the feldspars formed as a result of the cooling of magma. The chemical formula is very complex, changing depending on the impurities included in different types of minerals.

Brittle, with a glassy or matte luster, amenable to high temperatures and fairly easily soluble in acids. It has a decent density, which makes it possible to use Labradorite as a jewelry raw material, it withstands various types of cutting well.

A rather loose mineral: the density on the Mohs scale is 3 grams per cubic centimeter.

Deposits and pricing policy

In fact, the deposits are scattered all over the world. The most valuable species - spectrolite - has long been mined in Finland to this day. Here, too, there are most often large minerals suitable for jewelry and suitable for collecting. Some can cost, after processing, on a par with precious rubies and sapphires.

Golden Labradors are mined in the USA, Burma supplies the world market with decent reserves of black moonstone.

In Ukraine and Canada, the main deposits of labradorite are concentrated, which are mined industrially and make up the main mineral reserve.

Small stocks of Labrador come from Australia, India. Currently, jewelry raw materials can cost up to 100 US dollars per 1 carat of "live" weight.

Healing properties attributed to the stone

Modern lithotherapists attribute the following healing qualities to Labrador Retrievers:

  • general strengthening effect on the whole body;
  • getting rid of infertility and sexual impotence in men;
  • improvement of the condition of the musculoskeletal system, including in the treatment of diseases of the joints and spine;
  • regulation of the genitourinary functions of the body;
  • treatment of neuroses, obsessive-compulsive disorders and general sedative therapy;
  • getting rid of dependencies of various types.

Labrador and magical properties

It is customary to divide all types of gems by gender - dark minerals with greenish-brown tints are considered female, while lighter ones, with golden and pale blue hues, are considered male.

There is a legend that the Labrador was left to the current civilization by the ancient inhabitants of the mythical country of Hyperborea as a gift to future generations.

It is believed that the Labrador loves his owner very much and therefore protects the owner from bad mood, evil eye and damage, numerous diseases and nervous breakdowns, from all sorts of dangers associated with a bad environment and from excessive professional risks.

A talisman made of this stone is absolutely necessary to protect the house. It is believed that thieves bypass such a dwelling on the tenth road, envious and unkind guests will never appear on the doorstep, and numerous relatives will coexist peacefully under one roof without mutual claims and reproaches.

The stone is also credited with the gift of enhancing prophetic abilities and helping the owner in manifesting clairvoyant abilities, as if helping the owner to return to the past of another person and connect what he saw with the present and future. The owner may suddenly reveal previously unmanifested creative talents, which the stone helps to direct in the right direction for successful implementation. Therefore, it is extremely suitable for journalists, writers, actors and other representatives of creative professions and trends. The mineral will give such owners inexhaustible sources of inspiration, add strength and energy for the implementation and implementation of creative plans.

The Labrador is highly respected among magicians and sorcerers, as it is the constant assistant of the entire witch class during communication sessions with otherworldly forces. In this regard, it is better for a simple layman not to mess with a stone, since he can become a slave to a gem.

People who have conceived evil should take off jewelry with Labradors, as he is quite capable of accumulating the energy of negative intentions in himself, and then giving them out tenfold, which can significantly harm his owner.

Labrador, as an amulet or decoration, is best acquired and worn by mature individuals who have passed the turn of their thirties, the stone can harm young owners, giving them unnecessary adventurism and frivolity.

A wonderful amulet for family relationships can be a ring made immediately from the male and female Labrador. Such decoration is able to save the family from the betrayal of the spouse, and for a long time will preserve the tender feelings of a man and a woman connected by family ties.

It should be remembered that in no case should an amulet or jewelry with a labrador be worn all the time, so that the stone does not accumulate excessive negative energy and is able to process a small amount of negative impulses into positive ones. It is also forbidden to lend jewelry with him to his girlfriends "for a while, to vilify."

Labrador and zodiac signs

Pisces, Cancers and Scorpios go to Labradors in "favorites". For representatives of these signs, the mineral will become a faithful guard, the best adviser in business and relationships.

For representatives of other signs, Labradors are just an original and wonderful addition to outfits.

Curious facts

The most expensive labrador in world history was a native Russian mineral of this type, sold in 1799 for 250 thousand francs. This cost is due to the portrait of the King of France, Louis, discovered while polishing a cut of stone and belonging to the pen of Mother Nature herself.

What is the difference between a real Labrador and a fake

Stones of this type are difficult to fake, since until now their chemical properties have not been fully unraveled. In addition, the effect of a three-dimensional bad glow, transmitted by the polished surface of the mineral, is inherent only in natural Labrador Retrievers.

How to care for stone at home

  • You can not keep the stone permanently locked up in the box. From time to time it is worth arranging jewelry with a gem "going out". But even a bright, sunny day for a Labrador is not very pleasant, you should observe the golden mean.
  • Naturally, one should not weed potatoes in a ring with a Labrador or take a bath with sea salt - such procedures are contraindicated for him.
  • It is still best to clean jewelry with an exotic mineral in a trusted jewelry workshop. From time to time it is worth leaving a thing with mineral inserts on the window on a clear, moonlit night to feed the stone with the energy of the moon.
