Picture of dry maple leaves. Crafts from autumn maple leaves with their own hands (44 photos)

Autumn brings the desire to capture the game of paints not only in memory, but also in the house where long winter evenings can be seen, touch, breathe such a beautiful with a slight taste of bitterness. Charm of autumn.

To decorate your home, yielding to a gust, inspected with autumn landscapes, you can simply and simplely typing in the nearest park of multi-colored maple leaves and spreading across the apartment one by one (using high narrow glasses or vases) or oakhaps, as if burning bouquets.

But in the presence of a small amount of time and a minimum of effort, you can build up the real works of art that will rejoice the eye for a long time and will serve as a real decoration of your home.

Other crafts from the autumn gifts of nature:

- crafts from chestnuts, spikelets and other gifts of nature
- crafts from acorns
- crafts from pumpkins
- crafts from cones
- crafts from twigs and rods
- crafts from dried flowers

Pendants and garlands made of maple leaves

You need to take two or three leaves preferably, of different sizes, cover them with a transparent varnish or omit in the paraffin melted on the water bath, and then tie them with a thread that can be decorated with beads to the tone of the leaves and, making a loop from it, rave for example, under Ceiling of the children's room.

You can complicate the task, collecting the leaves treated in this way in the garland. Of which it is easy to build an intricate pattern, fixing it on the wall, or around a picturesque branch set in a vase, or by placing in a highly hanging pot with flowers, it is easy to hang freely, along the wall. If several such garlands combine, a bright curtain will be released.

Maple leaves wreaths

Also a popular autumn craft is also wreaths of maple leaves. You can just risk a wreath of leaves, as the summer college, and do something more intricate. In this case, the wreath is made from birch or other branches, and leaves, acorns, ribbons, bumps and other nature gifts are used for its decor.

See also:

What else can be made of cones.

Decorate candles and candlesticks with leaves

Dried under the mold or iron leaves can be punched with a glass jar, covered with transparent varnish for decoupage, and put the candle inside. It turns out the original lamp capable of decorating any romantic evening. Similarly, thick candles are decorated - the leaves are simply glued, or they are tied to their surface. It looks very unusual, especially if you use candles of bright, inappropriate tones.

Roses and bouquets made of maple leaves

A separate topic deserve roses made of maple leaves, from which not only bouquets can be assembled, but also to tie in wreaths, decorate their wicker products, and vintage style lovers easily fit similar decorations into their interior, covering flowers from golden leaves gold or silver paint.

It is very easy to make roses made of maple leaves, which then collect in one big bouquet. These flowers will delight you all winter. Plus this is an interesting idea for a little surprise. Girl from a guy. These roses are made elementary - just fold the maple leaves and wake up on the workpiece. Do not forget to bend the edges, like a real rose. Here is a detailed step-by-step master class on making roses made of maple leaves and bouquet of them:

But still the ideas of crafts - already from these roses. Of these, after all, you can make a topiary, about which read below, wreath, decorate pictures and much more, and even bouquets of dry leaves can be quite varied:


The main task is to collect leaves, colors, twigs and herbs. This material is assembled in spring, summer and autumn. It is possible to do this everywhere - in the courtyards, in the pales, you do not need to be limited to the field and forest.

The collected plants need to be sued. The best option for this is old logs or reference books, but they should not be glossy, but only porous and soft. The book should be well sucked. The assembled material is stacked between sheets, while the sheets between bookmarks must be left for at least six. There is something heavy type of brick or iron on the closed log or book.

When the natural material is ready, you can proceed to design a picture. For the sample, any greeting card, a picture or a photo on which flowers or landscape are depicted. You can create a sketch of the future picture and independently. In any case, the sketch should be.

On the cardboard there are all the details of the composition as shown in the photo or postcard. Starting work follows from the back. First, large leaves are superimposed, and then flowers and herbs. The composition is fully compiled, and after each item is very neatly separated from the picture, lubricates with glue and glued.

The cardboard of the finished composition passes the passecut.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

Pictures of dry flowers are a wonderful and stylish gift for any celebration. The composition will continue for many years, unlike the bouquet of living colors.

Tip 2: What applications can be made from autumn leaves

Application creation develops in children figurative thinking, creative abilities and small motility. Natural elements that are used to create paintings are simply going to the park on a walk. Okhaki multicolored autumn leaves can be kept in the future, and you can use fresh.

Decorative tree from autumn leaves

The original applique can be made of small autumn leaves. If you show the effort and accuracy when performing this picture, it will be able to serve as an unusual decorative decoration of the room.

Pick up the photo frame that is suitable for your interior. You can use it with both glass and without it. In the size of the substrate cut the base from textured paper and stick it. Instead of paper, linen fabric will look. It is advisable to use bright shades for the base so that the leaves are not lost on a dark background.

On dense white paper or light brown paper, draw a tree trunk with several curved branches of this size so that the cut out of the workpiece can be placed in the frame. Stick tree on the prepared background.

The outline of the tree can be painted directly on the background glued to the substrate.

Dried fine leaves from shrubs stick on paper branches. Use any transparent glue. In order for the composition longer to serve, it is possible to carefully cover the dried leaves with an acrylic varnish with a soft tassel.

Fresh leaves appliques

Spread with the child the collected autumn leaves on the table. Ask for it to compose the picture from them. It can be a feature of an animal or insect. To make a butterfly, you can put a mirror of two large leaves and two small, then the wings will turn out. Torchish build out of a stick. For the fish, one round or oblong sheet will be required to which you attach two narrow fins-fins from above, and one is one below. Fish tail Make a two-three narrow leaf.

Pick up the appropriate background to create an application, such as color cardboard or velvet paper. Stick the leaves based on the order. Then put on the picture a blank sheet and cover the book on top of the foot. Leave for a couple of days. It lines glued leaves.

Quick picture can be made even from one sheet. Stick it to white writing paper. The other parts of the felt figurine are drawn with felt-tip pen.

Applique from dry autumn leaves

For this craft, you can use those leaves that were damaged in the drying process. Draw a picture on a sheet of paper. It can be from the Internet or cut out of the magazine.

In a wide bowl, open the multicolored dry leaves. Apply PVA glue to a picture and sprinkle with a mass of leaves. Wait until the glue gets up, and shook unnecessary. Thus, make the entire picture.

Collecting on the seashore - the favorite lesson of the children. And at the end of the rest, these "trophies" lie in some far closet. Seashells can decorate the photo frame or make of them panelThat will decorate the house and will remind you of happy vacation.

You will need

  • - flat board, chipboard or plywood;
  • - shells;
  • - PVA glue;
  • - sandpaper;
  • - Lobzik;
  • - Morilka.


Perform a sketch panel of rakushki.. It is not necessary to draw from hand, you can find a suitable digital image or scan a postcard. In the Adobe Photoshop program, make an image contour. Choosing a drawing, pay attention to the fact that small parts on it should be as small as possible, because the shells themselves are very beautiful material. In addition, they have their own definite invoice, which must be taken into account when designing a sketch. Print the image to pre-fit it in size.

Prepare the foundation. Take a rather thick board or Phaneur. For example, a wooden cutting board is well suitable. A hole for the carnation in it can be removed while on the wooden plug there. Ordinary board to handle emery paper so that the surface is smooth. If the shells remain light, the background is better to make darker, for contrast. To do this, use the dark color of the veil. The scent, if necessary, can be replaced with a dark solution of manganese, which gives shades from deep red-brown and to light brown.

Apply the drawing on the board. To do this, it is worth using a copy paper. The thumbnail stage can be skipped by trying to immediately make a composition on the board.

If shells need to paint, do it before sticking to the board. For painting rakushki. You can use bright acrylic paints. Color Choose depending on the nature of the image.

Helpful advice

Prix \u200b\u200bsuch material as shells, better with the help of PVA glue, although it can be used and any other, for example, thermoclay or universal. You can also add panels and other materials, except for seashells. For example beaded, beads, beads, cereals or seeds of exotic plants, from which stains on petals or flower stamens can be made.

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Decorating the interior, you can use various fashion trends. One of the latter are paintings made on the basis of natural materials. You can create such a picture yourself, it is enough just to use the subwoofers.

What can bring such art

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating paintings from natural materials was distributed due to the desire for the naturalness and the naturalness of the surrounding items. This direction is also called the phytohovopi.

People stretching for art and loving it create paintings from natural materials for their own pleasure. Although some such occupation also brings additional income.

To begin engage in the manufacture of paintings from natural materials is not enough only one desire. Patience, good imagination and the presence of free time will also come in handy.

Pictures created from natural materials will help to decorate not only the home interior, but also a public or workplace. That is, such a work of art can be updated at restaurant or office. Pictures will create an atmosphere of comfort, heat and naturalness.

Materials required for creating paintings

To get started, it is necessary to purchase basic components. These include:

- cardboard;
- Tassels;
- paints;
- paper;
- tweezers;
- scissors;
- glue;
- the pencils.

All other elements can be found in the forest or park, in a flower shop, on the field, beach, windowsill or kitchen. For such creativity, almost any natural materials will be suitable.

You need to start work with simple postcards. Having learned to make elementary things, you can move to the creation of a panel and collage. Volumetric patterns can be manufactured if all previous steps are mastered.

Preparation of materials

The background of paintings from natural materials is performed by a gouache or ordinary watercolor paints. Next, natural components are taken to work, such as flowers, blades, berries, stones, stones, branches, shells, bark, corn, feathers, beans, seeds, poppy, peas, cereals, nuts, acorns, seeds, moss, bones, egg or nut shell, corals, scales of fish, straw, sand and other, created by nature.

Some materials should be knocked out, for example, stems, flowers, blades. In the preparation of raw materials there are several nuances. Sometimes it is important to preserve the color, texture and shape of plants when drying. Therefore, various technologies apply to obtain the necessary result.

For drying leaves, colors, seeds, grass and fluff, a wardrobe folder is required, which is placed under the press. This is necessary to obtain a flat form of materials. Colon factors also have its subtleties. So, the younger flower, the more juicy color it has. Pelargonium, dahlia, autumn foliage, peonies and asters retain their painting long enough. And such flowers like pansy, nasturtium or lilies are quickly losing natural color. So that this does not happen, it is necessary to dry such materials as quickly as possible.

Glass, cardboard, leather, fabric, paper, metal suitable as the basis of the future picture. Soft canvas, as a rule, attached to a solid surface.

To create a bulk background, use putty, wax, dry mixtures and gypsum. Sometimes bilateral scotch is used.

Collages are created in three styles: vegetative, decorative and landscaped. The first style is directed to the transmission of beauty of plants. It is important to indicate the structure of the stems and blades, the elegance of petals, color gamut, patterns from the residences.

Decorative style does not limit the fantasy of the wizard. Request for forms, juicy paints and unique methods of supplying material are appropriate. To strengthen the art effect, such pictures are placed in the framework.

Landscape style carries the beauty of nature. With the help of it, the sea is transmitted, sunset, seasons, mountains and forest.

Work process

First you need to decide that it will be depicted in the picture. Then you should prepare the necessary materials. On the cardboard or any other basis draws a sketch of the future picture. After that, the materials are folded over the picture. It helps to think out the form, texture and color. Then follows the gluing of natural materials to the base.

Such an occupation can act as therapy during stressful situations. This will help calm the nerves, cause joyful emotions, give energy.

Marina Shchevelkova

Crafts from autumn leaves

Autumn is an excellent time for in-depth child dating with natural material. Such a beautiful time of year provides us with numerous opportunities for the embodiment of various creative ideas related to the manufacture of colors, paintings, bouquets from autumn leaves.

There are many ways to create beautiful crafts and interesting applications using autumn leaves.

1. Applique of dry leaves

The most simple and easy to fulfill the form of creative activity is an applique. It can be created even together with the smallest children. At the same time, we use templates for which dry leaves are glued.

Also, the missing details of the images can be drawn with colored pencils or wovers.

At the same time, as the child grows, you can complicate tasks and use more complex figures.

Creating crafts from autumn leaves along with the child, you not only form emotional trusting relationships with a child, but also engage in the development of his creative abilities.

2. Cut the figurines from fallen leaves

Here, autumn leaves are used a little different - it is just a material for cutting simple figures and letters. It is necessary to do it before the leaf is dry, otherwise it will crumble. First cut out, then dry. So you can cut

simple silhouettes (beasts, houses, clouds).

3. Pictures of flowers and leaves

With older children (from 5 years) you can create more complex crafts using dry leaves. For example, make whole pictures.

We glue the dry leaflets of the desired color on the picture.

Additionally, you can use branches, sticks, dry leaves of small size.

Such work is simple in its implementation, but quite laborious and requires an imperipability. Therefore, it should be chosen, whether such a way to work is your child.

4. Frames from leaves

You can also create a frame from the autumn leaves with the child. Create such a crawler will be able to a child over 4 years old.

To create a frame, you need to take leaves and to dip them in hot water to give softness. After loaming, you need to smear the glue on each piece of leaf and glue to the frame itself.

After complete drying, it is necessary to wash the leaves with a matte varnish.

For the autumn exhibition, you can make a photo frame and for the design of essays and verses on the topic of autumn.

5. Roses from autumn leaves.

For autumn roses, we will need conventional maple leaves.

To create one rose, you only need 4-5 leaves, which are folded one by one. The entire flower at the base is recorded by tightly wining ordinary threads of yellow or orange in the tone of autumn leaves, and the legs of the leaves collected together during the formation of roses perform the flower stem function and allow you to collect a whole bouquet from such roses or create a composition.

6. Herbarium

From the dried leaves and colors can be made with the child of herbarium. By participating in the process of creating herbarium, the child meets the world around, he develops observation. In addition, the design of herbarium contributes to the development of accuracy, collens, the ability to work with literature.

7. DIY COLLECTIONS. Crafts from leaves

The technique of manufacturing this original craft from flowers and leaves of plants is very simple.

You will need an old toothbrush and watercolor paints. On a sheet of paper, a composition of leaves, blades and colors are laid out, after which the paint is sprayed above them with a toothbrush.

8. Leaf prints on paper

You can paint the leaves of paint and make prints on paper.

9. Create a picture of broken leaves.

The child is creative and creative creative. To develop its abilities and for general development, regularly create masterpieces with him. Crafts together with children will help you make it a multifaceted personality.

If you begin to create masterpieces with your child, your child will not only splash out their emotions in creativity, but after a while you will get to know his world, desires and fantasies, and this is the most important thing in the relationships of the parents and the child.

We wish you creative success!

Hello, dear readers. Autumn, one of the brightest, colorful and beautiful seasons. Around the beauty, trees in multicolored leaves. Autumn generous is time, rich in the crop, the morning is cold, and the day is hot. Here is such a variety of autumn. In the autumn, very beautiful leaves: yellow, red, orange, brown. When the son went to kindergarten, we often made autumn crafts from leaves for kindergarten. Educators are asked to bring crafts for the autumn holiday, which in the garden arrange every year. But at school, only in primary classes are needed crafts.

Today, let's consider the most diverse children's crafts from autumn leaves that fit in kindergarten and to school.

Crafts from simple to complex, which can be done with children. But in most cases, parents make crafts on the autumn theme, children only help.

You can show creativity and fantasy and make the work of any complexity, but if the child is 4, 5, 6 years old, he can hardly make something. Therefore, as I always say, a contest among parents, who has more beautiful and better work.

And on the festival in kindergarten, I make an exhibition of works and every parent looks and makes a photo. I want to say all the works are beautiful and original.

How to make a rose made of maple leaves - an original flower

From multicolored maple leaves, you can make a lot of interesting things. For example, a rose made of maple leaves. It is done very simply, but it looks very beautiful.

The very first sheet must be folded in half, across the central streak, and then, you need to turn the sheet into a dense roll, it will be the middle of the rose.

We place rose petals by turning in half a sheet. We have a slightly above the middle. Evenly, we have the leaves in a circle, forming a rose.

Continuing the topic of colors, you can make from the autumn leaves here are such wonderful flowers. They are located in paper rolls that remain after using toilet paper.

Flower Middle Circle Cutted Bar Paper. And around the leaves are located. Flomster or marker can be drawn a funny smile with a flower and great good eyes.

Applique Hedgehog, Wolf, Owl, Butterfly from autumn leaves

From paper you can make a wonderful hedgehog, decoring it with autumn leaves. Wechite template Print from the Internet or draw by hand.

Need a cardboard, the best white cardboard. Cardboard is the basis and glue the leaves on it. Here is such beauty it turns out.

Continuing the subject of applications from autumn leaves, not only the hedgehog can be made, but also the wolf. The leaves can be glued with PVA or super glue, or hot glue.

Everything is represented as an option to craft, because a lot of people do different crafts from the leaves, you can choose the one that will suit you in school, or in kindergarten.

Sometimes we choose in terms of difficulty. It happens that once mess around, I want to do easier, and it happens - I want creativity. Here is a creative mood.

From the leaves you can make a wonderful owl. Eyes and beak make paper.

Who likes what. Sometimes, the child himself asks to make owls from autumn leaves, hedgehog or any other animal.

Another wonderful applique of leaves is a butterfly. You can arrange on paper or white cardboard.

Continuing the topic of crafts, you can make more complex options if you need to attribute to the kindergarten for the autumn holiday, which is carried out every year.

Autumn crafts from leaves in kindergarten - surprise educators

Educators are delighted with crafts, and what I noticed, every parent tries to bring, make a beautiful, high quality. In our group, almost every child, with pride, carried its creation to the kindergarten (or not).

It is very nice to make a spider of leaves and twigs, here the child will not cope with himself, and he will need the help of parents. But in the end, it turns out a very beautiful handicraft for the autumn holiday in kindergarten.

You can make a more original cracker, showing your fantasy and highlighting a little time. For this, you will need not only leaves, but also acorns, chestnuts, rowan, rosehip fruits.

It turns out the clock from the leaves, take the cardboard as the basis. Not necessarily the clock arrows must be real, they can be drawn by a marker, or separately make from color cardboard.

This is a craft of leaves and an acorns, complemented by berries and cones.

Also draw a dial and decorate the watches of the autumn gifts.

Speaking about how to make crafts from autumn leaves on the subject of autumn. With your own hands, you can make a whole forest from autumn leaves, and animals from natural material.

We will have to collect chestnuts, acorns, rosehip fruits, rowan fruits. Maple leaves, birch, oak and others.

Our daughter is already collecting beautiful leaves and dries in the old book. Collects chestnuts, walnut shell, bumps, acorns. All the autumn gifts that we are lying under your feet.

Beautiful crafts from autumn leaves do it yourself to school

We brought beauty to this school, only in grade 1, did not ask anything else. Maybe we are learning in a special school, or they have no autumn holiday.

To school, you can make what more complicated and paint. After issuing a whole composition that will include no leaflet or flower. The composition is obtained with meaning.

Here, for example, the hedgehogs are decorated on the basis of leaves, branches serve as trees.

Among other things, it will have to be stockpings and the fruits of the hawthorn. The muzzle of the hedgehog, eyes, can be made of plasticine.

Place the composition on the cardboard. We often used shoes boxes for making crafts on the subject of autumn. And you can convey, and there is a basis for creativity. Since in the manufacturing process, you can add a lot.

If the dad master is on all hands, then you can make a house from branches and leaves. It is difficult, in any case, the child cannot do without the help of parents. The craft is very beautiful.

Also, manifesting the fantasy, where without it, you can make little men from the cones. Head from a walnut shell, a torso from a cone.

Here I have today's ideas of crafts on the topic of autumn for kindergarten and for school. Often you have to think what to do what to create, what to come up.

Children with pleasure help and take part in the work. Let them do not create anything, but with pleasure, natural material for crafts serve their ideas.

From the help of children should not be abandoned, and you should not be angry if you need to make a crawler, just think together with the child, walk in the park, go to the forest. There is enough all kinds of good. Plus you inspire nature to create original autumn crafts.

We collected the most unusual and bright ideas for children's creativity: what can be made from autumn leaves with children. Use on health!

With the onset of pores "Ochoa Charming" in kindergartens and schools, exhibitions of crafts-needlers are arranged. Parents break their heads that such a kind of to do with the child to surprise and get into the top best creatures of autumn crafts. We hope our tips will inspire you.

Crafts from autumn leaves

Autumn leaves are so beautiful that they are not only pleasant to admire, but also use for creativity: "peeping" the combination of paints at nature, "listening" to the music of the leaf fall and the rustle of the autumn carpet under the legs, sniffed to the fragrance of the lady of foliage, generously mixed with the smell Rain and wind.

Autumn leaves are suitable not only for herbarium, although sometimes they should be pre-dried, as recommended in the article "".

1. Draw on the leaves

Invite the kids to turn the leaflets in the bug-cocks. So funny draw frills and invent the names non-existent in nature in the nature.


To revive the characters, get on the leaves running eyes for toys.



2. Write on the leaves of the message

How long have not written letters? Leave a bright reminder or recognition in your warmest feelings, written on the leaves, just not paper, and the real and live - autumn. Why not use this idea for a greeting card or letters of Granny?!


3. We make garland leaves


Decorate the room (group of kindergarten, class, scene) with autumn leaves garland. Dilute the aroma of autumn notes of citrus fruits - and the Handra will never look into your home.

4. Embroidery and knit on the leaves


On the leaves, you can not only write and draw, you can still embroider and knit. Be sure to try - unusual autumn crafts are guaranteed to you, like admiring Ohhi-ahi viewers.


Purify a leaf with a needle or a seboard better when it is fresh: then your "canvas" will not finish and withstand all creative experiments. Then the leaflet with embroidery must be put on drying in the old book so that it is survived smooth and neat.


From beautiful autumn leaves, not only applications and collages on paper can be seen directly to the fabric, adding the composition with embroidery or knitted elements. It turns out original.

5. We make paintings and collages from leaves


Take a picture of the child when he blows on something. Use the printed photo for the thematic collage. You can play with the kids to play the game "Flood a leaf from a tree", and then at home to remember how it was and complete the collage.

6. "Draw" portraits by leaves.


Autumn is an artist and a wizard. Draw portraits with leaves and herbs is very exciting and unusual, be sure to try. You can cut your face from a glossy magazine and decorate the hairstyle with leaves, you can use photos of loved ones.

You can make a pet portrait using dried leaves.

7. Dumping autumn leaves beautifully


Using hole punch or special curly tools for scrapbooking, you can do beautiful holes in the autumn leaves, and then use the leaves for applications and the leaves themselves, and what cut out.

8. Masks, crowns, wreaths from autumn leaves do it yourself


A mask or crown can be made from both alive and dried leaves. Use the cardboard template for the base.

A wreath or crown is convenient to collect on the frame. You can decorate the hoop or billet from wire or flexible branches.


9. Owls from autumn leaves
