Classical applique. Red hat (01004). Red plasticine hat. Learning to sculpt the crawl Abstract Node Applique Red Cap Medium Group

Application from paper circles for children is 5-6 years old "Red Hood". Master class with step-by-step photo.

Kotova Sofya, the pupil of the senior group of MBDOU "Claksky kindergarten number 2".
Leader: Kotova Nadezhda Aleksandrovna, educator of MBDOU "The Cherlaak kindergarten number 2".
Description: The material is designed for children, preschool age, primary school age.
Purpose: The manufacture of appliqués for registration of the exhibition "The fairy tale on the door is knocking ..."
1. Forming the ability to make appliques from the circles.
2. Develop the ability to work on a template-mug.
3. Develop the ability to use scissors.
4. Develop creative abilities in children.
5. Educate the perishability, accuracy in operation.
Equipment: Leaf of double-sided colored paper, cardboard, PVA glue, three-wheel pattern templates with a diameter of 6, 4 and 3 cm., Scissors, simple pencil.

In the hat I am red,
Pies in a basket.

Here I walk to the grandmother.
On the forest path.
If the wolf meeting
I'm not glow,
I then hunters
Loud call.
(O. Emelyanova)


The pattern from a circle with a diameter of 4 cm., Apply to the pink paper, we supply a simple pencil, cut out, we get a face for the "red hat".

From the same template, we cut two circles of red for a hat, two mustard colors for sleeves, one brown for a basket and one for a lilac collar.

For the dress, we supply a template on red paper from a circle with a diameter of 6 cm.

A diameter pattern of 3 cm. Cut the sshring of blue, three circles of mustard colors for bangs and tails.

For your hands, we draw small circles from pink color, for eye from black, and for the mouth of red.

Feet cut out of pink, stripes.

We stick a circle for a yellow cardboard, the circle for bangs fold in half, glit, then, take circles for the cap, fold in half and stick.

In addition, we put all the circles, except for eyes and mouth, we have on the cardboard and stick.

Here is such a wonderful "red hat" turned out of paper wheels!

To supplement the application, you can make bulk grass. From the green paper, cut out the strip, fold in half, and finely cut, not the bend of the strip.

We stick and get grass. Applique is ready!

Abstract classes in the middle group on appliqué "Little Red Riding Hood"

Purpose:Teach children to transmit a fairy tale in appliques. Continue to teach a person (shape of dresses, heads, hands, feet), characteristic details (cap), observing relationships in magnitude. Fasten the skill gently cut and stick. Cause children interest in the cutting process, fix the surveyed skills, develop feelingscolors.

Tasks :

Educational :

Secure the skill cut the details of the square shape.

Secure basic knowledgeflowers.

Secure the skill to cut paper in a straight line.

Developing :

Develop thinking, imagination, attention, fine motoric, perceptioncolors.

Training thinkingoperations : Analysis, synthesis, comparison and generalization.

Raising :

Raise the skills of accuracy in work, hard work, the ability to bring

work to the end.

Material: Doll Red Hood, Colored paper of different colors (circles, squares, triangles),listed sheet of format A 4, scissors, glue, napkins, tower (for each child).

Travel course:

Guys, one girl came to visit today. She lived with her mother, her grandmother loved her very much. Once grandmother gave a girlRed hat. What do you think your name is the girl?

(Children's responses) .

Why her name isLittle Red Riding Hood?(Children's responses) .

What else is dressedLittle Red Riding Hood?(Children's responses) .

What is her legs?(Children's responses) .

What uRed hats hair, eyes?(Children's responses) .

Guys whatLittle Red Riding Hood?(Children's responses) .

Well done.Red hati liked it very much as you told about her.

And now we will fulfill the applique. Each of you have everything you need on the table.

Let's remember how we cut the paper strip oncubes?(We fold it in half. We are deployed and cutting on lilies) .

How do you work with scissors and glue?(With scissors and glue work carefully) .

Before starting work, we will draw a warm-up for our fingers.

The guys have toys :

Here are funny little animals.

Here is an iron car.

This is the ball. It is from rubber.

Multicolored matryoshka

And with a tail fluffy cat.

(Alternately bend fingers into the cam, starting with the big one.)

Children perform a task. The educator and assistant tutor provide individual assistance to children in cutting and sticking some details.

In the middle of the process is carried out physical attachment


Slept the flower and suddenly woke up (sits squatting, gets up,

I did not want to sleep anymore.

Moved, stretched (turns left, right, pull out,

Up and flew(smooth movement of hands to the parties) .

The sun can only wake up

Butterfly circles and goes(spinning on the spot) .

Guys, you are great. You got everything wonderful.

Let's look at all the finished works and those on which the most beautiful girls are depicted.

See what a variety of color works. Let's find a cheerful red hat, an elegant, sad, etc.

Our red hat has really liked your work. But she is time to leave. Let's find her and say "Goodbye!"

Current page: 8 (In total, 8 pages) [Available excerpt for reading: 2 pages]

Occupation 78. Improke "Cup"

Software content. Learn children to sculpt dishes using rolling, indulging and equalizing the edges of the form. Exercise in conjunction of parts by admission to pressing and smoothing the bonding places.

Methodology for holding. Consider with children a cup, determine its form. Ask the guys how you can make a cup, then suggest any of them at the board show and explain the techniques of modeling.

In the process of occupation, send the actions of children to a more perfect image. If necessary, resort to an individual showing of modeling techniques.

Materials. Cups. Clay, Board for modeling, stack (for each child).

Games with dishes in the game corner. Viewing cups that are used for breakfast, lunch.

Lesson 79. Drawing "House in which you live"

Software content. Teach children draw a big house, transmit a rectangular shape of walls, rows of windows. Develop the ability to complement the image on the basis of impressions of the surrounding life. To cause a desire to consider their drawings to express their attitude towards them.

Methodology for holding. Remember with children, in which houses they live. Clarify their shape, proportion, location of floors, doors. Call the child to the board (optional) to display the drawing of the house. To those guys who quickly draw a house, offer to draw anything additionally: grass, trees, benches, sunshine, etc.

Materials. Light gray paper, soft shades gouache and for additions - brown, green, yellow; Brushes, water with water, napkin (for each child).

Communication with other occupations and activities. Observations for walks with an educator, with parents. Consider illustration. Designing from building material.

Occupation 80. Impress "Cookware for dolls"

Software content. Fasten the ability of children to sculpt dishes. Work out techniques. Educate activity, independence and accuracy in work. Continue to develop teamwork skills.

Methodology for holding. Start a lesson with a gaming situation. Show children a bear (bunny, hedgehog) and tell on behalf of the toys that dolls and their friends want to arrange a holiday (birthday), and they lack dishes. Suggest children to help toys - to make dishes for them. Consider uncomplicated utensils for dolls and offer cut out cups with saucers, bowls for treat. Specify the techniques of modeling. Distribute the work between the children. If someone from the guys want to blind any other objects of dishes, provide such an opportunity. To draw the attention of children to a more accurate transfer of the form of dishes, on accuracy in work. Those who quickly cut out one thing, suggest something else.

At the end of the modeling, all the work put on the table of the teacher and together with the Micah carefully consider them, allocate the most beautiful. Emphasize the variety of products.

Materials. Dinnerware set. Clay, Board for modeling, stack (for each child).

Communication with other occupations and activities. Modeling individual objects of dishes. Games of children in a playing corner.

Lesson 81. Drawing "Festively decorated house"

Software content. Teach children to transmit impressions of the festive city in the picture. Fasten the ability to draw a house and decorate it with flags, colored lights. Exercise in drawing and painting by overlapping color on color. Develop a figurative perception. Learn to choose when analyzing the finished works of colorful, expressive drawings, talk about them.

Methodology for holding. Ask children as the city for the holiday (flags, transparencies, lights) was decorated. Suggest them to remember what houses are (high and narrow, long and low).

At the end of the occupation, all the drawings put on the board, consider them with children, choose those in which the picture of the holiday is most painted.

Materials. Gouache paints (markers, wax shallow), white paper or any pale tone, brushes, water cans, napkins (for each child).

Communication with other occupations and activities. Observations for walks and excursions. Consider illustration. Reading poems.

Lesson 82. Impressing "The bird pecks the grains from a saucer"

Software content. Fasten the ability of children to sculpt familiar items, using educated earlier techniques (rolling, pulling, pinching; compression of parts, pressing and smoothing the place of fastening).

Methodology for holding. Remember the birds of watching birds on a walk, movement and position of the body of the bird. Clarify (asking children) Takes of modeling. In the process of work, send them to the use of learned techniques.

At the end of the modeling, all the work is considered, choose the most expressive.

Materials. Toy bird. Clay, molding board (for each child).

Communication with other occupations and activities. Watching birds on a walk.

Lesson 83. Applique "Red Cap"

Software content. Teach children to transmit a fairy tale in appliques. Continue to teach a person (shape of dresses, heads, hands, feet), characteristic details (cap), observing relationships in magnitude. Fasten the skill gently cut and stick.

Methodology for holding. Recall the girl from the fairy tale sh. Perro "Red Hap". Consider any girl from the group, clarify the shape of her dress (the dress should be simple), the shape and location of the parts of the body, the hats. Ask children about receptions and cutting sequences. To say that the dress on the girl can be of any color, and the hat is definitely red. To draw the attention of children to cutting and sticking techniques.

All finished work to consider, to propose to choose the most beautiful girls depicted. Emphasize the diversity of color solutions. Suggest the guys to find a cheerful red hat, an elegant, sad, etc.

Materials. Colored paper, scissors, glue, glue brush, napkin, ibelan (for each child).

Communication with other occupations and activities. For walks, in the group, when viewing the illustrations, attract the attention of children to girls figures in simple in the form (expanding book) dresses.

Option. Appliqué "Make up and ate what you want"

Software content. Continue to develop a figurative perception, figurative views, imagination, creativity. Fasten the skills of neat sticking.

Methodology for holding. Show children illustrations on which different round-shaped items and objects are depicted consisting of round-shaped parts. Suggest carefully to consider them, call items, tell about their form, location and shape of parts of items. Suggest children to make up the objects of the paper circles lying on their tables who wants and stick them. At first, the child must decompose the circle so that it turned out to be plans, and then gently paste the items.

During the work, approach every child, ask what he thought to stick and how to act. Remind of accurate gluing, the correct location of the parts on the sheet.

All finished applications to consider with children, note their diversity, rejoice their brightness, beauty.

Materials. Paper 1/2 of the album sheet, 5 paper circles of different variables (each child has a mug of one color; the group can give 6-7 colors), glue, a brush for glue, a napkin, alert (for each child).

Communication with other occupations and activities. Didactic games for disassembling shape, values, color objects. Classes for the formation of ideas about the form and magnitude of objects. Games of children with objects, observation, viewing illustrations.

Lesson 84. Drawing "Airplanes fly through the clouds"

Software content. Teach children to portray airplanes flying through the clouds using different pressure on a pencil. Develop a figurative perception, figurative views. Call a positive emotional attitude to the created drawings.

Methodology for holding. Consider with children toy plane, clarify its parts (body, wings) and their shape. Include in the survey movement of your hand. Suggest children to draw, as airplanes fly through the clouds. To say that the clouds are lungs, and heavy airplanes. In the picture, it can be transferred, by puming pencils in different ways: Easy - when drawing clouds, stronger - when painting aircraft.

All finished drawings will be signed in the group.

Materials. Paper size 1/2 album sheet, color pencils (for each child).

Communication with other occupations and activities. Reading books, viewing illustrations, conversations with children. Children games.

Lesson 85. Drawing "Draw a picture about the spring"

Software content. Teach children to pass the impression from spring in the figure. Develop the ability to successfully position the image on the sheet. Exercise in drawing with paints (rinse a brush well, dry it, pick up paint on the brush as needed).

Methodology for holding. Talk to children about the fact that the street was warm, the sun shines brightly, the birds singing fun, the green grass appeared, the flowers were bloomed. Remember the poems of spring. Suggest draw a picture about the spring.

Materials. A4 sheet paper sheet or a little more, paint gouache 7-8 colors, brushes, can with water, napkin (for each child).

Communication with other occupations and activities. Observations on walks, reading books, poems.

Lesson 86. Applique "Magic Garden"

Software content. Teach children to create a collective composition, independently defining the content of the image (magic trees, flowers). Learn to cut with scissors in a straight line; Round square angles, rectangle. Develop a figurative perception, imagination.

Methodology for holding. To talk to children about how the magic garden can be: magic trees grow there with gold apples, unusual flowers, fabulous birds fly. Suggest every child to think that he wants to cut and stick on a common sheet. In the process of working, send children to create a variety of images. Help Place an image on the overall sheet.

To admire everyone together created by the picture, talk about it, hang in the group.

The topic is performed on two occupations with a break of 1-2 days (or on the same day with a break to rest).

Materials. Paper colored, gold and silver, large leaf of white or tinted paper, scissors, glue, brush for glue, napkin, oilcloth (for each child).

Communication with other occupations and activities. Reading fairy tales, viewing Films. Conversations with children about wonders, which are described in fairy tales.

"Favorite toy" Masha S., Middle Group

Lesson 87. Drawing "Draw What you want a picture"

Software content. Teach children to conceive the content of the drawings, bring their idea to the end. Empty independence, creativity.

Methodology for holding. Suggest children to draw a beautiful picture - who wants. Encourage initiative, interesting intentions. Help those who find it difficult (considering the visual capabilities of children): Remind that the children saw interesting things about what they were read about.

Materials. Paints gouache, paper of any soft tone, brushes, can with water, napkin (for each child).

Lesson 88. Lrack "How we played into the mobile game" bird arrival ""

Software content. Continue to teach children to create a movable game in the modeling. Develop imagination and creativity. Fasten the techniques of modeling.

Methodology for holding. Remember with children as they played the rolling game "bird arrivals". To say that today the guys will sculpt those birds whom they portrayed in the game. Birds can be of different colors.

At the end of work, consider the winged birds, to rejoice in their diversity.

Materials. Plasticine, Board for modeling, stack (for each child).

Lesson 89. Drawing "Darking feathers for the tail of a fabulous bird"

Software content. Develop aesthetic perception, figurative views, creativity. Continue to form a positive emotional attitude towards visual activities, to the work created; Friendly attitude to the work of peers. Fix the drawing methods with different materials (wovers, fatty pastels, paints, colored wax crayons).

Methodology for holding. For this occupation, it is desirable to make all the tables together by putting all the children for the common table so that they sat face each other. Throughout the line of the middle, there is a variety of drawing materials and carved feathers for the tail of a fabulous bird.

Show children a fabulous bird (it can be an image of a bird in Konakovskaya, Gzhel, Dymkovskaya and any other sculpture or created by a tutor made of clay, stitched from fabric, etc. Bird in a bright plumage.) To tell children that today they flew to them today. Beautiful fabulous bird. Consider birds, draw the attention of children to her plumage, tail, horsepower from feathers on the head. Suggest children to paint the elegant feathers for the tail of a fabulous bird. Each child chooses independently than it will paint feathers.

No need to explain to children who are such a red hat, if they read the fairy tale of the same name or they watched a movie or a performance. The story of a little girl who went through the forest to a sick grandmother, and on the way she met an evil wolf, having combated a naive child, know everything. That's why we suggest you make this heroine from plasticine. Since you can already sculpt the wolf and your grandmother, thanks to our site, then the model of a red hat does not hurt. Thus, there will be no obstacles to put your own performance and even change the course of events in a fairy tale.

Plasticine colors for modeling:

  • red, beige, white and black - mandatory;
  • blue, yellow, brown - replaceable.

1. Skate the beige ballpings.

2. I barely squeeze the pellet on one side. Put on the front of the nose and white eyes.

3. Attach black and blue pupils, slim cilia and eyebrows.

4. Add a miniature scarlet rotik, hair of any plausible color. And also insert a match as a neck.

5. To make a dress, froline blue or any other color plasticine in your hands. First pull the oblong bar. Then one half of it turn into a lush skirt, pulling the mass in different directions, but necessarily symmetrically in a circle.

6. From any bright color, for example, yellow, make extra details for the dress. Attach round lanterns, add a collar and a ribbon.

7. At the sleeves, attach thin hand tubes.

8. Connect the top of the dress and head inserting a match in the center.

9. For layers of legs, use two more matches. Put on them a thin layer beige plasticine and attach funny wooden shoes.

10. Connect legs with a torso.

11. Insert in the hands of a red hat insert a basket with which she will go to the grandmother.

12. And the last, but the most important element is the red hat itself.

Here is our wonderful handicraft. As you can see, we were useful to knowing the knowledge of the girl and baskets from plasticine.