Rings on the neck of African women. Burmese women with long necks

A beautiful neck always adds charm and sophistication to a woman - it is no coincidence that Nefertiti has become the standard of beauty for centuries. Her neck - strong, slender and surprisingly feminine even today is the subject of imitation for many women. The shape and length of the neck largely depends on genetics, but if you follow our advice, you can slightly improve nature. How to make the neck longer?

The neck in many cultures is an important detail of female attractiveness, and it is no coincidence that Russians call it a swan, because it is this bird that is considered royal, equal in size and beauty to crowned heads.

The swan neck is a combination of flexibility, length, slenderness and tenderness of the skin, and this is the kind of neck that women dream of.

Due to the physiological structure, the female neck before the face and other parts of the body surrenders under the pressure of age - wrinkles become deep, osteochondrosis forms the so-called "nape", and the second chin makes you forget about the once youthful outlines of the face and neck. The trouble is that the old neck cannot be disguised with cosmetics, and it always betrays the true age, frustrating and driving to despair. So really nothing can be done if the neck has already lost the outlines of youth?

How to make the neck longer and younger?

First you need to understand that the neck needs daily care, more gentle and careful than the face. When washing your neck, do not forget to nourish it with creams and masks, clean only with mild products and apply a nourishing cream based on stone oils and wheat germ oil.

When choosing masks for the neck, you should give preference to those designed for dry skin, as they are more moist and nourishing, for example, do oil wraps and masks of hercules with milk, applied under warming.

You can also improve the condition of the neck with the help of contrasting compresses from decoctions of herbs, such as linden or mint, and the herbal composition should be hot and the water should be cold. It is necessary to alternately apply a soft cloth soaked in infusion or water to the neck, leaving it for a few minutes. It is enough to do five applications, starting with hot and ending with cold.

Perfectly cares for the skin of the neck and applying healing ice - freeze decoctions of herbs and lubricate the neck with ice cubes in the morning and evening.

Gymnastics for neck rejuvenation

With the help of cosmetics and home remedies, you will certainly improve the condition of the skin of the neck, and the next step will be the strengthening of the muscles, which can only be achieved with the help of special exercises performed daily. In order for no one to interfere with you, because you need to perform the exercises with concentration and attention, it is best to choose a time and place so that you are left alone.

  1. Standing or sitting, slowly tilt your head back, while trying to reach your nose with your lower lip. Then lower your head to your chest - repeat the exercise about 6 times.
  2. Sitting with a straight back, slowly but straining your neck, turn your head first to the right and then to the left, gradually accelerating, the number of slow turns is about 6, and fast 10-12.
  3. Straining your neck and stretching it forward, at the same time pull your head into your shoulders - repeat 10 times.
  4. Place the palms of your hands on your chest and, as if pressing down on your chest, counteract this movement with your chest, straining your neck. Repeat 12 times.
  5. Sitting opposite the table and resting your elbows on it, first pull one side of the neck up, then the other - so 10 times.
  6. Slowly turning your head to the right, finish the movement by smoothly raising your head to failure, repeat 5 times, do the same in the other direction.
  7. Slowly turn your head to the left and touch your chin to your shoulder without lifting the shoulder itself. Do the same on the other side. Reps 10 in each direction.
  8. Tilt your head so that the ear touches the shoulder - to the right and left, repeat in each direction 10 times.
  9. Cross your palms at the back of your head and lower your head to your chest - overcoming the resistance of your hands, jerk your head back in several steps. Repeat 10 times.

After you complete the initial course of exercises for two weeks, make them longer, bringing up to 40 repetitions.

After class, be sure to do contrast rubdowns, capturing the décolleté area as well. Salt massages will not be superfluous either - in a strong saline solution, you need to moisten a towel and literally whip yourself on the second chin, cheek line. You need to do this for 10 minutes and quite sensitively - this is how you can tighten the skin of the neck and bring it into proper shape.

You can also use the old recipe, according to which it is prescribed to apply honey on the neck, patting lightly (you can’t do it with a problem thyroid gland). Honey perfectly tones the skin, and the nourishing cream applied after will soften the skin and make it youthfully tender.

Improving the appearance and condition of the neck, do not forget to sleep in a comfortable but correct position for the neck - on a high pillow placed under the neck, then the neck does not deform and remains beautiful for a long time!

Women of the Padaung tribe in Burma, starting at about the age of five, wear copper rings around their necks (more precisely, spirals of a rod about one centimeter thick, giving the impression of rings), which are installed by local women who have the proper qualifications. Gradually, the number of rings (or rather turns of the spiral) increases, which leads to the effect of "stretching the neck", which is why tourists call them female giraffes.

In an adult woman, the number of rings can reach a couple of dozen, and their weight is four to five kilograms. Periodically, rings (spirals) at will, or if necessary, are removed and put on again, this does not cause harm to health.

In the case of a complete refusal to wear rings, the neck takes on a normal appearance for a period of one to three years. There is a common myth that female giraffes cannot live without these rings. This is not so, women with removed rings do not suffer from their absence.

Women stop growing rings by the time they get married, but also by this time the neck simply no longer lengthens, due to age-related changes in the skeleton, and their replacement, for example, in order to improve the appearance, or if it is inconvenient to wear old ones, is allowed even after that, any age.

X-ray studies of Padaung women showed that, in fact, due to the rings, the neck is not stretched, but the shoulder zone is deformed, the shoulder girdle gradually lowers under the weight of the rings, since it is attached to the skeleton with just one joint. As a result, the appearance of a long neck is created, but no changes occur in the neck itself.

Sometimes the spirals are deliberately made unnecessarily high - very tight to the shoulders and head, and keep the head constantly in an elevated state. In this case, a woman may lose the ability to turn and tilt her head, simply because it becomes difficult to do this, and not because of anatomical changes. Also, in the case of removing such spirals, there is a danger of breaking the neck, because. the muscles that support it can atrophy. But this is not often observed, most often the upper edge of the rings does not reach the chin, which gives some freedom to move the head.

Women also wear rings on their hands and feet. Their costume usually consists of a long white blouse with a front closure and a knee-length skirt.

The reason for the custom of wearing rings is not clear. According to stories, they allegedly protect against tiger bites. It is also said that the rings were designed to limit their ability to escape to a neighboring village, which was associated with the customs of trafficking in women. According to other sources, precious metals were “stored” in this way in the family. The women themselves claim that this is a tradition of tribal self-identification that they received from their mothers. In addition, a long neck is considered a sign of beauty and well-being.

According to local legend, the ancestors of the padaungs descended from the union of the wind and the dragon. Hearing from the dragon that she was pregnant, the wind began to joyfully circle around the wife until she gave birth to a large cocoon, from which the padaung appeared. In memory of this swirling happy wind, women wear hoops around their necks.

Although the removal of hoops is possible, a movement against this custom in Burma has been unsuccessful. Nowadays, women continue to wear rings also because it attracts tourists and creates a good opportunity to sell handicrafts. In fact, long necks have become a kind of business to attract tourists. The largest village, Nai Soi, welcomes 1,200 tourists annually, setting an entrance fee of 250 Thai baht to the village, the money remains the property of the Thai travel agencies.

Increasingly, modern girls and women are interested in how to make their necks longer. Beauty and fashion standards dictate how to look, what to wear and put forward ideals of beauty. One of the main elements of a modern beautiful woman is a slender long neck.

In pursuit of this criterion, many women spend a lot of money on expensive creams, special devices. Some even decide on plastic surgery. But why? Nature made people the way they should be. Every girl is beautiful in her own way. You should not go to extremes, because you can make your neck thinner with the help of ordinary exercises, inexpensive phytotherapeutic products. You can also visually create a lengthening effect with the right hairstyle, clothing and accessories.

Muscle training and stretching

To try to make a long neck, a woman must definitely perform special complex physical exercises aimed at strengthening and stretching the muscles.

You need to do exercises regularly every day, preferably in the morning and in the evening.

  1. Warming up the muscles. It is necessary to perform 10 tilts back, forward, right, left. Then knead the muscles with your fingers, perform massage movements in a spiral around the entire neck area.
  2. Stretching. Tilt the head to the right shoulder, then to the left. During execution, a pleasant stretch should be felt, but not pain. So don't try too hard to hurt yourself. You need to stretch on each side 10 times.
  3. Head nods. We slowly lower our head down. Then raise the chin as high as possible. Nods should be performed 15 times or more. Start with 15, and then gradually increase the number of repetitions.
  4. Head turns. We make head movements to the right, then to the left, while stretching the chin to the shoulders. On each side, you need to linger for 5 seconds. In general, you need to do 15-20 approaches.
  5. Circular turns. We rotate the head in a circle, while feeling tension in all the muscles of the neck. You need to do 5 times in both directions - clockwise and against it.
  6. Lower jaw work. We open our mouth wide, and then with effort, straining all the muscles, we close it. You should feel the maximum tension in the neck.

It is very important to consult a doctor before starting such classes and undergo a diagnosis to make sure that you do not have any diseases in the neck and spine. Otherwise, it can lead to serious health consequences.

But even if you do not find any violations, all approaches should be performed very carefully, slowly and without sudden movements. So the stretch will be softer, smoother and more effective.

With the daily implementation of this complex, in a month you will get the first positive results. With the help of exercises for a long neck, your dream will become a reality. You can finally wear what you like, any jewelry and any cutouts. There would be a desire, and the rest will definitely work out!

What is the right care?

Care plays a very important role, since the skin in this area is delicate and thin, therefore it is more susceptible to aging processes. Whatever physical activity you apply, the skin will still be deformed. You will not achieve the desired effect if you only engage in exercises. To make the neck longer, you need to include skin care methods. The topic of aging and wilting is especially important for women, so this should be approached with particular seriousness.

Care should be very careful and gentle. A prerequisite is nutrition with the help of masks, moisturizers and lotions.

Try to choose creams of well-known trusted brands, because this way you will be guaranteed the quality of the product. Little-known cheap products can only do harm.

It would be great to make masks designed for dry skin three times a week. So, you are guaranteed to provide your skin with the necessary moisture, and protect it from premature aging. Wraps made from oatmeal and warm milk have an excellent effect - 2 tbsp. tablespoons of cereal pour half a glass of milk.

Let it brew for 3-4 minutes, apply on the neck and décolleté for 20 minutes. Cover with cling film on top, and on top with a terry towel. The nutritional properties of this method exceed all the wildest expectations. Try it yourself to see for yourself!

Whatever methods you use, always make sure in advance that they are suitable for your skin type. Some women may, for example, be allergic to certain ingredients in creams and lotions. Therefore, before using this or that remedy, carefully study their composition.

Phytotherapy in the fight for grace

You can actively apply herbs that will help you achieve your goal. Many women know about this method, but not everyone believes it. But in vain. Nature has made sure that we have natural ingredients for self-care. If you learn how to use them correctly, you can change beyond recognition, find fresh, toned skin and lightness throughout the body.

There are such methods of using herbs:

  1. Frozen infusion of chamomile or St. John's wort. You brew herbs (1 tablespoon of herbs per cup of boiling water), pour into ice molds and put in the freezer. When the broth freezes, you take out ice cubes and rub them on your skin.
  2. Strawberry mask. The berries must be finely chopped and mixed with cream and honey, and then put on the skin. It is especially pleasant to make such a mask, because it has a very pleasant aroma. Who doesn't love the smell of strawberries?
  3. Mask of egg yolk, aloe and sour cream. All ingredients must be mixed and applied to the skin. All ingredients are taken in equal quantities. Then wait for drying and after 15 minutes wash off with cool water.
  4. Cabbage wraps. Mix the grated head of cabbage with egg white, sour cream and apply, wrapping it with a warm scarf. Wash off with cool water after 30 minutes.
  5. Compresses from a decoction of chamomile or St. John's wort. We brew as standard - 1 tbsp. l. to a glass of boiling water.

Now you know what methods of herbal medicine exist and are familiar with how to do them correctly. The neck will be thinner and longer only if these methods are used in combination with training.

Do not be lazy, show perseverance and perseverance. The result will surely please you!

Visual ways to lengthen

For women, there are many options with which you can visually lengthen the neck. If you do not know how to choose the right accessories, then it is better not to wear them at all. Otherwise, you risk making the situation even worse.

It is very important to choose the right clothes and hairstyles.

You should choose hairstyles such as:

  • high ponytail;
  • high bun;
  • square with elongated corners;
  • short haircut;
  • straight flowing long hair.

It is also better to avoid braids from the back of the head, low tails, basket braids.


Exercise number 1: Tilt your head back and at the same moment try to cover the upper lip as much as possible with your lower lip. Hold this position for 5 seconds, and then lower your head to, relax your lower jaw, but close your lips. Repeat the exercise should be 3-4 times, and as the duration of training increases, bring it up to ten or even twelve times.

The next exercise should be done in a standing position. First, put your right hand on your left hand, and then put both hands under and try to tilt your head back. At this time, it should resist the movement of the hands, this will create a sufficiently strong tension in the neck muscles, will contribute to their growth. While in this position, count to 6-7, then relax your muscles and return to the starting position, lowering your head down. Repeat this exercise at least four or five times daily. Just as mentioned in the previous paragraph, gradually increase each exercise and the number of times.

Now lower your arms "at the seams", straighten your shoulders. Lower your head to your chest and roll it from to the right, then vice versa. You can lower your head back and repeat the same ones. The exercise is repeated 4 times.

In addition, there is an exercise called "Giraffe". You can use it throughout the day, it is good to relieve pain and fatigue from the neck and shoulders. Stand up, straighten up, put your hands on your shoulders and try to stretch neck up as much as possible (at this time, press your hands on your shoulders, they should not). Inhale, count to ten, then relax. Do the Giraffe exercise 5 or 6 times.

Useful advice

At the very beginning of training, do not allow heavy loads, increase them gradually. Adjust the duration of each exercise according to how you feel.


  • how to stretch a child's neck
  • How to make your neck longer: optimal answers

pull out growth, or rather bone and connective tissues, can be done both at home and in a hospital. Few go for surgery, since rehabilitation after it is long, and painful. But stretching a few centimeters will be useful not only for people who want to become taller, but for everyone in order to straighten the spine and improve muscle tone.


Sleep on a hard bed and a low pillow. During sleep, the body straightens and increases growth and by evening everything returns to its place. But still, with regular sleep on, the spine becomes smoother, so you win in growth is a few centimeters.

Swimming increases well growth. Sign up for a pool, but you need to go there at least three times a week and engage in active water exercises, and not growth to wallow in clean water. It is better to consult with a trainer to advise you what and how you need in order to achieve the fastest result.

All exercises aimed at stretching the connective tissues increase growth. Engage in regular pull-ups on the horizontal bar, doing it daily. You can also do push-ups, and do what you like best. The main thing is to develop muscle tissue.

Eat well while exercising. You can buy protein shakes that will supply the body with everything it needs. You should get the most nutrients from food, but this does not mean that you need to eat fatty foods. A balanced five meals a day without excessive consumption of fats is the best option.

Useful advice

Growth does not increase immediately. You will notice a positive result after at least 2-3 months of regular exercise.

In many cultures of the world, a long neck is a kind of standard of beauty and female attractiveness. After all, no wonder beautiful neck called the swan, comparing it with the long and graceful neck of this royal bird. The length and shape of the neck, no doubt, depends on heredity, but there are still several ways to improve this given by nature.


The neck gives out age faster than any other part of the body. In addition, she needs more careful care. To prevent early aging, take care of it daily. Cleanse with special products, apply a nourishing cream. Pamper your neck with masks. For example, milk-grape. Take milk and grape juice in equal amounts. Mix thoroughly. Moisten cotton pads with this magical mixture and apply to the neck. Then put a towel on top. Get something like a compress. Remove the mask after twenty minutes. Spread the skin with a nourishing cream based on stone oils.

Remarkably affects the condition of the skin of the neck and lubricating it with "healing" ice. Freeze decoctions of various herbs (for example, lime blossom, sage, mint) and wipe with these ice cubes neck. The result will not keep you waiting.

In the highlands of Southeast Asia, the interesting people of the Padaung (or Kayan) live. Padaung girls from the age of 5 wear copper spirals around their necks. First, a spiral of six rings is put on the neck, and then every year their number is increased by one. By the time of marriage, the number of rings reaches its maximum, and after the wedding they are usually not added. At the same time, the woman's neck is stretched, which sometimes leads to an increase in its length up to 40 centimeters. Because of their exotic appearance, they have become known as female giraffes, and their areas of residence are very popular with tourists.

Padaung live in the border areas of Thailand and Myanmar, and their number is more than 50,000 people. The traditional occupation of the Padaung people is rice cultivation and livestock rearing. The custom of wearing copper spirals around the neck goes back to ancient times. In every settlement there are women who know the art of putting on rings. As soon as the girl is 5 years old, she puts on her first rings.

In the future, the number of rings increases, and sometimes the design is so high and uncomfortable that it hinders movement and it is difficult for girls to turn or tilt their heads. In addition to rings around the neck, women wear rings on their arms and legs, and their national costume is complemented by a white shirt decorated with braid.

Tourists are told that the custom of wearing rings is associated with the specific ideas of the Padaung tribe about beauty. The long neck is considered a symbol of well-being and beauty. But this custom has a more practical explanation.

According to the Padaung themselves, such a design was designed to save them from tigers, encounters with which are still not uncommon in this region. Apparently, the men of the tribe could fight the predator and fight back, but the neck of the women had to be protected.

According to another version, such rings served to identify the women of the tribe. The fact is that in this region, theft of girls by neighboring peoples flourished, as well as unauthorized flight. Therefore, the padaung came up with such an original way to protect their beauties from the encroachments of their neighbors. After all, the rings cannot be removed without special skills and devices, and men who went in search of it can easily find a Padaung girl. And even if you remove them, the longer neck of the girl will be noticeable, which will immediately arouse suspicion.

According to doctors, wearing conventional spirals does not adversely affect women's health. But sometimes the spirals are deliberately made too high. In this case, a greater effect is achieved and the neck becomes very long. But at the same time, the mobility of the head becomes more difficult, and the muscles designed to provide this mobility atrophy. If such women remove the rings, a neck fracture may occur.

Today, not all Padaung women want to wear the rings they wore as children. Some remove them and continue to do fine without spirals. But in some villages in Thailand, the custom of wearing rings is considered not only a sign of beauty, but also a way to earn money. Tourists who come to the padaung settlements are happy to buy souvenirs and clothes, and also take pictures with amazing long-necked women.