Summary of GCD on non-traditional drawing with children of the middle group “Unusual colors. Open lesson in non-traditional drawing in the middle group "Flowers for your beloved mother

Elena Druzina
Abstract of a lesson in drawing in non-traditional techniques in the middle group.

Program tasks:

Continue to teach children to independently convey the plot of the winter landscape using unconventional drawing techniques;

Learn draw landscape using different visual materials in one drawing and non-traditional drawing techniques(impression of a cabbage leaf)- expand and clarify children's ideas about the season - winter;

Develop aesthetic and emotional feelings in the perception of the artistic word, musical works;

To educate in children a sense of beauty, love for nature, for their native land through fine arts, music, poetry.

Raise interest in reflecting your impressions in visual activity.

Cultivate accuracy when working with paints. METHODOLOGICAL RECEPTIONS:

Information-receptive (consideration; conversation; listening to musical works; reading fiction; showing the educator)

reproductive (consolidating the knowledge and skills of children)

Research (development of cognitive activity in children and the ability to experiment with artistic material and technicians in visual arts)

Heuristic (independence in drawing, manifestation of creativity, fantasy in artistic activity)

Materials and equipment: white gouache, glasses with water. Brushes, napkins, brush holders, A4 tinted sheet, Beijing cabbage leaves, cotton buds, musical accompaniment, multimedia presentation.

vocabulary work: landscape, imprint.

Course progress.

Hello guys! Hello, friends! I'm glad to see you all!

Guys, do you like to solve riddles? Let me guess for you riddle:

Who, guess

Sedentary mistress?

Shakes feather beds -

And snowflakes will fly over the world.

And let's remember what winter is like? What words can you use to describe her?

(Winter is white, snowy, snow-white, cold, beautiful, frosty, fluffy, shiny, fierce).

How can you play in winter? (Sledding, skating, skiing)

But we also love winter for its beauty. Artists have painted many pictures about winter, poets sing of the sorceress - winter in verse. Now we will look at several landscape paintings about winter.

(Music sounds (an example of P.I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons. "January", a multimedia presentation with reproductions of paintings by artists about winter is shown).

Guys, do you know what a landscape is?

It is true that a landscape is an image of nature. This is a picture that depicts a forest, a field, a river, lakes.

Winter is a wonderful time of the year! Winter wonders happen!

Look how beautiful she is. On it is written - "Guys middle group of kindergarten"Sun". It is you? (Yes.) I wanted to look into it, but the trouble is, it does not open? I think I know what's up. It will open when you read poems about winter. Who knows the poem about winter and can read it.

Sasha M., White snow us covered:

And trees and houses.

The light-winged wind whistles -

Hello winter winter!

An intricate trace winds

From meadow to hill.

This is a hare printed -

Hello winter winter!

Knock on the door.

(A hare appears).

Hare: Hello guys!

Hare: Is there a fox here?

V-l: What happened, bunny?

Hare: Is there a wolf?

V-l: Not.

Hare: Wu-u-u I'll at least translate the spirit!

V-l: And where are you in a hurry, where are you in a hurry?

Hare: I'm coming home.

Yes, I got lost!

V-l: Are you walking alone in the forest?

Guys, can I walk through the forest alone? (Not)

Hare: I wanted the guys from d / s with a holiday

Happy New Year, give a gift.

I left the gift, but I lost the road.

V-l: Don't be upset, little white.

We will help you. We have received your message. Thank you.

We just can't open it.

Hare: I'll help you! Once and done!

V-l: What is it guys?

Hare: It's a delicious cabbage leaf!

V-l: Thank you, bunny. And we guys decided to draw.

Hare: No, no, I have to go, I need to hurry home.

V-l: We'll show you the way. The shortest path, you will reach the house in an instant. GOING OUT.

-V-l: Here is a hare and ran away to his forest. Guys, how beautiful it is in the winter forest!

I suggest you become landscape painters and draw winter fairy forest. Do you agree?

- Guys: Yes! Then take your seats.

Here we have leaves of cabbage on our tables, now we will turn into wizards ... and draw a winter landscape with these leaves, we will not just paint, we will apply an imprint of a cabbage leaf on a sheet of paper.

Let's repeat the "imprint".

We need to apply a thick layer of white paint on the cabbage leaves with a brush. First, dip the brushes into cups of water, gently wring the bristle of the brush against the edge of the glass, then dip the brush into the paint and apply a thick layer on a leaf of Chinese cabbage. We no longer need the brush, let's wash it in a glass of water and put it on a stand. Now we carefully take a cabbage leaf and apply it to the leaf, press it with our hand, then carefully remove the cabbage leaf with both hands, we have an imprint, what does it look like?

That's right, it looks like a tree strewn with snow. And so, everyone understands how we will be draw trees? Ready?

(Independent activity of children. Children draw to music (O. Gazmanov "White snow". The teacher conducts individual work, helps as needed).

You must be tired children, let's play a little? Get in a circle.

The game: "SNOWMAN"

Well, we rested, and let's look at our trees, they just dried up during this time, we will continue our work. Guys, look, it seems to me that something is missing in our works, because we are painting a winter landscape. (Children's answers.)

That's right, there is no snow on the landscapes. The wind brought snow clouds, and it began to snow. - And snowflakes can be draw with a cotton swab, then they will turn out small and light. To draw snowflakes, we will take cotton buds, dip them into a jar of white paint and apply dots. We work by poking.

(Independent work of children)

Snowflakes fall to the ground and snowdrifts are obtained ... we will draw them under the trees.

(Children finish painting the landscape, the teacher helps them as needed)

Well done guys, that's what we got a winter landscape. Guys, stand up, we'll take a photo as a keepsake and send the bunny into the forest.

Work analysis.

Let's look at our picture. Than we painted?

What time of year is reflected in our work?

What do you think about our winter landscape?

What did you like the most paint?

Guys, it's time for us to return to the kindergarten from the fabulous magical forest.

Outcome lessons.

So our trip to the winter forest ended. Were you interested?

What do you remember from our trip?

Thank you guys for being my faithful and smart assistants on this journey! Lesson is over!

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An open lesson in fine arts using non-traditional drawing techniques in the middle group "Fish in the aquarium".


1. Exercise children in the technique of working with gouache;

Learn to draw with non-standard techniques (drawing with crumpled paper, palms, cardboard strips, imprints with potato prints and cotton swabs)

2. Develop aesthetic perception;

Draw the attention of children to the beauty of the surrounding objects and objects of nature;

Generate interest in art activities.

3. Cultivate love for pets;

To cultivate goodwill towards people, to help people.


To consolidate the ability to work in the techniques of drawing with cotton swabs, crumpled paper, potato prints, palm drawing.

To develop tactile sensitivity and fine motor skills of hands, thinking, attention, research interest and cognitive activity of children.

Develop imagination and fantasy;

To cultivate a desire to help, to encourage the desire to participate in joint work, to teach to bring what has been started to the end.

Equipment and materials: demonstration material - toys, a fish in an aquarium; handout - painted aquariums, a dish of paint, wet wipes, paints, a sheet of paper for creasing, cotton swabs, potato prints.

GCD progress:

Organizing time:

Teacher: Hello guys! Take your seats. They sat down correctly, beautifully, legs together, backs straight. They smiled at me, then at each other.

There is a knock on the door, and the doll Dashenka enters the group. She is crying.

Educator: - Dasha, why are you crying?

Masha: - My fish got sick because she was bored alone in the aquarium. And there is no one to help me.

Educator: - Don't cry Dasha, we will help you! Will the guys help Dasha? Let's draw fish friends.


Educator: Now look carefully at the toy. Guys, who do you see on my palm? (Fish). Who has aquarium fish at home?

Look at the fish, it has a head and a body together. They form one unity.

What shape is the body of the fish? (oval). What shape does the tail look like? (triangle). What color is our fish? What other color are the fish?

Mobile game: "Know your color."

The teacher gives the children red, yellow, blue fish. Then he shows the ball and offers children with fish of the same color as the ball being shown, at the command “run to me!” run up to him.

Educator: Guys, now we are looking carefully, I will show you how we will draw a fish.

But, before we draw a fish, let's remember where it lives? (in water)

That's right, therefore, so that our fish do not die, we will fill our aquariums with water.

And we will draw water with crumpled pieces of paper, at the same time we will knead the pens. (Children crumple the paper sheet into a ball. Then, the children dip it into a plate with blue paint and draw water with slapping movements.)

Educator: Great! There is water, now let's draw a fish.

We lower the palm into a plate with paint. Then put your palm on the center of the sheet and press well. Then wipe your hand with a tissue.

Physical education minute

Fish swim in the water

Fish are fun to play with

They will shrink, they will unclench

They will bury themselves in the sand



Now let's take our seats. And, so that our fish comes to life, we will draw eyes and a mouth for it. To do this, take cotton swabs, dip them in black paint and draw eyes and a mouth on the fish.

Now let's take strips of cardboard, scoop up green paint and draw algae (hold the strip at an angle, draw from top to bottom). We draw a wavy line without tearing it off, we press hard so that it is drawn well.

We can put pebbles on the bottom of the aquarium. And we will draw them with the signets of their potatoes.

Well done. We have some very beautiful fish.

Educator: - Guys, look at the pictures carefully. Which drawing do you like best? Why?

Dashenka comes in.

Mashenka: - Guys, look how fun my fish has become because she has so many friends now! Thank you!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Directly - educational activities in fine arts using non-traditional drawing techniques in the middle group "Fish in the aquarium".

To teach children to draw with non-standard techniques (drawing with crumpled paper, palms, strips of cardboard, printing with potato prints and cotton swabs) ....

Lesson in fine arts using non-traditional drawing techniques in the middle group "Fish in the aquarium."

1. Exercise children in the technique of working with gouache; Learn to draw with non-standard techniques (drawing with crumpled paper, palms, strips of cardboard, printing with potato prints and cotton buds) 2. Develop...

“We made compote” Synopsis of an open drawing lesson using non-traditional drawing techniques in the preparatory group. Prepared and conducted by: teacher Popova Marina Vladimirovna.

Purpose: To introduce children to a new imaging technique: half-apple prints. Tasks:1. To give children knowledge about the method of applying paint to a slice of an apple, press a half of an apple to a paper ...

Program content: introduce non-traditional image techniques (drawing with spruce or pine branches), cultivate the ability to work in a team. Develop fantasy and imagination.

Material: gouache of different colors, the Firebird painted on whatman paper with a tail of paper feathers cut out according to the number of children (feathers in the form of elongated large drops), small (6 - 8 cm) branches of spruce or pine tree according to the number of children, tape recording, chest with tassels, yellow watercolor and a sponge for the teacher, a contour image of the sun, on which a chest is drawn with a white wax pencil.

Lesson progress

Children enter the art studio and sit down at their jobs.

Educator: - Children, this morning I prepared brushes for drawing for you, but the trouble is that all the brushes have disappeared somewhere.

The teacher quietly turns on the tape recorder with a record: “Ha ha ha, I’m an evil snow blizzard, I want to freeze the whole world and make it white and white, so I took all the brushes in the world so that no one could paint with paints and make the world colorful!”

Educator: - How can we be now, because if we do not find brushes, then everything around will be white: trees, houses, and toys. I wonder where Blizzard could hide the brushes? I think I know who can help us. Who is above all in the sky, illuminates everything in the world, sees everything and knows everything? (Children's answers are the sun.)

That's right, children, this is our sun. But who can reach the sun? What kind of bird, how the heat burns and shines with every feather? (Children's answers - Firebird.)

Yes, this is the Firebird, she will be able to fly to the sun and ask him where the evil Blizzard hid the brushes.

The teacher opens an easel on which the Firebird is drawn and draws the attention of the children to its image.

Educator: - Look, children, here is our Firebird, only the evil Blizzard managed to freeze it too - the tail turned completely white. Only the spruce branch on which our bird sits remained green.

The teacher picks up a small branch, shows it to the children: “How many needles are on the branch, just like a brush of villi. And what happens if you dip a branch in paint and try to draw with it?

The teacher shows on the easel how to get an image using a twig: “Look what thin, thin lines the twig draws, what beautiful feathers turn out! Let's take a spruce branch and a feather from the tail and enliven our Firebird with colors. Let's make the feathers elegant, colorful, bright, decorate them with different patterns, and then our bird will be able to fly to the sun.

The teacher distributes the silhouettes of feathers and spruce branches cut out of paper to the children, the children get to work. (So ​​that the branches do not prick, they can be wrapped with tape in advance.) The teacher monitors the progress of the drawing, if necessary, prompts and conducts an individual show. He attaches the finished drawings on magnets to the tail of the Firebird.

Educator: - What a beautiful, bright, multi-colored tail our bird turned out to be. Now she will definitely fly to the sun. In the meantime, she will fly, we will rest a little.

A physical education session is held, the children stand next to the tables and perform movements corresponding to the text.

Clap-clap handles,

Top-top feet

We raise our hands up
We lower our hands down,
They were tightly clenched into fists,
Fists knocked:
The birds have flown
Wings flap:
Like this, like this.
And sat on a branch:
Like this, like this. (children sit in their seats)

The teacher paints over the sun with watercolor paint using a sponge (it is drawn in the upper part of the paper with the Firebird) and a drawing made with a wax pencil appears on it - a chest.

Educator: Look, children, our Firebird has already flown to the sun and it sends us a hint. What does the sun tell us, where did the evil Blizzard hide our brushes?

The children answer, and the teacher finds a clue in the office - this is a chest.

Educator: - Here, children, we defeated the evil Blizzard. And who helped us in this - a spruce branch. We returned our brushes and next time we will definitely draw with them, but now it's time to join the group.


I. E. Averina "Physical training minutes and dynamic pauses in the preschool educational institution" practical guide.

Abstract of a lesson using non-traditional drawing techniques for children 4-5 years old. NOD "Hen with chickens."

I offer a lesson in drawing using non-traditional drawing techniques. This lesson is intended for preschool teachers working with children of the younger and middle group of preschool age.
Target: introduce children to the non-traditional technique of drawing with fingers and palms.
Tasks: to form a careful attitude towards the surrounding living objects. Develop fine motor skills and hand coordination. Continue to introduce the properties of paints and color. Improve your artistic skills. Depict objects evenly throughout the sheet. Develop aesthetic perception, accuracy and creative imagination.
Preliminary work.
Reading stories, nursery rhymes, fairy tales, guessing riddles about a chicken. Examining illustrations. Outdoor games: "A mother hen and chickens", "A fox in a chicken coop"

Material for the lesson. Sheets of white paper, yellow paint poured into a convenient flat container, additional red paint, brushes, cotton and wet wipes. Hen and chick masks, hen and chick illustration.

Course progress.

The teacher puts on a chicken mask and invites the children to play the game "Hatch and chickens" Children put on chicken masks.

The teacher reads a poem by T. Volgina Chickens: "A hen came out for a walk, to pinch fresh grass, and behind her the guys are yellow chickens. Ko-ko, ko-ko, ko-ko-ko! Children walk around the group, wave their hands with "wings", squat, "peck grains", repeat the movements of the teacher.
A cloud in the sky is frowning, it's going to rain. Run up to me soon, I'll protect you from the rain. Those are some good chickens! Well done!

The teacher shows the children the previously prepared illustration "Hen with chickens"
Asking questions. Who is in the picture? What chicken? What about chickens? Listens to the children's answers, praises them.
Yes, guys, the chicken takes care and protects the chickens, teaches them to find food and hide in danger. And the chickens are small, defenseless. They obey and love their mother.
Guys, do you want to draw a chicken with chickens? I invite you to come to the tables.
Guys, be careful, I'll show you how to draw a chicken and chickens with your palm and fingers. I dip my hand in yellow paint and apply it gently to a sheet of paper. I'll take it and take it. You see, the palm is in the paint. You need to wipe it off with a tissue.

And now I’ll take a brush and paint on a scallop, beak, eyes and legs for the chicken. What an unusual chicken turned out! The hen is calling the chicks! We will draw them with a finger. I will dip my finger in yellow paint and also attach it to a piece of paper. I'll try that a few more times. I wipe my finger with a napkin and use a brush to paint on the chickens' eyes, beak and legs. And here's the picture we got!

Now you can draw a chicken with chickens using your palms and fingers. Draw carefully. Draw paint well on your palm and finger so that the drawing is bright.
The teacher praises and helps children who need help.

caregiver Well done boys! Here are some wonderful hens and chickens painted!

I propose to make an exhibition of your drawings, and we will call it "Hen with chickens.

Children admire each other's work.
Lesson completed.

Synopsis of an integrated open lesson on non-traditional drawing "Magic Flower for Baba Yaga" In the middle group. MKDOU Kindergarten No. 22, Vashutino village

Conducted by the educator of the 1st qualifying

Materials and equipment:

Letter, chest, "Magic Nut", finger theatre, ribbon brook, seven-color flower, electrical tape, cork, plastic bottle, gouache, a jar of water, napkins.

Preliminary work:

A conversation about the seven-flower flower from the fairy tale of the same name by V. Kataev "The flower-seven-flower".

Musical accompaniment:

Grandpa "The Lonely Shepherd".

Program tasks

Development tasks:

To develop in children figurative thinking, perception, fantasy, artistic and aesthetic taste, color perception and creativity, a good attitude towards the whole world around.

Develop a sense of self-confidence, contribute to the formation of positive emotions.

Educational tasks:

Cultivate love for nature, interest in occupation.

Learning tasks:

To consolidate the ability to work in various non-traditional drawing techniques: tape, plastic bottle, cotton swab, cork.

To consolidate the ability to arrange objects in space on a sheet of paper.

Continue to teach children to convey a joyful mood in the drawing.

Lesson progress

To the calm music, the children enter the hall.

Children greet guests.

Play.: Good morning to us!

Good morning!

Good morning everybody!

I want to give you my mood (blowing towards the children)

Yegor and Vova - I will give you joy,

Diana, Valya and sachet - fun,

Kolya and Alice - I will give vivacity,

Diana and Karina - mischievous mood.

All caught?

And I wish you all good health

Play Guys, look, there's something here.

(picks up crumpled paper)

I don’t understand anything, but I know for sure that Baba Yaga wrote it, only she writes like that, in hieroglyphs. Let's go find out what happened to her.

How can we find the path to Baba Yaga's hut? Who will help us?

(A squirrel appears from behind the screen)

Play Look guys, squirrel. Maybe she can help us.

Squirrel, squirrel, tell me

Squirrel - squirrel show

How to find a track

To the hut of Baba Ezhka.

Squirrel. Guys, I have a magic nut, where it falls, you need to go there.

Play and children. Thanks squirrel.

Play Throws a nut. A nut falls into a milky river with jelly banks

Play Guys, look where the nut has led us.

What do you think it is?

Yes, this is a river with jelly banks.

River, my river,

You tell us, do not melt

Where to find the track

To the hut of Baba Ezhka.


You make me happy

I will say everything without melting

How to find a track

To the hut of Baba Ezhka

Play Guys, the river asks us to surprise and please her with something. Let's use the finger theater to show her one of our favorite fairy tales. And it's called Teremok

Children play the fairy tale "Teremok"

Play Well, river, did you like the fairy tale?


Thank you friends

And I'm glad to help you

A path leads into the dark forest

There is a hut on chicken legs.

A stream will help you.

(Play. Rolls out a streamlet ribbon,)

Play Guys, where are we?

(They come to Baba Yaga and see that she is grieving over a stem from a flower).

Play Hello Grandma Yaga, what happened to you?

B. Ya. Hello children! I took care of him! I've taken care of him! Didn't show anyone! Watered sometimes! Closed with three locks! And he flew away!

Play Who flew away?

B. Ya. I plucked a flower in the garden - a seven-flower. I wanted to keep it for myself. Yes, the trouble is, the storyteller found out, he demands to be returned. Know how to contact him.

In an instant, it will turn into a frog. What will I return? Woe is me!

Play. How did it happen, grandma?

B. Ya. As soon as I opened the chest, and he flew away. One stick remained.

Play First, grandma, this is not a stick. Guys tell grandma Yaga what is it?

(stalk) Secondly, what is in your chest?

B. Ya. Yes, some paper.

Play Read.

B. Ya. I can't! Read for yourself.

(The teacher reads a note: "I'll be back when you draw a magic flower yourself").

B. Ya. Draw! Aha! And I can't paint.

Play Do not paint, but how do the guys say? (draw, depict)

Play. Don't worry, we'll show you, teach and show you how to draw

Magic flowers. I invite everyone to our fabulous workshop

And Baba Yaga will study and draw with us.

Let's get our fingers ready for drawing.

Physical education minute

The flower slept in a magical dream

(fists tightly clenched)

Was closed. But then

A petal appeared

(straighten thumb)

And behind him his friend


And the third one didn't sleep

(middle finger)

And the fourth is not far behind

(ring finger)

Here is the fifth petal

(little finger)

And the whole flower opened!

(the hand depicts the shape of a tulip - a deep cup).

Today we will draw with electrical tape, cork, plastic bottle,

Cotton swab. Think and decide in what technique you will perform your drawing, choose the material that you need and get to work.

(during work, monitor your posture. Pay attention to the accuracy of work, consistency, cleaning the workplace).

(Children to the music do the work with an unconventional drawing technique)

Play Look, Grandma Yaga, what flowers the children have painted. Do you like it?

(Baba Yaga goes from table to table).

B. Ya. Real wizards! What a beautiful flower! This one is even better! no here

This! Or this one? No, I don't know, they are all beautiful. Well done boys!

Play What about you, grandma? Now let's see what kind of student you are.

(puts on the easel the work of Baba Yaga)

What technique, guys, did Baba Yaga draw her drawings?

(duct tape, bottle, cork, cotton swab)

What flowers did Baba Yaga get?

(Wonderful, beautiful, fabulous, festive, unusual).

B. Ya. Thank you guys. Thanks to you, I learned to draw. I'll go and see

Has my flower returned - the seven-flower.

(She runs to the chest. Opens it and takes out a flower)

Hooray! Returned! I want to thank you. I have treats in my chest for you.

(Gives children treats and says goodbye to them).

B. Ya. I’ll run away, take it to the storyteller, let him help to do good deeds in fairy tales,

It's so great to give joy and help others!

(Runs away).

Play She ran away, she ran away. I was very glad that the flower returned - the seven-flower

And now the storyteller will not turn her into a frog.

Thank you very much guys. You tried today, drew beautiful ones,

Fabulous flowers and Baba Yaga taught.

From our beautiful, magical, wonderful flowers, we will arrange an exhibition in your group so that your parents can also admire your work.