Beautiful statuses about a mother who is no longer there. Touching phrases about a mother who is no longer alive

Oh, mother, mother, dear,
To snuggle up to you now
I often remember you
And tears fall from my eyes.

I miss you mom
Wise and warm advice.
Wounds won't heal from pain
Suddenly, she left for another world.

The soul mourns and the heart cries,
Your image is before my eyes.
How much mom means in life
She is love, comfort, peace.

I feel behind my back
You, dear, every day,
You are my guardian angel, I know
You protected my, my shadow.

Oh, mother, mother, dear,
I so want to hug you.
I whisper to myself, shedding a tear,
It's hard to lose your mom...

I miss you so much it's hard to tell
How I wish you were there.
But there is no way, no way back.

Mommy, dear, dear ...
Where do I put my pain ....
The soul screams inside hysterically,
I will always miss you...

Mum! Eternal memory to you
You left, we broke up with you forever.
Mum! Again I shed tears in silence
I will never see you.
Mum! How to snuggle up to you I want
And feel the warmth of a hug.
Mum! And in pain I scream again
Mum! My heart is stubbornly insisting.
Mum! I see your eyes in a dream
And I do not want to meet the morning.
Mum! I whisper again in silence
Mum! I would like to repeat again.
Mum! Your peace is our eternal pain
Again I shed tears in silence.
Mum! You left, we broke up with you,
Mum! Eternal memory to you...

MOM! How I miss you...
My one and only, dear, unique ...
It's so hard sometimes
Without your warmth, without kindness and quiet strength...

I quietly enter my mother's room ...
So empty in it ... It's hard to accept!
A portrait on the table... "Hello, mom," I'll say.
You know how often I dream
That we are together again .. With our smile

You wash away bad weather from my heart,
A serious question can not be solved to me - rather
I'm running to you. You know,
How to, how best, how to find a way out,
Always your wisdom saves.
So I got lost, turned off the path -
You are near .... And the fear disappears!

I remember how you cried when you left,
After all, she loved this life.
Success has seen glory. Although
It happened - fate did not spare ... "

How I want to cling to my shoulder again -
You were so warm!
Forgive me!" I whisper to my mother.
But the mother from the portrait was silent ...

Mom never dies
Sometimes I try to imagine...
It's like he lives far away...
As if you can write letters to her,
Tell .. how I love the dawn ..
Just waiting for an answer - alas, it's pointless ..
Where mom is, there are no more letters ...
Mom never dies
It just stops being around...
An angel accompanies you, and her love always lives ...

I'm sitting on a stone... and sorting out
Daisies in weak, trembling hands...
I come here and know for sure...
What are you now... already in heaven...
I couldn't understand and reassure...
I didn't have much to say...
No... I didn't come to disturb you...
I... after you... missed you again...
Forgive me... as soon as a mother forgives...
For the rarity of meetings ... for harsh words ...
For the fact ... that the daughter only promises ...
But he forgets... as soon as he closes the door...
Please... forgive me... for indifference...
And there is nothing to blame for employment ...
Nothing is so important...
To take the mother's place in life...
Out of stupidity... out of youth... out of laziness...
We forget those... who are waiting quietly...
That we'll come... and... on our knees...
Let's hug mother... and let the world... wait...

You know, MOM, life has stopped,
Hasn't moved forward since you left
And I might have learned to live differently,
Yes, only the heart shrinks and burns from the inside.

Tell me, MOM, why did it happen?
After all, we did not expect you to leave at all.
And there is no joy ... everything has changed so much,
Sometimes you can't even sleep because of the pain.

Forgive me, MOM, that sometimes I was angry,
Ah, if I knew that you do not live forever,
I would pray for you day and night

I'll light a candle for peace, I remember your mother's voice!
And the blue eyes of the sky, it is no longer possible to look into them ...
You took care of your family, you gave us your love.
I met my grandchildren at the door, always invited guests to the table ...
She took care of the home hearth ... Oh! How much power did you give...
You won’t go out to see off, to wish happiness on the road!
Sadness in my soul I can not appease ... I'll light a candle for peace.

Mommy, how bad without you,
How often you are missed
I look up to the sky
But, LORD, your eyes do not send.
I ask HIM, well, at least once,
Give me, MOM, a living face to see,
But only a drop of rain from heaven
Whispers softly, MOM, she sees you .....

I miss you mom...
Still fresh on the heart of the wound,
And the pain of loss did not pass,
I miss you mom
I want you to be alive.

Not a day goes by that I don't remember
I can't come to you
The apartment is empty
And there is a portrait on the wall.

I know you didn't die.
You are always somewhere near.
It hurts, my soul screams,
I can not see you. Where are you mom?!

I call you, as I did in childhood,
But you can't hear me anymore
How I miss you
I feel very bad…
Mom, do you hear?!

Bring back mom for a moment,
Say all the things that I did not have time to say to her,
Hug as before gently - gently
And stroke your shoulders, kiss your hands ...
And tell me how it's missing
And ask for forgiveness, for everything ...
Sit cuddled up without letting go
And talk, and talk to her about everything ...
After all, I know that at the door of the apartment
Mom will never be able to enter,
Will not kiss, will not press, as before
Don't ask me how I'm doing now...
Mommy, dear, dear
All that's left is your memory
And the pain that beats and time did not save ...
I miss you very much mom
I miss you so much it's hard to tell
How I wish you were there.
But there is no way, no way back.
Mommy, dear, dear ...
Where do I put my pain...
The soul screams inside hysterically,
I will always miss you...

I look at the heavens, not looking up, and I see a painfully familiar look there.
The soul hurts and believes, suffering that the Garden of Eden will warm you there.
It is light and hard at the same time, for the repose to pray in the image.
I want to believe that the soul is imperishable, but a tear of memory bleeds...

I walk without raising my eyes ... I hide tears from passers-by into the ground,
from the fact that a woman passed next to her, she looks so much like MOM ...

My mom passed away on 10/28/2013... this is the worst day of my life...

Mommy, the kingdom of heaven to you, my dear ... you are the most gentle, kind and sweet, simple and honest, you are my bright guardian angel! Oh, God, how I pray that she be in Paradise!
Mom, my dear mom, my pain and joy is bright.
You are in heaven, my dear, I know you pray for me ...

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Statuses for Mother's Day about a mother who is no longer there

The best statuses in memory of mom

Moms never die. They just stop being around.

Mom gives warmth, mom keeps peace. If it's hard for you, mom doesn't sleep at night. Appreciate your mother, do not offend in vain ... Keep the memory of her, time has power over us ...

Mum - many understand how much she did for us only when they lose her... People, appreciate your parents...

Mom is always in our hearts, even when she has not been in our lives for many years ...

You are gone. And my life has lost its meaning ... It has changed, it has become different. Indifferent, nervous, my world is different... The colors of life are lost. The world has become big in black and white. My longing has no end... Memories, thoughts, sadness and again a tear... So much I want to hug... Kiss your hands... To see a smile on your lips. Hear again how you call me. Smile, looking into your kind eyes. Answer you my dear. I know, I believe you hear my soul, which speaks to you at night ... Those dreams are beautiful in which you appear. It hurts my heart without your warmth. You are always with me, wherever I am. My beloved Mom!

Probably, only after many, many years have passed we will understand our mothers, but there will be no one to tell about this ...

I kiss your eyes, stroke your hair in the portrait, so that your voice can be heard, I would give everything in the world. I would tell you everything - everything that I endured, experienced. You would press me to your chest, and my strength would return. Your caresses and hearts are warm, that they warmed me for years - everything has long been irretrievably gone, only memory is a portrait on stone. I have long been a mother myself, I have become wise over the years, but you are always missed, do you hear me, my MOM?

Years go by, our mother grows old. That suddenly it will not be - we do not believe. But one day, sooner or later, she will leave, closing the doors inaudibly. Love mom, adults and children. There is no one in the world like her!

I no longer have a mother. I am very grateful to her for giving me LIFE.

Mom ... Sooner or later we realize that we did not have time to tell her a lot of things.

Mother will leave, leaving a wound in her soul. The mother will die, and the pain cannot be relieved .. I conjure: take care of your mother! Children of the world, take care of your mother!

I would like to stay with my mother, only there is no light in the house. There is no path to the porch, because there is no mother. I did not think about it when the light was on in the window, I came to visit my mother, not caring about you. There are such wounds in life, and there is no point in treating them. If there is a road to mom, and the light is on in the window. Come to your mother more often, do not turn off the light in the house!

Mum - the most sacred, and when you lose itYou feel it more. Take care of your mothers!

Happy people - who's MOM is alive! Let her grumble and call often, but she IS! May God bless all mothers in the world!

My mom was the best mom in the world. And I love her the way she was. Mommy, I love you! I believe you are in heaven! And that you hear us- your children!

Closer than the mother - there is no person on the whole planet. She will never betray, even when everything around fades and it seems that life is over.

I don’t want to see my mother’s tears, even if life is full of injustice and pain. I prayed so much for our family, but I could not keep it.

There is no person in the world who loves you more than mom. Don't upset her and don't say mean things. Better make her happy, the way she always wanted to see you!

We have no one better than our parents. Crying over a guy is not pain. It really hurts when mom is sick and is on a drip in the hospital, and you look at all this and can’t do anything.

Best Status:
Mom's tears are such a pain from which you just want to howl.

Losing your parents is a pain that you will have to live with until the end of your days. Live and understand that you will never be able to hug them ...

When you say goodbye to your mother, hug and kiss her very, very strongly ... and don’t be offended by trifles.

From a conversation with my son: - Son, do not go to the club, the music plays so that you can easily become deaf. Mom, don't worry, I've already had dinner.

All mothers, like mothers, cry when their daughters get married, and mine rejoices, because now the one who takes away needs to lap.

Girls, don’t cry because of the guys ... it hurts when your mother is very sick and is in the hospital, and you can’t help in any way .. appreciate your parents .. they are the most precious thing we have ...

Sometimes I want to wake up so much, from the fact that Dad is talking loudly on the phone ... Or Mom will come into the room and ask what time I go to college ... Think before you get married ...

- If you didn’t go to the club, son, the music is loud there, you will go deaf. Thanks Mom, I've had dinner.

Knowing people, you understand that it is worth loving only your mother.

it’s cloudy, I listen to snotty songs, I’m in love ... but I really want the sun, listen to my mother, and not know what pain is ...

Birthday ... I removed the date of birth from the asi and contact in advance ... As a result, only my mother and a friend congratulated me alone (she also had others that day) ... And he didn’t even remember ...

Motherhood is the most difficult of jobs, bringing joy.

Once upon a time, sweets and toys could stop our tears .. now it’s more difficult ... I want to be a five-year-old girl again, to whom my mother gave one candy each before leaving for work ... Mom, I love you very much ..

I realized that my mother could be proud of my upbringing when, catching my heel on the step and flying half the stairs, I yelled: oh-oh-oh!

So far, all ownership rights to the physical object “I”… belong to the manufacturer CJSC “Mama”…

Mom explained the CAUSE-EFFECT RELATIONSHIP to me: “If you don’t stop crying right now, I will spank you.”

There are no difficult children, only difficult parents. It would be better to say that there is simply a difficult humanity.

Parents are the most underestimated, but priceless thing that can be in life ...

The most expensive necklace around a woman's neck is the arms of a hugging child!

Mother is the only deity on earth who does not know atheists.

A mother's patience is like a tube of toothpaste - it never runs out completely.

it hurts when you can't hug mom or dad because they are no more

The mother loves the child more than the father, because she knows that the child is hers, and the father only assumes that the child is his.

The blanket ran away, the sheet flew away, they would have let go as soon as possible before mom came!

Mom, I went to my friend to spend the night. Well, daughter, when you come, write to me in contact that it came well; D

Where there are no family values, there is no point in maintaining a relationship ... it is like a slow dying of the soul.

Everyone says that their mother is the best in the world. Almost every girl becomes a mother. So women are the best creatures on earth.

They become adults not when they stop listening to their mother, but when they realize that she was right!

And if they asked me who I wouldn’t be afraid to tell everything in the world, I would proudly say this word “Mom”.

Why is it impossible to sneeze when my mother is sleeping in the house, but when I go to bed I NEED TO BEAT THE DISHES, SCREAM AT THE CAT, VACUUM, huh?

my meaning of life is to hear: “Mom, you are the best!”

When I sit in contact and my mother calls me to go to the store, I go and sit down at the computer again, and she says that I need to go to the store again. That's when I get angry.

It became sad. She went to sleep with her mother. Even through a dream, she checked with her hand whether I was covered with a blanket ... Here it is - love!

Zadolbali these “Who loves mom - press the heart!” If you love her, go help her wash the dishes, damn it!

No, mommy, no, I don’t cry ... I know that it hurts you to see my tears .. and I will never hurt you .. never ..

I have come a truly long way from “the future mother of my children” to “so that you die scum”

The world would be a better place if everyone acted like their mother was watching us.

Mom, mom, don't cry, I know that it hurts a lot. There are many failures in the fate, sometimes life prophesies to us. I always wanted so much that she would not change. Only the family is broken, let me pray for her!

And today my mother told me: “What a pity that I raised a monster, not a daughter” ...

Guys come and go, girlfriends love and betray, but the only person you can tell about it is your mom.

Mom is a person who will replace everyone. But no one will replace her.

A person who sincerely loves me .. who will support and reassure ... WHERE ARE YOU??? ... No, mommy, I didn’t call you, thank you ... ”

Mommy, forgive me dear, your unlucky daughter. That I was not restrained with you, that I did not take your advice. And now I'm crying for it.

Sometimes we get angry at our parents, but imagine what if they weren't there? Or if they disappear or something happens to them? We will not survive, we will perish!

It's very hard without a mother, And everything around fades. There are no relatives in the world. She is your close friend.

Mom is the ship on which I have been traveling since childhood and which will then send me on an independent voyage. Mommy, I love you!

Our mother cries loudly that everyone in the apartment is pigs. Hush mommy don't cry, others have the same shit!!!))

Oh God, I don’t know what to say… After all, everything that is in my soul cannot be expressed in words… I will just thank you endlessly… I will just wait… I WILL BE A MOM SOON!!

Thank you mom for your kind words. Because you dedicated yourself to me. You are the only one for me. You are my family.

Mommy is the kindest, dearest, for sadness, for all sadness, for all pain, forgive me for God's sake!

Maybe turn off the light, sit with candles? As in childhood. Your tea, look, it's getting cold. Mom, do you know what dreams at night? So scary and in life, believe me, it does not happen.

Mother's hands are the embodiment of tenderness ... (Victor Marie Hugo)

I want to plunge into childhood, where there is no envy and sadness, where it is always light, I want to go to childhood, to my mother.

And I promised to be happy - I gave my word to my mother ...

Do not offend mothers, Do not be offended by mothers. Before parting at the door Gently say goodbye to them.

Every mother should remember that one day her daughter will follow her example, not her advice.

I have the best mommy: * LOVE YOU DEAR MOTHER)

Whoever says anything, but your own mother is the only person who truly loves you simply for what you are.

The first gift of Parents is life, the second is love, and the third is understanding.

Mommy ... I know that I often hurt you ... I know that it is difficult for you to accept that I am already an adult ... But I still love you!

Noticed? If mom broke the cup, then it's fortunate, but if you, then your hands are out of your ass.

Never be angry with your mother, do not say words that can upset her or break her loving heart. You have only one She, make her happy as she wanted it for you!!!

- Mom, what did you do in your youth? - Sunny, I fucked up erotic signs for votes in contact

Husband and wife are watching a horror movie. A witch appears on the screen. Wife: - Oh, mom! Husband: Did you know?

If dad is Avar and mom is Tatar, their daughter is an avatar

Mommy. I know that I often hurt you. I know it's hard for you to accept that I'm an adult. But I love you still!

You said that you love the light, What do you keep the memory of childhood? And at the same time, you will say: “no!” If they ask: “did you love your mother?

Mom! And how to live happily until the golden wedding? - In everything, obey your wife, son!

A daughter is an asterisk, mothers are a joy, an invaluable gift from heaven, a crown is a reward for a mother for her daughter, because queens give birth to princesses!

Give attention and love to your mother now, so as not to regret later.

I already have my own children, but every time my mother comes to my house, I wait for her to start getting treats from the bag!

Only mom is with you to the last. Only mom will lend a helping hand. He will not deceive, he will not retreat, he will not betray.

Just one three-year-old child per day can create the feeling that you are a mother of many children.

Mom really wanted a girl. Kind, caring, loving, decent and attentive. And I was born

If you let your mother decide your affairs, you will have to look for new ones.

Mom is a ray of light that sometimes is not enough.

I love, I love, I won't hide it. Yes, not you fool, but MOM!

If you want an exciting and unforgettable tour of the house with your mom - just smile sweetly at her and don't say anything. I assure you, in the first minute, she will clean up your room in search of drugs!

Well, what could be better than waking up in the arms of a loved one to cheerful cries: "Mom, dad, stop sleeping, it's already morning!

Being a mom of a girl is like being a mom of a little helper. This is when a cat and a flood are wiped from dust with a brush after washing dishes.

A mother's love knows no change. Only your mother is forever devoted to you.

– Mom, why is the stove so dirty? - Dad fried eggs. What, no frying pan?

Mom can replace everyone, but no one can replace her.

It's great to see when mom is happy.

A mother's love works wonders. It is forgiving and absolutely unique, like the eighth wonder of the world.

Away is good, but at home Mom does not allow.

Being a girl's mom is all about dolls and tea parties. These are “shhh, my lala is sleeping” and “mom, na, tea from a goat and a cube.”

And who, in childhood, when mom / grandmother gave money for bread, brought a bitten loaf?

My mom is the best. I do look like her. And there is no such mommy anymore, even go around the whole wide world!

Childhood ended at the moment when mom stopped hiding sweets from you, and dad started hiding cognac.

I've always had my own world and I wasn't the popular kid. But I had a wonderful family: the best brother and mother.

I'll become a mother!" - again involuntarily I taste the phrase I'm so pleased with the new role that I'm afraid to lose it.

Yakby, I could get in touch with God, I would yoke to youma for those who gave me such a mother.

It seems our moms are taking it out on our kids.

Mom taught me since childhood - if you do something, do it well and to the end. Therefore, I endure the brain qualitatively and with love.

Mommy is my fairy and the firebird, the sun in the sky, the night star. Without you, life is not a holiday for me, but torture. I am very proud that I am your daughter!

Knowing people, you understand that it is worth loving only your mother.

Mom and Dad are the most precious thing we have in life.

Daughter, don't go to the disco every night, you'll go deaf! Thank you Mom, I've already had lunch.

Τβσρu dσδρσ. I swear by MOM that I will put this status for 30 days. I swore to bet

Only a child knows how much his mother loves, because only he saw her heart from the inside!

For someone, happiness is 2 liters or 3 grams. For me, happiness is to see how my mother smiles.

Do you also have 32 missed calls from your mother on your mobile phone if you forgot your phone in another room for 33 minutes?

Forever young, forever with mom.

Thank you for giving birth to me, For raising me in love. Thank you for giving me a hand, When I fell through life. You taught me to distinguish Evil from good, lie from truth. Light up the sun with your smile, Thank you for everything mom!

Sometimes I freeze at the crib and admire how my daughter sleeps. Arms and legs spread freely. Snub-nosed sniffle. The little girl smiled slightly. Maybe she sees her mother in her dreams? I want to cry from tenderness and so believe that the dream is about me.

You asked. DO I WORK? Yes, I WORK 24 hours a day. I AM A MOTHER! I am an alarm clock, a cook, a janitor, a teacher, a nanny, a doctor, a builder, a security guard, fo

Just a baby who came in the morning on March 8 and kissed his mother awake is more precious to her than a million scarlet roses!

I offer a job on the INTERNET!!! Moms on maternity leave, students and just those who need money. Write in a personal - I will give you information

The word mother is universal. It both calms and brings to a white heat.

God gave me an unspeakable miracle - I will become wiser, I will be a mother. Your heart beats like a butterfly in me - I wake up, smile and it smiles.

When you insult women, think of your mother!!!

Dedicated to all mothers...

Close your eyes. Imagine comfort.
Imagine a place where they will always understand
Where there is no evil and no sorrow,
Where you are always missed.
You say there is no such place...
No, there is - Parental heart!

Often walking along and over the abyss,
Or vegetating in a bitter dead end,
I felt in my heart how it saves
Your prayer is somewhere far away!
When sometimes life gives a thrashing,
Or fear with cold steel will squeeze the chest
I whisper, as in childhood, “mommy, give me a pen!”
And my way becomes easier for me.

Mothers sigh in silence, in the silence of the nights, in the disturbing silence. For them, we are forever kids, and it is impossible to argue with that.

Love Mom while she laughs and her eyes burn with warmth, and her voice pours into your soul, Holy water, pure as a tear. Love Mom - after all, she is the only one in the world who loves you and is constantly waiting. She will always meet you with a kind smile, she alone will forgive you and understand.

Mom, my dear, my light pain and joy. You are in heaven, my dear, you pray, I know for me ... ..

Only a mother will regret and understand, only a mother will find a path to her heart, only a mother will think at night how her sons and daughters live, and without a mother the big world will be empty, only in a dream she will come and ask what is wrong with you ...

Who said there are no angels? Just on earth they are called MOM.

After all, no one loved you like parents ... only you will understand this too late.

Mother will leave, leaving a wound in her soul. The mother will die, and the pain cannot be relieved ... I conjure: take care of your mother! Children, take care of your mother!

Parents are the ones we love the most but cheat the most.

I want a lot of money! May my parents have the same happy old age as my childhood!

Your parents are the people who will never be able to forget you. Even in the most unpleasant moments of life, just come to them. There you will be listened to and understood.

All my brightest dreams
Rainbows, stars, legends and temples
Were reflected in a mirror
In the clear eyes of my mother.
You brought me by the hand into the world,
Gently pushed her hand a little
And on my way the sun lit up,
What is called love.

The only place where you are expected, believed, loved and forgiven is the house where your parents live.

Only then do we become adults when our parents die, while they are alive, we are children ...

Mom, I'm sorry that I call so rarely. Mom, I'm sorry that sometimes I snap. Life and work. I'm so tired….. Mom…I need you more and more. Mom, can I come and help? I miss you so much that my heart is in tatters... I may not be the best daughter, but I love you... VERY VERY....

If you offended your mother, ask for forgiveness.
It is a sin to offend her native.
God gave her great patience
Worry about you for the rest of your life.

I do not ask God for money or fame, but I only ask that the heart of Mom and Dad would always beat

Spend more time with your parents - the moment when they are gone always comes unexpectedly.

I love it so much when you're just around
I love it when you look with a gentle look.
I love it when you help
I love it when you hug.
I love your warm hands
I love that your eyes are mine.
I love you for believing
Like me, in my beautiful dreams.
Thank you mom, for being my mom,
My and more mother you are a draw ...

Mom means tenderness
This is kindness, kindness,
Mom is serenity
This is joy, beauty!
Mom is a bedtime story
It's morning dawn
Mom - a hint in difficult times,
This is wisdom and advice!
Mom is the green of summer
It's snow, autumn leaf,
Mom is a ray of light
Mom means LIFE!

Now you think that your mother does not understand you at all and does not want to communicate with her when she asks. And once upon a time you sat at the window for long evenings and waited for only one thing - when your mother comes home from work ... of course, you don’t remember this ...

Mom never dies
It just stops being around...
Sometimes I try to imagine...
It's like he lives far away...
As if you can write letters to her,
Tell .. how I love the dawn ..
Just waiting for an answer - alas, it's pointless ..
Where mom is, there are no more letters ...
Mom never dies
It just stops being around...
An angel accompanies you, and her love always lives ...!

I would return my mother for a moment, Say everything that I did not have time to tell her, Hug as before gently - gently and stroke your shoulders, kiss your hands. And tell how it is not enough, And ask for forgiveness, for everything. Sitting, clinging, hands without letting go and talking, and talking to her about everything. After all, I know that my mother will never be able to enter the door of the apartment, She won’t kiss, she won’t press, as before she doesn’t ask how I’m doing now ... Mom, dear, dear, only the memory of you remains, And the pain that beats and time did not save . I miss you very much mom, I miss you so much that it's hard to tell, How I want you to be there. But there is no way, no way back. Mommy, dear, dear. What should I do with my pain... My soul screams hysterically inside, I will always miss you...

The parental home is a place from Paradise... Where time is frozen on the hands of the clock... And mom, forgiving mistakes with all her heart, will give you warmth and love!!!

There is an eternal word in our world,
Short but heartfelt.
It is beautiful and kind
It is simple and convenient
It is soulful, beloved,
Incomparable to anything in the world: MA - MA!

Love your mother while she laughs and her eyes burn with warmth. And her voice pours into your soul, holy water, pure as a tear. Love your mother, she is the only one in the world who loves you and is constantly waiting. she alone will forgive you and understand ..

It’s very hard without a mother, and everything around fades ... There is no relative in the world, she is your closest friend

Just know how to tell your mom "I'm sorry" and "I love you" we say too many words, and all they need is just that.

Mom, thank you for all the good, sorry for all the bad.