Bodharya mask under the eyes from bruises. Beadaga for face from bruises. Operational solutions

Badyag - a tool that is familiar to many girls. This freshwater sponge is actively used to treat acne, pigmentation, pedestal, is no less effective in the fight against bruises. The term of the hematoma of the body or face will noticeably decrease, pain will become less pronounced, the skin will be restored faster. And all this for quite a democratic value. If applied to jumper correctly, there will be no trace from bruises.


Properties Badyagi

Badyag consists of silica. This is a skeleton of freshwater vegetable sponge, in a crushed state is microscopic needles. When applied to the skin, their action is felt, that is, tingling. That is what contributes to the tide of blood to the processed place, power to update cells. In the process, KININO, OUTOKOIDS is actively produced. They contribute to the speedy healing of damaged places.

What properties is the Badyaga:

  • relieves inflammation and swelling;
  • accelerates blood circulation;
  • dissipates seals under the skin;
  • removes dead layer of epidermis.

Badyaga, like all means with it in the composition, has a warming effect. It can be felt immediately after applying. There are no places on which the bruise is definitely blocked. This is caused by tide of blood and outdoor irritation. The product has a property to dry the skin, so harmless is not for all its types.

The effectiveness of the treatment of Sinyakov

On average, the bruise passes in a person in 14 days. Time may vary slightly depending on the strength of the injury, place, individual sensitivity. The breaking time of the bruise is reduced by 2 times, that is, up to one week, but if you do everything correctly. For some reason, many people who are holy believing Badyagi, immediately after the injury run to the first-aid kit, and not to the refrigerator. And by this they make a big mistake.

Important! It is impossible to use well in the first day and even more so immediately after impact. This product has a warming effect, which will only aggravate the situation.

Immediately after the injury and during the first 24 hours the damaged place should be cooled. Traumatists recommend applying ice. And this is preferably every 2 hours throughout the day. Keep the ice on a baked place you need 5 minutes, it will be enough. If a person often gets bruises, then you can freeze the decoction of parsley and save them.

And only on the second day should be applied to the Badyagi bias according to the instructions on packaging or general recommendations. Only after 24 hours hematoma can be warmed up, but not before. Otherwise, the bruised only constructs, it will be more difficult to cope with it.

Video: Badyag from hematoma

Home Methods of Use Badyagi

The pharmacy sells already ready-made powder Badyagi. The sponge is crushed to the optimum magnitude of the particles, does not require prior grinding, washing or drying. Powder is usually in small light bags, the cost is quite acceptable, in Russian pharmacies you can purchase from 40 rubles per piece. If a bruise of a small size, then one package is enough for several times.

Before applying the powder is divorced by a small amount of water room temperature. But it is not prohibited to use grasses champs, such as parses, chamomile. Badyag is brought to the consistency of the Cashitz, applied to the bruise. It is maintained at least 15 minutes. This tool is not suitable for everyone, as it has a high concentration, can harm fine and sensitive skin. But it is ideal for people who do not tolerate dyes, fragrances and prone to allergic reactions.

Badgy from bruises with cream (oil)

If pure badyagi powder with water is not suitable due to a high concentration, then the product can be mixed with cream or oil. At the expense of fats, aggressiveness decreases, the needles do not badly damage the skin. For breeding, any children's cream, food or basic cosmetic oils suitable. It is undesirable to take the base of Vaseline. Approximate proportion of dilution for the treatment of bruises 1: 1, but in any case, it is necessary to take into account individual sensitivity of the skin. If the tool does not work (cripple, sanitize), then the concentration needs to be enhanced.

Important! When applying a home agent, you can slightly rub the mass, but only with light and smooth movements. It is impossible to actively massage the skin. Microscopic needles will damage the upper layers of the epidermis, provoke severe irritation.

Purchased Means with Badag

Pharmaceutical and cosmetic companies are actively used by journey in creams, gels and masks for the treatment of bruises, bruises, even acne. Other active and excipients are added to the main ingredient. But it is important that the concentration of freshwater sponge is sufficient. Usually do not write about it on the package, but it is easy to check. It is enough to apply a little means on the skin. It should be felt tingling and tide heat to the processed place. In many creams, miniature particles are noticeable, that is, the needles themselves, which is also good.

Badyaga 911.

Cost from 80 rubles.

Very famous remedy with Badagi, which is sold in all Russian pharmacies. In addition to freshwater sponge, the oils of plants are contained: juniper, tea tree, arnic, mint. As additional ingredients, horse chestnut extract, chamomile, ammonium salt, water and preservatives are present.

The means in the form of a gel is produced, packed in tubes. Quickly absorbed, does not require flushing, helps to fight subcutaneous hematomas. The aroma of the gel 911 is not very pronounced, no discomfort when used does not cause.

Badyag Forte

Cost from 100 rubles.

The name is one, and the means are two. In the pharmacy you can buy cream mask or gel. Both products are available in 75 ml tubes. In addition to the main active component in the composition of the mask, extracts of various plants are present: nasturtiums, wheat germs and grapefruit. The gel contains a plantain extract, yarrow.

Both means have anti-ethos and anti-inflammatory effects, dissolve the hematomas, help faster to get rid of bruises. In the gel, the concentration of Badyaga is higher, it does not require flushing. The mask is valued for the positive composition and a large number of extracts. This tool is applied to clean skin, withstands 20 minutes, requires removal. You can use a gel and mask in the complex.

Badgya gel (nature concern)

Cost from 90 rubles.

This means only pleases: Badyag, fir extracts, Aquirin, water. Available in tubes, but 50 ml, that is, 1.5 and 2 times less than the volume of previous two means. Sold not only in pharmacies, but also in cosmetic stores.

Unlike previous funds, this gel has a swamp color corresponding to the main component. It is withstanding in the form of a mask for 20 minutes, then removed. The aroma of herbal, natural, is expressed quite strongly, but quickly leaves the skin, it does not cause strong discomfort.

Important! In the treatment of bruises on the face you need to protect it from active sunlight, do not go outside during the first three hours or use the cream with high SPF (40+). Otherwise, you can provoke pigmentation.

Contraindications to Badyaga

Badyag does not have strict age limit, but the concentrated sponge powder cannot be used often in the same place. This may cause skin irritation, damage and other problems. Easy discomfort is allowed. If the processed place is "burning", hurts, a strong burning sensation is felt, the means must be immediately removed, the skin is rinsed with cool water.

Basic contraindications:

  • open wounds;
  • rash and any skin diseases;
  • individual intolerance.

Cannot be applied to the mucous membranes. Hands after use need to be carefully soaked. Holders of sensitive skin and people who have a tendency to allergies must make a test for tolerability, apply a small amount of means on the inner side of the elbow.

Video: Punch in the eye, or first aid for bruises

"The blow, woken, bruised" - the case is not from rare. The collision of the forehead in the forehead with a neighbor or on the road met the "invisible" pillar and other situations lead to the appearance of a "colorful" fingal under the eye. It is unlikely that such a "plum" will go to someone!

What is needed in order to quickly find your normal look? What is the effective tool from the bruise under the eye? Are there methods to quickly remove the bruise?

How is the bruise?

We all faced in our lives with bruises. In childhood, they did not give us calmly fall from the bike, play the ball and joking to fight friends. Then we stumbled over the corner, they argued with anyone. Filing life lessons We continued to get acquaintance with bruises at different parts of the body. What is bruise?

It is determined that this is damage to the soft tissues of the body produced by mechanical path, which does not cost without blood hemorrhages. The first reaction to the blow - the formation of blood flow. The color of fresh hematoma is a blue bug. After a certain time, it changes to green, then becomes yellow. Gradually, it goes itself thanks to the reducing skin functions. But when the bruise arose in a prominent place, especially on his face, then I want to get rid of it from him. What is the tool from the bruise under the eye, on the cheek, neck effectively?

First aid after hitting the eye

The most effective means that need to be applied immediately after injury is cold and copper. About the cold Let's talk a little later. Well, copper, in turn, does not give to spread blood under the skin, the vessels narrows and prevents the appearance of edema on the face. If after hitting you managed to find a copper coin, then it is very good. It should be attached to the place of lesion of the skin at least 15 minutes.

Folk remedies that remove swelling and hematoma

The bruise under the eye from the impact is formed due to damage to the walls of blood vessels, which lead to the appearance of bruise. To cause spasm of vessels and stop the inner hematoma (blood under the skin), it is necessary to urgently attach the ice for 10-15 minutes. Thanks to cold, the probability of manifestation of bruises and pain is reduced.

It's important to know:

  • the ice must not be applied to the eye, but to the skin;
  • before using ice, you need to put the tissue on the skin;
  • in the first day, it is necessary to hold the head raised, and put the roller for the night.

The most proven folk remedy for a bruise under the eye - Badyaga (crushed dried spongy algae)

Such powder can be purchased in any pharmacy. It is necessary to dilute it in non-metallic tank in proportions: two parts of the powder on the same amount of oil (or water). Gently massaging movements to rub the hematoma in the place of formation (it is better to protect their hands with rubber gloves). Leave to complete drying and rinse the skin slightly warm water. Does Badyag help? This tool improves blood circulation, which leads to a speedy resorption of hematoma. Be extremely attentive - the mixture should not get into the eyes, it can lead to an inflammatory process. This suspension needs to be used with caution, as it is often not recommended to use it.

Also from bruises and bruises you can use any nutritious cream. It is bred with a pair of yeod drops. This substance absorbs hematoma inside. Such an ointment allows the bruise to be dissolved faster.

Olive oil action

The easiest way to remove the swelling and the hematoma under the eye is the use of olive oil, which reduces swelling and relieves inflammation.

Vatka must be mixed with olive oil and gently rub into place the formation of a bruise. Such a procedure must be repeated 2-3 times a day.

Ointment "Badyaga" - action

Badyaga - tested and frequently used folk ointment from bruises and bruises. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, contributing to the speedy resorption of the resulting hematoma. About such a means, like Badyag, customer reviews are very good.

It is used on only on the face, but also on other parts of the body. In addition, this agent does not contain any complex chemical compounds that would negatively affect the human skin. Therefore, with the slightest damage to the skin, swelling is used by bodia from bruises. The instruction for using the tool is simple: it is necessary to apply a small amount of ointment and labeled to the lesion site. You need to do this manipulation up to three times a day. The action of ointments is based on the expansion of blood vessels, as a result of which the tissues are actively equipped with oxygen. Badyaga (reviews indicate this) is especially effective in the first minutes after impact. It prevents the expansion of the hematoma area.

Indications and Contraindications to Use Badyagi

Badyaga, like many other drugs, has contraindications:

  • do not apply with open bleeding;
  • with caution, use people with super-sensitive skin;
  • before using a test for an allergic reaction. This can be done on any intact skin area. For this, the ointment should be applied to a separate section of the skin, wait a bit and washed with water if an allergic reaction is observed, the means is not recommended.

What compresses can be used?

  1. Potatoes finely cut, add chalk (1 tsp.) And soda (pinch). Mix and put in gauze thoroughly. An appropriate mixture is applied to the damaged area.
  2. Vegetable oil is mixed with a yolk yolk, with 1 tbsp. l. Honey and add gradually flour to the formation of a thick mass. Place the mixture in the gauze and attach to the skin.
  3. Cabbage sheet to compress in hand until the juice is separated from it. The sheet is attached to the damaged area.
  4. Green onions crush and wrap into the bandage. Attach to the place of impact.
  5. Water stirring with water (1: 1) and put in the freezing chamber in the refrigerator. Then frozen ice wipe the hematoma.
  6. 1 tsp. Celebrated (dry grass) Mix from 1 tbsp. l. Fresh Aloe and 1 Art. l. boiled water. Let it be broken for 30 minutes. Blend apply to a damaged area and leave for half an hour. Wash off with cold running water.
  7. Middle beets rub on a shallow grater. Mix 1 tbsp. l. Aloe and Cleptela Juice. Leave to appease for 2 hours. Place a mixture for gauze and squeeze into a glass container. Mixed the sterile cotton disk and apply on the hematoma for 20 minutes.

Is the treatment effectively with heat?

As soon as swelling from the scene should be provided with heat. Such an effect will allow the blood from under the skin and expand blood vessels. For treatment with heat, you can use warmed sand or salt placed in a bag of fabric. Hematoma warmer three times a day for 20 minutes.

Also, an iodine mesh is effective. It contributes to improved blood circulation. Iodine 5% apply to the place of the bruise, drawing a "grid" with a cotton wand, in the evening. In the morning of iodine, there will be no trace.

There are still some medical facilities that help to dissolve blood. For example, it is known to many such a means from a bruise under the eye as "Throcksevazin". There are, of course, and others. They also accelerate the process of tissue healing, removing the external signs of the bruise.

The drug with such a not aesthetic name "Badyaga" can be a faithful ally of girls in the struggle for the beauty of the body and face. Each of us is periodically faced with such an unpleasant phenomenon as bruises obtained by negligence or ridiculous accident. They may not go to weeks and even months, and Badyaga from bruises eliminates couples. If your home first aid kit has not yet been "settled" Gel Badgya from bruises, after our article you will certainly come to them.

About badge and its composition

Badyaga is a drug, the active component of which is the dried sponges of the Badgykh family, inhabitants in fresh water. These sponges live only in pure water bodies and only under certain temperature conditions. The skeleton of sponges consists of thin needles of silica, which among themselves are associated with spongin substance. These needles have an irritating effect on the skin, which ensures the miraculous properties of the means. The photo shows a sponge in natural conditions.

This method of getting rid of bruises is known for more than a dozen years, its effectiveness is checked by experience. The use of this drug is wide enough, ranging from the radiculitis and ending with the Package, so that it will be worthwhile to women and girls of any age. Badyaga from bruises has 2 forms of release: powder and gel. In addition, many cosmetic companies produce creams and masks based on this component, contributing to the regeneration of the skin, relieving inflammation and solving many cosmetology problems.

Properties Badyagi

The healing properties of this sponge are due to its unique composition:

  • Silica is affected by the skin at the cellular level. It cleans it from dead cells and contributes to its regeneration, stimulating the production of elastin. Thanks to this property, it is used in cosmetology for skin rejuvenation, combating small wrinkles and treating acne.
  • Mechanical effects of silica needles contribute to improved blood circulation and expands blood vessels. This property is used to reduce traces of pedestal, skin pigmentation and freckles. The healing irritating effect is used in the treatment of rheumatism and arthritis.
  • Spongin in the composition of the sponge has a bactericidal property. It removes inflammation of the skin, and also has an analgesic effect.

Effective bodgy from bruises under the eyes and from stretch marks, it regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands, eliminating the unwanted fat brilliance of the face, stimulates hair growth and even treats dandruff. As you can see, the properties of this sponge are really miraculous.

Mechanism of struggle Badyagi with bruises

When hitting the capillaries under the skin, a bruise is formed on the site of the break. In order to quickly get rid of hematoma, absorbing agents should be used. One of them is Badyag. The irritating effect of this means enhances blood flow to the bruised place and speeds up the recovery process several times.

How to use badgery to eliminate bruises

Since the use of this means is wide, and the release form is different, then they use it in different ways, up to the point that, based on the powder from the dried sponge, they make wraps and face masks. Powder and gel can be used to eliminate bruises. Let's look at the differences in their use.

How to use powder

You can buy natural powder from the dried sponge in the pharmacy, its price is about 20 rubles per bag, and make yourself prepare an healing agent from it. To do this, a small amount of powder needs to be milled with warm water or any cosmetic oil in proportions 1: 1. If there is a journey from bugs, and the lesion zone is small, it will be enough to mix 1 teaspoon of powder and 1 teaspoon of water. Then, apply the mixture to the injury place and hold 20 minutes, and after rinse with water. You will feel easy tingling and maybe even itching, the skin will turn red. This is a natural reaction caused by the very annoying effect of sponge chairs.

If you are used by bodia from bruises, it is important to apply the tool to the injured place as quickly as possible after the incident. The drug will reduce pain, will contribute to healing and prevent the appearance of a bruise on the injection site. After a couple of days at the site of applying, the skin will begin to squeeze, you should not scare you too. Frelling the upper layer will contribute to cell regeneration.

If you put the drug and prevent the formation of the hematomas and bruises, it is possible to apply it on fresh bruises. Badyaga from bruises and bruises is considered an effective tool to remove traces of annoying misunderstanding for 2-3 application of the healing mixture.

How to use gel

Badgy's gel from bruises apply easier: apply to the desired area of \u200b\u200bthe skin with a thin layer, wait 15-20 minutes and rinse it with water. Since the gels except the sponge powder includes other natural components, such as yarrow extract and plantain, which provide additional moisturizing and skin softening, gel acts more delicately. That is why if there is a journey from bruises under the eyes or from the hematoma on the face, it is better to use a gel.

The most popular gels are Badyag Forte from Synyakov and Badyaga 911. The cost of Badyag Forte from bruises about 80 rubles per pack, and the price of the second popular fund is about 100 rubles.

Keep in mind that in a couple of hours after applying the gel, the skin will begin to blush, and then starts to climb, so if you use a tool on your face, you are hardly able to get out of the house in the next couple of hours, and maybe days.

Precautions when using Badyagi

Badyaga from bruises and bruises - means to use with caution. In no case cannot be allowed to enter the powder or gel in the eyes and mouth. If this happened, it is necessary to rinse them with a large amount of clean water.

Before applying, it is necessary to conduct an allergic sample on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. Redness and tingling are considered the norm, but if the tool starts the oven, the skin will cover with spots or rash, the remedy must be washed and, perhaps, to abandon its use at all.

In addition, if an open wound has an open wound on the scene, it is impossible to use the means, it can provoke suppuration. Also, abandon the use of the drug stands with too sensitive skin and the presence of inflammation on it.

Remember that this is a drug and although it is released without a recipe, it will be worth consulted with a doctor before using it. Have you tried this miraculous way personally? Leave your opinion about this preparation in the comments below.

Video: How to get rid of bruises with Badyagi

From time to time, each person's bruises appear on the body. The reasons for their formation can be different - injury, injury that burst capillaries. As a result, hematoma or in a simple bruise spread under the skin.

Such bruises look very unesthetically, especially if they are on the face. Therefore, it is important to choose an effective remedy that will help in a short time to get rid of hematomas. One of the proven and well-proven funds is bodiage.

Bodhage (or Badyaga) is spongy algae, inhabitant in freshwater reservoirs. It includes a large amount of mineral substances, so it is widely used in medicine and in cosmetology.

Badyagi-based preparations are used to eliminate various skin problems. The useful substances contained in algae expand blood vessels, absorb the infiltration accumulating under the skin, reduce pain, improve blood circulation. In addition, the bodhage has a disinfecting property and a slightly warms the skin.

Drugs from Badyagi are used not only to combat bruises, but also for other purposes. The spongy algae helps to fight rheumatoid, neuralgic and muscle pain, acne, acne, pigment stains on the skin, and dark circles under the eyes.

In cosmetology, Bodhaga is used as wraps to combat cellulite. Usually, the means is produced in the form of powder, gel or cream and sold in a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. One of the most popular and inexpensive drugs is "Badgya 911".

Useful properties of Bodhagi

The composition of algae includes a large amount of silica, due to which it removes deadly particles of epidermis, and also contributes to the production of elastin - substances responsible for skin elasticity.

If you put a jumper on the hematoma, it begins to actively enhance the blood circulation in the affected area, as a result of which the blood clot is resolved faster. In addition, spongy algae has an antimicrobial effect, thereby speeding up the healing process.

Bodharya facial care treatments treat acne, improve the work of the sebaceous glands, improve the skin condition, have a good rejuvenating and toning effect on it. Badyaga from bruises under the eyes is popular with women who sleep a little or poorly poured.

Contraindications for use

There are cases when bodias from bruises are better not to apply to not harm their health.

  • Badyagi-based remedy can not be applied to the heart area, since it can negatively affect the organ.
  • Women should not apply a means to the dairy glands.
  • People who have blood vessels are close to the skin, should not use this algae.
  • You can not smear the drug areas of the skin, where there is a capillary mesh.
  • When allergies, the substances included in the drug must be abandoned from its use.
  • People who have overweight hair growth on the body, it is better not to use bodiana.
  • In no case cannot be allowed to hit the jams on the mucous membrane. Otherwise, burning pain and inflammation will arise.
  • Do not apply the drug to open or unexplored wounds.
  • Bodhage is contraindicated to children under two years. Before applying a tool for a child older, it is necessary to make sure that he does not have allergies.
  • With such skin diseases, as depriving, eczema, psoriasis, as well as various types of skin cancer, the use of the means is contraindicated.
  • In no case cannot be used by the preparations of Bodhai inside.

Use Bodhary to fight bruises

As mentioned earlier, pharmaceutical companies produce Badyagi preparations in different dosage forms. The simplest is powder. Apply it is very easy.

Divide the powder from bruises in warm water in a 1: 1 ratio. Moisten this water with a cotton disk and attach it to the bruise. Gently stick into the skin. Wait for 15-20 minutes and rinse with water with water.

If the bruise is strongly expressed, you can apply another way. Injuite Bodharya powder, as described above, and then the resulting Cashitz attach to the skin. Enter the bandage from above and keep the compress for about 8 hours. After this time, remove the compress and replace the new one.

If rheumatic or neuralgic pains are tormented, divestayga not with water, but vegetable oil (sunflower or any other). Wrap the resulting mixture in painful places and keep the day. Hematoma can also be processed by this mixture.

If you do not want to mess with a powder, buy a special gel "Badyag" from bruises. It must be rubbed into the skin in places where there are bruises. Squeeze the skin and leave the gel for 20-30 minutes, after which remove it with a damp cloth or rinse with water.

To achieve a positive effect, use the means 3-4 times a day for several days until the hematoma dispels.

In addition to gel, you can purchase creams or ointments in a pharmacy. All of them have their own purpose, so before buying, be sure to read the recommendations on the package or consult with the pharmacist.

In addition to Bodhaya, various additional components are part of such drugs (extracts of medicinal herbs, vitamins, softening substances), which enhance the therapeutic effect of algae.

There are creams, gels, ointments and balsams from acne, acne, pigment spots, for the treatment of rheumatism, radiculitis and arthritis and even to combat cellulite and stretch marks. Well established themselves gels "Badgya-Super" and "Badyag-Forte". They are sold in almost every pharmacy and have a low cost.

When using a particular drug, strictly follow the instructions for use, follow the dosage, and also make sure that the remedy fell into the eye, nose or mouth.

Before applying ointment, cream or gel based on Badyagi, be sure to test allergies. Apply a small amount of cooked to the inner fold of the elbow and wait 10 minutes. If redness, itching or burning will appear on the skin, you can use the selected drug.

No one is insured against the sudden appearance of bruises (from impact or for other reasons), so it is very convenient to have a bodiana in a home first-aid kit so that if necessary, to quickly help yourself or family members.

Hematoma does not cause negative sensations, but significantly spoil the appearance. Badyaga from bruises applied in medical practice for a long time. This remedy helps to get rid of bruises from bruises, minor damage to the skin. Learn how to apply the specified drug to eliminate unsightly hematomic stains.

What is Badyaga from bruises

The drug substance is made from a freshwater sponge (creatures of animal origin) of the Badyagovy family. Practical value represents its skeleton, or spongin consisting of silicon needles, as well as comprising carbonates, phosphates, organic substances. The tool refers to drugs and cosmetics, so the pharmacies are released without a recipe. Badyaga is a drug for outdoor use with a local irritant action.

Composition and form of release

The drug is produced by several manufacturers. Basically, powder is used to eliminate bruises. The tool is a having a specific smell of a gray-green mass, packaged in packets of 5 and 10 mg. The preparation includes ground powder of sponges of Badyaga Lake and Badyag River. The powder acting is silicon oxide. Manufacturers: Health CJSC, Tula FF, Fitomag.

The gel shape of the means from bruises is also in demand. It has a grayish color and an unusual smell, produced in tubes with a capacity of 50, 75, 100 and 200 ml. Manufacturers (Bionor, Dina Plus, Plus Farm) rarely produce ointments (creams) based on Badyagi. This form of the drug is mainly obtained at home by using a chopped sponge powder and other components. In addition to the basic substance, for better penetration in the cells of the epidermis, gels / creams may contain:

  • triethanolamine;
  • purified water;
  • propantril;
  • fragrances;
  • gelago;
  • 2-bromo-2-nitropropane-1,3-diol.

pharmachologic effect

The effect of the drug from bruises and other skin problems is based on mechanical skin irritation with silicon with silicon, which causes the extension of the vessels. As a result, blood circulation is activated, the resinking and bactericidal effect is ensured, which is due to the local release of biologically active substances: kininov, autocoids, histamine, prostaglandins. Silicon oxide eliminates swelling, manifests analgesic, anti-inflammatory properties.

Indications for use

Any damage to the tissue structures leads to the rupture of small vessels under the skin. As a result, a bruise is formed on the scene. The annoying components of the drug stimulate blood flow to the damaged area, due to which the process of recovery of epidermis cells is significantly accelerated. After 5-7 days of use, the bruising disappears completely. Other indications for use of Badyagi are:

  • rheumatic and neurological pains;
  • bruises;
  • radiculitis;
  • arthritis;
  • acne;
  • dark spots.

Mode of application

When mixing erased in fine powder sponges with a fat basis, creams are obtained, ointments. In cosmetology, Badgy is often combined with essential oils and extracts of medicinal plants. In industrial production, lanolin, vaseline, gel studio, triethanolamine or glycerin appears as a fat base of the drug. At home, vegetable oil can be used for this purpose.

The latter is added to the powder to obtain the creamy mass. Such a composition effectively copes with neuralgic and rheumatic pains, radiculitis. The instruction recommends applying a tampon to the place of projection of the pathological focus. In the event of a strong burning area, the drug must be washed with water. In the absence of discomfort, the remedy is left per day.

Badyaga from bruises under the eyes and on the body is used by diluted boiled water to the consistency of sour cream. The resulting gray-greenish composition of the Tampon is applied to the skin of the face with his fingers (not forgetting to wear rubber gloves) with light circular motions. After 20 minutes, when the mask from bruises will dry up, it is washed off with warm water and softening nutritional cream. Repeat the procedure follows every 7 days.

Badyaga gel (ointment) is convenient to use. For cosmetics, it is applied to the face with a thin layer. In order to avoid damage to the cells of the epidermis gel (ointment), it is forbidden to rub. Depending on the problem, the exposure time can be from 10 to 20 minutes, after which the remnants of the means must be washed with warm water. If necessary, the cosmetic procedure is allowed to be carried out up to three times a week. In the case of the use of gel from bruises, the drug is applied to a bruised place immediately after the injury is obtained and is then 3-4 times a day until the hematoma disappears.

special instructions

During the use of the means, it is impossible to allow it to enter the mucous membranes. In the case when the sponge particles still hit the eye / nose, the composition should be washed off with water. In order to avoid the development of an allergic reaction before using Badyagi from bruises, it is recommended to carry out a skin test, causing a small amount of the composition on the wrist. The emergence of atypical symptoms is a reason for canceling the means.

Side effects

Instructions for use warn that sponge-based drugs can cause hyperemia of the skin at the place of application, allergic rash, itching. When using dosage forms, Badyagi from bruises, tingling, passenger burning is allowed. The specified side effects are transcended and do not require treatment. Remember, long-term use of the means is fraught with serious consequences:

  • reduced turgor skin;
  • burns;
  • skin sinusiness.


The instruction prohibits the preparation with silicon oxide on the area of \u200b\u200binjury to the integrity of the epidermis, open wounds. Infectious dermatitis are also absolute contraindications for the use of the means. You can not use any form of the drug for the treatment of bruises in the presence of concomitant benign or malignant neoplasms of the skin.

It is not recommended to use a means for inflammation of the epidermis of toxic or allergic genesis. The instruction does not contain a strict ban on the use of Badyagi from bruises during pregnancy and lactation. However, due to the increased sensitivity of the skin, women during the intrauterine tooling the child are still not recommended to use the tool.

Conditions of holiday and storage

The shelf life of Badyagi powder is 3 years. Gel (ointment) retains its properties for 2 years from the date of production. Any form of the drug is released by pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. Store the drug follows in a moisture and light-proof place.


In a situation where the use of the means is impossible due to individual intolerance, it is possible to use drugs with similar pharmacological properties. The structural counterparts of the drug are spongilane, tagging 7 notes of health, Badyag Forte and Badyag 911, while the identical mechanism of action possesses:

  • Levomentol;
  • L-Menthol;
  • Amol;
  • Ungapive;
  • Cutton;
  • Mentoclare;
  • Rizaxil;
  • Espol;
  • Analgos.

In the event that the use of a sponge-based powder from bruises causes a reaction of hypersensitivity, you can try the less aggressive form of the drug in the form of a gel. Thus, the means of Badyaga 911, in addition to the active component (silicon oxide), contains the extracts of healing herbs that gently affect the skin and prevent the appearance of side effects.


The cost of Badyagi powder in pharmacies varies within 42-48 p. For a 5-gram bag. The price of gel from acne and bruises depends on the volume of tube, the manufacturer's company. You can buy a badge not only in urban paragraphs of the implementation of pharmaceuticals, but also on virtual resources, orders any form of the drug on the directory on the site. Remember, do not buy medicines in online stores. Products such sellers often do not correspond to the claimed quality.

The form of the drug

Price funds in Moscow pharmacies (rubles)

Powder 5 g

Powder 10 g

Gel for / body from bruises and pigment spots 75 ml

Gel from acne rash and pigment spots 50 ml

Gel Badgya + Mumina Spets. 50 g

Gel from bruises and bruises 100 ml 911

Gel D / Body, Badgya Plus Laminaria Anti-cellulite 200 ml
