Cabbage face masks - tighten pores, mattifying, brightening and rejuvenating the skin. Fresh cabbage masks. Cabbage face masks - contraindications

The most common and accessible product for everyone - common white cabbage - has a unique composition. That is why cabbage is so useful not only as a food product, but also as a natural cosmetic product, in particular for the skin of the face. And Secrets of Perfection will share their knowledge about the benefits of cabbage as a remedy for facial skin.

Cosmetic properties of cabbage.

White cabbage is the owner of the most valuable minerals and vitamins. So, it contains several types of acids, iron, potassium, calcium, fiber, many vitamins, and the content of vitamin C is almost as good as citrus fruits. As for sauerkraut, in terms of the amount of vitamin C, it significantly surpasses fresh one.

One of the functions of cabbage is anti-inflammatory, therefore it is advised to use it for sensitive skin. In addition, it nourishes and softens dry skin, whitens it, refreshes and tones all skin types. Oily shine of the skin can be easily eliminated by regularly making cabbage masks. When it is enough just to apply cabbage leaves to the skin.

When using cabbage for the face, they use both cabbage leaves, crushed to the state of gruel, and the juice of this vegetable. Sauerkraut is also actively used to create natural masks.

Cabbage for the face. Natural beauty recipes.

  • Recipe 1.Whitens the skin, aligns her Colour, makes the tan more even cabbage and protein mask: cabbage leaves are crushed and combined with egg white, beaten until foam appears. The procedure takes 20 minutes to complete.
  • Recipe 2. There is a good Chinese recipe for whitening and tightening the skin: fresh washed cabbage leaves are rolled well with a rolling pin for 10 minutes and applied to the face, after 10 minutes the leaf is removed and a new one is put. Duration - half an hour. It is better to do this procedure every day.
  • Recipe 3.Tightens dry aging skin and moisturizes such a mask: 3 tablespoons of chopped cabbage leaves are mixed with a teaspoon of honey and half a spoonful of yeast. It is also suitable for the prevention of the appearance of wrinkles.
  • You can take castor oil instead of honey by mixing the ingredients in the following proportions: 2 tablespoons of chopped cabbage, half a spoonful of oil and 2 teaspoons of yeast. This tool is prepared as follows: cabbage and yeast are mixed and kept warm for half an hour, then oil is added, mixed and applied to the skin, which is cleaned before that. After 15 minutes, wash off with water or cabbage juice.
  • Recipe 4. For smoothing wrinkles and reducing dry skin cabbage leaves are boiled in milk until soft, cooled and used as a regular mask. Withstand the product for up to 20 minutes.
  • Recipe 5. Cabbage for the face will help dry skin too. For example, to feed skin, cabbage leaves boiled in milk are crushed, mixed with an egg and a spoonful of vegetable oil. This mask is liberally lubricated with the skin for 20 minutes.
  • Recipe 6. Improves condition oily skin, cabbage mask, which includes chopped fresh cabbage and flour (they take half the flour). If the skin is combination, a little honey is added to the composition.
  • Recipe 7. Eliminates shine leather mask out cabbage juice and crushed oat flakes: the components are taken in a 2: 1 ratio and the product is applied to the skin for 20 minutes. In this recipe, cabbage for the face not only eliminates the oily sheen, but also helps to cleanse and heal the skin.
  • Recipe 8. Sauerkraut for face promotes the renewal of skin cells, however, due to its drying effect, it is recommended to use this product no more than 1 time per week, and with dry skin it should be used with extreme caution. Sauerkraut is applied to the face for 10-15 minutes and washed off. Another option is to soak pieces of fabric with cabbage brine and make lotions.
  • Recipe 9. Decreases sensitivity skin, neutralizes inflammation cabbage-curd face mask with lemon juice. The recipe is simple: a few leaves of a fresh vegetable are chopped and combined with 3 tablespoons of cottage cheese, as well as 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. You can add a spoonful of honey by mixing it in advance with 100 grams of boiled water. All components are rubbed, brought to a state of homogeneity and the resulting mask is treated with the skin for 15 minutes, then washed and lightly massaged the face.

Many people know about such an unpleasant phenomenon as puffiness, because it can appear on the arms, legs and even the face, and there can be many reasons for this. But it is possible to alleviate the condition and remove the symptoms of an unpleasant ailment with the help of folk methods, for example, a cabbage leaf. There are many ways how to remove swelling of the legs or face with cabbage leaf.

Healing properties of cabbage leaf for edema

The healing effect of this vegetable is determined by its composition. In the sheets of agricultural crops, there are in a fairly large number:

  • proteins and carbohydrates;
  • organic acids;
  • phosphorus and magnesium;
  • iron with potassium;
  • sodium and calcium;
  • vitamins H, C, B, U, E;
  • the vegetable also contains vitamin C, most of which is presented in a special form called ascorbigen, or, more simply, ascorbic acid. It is noteworthy that this substance is not destroyed during cabbage processing, but is absorbed by the body in full.

With an edematous condition, a vegetable leaf has a good medicinal effect and helps to eliminate discomfort, pain and removes excess fluid from the body tissues.

Folk recipes

Cabbage as a remedy for edema was used several decades ago, and maybe even more. But today this method has not lost its popularity. Here are some good, time-tested kale-based recipes.


Required components:

  • white cabbage leaf;
  • Lemon juice or baking soda
  • olive oil;
  • boiling water;
  • bandage / gauze cut.

Cabbage leaf compress for edema can be prepared as follows: take a leaf of vegetable culture and immerse it in boiling water for a few minutes (this is done to make the leaf softer). Then place it in olive oil and soak for 1 hour. Sprinkle baking soda on the leaf before placing it on the swollen area, or squeeze out some lemon juice and make a few notches. This procedure is recommended to be carried out before bedtime, leaving the compress for the whole night, having previously fixed it with a bandage or gauze.


Helps and seaweed for leg edema, which can also be used as a bath. Ingredients:

  • seaweed (dried) - 2 tbsp l.,
  • boiling water - 250 ml.,
  • warm water.

First of all, it is necessary to prepare a decoction, for which you need to pour boiling water over the dried composition and leave to infuse for several hours. Then pour the broth into a bowl and dilute with water. It is recommended that you resort to this therapy in the evening, before bedtime.

Decongestant masks

A sauerkraut mask will help remove swelling on the face. To prepare it, you need to take the following components:

  • chopped sauerkraut garden culture - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • grated potato mass (fresh) - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • clay is white.

Combine potatoes with sauerkraut and mix thoroughly. Then add clay to the resulting mixture, in the end you should get a viscous mass. Apply a useful composition on your face for 5 minutes and then rinse with boiled water (room temperature is best).

There is also such a recipe for a medicinal mask, which includes:

  • raw potatoes - 1 pc.,
  • pickled vegetable - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • vitamin A / C in ampoules - optional.

First of all, you should grate the potatoes on a fine grater. Then combine the potato composition with the sauerkraut and squeeze lightly. Then wrap the resulting mixture in a gauze cut and apply to the swollen places and leave for 15-20 minutes. After this time, the mask should be removed and your face washed with cool, but not too cold water. Pickled cabbage from edema on the face effectively and quickly helps to eliminate an unpleasant symptom, especially in the area under the eyes.

How to take internally

Also, cabbage juice will help to remove excess fluid from the body, which is quite simple to prepare, because in order to get 1 liter of such a healthy juice, you only need 2 kg of garden culture.

First, you need to remove the top leaves of the vegetable and rinse the head well under running water. Then, the already washed head of cabbage with a stump must be finely chopped and only after that pass the entire chopped composition through a food processor. Remove the vegetable gruel from the food processor and squeeze the juice well. It is worth noting that it is best to use a natural drink freshly prepared, since it is in its fresh form that it fully retains its useful properties.

To eliminate puffiness and remove excess fluid from the body, juice should be taken 3 r. per day before meals for ¼ st. However, before starting to use such a drug, it is necessary to consult with your doctor.

The content of the article:

It is believed that the most useful and natural products for a person are those that grow in the territory where he lives. If you start from this, then you immediately begin to understand that apples, cucumbers, tomatoes, strawberries and blueberries, as well as such a healthy vegetable as cabbage, can bring us the most benefit. Cabbage is not only an inexpensive cosmetic product, but also very effective. It is able to save a person from a huge number of problems, especially problems with the skin, through which so many complexes arise in the beautiful half of humanity.

Colored, white, fresh, seafood or pickled - all these varieties of this vegetable become just an amazing cosmetic product. This vegetable has a unique composition that is suitable for any skin type, which is able to eliminate 85–95% of skin defects.

In addition, cabbage has the ability to make the skin perfectly even, smooth, velvety and restore elasticity and firmness to it. Also, cabbage masks have a whitening effect, are suitable for any type of skin, and also tighten sagging skin, reduce deep wrinkles, and small ones generally remove, thereby rejuvenating the entire skin.

Cabbage composition

It is through such a unique composition that cabbage is one of the indispensable means that makes the face simply unsurpassed. Fresh cabbage contains a huge amount of vitamins B1, B2, B6 and B9, as well as B5, A, PP, C, and K. And this vegetable also contains copper, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, iodine and selenium. For the best effect of cabbage leaves, they must be crushed on masks so that there is as much juice as possible. If you adhere to the regularity and consistency of using cabbage face masks, then after a very short period of time, the result will exceed all your expectations.

The effect on the skin of vitamins that are in cabbage

  • Vitamin A. This vitamin is able to increase the rate of cell regeneration, acts on the acceleration of the synthesis of elastic fibers, lightens age spots of various origins, heals inflammation, soothes and moisturizes the skin.
  • Vitamin C. In other words, vitamin C is ascorbic acid. This vitamin is famous not only for its ability to strengthen the immune system, but also has wound healing and rejuvenating effects on the skin, which is why it is an excellent remedy in the fight against skin aging.
  • Vitamin B9 or in other words folic acid is a remedy that gives reliable protection to the skin from excessive ultraviolet radiation, too low temperatures (frostbite). Also, cabbage and cabbage juice significantly reduce the production of sebum, which affects acne. Not only that after using this "miracle vegetable" the skin becomes clean, soft, but also, old spots from youthful acne disappear, and age spots, which often occur during pregnancy, disappear.
  • Vitamin D. When exposed to this vitamin, the skin acquires a radiant and healthy appearance, age spots disappear, skin tone becomes even, a natural glow appears on the face and cheeks, and dark circles and spots disappear under the eyes. And for dry skin, it is just a "lifeline", this vitamin moisturizes the skin and makes it supple and elastic.
  • Vitamin K. This vitamin is responsible for preventing swelling, getting rid of pigmentation, and also takes an active part in soothing inflammation.
  • Choline (B4) is a vitamin-like agent that contains membrane protectors, thanks to which it protects cells from damage and destruction, and this vitamin also significantly reduces blood cholesterol levels. It also normalizes fat metabolism in the cells of the epidermis, which is useful for both oily and dry skin.
  • Potassium. This element maintains the stability of the composition of the liquid in the cells, thereby regulating the moisture content of the skin, in particular on the face.
  • Organic acids. There is a huge amount of this type of acids in cabbage, they help to slow down premature aging of the skin, prevent the appearance of new wrinkles and blemishes, and is a remedy that can take care of all types of skin.

Rules for the preparation of cabbage masks

  1. It is always necessary to pay attention to the cabbage itself, because it is fresh and sauerkraut. If it is fresh cabbage, then it must be fresh, firm and juicy, and 2-3 leaves must be removed before use. If the mask consists of sauerkraut, then such cabbage should not be too sour, and without impurities. Cabbage suits different skin types, but fresh cabbage is best for dry skin, and sauerkraut is best for oily or problem skin.
  2. If sauerkraut masks are more suitable for you, then in winter you do not need to do them more often than once a week, but preferably once every two weeks. If this is the summer period, then these masks can be applied more often, even 2-3 times a week.
  3. To get the most out of cabbage masks, the vegetable must be thoroughly chopped before use, even mashed from it. Such masks can be mixed with other vegetables or fruits, from this its effectiveness will only increase. Before applying the mask, you can squeeze the juice from it, and then wipe your face with this juice during the day, your skin will only be grateful to you for such a natural tonic that will give it a boost of energy and vivacity.
  4. Regardless of what kind of cabbage the mask will be, it must be kept for 15–30 minutes, and it is even better if during the action of the mask the face is relaxed and in absolute peace. It is necessary to be silent for a few minutes so that the muscles relax, and the cells are maximally enriched with natural substances. To get the most out of the mask, it is best done after a hot shower, bath, or while going to the sauna. After the specified time has elapsed, it is better to wash off the cabbage mask with warm, rather than hot or cold water.
  5. There are times when the body does not accept any product, and it can cause an allergic reaction. In this case, we will give this advice: before using the cabbage mask on the face, apply it first on the wrist and see if there will be any negative reaction of the body to this "natural preparation". If, after 2-3 hours, redness does not appear on the wrist, you can safely apply such a mask on your face.

  • Fresh cabbage. It is better to use such cabbage for owners of dry skin type, as it has a moisturizing effect, and also copes well with skin peeling.
  • Sauerkraut. This type of cabbage is better suited to those girls who often have a greasy shine on their face, due to the too fast work of the sebaceous glands. Sauerkraut masks not only remove oily sheen, but also are a natural cure for acne, blackheads and age spots. So, this type of mask is best used for oily skin, but keep in mind that keeping sauerkraut on your face for too long can lead to flushing (very unhealthy redness).
  • Seaweed gives a rejuvenating and firming effect. We recommend using masks made from this type of cabbage for those women who have problems such as wrinkles (age-related, mimic or even deep). But the seaweed should be free of dyes, flavors or any other preservatives, so that the result is as positive as possible and can please you.
If you follow these rules and recommendations, then home remedies from such a "miracle product" as cabbage will become a permanent means of cosmetology in your home. It is very important to approach with all responsibility in the choice of cosmetics, especially face masks.

Cabbage mask recipes for different skin types

  • Mask for dry skin. Boil cabbage leaves in 0.5 liters of milk, after 5-7 minutes we remove them from the milk. After a few minutes, when the leaves have cooled slightly, we spread them on the face and décolleté, for about 20 minutes. This type of mask is able to tone the skin and stop age-related skin changes that occur in all people.
  • Mask for flaky skin. For this mask, boil the cabbage leaves in milk until they are soft, then chop them as fine as possible. In the resulting cabbage porridge, beat out one raw egg and put 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. Like all masks, apply for 20 minutes. and wash off with warm water.
  • Moisturizing mask with honey. Finely chop the cabbage, squeeze until juice appears, put 1 tsp in this porridge. honey and the same amount of yeast, then add 2 tbsp. l. apple juice. Apply the mask to a clean face, keep it for 20-25 minutes. and wash off with clean water.
  • Chinese whitening and anti-aging mask. Fresh cabbage leaves are needed within 10 minutes. roll with a rolling pin on a cutting board, then put them on your face. It is necessary to change such leaves twice every 10 minutes, within half an hour. Such a mask is allowed to be done every day, it will only improve the condition of the facial skin.
  • Sauerkraut mask as an effective remedy against inflammatory processes that can occur on the skin. You need 75-80 gr. apple juice, mix with 0.5 cups of sauerkraut and add 1 tbsp. l. almond oil. Mix all the ingredients well and apply on previously cleansed face skin, after 20 minutes. wash off with cool water.
  • Mask for removing oily shine from the face. It is necessary to mix 2 tbsp. l. sauerkraut juice, 1 tbsp. l. wheat flour and one egg white. Apply this gruel for 20 minutes. on the face, then rinse with warm water, and after 15 minutes. wipe your face with fresh cabbage juice.
  • The perfect cabbage mask for acne. Thoroughly chop a few cabbage leaves, add 1 tsp. 5% hydrogen peroxide and the juice of half a medium lemon. Mix well, add 1 tsp. viburnum juice. We spread the finished mask for 5-7 minutes. on the face, then wash off with clean water.
  • The most excellent anti-wrinkle mask. It is necessary to finely chop the seaweed to make 2 tbsp. l. with a slide, then add 3 tsp. medium fat cottage cheese, and 2 tbsp. l. honey. Apply the resulting porridge for 20 minutes. on the face, then rinse thoroughly with warm water.
In addition to the above recipes, there are many others, you just need to choose the right mask, directly for your skin type, and the result will not keep you waiting long. With this information, you can easily prepare a healthy and natural mask at home, and with handy products.

Most masks, at the base of which include cabbage, perfectly cope with almost all skin problems, just for a good result you need a desire and a little time. The main advantage of cabbage masks is the minimum cost and the most positive result.

You will learn more about the effect of cabbage on the skin of the face and recipes for cabbage masks from this video.

There is an opinion that the most useful for a person are those products that grow in his area. From this point of view, a homemade cabbage face mask is not only inexpensive and simple, but also a very effective cosmetic product.

It helps to get rid of many skin problems that give rise to so many complexes in women of different ages.

How does such a simple cosmetic product manage to cope with pigmentation, and wrinkles, and inflammation at the same time? This miraculous effect of cabbage face masks is explained by the chemical composition of a white-headed vegetable:

  • vitamin A- a substance of large-scale action: it heals inflammation, moisturizes, soothes, normalizes the production of subcutaneous sebum, destroys microbes, smoothes stretch marks and wrinkles, helps cells regenerate, promotes the production of elastin and collagen, solves the problem of age spots;
  • thanks to vitamin B9, cabbage for the face becomes an ideal remedy for acne;
  • vitamin C- wound healing and rejuvenating;
  • vitamin K prevents swelling on the face, eliminates age spots, soothes inflammation;
  • cabbage for the skin is useful in that it normalizes fat metabolism in skin cells, thanks to choline;
  • potassium needs dry skin to moisturize;
  • organic acids do not allow the skin to age.

The well-coordinated work of all these active substances leads to the fact that cabbage for the skin is the most effective natural cosmetic product. After the very first applications of the miraculous masks from this unique vegetable, you will feel that your skin is refreshed, rested and looks much better than before.

So that the cabbage mask does not disappoint, but transforms your skin in the most wonderful way, you need to be able to apply it. Follow a few simple tips and enjoy the result.

  1. Fresh cabbage is good for dry skin, and a sauerkraut mask will eliminate the problems of oily skin.
  2. To prepare masks, it is best to chop fresh cabbage with a thin strip, and then squeeze it with your hands until juice forms.
  3. Test each mask on your wrist so your skin doesn't react with allergies.
  4. The mask can be done after a bath or hot bath once a week.
  5. The duration of the action of cabbage masks is about 15-20 minutes.

The best recipes for cabbage face masks

Choose the recipe for a cabbage mask according to your skin problem and skin type.

  • 1. Classic fresh cabbage mask for dry skin

Chop fresh cabbage, squeeze and put on the skin.

  • 2. Classic sauerkraut mask for oily skin

Sauerkraut for the face is also used in masks: squeeze out, apply on the face.

  • 3. Rejuvenating cabbage honey mask

Squeeze chopped fresh cabbage (three tablespoons) until juice forms, mix with honey and yeast (one teaspoon each), dilute with apple juice (2 tablespoons).

  • 4. Olive cabbage mask for dry skin

Scald fresh cabbage leaf with boiling water, chop, mix (2 tablespoons) with a tablespoon of olive oil.

  • 5. Yolk cabbage mask for flaky skin

Squeeze chopped fresh cabbage (3 tablespoons) until juice forms, mix with crushed yolk, add a teaspoon of olive oil.

  • 6. Protein mask from cabbage for oily skin

Chop the cabbage, mix (2 tablespoons) with protein.

  • 7. Nourishing cabbage mask for normal / combination skin

Mix fresh cabbage juice (50 ml) with boiled grated carrots and honey (a teaspoon each).

  • 8. Curd cabbage mask for sensitive skin

Chop the cabbage, mix (2 tablespoons) with lemon juice (a teaspoon), cottage cheese (3 teaspoons), honey diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio (2 tablespoons).

  • 9. Whitening cabbage milk mask

Chop the cabbage, mix (2 tablespoons) with the same amount of milk and cottage cheese (a tablespoon).

  • 10. Lemon cabbage mask for acne

Chop the cabbage, mix (2 tablespoons) with lemon pulp (tablespoon), add a few drops of olive oil.

Effective and nourishing, the cabbage face mask is a natural cosmetic that is ready to take good care of your skin.

Masks fresh cabbage promote effective skin renewal and restoration.

Cabbage is rich in vitamins A and C, as well as trace elements and acids, helps nourish and rejuvenate the skin, and is used to care for oily, dry and combination skin. Fresh cabbage masks promote effective skin renewal and restoration. In addition, masks can be made from sauerkraut. Cabbage is also used to relieve swelling. In this case, it is better to apply whole cabbage leaves to your face.

2 tablespoons shredded kale leaves, whipped egg whites
This mask has a slight whitening effect, evens out the skin tone after sunburn, when small wrinkles appear lighter on a face darkened by the sun. Usage time is 15-20 minutes.

Refreshing mask
Take large cabbage leaves and rinse in cold water. Place them with the concave side on a damp, cleansed face, in a prone position, and lie there for about 20 minutes. The leaves should warm up from contact with the skin. Then dab your face with a tissue or towel.

Nourishing mask against wrinkles and dry skin
3 tablespoons chopped cabbage pulp, half a teaspoon of yeast, a teaspoon of honey

The mask nourishes and moisturizes the skin, smoothes wrinkles and improves the complexion. Keep the mask on for 15-20 minutes.

Mask for nourishing and cleansing dry skin
Rub cabbage leaves into gruel and apply on face for 10-15 minutes. It is advisable to do this procedure 2-3 times a week.

Mask for dry and flaky skin
Mix 1 tablespoon of grated cabbage gruel with one egg yolk and add a little vegetable oil. Apply the mixture to your face and neck and wash off with warm water after 20 minutes.

Boiled cabbage mask

  • 2 tablespoons chopped boiled cabbage
  • Yolk
  • A tablespoon of vegetable oil

Boil cabbage leaves in a small amount of milk until soft, and then grind them with a blender and combine with the rest of the ingredients. Apply the mask to cleansed face and neck for 15-20 minutes. ...

Cabbage mask for dry skin
Take a few large cabbage leaves and scald them with boiling water. Then lubricate them with vegetable oil and apply to your face for 20 minutes. After that, wash yourself with warm water.

Mask for dry and dehydrated skin
Rub olive oil or corn oil over your face. Then apply a hot compress on your face from a soda solution (for 1 tablespoon of hot water and 1 teaspoon of baking soda). Then apply fresh white cabbage gruel to the skin, hold for 15-20 minutes. Lightens age spots.

Egg yolk mask for dry skin
Mix 200 g of chopped cabbage leaves with one egg yolk. Add a few drops of olive oil to the mixture and mix well again. Apply the resulting mask to your face for twenty minutes, then rinse with warm water. After applying the mask, the skin becomes smooth and radiant.

Mask for oily skin
Mix 200 g of chopped cabbage leaves with one chicken protein. Beat the mixture in a blender until the consistency of a light cream and apply on face for fifteen minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water.

Mask for oily, acne-prone skin

  • 3 tablespoons chopped cabbage
  • 1.5 tablespoons flour

Usage time - 10 minutes. For combination skin, add a small amount of honey to this mask.

Soak small pieces of cloth with cabbage brine and apply to face for 10-15 minutes. Such masks are not recommended to be done more often than once a week, as they dry out the skin.

Sauerkraut mask for oily skin
Grind the sauerkraut into gruel, apply a generous layer over your face and cover with a napkin or dry towel. Let it sit for 15-20 minutes, then remove the mask with a damp cotton swab and wash your face. Apply no more than once a week.

Moisturizing cabbage and carrot mask

  • 50 ml fresh cabbage juice
  • 1 tbsp. l. grated carrots, boiled in milk until soft
  • 1 tsp honey

Mix everything thoroughly. Apply the mask to your face and hold it for no more than 5 minutes. Then wash with warm boiled water.

Moisturizing cabbage juice mask

  • 2 tablespoons cabbage juice
  • A tablespoon of chopped oatmeal

This mask with a mattifying effect regulates the work of the sebaceous glands, promotes deep hydration of the facial skin. Usage time is 15-20 minutes.

Lifting mask

  • 2 tablespoons chopped cabbage
  • 2 teaspoons yeast
  • ½ teaspoon castor oil

Combine cabbage with yeast, leave for 20-30 minutes in a warm place. Add oil and mix well. Apply to cleansed face for 15-20 minutes. You can remove the mask with warm water or cabbage juice.

Cabbage masks for aging skin.
Thoroughly chop a couple of fresh cabbage leaves, add 1 tsp. honey, the same amount of yeast and 1/4 cup of apple juice. Rub all the ingredients thoroughly and apply the mask on face and neck for 15 minutes. It is better to remove it with a cotton swab dipped in cool water.

Rejuvenating mask
Mix 200 g of chopped cabbage leaves with natural apple juice from green apples (about fifty grams, 2.5 tbsp. L). Add 2 tsp to the resulting mass. natural honey and 10 g of yeast.

Mix everything thoroughly with a whisk. Apply the finished mask on the face and neck for fifteen to twenty minutes. Remove the remnants of the mask with a cotton pad previously moistened with warm water. At the end of the procedure, wash yourself with cool water.

Rejuvenating orange juice mask
Mix 200 g of chopped cabbage with a spoonful of honey and add 50 g of orange juice. Apply the resulting mask on the face for fifteen minutes. Wash off with cool water. The mask tones the skin of the face and prevents it from fading.

Natural mask for sagging and flabby skin
Squeeze the juice from the leaves of fresh cabbage, soak a gauze or cotton towel in it and apply it on your face for 15 minutes. Then wash off with cool water. Do it 2-3 times a week. You can simply wipe your face with cabbage juice.