Is it possible to give milk to a child a year. Dairy products for the child: where can I start your lore? Is it possible to give a one-year-old piggy cow's milk

When the baby appears on the light, the first thing he tries is a maternal milk or a special mixture. It is such a nutrition that is ideal for crumbs in the first six months of life. After that, pediatricians are recommended to introduce lures and gradually teach the baby to adult food. However, such a process should pass correctly. From this article you will learn when the child can give a cow's milk. It is also worth saying that specialists and experienced parents think about this. How many can you give cow's milk to children and how to make it most correctly? Consider the main opinions on this.

What do our grandmothers think?

When can a child give a cow's milk? Representatives of past generations suggest that such nutrition should be organized as early as possible. Surely everyone remembers how a few decades, women came out from maternity leave upon reaching a child of three months. Representatives of the weaker sex did not have the opportunity to properly organize breastfeeding. That is why the maternal milk was replaced with cow and goat.

It would seem, there is nothing terrible in this. Not one generation has grown on this product. Grandparents still convince their grandchildren and granddaughters to teach the cow's milk from birth.

What do specialists think

When can the child give a cow milk, according to physicians - supporters of natural feeding? This group of specialists claims to introduce into the diet of crumbs this product follows no earlier than three years. It was at this age that the crumble has already received all the useful of maternal milk and you can replace it safely.

Before reaching the baby of this age, experts strongly recommend adhere to breastfeeding. After all, this is how the child receives all the necessary vitamins, minerals and antibodies.

What is the opinion of pediatricres?

When can the child give a cow milk, according to children's doctors? Pediatricians strongly do not recommend entering the kid in the diet this product until 12 months achieve. Everything is explained quite simple. Cow's milk can cause the washing of iron from the body. This leads to anemia, which is very dangerous for infants.

Milk contains a large amount of minerals. Such can be attributed phosphorus and chlorine, magnesium and potassium, sodium and calcium. It would seem that it is good. However, the excess of these substances can adversely affect the health of the crumbs. Often, due to the overaffect of minerals, stones in the kidneys and a bustling bubble are formed.

What do allergologists and nutritionists say?

What time can the cow milk give? Specialists suggest that many kids are allergic to Casein protein. That is why it is worth avoiding such a nutrition until a child achieves a child of the five-year-old age.

Also, newborn kids may be lack of lactase. This substance is necessary for the splitting of milk sugar - lactose - and its correct assimilation. With the age of lactase produced less and less. That is why many people have milk and diarrhea. If your child has faced such pathology, it is worth excluding this product at all.

When children can give cow milk and how to make it most correctly?

Of course, it will be better if you forget about this product before reaching the child of the age of three or five years. Absolutely, all doctors say nutritional women that they should not use such a drink. All due to the fact that part of the product enters the kid's body. What to say about the direct feeding of a child with cow milk.

If you decide that you will give this drink, despite the opinions of the doctors, then begin to do no earlier than nine months. It was during this period that Kroch met with many foods and can show their addiction himself. Enter milk in the diet of the child need gradually. Perhaps this process will take even more time than the teaching to porridge and vegetables.

On the first day, give the crumb of milk in the amount of one teaspoon. At the same time, add a simple clean water into the drink. Carefully follow the reaction of the crumbs on this day. If an unusual rash or digestion disorder appeared, then immediately stop experiments and consult a doctor. When the crumb responds quite normally, you can continue the teaching to a new product.

Try to choose natural milk, and not that, which is stamped with preservatives and can be stored for several years at room temperature. If you take a "alive" product from under the cow, then be sure to boil it. Otherwise, you can infect the child with salmonella, toxoplasm and other microorganisms.


So, you now know when children can give a cow's milk and how to do it right. Experts strongly recommend using this drink when it is possible to replace it with or natural feeding. Let the nutrition of your crumbs be useful and tasty!

In the days of our grandmothers, the cow's milk helped to irrigate many babies with the impossibility of breastfeeding, but now the dairy mixture is perfectly coping with such a task. This causes controversy between young mothers and the older generation.

Is it worth giving milk from a cow to a small child instead of a mixture or is it dangerous for his health? How to translate a child from breast milk on a cow? What is the benefit and harm of this product for a children's body? At what age is best to introduce children with him? Does it be boiling or can be given immediately from under the cow?

These and many other questions are worried almost every young mother. Let's try to figure them out, and also learn why it is impossible to give it to small children, as modern pediatricians say.

What is useful

  • It acts as a source of useful proteins, of which children receive all indispensable amino acids.
  • It gives the body of a human calcium and phosphorus - elements, without which the formation of teeth and a strong skeleton is impossible.
  • Includes a large number of vitamin compounds, including vitamin D.
  • It helps strengthen immunity.

It should be noted that all these beneficial properties can be obtained only with the right and timely introduction of such a product into the diet of kids.

The cow's milk contains proteins, calcium, phosphorus and other vitamins the necessary children's organism from what age to give?

Cow's milk appears in the diet of children on breastfeeding at the age of 9 months, as the ingredient of the dairy cereal. An infant child who is fed with a mixture, to start preparing such a porridge can be a little earlier - from 7-8 months. At the same time, the daily dose of cow milk is not more than 100-150 ml.

If we are talking about replacing cow milk breast or adapted mixture, then do it not advise until 1 year. If it is impossible to feed the baby, the best substitute for children of the first year of life is a dairy mixture. Although it is made of milk cows, but in the process of processing it is cleaning, and the composition is as close as possible to female.

Children over the year, cow's milk can be given as a drink in small quantities (up to 200 ml). It is possible to regularly give such a product in a larger child every day after 3 years.

Breast kids 8 months Cow's milk is introduced into the diet, as an additive to porridge, but not more than 150 ml, as a drink milk will fit the kids after the year of life

Separately, we note that the child is offered a 3,5-3.2% product. If my mother is interested when starting to give a child skimmed milk, then it should be aware that low fatty product is not recommended to 2 years of age.

Degreased milk you can treat a child older than 2 years than harmful

The damage of cow milk for infants is associated with significant differences between its composition from the maternal.

It is breast milk that is the perfect food that should be given to a newborn and feed all the kids to at least 6 months of age. And the cow is inferior to him for a number of parameters:

  • It defeated too many proteins. The intolerance arising from some kids in the use of this product is often related to the occurrence of allergies to the protein.
  • A large amount of casein in the composition determines the difficulties with digestion. Because of this, the child may appear constipation.
  • Contains a lot more calcium and phosphorus than women's milk.And if excess calcium is not absorbed in the children's intestine, since this process has a rather complicated regulation in the human body, then the extra phosphorus easily enters the blood. It increases the burden on the kidney kidney, which are trying to bring unnecessary phosphorus. At the same time, the child's body loses calcium. Due to such processes, the reception provokes rickets in young children.
  • It also has too many magnesium, potassium, chlorine and sodium.To withdraw these elements from the Babe organism, the excretory crumb system works with an increased load. One of the consequences of such a situation may be dehydration.
  • Although fats in maternal milk are almost as much as in the cow, but the quality of these fats is different.Fatty acids that baby gets during the sucking of the chest, absorb better and positively affect the nervous and digestive system. Fats in cow's milk are saturated, so they are harder. For this reason, the children of the first years of life are not recommended with fatty milk above 4%.
  • Iron content in cow's milk is much lower than in breast And his assimilation is worse, since the cow's milk, unlike the mother, does not contain lactoferrin. Also, such a product contains little iodine, copper, zinc, ascorbic acid and vitamin E, and folic acid and taurine in cow's milk at all.
  • With too early introduction into the children's menu, the mucous membrane of the digestive tract may be damaged, that sometimes even capable of inner bleeding.
  • If you give cow milk at the same time with a continuation of breastfeeding, such a product may adversely affect lactation. The child will satisfy his needs of the milk cow, refusing the mother's milk, because to extract food from the chest is harder than drinking from the bottle.
  • It does not include important immunoglobulins crumbs to support immunity. When replacing such a product of breastfeeding, the protective forces of the Karapus organism may decrease.

Children up to a year very useful maternal milk, should not be replaced by his cow, in order not to harm the small body of contraindications

Cow's milk can not be drunk in such cases:

  • If the child already has the symptoms of Rakhita.
  • When problems with mineral exchange.
  • With individual intolerance.
  • If close relatives of the child have diabetes mellitus.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

A popular pediatrician is confident that children under the year the whole cow's milk cannot be given. It emphasizes that the early introduction of such a product into the infant diet instead of the adapted mixture provokes the development of Rahta and adversely affects the intestine of the child.

If your mother does not have the ability to feed the baby after 3 months or she wants to complete breastfeeding at the age of 5-6 months, Komarovsky advises to buy and give the baby adapted mixture.

The inclusion of milk in the children's diet after the year Komarovsky calls permissible, but aged 1 to 3 years old, a well-known doctor advises to limit the volume of two glasses into the day. He emphasizes that, if possible, to acquire a special milk, recommended for this age category, such a product will be much more preferable than the usual from the cow.

As for cow's milk in the diet of three-year olders and older children, Komarovsky believes that this product after 3 years children can use without restrictions if they like it and does not cause allergies.


Safety is very important for baby food, so in most cases the cow's milk, which is proposed by the kids, should undergo heat treatment. Boil helps to avoid such a serious illness as brucellosis (cows are transferred), representing a greater danger to the children's body.

If my mother is not sure about quality, it is necessary to boil. Boiled milk retains all proteins, carbohydrates, fats and many other substances. It can only slightly decrease the content of vitamins, but it is not so dangerous as infection with dangerous infections. In a certain form, it is permissible to give to children only if it is received from a cow that is contained by your family or close familiar (you are confident of her health).

Boiling is a mandatory procedure if the cow's milk is purchased, and desirable if milk from his cow How to introduce into the diet of kids?

Due to the risk of allergies, acquaintance should be careful and gradual, and each mom should be known how to breed this product, because the first time milk gives children divorced. When Krook was 1 year old, you can take 1 part of the cow's milk and combine with 3 parts of boiled water.

The first portion, which gives a child in the morning feeding, is 1 teaspoon. If the reaction does not follow it, the dose can be increased to 200 ml. Next, start to reduce the portion of the water until it completely does not save it and you will not give a solid milk to the child. Usually the undelivered product begin to give from 3 years. The recommended volume for the child over 3 years is 500-700 ml per day.

The first portion of cow's milk should be no more than 1 teaspoon in the divorced form how to choose for a child.

If you want to buy milk for a child aged 1-3 years, the best option will be a product with a note "for children." It is made in the areas safe in terms of ecology and is undergoing more thorough control, and is also sold in more reliable packaging.

By buying ordinary milk for a child over 3 years old, it is worth stopping your choice on an ultrapasterized or sterilized product. It passes careful processing so that there are no dangerous bacteria in it. When purchasing it, carefully read information on the package, specifying the fat and the shelf life.

Search for the benefits of cow and goat milk, see the transfer "Live Great".

I think all moms are heard about the benefits of milk. In another visit to our pediatrician, I ask the doctor: "Tell me, please, can I give milk to give milk"? "What do you eat"? - she asked. Listed. In response: "Well, you can slowly begin."

Is it time for me to try a snow-white delicacy!

When starting

At this point, my child has already been 9.5 months, and we have acquired several teeth. As I figured out later, many doctors categorically deny the possibility of a child's attitude to a year goat or cow milk. They cause their position in that in this product, proteins and fats are contained in much larger quantities (3 times), rather than in the mother's chest or adapted mixtures. In addition, the protein contained in the produced cow or goat product is able to provoke allergies. Yes, the share of truth in their words is definitely there, but no plaques that have formed in the tummy of the young danguisa, and there is no speech. This is all the fables.

Milk at an early age can cause the most unpleasant consequences.

Weightful arguments in favor of late introducing supplies to milk animal origin.

Pringly with cow milk threatens:

  • The increased amount of allergenic proteins and sodium can lead to allergies;

Skin rashes and itching - costs of an allergic reaction.

  • Can provoke dehydration;
  • Casein level is very large - the digestion of this protein is extremely difficult for a small tummy (in the stomach is a dense, almost not digestible clot;
  • A huge amount of sodium, chlorine, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium adversely affect the urinary system of a young organism. Kidneys Breasts are trying to recycle this rabid number of trace elements, experiencing colossal overload;
  • With regular use of the product up to 6 months of age, internal gastric bleeding is possible;

Moms and daddy, careful! It is not necessary to hurry with a dairy bust.

  • Zinc, iodine, copper, vitamins E and C, iron are contained in cow's milk in insufficient for a growing children's body. Taurine, cystine and folic acid are generally absent. The deficiency of these minerals can lead to the development of rather heavy pathologies;
  • It is categorically contraindicated to children of the first year of life, in whose relatives sick diabetes have been observed (due to the possibility of developing this terrible disease).

The bait of goat milk before the year is fraught with:

  • Toxic effects of the product on the body due to the content in the first specific acids;
  • Kidney problems for the same reason as with the use of cow milk;

The violation of the work of the internal organs of a weak children's body is quite likely.

  • The fat content of the product is several times the norm. Consequence - problems with digestion due to the immaturity of the stomach and intestines;
  • The small content of vitamins D and A, folic acid, iron, the disproportionate ratio of calcium and phosphorus does not contribute to the correct and full muscle, functional and mental development of crumbs. The disadvantage of these substances can provoke some serious diseases;

I can not get used to this milk.

  • Intestinal bleeding without damage to the integrity of vessels (arise under anemia or poor blood flowing);
  • Casein content is an order of magnitude higher than in a cow (however, it is absorbed better than the first one);
  • The loss of the valuable qualities of the product (if diluted with water to an acceptable state).

Oddly enough, but the most similar in composition and useful properties with human, is the donkey, yes, yes, it is the donkey milk.

In the time of grandmothers

But how did our moms feed the babies using animal milk? - Many will be hugged. In those days, medicine was not so developed, and the reasons for many diseases could only guess. Now science has filled the majority of gaps in their knowledge and invites us to benefit yourself already verified information.

Grandmothers will always have snacks for their favorite granddaughters.

How correct and at what age began to start a full-fledged lure

So from what age give milk? From 9 months, you can begin the lore of the children who are on artificial nutrition. This rule concerns both cow and goat products. The kid can eat cooked on milk kashkin. Doctors, nevertheless, insist on food up to the year with mixtures.

For more security, do not strike out as soon as possible children's mixtures from the Crumb menu.

Starting from one year old, a child who is on breast nutrition can receive a full-fledged cow or a goat product, but in a diluted state. Useful L. acomality must be boiled and diluted for the first dust in the 1: 3 ratiowhere 3 is the amount of water. Introduce in lures, starting with 1 teaspoonin which it should turn out: 1 part of milk and 3 parts of boiled water. In the absence of a reaction, the dose is increasing. Approximately 2.5 - 3 weeks the amount of product consumed by the baby will be about 100 milliliters. The fatty milk should not be less than 3, but not more than 4% since it must be diluted. Gradually reduce the presence of water in fluid to a minimum, and we remove it at all.

So that the child grew up healthy in his menu must be present

Only in meat there are necessary vitamins and microelements necessary for normal growth.

No less useful is a fish, but this product should be missed in the lore, because It is a strong allergen. How to enter fish in lure, told here.

Where to begin

Introduction The feeding is better to start with goat. It is more use (it helps in the fight against dysbacteriosis and colds, increases immunity (taurine component). Koziy product is easier to digest in the intestine of an infant child because there is no agglutine, proteins are easier, and molecules of fatty acids are less than in a cow, Therefore, this food is digested easier. Allergic manifestations are possible, but to a lesser extent, rather than when using a cow product. However, the infants can reject this useful dish because of its unpleasant odor. Forcibly feed the baby is not worth it, it is better to wait a little time and try Later or mix with already familiar food.

Barsik and We demand additives!

After goat you can try the cow's milk. If the age of the baby has already approached two years, then it is possible to offer dairy products with low fat (1-2%) or completely skimmed (in the event that the child uses dairy products in large quantities). The daily rate of consumption of the crumb of this valuable product ideally is 0.5-0.7 liters per day. Better alternate cow and goat milkSince the ratio of beneficial substances in these two products is different. For example, the cow product contains a large amount of phosphorus than the goat milk cannot boast. In unlimited quantities of drinking this useful liquid, the kid can start from three year old.

Boil is necessary

Raw dairy products are not recommended for the radical dairy products. The fact is that large and medium cattle are carriers of a terrible disease called brucellosis. This disease can lead a person to disability. Most often the spinal cord is affected. Only when you are definitely sure that everything is in order with the animals (it can only be if you are careful about the cow or goat), you can give a child with a non-joyful milk and then in small volumes.

The most famous pediatrician of the country speaks

Dr. Komarovsky is not a supporter of early introduction into the diet of the kids of dairy products, but also the Yarym enemy does not act:

"When to enter the child, milk is a personal matter of each of the parents, but I want to say that in our products it is impossible to be absolutely sure if, of course, we independently track the news process, which is possible only when conducting your own home-made natural economy. In my opinion, a high-quality adapted mixture has much more advantages:

  • The composition includes all the necessary microelements and vitamins;
  • The composition itself is stable, not undergoing changes;
  • Milk protein is processed in a special way, which reduces the possibility of manifestation of allergic reactions;
  • Prepare the mixture is much easier, more convenient and faster. "

Moms "For" and Moms "Against"

"The eldest daughter at 7.5 months began terrible rashes - the reaction to the cow's milk. Only feet and palms remained clean. The rest of the skin is a solid crimson mone. Saved thanks to the goat. Until two years he saw him. After 5, it seems, it turned around, but already matured, it does not feel sorry for the milk. Younger in a boiled and diluted milk smearing the cookie. There is no reaction. "

"My son from birth is on artificial feeding, so it happened. It has long been accustomed to the mixtures, but in 1 year and 3 months it has impacted it to abandon the mixture of flatness. I tried to give him a children's milkfrom the store (special series). So he drank a whole glass with big eyes and wild pleasure and began to demand more. Now he has been 2 years old. In the milk, as they say, the soul does not make it! Well, how after that not give it to children up to three years? "?

"We will fulfill a year and a half after 2 weeks. Until now, eat a mixture of Nutrilon. I tried to drink the son of goat milk - does not want, gave a cow - turns away and pushes the mug with a hand. It does not really bother me. I think that the mixture is more useful, because everything is specially balanced there. "

"Horror! Goat or cow milk can only after 2 years! It does not resemble the composition of the breast! Therefore, they get out to 5-6 years in children, gastritis, pancreatitis, ulcers, etc. It was long milk and gave. Then there was just nothing else. Why give him now? There are also dry specially adapted mixtures! I do not scold anyone from moms, but think about it! "

"I think this whole thing about the milk came up with mixtures manufacturers. After all, their expensive powders are unlikely to take someone if there is a real milk. I cook the son of Kashki on the diluted cow's milk from 5 months. From 8 - started on whole. Everything is fine with us. "

A huge benefit of the young intestine is kefir. This milk product is rich in useful bacteria, which normalize the work of the LCD of the kid's tract. For baby food it is best to use

kefir household production

If your crumbs have problems with digestion, she suffers from constipation, we recommend cooking her compote from prunes. How to cook compote read in this article.

In order to calm the child, it is not necessary to resort to drugs, it is enough to give him a Hercules decoction. More information about the beneficial properties of Hercules flakes is told on this page


  1. Full-fledged milk feeding can be carried out with a one-year-old age;
  2. Koziy Product is easier to digest up the stomach;
  3. Milk at the beginning of the introduction of dust should be diluted;
  4. Pringity is starting with dairy cas;
  5. Give a fat product up to 2 years;
  6. Be sure to boil milk;
  7. From 3 years you can drink milk without restrictions.

Diana Bal

Age when you can give the baby cow's milk

The general question that parents ask is, from what age can the child can give ordinary milk? Even when the child grows rapidly, the cow's milk is not recommended until the age of 12 months.

Exists a number of reasons why you should not give wholely cow's milk to kids under 1 year.

  1. The digestive tract of babies is not ready to easily and completely digest the cow's milk, like a breast or mixture. In the cow's milk, a high concentration of protein and minerals, straining not yet mature kidney of a child.
  2. For children, up to the year, more excessive use of dairy products can increase the threat of the occurrence of iron deficiency anemia. Milk interferes with the correct absorption of iron, and iron can not be reduced or removed from the diet of the child.
  3. The cow's milk for children under the year is not recommended yet and because it may irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive system, which is manifested by the appearance of blood in the chair.
  4. In the cow's milk, the amount of sodium is three times higher than in maternal milk.

However, when a child will be ready to digest one-piece milk, it can supplement a balanced diet that includes cereals, vegetables, fruits and meat.

Why should a child drink cow's milk?

The milk is saturated with calcium, which strengthens the teeth and bones, contributes to the regulation of blood clotting.

It is also one of the few sources of vitamin D, without which calcium is not absorbed in the body. Vitamin also plays a decisive role in the growth of bones.

Milk provides an organism protein for growth, and carbohydrates give your child the energy in which he needs all day.

If the baby's body initially receives the required amount of calcium in the body, there is evidence that it will have fewer risks to appear hypertension, stroke, a thick bowel cancer and fractures of the thigh in a mature and old age.

After the introduction of cow's milk, it is not necessary to stop feeding the child with breasts. WHO specialists recommend continuing breastfeeding and in the second year of the child's life.

How much milk should drink a child?

The child after 1 year can get enough calcium and vitamin D, drinking 1 or 1.5 cup of cow's milk or the equivalent amount of other dairy products (yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir). At the age of 2 years, the child must receive 400 ml of milk or other milk-based products daily.

Do not offer a child more than 800 ml of milk per day. If the kid still wants to drink - offer water.

What is the "children's" milk different from the "adult"?

Dairy products that are produced for children are adapted for the digestive path of the child.

Children's milk must answer multiple requirements.

  1. Highest quality. Baby milk is made from high-quality cow's milk from cows that are fully healthy and stay in environmentally clean areas.
  2. Monitoring sanitary and hygienic conditions. Baby milk is prepared in special workshops, separate from the production of milk for adults
  3. Microbiological control. Accidental attention is paid to microbiological data control. The number of bacteria in a certain amount of milk is strictly regulated.
  4. Control of fatness. Borders of fatness for children up to three years - 2.5 - 3.5%.
  5. Control of the acidity of the medium. There are special requirements for the acidity limits that are presented by fermented milk products for children. The acidity of children's products should be no higher than 100 degrees of Turner.
  6. Ultrapasterization. Milk is specially treated with ultra-high temperatures (125 - 138 ºС) 2 - 4 seconds in order to preserve the maximum benefit. After that it is quickly cooled. Thus, all pathogenic organisms are destroyed, useful components are simultaneously saved.
  7. Packaging. The final product is packaged in a aseptic tetra pack, which prevents re-entering harmful bacteria inside after packing. In this packaging, the dairy product remains fresh and safe for several months.

Is it possible to give a one-year-old child skim cow milk?

Children of this age requires a high fat content in milk to maintain the normal weight and the optimal level of absorption by the body of vitamins A, D. When the child will be 2 years old, you can translate it to skim milk if there is a good increase in growth and weight.

Exceptions are possible. Your child's doctor can recommend to give milk with low fat (2 percent) after 1 year, if the child suffers overweight or obesity or there is a genetic predisposition to obesity, high cholesterol level, the probability of cardiovascular diseases.

What to do when the child refuses to drink a whole cow's milk?

Some kids drink the cow's milk immediately, but others refuse him, because the cow's milk has another texture, taste and even the temperature than the maternal milk.

If it concerns your baby, first try the cow's milk to mix with breast or with a mixture. Try one piece of milk into three pieces of breast milk or mixture. Then slowly shift the ratio until it drinks one hundred percent cow's milk.

But there are other ways to include cow milk in your child's diet. For example:

  • add milk to porridge;
  • suggest a child yoghurt, cottage cheese, pudding or milk cocktails as a snack;
  • make soup with milk instead of water.

Allergy to cow's milk

If the child drank a mixture, which is based on cow's milk, then it will carry the usual cow's milk without any problems. Even babies who feed exclusively breasts in the first year can easily drink cow's milk without any problems, since they were exposed to the protein of cow's milk in Mother's milk, unless it avoids all dairy products.

If the baby drank hypoallergenic mixture on the recommendation of the doctor, consult with a specialist before the introduction of cow's milk. The doctor may offer to begin with a soybean, which is enriched with vitamin D and calcium.

But the true allergies to the protein of cow milk is relatively rare. Only 2 - 3% of children are diagnosed with an allergic reaction. Good news: as a rule, children will develop this ailment at the age of 2 years.

Differences of allergies on a protein of cow milk from lactase deficiency

Allergy is an immune response, and lactose intolerance is a violation of the digestive function. But the symptoms of them are similar - diarrhea, pain in the stomach after the use of milk.

If the child develops dry, itchy rash or itching and the swelling of the face, the lips, when it uses a dairy product, or there are such symptoms like a urticaria, sweatless eyes, it may be allergic to the proteins of cow's milk.

Chronic nasal congestion, runny nose, cough, difficult or whistling breathing may be signs that allergies affect the respiratory system of the child. When a child has at least one of the listed signs, talk to the doctor.

Immediately take your child to the doctor or to the hospital, if a:

  • the kid is very pale or weak;
  • most of the skin is amazed by the urticaria;
  • develops swelling in the head or neck;
  • there is a bloody diarrhea.

Perhaps the child has a life-threatening allergic reaction.

If the kid has an allergy to cow's milk, you should be careful. Avoid food such as cottage cheese, condensed milk, ice cream, yogurt, oil, milk chocolate and powdered milk. By law, all allergens are indicated on food labels. In this case, the packaging in the composition will indicate "Milk".

Rehend with special attention to the choice of dairy products for your child. Do not put experiments on his health. Provide it the right, balanced nutrition. And the child will grow healthy and energetic.

In many families, for a number of reasons, children from birth are on artificial feeding. Parents are gradually administered to the diet of ordinary shop milk, replacing them milk mixtures. Is it harmful and from what age does the child should give this product from the store?

Shop milk and adapted milk mixture: what is better?

Packaged shopping milk contains much less vitamins and microelements than a high-quality adapted milk mixture that fully satisfy the needs of the kid. It does not have important enzymes. They are destroyed in the processing process. The store product may not be dispersed at room temperature. It is difficult to get a delicious hand or cottage cheese.

Milk from the store is sterilized at high temperatures. It may contain an antibiotic, which falls through imported feed in the diet of cows, and from the cow we get it in the finished product. Many types of long-term storage milk contain preservatives that are allergic not only for a child, but also for an adult. Sometimes in the milk powder in the production process, add soda to extend the storage period. All this does not add utility to the store product.

Unlike shop milk, milk mixtures for children contain the necessary trace elements and vitamins. They have a stable composition and milk protein with mixtures does not cause allergic reactions in kids.

It suggests an unequivocal conclusion: milk mixtures in the diet of a child are much more useful to store.

For many moms, the question remains how old the children can be administered in the diet of children.

Children's age from three years - perfect for the appearance of the shop milk in the menu

Introduction to the daily diet of children of new products should not harm the digestive system of a growing organism. Pediatricians recommend sticking to a specific scheme, according to which to give a child milk.

If the baby is in breastfeeding, then from year you can try to enter special baby food in the menu - milk and lactic acid products intended for appropriate children's age. It is specified on the packaging. As a rule, they are sold in small volumes to half liters. Children's milk does not require boiling. In the diet of the one-year-old kid enters a glass of milk under the condition of its excellent tolerability and the absence of adverse reactions.

However, many mothers translate kids on artificial feeding, on the store product much earlier. In the absence of allergic reactions and failures in digestion, it is diluted and gradually add children from 9-11 months to Children. Moms estimate the reaction of the children's body on such an "adult" product. If a child appears various disorders or allergies, the pediatricians strongly advise at about six months to refuse this new dust. It is desirable in this situation to get qualified recommendations of an experienced children's doctor.

What shop milk is better to give a child?

Gradually introducing into the diet after three years, shop milk should be remembered that for baby food it is better to use ultrapasterized milk. It is safe and retains all vitamins and trace elements.

Degreased products are recommended to give older children. American nutritionists have proven that the kids regularly consumers are prone to obesity. In America, degreased milk refuses until the child is five years old.

For kids after three years, the fat content of dairy products can be 3-3.2%. Drinking a glass of milk per day, the child gets almost half (about 40%) of the daily rate of calcium necessary for normal growth and development.

We also read:

  • When you can (and whether it is possible) to give a cow's milk to a breast child -
  • Is it possible to give kefir to children up to the year. Kefir cooking recipes for kids at home -
  • Goat milk for newborns -

Elena Malysheva about the dangers of milk

With the right choice of milk for the child's diet, this drink will be a delicious assistant in strengthening and developing a children's body.

Many believe that the separation of milk to the children's and the usual - no more than the intelligent trick of marketers, but it is not.

Normal shop milk is not adapted to the nutritional needs of kids up to 3 years. It will not bring the expected benefit and may be dangerous to the health of the child.

  • The fluorine and calcium content in conventional milk is 3-4 times higher than the norm allowed for children, therefore it creates an excessive load on the kidneys and a toddler gastrointestinal.
  • Due to the high concentration of casein protein, the risk of allergies increases and digestion is broken.
  • The usual "milk" often contains harmful antibiotics, hormones and GMOs.

The negative effect of the use of non-adaptive milk at an early age can "catch up" the child already in adult years, provoking atherosclerosis, diabetes or hypertension.



Raw materials for the production of children's dairy products are selected only on certified farms from environmentally friendly zones. Farms are compulsory regularly undergo checks of Rosselkhoznadzor and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. All this in aggregate ensures that milk is obtained from a healthy cow without dangerous pathologies.

In addition, the raw material must correspond to the highest grade and 2nd thermal resistance group (according to GOST 32252-2013). It is not presented to conventional milk so strict requirements.

Sanitary and hygienic indicators

Upon admission to the plant and at the end of the production, baby milk passes a detailed test for the presence of pathogenic bacteria, fungi, toxic elements and chemical contaminants.

Products are produced on separate lines in specially equipped shops with more stringent sterility regulations than in the production of general consumption milk.

Microbiological profile


As containers, manufacturers prefer a convenient and airtight tetrapak with good aseptic treatment. This type of packaging protects baby milk from infection at the stage of packing and allows the drink to keep freshness for a long time.

According to paragraph 2 of Art. 35 technical regulations, the volume of packaging of dairy products for young children should be no more than 0.25 liters.

But not all manufacturers are considered to be with this requirement.


The most modern and gentle method of heat treatment. It allows you to completely destroy all pathogenic microorganisms and disputes, but retain valuable proteins, vitamins and minerals.

Conventional milk often passes more primitive processing by pasteurization.


Battle of baby milk - from 2.5% to 3.5%. This fatness is natural, and not obtained at the expense of soy concentrates.

Mass fraction of protein

The mass fraction of the protein, in accordance with the standard GOST 32252-2013, should be 3% - the optimal figure for the growing organism.


One of the main factors of freshness of baby milk. The degree of acidity is growing due to the reproduction of living bacteria, sailing sugar in milk acid. These processes lead to undesirable changes in the composition of the beverage, for example, to a decrease in protein resistance to heat treatment.

GOST standards dictate the manufacturers of the acidity of baby milk not higher than 19 ° Turner. For a similar bit of general consumption, the maximum value is 21 ° Turner.

In numerical expression, the difference seems insignificant, but in fact it plays a serious role for the gentle digestive tract of the baby.

Additional components

For greater benefit, baby milk is enriched with vitamins A, B1, B2, C and D. Some manufacturers are additionally saturated with calcium or iodine drink.

Methods Processing

There are three methods of thermal processing of milk intended for children.


Milk is maintained at a temperature of 100 ° C for 20-30 minutes. At the same time, along with all pathogenic flora almost completely dies and useful substances.

In the people, this kind of milk is called "dead", since it does not bear any harm, no benefit.


This type of thermal processing happens:

  • long (30-60 min at a temperature of 63-65 ° C);
  • short (30-60 seconds at 85-90 ° C);
  • instant (just a few seconds at 98 ° C).

Pasteurization allows with minimal losses to preserve the vitamin and mineral composition of milk, but does not fully clean it from the dispute of pathogenic bacteria. Such a drink has a short shelf life and cannot be considered completely safe, especially for children.


The most perfect method of thermal processing of dairy products.

In the process of ultrapasterization, milk is 1-2 seconds to 135-150 ° C, and then sharply cooled to 4-5 ° C. High temperatures destroy all pathogens and bacterial controversy, but retain the useful natural composition of the drink.

The shelf life of ultrapasterized milk can last to six months, which is often confused by moms and dads. Many of them believe that this result is achieved at the expense of preservatives, but it is not. It's not about chemical additives here, but in perfect aseptics.

Ultrapasterization is a guarantor of high quality milk. Raw materials that do not meet the standards immediately collapses in the process of this type of heat treatment.

How old to give?

A reliable answer to this question can be found in the norms World Health Organization (WHO).

  • Child on breastfeeding to start acquaintance with milk as a basis for kashek and other dishes from 9 months.
  • If the baby feeds on a children's mixture, add milk to its food from 7-8 months.
  • Enter milk as an independent drink follows no earlier than 1 year and only in coordination with the pediatrician.

Choosing milk for a child, make sure that it fits your neck to age. This will report marking.

Then pay attention to the composition. The optimal choice is normalized or solid product.

Be sure to read the expiration date and method of thermal processing. It is desirable to choose pasteurized or ultrapasterized milk, since it is alive and vitamins, and minerals. From a sterilized drink there will be little good.

At home, opening the package, evaluate the color of the liquid: with proper quality it varies from saturated white to gentle-cream. The drink should not be excessively transparent - this milk was diluted with water or has passed a multiple separation.

Experimentally check the acquired milk on the subject of its quality can be two reliable methods:

  1. Litmus test. You will need red and blue paper and blue. If, when moving with milk for 1-2 minutes, a red paper will change its color on a bright blue - there is a soda in the drink that unscrupulous manufacturers are added to their products to slow the skewing. Changing the color of the blue paper on a bright red color will indicate the impurities of acid antiseptics, such as boring or salicylic acids.
  2. Method of Chemist Sergey Belkova. Those who doubt the naturalness of milk because of a long storage period, the expert recommends adding to it from Zakvask and put the mixture into a warm place. Natural product quickly dwells.

Best brands


Trademark "Agusha" exists on the market for 30 years. During this time, she has deserved confidence not only millions of Russian moms, but also our state that purchasing products of this company for children's dairy kitchens.

Most parents are satisfied with the quality of this brand. But there are those who confuse the price.

According to the results of bacteriological tests, Agusha milk is fully safe and meets all the standards established in Russia.

Assortment "Agushi" are presented:

  • ultrapasterized vitaminized milk;
  • milk enriched with prebiotics to improve the digestion of kids;
  • children's sterilized cream;
  • milkshakes;
  • children's caski with different tastes, etc.


"Fruntian" is one of the major Russian brands for the production of baby food. For 10 years of existence, this brand has gathered dozens of awards for high quality and disabled taste at large exhibitions, all-Russian competitions and tasting activities.

In assortment:

  • simple ultrapasterized milk;
  • milk enriched with vitamins;
  • special milk "before bed".


Bellakt - Belarusian brand with more than a forty-year history. The company has its own farming near the famous Belovezhskaya Forest Reserve with a favorable environmental situation.

Dairy products are an important component of a balanced baby nutrition. They contain many foodstuffs needed for a growing organism in an easily-friendly form. Milk protein has a high biological value, as it contains a complete set of vital amino acids. It is the necessary building material for all cells of the growing organism, enzymes and antibodies that protect the baby from infections consist of protein molecules. Milk fat is an excellent source of energy for small fidget. Due to the fact that fat is in milk in the form of a fine emulsion (microscopic balls), it is perfectly absorbed in the intestines of crumbs. Milk sugar (lactose) contributes to the best absorption of calcium and serves as a good medium for the development of the useful intestinal microflora.

The most useful properties have fermented dairy products that are manufactured by driving the natural cow's milk under the action of lactic acid bacteria. These include cottage cheese, kefir, natural yogurt, etc. These products favorably affect the processes of digestion, stimulate the production of digestive juices and bile, improve the intestinal motorcycle, contribute to the normalization of intestinal microflora, increase the appetite, strengthen the child's immune system. Equality products are faster than milk, digested and absorbed in the body, since in the process of life, ferocular bacteria partially split the milk protein into smaller fragments, due to which it is not only easier to digest, but also becomes less allergenic. The lactic acid formed in the ferocular products prevents the reproduction of rotten microflora in the intestines, moreover, lactic acid bacteria themselves produce bactericidal substances, overwhelming the growth of many pathogenic microorganisms. Under the action of these bacteria, lactose is partially utilized, so fermented milk products are much better tolerated with babies with lactase deficiency (lactase lactase lactase disadvantage of milk sugar) and can be used in their nutrition.

Dairy products for a child: cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is one of the first dairy products that appears in the kid's diet. In contrast to kefir, it has reduced acidity and does not irritate the gentle mucous membrane of the intestine of the child. It is important to note that in the nutrition of young children, it is recommended to use only special types of cottage cheese, which are intended for this age. Children's cottage cheese is produced by special technology, so that all useful properties are preserved in it and it has a more delicate consistency compared to the usual "adult" product.

Cottage cheese has a high nutritional value, as it contains milk protein in an eye-drying form. The use of this product allows you to give a baby enough protein in a small amount of food. In addition, cottage cheese is one of the main sources of calcium and phosphorus necessary for the formation of the bone system and the growth of teeth, and their ratio in this product is close to optimal for suction and assimilation. Also, cottage cheese is rich in vitamins: B2, B12, folic acid, in significant quantities there are vitamins B6 and PP. These substances are needed for the development of the child's nervous system and ensure normal metabolism.

Begin to give cottage cheese, like any other new type of dust, from a small amount (1 / 2-1 h. Spoon), and then, in the absence of negative reactions, gradually, for 5-7 days, the volume is adjusted to 40 g, and By 9 months to 50, it should not be exceeded by the recommended age norm, since during an excess of protein significantly increases the load on the enzyme and excretory crumb systems, which can lead to violations in their work. Initially, the baby gives to try classic cottage cheese without additives, and after the crumb is adapted to a new product and in the absence of allergies, it is possible to diversify its menu of cottage cheesecakes with fruit additives. Curd lure is given once a day.

Dairy products for the child: kefir

Kefir differs from other fermented milk products with a unique set of bacteria and fungi, which favorably affect the digestion and the formation of intestinal microflora. It is also an excellent source of group vitamins, calcium, potassium and magnesium. In addition, this drink has an immunostimulating effect. All of the above properties make this milk product not only useful, but also therapeutic and especially recommended kids with various intestinal disorders, manifestations of dysbacteriosis, food allergies, lactase insufficiency, as well as children with a weakened immunity. For power, the crumbs will suit only a special children's kefir.

Insert kefir in the diet of the child should, starting at about 20-30 ml, gradually bringing the volume to 200 ml. It happens that the child flatly refuses to drink kefir because of its acidic taste, then you can offer him a more delicious alternative - a children's yogurt.

Children's yogurt

For long enough yogurts were considered a product for adults and children over 1.5-2 years. Currently, children's yogurts are produced, which can be included in the menu of the kids who have reached 8 months of age. Children's yogurt is a dwelled milk using special starts and does not contain artificial additives prohibited in nutrition: thickeners, flavors, dyes and preservatives. It is important that in the process of cooking yogurt, fermentation does not occur, therefore it is significantly lower than that of kefir, and the taste is softer.

The diagram of the introduction of yogurt is the same as when the kefir is introduced, but its maximum amount that can be given to the baby up to a year is not more than 100 ml per day. You should start acquaintance with this product with a classic yogurt without any additives.

Home or shop?

According to modern recommendations, with the introduction of dairy, like other types of dust, child food specialists, preference is given to industrial production products. This is explained by the fact that such products are manufactured under strict production control using special technologies and taking into account the characteristics of the metabolism and digestion of young children.

It is important to understand that ordinary dairy products "adults" are unsuitable for the nutrition of young children. First, they are made without the physiological characteristics of the children's body and will have a significant burden on immature organs and systems of the child. In addition, such products may not respond to all hygienic requirements for quality and safety that are presented to products for baby food. Especially dangerous in this regard dairy products purchased "for weight" in the markets or "among familiar grandmothers" selling "their" milk and cottage cheese.

Modern kitchen devices (yogurt, steamers or multicookers) allow you to cook kefir or yogurt for a child at home using special dry starters that are sold in pharmacies. For the preparation of children's dairy products, it is impossible to use the "home-made" frans (which someone conveyed to you), as instead of useful they may contain pathogenic microbes. Such products must be prepared at once and do not be stored, and when they prepare, observe precautions: use only boiled milk, thoroughly wash and sterilize dishes and containers. Homemade dishes should not be given to the kids earlier than 10-12 months.

What kefir is suitable for kid?

It is worth noting that depending on the fermentation time kefir is one-day, two-day and three days. The fermentation process is characterized by the release of acid and ethyl alcohol into the drink. The longer the kefir takes off, respectively, above its acidity and alcohol content. So, in a three-day kefir, the level of the latter reaches 0.9%, so such a product in the nutrition of young children is better not to use. For kids, one-day kefir is best suited. It should be borne in mind that this drink has a relaxing effect and is especially useful to kids, prone to constipation.

When to enter a sour milk lure?

Despite all its benefits, dairy products, according to modern recommendations for the administration of lure, appear in the diet of the kid among the latter. The fact is that they are non-adaptable, that is, their protein, fat and carbohydrate components, as well as the number of salts and vitamins do not correspond to the fullest the needs of the baby, such as breast milk or adapted mixtures. The high content of protein, salts and organic acids in them leads to a significant increase in the load on another immature digestive and excretory system of the children's body. As a result of the studies, it was proved that the introduction of a kefir or whole milk into the nutrition of infants could cause various violations in their operation of the digestive tract, the metabolic disorders, allergies, lead to loss in the body of iron and even provoke micro-statements in mucous membrane of the intestine. In this regard, in the menu of the first year of life, ferocular products should appear only when the gastrointestinal tract and enzyme systems, as well as the kidneys of the child become quite mature, that is, from about 8-9 months old, and only in volumes not exceeding Recommended age norms. One-piece cow's milk, according to the modern recommendations of pediatricians and nutritionists, and not at all should be present in the nutrition of children up to the year. It is permissible only to use it in a divided form when cooking porridge or puree (from 8-9 months).

The deadlines for the introduction into the diet of kids up to the year of dairy and dairy products until today remains the subject of the discussion. Positions who adhered to pediatricians a couple of decades ago, today are considered untenable.

WHO studies justify the introduction of dairy products later. It is on the basis of the WHO data being developed by today's pediatricians of the feeding scheme. Consider what time and in what volumes dairy products should appear in the diet of the kid.

What fermented food products can not be given to children up to year?

Cow's milk

Cow milk to twelve months to include in the diet of the baby is not recommended, and even better postpone the use of this product to two or even three years.

Milk contains only a small amount of vitamins and useful trace elements, and high fatty and high protein content makes it heavy for the body of the kid product.

In addition, the study convincingly demonstrate that the whole cow's milk is an allergenic product and can provoke rashes on the skin, the appearance of eczema, the development of asthma. It also has also been proven that the regular use of cow milk prevents the absorption of iron, which can be a factor in the development of anemia.

The best replacement of milk during this period is adapted milk mixtures. Milk can only be added to food in small quantities, for example, when cooking.

Much more benefit, rather than milk, can bring the baby fermented milk products, but they should also be introduced with maximum caution.

Goat milk

This variety of milk is also extremely undesirable to put into oblivion. Goat Milk is a fatigue and rich microelements (especially phosphorus) than a cow.

Goat Milk is a very useful and valuable product, but not for kids of this age.

Now this amount of fatty fiber and phosphorus can cause serious damage to the health of a one-year-old child. Pediatricians recommend using goat milk to childrenafter 3 yearssuffering from a shortage of weight.The goat milk also has a positive effect on the formation and strengthening of the child's bone system.

Drinking yogurts with fruit additives

Although safety and quality standards prohibit manufacturers to produce children's products with the presence of artificial flavors, dyes and other additives, drinking fruit yogurts is better not to give children up to 3 years.

Typically, store yogurts withstand sufficiently long storage, which indicates a far from perfect composition. In addition, even natural taste additives may cause serious allergic reactions in a one-year-old child.

Preservatives and flavors are not the only one that the manufacturers of children's yogurt sree. The nutritionists were found that in one job of yogurt there is almost a whole daily sugar rate allowed by a one-year-old child.

Just imagine: in the middle jar of 100-150 ml there are 3-4 pieces of sugar rafinada.

Also, it is not possible not to embarrass the mass fraction of protein in purchased yogurts. It was revealed that in such products contained 3.3% of the proteins of cow's milk, which is much higher than the daily dose, allowed by the child of this age.

Proteins are heavy for digestion by substances, so they can have a negative effect on the excretory kid system, in particular, on the kidneys.

What fermented food products can be given to children up to year?


In particular, kefir begin to give only after the introduction of the main products - porridge, fruit, vegetable and meat puree.

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It is not necessary to introduce kefir to 8-9 months, since it does not fully comply with the needs of the child.

There is a lot of casein in it - a dairy protein, with which the unripe intestine of the baby is still difficult to cope. Casein often causes allergies. In addition, kefir contains a large amount of organic acids and mineral salts, so that its use is associated with an increased burden on the kidney and the digestive system. Premature administration into the diet of kefir can lead to diarrhea, allergies, the development of serious forms of anemia.

To begin to enter into the diet, the baby kefir follows from a small volume of 20-30 ml, which can be gradually increased to 200 ml during the day. More than 200 ml of kefir, in the daily diet should not include due to the existing risk of developing digestion problems. It should be noted that the usual kefir is not suitable for the use of kids to the year. It is better to acquire a special children's kefir with an adapted composition.

Cottage cheese

As for cottage cheese, it is undoubtedly useful for a children's body, since it is a wonderful source of calcium and phosphorus, and these components are present in it in an optimal ratio.

Cottage cheese is also characterized by a high content of protein necessary for the children's body and vitamins of groups B and PP.

Recently, cottage cheese recommended introducing into the daily diet from six months. However, now Pediatricians are more careful. High content in cottage cheese proteins and mineral salts can create an increased burden on the kidneys. Entering this product is better in the interval from 9 to 12 months.

Specialists advise you to give cottage cheese in the afternoon - there is evidence that at this time it is better absorbed. The volume of serving up to a year should not exceed 50 grams.

Children's curds differ from adults softer consistency. Such food will be conveniently used even by those kids who still do not boast a complete number of teeth.

Cottage cheese, not intended for children, can cause problems with digestion. Even low-fat cottage cheese, mixed with fruit puree, is not the best suitable for the first dust.

Natural yogurt

In this case, the children's yogurts do not mean sweet desserts in the colored packages that we used to see on the shelves of stores or from TV screens.

In fact, the yoghurt is milk, combined thanks to a special biological breakdown. This dairy product should not contain any additional additives.

Due to the absence of natural yogurts as part of preservatives, has a short shelf life: literally a few days in the refrigerator. Yogurt can be cooked at home using the yogurtney. The pharmacies sell the necessary starters, thanks to which you can get this drink. Homemade yogurt can be given to a child in its pure form, or mix with fruit or berry puree. In such a dessert, you can add some sugar, but after its use, be sure to rinse your mouth.

The amount of daily portion of natural yogurt for a child of 8-9 months can be 100-150 grams.


Thanks to the special technology of manufacturing the protein contained in the cheese, it is much easier to digest than squirrel made of solid milk.

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But for children over 1.5 years, cheese can become a very useful dairy product. At this age, the digestive system is already adapted enough to absorb such solid food.

Also a pleasant property of solid cheese varieties is the ability to clean up already cutting toddler's toddler from the plaque. Start acquaintance of a child with cheeses already in 10-12 months can be with neutral varieties without sharp smell and taste. This is Russian, Dutch cheese. Soft misappropriate cheeses, like Adygei, suitable for dust. Fetu and cheese can not be attributed to this category due to their salted taste.

Cheeses with a pronounced sharp taste, type parmesan, are recommended to offer children who have reached the two-year-old age. A soft cheese with mold, melted or undercase varieties can be administered only after 3 years.


This dairy product in small quantities is perfectly perceived by a children's organism. Creamy oil is added to the main dish, for example, in porridge or mashed potatoes.

It should not be added to the butter: in this pricultum there is already an optimal amount of fats.

Creamy oil is rich in vitamins A and E, positively affecting the development of vision, strengthening the hair and nails of the child.

Creamy oil should be introduced into the diet with very small doses. For the first time you can add it to the lure in the amount of 1 gram (knife tip). If the first acquaintance with this product cost without surprises, you can gradually increase the daily dose of up to 4 grams.

Those kids who have the intolerance to the animal cow protein, in porridge and vegetable puree can be added fucked oil. It is important that it is high-quality, and when heated did not fall into the precipitate and did not fanced. Specialists advise food with the addition of baked oil only in the morning.

How to choose to choose fermented milk products for a child?

Dairy and fermented milk products are a source of valuable vitamins and minerals, so the necessary child at this stage of development.