Nighttime toxicity. Why I feel sick in the evenings during pregnancy: treatment and prevention. Gag reflex in pregnancy

Cases where toxicosis increases in the evening are not exceptional. Most often, such a manifestation occurs if the expectant mother leads the wrong lifestyle.

It often happens that the modern rhythm of life does not allow allocating 30-40 minutes for a full meal. In this case, evening toxicosis is a consequence of a breakdown on the background of starvation.

Evening toxicosis is no less unpleasant than morning, such a manifestation interferes with a good night's rest. However, there are women who are even less fortunate, they are tormented by toxicosis throughout the day.

Toxicosis is a fairly common disorder that worries about 2/3 of the total number of pregnant women. This condition is accompanied by vomiting and nausea.

The opinions of experts on the question of why toxicosis develops during pregnancy differ:

  • consists in significant changes in the hormonal background in the body of a pregnant woman;
  • there is poisoning with toxins formed in the body of a pregnant woman against the background of the process of fetal development.

Pregnant women want to know everything about toxicosis, considering such a violation, it should be mentioned that it can manifest itself with different intensity:

The degree of manifestation of toxicosis
Degree Description
First Vomiting occurs no more than 5 times a day, for the first 6-10 weeks a pregnant woman loses no more than 3 kg.
Second There is frequent vomiting - up to 10 times a day. There is significant weight loss. For a period of three weeks, the girl loses about 3-4 kg. This condition is dangerous, a violation can cause a significant decrease in blood pressure.
Third Gagging occurs frequently, not only eating, but also contact with other irritants, such as inhaling various odors, can be a provocateur. The frequency of vomiting reaches 25 times during the day. In this case, there may be an increase in body temperature, the woman's pulse quickens. There is a noticeable weight loss - more than 10 kg.

Important! Women claim that toxicosis appears immediately in the first days after conception, but this is absolutely not the case. The first symptoms of such a violation can be noticeable no earlier than 10 days after ovulation.

Hospitalization may be required for toxicosis of the second and third degree. With a slight toxicosis, the girl will be able to cope on her own. How to do this will tell the doctor. The instructions given by the specialist must be strictly followed.

In severe cases, when toxicosis manifests itself extremely intensively, and a high price is at stake - experts can recommend a woman's life to terminate the pregnancy at an early stage. The reason for this may be a significant decrease in blood pressure, significant disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys, and increased heart rate.

How can toxicosis affect the development of the fetus?

How toxicosis affects the fetus - the degree of impact of such a violation on the process of fetal development directly depends on the intensity of the manifestation of such a symptom.

The manifestation of such a violation is considered normal only in the first trimester. Of course, a pregnant woman loses some weight and does not receive the necessary vitamins, but such a deficiency can be fully compensated for at a later date.

Attention! Preeclampsia is extremely dangerous - late toxicosis of pregnant women.

If toxicosis during the day constantly worries a woman, and she is faced with frequent vomiting, the development of anemia, which provokes the development of various fetal anomalies, is not excluded.

Toxicosis of the third degree not only adversely affects the processes of growth and development of the fetus, but also in general on the condition of the woman. In this case, the doctor is working on the method of treatment, the therapy is carried out in a hospital - urgent hospitalization of the woman is required.

The video in this article will tell you what toxicosis can be terrible for?

The main types of toxicosis

The main types of toxicosis, fixed and not fixed in the sources used in traditional medicine, are discussed in the table:

Types of toxicosis

Staphylococcal toxicosis It is the result of the activity of enterotoxigenic strains. A woman needs an urgent consultation of a specialist, treatment takes place in a hospital.
Toxicosis in the afternoon or evening The body succumbs to the “attack” of toxicosis after a grueling working day. The risk of developing negative symptoms increases when a woman consumes an insufficient amount of wholesome food. freshly squeezed cranberry juice, a glass of tea with lemon and a full dinner will help eliminate its manifestation. Fatty foods are not allowed at night.
This condition is dangerous and threatens the life of a woman. Normally, toxicosis in the second and third trimester does not bother a woman. The phenomenon manifested at this time is called preeclampsia, the symptoms of which come down to:
  • Significant weight gain - more than 400 grams per week.
  • The manifestation of puffiness, with localization in the face and lower extremities.
  • The presence of protein in the urine.
  • An increase in blood pressure, its sharp fluctuations.

Treatment is selected exclusively on an individual basis. In any case, hospitalization is required, which should not be abandoned.

Toxicosis of the first trimester The most common phenomenon, manifested in 70% of women. His symptoms normally disappear completely before 14 weeks.

Many methods of traditional medicine help to reduce the intensity of symptoms, but you can use herbal remedies only after consulting a gynecologist.

Toxicosis before delay Nausea appeared 2-3 days after the alleged conception? Conventional medicine will say that this is impossible. The fact is that at this time no significant changes in the woman's body occur, so you should look for another reason for feeling unwell.

Cases where toxicosis increases in the evening are not exceptional. Most often, such a manifestation occurs if the expectant mother leads the wrong lifestyle.

It often happens that the modern rhythm of life does not allow allocating 30-40 minutes for a full meal. In this case, evening toxicosis is a consequence of a breakdown on the background of starvation.

Evening toxicosis is no less unpleasant than morning, such a manifestation interferes with a good night's rest. However, there are women who are even less fortunate, they are tormented by toxicosis throughout the day.

Toxicosis is a fairly common disorder that worries about 2/3 of the total number of pregnant women. This condition is accompanied by vomiting and nausea.

The opinions of experts on the question of why toxicosis develops during pregnancy differ:

  • consists in significant changes in the hormonal background in the body of a pregnant woman;
  • there is poisoning with toxins formed in the body of a pregnant woman against the background of the process of fetal development.

Pregnant women want to know everything about toxicosis, considering such a violation, it should be mentioned that it can manifest itself with different intensity:

The degree of manifestation of toxicosis
Degree Description
First Vomiting occurs no more than 5 times a day, for the first 6-10 weeks a pregnant woman loses no more than 3 kg.
Second There is frequent vomiting - up to 10 times a day. There is significant weight loss. For a period of three weeks, the girl loses about 3-4 kg. This condition is dangerous, a violation can cause a significant decrease in blood pressure.
Third Gagging occurs frequently, not only eating, but also contact with other irritants, such as inhaling various odors, can be a provocateur. The frequency of vomiting reaches 25 times during the day. In this case, there may be an increase in body temperature, the woman's pulse quickens. There is a noticeable weight loss - more than 10 kg.

Important! Women claim that toxicosis appears immediately in the first days after conception, but this is absolutely not the case. The first symptoms of such a violation can be noticeable no earlier than 10 days after ovulation.

Hospitalization may be required for toxicosis of the second and third degree. With a slight toxicosis, the girl will be able to cope on her own. How to do this will tell the doctor. The instructions given by the specialist must be strictly followed.

In severe cases, when toxicosis manifests itself extremely intensively, and a high price is at stake - experts can recommend a woman's life to terminate the pregnancy at an early stage. The reason for this may be a significant decrease in blood pressure, significant disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys, and increased heart rate.

How can toxicosis affect the development of the fetus?

How toxicosis affects the fetus - the degree of impact of such a violation on the process of fetal development directly depends on the intensity of the manifestation of such a symptom.

The manifestation of such a violation is considered normal only in the first trimester. Of course, a pregnant woman loses some weight and does not receive the necessary vitamins, but such a deficiency can be fully compensated for at a later date.

Attention! Preeclampsia is extremely dangerous - late toxicosis of pregnant women.

If toxicosis during the day constantly worries a woman, and she is faced with frequent vomiting, the development of anemia, which provokes the development of various fetal anomalies, is not excluded.

Toxicosis of the third degree not only adversely affects the processes of growth and development of the fetus, but also in general on the condition of the woman. In this case, the doctor is working on the method of treatment, the therapy is carried out in a hospital - urgent hospitalization of the woman is required.

The video in this article will tell you what toxicosis can be terrible for?

The main types of toxicosis

The main types of toxicosis, fixed and not fixed in the sources used in traditional medicine, are discussed in the table:

Types of toxicosis

Staphylococcal toxicosis It is the result of the activity of enterotoxigenic strains. A woman needs an urgent consultation of a specialist, treatment takes place in a hospital.
Toxicosis in the afternoon or evening The body succumbs to the “attack” of toxicosis after a grueling working day. The risk of developing negative symptoms increases when a woman consumes an insufficient amount of wholesome food. freshly squeezed cranberry juice, a glass of tea with lemon and a full dinner will help eliminate its manifestation. Fatty foods are not allowed at night.
This condition is dangerous and threatens the life of a woman. Normally, toxicosis in the second and third trimester does not bother a woman. The phenomenon manifested at this time is called preeclampsia, the symptoms of which come down to:
  • Significant weight gain - more than 400 grams per week.
  • The manifestation of puffiness, with localization in the face and lower extremities.
  • The presence of protein in the urine.
  • An increase in blood pressure, its sharp fluctuations.

Treatment is selected exclusively on an individual basis. In any case, hospitalization is required, which should not be abandoned.

Toxicosis of the first trimester The most common phenomenon, manifested in 70% of women. His symptoms normally disappear completely before 14 weeks.

Many methods of traditional medicine help to reduce the intensity of symptoms, but you can use herbal remedies only after consulting a gynecologist.

Toxicosis before delay Nausea appeared 2-3 days after the alleged conception? Conventional medicine will say that this is impossible. The fact is that at this time no significant changes in the woman's body occur, so you should look for another reason for feeling unwell.

During pregnancy, in its early stages, a woman often experiences bouts of nausea, and not only in the morning, but also in the evening - this, as a rule, is a symptom of toxicosis. This condition causes great discomfort, and sometimes it is simply painful. It is most often impossible to completely get rid of such attacks, but there are ways to alleviate the condition of a woman - more on that later in the article.

Types of nausea

Nausea is an unpleasant, painful sensation that occurs in the oral cavity, pharynx, in the epigastric region. Often this sensation precedes vomiting.

There are the following types of nausea:

  • toxic- occurs as a result of poisoning the body with toxic substances that have entered it from the outside or produced by the body itself;
  • reflex- is the result of a strong irritation of the receptors due to inflammation of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • psychogenic- a reflex variant, its cause is an emotional reaction to visual images or an unpleasant smell;
  • vestibular- represents the reaction of the body to monotonous movements, sharp turns, a quick change in body position, etc .;
  • cerebral- associated with the consequences of exposure to the brain, external (injuries) or internal (brain diseases);
  • Important! During pregnancy - in the absence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, brain and head injury - several types of nausea may occur: toxic (due to toxicosis or poisoning with harmful substances), psychogenic, vestibular and metabolic.

  • metabolic- occurs due to malnutrition or starvation.

What factors provoke toxicosis

The nature of the occurrence of toxicosis has not been fully studied, but some factors that provoke the occurrence of this condition have been identified:

  • hormonal changes in the female body that occur from the beginning of pregnancy;
  • the immune response of the mother's body to the birth of the fetus, which at the initial stage is perceived by the body as a foreign formation;
  • not yet fully functioning placenta, the final formation of which ends only by the end of the first trimester;
  • reasons of a psychological nature - anxiety for the unborn child, lack of sleep, fear of childbirth, etc .;
  • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • the age of the pregnant woman is 35 years or more;
  • hereditary predisposition to toxicosis.

Did you know? It is widely believed that frequent heartburn during pregnancy indicates a greater likelihood of having a baby with fairly thick hair. And this is indeed backed up by statistics.

Why do you feel sick in the evening

Nausea in the morning is almost mandatory throughout the first trimester. In the evening, this condition can also be observed, but not always.
In the evening, attacks of nausea are usually caused by the following circumstances:

  • the psychological state associated with the bearing of a child, and the corresponding psychological fatigue accumulated by the evening;
  • physical overwork, which is almost guaranteed to cause an evening attack;
  • stress experienced during the day, which turns into an appropriate reaction of the body in the evening;
  • improper nutrition.

What is accompanied by toxicosis in the evenings

Evening attacks of toxicosis, in addition to nausea, are usually accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • increased salivation;
  • blanching of the skin of the face;
  • lack of appetite.

For a more severe form of toxicosis, the following manifestations are characteristic:

  • profuse salivation;
  • vomit;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • headaches and muscle pain;
  • over time, weight loss is observed;
  • increased heart rate and blood pressure.

How does it affect pregnancy

Bouts of nausea by themselves have no effect on the fetus. Toxicosis, in general, in severe cases, can cause a delay in the development of the fetus, and sometimes even its death.

If nausea is observed in the evening, it is recommended to consult a doctor - he will tell you how to eliminate the causes that cause it, or, if necessary, refer you for an additional examination.

Did you know? According to research conducted by the American doctor Harry Steiman in one of the New York medical centers, tall women are much more likely to become pregnant with twins than women of medium or small stature.

How to get rid

In order to get rid of nausea, or at least alleviate this condition, use the following means:

  • pharmaceutical preparations;
  • organization of proper nutrition;
  • use of various folk remedies.

Let's take a closer look at all these ways that can alleviate the condition of a pregnant woman during bouts of nausea.

Pharmacy preparations

There are a number of medicines that can be used to relieve or reduce nausea during early pregnancy. Often they are made on the basis of herbal ingredients.

These drugs include:

  • , the active ingredient of which is artichoke extract;
  • in which the active substance is metoclopramide. This remedy is prescribed only in the most extreme cases, when there is a threat to the life of the mother;
  • "Essentiale forte N" - it uses substances derived from soy;
  • "Polysorb" based on silicon dioxide is a sorbent that helps to remove toxins from the body.

Important! Any drugs intended to stop attacks of nausea and vomiting are prescribed exclusively by a doctor. In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is generally advisable not to use any drugs, since their use can lead to fetal pathologies.

To alleviate bouts of nausea, you need to organize proper nutrition.
First of all, you need to exclude from the diet products that provoke toxicosis, namely:

  • fried and smoked meat;
  • spicy dishes;
  • products in which preservatives and all kinds of synthetic flavors are present;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • coffee and black tea.

To mitigate nausea attacks, you need to adhere to the following principles in the matter of nutrition:

  • for dishes whose preparation involves heat treatment, use boiling or steaming;
  • stews can also be eaten, but they are less desirable;
  • normalizes the state of regular consumption of fresh vegetables, fruits and berries (especially sour in taste);
  • it is recommended to drink up to two liters of liquid per day (juices, bottled water, herbal or green tea);
  • food should not be hot or chilled;
  • an attack of nausea can be alleviated by drinking water acidified with lemon or cranberries, as well as sour fruit drinks.

Folk remedies

To combat nausea during pregnancy, folk remedies are widely used. Of course, before you start using them, you should consult your doctor.
Here are a few examples of herbal decoctions that are considered quite effective:

  1. Mint decoction is prepared at the rate of 1 teaspoon of dried mint per 1 cup of boiling water. The resulting broth is filtered and consumed completely throughout the day, taking small sips.
  2. To make an infusion of valerian, pour half a teaspoon of chopped valerian root with a glass of boiling water. After cooling, the strained infusion is taken throughout the day in a tablespoon.
  3. In herbal collection, two parts of mint, yarrow and marigold inflorescences are used, and in addition, one part of valerian root. Two tablespoons of this mixture are poured with 450 ml of boiling water, insist. Infusion should be consumed 50 ml approximately every 3 hours throughout the day.

Prevention measures

To prevent evening attacks of nausea, the following preventive measures are recommended:

  • take daily walks if the weather permits;
  • physical activity is useful, but they should be moderate;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • you need to eat small meals several times a day;
  • it is important to organize meals according to the principles described above.

So, the situation with evening bouts of nausea in early pregnancy is quite typical. It can be caused by stress, daily routine or malnutrition, but it can also indicate more serious problems.

Therefore, in any case, you should consult your doctor about this. It is preferable to fight these attacks by eliminating the adverse factors that cause nausea, however, in some cases, drugs are also used as prescribed by the doctor.

The guess was confirmed: you will soon be a mother. And then you immediately remember the stories of your friends about the horror of the first months of pregnancy. When in the morning, just looking at food, nausea rises in the throat.

And what are the sentimental stories that in the morning you can’t even tear your head off the pillow, but you will feel sick at least ten times a day and, moreover, everywhere: in transport, at work, at a party. Just awful. What if the same happens to you? And in general, what is early toxicosis - an inevitable disease of pregnant women or its temporary manifestations?

Our consultant, obstetrician-gynecologist of the Kyiv maternity hospital No. 7, Nila Fedorovna YERMAKOVA, will answer these questions and help to cope with the “morning sickness”

What is early toxicosis?

Most often it is nausea and vomiting. Although early toxicosis can also manifest itself with profuse salivation, less often with dermatoses, even more rarely with jaundice in pregnant women.

However, do not confuse toxicosis with mild malaise. If nausea and vomiting appear no more than 2-3 times a day, more often on an empty stomach in the morning, this is normal. The general condition of the expectant mother does not worsen.

If vomiting occurs more than 3 times a day, your appetite decreases, taste and olfactory sensations change, if salivation increases significantly, you lose weight before your eyes - this is early toxicosis. It starts about a week after conception, and by week 20, nausea and vomiting will most likely stop tormenting a pregnant woman.

There are mild, moderate and severe toxicosis:

  • mild degree- vomiting is repeated no more than 3-5 times a day, after eating and does not affect the general condition of the expectant mother. Passes on its own by 2-3 months of pregnancy
  • average degree- regardless of food intake, nausea and vomiting occur up to 10-12 times a day. Weight loss, weakness, increased heart rate, dry skin, reduced urine output
  • severe degree- vomiting is repeated up to 20 or more times a day, accompanied by a significant deterioration in the condition of the pregnant woman. Hunger and dehydration of the body lead to exhaustion, weight loss, loss of strength. The skin of a woman becomes dry and flabby, the smell of acetone is felt in the mouth. Heart rate increases, blood pressure decreases, body temperature rises, acetone appears in the urine

Salivation- may be accompanied by vomiting or manifest as an independent symptom of early toxicosis. The amount of saliva secreted per day reaches 1-1.5 liters. Such strong salivation cannot but affect the psyche of the pregnant woman: she becomes irritable, nervous. With a very strong release of saliva, symptoms of dehydration appear.

Why are you sick in the morning?

It is still impossible to say unequivocally about the cause of early toxicosis. Most likely, pregnancy toxicosis is explained by changes in the woman's body that are associated with the development of the ovum. Vomiting of the expectant mother is also explained by poisoning the body with toxic metabolic products.

In addition, it is believed that it may be associated with the impact on the maternal organism of "alien" (daddy's) particles of the fetus. Perhaps the development of early toxicosis is influenced by psychogenic factors (negative emotions, fear of pregnancy and childbirth). An important role in the development of the disease is played by disturbances in the relationship between the central nervous system and internal organs.

A few words about the rarer forms of toxicosis

Dermatoses (skin itching, eczema) occur at different stages of pregnancy and disappear with it. It may itch a small area of ​​the skin or the whole body. Moreover, this itching can cause insomnia and irritability. The main thing is to exclude other skin diseases. A gynecologist together with a dermatologist will help you with this.

Jaundice of pregnant women most often occurs with late toxicosis, but it can also occur in the early stages. It is believed that an excess of sex hormones during pregnancy causes increased bile production.

Who is more likely to develop early toxicosis?

If the expectant mother is healthy, she most likely will not have any manifestations of early toxicosis at all. Morning sickness and vomiting are affected by the state of the woman's body before conception.

Therefore, pregnant women with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, thyroid gland and other ailments develop “morning sickness”. Artificial abortions, malnutrition, nervous strain, lack of sleep, smoking and drinking alcohol predispose to toxicosis.

What to do?

Don't wait for improvements. This is fraught with the development of severe toxicosis, when vomiting becomes very frequent. With the appearance of the first symptoms, consult an obstetrician-gynecologist. Usually, therapy started on time allows you to quickly eliminate troubles.

During this period, walks are very useful. It is better to eat fractionally, in small portions, and the food should not be hot. Weigh yourself regularly. If the weight drops sharply, quickly see a doctor. And then there may be indomitable vomiting. You cannot bring yourself to such a state.

Even if the difficulties of early toxicosis fell to your lot, be strong. After all, there is something to fight for. A child who never stops growing and developing for a minute is an incomparable joy.

Consult a gynecologist, he will definitely refer you for a clinical examination (general blood and urine tests, biochemical tests) and prescribe treatment.

Mild toxicosis can be treated on an outpatient basis, with more severe forms - always in a hospital. Given the short gestational age, and in order to exclude the harmful effects on the fetus of drugs, non-drug methods of treatment are often used: physiotherapy, herbal and aromatherapy. Tincture "from toxicosis": mint (leaves) - 2 tsp, valerian (root) - 1 tsp, marigolds (flowers) - 2 tsp, yarrow (herb) - 2 tsp. Mixture pour 400 ml of boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes, strain. Drink 50 ml 6 times a day, three courses of 25 days with 15-day breaks.

What to do right now?

Persistence and faith that everything will be fine will help you deal with all the difficulties of pregnancy. We also offer some helpful tips:

  • during this period, eat whatever you want. However, do not forget that food should be easily digestible and contain a large amount of vitamins. During toxicosis, try to have breakfast consisted of light food: an apple, a banana, dried fruits, a cheese sandwich. The ideal option is to drink real lemonade on an empty stomach (water, lemon juice and honey), a glass of freshly squeezed apple juice or cranberry juice, rosehip infusion with honey and lemon juice;
  • eat small meals every 2-3 hours. Frequent chewing (salty crackers, nuts, dried fruits, lemon) helps a lot with nausea;
  • food should be chilled or slightly warmed;
  • with salivation, it is good to rinse your mouth with infusion of chamomile, sage, mint;

To prevent early toxicosis, try:

  • do not wear tight clothes;
  • avoid stuffiness and unventilated rooms; do not smoke yourself and avoid contact with smokers;
  • carry a lemon cut into pieces so that you can always suck on it, and a small thermos with a mint decoction;
  • sometimes the smell of food causes nausea. Therefore, ventilate the room more often;
  • sometimes nausea and toxicosis causes excessive fatigue. Therefore, go to bed better at 10-11 pm. Relax after dinner, and if this is not possible, sit, relaxing, with the window open.

How dangerous is early toxicosis?

With mild to moderate severity of the disease, the prognosis is usually favorable. And yet - it is better to be treated. Sometimes in everyday life, early toxicosis is considered almost the norm: who, they say, does not feel sick during pregnancy? Don't comfort yourself. If the symptoms of early toxicosis (nausea, salivation, vomiting) increase, help is needed! If a pregnant woman develops severe toxicosis, the question may arise of terminating the pregnancy because of the threat to the body of the expectant mother. But this is only in the most severe cases.

What is the benefit of early toxicosis?

Firstly, if the expectant mother has signs of early mild toxicosis, then the pregnancy is proceeding normally. It is much worse if a woman absolutely does not feel pregnant - this may indicate a missed pregnancy. In addition, toxicosis of pregnant women is a kind of mechanism that provides the baby with only those nutrients that are vital for him.

So, if you can’t stand some products, even the smell, your baby doesn’t need them. Therefore, do not force yourself to eat healthy, but unloved, and “absorb” what your body currently accepts.