GCD "Zimushka winter". Lesson in the senior group. GCD "Zimushka-winter" (senior group)

Synopsis of joint organized activities "Zimushka-winter"

Target: Generalization of children's knowledge about winter and winter fun.
Tasks: Educational:
- activation and expansion of the dictionary;
- selection and use of related words in speech;
- the formation of a conscious attitude to health.
- development of auditory attention;
- development of fine motor skills of the fingers;
- to promote the development of physical qualities: speed, agility, coordination, endurance;
- development of speech, thinking.
- fostering in children self-confidence, mutual understanding, friendly relations with peers in joint activities;
- education of self-control over speech, the ability to listen to each other;
- fostering an active life position, striving for a healthy lifestyle;
Methods and techniques: verbal, reading a poem, visual, play
Equipment: pictures about winter and winter fun, music for relaxation, snowballs. Clothes: hat, scarf, felt boots.

Course of the lesson

Children enter the hall to the music, stand up in a semicircle.
1. Organizational moment.
Speech therapist. Now I will read you a riddle, having solved it, you will find out what we are going to talk about today. Listen carefully.
Brought fun, snow,
Ringing and perky laughter.
I put all the trees to sleep,
She gave joy to the children.
And I have not forgotten about the adults,

Guess who she is?
- What time of year is this riddle about?
Children: This is Zimushka - winter.

    What is our winter? (Harsh, white, silvery, fluffy, snowy, frosty, cold).

    What happens in winter? (Snow falls, wind howls, rivers freeze).

Well done, guys, remembered all its signs.

Exercise "Name the action" (with a ball). I will say an unfinished sentence, and the one to whom I will pass the ball will finish the unspeakable word.

    In winter, a blizzard ... ( sweeps).

    At night the wind in the pipes ... ( howls, howls).

    Snowflakes from a snow cloud ... ( fall, fly, spin).

    In the forest in winter, a hungry wolf ... ( howls).

    For the winter, a bear in a den ... ... ( falls asleep).

    Frost on cheeks and nose ... ( stings).

    In winter, the water in the river. ... ( freezes).

    Frost on tree branches ... ( glitters).

    In winter, snow is all around ... ( covers).

    Trees in winter ... ( sleeping).

    Grass under the snow in winter ... ( warms up).

    In winter, insects ... ( hiding).

Speech therapist: Do you like winter? For what? (children's answers)

Guys, do you think winter is good or bad?

Suggested children's answers:

    In winter it is good, because there is a lot of snow and you can make a snowman, play snowballs.

    It's good in winter, you can go sledging down the mountain.

    In winter, the best holiday comes - New Year, and this is very good.

    It’s bad in winter, when a severe frost blows, we don’t go for a walk.

    In winter, the birds feel bad - they are cold and have nothing to eat.

    In winter it is good and fun, we ski and play hockey.

For each answer, the teacher draws a spiral of snowballs "good", "bad".

Look guys at the snowballs and conclude: which snowball is bigger? In winter, there is more good: the guys love to play, have fun, go in for sports.


3.Speech therapist: Winter is frosty, but it brings a lot of games, entertainment and fun to people. And also, winter, the time of cheerful children's games and fun.

What winter games do you know?

Look at the picture, what games are children playing? (children list)

Now we will go for a walk with you. Look at the cards and choose what we need for the walk.

Hat, fur coat, felt boots, sandals, skates, shovel, sleds….

Let's make a sentence with each of these words.

Why didn't anyone take the sandals, the rope?

Game "The third extra". Now listen to my winter words, one of the three words will be superfluous, you need to name it, explaining your decision:

2. Snowballs, sleds, skates.

3. Snowstorm, skis, frost.

4. Snowball, snowman, bullfinch.

Right! What clever men and women! You know everything about winter, winter phenomena.

What games do they like to play? I will make a guess for you puzzles:

    Now I’ll ask you riddles about winter fun, and you’ll guess them.
    - My new friends are both shiny and light,
    And they frolic with me on the ice, and they are not afraid of the frost. (Skates)

    - Two new 2m maple soles:
    I put two feet on them - and run through the big snows. (Skiing)

    - Oh, poured snow! I bring out my horse-friend.
    By the string - I will lead the horse through the yard,
    I fly down the hill and drag it back. (Sled)

    - I will collect a round little lump from the snow,
    I throw it at a friend, I throw it at my brother,
    We play, all in the snow. (Snowballs)

    - I was not raised - I was blinded from the snow.
    Instead of a nose, they cleverly inserted a carrot.
    Eyes - coals, handles - knots.
    Cold big. Who am i? (Snowman)

Speech therapist: And now we invite you to play exciting games. Want to?
Children: Yes!
4. Phys. the instructor:
- Good for its beauty, our winter is winter!
Today the kids are here to play with her!
- Who came here to play?
And of course to win?
Who among you doesn't like boredom?
Who's the jack of all trades here?
Who wants to be an athlete?
A warm-up to perform?
(point at yourself with a wave of your right hand while pronouncing "I")

I see that you are all ready to play, and in order to become dexterous, I ask you to repeat after me!

    "Winter has finally come, (children spread their arms to the sides)

    Have become white houses (fold their hands in a house over their heads)

    It's not snowing outside, (move hands from top to bottom)

    The janitor sweeps the street, (imitate)

    We go sledding (squatting, arms extended forward)

    We write circles on the rink (hands are placed behind the back. Slowly circle)

    Dexterous skiing, (imitate)

    And we play all the snowballs. (They sculpt and throw snowballs) "

6. : Well done guys! And now I invite you for a winter walk. But first, let's do the Nebolika massage for the prevention of colds.
Massage of biologically active zones "Nebolika"
- So that the throat does not hurt, we will stroke it boldly.
(children stroke their neck from top to bottom with their palms)
- In order not to cough, not to sneeze, you need to rub the nose.
(rubbing the wings of the nose with the index finger)
- We will rub the forehead too, hold our palm with a visor.
(put a “visor” on the forehead and rub it with movements “to the sides - together”)
- Make a "fork" with your fingers, massage the ears, neck boldly.
(spread the index and middle fingers and rub the points in front and behind the ears)
We know, we know, yes, yes, yes, we are not afraid of colds!
(rubbing both palms)
Speech therapist: Well done, they did a good massage. Now you will definitely not get sick!
7. Phys. the instructor:
To ride day-to-day
We are on the snow hill,
So that we do not have to warm ourselves,
We need to dress warmly.

The relay race "Let's go for a walk"
(on command, the first child puts on a hat, scarf, mittens and runs to the landmark, comes back and passes the baton to the next player.)
(conducted by a physical education instructor)

Educator : Well done! We did the job! And now we will fulfill finger gymnastics "We went for a walk in the yard"
One, two, three, four, five
(bend one finger at a time)
We went for a walk in the yard.
("Walk" on the table with index and middle fingers)
They sculpted the Snow Baba,
("Sculpt" a lump with two palms)
The birds were fed with crumbs.
("Crumbling bread" with all fingers)
Then we rode down the hill,
(lead the index finger of the right hand along the palm of the left hand)
And also lay in the snow
(put their palms on the table with one side or the other)
Everyone in the snow came home.
(shaking off their palms).
We ate the soup and went to bed.
(movements of an imaginary spoon; hands under the cheek).

10 educator : In winter, everything around is covered with white fluffy snow and I also want to play with you with the word "snow".
(Reads a poem, and the children add words associated with the word "snow").
“Quiet, quiet, as in a dream,
Falls to the ground ... (Snow.)
Fluffs all slide from the sky -
Silvery ... (Snowflakes.)
On the paths, on the meadow
Everything is going down ... (Snowball.)
Here's some fun for the guys -
Stronger and stronger ... (Snowfall.)
Everyone is running in a race
Everyone wants to play ... (Snowballs.)
Like a white down jacket
Dressed up ... (Snowman.)
Nearby is a snow figure -
This girl is ... (Snow Maiden.)
In the snow, look -
With red breasts ... (Bullfinches.)
As if in a fairy tale, as in a dream,
He decorated the whole earth ... (Snow.) "

13 Outcome: Speech therapist. So our exciting walk has ended, and I invite everyone to sit down on the carpet to remember what we talked about today? What games did you play, what did you like? What did each of you do your best? (children pass the snowball and answer).
Speech therapist: Well done, and now I suggest you close your eyes, relax and listen to music.
(During the music, the speech therapist reads a verse).
Whirling quietly in the air
Snowflake butterflies
And lie down on the bare forest
Sticky fluffs.
The evening moves timidly
The snow is getting less frequent, quieter.
Like someone painted white
Decorated the roofs.
To them in the morning from frost,
The snow will become sticky.
And birches will dress
In hare coats.

Synopsis of the GCD of the cognitive cycle for the older group "Winter - winter"

Lavrik Elena Stanislavovna, educator, Nursery-kindergarten №316 of the city of Donetsk, Donetsk, Donetsk People's Republic.
Material description: I bring to your attention a summary of the direct educational activities of the cognitive cycle using innovative technologies, which includes games aimed at developing logical thinking, coherent speech. Recommended for working with older children. Tested in the senior speech therapy group of the MDOU "Nursery-kindergarten №316 in Donetsk". This synopsis will be interesting and useful to preschool educators and parents.
Integration of educational areas:"Cognitive development", "speech development", "social and communicative development", "physical development", "artistic and aesthetic development".
Target: promote the development of cognitive, speech activity of children, create conditions for creative initiative.
Tasks: to form the ability to follow the instructions of the teacher, to coordinate speech with the movement of hands, to embody impressions of winter in their creative works by using non-traditional drawing techniques; exercise in the ability to select adjectives, ask questions, lay out geometric shapes according to the algorithm; to consolidate ideas about winter, proverbs, sayings on a winter theme. To develop logical thinking, holistic perception, visual attention, memory, coherent speech, finger motor skills, aesthetic taste. To foster a positive attitude towards nature, the need for new emotional impressions, independence, resourcefulness. Stimulate an emotional response to the music score.
Developing subject-spatial environment
Demo material: 2 easels, tape recorder, chest, puzzles, magnetic board, 2 pictures with differences, treat box, microphone.
Handout: cards with snowflakes, flat Dienes blocks, cards with algorithms, pictures with shadows, tinted paper, 2 brushes, brush stands, gouache, jars of water, napkins, oilcloths.

Course of the lesson

Today in the lesson we will have many interesting tasks and adventures. Be careful and attentive. Pronounce sounds clearly, distinctly.
- This morning I received a letter by e-mail with an invitation to visit. And to find out who invites us, you need to solve the puzzle.
Children solve the puzzle
- We were invited to visit by Zima. How do you think we can go to Winter?
Children's answers.
Articulatory gymnastics "Gorka", "Sanki".
- We will go on a sled. Do you know the road?
- No.
- To find out where to go, we need to lay out the road according to the scheme. Go to your desks, lay out a path.
- Now we know the way, we can hit the road.
Children become in pairs one after another, join hands and run in a circle to the accompaniment of musical accompaniment - “riding on a sled”.
- We arrived at a winter meadow. See how much snow! Tell us what snow is like?
Didactic game "Tell me which one?"(with a snowball): children take a snowball and say what kind of snow, answer the teacher's question, then pass the snowball to another child.
Children's answers:
- Snow is white. - What else can be white?
- The snow is cold. - What else can be cold?
- The snow is beautiful. - What else can be beautiful?
- The snow is silvery. - What else can be silver?
- Fluffy snow. - What else can be fluffy?
- The snow is wet. - What else can be wet?
- The snow is dirty. - What else can be dirty?
- Light snow. - What else can be easy?
- Look, guys, what a big snowdrift has covered. Winter has prepared a surprise for us. There is something (chest) here. What do you think is in it?
Children express their assumptions.
- Let's sit down and see what's in it. There are puzzles, they need to be collected. But I will give you one detail for each correctly completed task. Do you agree?
- Yes.
- First task: didactic game "Don't say yes and no".
Answer the questions, but you cannot say yes and no.
- Is the snow white? (white)
- Is it hot in winter? (cold)
- Is the day longer than the night in winter? (shorter)
- Is the hare gray in winter? (White)
- Are there white bears? (there are)
- Is the hare bigger than a bear? (less)
- Do children like to play snowballs? (love)
- Well done, here's a puzzle. Sasha, put it on, please.
Children put puzzles on a magnetic board.
- Second task: didactic game "Snow couples"
- Look closely at the picture and find a pair of each snowflake. Which snowflake has no pair?
Children's answers.
Write the next puzzle.
- Third task: say proverbs, sayings about winter.
- As winter does not get angry, but will submit to spring.
- Winter without snow - summer without bread.
- Winter is not summer, she is wearing a fur coat.
- Autumn is rich in bread, and winter is rich in snow.
- The frost is not great, but does not order to stand.
Write a puzzle.
- Next task: Didactic game "Find the Differences"
- Look carefully, remember the picture (close the first, show the second) and name the differences. Children are called. Open the first one and offer to check if all the differences have been named.
Give back the next puzzle.
- Next game "Winter fun"
We are skiing with you, Children pretend to be skiing.
Cold ski snow licks.
And then - ice skating, Children depict ice skating.
But we fell. Oh! Falling down.
And then they sculpted snowballs, Stand, squeeze an imaginary snowball with their palms.
And then they rolled snowballs, Roll an imaginary lump.
And then they fell exhausted. Falling down.
And we ran home. They run in a circle.
N. Nishcheva.
Give back the next puzzle.
- Next task: didactic game "Find a shadow"
- Look closely at the picture and find the shadow of the snowman. Be careful!
Give the last puzzle (put together a picture from puzzles)
- Look, we have put together a picture. What's on it? What can you call it.
Children come up with a name for the picture.
- Let's ask questions for winter. What would you like to ask Winter? I would like to ask Winter why does snow sparkle in the sun?
Children take turns asking questions, passing the microphone to each other.
- Well done, guys, they asked interesting questions, for this Winter gives you a surprise (box)
- And we will make gifts for Winter, draw beautiful winter landscapes. We will draw with a poke, with a dry brush. But before that we need to warm up our fingers.

Finger game: Winter's hut in the forest
Carving in all directions.
Two pillars of crystal are buried,
The watchmen are set.
The icy windows are hidden
Ice shutters.
On a pole on ice
The raven walks with a shaker.
Children draw winter landscapes to music.
- Well done, guys, what beautiful landscapes you have painted.
- Did you like our trip today? What do you remember the most?
- Well done, you were active today, performed tasks correctly, answered questions.
- Let's see what Winter gave us. (they look at the box that Winter gave) Winter gives you such delicious "snowballs" (a treat for children - marshmallows).

Abstract of GCD for speech development "Winter-Winter"

Target: the formation of children's cognitive interest in winter changes in nature.



    Clarify and systematize children's ideas about winter changes in nature.

    Exercise in the selection of related words to the word "snow".

    Know the names and sequence of the winter months.


    Promote the development of memory, attention, logical thinking, coherent speech.

    Improve the syntactic side of speech (the ability to figuratively compose stories from mnemonic tables, conveying the mood of the story).

    To form initiative, activity, cooperation skills.


    Promote the formation of children's love and interest in nature.

Material: pictures on the topic, multimedia, videos: "Winter", "Warm-up for snowmen"; big snowflake, mnemonic tables, picture "Winter", small snowflakes, pictograms, emoticons, drawing paper with a stencil of a snowman.

Preliminary work: talking with children about the time of year Winter, learning proverbs and sayings, reading stories, looking at illustrations.

Vocabulary work:"White skin", "light face"

Integration of educational areas in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard: cognitive development, social and communicative, speech, artistic and aesthetic, physical development.

GCD move:

Educator: Children, tell me the topic of our lesson today, after you watch the film. Happy viewing.

Watching the video "Winter"

Educator: Guess what the conversation will be about. Tell me, do you like winter? How do you like her?

Let's stand in a circle and remember the "winter words" that you know.

(Children stand in a circle, passing a snowflake, each other in turn name words that are suitable for the time of the year Winter).

Educator: Would you like winter to come to visit you? How to do it? Try it. (Children try to invite on their own)

First, let's call her quietly: “Winter-Winter, come! With crackling frosts, loose snows! "

Now you need to say loudly, expressing delight. Children talk.

The bell rings, Winter appears (picture).

Three, three arrived,

The horses in those three are white

And the queen is sitting in the sleigh -

White skin, light face.

How she waved her sleeve -

She covered everything with silver!

Educator: Why do you think winter is called the queen?

How else do writers and poets call winter in their works?

Are the definitions "white-skinned", "light-faced" suitable for winter? Why?

That's right, winter does not spoil us with its colors, everything is white and houses, and trees, and paths.

Which troika did winter fly in?

What are the horses in this trio?

That's right, these are the winter months.

What is the first month of winter? What proverb do you know about December?

"December ends the year, and winter begins"

What is the second month?

January is the beginning, winter ... mid

What is the last month of winter?

Educator: Zimushka-Winter flew to you not empty-handed, prepared various tasks for you, and for a correctly completed task will give you snowflakes, at the end we will find out which one of you is an expert on the winter season.

Educator: Remember what was spinning, flying and falling outside the window in the film?

Children: snow.

Educator: Assignment one, you need to find related words for the word "snow"

Children: snowflake, snowball, snowy, snow maiden ...

Educator: Well done! What is snow like? Game "Compare what it looks like".

Children: White as sugar, cold as ice, fluffy as down, cotton wool, soft as a feather bed, crunchy as a crust, sticky as glue, etc.

Educator: What can you say about winter in our area, what is it like in the Perm Krai?

Children: soft, warm, cold, blizzard ...

Educator: What else can you say about winter? Look at the pictures and make sentences that should reflect the signs of winter and begin with the word "winter."

Do you think winter is good or bad?

Good - bad game

Winter, is that good? Why? Prove.

Choose a picture and make a sentence on it, which should begin with the words: "Winter is good, because ...."

Winter, is it bad? Why? Prove the same: "Winter is bad, because ..."

Educator: Does the weather affect your mood? When it snows and it is not very cold outside, windless, what is your mood?

Children: Cheerful, joyful, contented, happy, wonderful, beautiful. Show the desired icon.

Educator: And if there is a strong, prickly wind outside or instead of fluffy snow it started raining, what will your mood become?

Children: Sad, sad, dissatisfied, joyless. Show the desired icon.

Educator: To cheer you up, Winter invited friends to visit you, whom you will recognize by solving the rebus. (Solving the word by rebus) Snowmen

Snowmen got lost in the maze, can you help them get out? Winter is tricky, she wants to see how friendly you are. You will work in pairs. Determine which of you will take a pencil, and who will suggest the direction: to the left, straight, to the right.

Well, we coped with the task, here are the snowmen! Let's dance with them!

Physical education video "Warming up snowmen"

Educator: The next task, you need to compose a story using tables.

Drawing up a story about the winter according to the mnemonic table.

Educator: Whose story was more interesting for you? Why?

Next task. Winter has prepared a difficult task for you, she has encrypted the words, and your task is to unravel them. You need to work as a team.

Educator: We coped with the tasks, Zima is interested in which task was the easiest for you? Why?

What was the hardest task? What helped you complete it?

Educator: And now let's summarize who turned out to be the smartest, let's count the snowflakes. We clap the winners. The winner is awarded a medal.

Educator: Remember who the boy in the film sculpted out of snow? Can you make a snowman out of your snowflakes? Want to try?

Then put glue on the snowflakes, come up, glue your snowflakes on whatman paper.

Teamwork applique snowman.

What kind of snowman did we get? (Cheerful, joyful, contented)

Educator: It was a pleasure for me to work with you today, you are great! They came up with beautiful sentences, made interesting sentences, chose the right kindred words, helped each other. Thank you!

Children, if you liked the lesson today, take a funny emoticon and give it to Zima, and if someone had difficulties in the lesson, then take a sad emoticon, bring it to me and tell me what difficulties you experienced.

GCD "Zimushka-winter" (senior group)

Basic educational area: "Cognitive - speech development".

Integration: "Artistic and aesthetic development"(Drawing, music,"Social and communicative development", "Physical development".

Target : Consolidate children's knowledge of winter.

Educational tasks:

Expand and activate the dictionary by topic: "Winter" ... To generalize and systematize children's ideas about the characteristic signs of winter. Continue to teach children to use speech correctly, answer questions with a full sentence, teach to draw in an unconventional way"Drawing with salt".

Developmental tasks:

Strengthen the ability to correctly construct sentences, develop phonemic hearing. Develop attention, memory, logical thinking, fine motor skills. Learn to answer questions, reason, solve problem situations, listen to your comrades.

Refine and activate the vocabulary on the topic, teach how to answer questions, make sentences. Reinforce correct pronunciation.

Develop visual and auditory attention, thinking, coherent speech, tactile sensations, creative imagination; Improve the ability to work with a brush.

Educational tasks:

To cultivate a cognitive interest in natural phenomena. Cultivate interest in speech development classes and activities; foster friendly relations, mutual assistance and the ability to work in a team, foster in children the desire to achieve results; to educate independence and accuracy in work.

Wellness: Observe the posture of children while working.

Methodical techniques: surprise, playful, verbal, visual, repetition, generalization, artistic word, physical education, showing and explanation of the educator; monitoring the work of children; analysis of work by the educator and children; encouragement.

Vocabulary work: snowflakes, snowy, beautiful, snowballs, icy, cold, sparkling….

Individual work: Monitor the speech of children, provide assistance in answering questions, assist in drawing snowflakes in an unconventional way of drawing.

Preliminary work:

Examining illustrations about winter, winter phenomena, winter entertainment. Reading books about winter; acquaintance with proverbs, poems about winter; solving riddles about winter phenomena. Conversations about animals, compilation of descriptive stories.

Equipment, visual material: pictures with natural phenomena of different seasons, snowballs, snowflakes with tasks, audio recording of muses of Tchaikovsky's works"Waltz of Snow Flakes", Black or blue cardboard, vases with salt, PVA glue, glue brushes, oilcloths and napkins.

Planned result:

The acquisition by children of the experience of productive interaction with each other, the ability to listen to a friend; increased cognitive activity; assimilation of the necessary knowledge on the topic"Winter" ; the formation of a stable interest in observing phenomena in nature.

Course of the lesson:

Circle of greeting

Hello, the sun is golden! Hello the sky is blue

Hello, free breeze, Hello, little white snow!

Slide 1.

Guys, this morning I received an unusual letter. Let's open up and read.

Winter sent us a letter

In the snowflakes-stars it is.

(Slide 2)

"It's time for us to meet, friends,

You can't live without me.

How not to ride a sleigh?

How not to make a snowman?

How do you guys stay

Without a snow slide, without a skating rink?

I am a snow-white Winter

I will build a tower for you

Both the garden and the forest are silvered,

She gave me a big tree.

You will find me everywhere

I am hiding among the snowdrifts ...

I want to test your knowledge

and prepared tasks ...

Snowflake # 1 (slide 3)

You tell me friends

What is winter like?


How did you know that winter has come?

Winter has three sons, three winter months. What are their names?(December January February)

What month is it now?(December)

(Slide 4-5) Now let's remember:

What are natural phenomena?(frost, frost, blizzard, blizzard, snowfall, cold

What kind of snow is there? (light, sparkling, white, cold, fluffy, prickly, loose, dirty, opaque)

And now we are with you a little let's play:

Snowflake # 2

There are words similar

Like relatives are similar,

They live as one family

They want to play with you.

Want to play?

The game is called: "Tell me a word"... "Snowfall" .

Quietly, quietly, as in a dream, falls to the ground…. snow.

All fluffs slide from the sky - silvery ... snowflakes.

Here's the fun for the guys - more and more ... snowfall.

Everyone is racing, everyone wants to play ... snowballs.

As if we put on a white down jacket…. snowman.

Nearby is a snow figure, this is a girl ... a snow maiden.

Physical education« You and I made snowballs»

One two three four,

You and I made snowballs.

Round, strong, very smooth,

And not at all, not at all sweet.

One - we'll throw it up, two - we'll catch it,

Three - drop and break!

Well done boys!

Snowflake # 3 (Slides 10-12)

Here's another snowflake

Look at the pictures.

You tell me friends

What is superfluous to remove here?

The game is being played "Remove unnecessary picture"

(There are pictures on the board: winter, spring, autumn, summer. It is necessary to remove unnecessary pictures)

Guys, how do wild animals winter?

That's right, bears, gophers, badgers, hedgehogs hibernate. Bunny changes his coat to white. Squirrels, mice are looking for their supplies, prepared in the fall.

Guys, hibernating animals will not see what snow can be.

How do you think we can help them? I propose to draw snowflakes, but with unusual colors, and with the help of glue and salt. These snowflakes will not melt until spring. (Children examine the sample).

To do this, we need these sheets of blue cardboard, glue and brushes, and also salt. On a piece of cardboard, you need to draw a snowflake with glue, and then sprinkle the glue with salt. Press the salt with your palm. The excess must be shaken off. These are the snowflakes you can draw now, we will give them to the animals. Well done boys! (during the independent activities of children, the music of P.I.Tchaikovsky from the ballet is included Nutcracker Snowflake Dance) You have completed all the tasks of the Winter Sorceress! What tasks did you like the most? I thank you, thank you!