What can you talk about in correspondence. How do you find a common topic of conversation? What exactly can be touched upon in a conversation on this topic

In our time, communication on the Internet has become the norm, now most people prefer virtual communication than live. After all, it comes easier than communication in real life. But, no matter how easily it is given to you, most people, whether it is a real or virtual world, still experience some difficulties in communication. If, you do not know what you can talk about with a VK guy, then this article will help you with this.

What to talk about with a guy on VK questions:

  • Videos. This is a great way to find something in common, thanks to this topic you can communicate for a long period of time. In addition, you will find out what he likes to watch and what kind of video bloggers he prefers.
  • His favorite place. So, each person has his own special place, which no one knows about. In such a place, a person can calmly rest and be alone with himself. Therefore, carefully ask him about such a place, if he says about it without any problems, then it means that he likes you.
  • What's your favorite song? Of course, in our time, communication on the Internet cannot be imagined without this question. It's great for getting to know its taste in music and see how well it matches your own. Plus, everyone is passionate about the music they love and he'll likely be happy to talk about it in detail.
  • Do you have a favorite joke? Everyone loves to laugh, and everyone has at least one joke that they know by heart. In addition, you can tell him a few anecdotes that you remember. If you don’t remember, then don’t worry, it’s not a problem.
  • Your favorite genre / movie / TV series. Nowadays, both movies and TV series are very popular. Therefore, you simply have to ask the guy about his favorite film or TV series, usually people are happy to talk about it, and even more so after that they will force you to watch this movie or TV series.

What to talk about with a guy on VK example of a dialogue

So, let's say that you decide to write to some guy, in order to start a dialogue, you first need to feel free and try to write. Do not be afraid if you do not know what to talk about with a guy in VK you like, this is fixable.

You: - Hello! He: - Hi. You: - How are you? He: - Well, how are yours? You: - Thank you, everything is fine. What are you doing? He: - I'm sitting on the street, and you? You: - I watch TV.

Usually, just at such moments, there is a lull, no one knows what to talk about, so do not hesitate and continue the dialogue, ask the guy what he likes, what he reads, etc. don't give up, just keep the dialogue going.

If you want to share your knowledge or examples of correspondence with VKontakte guys, write in the comments, we will definitely add this to the article


Dating on the Internet, girls often face similar problems. The most common one is how to talk to a guy on a social network to show your interest and not seem intrusive.

Acquaintance on social networks is gaining in popularity every day. It is much easier to conduct a dialogue on the Internet - there is time to think about what has been said, draw conclusions and write an answer. The Vkontakte network gives its users unlimited opportunities for new acquaintances, a girl can easily narrow down the search for applicants for the role of a soul mate using well-chosen filters - city, age, etc. Choosing is not a problem, but tactfully starting a conversation with a guy for many ladies is an overwhelming task. When dating on the Internet, a girl should adhere to the main rule - be herself and talk about what is interesting not only to the guy, but also to herself. Starting a conversation should be simple and unobtrusive. You can simply ask how he is doing, his mood, what kind of weather prevails outside his window, what he is doing at the moment, etc. If a guy is interested in starting a new relationship, he will take the initiative in his own hands and ask questions of a random stranger with interest. In case the male representative is not very talkative, it is better to choose some neutral topic to continue communication. For example, if he puts the question bluntly and wants to know the purpose of adding as a friend, you can divert the topic into the mainstream of the distribution of goods or services, apologize for the concern and plunge into new searches. If the guy is in no hurry to make an appointment first, the girl can take the initiative into her own hands. In case of mutual interest, the first date will take place soon. If the first dialogue with the boy went well, and in the future the girl is going to correspond with him, you should definitely ask about his personal life. It happens that guys make several acquaintances, hiding their status about marital status. In order not to fall for such a trick, you need to ask when he had the last serious relationship, why they broke up with their chosen one, etc. It will not be superfluous to look through his photographs and posts on the wall to explore his communication style and lifestyle. Talking a lot about the guy's past is also not worth it, perhaps this is a painful topic for him. Long-term relationships on a social network usually end up with real-life meetings. It is better to have the first date in a public place, for example, in a cafe or cinema. This will make young people feel relaxed and at ease.


How to talk to a guy on Vkontakte


What to talk about with a guy in VKontakte: learning to communicate

In our time of information freedom and social networks, communication on the Internet has taken a very large place in life. Increasingly, we are talking in "Contact", and not at a personal meeting or at least by phone. And many people prefer social networks, for example, the well-known "VKontakte", for dating. Of course, it is much easier to get acquainted or communicate on the Internet, and sometimes even more pleasant and effective. First, you are not so embarrassed. In a face-to-face meeting, many factors affect your excitement: meeting with your eyes, accidental touches, and just the presence and attention of another person. Everything is different on VKontakte.
You have enough time to think over your answer, analyze it and correct it. You focus on communication, not how you or the other person look, for example. But often girls who meet on the Internet do not know what to talk about. In this article, we will help you figure out what to talk about with a guy in VKontakte. Study his information

First, check out his page. Even if his personal information is not filled in, then “dig” in his audio and video recordings. This way you can find out what interests your interlocutor. Raise the topic of his favorite music group, whose songs you will find on his page. Search for information about musicians in advance in order to be fully armed and surprise him with your knowledge in a field that is interesting to him. So you will not only show that your interests coincide, but you will certainly be able to build a constructive engaging conversation, because, most likely, he also has something to tell you about. Watch a movie that you find in his video, read criticism about him, some interesting facts and start a conversation.
It doesn't matter if you liked the movie or not, this way you can extend your communication for a while. Most importantly, be honest, don't lie that you liked the movie if you got bored while watching it. On his "wall" you can find many more topics to talk about with a guy in "Vkontakte". For example, featured work by artists or photographers. With any search engine you can find out a lot of information about them and thus find another topic of conversation. When discussing mutual interests, you can also tell him about yours and learn more about him. So you will find a few more topics to talk about with a guy in VKontakte.

Talk about everything

Follow the news. Usually guys like to be in the know. They like it even more when the girl is also curious and smart. Ask him what he thinks about this or that situation in the world. It can be an event from the world of politics, culture or sports. Choose what is interesting to you in order to express your point of view. But do not forget that in any communication you need to give a piece of yourself, so you can tell some story from your life. The main thing is not to discover something very personal or family. Remember the story from your childhood and in return, most likely, you will also get a funny story.

Everything is very simple

In fact, there are a lot of things to talk about with a guy in VKontakte. After you chat about the topics we have proposed, you, like him, will surely have your own. Guys can also apply the tips from this article to understand what to talk about with a girl in VKontakte. Most importantly, do not forget that you do not need to be too intrusive.

This article will help all girls interested in these issues.

To begin with, I would like to remind you of a simple truth, which, for some reason, is constantly forgotten. If you are destined to be together, the question “what to talk to a guy about” will never arise. The topics of your conversations will change each other at lightning speed, and your interest in each other is unlikely to ever go out.

But what to do if you really like a guy and you still don’t know how to start a conversation, you don’t know what to talk about with a guy in contact. It is not worth keeping silent and waiting for the guy to turn his attention to you and start communication first. If you like the guy, go for it.

First action.

The simplest and most effective solution is to write a banal message to the guy in contact in the spirit of "hello, how are you." If the guy answered you, then you are interested in him. This means that you can smoothly move on to further communication. And here your possibilities are endless. You can talk about hobbies, about music. You have before your eyes a trump card - his personal page. Give him music in a style he likes. Start talking about his hobbies and, in general, what he wants from this life.

Second action.

To arouse interest in the guy with whom you are talking in contact, you do not need to act openly. Just start writing comments on his pictures and statuses on the wall, you can even just like "I like" his posts and photos in albums.

But remember, you have to get the guy interested. Therefore, on your page there should not be any pathos or, on the contrary, snotty statuses about the injustice of this life.

When you leave comments under the news feed of a guy you like, it is also worth remembering that you do not need to write all kinds of nonsense. Don't write too much. Essentially. Phrases like “I liked it”, “oh, how cool”, “how good you are here”, etc. will do. You can add emoticons to your comments.

Third action.

When communicating in private messages, do not refresh the page every 4 seconds. When you start talking to a guy in contact, he will not necessarily immediately start responding to your messages. Also, do not rush him with a response, sending three minutes after sending the main message, something like "do not be silent, ay-oo." You shouldn't do that. Firstly, guys don't like girls who impose their communication. Secondly, with such behavior, you can alienate the guy and, as a result, he will not want to get to know you better.

Even when you are talking to a VKontakte guy, you need to keep intrigue. Provoke the guy with your messages. A girl should be a mystery to a guy, even when chatting on the Internet. Then he will even more want to get to know you better and will make an appointment. Flirt with guys. They lose their heads when girls lose their heads from them. (This is such a cycle, as it turns out.)

Communication on Vkontakte between a guy and a young lady often develops into virtual friendship, a telephone dialogue, and there it is already close to a real date. However, in order to achieve this kind of progress, it is essential.

If you don't know what to talk to a girl about, what topics to choose for conversation, follow these tips from experienced network users.

If you have no idea what to talk about with a girl, first remember what you know about this interlocutor.

Let's say you already know each other (there are mutual friends, just a nodding acquaintance, corresponded for a long time), in this case it will be much easier to conduct a dialogue in VK.

You just need to ask the right questions that relate to the changes that have occurred since the previous communication.

If you just want to chat with a woman in contact, carefully study her page - photos, a list of communities, uploaded audio and video files. Such a "revision" will suggest the hobbies of a potential interlocutor and help you choose really interesting topics for conversation with a girl.

If you notice something that unites you - acquaintances, studies, hobbies - suggest talking about this topic. For a seed, you can lay out a "piece" of your biography, telling an interesting incident from life.

There is no need to immediately talk about personal topics, since the adherence to principles characteristic of young people can nullify communication.

Not sure what to talk to a girl about? Focus on the situation and once again carefully review all of her photographs in contact. Probably, something in a girlish appearance will give a clue and help support the conversation that has begun. For example, in the photo, a young lady is hugging a cat (find out what his name is), sits on the riverbank (ask if she can swim when the picture was taken). Finding questions is not that difficult, the main thing is to be attentive to the little things.

Topics for conversation with girls

Your task is to correspond in VK with a young lady so that both of you are interested. To do this, you need to find suitable topics for communication with a girl. A representative of the weaker sex is unlikely to be pleased with hours of conversation about cars or about football news.

Care should be taken when choosing questions that you do not know much about, so as not to seem stupid in girlish eyes. It is also unacceptable to argue in the process of discussing such topics, it can make your interlocutor laugh.

What are the issues to discuss? The simplest and most sensible solution is to choose so-called eternal themes for dialogues. It is worth dwelling on them in more detail.

  1. Relationship. Ask what kind of men the interlocutor likes, what she expects from the relationship, and what kind of behavior she will not tolerate from the guy. Naturally, you should not insist on the discussion of this topic if the girl is not ready for excessive frankness. Don't ask vulgar questions either.
  2. Cinematography and Music. You can also chat with a girl in contact on such topical topics as new films, musical works, television series or television shows. From the correspondence, you can find out what is the young lady's favorite actor, film, musician. Then these questions should be smoothly translated into the opportunity to go to the cinema together.
  3. Hobbies. Another "eternal" topic that will interest both a guy and a young lady is hobbies and sports. Ask what the interlocutor is interested in, how she spends her free time, whether she is engaged in any kind of sports.
  4. Reading. Now it is not so easy to find in contact, and in real life, a girl who would be passionate about literature. If your interlocutor is an avid bibliomaniac, discuss which literary genres are close to her, the books of which writers he read in the last week. You can show your erudition by including quotes and aphorisms from classics in your conversation.
  5. Memorable or favorite places. You can also chat in contact about the sights of the city in which you both live. Discuss the girl's favorite places in the city, find out in which cafes she prefers to sit with a cup of coffee. This information can then be used when asking for a date.
  6. Travel or vacation. You can also chat with your VK interlocutor about planning a weekend getaway, traveling during vacations or vacations. A guy and a girl can be united by a common love of travel, outdoor activities or a vacation in the same place.
  7. Study or work. Questions about study or work moments also belong to the "classic" topics of communication in contact and other social networks. You can ask the interlocutor how her day went, so she can feel cared for by the guy.
  8. Animals. The fairer sex usually adores talking about their pets and will be interested in a guy who also shares this interest. Find out if the cat lady is a girl or a dog lover, perhaps she keeps parrots at home. Most likely, in the pictures on VK you will see these very favorites.

Naturally, you do not need to correspond on all these topics at once, choose for dialogues only those questions that are of interest to the interlocutor and to you. In this case, communication in contact will not seem like an interrogation to the girl, but will look like a casual conversation.

To keep the conversation going, insert stories about your hobbies and skills as you write, but in a way that doesn't sound like boastfulness.

For example, if the other person enjoys cycling, offer to keep her company or teach her cycling tricks.

If the conversation turned to the literature read, offer to read any novelty or continuation of a series that the young lady is fond of. The guy's task in such a situation is to show imagination and offer his help.

If you've had a good chat in contact, it's time to chat on your cell phone. And then the guy is faced with the following questions: what to talk about with a girl on the phone, where to find the courage to call and how to conduct a conversation, hearing her voice.

Taking the girl's phone number, be brave and make a call. At the very beginning of the conversation, make a smooth transition from communication in contact to the moment when you decided to call her. Continue the conversation from the point where you left off during the correspondence. For example, find out how she got home yesterday.

There are no special topics when communicating on the phone between a guy and a girl. You can chat on the above examples of topics, discuss something new that happened during the time when you were not talking. Perhaps the interlocutor herself will ask questions - serious and not very, and you can switch to a new discussion problem.

Try to listen to the young lady carefully, inserting your emotional comments during the conversation. Be sure to tell me how you enjoyed talking to her, how sweet and sexy she has. The vulgar hints at this stage are not entirely appropriate.

Communication rules

Let's say you now know the main topics for communicating with a girl on VK or by phone. However, in order for the communication to proceed in a positive manner and bring you and the interlocutor only positive emotions, adhere to the following communication rules in contact:

  1. Do not deceive your interlocutor by inventing non-existent wealth or a successful career by exposing other people's photos. If you want to communicate not only on VK, but also in real life, the deception will quickly be revealed, and the girl, most likely, will no longer want to correspond with you.
  2. Do not pull the "blanket" of the conversation over yourself by actively promoting your own persona. A guy who begins to spend hours talking or describing how cool he is, the interlocutor is 100% likely to consider narcissistic and narrow-minded selfish.
  3. If you communicate with the interlocutor as a girl, and not as a friend, pen pal, do not discuss other representatives of the fairer sex with her. The only exception is if you want to compare the interlocutor with any actress (of course, the young lady, at least in nothing, will not be inferior to the celebrity).
  4. Do not discuss her previous relationship with the young lady, unless she, on her own initiative, wants to discuss her ex-lover with you. In general, it is considered bad form to have a conversation with an unfamiliar girl on the topic of ended love affairs.
  5. Not all representatives of the fairer sex like dirty jokes! This is a concrete rule for every guy that should be remembered once and for all. Perhaps after a while you will move to another level of relations, and vulgar anecdotes and jokes will be perceived by the young ladies with understanding and even pleasure.
  6. In the course of the conversation, try to ask the so-called open questions, which will require detailed answers from the interlocutor. For example, instead of "did you work today?" ask the girl "how was your working day today." This way you can significantly prolong and diversify the conversation.

And a few more simple recommendations for a guy who does not know how to communicate with pretty girls on VK. You do not need to behave obtrusively and defiantly when talking. Lovely young ladies like interlocutors who arouse interest, and not a desire to end the conversation as soon as possible. In addition, it is important to find those topics that will appeal to both of you, because both people should get pleasure from communication in contact and on the phone.

Communication with people is an important part of life. Girls and young people get to know each other, communicate, find common interests, share interesting thoughts. From time to time, any girl is faced with the question: "What to talk about with a guy when the topics for conversation are over?" There are universal topics that you can always chat about.

Meeting at a meeting

If the meeting is the first and the topics for conversation quickly ended, then there is an option to discuss personal musical preferences. You can ask for advice on the concert of which artist he recommends to go, which radio station to listen to and which music recordings to buy. As a result of such communication, a joint visit to a concert or other musical event is almost guaranteed. And there you can find more topics that you can talk about.


If you have no idea how to find a topic for conversation with a young man, you can talk about cinema. Raise the issue of new movies, discuss their pros and cons, share opinions about famous films. Tell about your favorite films, find out what he prefers to watch. Hinting that going to the cinema with his company in the near future is a great idea.

If there is no special knowledge in the world of film distribution novelties, the names of eminent directors have not been preserved in memory, and from the actors only the names of Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp are known, it does not matter. There is another way - to ask in social networks, they will advise not only about movies, but also tell you about what you can talk to a guy in VK, there are even examples of correspondence.

Sports world

If a young man is fond of at least some kind of sports, then what to talk about with a guy, when the topics for conversation are over, it immediately becomes clear. It is necessary to chat about sports. However, in order to find common topics for conversation on a sports topic, it is necessary to prepare. Remember at least the names of football and hockey teams, outstanding boxers, biathletes, tennis players, skiers and chess players.

Family relationships

It is a pity that the school does not teach how to find topics for conversation in different life situations. Therefore, you have to come up with yourself or seek advice from friends and strangers. One of them is to talk about family. Briefly talk about his own, ask questions about his family relationships. When discussing the characteristics of families, their values ​​and hobbies, you can find other good topics of conversation.


Social media communication is much easier. In the virtual space, topics are faster, about which you can talk with a guy. In VK there are examples of correspondence with a discussion of curious facts, unusual photos, interesting phrases.

  • Explore his VK page, see photos, videos;
  • Get acquainted with the list of groups to which he is subscribed;
  • Find and read his comments on various topics.

Examples of correspondence

If there is registration in thematic groups, you can also ask there an exciting question about what you can talk to a guy in VK. Ask for examples of correspondence, preparation of beautiful phrases and other relevant information.

In order to easily find common topics for conversation, you need to start with a simple one - ask the interlocutor how the mood is today, what has happened new, what are your plans for the day. Depending on the information received, conclusions can be drawn about which topic will now be relevant for the guy.

For those who are looking for topics for conversation with a guy on the net, there are recommendations for harmonious communication.

You are very lucky if a young man himself takes the initiative in communication, finds topics for conversation, amazing the girls with his outlook and intellect. But this is not always the case. And finding the right words is sometimes very difficult.

However, there are certain topics that do not commit both of you to anything. First of all, this is music, the film industry. You share your tastes. If you only recently met a guy, try asking him about your favorite movies.

When you get an answer to your question, try not to criticize the young man's tastes. Ideally, there will be at least a partial overlap of the genres you both prefer.

In addition, you can talk about the young man's pastime, about his hobbies. Tell him about your hobbies too. It is possible that interests will be similar, and you will find common topics of conversation.

Even if your interlocutor says something that is not very interesting, in your opinion, interesting, try not to openly show it to him. You need to listen to him. Always be tactful in your questions. Another taboo topic is never tell a stranger about your past personal life. It doesn't matter if you communicate with him face to face or just decided to write him a message on a social network. There is no need to share intimate things with strangers.

If suddenly the conversation has reached a dead end, you can recall a couple of anecdotes. Humor always comes to the rescue in such situations.

Communication when meeting with a well-known young man

If you have known each other for a long time, it will undoubtedly be easier for you to find common topics of conversation. You are no longer so shy in communication, you know the range of interests of your interlocutor, his preferences. There are personal topics concerning only the two of you.

During your acquaintance, you probably have common friends, common interests, you will have something to remember from the latest events.

It is necessary to ask how the young man's day went. Treat him the way you would like him to treat you. This golden rule will allow you to avoid many conflicts. This will make it clear that you are not indifferent to him.

If your boyfriend has temporary difficulties in life (for example, problems with study), try to help him. But in no case impose your opinion on him. Conversely, if you need advice, ask him for it. There is a certain range of issues that guys are better at and can be very helpful.

In any case, listen to your inner voice, it will tell you the right topics for conversation.

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Are you one of those who have already been in an unpleasant situation, when next to the girl they could not connect even two words, but she looked at the floor, and both of you were awkwardly silent? Do not despair, many have already gone through this. If you prepare for a date with your girlfriend in advance and make a little effort on yourself, next time you will know what to talk about.

A good start is the key to success

Start with an easy topic. Don't start off with something that might embarrass the girl. Don't talk about the weird rash on your back or ask her what confused her the most in her life. Stick to neutral themes that can be developed into something more interesting. Avoid using swear words. Girls love to be treated like a lady.

Here are some possible conversation starters:

Favorite music groups,

Recently watched movies


Brothers and sisters,

What did you do last weekend and what do you plan to do next weekend,

Your plans for the next vacation or vacation.

Avoid personal topics

Personal conversation can be reserved for future communication. In the meantime, do not mention who died in the family, whom you once loved, what strange diseases you had, or how you are afraid of death. Too deep conversations at the beginning of dating can scare a girl away.

On the other hand, if she herself started a conversation on a personal topic, then you can respond in kind. You will be quits, but don't go beyond the line.

Pay attention to the girl's facial expressions and her body language. You asked a simple question, and she seems upset and recoils back? So the conversation turned to a sensitive topic for her.

Remember to smile

A positive attitude and a friendly demeanor will help win the girl's attention and make her feel good towards you. Don't grin until your mouth hurts. But a pleasant expression will brighten up your conversation. Then the girl will have a positive feeling from the conversation. It is especially important to smile at the beginning and end of a conversation. A beautiful start and a graceful ending to the conversation will leave a good impression of you.

Yes, eyes talk too. By stroking a girl in the eyes, you seem to tell her that you appreciate her. Shyness may cause you to start looking at your feet or to the sides, but push yourself too hard. On the other hand, constant eye contact can confuse a girl. But look her in the eyes when she talks.

Ask questions

The best way to show a girl how much she means to you is to ask her about what she has recently done or just talk about herself. Questions do not have to be personal, and it is even better if they do not touch on personal topics. The point is for the girl to feel like you are trying to get to know her better. If it is not, then you should refrain from them for a while. Perhaps she had the uncomfortable feeling that she was being interrogated. Here's what you can ask a girl about:

Her hobbies and interests

Her favorite bands, books and TV shows,

Her favorite school subjects

Her dream job

Her best friends

Her plans for the future.

Give compliments

After a good start, the conversation can be done. Be honest. Don't go overboard. Praise her jewelry, hairstyle, sweater, or even some personality trait. But avoid being straightforward. “You have beautiful legs” is too much. Remain as neutral as possible. Don't get carried away.

One compliment per conversation is enough. Otherwise, the girl may have the feeling that she is being placated in this way or that they are simply telling a lie.

Maintaining a conversation

As you move on to the main part of the conversation, look for a topic that interests both of you. Perhaps you grew up in the same city, did you have a common teacher, a common acquaintance, or do you like the same sport? Ask what movie she recently watched. But don't get hung up on any one movie. Let there be more innuendo in the conversation. Then there are more topics.

Another great way to keep the conversation going is to ask the girl for her opinion on a particular account. What does she think about the political situation in the country? Does she like her new shoes? By getting her opinion, you are showing that you respect and value her as a person.

You will make a great impression on the girl if you draw her attention to anything from the environment. Is there a bookstore nearby and she visits it? On her sweater with an interesting logo of a well-known public organization? This creative approach will show the girl how attentive to detail you are.

Make her laugh. If your interlocutor likes your joke, she will want to communicate with you over and over again. Look for opportunities to joke. Laugh at yourself, at a common acquaintance, but kindly. A short, funny story can also cheer her up.

If humor isn't your thing, don't force yourself to joke. The girl will feel it, and she will feel uncomfortable too. Better to let things happen naturally. Be yourself.
Don't make fun of her if you're not sure about her reaction. She may be offended by you. And then the communication is over.

Stay confident. Say goodbye on a good note. The best way to leave a positive impression of yourself is to break up before the conversation is over and seems interesting. Say it's time for you, promise to continue the conversation. The girl will be intrigued and want to meet again.

Building a loving relationship is challenging but challenging. The main place is given to numerous conversations, thanks to which both the guy and the girl recognize each other. Some topics can be discussed over and over again, but it is better for a young man not to know about some points.

Freedom of Speech: Honestly and Frankly

At first, some lovers prefer to go without words. Others, on the contrary, thoroughly recognize a new person by asking many questions and being interested in seemingly real trifles. If a guy constantly asks something or you yourself want to open up as much as possible, feel free to talk about the following facts of your biography.

For example, openly and honestly tell us where you studied, where you work, how interested you are in your field of activity. Such information will demonstrate in you your business qualities, the desire for independence, the desire to be useful. Fascinated by her chosen profession, the girl looks like a successful and contented life. And this is very attractive for young people.

Also, a guy in love will be interested to know about the girl's hobbies. Tell us about your favorite books, books you read, movies you recently watched, or exhibitions you've visited. If your area of ​​interest includes sports, animals, travel, etc. - discuss them as well. Be sure to ask the answer questions to keep abreast of the guy's interests.

If your date isn't your first, you can tell your boyfriend about your plans for the future. This must be done in order to understand how much he shares your aspirations. There should be a person nearby in whom you will find support and support in any situation.

Don't forget to talk about your relatives as well. Just be vigilant and don't spread too personal information. Remember that someday your boyfriend is with the person under discussion (mom, father, sister, etc.) and may accidentally designate knowledge of details he does not need. This situation will be uncomfortable for both you and your relative.

Required filtration

With a loved one I want to talk about everything. This desire is realizable on one condition: if you know how to filter the presented information. This quality will save your relationship from unnecessary arguments, thoughts and disagreements.

The most slippery topic in a new relationship is girls. At some point, your young man will become interested in knowing their number, characteristics, reasons for parting and other facts that he does not need. Dodging discussion will lead to bad assumptions, honesty can lead to subsequent jealousy.

In this aspect, you can safely tell a guy, for example, about the first kiss. This memory looks romantic and somewhat naive. But it is not worth going into the details of the first and subsequent sexual contacts or the characteristics of the ex, even if the guy is actively asking. In the future, this information may be used against you.

You should also not discuss your bad habits. Modern young people for long-term relationships are increasingly choosing girls who do not like nightclubs, rarely attend parties and do not drink alcohol. This behavior is due to nature: they intuitively seek a healthy mother for their children. If you enjoy sitting in a smoky cafe or drinking wine in good company, start from afar. Ask the guy about his attitude to such a pastime and decide what should be changed: a way of rest or a young man.

When talking with a guy, do not forget about his person. Ask questions, be interested in hobbies, work, study, attitude towards family and friends. The main thing when communicating: keep a positive, good mood and try to be frank.

Having an interesting conversation is challenging, especially in a nascent relationship. In this case, as a rule, the fear of saying something wrong or creating the impression of a boring interlocutor stops you. Luckily for a girl, there are universal ones to discuss with a guy of any temperament and mindset.

If you find it difficult to come up with a topic for conversation, do not despair. There are themes that unite all guys on Earth. Keep them in mind and hanging out with a new boyfriend can be fun for both of you. If, nevertheless, there is a pause in the conversation, do not be alarmed, do not fiddle with your clothes and do not look away. Take a few deep breaths and relax. Sometimes silence only helps to feel even more the nascent feeling. This is the best sign that you are good together and without the flow of words. However, in order to establish contact, you can safely adhere to the following topics in the conversation.

Suggestive questions

Have you already texted or discussed stories from your personal life before? Perfectly! Ask additional questions that will help develop the theme of family, school or work. Firstly, such conversations help to learn more about each other, and secondly, these topics bring the interlocutors closer together.

What happens in the world?

With a guy, you can safely discuss events taking place in the country and the world, as well as news from the life of stars. It may turn out that you love the same music group. Just don't go deep into politics - this is one of the taboo topics.

Men love to dominate. They think they know everything about everything. If you want to get close to a guy, ask him for help, be it school, work, or personal concerns. Make him feel strong and smart. In this way, you let him know that you trust his opinion.

How was your day?

This is the simplest and most unobtrusive question. It is universal for both new relationships and family life. At the beginning of any story, everything seems new and interesting. Talking about the events of the past day will not be boring for you. In addition, such a conversation usually touches on a lot of other topics.

Hobbies and hobbies

Find out if the guy has any hobbies and show a genuine interest in what he has to say. After all, what he is fond of is, of course, important to him.


What does he dream about, what does he want from this life? Guys love to make plans for life. Find out about them and subtly suggest ways to achieve his dreams. Trust me, by finding the right words, you will easily gain trust in the eyes of this guy, which means that he will want to hear your advice in the future.


Guys love to be naughty. A little bit of flirting in conversation doesn't hurt. However, you need to subtly feel when you need to stop so as not to seem vulgar and. Pick the right moment and ask some naughty questions about his fantasies and whether he finds you attractive. Such a conversation can take place even if you communicate by SMS or on social networks.


Friends have an important place in the heart of any man. Show an interest in this side of his life. Maybe he wants to tell some funny stories or even introduce you to friends. By the way, when you meet them, remind them of one of the curious cases from their friendship. You can laugh at him together, this will set up his friends positively towards you, and your boyfriend will shine with pride for you.

Games and cars

It might be a cliché, but nonetheless, most guys do know a lot about games or cars. Just don't try to talk about what you don't know. You can get screwed up and look stupid. Just try to find out what video games he likes and if he has a car. Small details will help you know better if you have common interests.

Do you have a future?

When asking a question, try to answer it yourself. When proposing a topic of conversation, be ready to open up. In a new relationship, it is important to find out as early as possible if the partners are suitable for each other. If you have nothing in common, is it worth wasting time on such communication?

  1. Find out what the guy likes. "Try on" his hobbies. Maybe something will like it!
  2. Focus on the majority, on popularity. Read or do a survey online to find out what most guys are into.
  3. Find a page on social networks. There is a "section" about hobbies. Study it and remember!

Topics for conversation with a familiar guy:

New music

Tell us what kind of music you like at the moment and recently. Find common favorites.


New films

Not sure where to start? Go to the cinema together (for a new movie). And discuss it after watching it together.


Look through the magazines, look at the photo albums, compare the photos! What is not an interesting topic?

Personal life

Let the guy share how he is doing with his personal. Then you will share. Do you really like him? So what?! He must believe that you are communicating with him sincerely, as a friend. Then he will trust you as a professional psychologist.

A family

"Mom, dad and I are a happy family!" Share how true this is! And the guy will also tell something….


Do you rarely discuss such things with your boyfriend? Maybe this is correct, but if you know the guy well, do not be afraid of such a topic! It will "flow" through the conversation, like a trickle (smoothly and by itself).


This topic will always be relevant! And with familiar guys, and with strangers. The thing is, a lot of guys go crazy talking about him.


Shared memories are the things that most likely unite you. Memories are never going anywhere. And it is a pleasure to discuss them.

Topics for conversation with a stranger….

What can you start a conversation about if you don't know the person? Themes:

  • Hobbies

Ask the guy these questions:

  1. What do you usually do in your free time?
  2. Do you have, in general, a hobby (hobby)?
  3. Do you want to check what hobbies we have in common?
  • Cooking


  1. What do you like to eat and what would you never eat again?
  2. What dish have you not tried in your life yet?
  3. Do you like to cook yourself, or do you think that only a woman should cook?
  • Purchases


  1. What's your favorite hypermarket in town?
  2. Do you like shopping "traveling"?
  3. How do you feel about women's shopping?
  • A family

You can ask the following questions to start a conversation (support):

  1. Who do you live with?
  2. How are your relations with your relatives developing?

To make the conversation go well

Try to adhere to some "rules":

  1. Do not meddle in the soul if the person resists. Get away from the topic if he openly says that he does not want to continue this or that topic.
  2. Make jokes, tell jokes and funny stories. Do not get carried away: let the young man tell something too!
  3. Do not abruptly touch upon the moments of your personal life! Let the guy take the initiative himself. But don't talk a lot about your "exploits" and your exes.
  4. Don't compare the guy to others. The male half of humanity loves when they (men) are considered unique and inimitable.
  5. Make eye contact when talking. It is necessary that the guy "rubbed" into your trust and did not leave him. But that doesn't mean you have the right to use a guy!
  6. Do not fidget on the chair (on the bench) and do not glance at the clock (even out of habit, you cannot do this!). The guy decides that you feel bad in his company and you probably won't see him again.
  7. Don't be distracted from the thread of the conversation. On the contrary, try to "stretch" this thread.
  8. Speak if there is a long pause. Guys don't like pauses. They are afraid and embarrassed.

What can you talk about in chat or on social networks with a guy?

We offer topics:


Walking in the rain.


Floods and floods.

Snowstorm and snow "out of season".


What exactly can be touched upon in a conversation on this topic:







Jokes and jokes

What exactly can be touched upon in a conversation on this topic:



The rules for communicating correctly with guys in the virtual world:

What topics should not be touched upon (at least at the first stages of acquaintance):

Continuation. ... ...

Ask the guy questions -