Hair painting with henna and bass in blond color. Natural natural dyes - Henna and Basma: proportions and color, photo of staining results, adding ingredients for interesting shades. Among the minuses of planting plant

Everyone knows that the most common and harmless natural dyes are henna and bass. In antiquity, these funds were used to dye curls. Allergies these components cause extremely rarely. Hair can be painted in different colors. Of course, the chemical components give a more diverse palette of colors, but harm they bring significant. But Hnna and Basma very carefully affect the hair, even strengthening them and doing better.

What shades can be obtained when staining hair henna and how it differs from paint

Choosing the color you want to get, you should know about what shades can do after mixing certain proportions. Choosing certain proportions of the components, you can get a wide color palette. Also, exposure time plays an important role. At the same time you can see that the colors start from light chestnut to black.

In the photo - the results of staining hair of henna and bass:

If you like to experiment, you can try to get a saturated red shade. In this case, you need to add cranberry juice or korger. Natural coffee helps to get chestnuts with a saturated sweat. Beetal juice helps to get a Bordeaux color.

Proper procedure - how much to keep how to mix, ka it is properly painted, how to wash

Henna is a product that is obtained from Lavsonian leaves. Moreover, only yellowish-greenish powder can be used for staining. Basma is also obtained from leaves, but another plant called Indigofer. If the strands are constantly painting the bass, then the color will gradually accumulate and become saturated.

In the process of staining, you must use some recommendations that will help you avoid some errors. Here are some tips:

  1. Cookware from metal or plastic is not suitable for breeding henna and bass. To do this, use porcelain dishes, and use special tassels for stirring.
  2. Regarding the time of coloring, it is necessary to know that it will depend on how long you will keep the mixture on your head. So the minimum exposure time can be 15 minutes, and the maximum can reach 3 hours.
  3. If the hair is stained with henna, then you need to use a polyethylene hat. In the case of the bass, the cap will not be required. But it is possible that it will leak. Therefore, at hand there must be napkins.
  4. The neck needs to be wrapped, it is better to wear old clothes, which is not a pity at all. As a result, any contamination will not be scary to you.
  5. Required contour of the forehead and neck need to be treated with cream to avoid skin staining. After all, Henna and Basma are able to paint not only curls.
  6. Be sure to share enough time to wash. Otherwise, then it will be difficult for you when combing, as the powder will remain in the strands.
  7. Limit your head washing in the first three days, especially washing with shampoo.
  8. Only after the first wash you will see the best result of staining. If you decide to dry up before an important meeting, it is better to do it in advance, about a week before the event.

On video dyeing hair henna and bass:

Knowing these rules, you can save ourselves from important and serious mistakes. But it is also important to know how to prepare ingredients for staining. Therefore, you need to get acquainted with the instructions for staining. Henna usually dries hair. Therefore, you need to do so that this does not happen. Henna can be diluted in kefir or add essential oil. As a result, they will not only paint, but also get nutrient components.

When breeding bass, only water is used, no other liquids are suitable. If the hair is dry, then it's better to dilute kefir.

If the hair is fat, then a vinegar is suitable. 50 grams of the kagora is enough to straight a reddish shade. He could not be warm in any case. It is fraught with the fact that the coloring pigments will die, and the hair will not get the desired saturated color.

When preparing the coloring composition, you must make it necessary consistency. If the composition is liquid, then it will unevenly paint curls and simply spread. If the composition is very thick, then its coloring ability will not appear in any way. The composition will simply freeze on the surface.

When pouring bass boiling water, you can make color saturated after staining. Mandatory in the process of dyeing hair in the hands you need to wear gloves. If pre-hair is washed and dried slightly, then the coloring ability of the composition will show itself better.

On video coloring hair henna and bass, proportions:

How to paint hair depending on the length of strands

For a certain length of hair, it will take about the following number of components:

  1. For short enough from 30 to 50 grams of powder.
  2. If the hair is before the neck, then you need about 100 grams.
  3. With a length to shoulders, 150 grams of coloring composition will be required.
  4. Long hair will take up to 300 grams of powder.

It is also worth understanding how to return the natural hair color after staining:

What are the best shampoos for fatty painted hair exist, will help you understand the video from this

To obtain a blundly shade, the extract is 20 minutes. For chocolate colors will take about 1.5 hours. Cold and black colors will require painting extracts for 2 or even 3 hours. To paint gray, keep the composition at least 3 hours.

Which proportions of Henna and Basma should be taken to obtain chestnut, ferrous chocolate and bronze shades

  1. To obtain chestnut, the HNU and the bass must be taken in equal proportions.
  2. Two parts of the bass and one part of the henna need to be taken to produce black hair.
  3. Two pieces of henna and one piece of bass are mixed to obtain bronze colors.

If you doubt the selected ratio, you can conduct an experiment only on one strand. What components will help make the color more interesting, how to mix right?

  1. A spoonful of saffron is added to the water and boiled for 5 minutes, after that, this composition is bred by hu. As a result, you can get a color similar to the old gold.
  2. Honey-golden shade is obtained by adding a turmeric and chamomile beam.
  3. Golden saturated color is obtained by adding well-fledged chamomile flowers to the composition of the henna.
  4. It has long been known that coffee adds coffee to get a chocolate tint.

On video hnna and bass on painted hair:

If you chose the composition, then you need to decide with the process of staining. The choice is not so big, but it is. The first method is separate. In this case, henna is applied to the lap first, but only then bass. The second method is simultaneous. In this case, the hair is painted immediately cooked mixture.

After staining, the hair is not treated with shampoo, you need to wash off with the help of a balsam residue of the mixture. Balm will help and save the color, and the grains and the grace will leave the hair faster.

How to paint gray hair, how to pick up a color

Gray hair can also be painted with a mixture of bass and henna. But it is worth knowing that the best result will be able to achieve if you have staining several times. Sometimes gray hair is not just knocked out of the total mass of hair, but also occupy most. In this case, you must first cut the curls. Repeated staining is already carried out from the mixture of components. You can choose the necessary combination of products yourself.

If, after staining, you saw that the color is too bright, you do not need to worry. In this case, the vegetable oil will help, which is required to be distributed over the entire length of the hair. The oil is first heated, and then apply on the hair, biting the package. After that, the hair was washed with shampoo. So the rich shade will disappear, it will become softer. And the hair will receive a portion of nutritional components. Do not stand this procedure more than once. Otherwise, the hair will become only more fat. Another way is to process each painted strand soap.

On the video color of the hair henna and bass gray hair:

Painting of light hair - how to mix dyes, ratio and proportion

Many women are interested, is it possible to paint bright hair with bass and henna. Many specialists can express their categorical "no". But in fact there is another opinion. So you should not paint bright hair only bass. In this case, you can not only paint your hair well, but also get an unpredictable result. Therefore, it is necessary to add to the HNU.

If you painted the hair presented by natural components, you can extend the effect of staining. For this, the curls must be rinsed with a solution. You need to mix 2 tablespoons of bass and 2 tablespoons of the henna, pour boiling water in the amount of 2 liters. As soon as the whole mixture cools, it is necessary to simply strain. Now it's just rinse the hair after each head washing.

Also, in no case do not need hair to paint with chemical compositions until bass leaves. Be sure to face the hair at the end, but wash the hair is best warm.

For those who want to understand which exist, it will help to understand information from the article.

But what does it look like on the photo staining the tent on the blond hair, you can see this

For those who want to understand how it is done, click on the link and watch the video.

Painting hair henna or bass began a long time ago. It allows you to change your color and at the same time no harm hurt your hair. In addition, it can be used as a mask if you take a colorless powder. But in order to properly paint with this powder, you need to prepare everything correctly and know the application technique.

What is necessary:

  • henna powder;
  • bowl for breeding it with water;
  • brush for mixing and applying;
  • gloves;
  • old T-shirt or towel, which can be covered with clothes;

How to prepare HHU:

  1. If only Henna is used in staining, then for its preparation you need to warm the water to 90 degrees.
  2. For short haircuts, you will need about 3 h. Powder. After in a bowl, you embark the hnu and integrate it with hot water, you can still warm it and put it into another container filled with hot water. Such a mixture should have a few more minutes to rape well.
  3. You can use paint only after its cooling.
  4. The packaging with the dye can be stored in the refrigerator, but even the diluted paint can also stand up to 3 weeks and after being used again.

The paint after staining gives a redhead color, but even it can be changed if you add some components to it:

  • 1 tsp. lemon juice will give brilliance of curls;
  • ans of chamomile, turmeric, a weak solution of coffee or a tincture of saffron will give the Russes of the Golden-Red Color;
  • hammering carnation, firm-welded coffee, black tea and cocoa, together with henna, will result in chocolate color;
  • carnation, red wine, decoction, tea carcade and cranberry juice will give your strands with a red shade;
  • basma and strong coffee, if there are more henna as a result of black color;

How to paint?

The process of changing the color with the help of henna is very different from painting conventional paint with an oxidizing agent:

  1. Initially, it is necessary to the usual way and a little dry hair.
  2. Take any fat cream and apply it to the skin next to the roots.
  3. Divide the hot water powder and stir. The consistency should resemble a non-fat sour cream. One packaging should be enough for approximately a haircut of medium length and not on very thick curls.
  4. A bowl with a diluted mixture must be put in a container with hot water and to warm up a little.
  5. Prepare hair and divide them into several parts, retreating about a few centimeters from each other.
  6. As soon as the mixture will cool down a bit, you begin to apply a brush. You need to do everything very quickly until the paint has completely cooled.
  7. As soon as you all cried your head, you need to close with polyethylene and insulate. In order for the paint does not follow, you can put napkins or small pieces of fabric along the edges.
  8. The time of staining depends on the original color. This paint you will not harm the curls, but you can significantly affect the result. Dark-haired girls keep paint for about 2 hours, but those who have thin and light will need only 15 minutes to get the desired color.
  9. After the last time you need to wash everything, but without shampoo. After, rinse the head with water with lemon juice.

First of all, the result depends on what you mixed powder. To do this, decide what color you want and on the basis of this select all the necessary components.

Natural color plays a latter role. If you bring a divorced hen to the bright hair without additives and leave for 2 hours, then the result is a fiery-red color.

Stained Hair and Basma

Basma, like Henna is a natural dye, therefore also does not harm. But if you mix these two components in the correct proportion, you can get a completely different shade.

So, if you add bass, then it will make a shade darker.

Proportions and final color:

  1. If you mix in equal proportions of the roof and bass, then you will get chestnut color. At the same time, the long curls will need from 25 to 100 grams and the other dye;
  2. When mixing bass and henna in proportion 2 to 1, then you will get black;
  3. If you mix bass and henu in proportion to 2, then you may find a bronze tint as a result.

Advantages and disadvantages of staining

This natural dye has its pros and cons.


  1. In this powder there are many substances that perfectly feed the scalp, which accelerates growth, nourishes, strengthens and gives natural shine.
  2. Helps get rid of dandruff.
  3. Hair becomes thicker and dropped less.
  4. Reduces irritation of the scalp.


  1. The result of each staining is not predictable. Even if you paint your hair is not the first time the intensity of the shade can be completely different. And it depends on how thin hair, how much did you keep, what temperature was the mixture during application and much more.
  2. Not suitable for those who have a lot of gray hairAlso, after a chemical curling, strongly damaged.
  3. Henna quickly fades, Therefore, after a couple of weeks, the color may be lighter, not saturated, and the shine will quickly disappear.
  4. Henna is almost impossible to paint the usual paint. Therefore, in order to change the color of the hair and use the shop paint will need to wait a few months. But it is advisable to wait until the hair will fully grow, especially if you plan to fire your hair, make a timing.

  1. Before staining, hair must be washed. Well, or they should be clean, and before applying the mixture, it will be enough to wet them a little. From the hair should not drip the water otherwise the paint will not penetrate so well.
  2. Mix powder and water is needed in ceramic or plastic dishes. If you take a metal container, the paint can spoil the dishes, and it will change its properties.
  3. After you wash the paint, you do not need to wash your head with shampoo, you can use only washed air conditioning. Wash your head after the whole procedure is preferably not earlier than three days later. The best color will be visible immediately after the first staining. Next, it will not be so saturated.
  4. If you accidentally stained the skin, it will be very difficult to rain the paint. Try to use the makeup removal fluid, or go into the shower and rub everything with a wash with soap.

I want to raise such an important topic: how to paint your hair with herbs. No, no, I will not tell now how to breed bass with henna, etc. I will tell you about several ways to apply this mixture on the hair. These methods are suitable for applying natural dyes and chemical.

Let's start with the fact that I decided to try successful and paint into a dark scattered without red-made. What is needed in order to paint?
First, a mixture of bass and henna (paint you are painted). This time I mixed 5 parts of the bass and 1 part of the henna. Approximately 150 g of bass and 1 tbsp. Henna spoon. And then for me it was a little enough due to the fact that I have thick hair, and naturally there is a bigger mixture

Here is Henna and Basma, which I use, and very pleased:

Secondly, gloves. When I was painted henna for the first time, I thought: "Oh yeah why I need these gloves, it's uncomfortable in gloves!". I want to say that Henna and Basma are perfectly stained with the skin, do not in vain make the biotate henna on the body. So I was then painted Hona's hands. Felt indian with red hands week

Thirdly, take the comb that you do not feel sorry. I have an old wooden scallop. The fact is that you can blur at the time of staining your comb. I, for example, painted the scallop handle in a dark color

Fourth, rubberry.

I repeat that I am the owner of thick hair, in this my big plus, but there are also small disadvantages. The minus is that I was terribly tormented when staining. But I found a way - the most optimal for myself. If you are also difficult to paint your hair, then this information will be especially useful for you!

I will list a few options as you can paint your hair.

Option number 1

Lower the head down (above the bathroom), and pour the whole mixture on your hair.
Of course, this is the fastest option to apply paint on your hair! But it will suit the girls who have either short hair or middle-length hair, or these are girls who have very rare hair. Then there is an option that the paint itself is well distributed through the hair.

Option number 2.

I will be smeared first the roots of the hair, then - the whole length. This option is also comfortable, but the fact is that it is also not suitable for everyone. If you have a normal thickness of your hair, you just have a diligence of yourself so long staining, and if you also have long, it will not forget that it will not forget that staining with grass and paint chemical - different things. If the paint we can afford it, then with the henna and bass, this case will not pass! Because the paint is chemical - it is on the texture as a cream, it is easier to apply it, and the likelihood that she herself will impregnate every hair with its composition, is! And Hena or Basma is like sand.

Option number 3.

We divide the hair into 2 parts and color each part. How many do: just take one part and smear the mixture and that's it. That is - not a strand behind a spin, but just the whole part of the hair in turn. So I tried. In general, for me is not a very convenient option. In this case, not all strands were painted. But this option will suit girls with short hair or medium length.

Option number 4.

We make a very liquid mixture and rinse your hair, but do not wash. In this embodiment, a lot of minuses. You all this paint will flow through the face and body, also drip. Never make liquid staining of the grass. He felt all the suffering.

Option number 5.
Well, the option that I choose, in detail.

Before proceeding with staining, I share my hair on 8 parts! With thick hair - only so. And I tie each part so that it does not interfere with rubberbers.

After that, I take 1 strand and divide it on small strands. And after that I begin to paint. I do not use tassels. Staining your hands. I feel so comfortable.

So I paint a strand behind the strand. At the same time, do not forget before you paint strand, it is pretty extinguish it. First, it will make it easier to apply paint. Secondly, you will not have confused hair, and all the hairs will turn out. As soon as I painted a strand, I wander it back in mini-beams.

After you painted all strands, you can either leave for an hour or two a mixture on the hair in the same 8 parts, or all the strands to collect in 1 large bundle. It is more comfortable to collect in 1 big beam.

After 1.5 hours of shutter speed, I wash it off at first with water, then my 1 time shampoo of the hair roots. Also using a mask for painted Forteffe hair.

So here is the result of the hair immediately after staining in the daylight, on the street :)

Hair is very soft and flowing. Very satisfied with staining.

Also for 2 months I stained every 3-4 weeks Henna's hair (recently henna and bass). Hair Growth:

At the beginning of February, he was postponed once her tips. At the end of February did the hair cleaning (haircut flavored). Now there are no lumps hair. At least I do not see them
How do you like my results? Is height and hair change in 2 months (almost 2 months)?

Caring for appearance inherent in a woman with young years. We choose haircuts and styles, looking for the perfect makeup and change the color of the hair for reasons that cannot be understood by male logic. There are women who choose curls, and frozen in the image "A la Seventies". But it is rather an exception that confirms the rule: a variety of women is inexhaustible.

One of the most correct ways to instantly transform is to paint your hair. Hop! - And the tender blonde is transformed into a cute witch with a worm-black hair. And then, exactly according to the crash of the magic stick, instead of a cryokoon sorcerer, a red-haired feast appears.

Frequent image change is adversely reflected in hair condition. Chemical dyes, despite the fact that the manufacturers of paints assure about the harmlessness of the products, pushing the hair from the inside, are cut and weakened.

How to avoid weakening hair

It is better to use natural hair colors. These include Henna and Basma.

On the coloring properties of the plant of the Indigifera, from which the bass is obtained, the eastern women knew at the dawn of civilization. With the help of paint plants mined from the leaves, the hair can be painted into a chic green color - by negligence, of course.

But in the mixture with the Iranian henna - paint extracted from the leaves of a hard shrub, depending on the proportions you can get shades of hair from golden-chestnut to deep black. Henna, unlike Basma, can be used as a monocracy.

Vegetable paints are suitable for all types of hair. There are several rules when staining the hair of henna and bass, which should not be disturbed if you do not want to get an unexpected result.

How to paint hair henna

Before applying henna, hair needs to be washed and dried. Skin on the growth line of hair is abundantly lubricated with fatty cream. Suitable children's cream or vaseline. So you will save your face and neck from the exposure of Henna - you can hardly like a bright orange or dark yellow strip as a "hoop" on the forehead and temples. Work with henna is better in gloves to protect against hand staining.

Put on the head on the head for the soul, make the turban from the old towel on top. Blondes for getting a golden shade are enough for 10 minutes, brown-haired - about an hour, and brunettes will have to sit with a towel on the head of about 2 hours. At the end of the henna, wash off a simple water of a comfortable temperature, but not hot.

  • If henna is insisted within 8 hours in heated lemon juice near the central heating battery, for example, and then paint the hair with a mixture, then curls will get a saturated copper color;
  • If you pour fresh beet juice into the henna solution, then gorgeous purple glare will appear on the blywood hair;
  • If he has been brewed in infusion, then blonde hair will get a noble golden shade;
  • If you dilute the huhu strong infusion of the carcade, then the color of the hair after dyeing will be "black cherry";
  • If in the huhu with any of the above-listed additional ingredients pour 15 gr. Maslo carnation, then the color will be deep and smooth.

How to paint the hair bass

Basma to use as a monocracy can not if you did not go out to paint your hair into green.

To get shades from light-chestnut to Iscin-black, you need to mix bass with henna in certain proportions.

Unlike henna, bass is applied to wet hair. For short hair is no more than 30 grams. Henna and bass mixtures for long hair - 4 times more. According to what color Locks you have planned to get after staining, the proportions are determined. To obtain a pure chestnut hue, the HNU and the bass should be taken equal to the quantity. The black color will turn out if it is 2 times less for painting than bass. And if the henna is 2 times more than the bass, then the hair will get the shade of old bronze.

Having determined the amount of henna and bass to obtain the desired shade on the hair, spread the paints in a non-metallic bowl with almost boiling water or hot and sturdy natural coffee. Scroll to the disappearance of lumps so that something like a medium density is. Apply the composition on the hair dried after washing, as in the previous case. Precautions - Gloves, Bold Cream Along Hair Growth Line - All the same.

Henna and Basma are natural dyes of plant origin. Their coloring properties were noticed in ancient times, so in the east, these plants have long been used to obtain natural pigment on her hair. They carefully carry out strands, not penetrating the hair structure. The correct combination of Henna and Basma will allow you to get beautiful, noble brown shades of different intensity. And it can be painted at home, and this article is designed to help you with this.

Henna benefit and hair bass

Henna is dried, crushed lavania leaves. Basma is obtained from the leaves of the Indigifera. Their homeland is the Middle East and Central Asia. Fresh Henna has a yellowish-green color, and the old one is a reddish hue (such a dye cannot be used). Basma is sold in the form of a grayish powder.

Henna contains essential oils and tanning substances, so the hair staining of the hair is not only harmless, but even useful: Henna strengthens and treats the roots of hair affected by improper care, gives them a noticeable shine. In addition, given from the harmful effects of the Sun, stops hair loss, eliminates dandruff.

In the east, henna paint hair even men, passionately wishing to save their heads from baldness.

Basma is distributed mainly in the territories of the eastern countries and is used to dye curls from antiquity. In the pure form of bass, it is rarely used, since with improper use you can get a greenish or blue tint instead of the desired dark. This dye is most often diluted with henna, which allows you to achieve a noble color. It consists not only in the possibility of safe staining of curls, but also additionally nutrition of damaged and weakened hair.

The procedure in combination of Henna and Basma gives the following advantages:

  • strengthens hair lows;
  • stops hair loss;
  • envelops the surface of each hair, protecting strands from harmful effects from the outside;
  • struggling with dandruff;
  • reduces the selection of sebum (with a fatty hair type);
  • basma gives pomp and the volume of hairstyle, and also provides persistent staining in the dark color of gray hair;
  • both dye can be used during pregnancy;
  • henna and Basma are available at a price.

And Henna, and bass - hypoallergenic and safe components, do not cause sensations of burning and redness. Possessing antiseptic properties, they contribute to the early healing of small damage and eliminate the harmful bacteria living on the skin of the head.

Basma and Henna are resistant dyes penetrating into the hair cuticle. Combining at the molecular level with keratines, they are badly washed away, so do not rush to risk hair. Before, and the henna for staining the whole chapels, select the non-screens of strand at an imperceptible place and color, hold the mixture for about 20 minutes. Such a test will make it possible to estimate the effect of the selected proportions of the combination of henna and bass.If the result suits, you can apply a dye to all curls.

  • basma and Henn is better laying on clean, wet strands, so before painting it is desirable to wash your hair with shampoo;

Wet hair

  • So, as indicated in the instructions before receiving the consistency of homogeneous casis. Basma is poured with almost boiling water (80-90 ºС);
  • skin areas close to hair growth line are recommended to lubricate with cream before coloring, otherwise stains will remain, which will be annoyed for a long time with their presence;
  • dyes are very high in the skin, so use protective gloves, shoulders cover the old thing;
  • when applied to strands, the bass can leak, so the head (on the border of the skin and hair) is better to wrap the harness from soft tissue or gauze;
  • stropeing when the mixture has cooled to warm state;
  • treat strand for strands along the entire length, starting with the occipital area. In order for the paste to quickly cooled, place it in hot water capacitance;
  • painted hair is recommended to hide under polyethylene, although the dye from pure bass does not require bilge;


  • the mixture on the hair is kept depending on the characteristics of the color and structure of the curls. The time breaking is as follows: from 10 minutes to 3-4 hours, sometimes the painting pasta is kept even all night. The longer keep, the darker will be the tone;
  • wash off the dye with warm water without applying the shampoo, since the detergent can wash off the hair has not yet fixed the dye;
  • to facilitate the yield, it is not allowed to use oil or rinse.

The result of staining henna and bass should be assessed by 3-4 days after the procedure after washing hair using shampoo

Proper cooking

It is better manifested in an acidic environment. In order to avoid hardness and dry hair, it is usually mixed in kefir, and any cosmetic oil or glycerin is added to the coloring composition. With a bold type of hair, it is better to breed in the fresh heated lemon juice (or a sour liquid - water with vinegar, herbal tea with lemon, wine, etc.) 10 hours before staining, putting the mixture to appear in a warm place.

Due to mixing the mixture in kefir, the hair will get a deep and rich color. Also in the mixture you can add 1-2 egg yolks: so the dye will be easier to wash off and acquire the therapeutic effect.

Henna or bass powder must be poured in enameled or glassware, and stir - wooden spoon. Basma is bred only by water.

The consistency of the finished dye should be homogeneous and moderately liquid. Too liquid cashem will drain, and the hair will turn off unevenly. Overhairs, thick mass dries on the head earlier than the hair is punished.

You need to warm the mixture on a steam bath from 55 to 70º C. Boiling water (100 ° C) can be, the Henna is baked at a boiling point, and its coloring properties deteriorate. Using rubber gloves, try to put the paint on the hair in warm form until it cooled. The colder the dye, they color slower.

Hair dye gloves

Staining technology

Speaking about whether there are two ways of applying compositions: sequentially, one dye after another, or at the same time, mixing both powder. The most convenient is the first way when Henna is applied first, then Basma. If after henna the resulting hair color does not suit you, it will be easy to fix it with the subsequent color of the bass. The method of sequential applying of dyes will allow you to adjust the process and the result of staining.

Changing the ratio of henna and bass, the duration of their impact, you can get a variety of hair shades.

After painting, the hair acquire a natural look.

What results can be expected

If after painting henna, it turned out too bright hair color, then it can be neutralized. To do this, apply a little warm vegetable oil on the hair, which can absorb henu. Distribute the oil over the entire surface and leave for 20 to 30 minutes, and then rinse your hair with shampoo. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.

Vegetable oil

If it turned out to be darker, you can rinse them with water, acidified with vinegar or lemon juice. If, with joint staining, the hair turned out to be not dark, they can be painted with bass again.

The result of stained hair and bass hair depends on such factors as:

  1. Natural color.
  2. Hair structure (thickness, dryness and other features). Thin, dry and soft hair are stained much easier than fat and hard. The hair discolored with hydrogen peroxide, as well as the hair after a chemical curling (although it should not do it).
  3. The temperature of the water, which is mixed with Henna and Basma, and the temperature of the Kashitz when applied to the hair.
  4. The duration of the effect of paint on the hair. The longer the mixture is on the hair, the stronger they are scorched.
  5. Proportions in which henna and bass powders are mixed.

From the first time it is difficult to achieve the desired color, so it is better to make a preliminary test on a small strand of hair.

Henna's combination and bass when painting

Various ratios of Henna and Basma are able to give absolutely dissimilar results. TO can you get any shades?

Proportions for different shades

  • mix the hu nu and bass in proportion 2: 1 can only be natural blondes when holding a mixture on her hair for 10-15 minutes. Dark strands with a bronze pulling can be obtained, withsting the dye about half an hour;

Henna and Basma Mix

  • the sunny blond shade will be able to mix 3 pieces of henna and one part of the bass. Store the mixture for about 30 minutes;
  • staining hair henna and bass in the same proportions give curls with chestnuts;
  • in order to get brown or chocolate color, Henna and bass are connected in a 1: 2 ratio. The mixture must be kept 15-20 minutes, no more, otherwise it turns out black.

Golden, copper, chestnut, chocolate and black curls - this is what the palette of flowers, which can be obtained by connecting only two natural components - hu nu and bass.

Disadvantages of dye

Henna and bass have some minuses:

  1. It is impossible to use henna and bass if the hair was previously painted with chemical compositions. The result in this case will be difficult to predict: you can get raspberry or green strands.
  2. At the same time, chemical compositions can not be applied toIf natural dyes remained on the hair.
  3. It is not recommended to use Basma and HenaIf the hair has recently been exposed to a chemical twist or straightening.
  4. The process of staining henna and bass may take several hoursthat is not always convenient.
  5. Proportions of Henna and Basma - the case is thin. Which result will get depends on the mixture you have misunderstanding.


More details regarding staining hair henna and Basma Look on the video below