Description of a friend in French with translation. Writing about a friend is easy and fun

nous sommes de bons amis. Story about a friend

A French proverb says: Mieuxvautmanquerd'argentqued'ami.

The Russian proverb says: Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

Another proverb says: Amidetousn "estl" amidepersonne.

Who is pleasing to everyone, unsuitable to anyone.

The motto of our lesson will be the proverb: Dis - moiquiesttonami, jetediraiquitues. Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are.

In this lesson, we will study the stories of three French schoolchildren about their friends. We will read, translate their texts, and, having chosen phrases suitable for us from them and altering them a bit, we will write our own story about our best friend or girlfriend.

Voilà Nicolas et son recit.

Mon meilleur copain s'appelle Bruno. Il a 13 ans. Bruno est plus agé que moi. Nous sommes amis depuis 2 ans. Nous jouons ensemble au football dans la cour. Bruno est très sportif. Il joue bien au football. Il est aussi gai. Il raconte toujours des histoires très intéressantes. Je l'aime bien.

My best friend's name is Bruno. He is 13 years old. Bruno is older than me. We've been friends for two years now. We play football together in the yard. Bruno is very athletic. He plays football well. He is also cheerful. He always tells very interesting stories. I really like Bruno.

Voilà Claire et son recit de sa copine.

Macopine s'appelle Aline. Elle a 10 ans comme moi. Aline est belle. Ses cheveux sont blonds et frises, ses yeux sont verts. Aline travaille bien à l'école. Elle aime lire, écouter de la musique, aller au cinéma. Aline est bonne et gentille. Nous sommes amies depuis tres longtemps. Nous aimons les memes choses. Aline et moi, nous sommes de bonnes amies.

My friend's name is Alina. She is 10 years old, just like me. Alina is beautiful. She has blonde and wavy hair, her eyes are green. Alina is doing well at school. She loves to read, listen to music, go to the movies. Alina is kind and sweet. We have been friends for a long time. We love the same things. Alina and I are best friends.

Et voilà le récit de Marie sur son amie.

Ma meilleure amie habite à côté de chez moi. Nous sommes dans la meme classe. Le matin nous allons ensemble à l'école. Nous jouons ensemble pendant les récréations. Après l'école nous faisons toutes sortes de choses intéressantes. Par exempl, nous bavardons, nous chantons, nous dansons, nous regardons les dessins animés et bien sûr nous faisons nos devoirs ensemble. J'aime mon amie. Elle est tres gaie et sympa.

My best friend lives next door to the somnoy. We learn in the same class. In the morning we go to school together. We play together in times of change. After school we do different interesting things. For example, we chat, sing, dance, watch cartoons and, of course, we do homework together. I love my girlfriend. She is very funny and cute.

After carefully reading the texts, translating them correctly, I chose some phrases for myself from all three stories for my own story about my friend. Of course, I changed the phrases of the guys a little and added something of my own. Here's what I got.


Nous avons le même âge. Nathalie n'habite pas à côté de chez moi. C'est pourquoi nous ne nous voyons pas souvent. Macopine est tres gaie et gentille. Nous sommes amies depuis tres longtemps. Nous aimons les memes choses. Par exempl, faire des courses, aller au cinéma, écouter de la musique. Nous pouvons bavarder par telephone pendant des heures. J'aime beaucoup mon amie Nathalie.

My best friend's name is Natasha. We are the same age. Natasha doesn't live near me. That's why we don't see each other often. My girlfriend is very funny and sweet. We have been friends for a long time. We love the same things. For example, shopping, going to the movies, listening to music. We can talk on the phone for hours. I love my friend Natasha very much.

Writing a story about a friend or girlfriend is not difficult.

Just carefully read the texts of the textbook on this topic, review this lesson again, and you will definitely come across phrases that fit the description of your best friend or best friend.

You can tell their name (Moncopain/Macopines'appelle …), how old they are (Il/Ellea … ans), describe their appearance, character (Il/Elleestgai(e), intelligent(e), (Sescheveuxsont …, sesyeuxsont …), and at the end add what you like to do together.

And be sure to pass the test of this lesson.

You can also find useful information there.

List of used literature:

  1. French. A large reference book for schoolchildren and applicants to universities / E.V. Ageeva, L.M. Belyaeva, V.G. Vladimirova and others - M .: Bustard, 2005.-349, p.- (Large reference books for schoolchildren and university applicants.)
  2. Le petit Larousse illustration/HER2000
  3. E. M. Beregovskaya, M. Toussaint. Blue bird. The book for the teacher to the textbook of the French language for the 5th grade of educational institutions.
  4. Gak, V.G. new French-Russian dictionary / V.G. Gak, K.A. Ganshina. - 10th ed., stereotype. - M .: Rus.yaz.-Media, 2005.- XVI, 1160, p.
  5. E. M. Beregovskaya. Blue bird. French. Grade 5 Textbook for educational institutions.

Used images:

    1 My friend Blika

    2 avoir

    I nepr. vt

    1) independent verb

    avoir des enfants - to have children

    elle a deux fils - she has two sons

    avoir pour... - to have as...

    nous avons pour but... - our goal is

    je l "ai pour ami - he is my friend

    avoir un prix - get an award

    on les a eu! - they got caught!

    il a juré de m "avoir - he swore that he would get to me

    e) hit; catch

    je l "ai eu! - hit ( on target)

    e) be out of order (when expressing questions and doubts)

    qu "est-ce qu" il a? - What about him?

    qu "est-ce qu" elle a, cette radio? - what about this receiver?

    and) ch. avoir is included in a number of set expressions

    en avoir à, contre, après qn dec. - to be dissatisfied with someone; get angry at someone; to be angry with someone

    à qui en a-t-elle? Who is she angry with?

    avoir plus d "un tour dans son sac - be dodgy

    avoir trois mois - to be sentenced to three months' imprisonment

    4) avoir à + the infinitive of another verb expresses an obligation

    t "as qu" à t "en aller - come on, get out

    5) in impersonal circulation

    il y a - there is, there is

    il y a des personnes qui le disent - there are persons who say this

    il n "y a pas que ... - there is not only ...

    il n "y a que les hommes qu" on n "entend pas - only people are not heard

    qu "y a-t-il de nouveau? - what's new?

    qu "est-ce qu" il y a? - What's happened?; what's the matter?

    il y a que tout le monde est parti - the fact is that everyone is gone

    il n "y a qu" à..., y a qu "à colloquial - it's only worth it, you only need

    s "il n" y a que moi! unfold - not me

    il y a mieux, mais c "est plus cher colloquial - it can be better

    (il n")y a pas colloquial - nothing to think about

    quand il n "y en a plus, y en a encore colloquial - no end in sight

    quand il y en a pour..., y en a pour... colloquial - where there is for ..., there is also for ...

    il a souri - he smiled

    nous avons causé - we talked

    II m

    1) property, property

    l "avoir, les avoirs - investments; values, holdings; assets

    3) document evidencing the merchant's debt to the customer

    3 ci

    1. partial

    ces livres-ci sont pour vous, moi, j "emporte ceux-là - these books are for you, I take those

    2. adv

    2) total

    3. pron (abbr. from ceci, used with ca)
  • 4 être

    I 1. nepr. ; vi

    être ou ne pas être - to be or not to be

    nous avons été l "accompagner - we saw him off

    il s "en fut - he left

    2. nepr.

    1) be

    2) in constructions with the passive participle

    A) time is expressed by the verb être (passif )

    ses yeux étaient fixés sur moi - his eyes were fixed on me

    b) tense is expressed by the verb être and participle (compound tenses )

    ils sont arrivés les premiers - they came first

    nous nous sommes déjà vus - we have already met

    il s "est laissé voler - he was robbed

    3) in constructions without communion

    A) object and the object with which it is identified

    il était notre ami - he was our friend

    il n "est rien pour moi - he is nobody to me

    vous ne m "êtes plus rien - you no longer exist for me

    elle est jeune - she is young

    comme il est - as is

    G) temporary relationship

    être a... - to belong

    il n "est plus à lui - he does not own himself

    être de la fête - to participate in the celebration

    il est de mes amis - he is one of my friends, he is my friend

    e) the necessity of the phenomenon expressed by the infinitive

    cette maison est à vendre - this house is for sale

    and) engaging in an action expressed by the infinitive; recurrence, commonness of a phenomenon expressed by the infinitive

    4) in phrases that arose on the basis of constructions with être

    être à la bande - to roll over

    être comme les deux doigts de la main - to be inseparable

    j "y suis! - got it!, found it!

    vous y êtes! - guessed it!

    ainsi soit-il - so be it

    où en sommes-nous? - where [on what] did we stop?

    en être pour... - to pay

    je n "y suis pour rien - I have nothing to do with it

    être pour (+ infinity)- going to

    nous sommes pour partir - we are going to leave

    être pour qn, qch - to be for [against] someone, something

    être sans... - to be without..., not to have

    comme si de rien n "était - as if nothing had happened

    5) in impersonal constructions with the pronoun il

    il est deux heures - two hours

    voilà ce qu "il en est de ... - that's how it is

    il est nuit - it's already dark

    6) in constructions with the pronoun ce

    c "est par ici - here, here, this way

    ça y est - all right, ready

    c "est a qui ... - vying with each other

    c "est à qui parlera plus fort - who will shout over whom

    c "est le train qui arrive - this is a train approaching

    c "est lui qu" on attend - they are waiting for him

    c "est que ... - the fact of the matter is that; the fact is that ... means

    8) être combined with question words

    qu "est-ce que c" est? - What is this?; what it is?

    est-ce que? - is it?

    n "est-ce pas - isn't it; isn't it ?, yes?

    II m

    1) creature; Human

    être humain - a person

    être de désir - a person overwhelmed with desire

    mon être - I

    être de raison - an abstract concept

    2) existence, existence

    5 moi

    1. pron autonome 1 pers sing

    I; matches with a noun or pronouns toi, lui, elle, nous, vous, eux, elles

    A) in verbless sentences

    b) in verb sentences without a preposition; matches subject or object

    voilà comme je suis, moi (cf. voilà comme il est, lui)- that's what I am

    V) in prepositional structures

    pensez a moi (cf. pensez à eux)- think about me

    and my! - help!, to me!

    il vint avec moi - he went with me

    il se souvint de moi - he remembered me

    de vous à moi - between us

    à moi, de moi - mine

    pour moi - about me

    2. pron non-autonomous 1 pers sing

    combined with imperative

    attendez-moi (cf. attendez-le, attendez Pierre)- wait for me

    donnez-moi (cf. donnez-lui, donnez a pierre)- let me

    3. m

    1) I (my personality)

    2) philosophy I (thinking subject)

    3) psychol. "ego"

    moi idéal - I am the ideal, super-I (in Freud's theory)

    6 à l "autre!


    (à l "autre! [ tzh.à d "autres!])

    look for other fools; completeness!, tell (those) (this) to someone else!, pipes!, well, you know!

    Mme Mareze. - Tais-toi, tu ne sais pas ce que tu dis. Mareze. - Mais si, mais si. L "enfant n" a peut-être pas complètement tort. Mme Mareze. - À l "autre, à présent! Ah! que j" ai du mal avec vous deux! (J. Lemaître, La Massiere.)- Mrs. Mahrez. Shut up, you don't know what you're talking about. Mahrez. - No, no, you're wrong. Maybe our boy isn't so to blame. Ms. Mahrez. - Well, you know, tell it to someone else! Oh! And I have suffered grief from both of you!

    Cesarine. (désespérée) - Qu "avez-vous fait? .. Vous nous perdez! Bernardet. - À d" autres; on ne me trompe deux fois. (E. Scribe, La camaraderie.)- Cesarina ( in desperation) . - What have you done?.. You drown us! Bernard. - Look for other fools! don't fool me a second time.

    D "abord, je n" ai rien sauve! - À d "autres! Le père, mon ami Curtyl, viendra cet après-midi te remercier. (P. Margueritte, La Maison brûle.)- - First of all, I didn't save anyone. - Tell me! The father of this girl, my friend Curtil, will come to thank you today.

    Elle ajouta d "un ton agressif: - Je voulais te dire: tu t" es bien fourrée à propos d "Henri. Tomber amoureuse d" un type comme ça, à d "autres! (S. de Beauvoir, Les Mandarins.)- Nadine defiantly added: - I've been meaning to tell you for a long time: you've gotten into a lot of trouble with this Henri. Well, you know! It must be able to - fall in love with this type.

    7 avoir de l "estomac


    1) to be bold, decisive, daring

    Ah mon ami! C "est tout ça? Moi, si j" avais votre estomac! Ah alarms! Ce que je m "en foutrais bien! De mes proches et relations. (L.-F. Celine, Mort à credit.)- Oh, my friend, is that all? If only I had your courage! Oh then! I would then spit on my relatives and friends.

    Je n "ai jamais eu l" audace ou comme disent les gens du peuple "l" estomac "qu" il faut pour soutenir un grand vice. (G. Duhamel, (GL).)- I never had the necessary impudence, or, as they say, I always had the guts to be truly vicious.

    2) have restraint

    3) be full, belly

    8 c "est la faute à Voltaire, c" est la faute à Rousseau

    It's all Voltaire's and Rousseau's fault (the constant chorus of 19th-century reactionaries who blamed all the abuses of the French Revolution on Voltaire and Rousseau. The expression became popular thanks to Gavroche's song in Les Misérables by V. Hugo)

    On est laid à Nanterre, C "est la faute à Voltaire, Et bête à Palaiseau, C" est la faute à Rousseau. (V. Hugo. Les Miserables.)- All the freaks in Nanterre, Look for the fault in Voltaire, All the fools in the Palaiseau, Look for the fault in Rousseau.

    Guérin (entrant). - Eh bien, madame Guérin, je t "y prends encore à faire fonction de domestique. Madame Guérin. - Mais, mon ami, Françoise est si paresseuse! Guérin. - Toujours Françoise! ​​.. C" est la faute à Voltaire!. . C "est la faute à Rousseau! .. S" il ne suffit pas d "une servante, prends-en une seconde, mais ne tracasse pas cette fille. (E. Augier, Maître Guérin.)- Guerin ( included) . - Well, Madame Guerin, again I see you working for the servants. Ms Guerin. - What can you do, my friend, Françoise is so lazy. Guerin. - Francoise again! .. Voltaire's fault in everything, Rousseau's fault in everything ... If one maid is not enough for you, take a second one, but stop picking on this girl.

    9 ca me botte


    (ça [or cela] me botte)

    Foutaises, ami Paul! Foutaises que tout cela! La politique, les guerres, les sports: aucun intérêt. Ce qui me botte, moi, c "est le fait divers et les procès. (R. Queneau, Pierrot mon ami.)- Nonsense, my friend Paul! All this is nonsense and nonsense! Politics, wars, sports: all this is of little interest. Personally, I'd be fine with Incidents and Litigation.

    10 cordonnier, tiens-t "en à la chaussure!

    do not judge what you do not understand; ≈ judge, my friend, not above the boot

    11 dieu tutelaire

    1) patron saint (whose name the person is named)

    2) kind genius

    Le comte Almaviva. - Ah! Figaro, mon ami, tu seras mon ange, mon libérateur, mon dieu tutélaire. (Beaumarchais, Le Barbier de Seville.)- Count Almaviva. - Ah, Figaro, my friend, you will be my guardian angel, my savior, my good genius.

    12 en coller son billet

    (en coller [or en donner, en ficher, rude en foutre] son ​​billet)

    je vous en colle [or en donne, en fiche, en fous] mon billet - I assure you!, do not hesitate!, you can believe me!

    Il y avait des femmes de tous les mondes, depuis le fretin jusqu "au dessus du panier de la société cosmopolite: mais je vous donne mon billet que la dame qui a intrigué Jacques appartenait à la crème de la crème ... (A. Theuriet, Charme dangereux.)- There were women of all sorts, from the small fry to the color of the cosmopolitan society, but I dare to assure you that the lady who intrigued Jacques belongs to the cream of the high society ...

    Je ne te demanderai plus que tu ne peux donner. Mais ce que tu peux, - tout ce que tu peux, - tu le donneras, mon ami: je t "en colle mon billet. I won't ask more of you than you can give. But what you can, everything you can, you will give me, my friend, you can trust me.

    Papillon. - Aujourd "hui, on cherche à remplacer ça par le syndicalisme. Ça a peut-être du bon, je ne dis pas, mais ce n" est pas la même chose, je vous en f ... donne mon billet. (L. Bénière, Papillon, dit Lyonnais le Juste.)- Papillon. - Now they are trying to replace all this with syndicalism. I do not argue, maybe he has his good sides, but this is something completely different, I assure you.

    Henri. - ... Oh, mais, si elle croit en être quittée à ce prix-là, elle se trompe, je vous en fiche mon billet. (E. Brieux, Suzette.)- Henri. - ... Well, if she imagines that she will get off so easily, then she is mistaken, to be sure.

    Allons lui parler à Teresa et je vous fiche mon billet que je saurai la persuader de vous avouer la vérité. (Ch. Exbrayat, Les filles de Foliguazzaro.)“Let's go talk to Teresa, and I give you my word that I can convince her to tell the truth.

    13 être du secret

    (être du [or dans le] secret)

    to be privy to a secret, to know secrets

    Il consentirait bien à être du secret, il ne refuserait pas l "avance de ce peu d" argent, que certainement son père lui rembourserait. (E. Zola, L "Argent.)“He will, of course, agree to be initiated into this secret and will not refuse to lend us a small sum, which his father will reimburse him.

    (A. de Vigny, Cinq-Mars.)

    14 faire la paix

    1) make peace

    2) (tzh. faire la paix avec qn ) make peace with someone

    Allons, la mère, dit-il en baisant la main de sa femme, ce n "est rien, va: nous avons fait la paix. - Pas vrai, fifille? (H. de Balzac, Eugenie Grandet.)- - Listen, mother, - he said, kissing his wife's hand, - listen, it's all nonsense: we made up. Is it true, daughter?

    - faire la paix de qn
  • 15 faire mauvais menage

    1) not get along with each other, live unfriendly, quarrel (about spouses, about people)

    Ramel. - ... Champagne, vous êtes libre. Mais vous voyez, mon ami, à quels fâcheux soupçons on est exposé quand on fait mauvais ménage. (H. de Balzac, La Marâtre.)- Ramel. - ... You are free, Champagne. But see for yourself, my friend, what suspicions people give rise to when they do not get along with each other.

    2) not get along (about things, feelings)

    16 faire signe à qn de ...

    (faire (un) signe à qn de ...)

    give someone a sign

    Marthe lui avait fait signe de ne pas lui parler, parce que le surveillant farouche était là; mais elle avait trouvé moyen, en lui rendant la monnaie de sa pièce de cinq francs, de lui glisser un billet ... (G. Sand, Horace.)- Martha signaled her to be silent, because the ferocious warden was nearby, but she managed, giving the warden change from a five-franc coin, to put a bribe into his hand ...

    Et disant cela, il se jeta au fond d "une croisée, et, faisant signe à de Thou d" y venir lui parler, il continua tout bas: - Que je vous dise, mon ami, à vous qui êtes dans leurs secrets; je les ai fiancés il y a quinze jours, comme ils vous l "ont raconté. - Oui, vraiment! dit le pauvre de Thou, tombant de Charybde en Scylla dans un autre étonnement. (A. de Vigny, Cinq-Mars.)- With these words, he went deeper into the window niche and, calling de Tu to him, continued in an undertone: - Let it be known to you, my friend, since you are privy to their secret, that I betrothed them two weeks ago, as they told you. - Indeed! - exclaimed the poor de Toux in surprise, feeling that he had fallen from the fire into the frying pan.

    Dom Juan. - Qu "est-ce? Qu" as-tu? Dis donc. Veux-tu parler?.. Sganarelle. - La statue m "a fait signe. (Molière, Dom Juan, ou le Festin de Pierre.)- Don Juan. - What's happened? What happened to you? Yes, speak! Why are you silent? .. Sganarelle. - The statue made me a sign.

    - faire le signe de la croix
    - faire signe de la main
    - faire signe de tete
    - faire signe des yeux
  • 17 Jeter la pierre a qn

    (jeter la pierre [or les pierres] à qn)

    throw a stone at someone; blaspheme someone; drop the charge

    Quand on se fait une raison, un enfant, après tout, ça s "élève. Je ne m" en vais pas te payer un carillon, [...]. Mais les pierres qu "on te jettera, je sais où les renvoyer et, même sans parrain, je te promets la marraine. (H. Bazin, Qui j "ose aimer.)“If you think about it carefully, raising a child is not such a tricky thing after all. I do not promise you to arrange this marriage [...]. Stones will be thrown at you, but I know how to repay those same offenders of yours, and although you will not have a godfather, I promise you a godmother.

    jeter le premier la pierre, jeter la première pierre - the first to throw a stone at someone

    Mon bon ami, faites la paix avec Eugenie. Voyez vous tout Saumur vous jette la pierre. (H. de Balzac, Eugenie Grandet.)- My friend, make peace with Evgenia. You know, all Saumur condemns you.

    Ne croyez-vous pas que votre père eût été un autre homme si nous-mêmes avions été différents? Ne m "accusez pas de vous jeter la pierre: je connais vos qualités, je sais que grand-père s" est montré cruellement injuste envers vous et envers maman. (F. Mauriac, Le Nœud de vipères.)"Don't you think your father would be different if we were different ourselves?" Do not accuse me of reproaching you, I know your virtues, I know that grandfather was cruelly unfair to you and your mother.

    Je vous dirais qu "avec M. de Charlus c" était difficile. Il est extrêmement dreyfusard ... - Mais non! - Si ... en tout cas son cousin le prince de Guermantes l "est, on lui jette assez la pierre pour ça. - - I must tell you that everything is not so simple with my brother de Charlus. He is a notorious Dreyfusard. - What are you doing! - I assure you ... In any case, his relative, the Prince Guermantes - Dreyfusard undoubted, they are all stigmatized for it.

    18 la grande affaire

    1) [less often la grosse affaire] the main thing, the most important thing, the most important thing, the essence; primary goal; main occupation

    On le disait egoiste et parcimonieux. Je crois qu "en effet pour lui la grande affaire était de vivre et que, menant un train des plus réduits, il ne recherchait pas les occasions de faire des largesses. (A. France, La Vie en fleur.)- He was considered selfish and miserly. I think that in fact life seemed to him incredibly difficult, and he, leading the most modest lifestyle, did not at all look for an opportunity to make grand gestures.

    Leur grande affaire, c "est de profiter de tout sans peine et de gagner les bonnes places à coups de chapeaux. (Erckmann-Chatrian, Histoire d "un paysan.)- The main concern of the nobles was to enjoy life without complicating themselves in any way, and to get a warm place through acquaintances.

    Je vois, mon ami, par la trempe de nos âmes et par le tour commun de nos goûts, que l "amour sera la grande affaire de notre vie. (J.-J. Rousseau, Julie ou la Nouvelle Héloïse.)- I know, my friend, from the nature of our souls and from the common tastes that love will be the most important thing in our life.

    Les étiquettes de partis, les systèmes de pensée ne comptaient point pour eux: la grande affaire était de "penser avec courage". (R. Rolland, La Nouvelle journee.)- Party labels, philosophical systems - all this did not matter to them. The whole point was to "think boldly."

    Son autre fils Lucien avait été très souffrant et ... la grosse affaire était surtout de lui rendre la santé. (P. Bourget, Le Disciple.)- ... his other son, Lucien, was seriously ill, and his father's main concern was to restore his health.

    2) (tzh. la belle affaire, voilà une belle affaire) iron. is it a big deal!, big deal!; think!; here's another!, well, so what!; here is unseen!

    Voilà l "explication, dit-on. C" est un pistonné que l "on t" envoie pour tirer les marrons du feu, dans une chose où tu auras eu tout le mal. Brevete! La belle affaire. Les theories d "Ardant du Picq ou rien, par ici, c" est kif-kif. (P. Benoit, L "Atlantide.)- They say that's the point here. This is someone's protege who is sent to you, and you will have to carry chestnuts from the fire, and you will get something mainly. He is educated. Think! In these places, whether you know the theories of Ardan-du-Pic or not, damn it!

    Qu "avez-vous fait, me dit-il, qu" avez-vous fait, grand Dieu! Détournement de mineure, rapt, enlèvement. Vous vous êtes mis une belle affaire sur les bras. (A. France, Le Crime de Sylvestre Bonnard.)- - What have you done! he said to me. - What have you done! My God! Seduction of a minor, kidnapping, removal. Well, you brewed porridge on your own head!

    Eh bien, oui, il y a des indigents, la belle affaire! Ils étoffent le bonheur des opulents. (V. Hugo, L "Homme qui rit.)- Yes, it's true, the have-nots exist, so what! The well-being of the wealthy rests on them.

    Mais qui veulent bien de ton beau-frère de Navarre. - Pourvu qu "il abjure. - Belle affaire! et comme la chose t" embarrasse, n "est-ce pas? - Ah ça! (A. Dumas, Les Quarante-cinq.)- - But these people are a mountain for your brother-in-law Henry of Navarre. - Provided that he renounces his faith. - Big deal! This prospect does not suit you very much, does it? - What more!

    Mais vous, un avocat, qu "est-ce que vous auriez gagné à la Restauration? Une préfecture? La belle affaire! (A. France, Monsieur Bergeret à Paris.)- ... But to you, a lawyer, what would the Restoration give you? Prefecture? Think!

    Pardon, dit Christophe, j "ai vu aussi votre élite intellectuelle. - Quoi? Deux ou trois douzaines d" hommes de lettres? Voilà une bonne affaire! (R. Rolland, Dans la Maison.)- - Excuse me, - said Christophe, - because I saw the cream of your intelligentsia. - What? Dozens of two or three writers? Say goodbye!

    Mais du côté que vous me proposez il n "y a pas de train après neuf heures. - Eh bien, la belle affaire! Neuf heures c" est parfait. (M. Proust, Sodome et Gomorrhe.)- - But in the direction you suggested, there are no trains after nine. - Well, so what! Nine hours is fine with us.

    Je dois la vie à ma mere? La belle affair! Jean Rezeau numéro deux doit la vie à Monique Arbin, que j "ai un peu aidée! J" entends bien: celle-ci est une excellente mère, elle obéit à cet instinct qu "elle partage avec l" hippocampe, la jument et la corneille. (H. Bazin, La mort du petit cheval.)- I owe my life to my mother? Nice business! Jean Rezo number two owes his life to Monica Arbain, whom I only helped a little! I do not argue that Monica is an excellent mother, she obeys the same instinct as a fish, a mare or a crow.

    19 perdre corps et biens

    1) lose everything (property and family)

    Un ami japonais m "a conté qu" à Tokyo, rencontrant, au lendemain du tremblement de terre un ami qui y avait, ainsi que le comte Chiarenza, perdu corps et biens, tout ce qu "il avait, tous les siens ... (R. Rolland, L "Âme enchantée.)- A friend of mine, a Japanese, told me that one day, the day after the earthquake in Tokyo, he met his friend, who, just like Count Chiarenza, lost everything he had, all his property and all his relatives .. .

    2) abyss without a trace, an abyss without a trace

    Après deux ans de mariage, elle avait de lui une petite fille et elle était encore grosse de six mois quand le bâtiment qui portait son mari les Deux-Sœurs, un-trois-mâts barque de Dieppe disparut. On n "en eut jamais aucune nouvelle; aucun des marins qui le montait ne revint; on le considéra donc comme perdu corps et biens. (G. de Maupassant, Le Retour.)- Two years after the wedding, she gave birth to a girl for him and was six months pregnant when he sailed from Dieppe in the three-masted barge "Two Sisters", which disappeared. None of the sailors returned, and the ship was considered missing.

    20 prendre qn au jeu Wikipedia

    My friend is a frivolous person (film)

    My friend is a frivolous person (film)- My friend is a frivolous person Mans draugs nenopietns cilvēks Genre comedy melodrama Director Janis Streič Starring ... Wikipedia

    My friend (film)- My friend Ein Freund von mir Genre ... Wikipedia

    My Friend Eli (film)- My friend Eli Ele, My Friend Genre family film Director Dharan Mandrayar Starring Country United Kingdom, India ... Wikipedia

We are happy to welcome all fans of the French language! Today we will talk about friendship in French. And we will not even just talk, but write an essay about a friend and friendship.

After all, friendship is a subject that excites each of us. We strive to surround ourselves with loyal and good friends, and we are happy if we are lucky with those. After all, finding a true friend is a great luck, you see!

If you are studying French at school or in another educational institution, then you will definitely face the task of talking about your friend orally or writing an essay about a friend and friendship. This is where we want to help you in this article.

Friends, you will probably ask this question first of all: how to write an essay? Where to start, what phrases and phrases are best to use, what conclusion to sum up at the end? Everything is very simple, the main thing is to clearly define what kind of friend you want to write about.

First things first, we need an introduction. After all, we do not immediately jump right off the bat, and are taken directly to the description of a friend. The introduction is the first paragraph, which consists of several sentences. Here you can write about what friendship is, in your opinion, how you understand it, what it means in your life. You can start with these phrases:

  • L'amitié est... - Friendship is...
  • Pourmoil'amitiec'est… - For me, friendship is…
  • Je crois (je pense, je considère, à mon avis) que l'amitié, c'est ... - II think(I think, I guess, in my opinion) that friendship is...
  • Il est difficile d'ê tre tout seul, de vivre sans amis. - Difficultbeat allalone, livewithoutfriends.
  • Une personne ayant beaucoup d'amis peut se considérer heureuse… – Manhavinga lot offriends, Maybecountmyselfhappy
  • ilestassesd'avoiruniqueMaisfideleami. - It is enough to have a single, but true friend.

We already have a start. Now smoothly move on to the story about your friend. This is a new paragraph. You can start it by saying that you are happy that you have friends, and the best of them is the one you will tell about:

  • J'appreciel'amitié... - I value friendship...
  • Jesuisheureuxd'avoirdesamis. - I'm happy that I have friends.
  • Mon meilleur ami est ... - MobestFriend- This
  • Il est mon meilleur ami - HemybestFriend
  • Il a un bon coeur - He has a good heart
  • ilm'aidbeaucoup - He helps me a lot
  • ilmesoutient - He supports me
  • nousnousestimons - We respect each other
  • nousaidonsl'unl'autre - We help each other
  • Raisonnable - prudent
  • Bon - good, kind
  • interesting - interesting
  • curieux - curious
  • Fidèle - faithful, devoted
  • Calme - calm
  • Intelligent - smart
  • Vrai ami is a true friend
Qualities a friend can have

Write about how you help each other, how you spend time together, what unites you, what tests you have passed. When describing the help of your friend, do not forget to mention that you also do not leave him in trouble and come to his aid.

And, finally, the completion of the essay, the conclusion. Here you can write approximately similar phrases as at the beginning of the composition. Tell me how happy you are that you have such a friend. Write that you cannot imagine yourself without him, and you are grateful for his friendship and understanding:

  • Je suis heureux que Jean est mon ami - I amhappy, WhatjeanmyFriend.
  • Jesuisheureuxd'avoirtelami - I'm happy that I have such a friend.
  • Jen'imaginepasmavieSansmonami - I can't imagine my life without my friend.
  • Je le remercie pour notre amitié - Ithankfulto himbehindourfriendship.

Well, here, friends, you got acquainted with the basic rules, now you can start writing an essay!

Writing an essay about a friend in French!

So, friends, armed with the necessary vocabulary, preparatory phrases and a dictionary, we are ready to write an essay about our best friend!

Mon meilleur ami

Qu'est-ce que c'est que l'amitié? C'est une joie! C'est la joie d'avoir une personne proche de vous qui vous aidera toujours. La veritable amitié est un phénomène rare de nos jours. Quand même elle existe. Et si nous avons de la chance d'avoir un vrai ami, c'est un bonheur.

Quant à moi j'ai beaucoup d'amis et camarades à l'école, dans la cour, dans la section de football, ce que je fais. Et Jean parmi eux est mon meilleur ami. Jean et moi, nous vivons dans la même cour et nous sommes dans la même classe. On peut dire que nous sommes amis d'enfance.
Les cheveux de mon ami sont noirs, il a les yeux bruns. Il est mince et un peu plus court que moi, mais nous avons le même âge. Mais Jean est assez fort, dur et il ne se plaigne pas de sa forme physique.
Ensemble avec Jean, nous jouons au football et le basket-ball. Nous aimons aller à la pêche. Quand mes parents vont en pique-nique, nous prenons Jean avec nous, et vice versa.
Jean est un garçon joyeux, il est toujours de bonne humeur. Il sait comment me remonter le moral avec ses plaisenteries. Jean est bon à raconter des blagues et des histoires drôles. Jean aime beaucoup lire des livres historiques et regarder les films historiques. C'est pourquoi il est très intelligent. Moi aussi, j'aime l'histoire, surtout l'histoire de France. C'est pourquoi Jean et moi, nous avons beaucoup d'intérêts communs. Nous aimons discuter les livres et les films ensemble.
Jean est mon meilleur ami, non seulement dans les jeux et intérêts communs, mais aussi en difficulté. Si je me sens mal ou je ne peux pas trouver une decision, Jean m'aide. Moi aussi, je l'aide et je tâche d'être avec lui quand il a des problèmes. C'est pourquoi nous sommes de bons amis.

Every day, along with thousands of French people, I listen to Les pieds dans le plat on Europe 1. During the release, the hosts hold several games with listeners, and after the first Bonojur! the host, Cyril Hanunaa, usually asks the caller/caller: Vous êtes marié(e), fiancé(e), pacsé(e). And people sometimes answer en concubinage. And this very en concubinage prompted me to write this post.

Such a beautiful word concubinage... But in Russian, his translation is not at all so romantic. My grandmother would call it “cohabitation”, but we, the modern generation, would say “We live together” in such a situation.

By the way, the word concubin is also in Russian. True, it serves only to designate the realities of ancient Rome. According to Wikipedia, “a concubina is an unmarried woman of the lower class who was in cohabitation with a single man. Such an attitude was not shameful, but it was deprived of all the rights that a legal marriage had. Children were considered illegitimate.”

But we are a little off topic. So how do you call your partner in French.

If you are fluent in English, watch this video.

And I will summarize what Geraldine says:

mon mari/ma femme- my husband, my wife

mon fiancé, ma fiancée my future husband/wife. Let's stop here for a minute. As I have already said, in Western culture some time before the wedding is celebrated (engagement in English and les fiançailles in French). And after that mon petite ami/ma petite amie, mon copain/ma copine change status and become mon fiancé, ma fiancée. And there is already close to the wedding, when you become le mari et la femme.

The one who in Russian is called “my young man”, in French - mon mec, Mon homme, mon petit ami, mon copain. Accordingly, "my girlfriend" - ma petite amie, ma (petite) copine.

Geraldine pays special attention to the fact that just a friend - un ami, uncopain, and "my young man" - mon petit ami,mon copain. Same thing with the girl une amie,une copine) and “my girlfriend” ( ma petite amie,ma copine).

In a semi-business environment, at work, for example, when talking about your partner (whether he is your husband or you live without a painting), you will call him mon compagnon/mon conjoint. For girls - ma compagne/ma conjointe.

By the way, the program sometimes says nous sommes pacses. PACS is a prenuptial agreement that people (a couple) living together can sign to ease any bureaucratic delays. And don't forget to mention separe(e) - undivorced, but not living together spouses.

Divorce(e)- divorced.

And I suggest you watch another extremely interesting video of Geraldine about 7 types of French friends, because in it she reveals an extremely interesting cultural phenomenon. She talks about how, for a French person, friendship and love relationships do not mix. And that's why the phrase "I'm so glad, I'm getting married to my best friend" is absurd for a Frenchman. Friends are friends, and marriage is marriage. Therefore, the Frenchman can easily have une meilleure ami, and his wife un meilleur ami.

And since we watched a video about friends, let me translate what friends are.

un(e) connaissance- acquaintance / friend

un(e)camarade- A school friend. Someone you've known for a long time, but who isn't necessarily your friend. It doesn't even have to be that you were friends at school.

un ami d'ami- each other

un copain, un copine- a fairly close friend, but not the kind you can call for help in the middle of the night. Geraldine says that the connection between copains can be as strong as between amis. She also says that this is what children call their friends. I remind you that mon (petit) copain is my male, ma (petite) copine is my girlfriend.

Bonjour! Je voudrais parler aujourd'hui de l'amitié et de son rôle dans la vie de chaque personne. Pour moi, avoir des amis - c'est une chose aussi importante que la santé. C'est seulement avec les amis qu'on peut se reposer comme il faut!

Je crois qu'on ne peut pas avoir beaucoup d'amis dans la vie: la plupart de tels amis sont seulement les connaissances qu'on peut facilement oublier. Je pense qu'en realité il vaut mieux avoir quelques meilleurs amis sur lesquels on peut compter dans tous les moments de la vie. Les amis aideront, donneront des conseils, soutiendront dans toutes les decisions vitales. En plus, c'est eux qui vous connaissent le mieux: vos opinions, vos préférences, vos intérêts, vos projets et vos rêves. J'ai aussi le meilleur ami. Il s'appelle Jacques, mais moi, je l'appelle Ja. Nous sommes tres unis et tres inseparables. Nous nous sommes faits connaissance il y a déjà sept ans. C'était l'hiver et cela s'est passé à la piscine, où je vais régulièrement pour tenir la forme.

Quant au caractère de Jacques je dois dire que je suis toujours sûr de lui: de toutes les situations de la vie il pourra se débarrasser facilement! Il est très aimable et très poli avec tout le monde. En plus, Jacques est travailleur: pour lui tout devoir sera realisable!

A propos de nos loisirs je dois dire que nous préférons passer notre temps libre pas à la maison, mais en pleine nature. Nous allons assez souvent dans les parcs, les jardins et les forêts pour avoir l'impression d'être liés avec la nature. Ici nous aimons jouer au badminton, écouter de la musique à la mode et, bien sûr, discuter tout ce qui se passe autour de nous. Chaque jour nous sommes pleins d'idées et c'est magnifique d'avoir un ami qui va te soutenir dans la realisation de n'importe quoi! Pour moi, l'ami Jacques est une partie incomposable de moi-même!

Hello! Today I would like to talk about friendship and its role in the life of every person. I believe that having friends is as important a thing in life as health. Exclusively with friends, you can relax the way you want!

I am of the opinion that one should not have many friends in life: most of these friends turn out to be just acquaintances who can be easily forgotten. In my opinion, it is actually desirable to have a few best friends that you can count on in all situations of life. Friends will help, advise, support in making all the most important decisions. In addition, it is your friends who know you like no one else: your thoughts, your preferences, your interests, your plans and your desires. I also have the best friend. His name is Jacques, but personally I call him Zha. We are very united and extremely inseparable. Seven years have passed since we met. It happened in the winter at the pool, where I regularly go to keep myself in shape.

As for the character of Jacques, I must say that I always have confidence in him: he will easily be able to get dry from any life situation! He is a very nice person and very polite to all people. In addition, Jacques loves to work very much: it is possible for him to complete any task!

As for our entertainment, I must say that we prefer to spend our free time not at home, but in nature. Often enough we go for walks in parks, gardens and forests to be able to feel connected to nature. Here we love to play badminton, listen to trendy music and, of course, discuss everything that happens around us. Every day we are full of ideas and it's wonderful to have a friend who will support you in the implementation of whatever happens. For me, Jacques is a part of myself, which is impossible to part with!