Organization of experimental activities with children of the younger group. Summary of the lesson on experimenting with water "Little magicians" in the first younger group

Related article: "Experimentation in the first junior group"

We, teachers and parents of preschool educational institutions, want to see our children as inquisitive, sociable, independent, creative individuals who know how to navigate in the environment. And this largely depends on us, we need to start working in this direction from early preschool age. A preschooler child is a researcher, showing a keen interest in various kinds of research activities, in particular in elementary experimentation.

Work with children is aimed at creating conditions for sensory development in the course of familiarizing them with the phenomena and objects of the world around them. In the process of forming the survey actions of children, teachers are recommended to solve the following tasks:

Combine showing the child with the active action of the child to examine him (touch, taste, smell, etc.)

Compare objects that are similar in appearance.

Teach children to compare facts and conclusions from reasoning.

Use the experience of practical activities, gaming experience.

1. About materials (sand, clay, paper, cloth, wood).

2. About natural phenomena (wind, snowfall, sun, water; games with the wind, with snow, etc.).

3. About the world of plants (methods of growing from seed, bulb, leaf).

4. About the methods of object research.

5. About the objective world.

In the process of research-experimentation, a children's vocabulary develops through words denoting sensory signs, properties, phenomena or an object of nature (color, shape, size); crumples, breaks; high - low-far; soft - hard - warm, etc.).

In the third year of life, visual-active thinking reaches its maximum development. Manipulating objects begins to resemble experimentation. Continuing to enrich the child's environment with more complex objects, the adult creates all the conditions for the development of his independence. The child must love to act and express this love with the words: "I want to do this and that" , "I myself!" This is the main neoplasm of this age, which is important in the development of both experimentation and the personality as a whole. If adults limit independent experimentation, then two outcomes are possible: either a passive personality is formed, which does not need anything, or whims arise - a perverted form of realization "I myself!" when the child was unable to use words "I want" .

By the end of the second year of life, all normally developing children should call all familiar objects and actions with them by their full names. By this time, they should have correct ideas about many objects and their parts, about the most common forms of animal behavior and about natural phenomena. All adult-led observations are short-term and are carried out either individually or in small groups.

Children are already able to carry out some of the simplest assignments, therefore, they begin to perceive instructions and recommendations. However, they are not yet capable of independent work. An adult should always be there.

At this age, for the first time, the ability to intent and purposeful consideration of objects and events appears. This makes it possible to proceed with the implementation of the simplest observations. (before that, the child did not observe, but just looked)... However, due to the instability of attention, the observation period is very short, and the adult must constantly take care to maintain interest in the chosen object.

By the age of three, all children have mastered phrasal speech, therefore, you can ask them to answer the simplest questions. But they are not yet able to compose a story. As the field of activity for children expands, the focus on safety compliance increases.

In preschool educational institutions, experimentation can be organized in three main directions: specially organized training, joint activities of a teacher with children, and independent activities of children. It is important to remember that the lesson is the final form of research activity that allows you to systematize the ideas of children.

Problem situations, heuristic tasks, experimentation can also be part of any activity with children. (in mathematics, speech development, familiarization with the environment, construction, etc.) focused on different types of activities (musical, visual, natural science, etc.)

An approximate algorithm for conducting an experimenting lesson

1. Preliminary work (excursions, observations, reading, conversations, viewing, sketches) on the study of the theory of the question.

2. Determination of the type and theme of the experimenting lesson.

3. Choosing the goal of the tasks of working with children (cognitive, developmental, educational tasks).

4. Game training of attention, perception, memory, thinking.

5. Preliminary research work using equipment teaching aids.

6. Selection and preparation of manuals and equipment, taking into account the age of the children of the studied topic.

7. Generalization of observation results in various forms (observation diaries, tables, photographs, pictograms, stories, drawings, etc.) in order to bring children to independent conclusions based on the results of the study.

I present to your attention the experience of work on the topic “Children's experimentation - as a method of cognitive development of preschoolers.

Preschool childhood is a very short period in a person's life, during this period the development of cognitive activity is intensive.

Cognitive activity is understood not only as a process of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities, but mainly as a search for knowledge, acquiring knowledge independently or under the tactful guidance of an adult. (Galina Mikhailovna. Lyamina, Alexandra Platonovna Usova, etc.)... Self-gained knowledge is always conscious and more durable. Korotkova Nadezhda Alexandrovna points out: “Of course, the child learns the world in the process of any of his activities, but it is in the cognitive-research activity that the preschooler gets the opportunity to directly satisfy his inherent curiosity, is practiced in establishing connections between objects and phenomena, which allows him not only to expand, but also to streamline his ideas about the world ".

In this regard, in the system of preschool education, another effective method of understanding the laws and phenomena of the surrounding world is being formed - the method of experimentation.

The features of the activity of experimentation have been studied in a number of studies by N.N. Poddyakov, Alexander Ivanovich Savenkov and others. Nikolai Nikolayevich Poddyakov points out that children's experimentation is a special form of search activity of preschoolers, in which the children's own activity is manifested, aimed at obtaining new information and new knowledge.

Experimentation acts as a teaching method if it is used to transfer new knowledge to children.

The main advantage of using the experimenting method in kindergarten is that during the experiment:

    Children get real ideas about the various aspects of the studied object and its relationship with other objects and with the environment.

    The child's memory is being enriched, his thought processes are activated.

    Speech develops.

    There is an accumulation of mental skills.

    Independence, goal-setting, the ability to transform any objects and phenomena to achieve a certain result is formed.

    The child's emotional sphere, creativity develops, labor skills are formed, health is strengthened due to an increase in the general level of physical activity.

Educators and psychologists point out that for the cognitive development of preschoolers, you need to use children's experimentation.

At the same time, children's experimentation as a form of search activity in the practice of preschool educational institutions is rarely used, due to the following reasons:

    • insufficiently developed technologies for organizing children's experimentation

Educators experience difficulties in modeling the lessons of the cognitive cycle with elements of experimentation, because in the available publications, mainly described experiments and games-experiments with various materials, they lack motivation for the child.

Thus, in practice, a contradiction has developed between the need to develop the activity of children's experimentation and the lack of technology for organizing this process, which led to the choice of the topic of my research and to the introduction of children's experimentation into my practice.

Experience technology.

My pedagogical work on organizing the activities of children's experimentation has been carried out for 10 years at the MDOU "Lipitsk kindergarten of the combined type" Kolosok " .

Our MBDOU has "Experimental laboratory" however, I have set up an experimenting corner in our group so that the children can satisfy their research interests at any time in their free activities.

Our corner is constantly updated with new materials in accordance with the age of the children and their interests.

For the development of creative research activity in the process of children's experimentation, I constantly replenish our corner. New items placed at the disposal of children (e.g. nets, strips of rubber, pieces of corrugated cardboard, etc.) push them to experiment with these materials. Thus, the interest of children in this activity is maintained and curiosity develops.

Organization of children's experimentation.

Organizing children's experimentation, I came to the conclusion that it is necessary to draw up a long-term plan and develop additional notes on experimentation, taking into account the activity approach.

Observing children, I identified objects of inanimate nature that aroused cognitive interest in children, and in accordance with this I made a list of activities and games for experimentation in the following sections: liquid, properties of water, air and its properties, conditions necessary for plant life, solid: sand, clay, soil, wood, iron, rubber, paper, glass, plastic, light: light reflection, light sources, color: what is a rainbow, color mixing, sound, magnetism: magnet and its properties, magnifying glass.

Currently, I use project activities for the development of activities - experimentation, thanks to which there is a connection between children's experimentation with other types of children's activities, a holistic view of the world is formed in children.

One of the requirements for the content of the classes I develop is their orientation towards the interests and needs of children, connection with the child's life experience, taking into account age and individual characteristics, the subject - subject relations, the creation of a problem field, the active activity of children and the motivation of activity.

I conduct specially organized lessons on experimentation based on the self-compilation of abstracts and the use of abstracts from the experience of other teachers.

In accordance with the process of developing the activity of experimentation in my practice and when drawing up notes, I put forward the following goals:

      • to develop the cognitive activity of children in the process of experimentation, through the creation of problem situations;

        lead children to the formulation of the problem, the analysis of situations;

        develop the ability to plan their activities, put forward hypotheses, compare and draw conclusions;

        develop communication skills;

        help the accumulation and expansion of specific ideas in children about the properties of various objects of inanimate nature;

        to promote the development of the ability to examine objects and phenomena from different angles, to identify dependencies;

        develop the ability to organize their activities: select material, think over the course of activities;

Classes are conducted with small subgroups (from 7 to 12 children), which ensures the greatest cognitive and creative activity of each pupil, the possibility of establishing feedback and taking into account the progress of each child.

To maintain interest in experimenting tasks for children, problem situations are given by me on behalf of the fairytale hero - Karkusha. She is small, and you can pass on your experience to the younger one and feel your importance, which strengthens the position in the child. "Adult" ... It was interesting to observe how the children in the middle group put Karkusha in front of them and told her how to plant a bow correctly, or what can drown and what does not sink.

The process of developing children's experimentation is not limited to just one activity. In the free activity of children, exercises and problem situations are used that affect various objects of nature, or I connect to the already arisen activity of children, the idea of ​​which often arises as a momentary desire to act with something, to do something.

So on a walk on the site, we notice that there is no grass on the paths. Why? We try to drip with a stick, and we make sure that the ground is solid on the paths, and loose near the roadside. We came to the conclusion: since such a soil cannot be excavated by a strong person, it means that it is difficult for weak plants to break through it. We continue our walk. So the experiment went unnoticed by the children.

At the end of the series of classes, to consolidate knowledge, we organize holidays and entertainment: "Meeting the Snowman and the Iceman" ; "Journey to the magical land of Water" ; "Pond's Birthday" and etc..

Stages of development of the activity of children's experimentation in accordance with the age of the children.

Since interest in experimentation arises from an early age, I begin to conduct classes on children's experimentation from the 2nd junior group.

With children 3-4 years old, children are being prepared for experimentation.

With the help of game characters, children are offered the simplest problem situations: Will the rubber ball sink? How to hide a ring in water from a fox? Why can't you eat snow? How to walk on the ice and not fall, etc.

In the first junior group, children master the actions of transfusing, pouring various materials and substances. Get acquainted with the properties of some materials and objects of inanimate nature: water; sun rays; ice; snow; glass. Learn about the sources of light, that if you shine on an object, a shadow will appear; that different objects and animals make different sounds; and etc.

We are doing the following experiments: "We make koloboks" where kids get an idea of ​​what wet sand can be molded. "Whom Kapelka will make friends with" we acquaint children with the fact that water is clean and dirty, necessary for the life of plants, animals and people. "Magic Shadows" ... We acquaint you that if you shine on an object, then a shadow will appear. "Multicolored ice floes" ... We give the idea that ice is frozen water. And etc.

At this age, in experimentation, I set the goal of the experiment, help the children think over a plan for its implementation, and together with the children I carry out the necessary actions. I gradually involve children in predicting the results of their actions: "What happens if we blow on a dandelion?"

I teach children to select and find the necessary material and equipment, perform the simplest actions, see the result of the activity, thereby developing their own research activity of children.

So, for example, in class "Hide the ring" , the children got acquainted with the properties of water - transparency, colorlessness, can change color.

Speaking as a partner, I figure out with the children how to hide the ring in a glass of water, what is necessary for this, I clarify. Then we check all the ways of solving the problem proposed by the children. Next, we plan our activities: for example: we will wrap a glass with paper, but it is not there, then we will touch up the water with paints. We find out what color the paint is best suited to hide the ring. In the process of activity, we discuss the actions performed and what is happening.

Then we draw conclusions together: The water was colorless, and then it became colored, multi-colored, the water can change color. The water was clear but became opaque. And etc.

Interaction with families of pupils for the development of children's experimentation.

To improve the pedagogical literacy of parents, I systematically conduct consultations on the research activities of preschoolers.

To keep children interested in experimenting, I recommend that parents create experimentation corners at home. To do this, I constantly update the visual information on the conduct of research activities.

I involve my parents in the design of the group experimenting corner.

After holding meetings, consultations, parents and children began to conduct experiments at home.

Interaction with parents increased their interest in their child's research activities. Parents are more willing to seek help from educators, share their impressions.


As a result of the organization of children's experimentation, I came to the conclusion that cognitive activity develops in children, an interest in search and research activities appears.

The horizons are broadened, in particular, knowledge about living nature, about the interrelationships occurring in it is enriched; about objects of inanimate nature (water, air, sun, etc.) and their properties; about the properties of various materials (rubber, iron, paper, glass, etc.), about their application by a person in his activities.

Children develop skills in planning their activities, the ability to put forward hypotheses and confirm assumptions, and draw conclusions.

Personality qualities develop: independence, initiative, creativity, cognitive activity and purposefulness.

Experimental work arouses children's interest in the study of nature, stimulates them to acquire new knowledge.

Thus, I came to the conclusion that experimentation as a specially organized activity contributes to the formation of a holistic picture of the preschooler's world and the foundations of his cultural knowledge of the world around him.

The system developed and tested in practice for the development of children's experimentation has proven its effectiveness in the cognitive development of preschoolers.

Card file

Games and experiments

Group: first junior

Compiled by: Kishieva Z.S.



The game contributes to the development of coordination of movement, expands

ideas about the properties of matter

Required inventory: a container of water, one large and one

small glass.

Place a bowl of water in front of your child. Show how you can

scooping up water with one glass, pour it into another.

Give your child freedom of action.

Squeeze out the loofah

The game promotes the development of fine motor skills

Required inventory: two containers, foam sponge.

Fill one container with water. Show your child how you can use a sponge to transfer water from one container to another.

Suggest trying to do the same yourself.

Water carrier

The game introduces the properties of matter and the concept of volume,

promotes the development of movement coordination

Required inventory: a bowl of water, two or three cans, wooden sticks.

Place a bowl of water in front of your child. Put a teaspoon, a tablespoon, a ladle, a strainer, a sponge nearby.

Invite your child to scoop water from the basin with different objects and pour into different jars.

Compare which can contains more water.

Ask what you won't be able to scoop at all. You can measure the depth of water in jars the way it was once done

sailors: dropping a wooden stick into the jar (however, the sailors had a rope with a load).

Through a sieve

The game introduces the purpose of objects and the properties of matter

Required inventory: glass, sieve.

Place a bowl of water in front of your child. Have your toddler pour water from a glass into a sieve.

Explain to him why the water leaks.

Will float or drown

The game promotes the development of observation, fine motor skills, mastering the skills of classifying objects

Required inventory: items that sink in water (pebbles, spoons, screws, buttons), and items that do not sink in water (ball, wooden planks, plastic toys), a container with water, two empty buckets.

Place a bowl of water in front of the child and lay out all the items.

Have your toddler toss objects into the water one at a time and observe them.

Then get objects out of the water and put them in different buckets - in one, everything that did not drown, in the other - that which turned out to be at the bottom.


Water transformations

The game introduces the properties of matter

Required inventory: curly and ice molds.

Tell your child that water in the freezer freezes and turns into ice.

Demonstrate it visually. Show the child the ice figures, draw his attention to the fact that the ice floes repeat the shape of the vessels that you filled with water.

Watch the ice melt.

By adding paints to the water, you can get multi-colored ice and lay out beautiful patterns from it.

Invisible letter

Required inventory: paper, lemon, iodine.

Write the baby's name on paper with lemon juice, or draw a simple picture and let it dry.

Then dissolve iodine in water and moisten a sheet of paper with a brush -

the drawing will appear.

Light heavy.

Target: to acquaint that objects are light and heavy. To teach how to determine the weight of objects and group objects by weight (light-heavy).

Game material: Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena, various objects and toys; opaque containers with sand and leaves, pebbles and fluff, water and grass; selection of a character ("light", "heavy").

Course of the game: Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka choose toys that each of them wants to take with him to his friends. There are several options for choosing toys:

toys from the same material, but different in size. Adult

asks why Gena will take larger toys, and

checks children's answers by weighing toys in their hands;

toys made of the same material, but some are hollow inside, while others

filled with sand. An adult asks which toys he will take

Cheburashka and why;

toys of the same size and different materials. An adult finds out who will carry which toy and why. Then the adult invites the children to choose a "treat" in buckets that

can report Cheburashka and Gena, and finds out: how to find out which bucket Cheburashka will be able to carry, and which Gena? The adult tests the children's assumptions by looking at the contents of the buckets with them.

Magic brush.

Target: to acquaint with obtaining intermediate colors by mixing two (red and yellow - orange; blue and red - violet; blue and yellow - green).

Game material: red, blue and yellow paints; palette; brush; pictograms with the image of two color spots; sheets with three drawn outlines of balloons.

The course of the game: an adult acquaints children with a magic brush and invites them to paint over two balls on sheets with contours, as in the sample. The adult tells how the paints argued about which of them is more beautiful, who to paint over the remaining balloon, and how a magic brush made them friends, suggesting that the paints should paint the remaining balloon together. Then the adult asks the children to mix paints on a palette (in accordance with the pictogram), paint over the third ball with new paint and name the resulting color.

"Different feet stomp on the snowy path"

Teach children to get clear footprints in the snow. The teacher teaches children how to get clear footprints in the snow. Taking the child by the hands, he makes an imprint of his figure on the flat snow. Shows how to get different shapes out of snow.

"Ice slide"

Show children how to make a slide for a doll. With the help of children's shovels, the teacher and the children make a slide for the doll out of snow, then pour water on it and observe what happens to the slide until the end of the walk. Then they roll the doll down the ice slide.



To acquaint children with the properties of floating objects The teacher makes boats out of paper for children, and then launch them into puddles. If this happens in a group, then floating and metal toys are allowed into a basin of water, then they observe what happens to them.

"Let's collect some water"

Teach children to use a sponge to collect water. Each child is given a multi-colored sponge. The teacher consolidates the children's knowledge of color on the sponges, then shows how you can collect water from the table into a basin with a sponge.

"Sun bunnies"

Teach children to play with the sun bunny. Take out a mirror on a sunny day on a site and teach children how to start up a sunbeam. Organize games with the sun bunny.

Storm in a glass.

Children are encouraged to put a straw in a glass of water and blow into it.

What happens? (It turns out a storm in a glass of water)

Olga Khasanova
Experimentation in the younger group

Children are very fond of experiment... This is due to the fact that they are characterized by visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking, and experimentation, like no other method, meets these age characteristics. In the first three years of life experimentation is practically the only way to know the world.

Experimentation is a special type of activity of children, in the process of which their own activity is most clearly manifested, aimed at obtaining new knowledge, at obtaining products of their own creativity, which supports children's initiative and is one of the conditions for the transition of children to a higher level of social and cognitive activity.

The main characteristics of the baby experimentation:

1. Baby experimentation- a special form of search activity, in which the most pronounced processes: goal-setting, the processes of the emergence and development of new motives of the personality that underlie self-movement, self-development.

2. Forms experimentation(cognitive and productive)... In the nursery experimentation the most powerful manifestation of the children's own activity, aimed at getting:

New information, new knowledge (cognitive form experimentation,

To receive products of creativity (productive form experimentation) .

3. Baby experimentation- the core of any process of children's creativity.

4. Activities experimentation permeates all spheres of children's life, all types of activities, including play.

Features of the organization of work with pupils on experimenting in younger groups.

1 younger group.

Development of visual-action thinking.

Children on their own experimenting with objects, their parts, names.

Look closely at objects.

Short-term observations answer the simplest questions.

They carry out the simplest assignments.

Pronounce the phrase: "I want to do ….".

During experimentation the children's dictionary is replenished with words denoting sensory signs of a property, phenomenon or object of nature (color, shape, magnitude: crumpled - broken, high - low - far, soft - hard - warm, etc.).

Experiments with objects of inanimate nature


Give an idea that sand is dry and wet.


Give an idea that dry sand can crumble.

"Let's bake a treat"

Give an idea that wet sand takes any desired shape.

Part of the lesson


Give an idea that footprints and prints remain on wet sand.

"Grains of sand"

To give an idea that sand is a lot of grains of sand.

Observation on a walk

"Let's catch the air"

Give an idea that the air is not visible.

"Let's take some air in a glass"

Give an idea that the air does not allow water to pass through.

"Let the air out of the glass"

Give an idea that water can displace air.

"Storm in a Glass"

"Let's drown the toys"

Give an idea that air is lighter than water.

Regime moments

"My jolly jingle ball"

Give an idea that the ball jumps high because there is a lot of air in it.

"Sail the boat"

Give an idea that objects can move with the help of air.

Part of the lesson

"Let's make a breeze"

Give an idea that the wind is the movement of air.

Observation on a walk

"Let's wash the stones"

"Light heavy"

Give an idea that stones are heavy and light.

Part of the lesson

"Warm - cold"

Give an idea that stones can be cold and warm.

"What shape is the stone?"

Give an idea that the stones have different shapes.

Part of the lesson

"Let's wash the stones"

Give an idea that stones sink in water because they are heavy.

"Hard - soft"

Give an idea that the stones are solid.

"Paper sheets"

Give an idea that the paper is lightweight.

"Thin - thick"

Give an idea that the paper can be thin and thick.

"Let's tear the paper"

Provide an indication that the paper may tear.


Give an idea that paper does not sink in water.

Younger preschool age - a period of active experimentation child with the objective world. Everything that surrounds the baby - things belonging to adults, toys, animals, plants, water, sand and much more - arouses his interest. He loves to explore new subjects, experiment with a variety of substances and materials: water, sand, snow, clay, paints. Adults often wonder if young children can seriously learn to "Important" things. However, it is not. In the process of such research, the child's curiosity develops, his ideas about the world around him expand, the child acquires a rich sensory experience, receives a powerful impetus for the development of intelligence.

It is important to remember that the formation of the child's intellectual sphere is carried out not only with the purposeful guidance of adults, but also in free, independent practical activity. In the process of free experimentation the child receives new, sometimes unexpected for him information, establishes practical connections between his own actions and the phenomena of the surrounding world, makes a kind of discovery. Experimentation stimulates the child to search for new actions and promotes the development of flexible thinking. Independent experimentation gives the child the opportunity to try different ways of acting, while removing the fear of being wrong. The role of teachers in this process is not to immediately show how to do the right thing, but to stimulate the child's interest in subjects, encourage independent research, and support his curiosity.

The pronounced curiosity of a child is the most important indicator of his successful mental development. It manifests itself in the fact that child:

Actively strives for new experiences, loves to observe others;

He quickly discovers something new, seeks to immediately explore it;

With interest he is included in the games offered to adults with water, sand, experimentation with various substances;

For a long time with enthusiasm experiments himself by imitating an adult and inventing new actions;

It must be borne in mind that the child's full mastery of object-related activity occurs only in the process of communication with adults.


1. Organization experimental activities of preschoolers, ed. L.N. Prokhorova, M.: ARKTI, 2003.

2. Tusheva G. P., Chistyakova A. E. " Experimental activities of children of middle and senior preschool age ", St. Petersburg "Childhood - Press", 2007

3. Materials on experimenting teacher MDOU # 2

Umakhanova S.I.

  1. 1. Relevance  The leading cognitive process at an early age is perception. Its importance can hardly be overestimated. If the child does not receive the components that contribute to the development of perception, then he may have serious gaps in his ideas about a number of properties of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world.  The perception of the world by a child in the second and third year of life is through feelings and sensations. These children are trusting and spontaneous, they are easily involved in joint practical activities with adults, they are happy to manipulate various objects. As practice shows, if a child is not taught at an early age about the survey actions, the ability to observe, then in the future he does not always show a steady interest in the activity, experiences a feeling of fear when familiarizing himself with a new subject.  This problem can be solved if, from an early age, the child is actively involved in the natural world, which opens up great opportunities for cognitive activity for him.
  2. 2.  The main tasks of forming perception are integrated with the tasks of developing speech, movements, playing skills. A series of observations, experiments and experiments contributes to the formation of cognitive interest in children, the development of observation and emotionality in communication with the outside world. In order to interest the kids, to awaken creative activity in them, play methods and techniques, the artistic word are offered.
  3. 3. Objectives:         to strengthen the physical and mental health of babies; provide emotional well-being; expand the horizons of children, create an atmosphere of joy and pleasure, foster feelings of sympathy for peers, form a single child-adult team; develop the mental processes of children, cognitive abilities; develop fine motor skills ;; expand the experience of orientation in the environment, enrich children with a variety of sensory impressions, form the communication skills of children, promote successful adaptation in a team;
  4. 4. Games with water.  Open up ample opportunities for the cognitive development of children. By pouring and pouring water into various containers, immersing toys in water, watching the ice melt, kids get new impressions, experience positive emotions, get acquainted with the properties of water and various objects (warm-cold, drowning-floats, etc.)
  5. 5. "Overflow".
  6. 6. Another favorite fun of children is the water mill. Take a ladle with a spout, scoop up some water and show the kid what to pour, trying to the center of the blade. "Water Mill".
  7. 7. Pour water into a large bowl and wait for the surface to calm down. We touch the surface of the water with our finger (a child can do the same), circles will go through the water. We watch how it happens. Subsequently, the child will see that the same circles appear on puddles after rain. "circles on the water".
  8. 8. "DON'T SINK"
  9. 9. To maintain interest in experimentation, I practice assignments for children in which problem situations are modeled on behalf of a fairy tale hero or doll. In places of experimentation, she "settled" characters helping children through association to achieve a more productive result
  10. 10. The connection between experimentation and the formation of elementary mathematical concepts does not require special proof. During the experiment, it is constantly necessary to count, measure, compare, determine the shape and size. All this gives real significance to mathematical concepts and contributes to their understanding. At the same time, mastering mathematical operations facilitates experimentation.
  11. 11. Kolya compares the shape of objects.
  12. 12. Game "Python", "Frog".
  13. 13. And we are good at it…. We catch butterflies with magnetic rods ... Games with magnetic toys
  14. 14. And this train is also magnetic ... To assemble it you have to try ...
  15. 15. Interactive games as the development of tactile and kinesthetic sensations. Games help sharpen memory, improve visual, tactile and kinesthetic memory, and enrich speech.
  16. 16. The game "Wonderful mittens"
  17. Interaction with a variety of interesting, colorful, pleasant to the touch game elements is provided to us by the game set "Pertra", which arouses interest and increases cognitive activity.
  18. 18. Games with magnets
  19. 19.Various lacing:
  20. 20. Let's collect beads for mom:
  21. 21. Sensory room.
  22. A game for a child is a type of activity and an opportunity to get to know the world around him. Modern parents are usually interested in two questions: how to play and what? Dear parents, you have so much play material at your fingertips that will help your child learn the world, do not limit the child, but learn with him !!

Relevance of the project

The relevance lies in the fact that children, with the help of experimental research activities (FSES), can learn to independently acquire knowledge and apply it in solving new cognitive problems.

Project type:

Experienced - experimental

Project participants:

Children, educators.

Planned result:

Expanding children's knowledge about water, its properties and its role for the world around them; enrichment of the active and passive vocabulary of children; the development of cognitive interest, observation in children; taking an active part in productive activities; manifestation of emotional responsiveness.

Materials and equipment:

a container for playing with water, toys, pebbles, watering cans, buckets, plastic cups. Inventory for experiments: glasses of water (according to the number of children, black paint, paper squares with fish. Aquarium with fish, indoor plants. Colored paper blanks, algae, pebbles, aquarium, glue.

Objective of the project:

Expand children's knowledge of water and its physical properties. Lead to the understanding that water has properties. Formation of the ability of children to make the simplest generalizations and conclusions, based on the knowledge and skills gained in the course of experimental research activities


1. Expand children's knowledge about water, its physical properties and role in the world around them.

2. To form the cognitive activity of children during observations and research.

3. To acquaint with the physical and chemical properties of water in experimental activities.

4. To enrich the children's vocabulary at the expense of the words: water, water, transparent, pours, murmurs, runs, drips, wash, wipe, water, bathe.

5. To develop children's cognitive interest, observation.

6. Enjoy the work done in a team.

Project implementation in three stages.

1. Preparatory

Drafting a project.

Preparation for project implementation.

Study of methodological literature on the problem of experimental activity.

2. Main

Reading works: 3. Aleksandrova "Kapel", A. Barto "Grimy Girl", K. Chukovsky "Moidodyr", S. Marshak "Rain", V. Bianki "Bathing Bears".

Conversations: "Water, water, wash my face ..." "Why do we need water"

Didactic games: "Who lives where", "Droplets and a cloud", "Bathing a doll"

Observations: "For the work of the teacher in caring for indoor plants and the fulfillment of labor orders of the teacher", "For the rain from the window", "On walks behind the puddles formed after the rain."

Experiments: "Properties of water (drips, spills, pours, splashes)", "Water is warm and cold", "Water and its properties (light objects float, and heavy ones sink)."

3. Final

Final lesson "Water and its properties"

Productive activity "Application aquarium for fish"

List of sources used

From birth to school. Approximate basic general educational program of preschool education / ed. N. Ye. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. - M., 2010.

Organization of experimental - experimental activities of children 2-7 years old. Thematic planning, recommendations, class notes. - E. A. Martynova, I. M. Suchkova., - Volgograd

Krylova S. V. "Health-saving space in kindergarten" (design, trainings, training models).

O.V. Dybin "Unknown nearby (experiments and experiments for preschoolers)"