Basics of interpersonal interaction of the socio-pedagogical and socio-psychological support of a young family in social services organizations. Features of social work with a young family

At all times, the family was in the center of attention of scientists, sociologists and statesmen. Family as a small social group is a holistic education, one of the main institutions of society.

Today, in connection with economic, demographic and social changes in society, a "young family", as the most dynamic and easily responsive to these changes, is put forward in a separate category of families.

In the "General Provisions" section of the Resolution of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation of June 3, 1993 No. 5090-1, "The main directions of the State Youth Policy in the Russian Federation" is given the following definition of a young family: "Young family This is a family in the first 3 years after making marriage (in the case of the birth of children - without limiting the duration of marriage), provided that one of the spouses did not reach the 30th age. " 3.

Thus, legally established signs of a young family are:

  • young people are registered;

  • age of spouses up to 30 years;

  • the duration of living life is up to 3 years (in the case of children's birth - without limiting the duration of living together).
In the process of vital activity, a young family passes several stages 4:

  • formation (from the moment of marriage to the birth of the first child, the creation of a sustainable psychological climate, determining the sources of income to create their material base, the distribution of family responsibilities);

  • survival (high degree of dependence on the state due to the low level of material security, the choice of such ways to organize life, which are focused on the decision not promising, and momentary problems);

  • development (acquisitions of certain qualitative characteristics, providing a higher standard of living, allowing themselves to solve their vital problems to achieve certain autonomy).
A young family as a community of people related to matrimony relations, parenting, kinship, a joint household, performs the most important social functions, the main of which are: a generative (reproductive), psychological (psychotherapeutic), socio-cultural, economic and household, communicative, hedonistic . five

Generative function due to the need to continue the human race, which is not only a biological need, but also has tremendous socio-economic importance to preserve the population. Society is interested in every next generation, at least, not small than the previous one. It is young families with the greatest contribution to satisfying this need. And for them, this feature can be recognized as a priority.

Based on Psychological function Only such individual needs of people are lying, the satisfaction of which is impossible or extremely difficult outside the family. For young families, the psychological function of the family is to turn in love and mutual attraction in relation to mutual attachment, mutual emotional comfort. The family for young people becomes the space of the realization of their feelings and the condition for the formation of mature mutual love, when the spouse or spouse becomes the only person, a joint life with which is the deep inner meaning of the family.

Social and cultural function due to the fact that the family actively affects the formation of the child's personality. It lays cultural basic values \u200b\u200bregulating the future of the child's behavior in different areas of activity, forms scenarios of all possible roles that will have to play.

Economic function - One of the main functions of the family. A young family solves the diverse problems of family business, homemaking, production and reproduction of labor, ensuring the necessary level of consumer demand, creating investment capital, etc.

Communicative function It is implemented through communication in the family. In a young family, communication is much more intense. At the same time, it has not only quantitative, but also qualitative features: young spouses talk a lot about feelings, emotions, and a significant role is played by a non-verbal component (intonation, views, touches).

Hedonistic functionwhich is also customary to call the function of healthy sex, is related to the presence of a general-bio-organic sexual need from a person, the satisfaction of which is as important and necessary as food needs, housing, and so on. This feature for a young family is extremely significant, because even simple communication gives great pleasure, the joy of recognition, the feeling of loved ones is physically attractive.

Thus, a young family, for their part, is designed to fully implement all these functions, to build their own career on the basis of the principles of self-development and self-sufficiency. But those problems with which a young family is currently facing, significantly affect the formation and development of each of the listed functions.

As Yu.E. Maleshin notes, at the initial stage of the marriage, the process of forming intra-family and empty relations proceeds very intensively and intensively. 6 From the entire combination of factors affecting the quality of relationships in a young family and its public functioning, the following can be allocated:

  • The living conditions of the family group, which include socio-economic, socio-political, socio-psychological, socio-cultural and other factors that make up the habitat.

  • Social demands imposed by society to a young family.

  • The structure of a young family as a set of relationships between its members.

  • Role-playing and claiming marriage partners.

  • Lifestyle, which is a totality of all types of vital activity.

  • The ideology of a young family, reflecting the totality of norms and values.
Among the problems faced by a modern young family, you can single out several 7:

1. Insufficient level of material security of a young family. A young family by definition consists of young people who have not taken another place in the world and, accordingly, have not yet sufficiently approved their social and material statuses. Unemployment or part-time youth is a serious obstacle to the beginning of a stable family life. The average per capita income of young families is 1.5 times lower than on average in the country, and 60% of young families live beyond poverty, among which 34% with difficulty raise ends meet, which makes it impossible to fulfill the fully reproductive and other social functions.

2. Objectively increased financial needs of a young family are due to the need to carry out the process of family life: the acquisition of housing, the organization of life, concern for young children, additional leisure costs. Therefore, a young family is often forced to use the help of older relatives for their normal existence. Many young families experience difficulties with the acquisition of their own housing and, accordingly, with constitution of themselves as a separate family. Standard urban dwelling provides minimal amenities only one family. Therefore, the joint residence of a young family with parents in a small apartment leads to the deterioration of living conditions, boring, the growth of conflict, which does not contribute to the strength of family relations.

3. Reducing reproductive function. A young family is a giving birthday. It is known that the reproductive gap of a marriage pair, depending on its physiological features, can last up to 20 or more years since the beginning of a marital life. However, social conditions and personal considerations of spouses together with physiologically active reproductive ages make substantial adjustments, and most children are born at that time in which the family qualifies as young. It is at this stage that the marriage of the birth of children and their desired quantity decides. If, for any circumstances, the reproductiveness is broken, at an older age it becomes much more difficult to ensure childbirth. The birth of children entails a number of socio-psychological, economic, organizational, housing and other problems: a shortage of funds for the maintenance of the child, the difficulties of the redistribution of duties and social roles, with which young spouses can not always cope.

An important place in the structure of the difficulties of the young family is occupied psychological problems. By structuring marital problems, Yu.E. Aleshina leads a list of problems that are the most frequent occasions to appeal to a family psychologist 8:

  • various kinds of conflicts, mutual discontent associated with the distribution of marital roles and responsibilities;

  • conflicts, problems, displeasure spouses associated with differences in families for family life and interpersonal relationships;

  • sexual problems, discontent with one spouse to others in this area, their mutual inability to establish normal sexual relations;

  • difficulties and conflicts in the relationship between the married couple with parents of one or both spouses;

  • problems of power and influence in marital relationships;

  • lack of heat in relations of spouses, shortage of proximity and confidence, communication problems;

  • the disease (mental or physical) of one of the spouses, problems and difficulties caused by the need to adapt the family to the disease, a negative attitude towards themselves and the surrounding patient or family members.
The first years of family life is a complex adaptation period for young spouses. The problems of forming the family structure, the distribution of functions, the development of common family values \u200b\u200band the establishment of family boundaries arise. Also creates serious psychological problems and the process of physiological, sexual adaptation of young partners.

A separate psychological problem is the mismatch of the representations of her husband and wife regarding professional career of a woman. Today, a woman is full of professional activities and the question of how much the woman should devote themselves to the family or work, is often the subject of disputes between spouses.

A very important problem of a young family is the incomprehension of the value hierarchies from the spouses; Contradictions in this area are not always found in everyday life, but the antagonism of value installations usually becomes apparent in the period of "samples" and leads to a rupture of relations. For young spouses, the ability to resolve conflicts is more relevant. Every day for spouses there are problems, requiring immediate resolution: where to go how to spend your free time, how and what to spend money to call for guests and the like. The ability to find compromise solutions on such issues leads to the cohesion of the family.

Thus, the problems of young families are diverse. The main ones are substantial and housing problems; psychological problems; The problem of employment of young spouses. In order for a young family to carry out all its functions, a comprehensive solution to these problems is necessary, for which the State Family Policy regarding a young family should be sent.

Diagnostics of the problems of a young family

This paragraph will discover attention to the diagnosis of psychological problems of a young family. Diagnostics provides for the collection and analysis of family information and its members.

The choice of specific diagnostic techniques in the real process of interaction with clients depends on a number of factors. This can include quite formal, for example, the availability of the methodology, the possibility of material costs for printing forms and questionnaires, time that the client can also spend the client and a specialist in the diagnostic stage of work. In addition, among the variety of families available to a specialist and methods of diagnosing family problems, it is necessary to choose that or those that are necessary and will be able to give a full-fledged objective picture, will comply with the assumptions (hypothesis) of a specialist. Thus, in the real situation of interaction with the client, you can use one or more techniques, and also compile your "battery" of tests, including only those scales that will make reliable information.

It is advisable to conduct diagnostics:

  • before marriage (the submission of young people about family and marriage, readiness for family relations, etc.);

  • after marriage (the motives of marriage, the choice of a partner, psychological compatibility, the features of the distribution of family roles, expectations and claims in marriage, the features of communication and relationships in a marital pair, etc.).
The diagnosis of young people before marriage allows you to identify possible disagreements before marriage and adjust them on time. To this group include the following techniques 9:

  • a test for preventive marital compatibility shows how young men and girls in the future will be satisfied with their marriage (A. Dobrovich);

  • the technique "Functional-Race Consistency" (S.V. Kovalevsky) helps determine the structure of the distribution of roles in the family. For the analysis of functional role consistency, three role structures are used: the regulatory (as it should be); Desired (as I would like); Quasiraal (as most likely begins). It is also recommended to allocate as a subject of discussion of submission of clients about the distribution of family roles in the regulatory, desired and quasi-plan;

  • a profile-interview "You marry" (V. A. Syystenko) - allows you to identify the opinion of the marriage of various problems faced with newlyweds;

  • test map of readiness for family life (I.F. Yunda) - helps to determine the readiness of future spouses to perform family functions: creating a positive family background, maintaining respectful, friendly relations with relatives, education of children, the intimate life of spouses, the establishment of a healthy family-household regime, etc. In addition, with the help of this technique, it is possible to outline the prospects for the well-being of family relations;

  • methods for determining psychological compatibility in marriage (Yu.A. Reshetnyak, G. S. Vasilchenko) - a modified version of T. Laryry. The incompatibility of spouses at least on one of the four levels of marital relations - psychophysiological, psychological, socio-psychological, sociocultural, can lead to the disharmony of marital relations;

  • Scale of love and sympathy (3. Ruby) - this technique can be used both with individual and in group conduct. Its advantage - in simple processing and ease of filling. Using this technique, the psychologist can identify the features of the emotional attitude of the respondent to his beloved person.
The diagnosis of emerging psychological problems after marriage includes the actual diagnosis of marital relations, as well as the diagnosis of child-parent relations. Features of the distribution of family roles, expectations and claims in marriage, compatibility of the married couple are investigated using such techniques like 10:

  • The Questionnaire "Communication in the Family" (Yu.E. Maleshina, L.Gozman, E.M.Dubovskaya) measures the trust of communication in a married couple, similarities in views, generality of symbols, mutual understanding of spouses, ease and psychotherapeuticness of communication.

  • The projective Test "Family Sociogram" (E. G. Eidemeyller) is aimed at diagnosing the nature of communications in the family.

  • Methods "Role-playing and claims in marriage" (A.N. Volkov) identifies the submission of spouses about significance in the family life of certain roles, as well as the desired distribution of them between her husband and wife.

  • Methods "Distribution of roles in the family" (Yu.E. Aleshina, L.Ya. Gozman, E.M. Dubovskaya) Determines the degree of realization by her husband and wife of a particular role: responsible for the material support of the family, the owner (hostess) of the house responsible For the upbringing of children, the organizer of the family subculture, entertainment, sexual partner, psychotherapist.

  • Methods "Typical Family State" (E.G. Eidemeyller, I.V. Yustitskis) allows you to identify the most typical state of the individual in its own family: satisfactory - unsatisfactory; neuropsychic stress; Family anxiety.
Diagnostics of psychological compatibility of partners may include: Determination of the type of temperament (G.Aisenk), personal factors (R.Qtell), MMR1 test (J. Makkinm, S. Hateway), Methods of Picturesque Frustation (S. Rosetvayig), Color Test (M.Lusher) and others.

Social worker needs to pay attention to how family leisure is organized, what are family interests and values. It is very important to understand how a young family behaves on the sociocultural level. It is known that the similarity of interests, needs, values, etc. It is one of the factors of marriage compatibility and marriage stability. The following techniques can be attributed to this diagnostic unit:

  • Questionnaire "Measurement of plants in a married couple" (Yu.E. Eleshina, L.Gozman, Department of Social Psychology of Moscow State University) makes it possible to reveal the views of a person for ten spheres of life, most significant in family interaction: 1) attitude towards people; 2) an alternative between a sense of debt and pleasure; 3) attitude towards children; 4) orientation on predominantly joint or mainly separate activities, autonomy of spouses or the dependence of spouses from each other; 5) attitude to the divorce; 6) attitude to the love of romantic type; 7) assessment of the meaning of the sexual sphere in family life; 8) attitude to "Forbidden Sex"; 9) attitude to the patriarchal or egalitarian device of the family; 10) Attitude towards money.

  • The Questionnaire "Interests - Leisure" (TM Papesnikova) identifies the ratio of the interests of the spouses, the measure of their consent in the forms of leisure.
Very often in a young family of interests, needs, intentions and desires of spouses come into a clash, generating particularly strong and prolonged negative emotions. In such cases, talking about the married conflict. Young spouses are not always ready to make compromises, as a result of which the prolonged conflict can lead to the divorce. Faced with this problem, the social teacher can apply the methods of diagnosing marital conflicts:

  • A test questionnaire satisfaction with marriage (V. V. Stolin, P. Butenko, T.L.Romanova, Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University) is intended for rapid diagnosis of the degree of satisfaction-dissatisfaction, as well as coordination-rationalization of satisfaction with a marriage in a concrete marriage pair. The questionnaire is applied individually in advisory practice and in the process of studying a social group.

  • Methods "The nature of the interaction of spouses in conflict situations" (Yu. E. Maleshina, L.Gozman) makes it possible to characterize the family surveyed for a number of parameters: the most conflict areas of family relations, the degree of consent (disagree) in conflict situations, the level of conflict in the pair .

  • The Questionnaire "Constructive-destructive Family" (CDS) (E.G. Seahelder, V.V. Yustitskyis) facilitates the diagnosis of family rejection from the constructive direction.
One of the most important functions of a young family is the birth and raising of children. It is in the family that the identity of the child is formed, social norms and values \u200b\u200bare given. And on how close, confidential and positive parent and children's relationship will depend on the future mental development of the child and becoming it as a person. The child is most acutely experiencing any conflict in the family and the task of a social teacher to identify the cause of tensions in the family in time, to form a positive and responsible attitude towards the child in young parents. Methods and following child-parent relations are divided into two groups: Some explore interpersonal relations in the parent-child system with the eyes of the parent, others - the eyes of a child.

The methods of studying interpersonal relations in the "Parent-child" system include the following:

  • Test "Parental-Children's Relationship" (RIR) (American psychologists E.S. Shefer, R.K. Bell; adapted by the so-callednet).

  • Test questionnaire analysis of family education and prevention of violations of education (QU) (E. G. Eidemeyller, V. V. Yustitskyis) is intended to study violations in the life of the family and the causes of deviations in family education.

  • The test questionnaire of the parental relationship (ORO) (A.Ya.Varga, V.V.Stolin) is a psychodiagnostic tool focused on identifying a parental attitude in individuals addressed for psychological help on education of children and communicate with them.

  • A questionnaire for studying the emotional side of the parent-child interaction (E.I. Zakharov) /
The methods of studying interpersonal relations in the "parent-child" system with the eyes of a child include: a graphical test "Family drawing", which is widely used in numerous studies of interpersonal relations and practical development due to the simplicity of the procedure for conducting and accuracy of indicators obtained as a result of work; Projective Methodology R. Gilles, exploring the interpersonal relationship of the child and its perception of intra-family relations, as well as the AG methodology Liders and I.V. Anisimova "Diagnostics of emotional relations in the family", designed for two age groups: for preschoolers and younger students; For teenagers.

To diagnose a family development situation, such work methods such as observation, conversation, survey, testing, survey can be used. A lot of useful information specialist receives, applying a biographical method and conducting an analysis of the documentation relating to the family and its members, their past and present, future ideas.

Based on the obtained diagnostic material, a family map can be made up, which will contain information about its members, their age, the formation of parents, their specialties, the work site of her husband and wife, family income, information about children (if any); state of health, housing conditions, the main problems of family relationship. Install to which risk group factor can be attributed. This map is desirable to make a forecast of the economic development of the family, to propose an assistance option (emergency, stabilizing, preventive) and argue the need for rehabilitation. To compile a family map, you can use the data contained in the socio-pedagogical passport.
Methods and techniques for working with a young family

A young family in modern Russian society is forced to adapt both to external conditions (state family policy) and internal changes associated with the adaptation process. Moreover, not all types of families are capable of increasing adaptive ability, in connection with which the complete or partial disorganization of the family comes. The state needs to protect the young family, as it is one of the most unprotected population groups and from the well-being of this family will depend on the improvement of the demographic situation in the country, which is one of the main tasks in modern society.

All social work on the support of a young family is conducted by social protection authorities. We highlight the main techniques and methods of working with a young family:

  1. Information work (identification, collection and analysis of information about young families in need of support). At this stage of the work, a database of young families in need of social support is created and accumulated.

  2. Propaganda of services provided by social protection authorities to support young families.

  3. Methodical work includes the study of information materials, literature, legislative acts on the problems of a young family, as well as identifying, learning and distributing the most valuable experience in interaction with the young family. Employees of social protection bodies at this stage are preparing software and methodological support for the implementation of family support: memos, recommendations, the development of algorithms of activity.

  4. Socio-psychological and pedagogical work includes the diagnosis of the problems of a young family, providing advice for family cooperation, overcoming conflict situations (family counseling), as well as socio-pedagogical and socio-psychological patronage of the family.
Socio-psychological and pedagogical work with a young family is carried out in stages, its effectiveness depends on the degree of contact with family members. We highlight the main stages of working with a young family:

  • Establish contact and trust relationships with family members.
At this stage, a social worker talks with family members and the closest relatives in order to identify and concretize the problems that the young family is experiencing.

  • Studying family
At the second stage, if the young family has psychological problems relating to the relationship between the spouse spouse, the full diagnosis of marital relations, which includes: the study of microclimate in the family, the relationship between spouses, psychological compatibility, joint interests and values.

If there is a child in a young family and at the first stage, psychological problems relating to the relationship between the parent-child relationship are identified, it is necessary to diagnose child-parent relations. The social worker should examine the styles of education in a young family, the emotional color of the relationship in the "parent-child" system, knowledge and use by parents of methods and techniques of educational impact.

Very often in a young family, psychological problems are closely related to material and housing problems, in which case the social worker should carry out not only the psychological diagnosis of interpersonal relations, but also to evaluate the social status of spouses, as well as the level of material support and housing conditions. In this case, the following means can be used: visiting a young family at home, drawing up an act of examination of housing and living conditions, conversation, survey, etc.

  • Processing the results of socio-psychological and pedagogical diagnostics.

  • Support of a young family, with the use of family counseling and social patronage.
Family counseling - This is a targeted psychological impact on the family and its members in order to restore, optimize its functioning and improving relations between its members, the creation of favorable intra-family conditions for the development of the family and its members. It is intended to assist the family in the resolution of family conflicts, and is also aimed at their prevention, warning.

Family counseling is carried out by experts on the basis of knowledge of the patterns of the development and functioning of the family as an institution and the "small group", the main problems of the young family, the experience of practical work with people.

The main objectives of family counseling are the normalization of family relations so that a young family can adequately implement their functions, as well as the help of spouses in the ability to independently solve difficult issues of family life in the further enhancement of their personal capabilities, the formation of family needs and children. Family consulting is aimed at stimulating the social activity of members of a young family, moral and psychological improvement of their personality. It is intended to contribute to the best development of the personality of family members, serves as a better preparation for family life. eleven

Social patronage of a young family - This is an individual activity of a specialist, thanks to which the family receives specific assistance and support from the social service, designed to mobilize and increase its adaptive capabilities. Socio-psychological patronage is implemented in various forms of long-term psychological and social assistance to young families experiencing conflict or stressful state.

Specialists carrying out psychological patronage conduct counseling; Find alternative ways out of conflict situations together with the family; perform intermediary functions between the client and its environment; Help to reduce the client a sense of anxiety from the client, while the specialist should qualify to combine family members into the process of planned changes.

Social patronage contributes to the study and clarification of the situation with the social and psychological state of the client when using funds that reduce the level of anxiety and providing emotional support, and is also aimed at providing specific assistance to eliminate the crisis or critical situation in the family and to stabilize favorable trends. In addition, with the help of social patronage, social workers include family problems. 12

Acting within the framework of patronage, the social worker performs a wide variety of functions: a friendly and competent interlocutor, assistant, an intermediary, adviser, defender. It has the ability to stabilize the current situation, control the course of patronage at all phases, to encourage its problems of members of a young family, consolidate success, as well as make the necessary adjustments to the strategy of further action. Thus, the social patronage of the family provides for the multiomethodological actions of a specialist in social work.

Socio-pedagogical patronage includes comprehensive and effective assistance to a young family having various problems, social services for social services, oriented on their own pedagogical capabilities, as well as on the resources of socio-pedagogical space.

Family life is difficult and diverse. The attitude towards it is like something very simple and uncomfortable, first of all, the relationship makes them superficial. Simplicity of relationship is not the same as simplicity in relationships. The first only narrows their range, and should be avoided. The second becomes possible with high culture and the level of development of relationships, and it is necessary to strive for it.
According to Yurkevich N.G. The skill of relationships, like any skill and art, requires certain efforts, costs and conditions for both their appearance and to continuously increase the level of improvement. Such sources of enhancing and acquiring the skill of family communication and interaction are designed to become emerging year from the year of family service.
The textbook "Help a young family" is given the following definition of the concept of "family service": this is one of the mechanisms for regulating the marriage-family relations within the framework of social work with the family, the main purpose of which to ensure the optimal execution of its various functions, primarily therapeutic, educational, reproductive, reproductive , promote the improvement of intra-family relationships, harmonious development of the personality of spouses and children, marriage stabilization.
The appearance of family services is due primarily to the fact that families have completely new problems, the needs, aspirations, the solution of which causes difficulties from spouses. In addition, in modern relationships in the family, the growth of subjective internal, personal difficulties is much ahead of the growth of objective. It is subjective, sometimes only imaginary difficulties become the main obstacle, those "stumbling block", the elimination of which clears the path to further development of the family. The same "stone" is often not able to spouses themselves.
Each family has one, several or many needs, which are not easy to satisfy the spouses themselves. And necessarily there is at least one problem that it is difficult to solve them on their own. The need to help in such situations is obvious and becomes often paramount for its significance for spouses.
Bocharova V.G. It believes that the characteristic feature of the family service is the focus on eliminating interference that impede the normal life and the harmonious development of the family. With the help of family services divisions, with the assistance of them or directly they are carried out:
- all types and levels of preparation of youth to family life (intra-family preparation, advising young people in relevant issues, etc.);
- elimination and elimination of psychological illiteracy in matters of marital and family life and raising the level of awareness, competence of family members in the field of communication;
- Family troubles in young families are reflected on well-being and health. They upset the person more than anything else. The reasons for them may well be eliminated. For this, the regions of the registry office, together with the departments of the culture, a lot of work is carried out on the preparation of young people to marry, consulting newlyweds and assisting young families at the early stage of their formation and development. Recently, public departments for family and marriage are connected to such work. Their main task is to increase the stability of the family and the prevention of divorces;
- A new form of work with young people entering or already married, the opening clubs are becoming new family. They help young families in the most difficult period for spouses the period of addiction to the role of his wife and husband, when there are many purely psychological difficulties associated with the need to restructure the previous ideas and lifestyles. They help to develop the right relationships from newlyweds; Help the family to form, strengthen. Club members are offered to listen to the cycle of lectures on the problems of the young family and solving them; Concerts, exhibitions, movies, movies, discos, holiday evenings are organized in the clubs. In addition, in some clubs there are consulting points of a young family. Also in the club you can get a consultation of a psychologist, a lawyer, a sexologist, a fashion designer and other specialists. Newlyweds in clubs have all the opportunities to master such a difficult, but very necessary art - the art of intra-family communication;
- the entire spectrum of proper training, to ensure childbirth and care for newborns in the family;
- Prevention and elimination of bad habits of spouses (alcoholism, smoking, negative traits);
- correction or change of incorrect views, ideas and relations of a person to various life issues, to family life, to their behavior; development of self-control methods and self-correction of behavior and personal qualities;
- the growth of culture of communication and ability to establish marital interaction, the ability to normalize the relationship;
- study of the foundations of psychohygien sex life, improving the culture of intimate relations of spouses, identifying and eliminating dissonants of the sexual sphere; Individual medical and sex consulting;
- prevention and ability to solve household and personal family conflicts; elimination of the causes of conflicts;
- the ability to create a prosperous microclimate and atmosphere of family cooperation;
- correspondence consulting on the telephone confidence on any life and family issues;
- various forms of collaborative family (tourist trips, family holiday homes, sanatoriums, etc.);
- the overall interaction of certain types of family services, if necessary in specific cases.
Such multi-stability of the activities of services reflects the specifics of the problems of a young family, as well as the urgent need and the need for almost every person interested in the constancy of favorable family, marital relations.
The main leading directions in the development of the family service as a whole are the socio-psychological types of family services. The following services are allocated in the "Help Help" tutorial:
- social, moral, psychological, pedagogical, sanitary and hygienic and intimate personality training of young people for marriage;
- psychological and pedagogical assistance of the family that has already been established, which includes consultations on psychological relations between spouses;
- Individual medical and sex and psychotherapeutic consultations;
- increasing communicability; The ability of cooperation, interaction, culture of communication.
Thus, the family service becomes a new channel, or a source of information, with the help of which the current and progressive experience of solving family problems, the development and improvement of intra-family relationships is transmitted.
Also, to assist and support a young family in solving numerous problems can a social worker. In order for the young family to fully implement the functions prescribed by the Company, social work in it should be aimed at solving everyday family problems, strengthening and developing positive family relations, the restoration of domestic resources, stabilizing the positive results achieved in the socio-economic situation and the orientation of the socializing potential.
Basov N.F. Allocate the following functions of a social worker:
- diagnostic (study of family features, identifying its potentials);
- security-protective (legal support of the family, ensuring its social guarantees, creating conditions for the realization of its rights and freedoms);
- organizational and communicative (organization of communication, initiation of joint activities, joint leisure, creativity);
- socio-psychological and pedagogical (psychological and pedagogical education of family members, the provision of emergency psychological assistance, preventive support and patronage);
- prognostic (modeling situations and the development of certain address assistance programs);
- Coordination (establishing and maintaining connections, combining the efforts of the departments of the family and childhood, social assistance to the population, departments of the family disadvantage of the internal affairs bodies, rehabilitation centers and services).
The specific content of social work with the family in each case is due to its individual characteristics: the structure, material situation, the nature of the internal relations, the specifics of the problems, the degree of their acute, aspect of the disadvantage. Nevertheless, bass N.F. It allocates three main areas of social work: diagnostic, rehabilitation, prophylactic.
1. Diagnostics provides for the collection and analysis of family information and its members, identifying problems.
The diagnosis of the family is a difficult and responsible process that requires the compliance with the following principles from a social worker:
- objectivity, complementarity and verification of received information;
- CLITOTO CENTRISM (attitude to the problem in accordance with the interests of the client);
- confidentiality, adequacy of methods and techniques;
- Compliance with the right of a client for non-interference in privacy and the ability to anticipate the possible options for its response to the proposed actions.
Family diagnostics is a long process that does not allow unceremonious actions and ill-conceived conclusions.
To diagnose a family development situation, such work methods such as observation, conversation, questionnaire, testing can be used. A lot of useful information specialist receives, applying a biographical method and conducting an analysis of the documentation relating to the family and its members, their past and present, future ideas.
Based on the obtained diagnostic material, a family map can be made up, which will contain information about its members, their age, the formation of parents, their specialties, the work site of her husband and wife, family income, information about children (if any); state of health, housing conditions, the main problems of family relationship. Install to which risk group factor can be attributed. This map is desirable to make a forecast of the economic development of the family, to propose an assistance option (emergency, stabilizing, preventive) and argue the need for rehabilitation. To compile a family map, you can use the data contained in the socio-pedagogical passport.
2. Rehabilitation is a system of measures to restore lost well-being in family relationships or form new ones. In order to rehabilitate the family, its members in world practice are used institutions of social services family, territorial centers, medical and social centers. The content of their activities is to provide members of a family or a separate person of various types of assistance (legal, psychological, medical, social), in order to support or increase resources, reorient the family members to other values, change their installations.
In such agencies, family members can receive advice from specialists, visit group classes, join one of the rehabilitation programs.
Also, the rehabilitation function is performed by the on-site forms of assistance to the family, which are a complex of various processes and techniques. First, these are crisis options for helping the family or its individual members ("Phone Trust", Emergency Psychological Help). Secondly, assistance in the settlement, where there are no relevant social services and specialists. In this case, it can be used: the work of trainings, voltage removal techniques, individual and group counseling, seminars. Mobile brigades can ensure the implementation of the program. Thirdly, patronage (patronage) is a special service system of some categories of people who require special attention.
The following stages of patronage are distinguished:
1. Preparation - pre-acquaintance with all information about family, drawing up issues for interview, etc.
2. The signative part is a direct acquaintance with family members, a message about the purpose of visits, about possible help.
3. Collection and evaluation of information - clarifying the composition and conditions of family residence, relationships in it, the financial situation, the health of family members; Collect information about the events of meaningful for them (loss of work, relatives, etc.); filling out a social card; Allocation of problems that can solve the Social Protection Service.
4. Conclusion - Summary for family members of the essence of problems facing them; joint selection of tactics of further action; information about the types of assistance that may be offered; Message details of social services.
5. establishing a connection with other specialists working with this family.
6. The report is a detailed description of the results of the visit in the act of examination of the family; Drawing up an individual program of further work with the family.
Depending on the nature of the available family problems, their complexity, acute or neglence at various stages of patronage are implemented by the so-called minimum programs and maximum programs.
The minimum program is facing situations associated with a sudden loss of something very valuable in the family: physical health, relatives and loved ones, works, apartments and property due to fire, etc. In such cases, social worker's efforts are sent to restore in a relatively short time capacity of the members of this family optimally function, despite the presence of objective and often irreversible restrictions and losses.
The maximum program is intended to assist in extreme situations of disadvantaged, if necessary, not only compensate for the lost, but also to reorient the life position, replace or adjust the previous behavioral schemes of family members. Changes require long work with the application of significant effort, the association of potentials of various specialists and services.
In some cases, in addition to the above, consultative and psychotherapeutic work with family or its individual members are required, aimed at the family system as a whole. Various techniques of active work can be used, including techniques of systemic family therapy.
The patronage can be considered a successful form of not only the fixation of rehabilitation achieved during rehabilitation, but also in kind of prevention. Rehabilitation provides three levels of working with family: individual (counseling, patronage), group (training, design) and community (social events, social creativity, mass holidays).
3.Profilaxpension is a set of measures that contribute to the full functioning of the family, preventing possible problems. One of the paths of prevention is the development of special training and educational programs. For example, the study of family and family education issues shows that the spouses are increasingly needing the help of specialists in the accumulation and development of the necessary knowledge and the skills of regulating relationships.
The basis of the enlightenment program is laid by the concept and models that go beyond the simple raising of spouses. They focus them on expanding independence when solving possible problems in relationships with different people, when choosing behavior in different situations.
Education of spouses as an element of prevention can occur in the process of trainings that allow them to form their skills to overcome difficulties, regulating relationships. Social defense of the family has a certain economic content that also implements a social worker in its practical activity. This is to provide housing and other types of subsidiary assistance; Providing benefits for paying transport, utilities, medical, legal and social assistance; preferential supply of essential food and essential goods; Support in the field of educational services, employment, entrepreneurship.
Thus, social work in a young family is aimed at solving numerous problems, psychological, social, moral, medical and pedagogical nature with which the family faces everyday life, and which are not able to solve themselves. Also, one of the mechanisms for regulating marriage relations within the framework of social work are family services, the main purpose of which is aimed at ensuring the optimal fulfillment of its various functions, the improvement of intra-family relations, the harmonious development of the personality of spouses and the life of the family as a whole.

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In the section "The main directions of the State Youth Policy in the Russian Federation", published in the Russian Gazette, a Russian newspaper from 3.07.1993. The definition: "Young family "This is a family in the first three years after the conclusion of marriage (in the case of the birth of children - without limiting the duration of marriage), provided that none of the spouses reached the 30th age."

By its structure, a modern young family is a complete, typical and family of social risk. The latter type includes incomplete, family of single and juvenile mothers, those families where the father is undergoing urgent military service, student families, as well as families in which one of its members is disabled. Of these, the most numerous groups of incomplete and student families.

Assessment of the state of a modern Russian young family from research and organizational and management circles, the well-being of a young family and its members is currently putting forward to the first plan of the problem of poverty and low-cost, economic restrictions of vital activity. Help in this area also occupies a lion share of efforts in the activities of social protection and social service institutions

The main leading directions in the development of the family service as a whole are the socio-psychological types of family services. The following support services of a young family are distinguished: social, moral, psychological, pedagogical, sanitary and hygienic and intimate-personal training of young people for marriage; psychological and pedagogical assistance to the already established family, which includes consultations on psychological relations between spouses; individual medical and sex and psychotherapeutic advice; increasing communicability; The ability of cooperation, interaction, culture of communication.
Assist and support a young family in solving numerous problems can a social worker. In order for a young family to fully realize, social work in it should be aimed at solving everyday family problems, strengthening and developing positive family relations, restoring domestic resources, stabilizing the positive results achieved in the socio-economic situation and the orientation of socializing capacity.

N. F. Basov highlights the following functions of a social worker in working with a young family: diagnostic (study of family features, identifying its potentials); Security-protective (legal support of the family, ensuring its social guarantees, creating conditions for the realization of its rights and freedoms); organizational and communicative (organization of communication, initiation of joint activities, joint leisure, creativity); Socio-psychological and pedagogical (psychological and pedagogical education of family members, rendering emergency psychological assistance, preventive support and patronage); prognostic (modeling situations and the development of certain address assistance programs); Coordination (establishing and maintaining connections, combining the efforts of family and childhood assistance departments, social assistance to the population, family disadvantages of the internal affairs bodies, rehabilitation centers and services).

N. F. Basov highlights the three main directions of social work: diagnostic, rehabilitation, preventive.

1. Diagnostics provides for the collection and analysis of family information and its members, identifying problems. To diagnose a family development situation, such work methods such as observation, conversation, questionnaire, testing can be used. A lot of useful information specialist receives using a biographical method and conducting an analysis of the documentation relating to the family and its members, their past and present, future ideas.
Based on the obtained diagnostic material, a family map can be made up, which will contain information about its members, their age, the formation of parents, their specialties, about the work of her husband and wife, about family income, information about children (if any); state of health, housing conditions, the main problems of family relationship. Install to which risk group factor can be attributed. This map is desirable to make a forecast of the economic development of the family, to propose an assistance option (emergency, stabilizing, preventive) and argue the need for rehabilitation. To compile a family map, you can use the data contained in the socio-pedagogical passport.

2. Rehabilitation is a system of measures to restore lost well-being in family relationships or form new ones. In order to rehabilitate the family, its members in world practice are used institutions of social services family, territorial centers, medical and social centers. The content of their activities is to provide members of a family or a separate person of various types of assistance (legal, psychological, medical, social), in order to support or increase resources, reorient the family members to other values, change their installations.

3. Prevention is a set of measures that contribute to the full functioning of the family, to prevent possible problems. One of the paths of prevention is the development of special training and educational programs. For example, the study of family and family education issues shows that the spouses are increasingly needing the help of specialists in the accumulation and development of the necessary knowledge and the skills of regulating relationships.

Thus, social work in a young family is aimed at solving numerous problems, psychological, social, moral, medical and pedagogical nature with which the family faces everyday life, and which are not able to solve themselves. Also, one of the mechanisms for regulating marriage relations within the framework of social work are family services, the main purpose of which is aimed at ensuring the optimal fulfillment of its various functions, the improvement of intra-family relations, the harmonious development of the personality of spouses and the life of the family as a whole.

"Marriage based on mutual tendency and at the reason,
There is one of the greatest human life. "
Turgenev I.S.

The family is a system of social functioning of a person, changes not only under the influence of social political conditions, but also by virtue of the internal processes of its development. That is why it is one of the important areas and one of the main objects of social work. The types of family relations are changed, the system of power and submission in family life, roles and functional dependence of spouses, the situation of children become different, the role of children, many scientists characterize the current state of the family as a crisis.

  • the family largely loses its stability, as evidenced by an increasing number of divorces;
  • the consequence of high divorce of marital couples is the growth of incomplete families, mainly maternal, the educational potential of which is partially weakened due to the shortage of the child's interaction with one of the parents, most often with the Father;
  • the growth of the extramarital fertility of children with minors socially immature mothers;
  • increasing the number of incomplete maternal families due to the death of a significant number of young men in interethnic and regional conflicts, as well as as a result of the asocial lifestyle (alcoholism, drug addiction, long-term dates of stay in corrective labor institutions, etc.).

Strengthening negative social phenomena pointing to the increase in the number of problem families, in particular incomplete and mainly maternal, with a deficit of educational and other socially oriented opportunities, creates a number of contradictions:

Between the needs of society in a healthy younger generation with clearly formed social values \u200b\u200band not enough effective organization of the educational process in an incomplete family; - the need of parents and children from an incomplete family in obtaining a qualitative integrated, in particular - psychological and pedagogical and amagogical assistance and the insufficient proposal of the variable forms and methods from territorial social services; A model of the social service of the incoming family of an incomplete family in the practice of social work.

Thus, modern trends in the development of the family as a social institution and the primary factor for the formation of the child's personality, an increase in the number of incomplete families, the shortage of their educational and other socio-adaptive opportunities nominate the need to create effective "mechanisms" of social assistance to the family by the means of Andraogichic and Psychological and Pedagogical Parents' enlightenment, as well as optimizing the organizational and pedagogical conditions of social support of the family by eliminating the interdepartmental disunity and establishing social partnership of all subjects providing social assistance to parents and children of the family.

The fact that the family is the first institution of socialization that it is here that there is a gradual formation, the consolidation of socially significant behaviors, which subsequently become socially significant personal qualities that it is emotional-rich communication in the family for a child becomes an important condition for its normal mental development. Many psychological and pedagogical literature is written. Traditionally, the family is considered as a social medium that ensures the full mental psychic development of the child.

However, the family can also act as a factor, destabilizing, distorting psychophysical and social development of the child. Therefore, it is especially acute the question of maintaining a family with social services, about providing timely assistance in identifying problems that arose and find ways to solve them. In addition, the question is the prevention of social orphanhood.

Family as a basic elementary unit of society is designed to perform a number of functions that have significance not only for each of its member, but also for society as a whole

  • the educational function of the family is that individual qualities of paternity and motherhood are satisfied; in contacts with children and their upbringing; The fact that parents can "implement" in children.
  • the household function of the family is to satisfy the material needs of family members (in food, blood, etc.), promotes their health: during the execution of the family of this function, the physical forces spent in the work.
  • the emotional function of the family is to satisfy its members of the needs in sympathy, respect, recognition, emotional support, psychological protection. This function ensures the emotional stabilization of members of society, actively contributes to the preservation of their mental health.
  • the function of spiritual (cultural) communication is to satisfy the needs for joint leisure, mutual spiritual enrichment, it plays a significant role in the spiritual development of members of society.
  • the function of primary social control is to ensure the fulfillment of social norms of family members, especially those who, by virtue of various circumstances (age, disease, etc.), does not sufficiently have the ability to independently build their behavior in full compliance with social norms.
  • sexually erotic feature - meeting the sexual erotic needs of family members. From the point of view of society, it is important that the family is regulating the sexual erotic behavior of its members, providing biological reproduction of society.

Failure (impossibility of fulfillment) of these functions leads to family violations, as well as a violation of the psychological health of its members. Promoting violations can a very wide range of factors: features of the personalities of its members and relationships between them, certain living conditions of the family. Thus, the problem of social services arises the problem of identifying the true causes of family disadvantaged.

It is necessary to designate the basic principles of diagnostic work with the family in the process of socio-psychological assistance (especially long).

The first (main) is the unity of diagnosis and socio-psychological assistance. Along with the traditional psychodiagnostic task - the determination of the current state of development of the family and its members, the diagnostic process should also be used for:

  • stimulating the client's motivation of self-knowledge and self-improvement;
  • identifying deficiencies, gaps in the development of certain qualities, abilities that are important to harmonize relations in the family and their stabilization;
  • making decisions about what support is needed and sufficient for this family;
  • tracking changes occurring in relations between family members at various stages of socio-psychological support.

The second is the refusal to build up the arsenal of psychodiagnostic techniques and focusing the principal attention on the development and application of psychological assistance programs (individual and family counseling, systems of psychotreening, creating new spheres, etc.). Only in these cases, diagnostic work will make sense and lead to a positive result. Any of the techniques used in the diagnosis should create conditions for the positive development of the family.

The third is the maximum approach of diagnosis to natural life conditions. This is not a "cabinet" diagnosis, but diagnostics in the conditions as close as possible to the everyday life of the family. It is not by chance that researchers of psychological counseling problems (M.Bitanova, A. Wirenikov, V. Mukhina), the familiar term "diagnosis" prefer the term "tracking", which implies monitoring the activities and behavior of a person in a natural social environment.

The fourth is the focus of diagnostic work primarily on identifying the family and self-help from the family and each of its members.

Fifth - family research in its development. It is important for a specialist to know the history of family life, family myths, values, rules, sustainable ideas and attitudes both inside the family (between its members) and with an external environment. Acquaintance with the family history in several generations helps to understand more deeply, as it is accepted to respond to adverse socio-psychological conditions, stressful, conflict or crisis situations - a decrease in the level of activity or its increase, family coercive or disunity of its members. Of course, the number of diagnostics varies depending on the scope.

The identification of family problems allows you to choose the best ways, methods, methods and make them solutions. The authors of the compilers do not in any way claim to an exhaustive analysis of the designated problems and exhaustive, comprehensive set of ways and ways to solve them. Moreover, we intentionally stopped at a narrower circle of functions in the activities of a social service worker - social and psychological and pedagogical issues. We tried to collect in one methodological manual for the development of domestic authors, which can be used by specialists in the process of working with the family. Despite the separation of this manual for chapters in categories of families in need of social and psychological assistance, the separation of diagnostic methods, as well as methods and methods of correction, is sufficiently conditionally due to the fact that many problems are identical. Thus, in practical activity it is important to clearly understand that, as Classic said, "all happy families are similar to each other, every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way," and therefore it is necessary to look for those ways and ways to help that lead to the maximum result.

Young family

1.1. Problems of a young family

At all times, the family was in the center of attention of scientists, sociologists and statesmen. Family as a small social group is a holistic education, one of the main institutions of society.

Today, in connection with economic, demographic and social changes in society, a "young family" is put forward in a separate category of families, as the most dynamic and easily responsive to these changes.

In the "General Provisions" section of the Resolution of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation of June 3, 1993 No. 5090-1, "The main directions of the State Youth Policy in the Russian Federation" was given the following definition of a young family: "A young family is a family in the first 3 years after marriage ( In the case of the birth of children - without limiting the duration of the marriage), provided that one of the spouses did not reach the 30th age. "

Thus, legally established signs of a young family are:

  • young people are registered;
  • age of spouses up to 30 years;
  • the duration of living life is up to 3 years (in the case of children's birth - without limiting the duration of living together).

In the process of life, the young family passes several stages:

  • formation (from the moment of marriage to the birth of the first child, the creation of a sustainable psychological climate, determining the sources of income to create their material base, the distribution of family responsibilities);
  • survival (high degree of dependence on the state due to the low level of material security, the choice of such ways to organize life, which are focused on the decision not promising, and momentary problems);
  • development (acquisitions of certain qualitative characteristics, providing a higher standard of living, allowing themselves to solve their vital problems to achieve certain autonomy).

A young family as a community of people related to matrimony relations, parenting, kinship, a joint household, performs the most important social functions, the main of which are: a generative (reproductive), psychological (psychotherapeutic), socio-cultural, economic and household, communicative, hedonistic .

The generative function is due to the need to continue the human race, which is not only a biological need, but also has tremendous socio-economic importance to preserve the population. Society is interested in every next generation, at least, not small than the previous one. It is young families with the greatest contribution to satisfying this need. And for them, this feature can be recognized as a priority.

The psychological function is based only by such individual needs of people whose satisfaction is impossible or extremely difficult outside the family. For young families, the psychological function of the family is to turn in love and mutual attraction in relation to mutual attachment, mutual emotional comfort. The family for young people becomes the space of the realization of their feelings and the condition for the formation of mature mutual love, when the spouse or spouse becomes the only person, a joint life with which is the deep inner meaning of the family.

The socio-cultural function is due to the fact that the family is actively affected by the formation of the child's personality. It lays cultural basic values \u200b\u200bregulating the future of the child's behavior in different areas of activity, forms scenarios of all possible roles that will have to play.

Economic function is one of the main functions of the family. A young family solves the diverse problems of family business, homemaking, production and reproduction of labor, ensuring the necessary level of consumer demand, creating investment capital, etc.

Communicative function is implemented through communication in the family. In a young family, communication is much more intense. At the same time, it has not only quantitative, but also qualitative features: young spouses talk a lot about feelings, emotions, and a significant role is played by a non-verbal component (intonation, views, touches).

The hedonistic function, which is also customary to call the function of healthy sex, is related to the presence of a general-biological sexual need for a person, the satisfaction of which is also important and necessary as food needs, housing, and so on. This feature for a young family is extremely significant, because even simple communication gives great pleasure, the joy of recognition, the feeling of loved ones is physically attractive.

Thus, a young family, for their part, is designed to fully implement all these functions, to build their own career on the basis of the principles of self-development and self-sufficiency. But those problems with which a young family is currently facing, significantly affect the formation and development of each of the listed functions.

As Yu.E. Maleshin notes, at the initial stage of the marriage, the process of forming intra-family and empty relations proceeds very intensively and intensively. From the whole set of factors affecting the quality of relationships in a young family and its social functioning, the following can be distinguished:

The living conditions of the family group, which include socio-economic, socio-political, socio-psychological, socio-cultural and other factors that make up the habitat.

  • Social demands imposed by society to a young family.
  • The structure of a young family as a set of relationships between its members.
  • Role-playing and claiming marriage partners.

Lifestyle, which is a totality of all types of vital activity.

The ideology of a young family, reflecting the totality of norms and values.

Among the problems faced by a modern young family, you can single out several:

1. Insufficient level of material security of a young family. A young family by definition consists of young people who have not taken another place in the world and, accordingly, have not yet sufficiently approved their social and material statuses. Unemployment or part-time youth is a serious obstacle to the beginning of a stable family life. The average per capita income of young families is 1.5 times lower than on average in the country, and 60% of young families live beyond poverty, among which 34% with difficulty raise ends meet, which makes it impossible to fulfill the fully reproductive and other social functions.

2. Objectively increased financial needs of a young family are due to the need to carry out the process of family life: the acquisition of housing, the organization of life, concern for young children, additional leisure costs. Therefore, a young family is often forced to use the help of older relatives for their normal existence. Many young families experience difficulties with the acquisition of their own housing and, accordingly, with constitution of themselves as a separate family. Standard urban dwelling provides minimal amenities only one family. Therefore, the joint residence of a young family with parents in a small apartment leads to the deterioration of living conditions, boring, the growth of conflict, which does not contribute to the strength of family relations.

3. Reducing reproductive function. A young family is a giving birthday. It is known that the reproductive gap of a marriage pair, depending on its physiological features, can last up to 20 or more years since the beginning of a marital life. However, social conditions and personal considerations of spouses together with physiologically active reproductive ages make substantial adjustments, and most children are born at that time in which the family qualifies as young. It is at this stage that the marriage of the birth of children and their desired quantity decides. If, for any circumstances, the reproductiveness is broken, at an older age it becomes much more difficult to ensure childbirth. The birth of children entails a number of socio-psychological, economic, organizational, housing and other problems: a shortage of funds for the maintenance of the child, the difficulties of the redistribution of duties and social roles, with which young spouses can not always cope.

An important place in the structure of the difficulties of a young family is occupied by psychological problems. By structuring marital problems, Yu.E. Aleshina leads a list of problems that are the most frequent occasions to appeal to a family psychologist:

  • various kinds of conflicts, mutual discontent associated with the distribution of marital roles and responsibilities;
  • conflicts, problems, displeasure spouses associated with differences in families for family life and interpersonal relationships;
  • sexual problems, discontent with one spouse to others in this area, their mutual inability to establish normal sexual relations;
  • difficulties and conflicts in the relationship between the married couple with parents of one or both spouses;
  • problems of power and influence in marital relationships;
  • lack of heat in relations of spouses, shortage of proximity and confidence, communication problems;
  • the disease (mental or physical) of one of the spouses, problems and difficulties caused by the need to adapt the family to the disease, a negative attitude towards themselves and the surrounding patient or family members.

The first years of family life is a complex adaptation period for young spouses. The problems of forming the family structure, the distribution of functions, the development of common family values \u200b\u200band the establishment of family boundaries arise. Also creates serious psychological problems and the process of physiological, sexual adaptation of young partners.

A separate psychological problem is the mismatch of the representations of her husband and wife regarding professional career of a woman. Today, a woman is full of professional activities and the question of how much the woman should devote themselves to the family or work, is often the subject of disputes between spouses.

A very important problem of a young family is the incomprehension of the value hierarchies from the spouses; Contradictions in this area are not always found in everyday life, but the antagonism of value installations usually becomes apparent in the period of "samples" and leads to a rupture of relations. For young spouses, the ability to resolve conflicts is more relevant. Every day for spouses there are problems, requiring immediate resolution: where to go how to spend your free time, how and what to spend money to call for guests and the like. The ability to find compromise solutions on such issues leads to the cohesion of the family.

Thus, the problems of young families are diverse. The main ones are substantial and housing problems; psychological problems; The problem of employment of young spouses. In order for a young family to carry out all its functions, a comprehensive solution to these problems is necessary, for which the State Family Policy regarding a young family should be sent.

1.2. Diagnostics of the problems of a young family

This paragraph will discover attention to the diagnosis of psychological problems of a young family. Diagnostics provides for the collection and analysis of family information and its members.

The choice of specific diagnostic techniques in the real process of interaction with clients depends on a number of factors. This can include quite formal, for example, the availability of the methodology, the possibility of material costs for printing forms and questionnaires, time that the client can also spend the client and a specialist in the diagnostic stage of work. In addition, among the variety of families available to a specialist and methods of diagnosing family problems, it is necessary to choose that or those that are necessary and will be able to give a full-fledged objective picture, will comply with the assumptions (hypothesis) of a specialist. Thus, in the real situation of interaction with the client, you can use one or more techniques, and also make your "battery" of tests, including only those scales that will make reliable information.

It is advisable to conduct diagnostics:

  • before marriage (the submission of young people about family and marriage, readiness for family relations, etc.);
  • after marriage (the motives of marriage, the choice of a partner, psychological compatibility, the features of the distribution of family roles, expectations and claims in marriage, the features of communication and relationships in a marital pair, etc.).

The diagnosis of young people before marriage allows you to identify possible disagreements before marriage and adjust them on time. The following techniques include this group:

  • a test for preventive marital compatibility shows how young men and girls in the future will be satisfied with their marriage (A. Dobrovich);
  • methods "Functional-Race Consistency" (S.V. Kovalevsky) helps determine the structure of the distribution of roles in the family. For the analysis of functional role consistency, three role structures are used: the regulatory (as it should be); Desired (as I would like); Quasiraal (as most likely begins). It is also recommended to allocate as a subject of discussion of submission of clients about the distribution of family roles in the regulatory, desired and quasi-plan;
  • profile interview "You are married" (V.A. Syystenko) - allows you to identify the opinion of the marriage of various problems faced with newlyweds;
  • test map of readiness for family life (I.F. Yunda) - helps to determine the readiness of future spouses to perform family functions: creating a positive family background, maintaining respectful, friendly relations with relatives, education of children, the intimate life of spouses, the establishment of a healthy family-household regime, etc. In addition, with the help of this technique, it is possible to outline the prospects for the well-being of family relations;
  • methods for determining psychological compatibility in marriage (Yu.A. Reshetnyak, G. S. Vasilchenko) - a modified version of T. Laryry. The incompatibility of spouses at least on one of the four levels of marital relations - psychophysiological, psychological, socio-psychological, sociocultural, can lead to the disharmony of marital relations;
  • The scales of love and sympathy (3.Rubin) - this technique can be used both in individual and when group conduct. Its advantage - in simple processing and ease of filling. Using this technique, the psychologist can identify the features of the emotional attitude of the respondent to his beloved person.

The diagnosis of emerging psychological problems after marriage includes the actual diagnosis of marital relations, as well as the diagnosis of child-parent relations. Features of the distribution of family roles, expectations and claims in marriage, compatibility of the married couple are investigated using such techniques as:

  • Questionnaire "Communication in the Family" (Yu.E. Maleshina, L.Gozman, E.M.Dubovskaya) measures the trust of communication in a married couple, similarities in views, the generality of symbols, mutual understanding of spouses, ease and psychotherapeuticness of communication.
  • The projective Test "FamilyStivogram" (E. G. Eidemeyller) is aimed at diagnosing the nature of communications in the family.
  • Methods "Role-playing and claims in marriage" (A.N. Volkov) reveals the submission of spouses about significance in the family life of certain roles, as well as the desired distribution of them between her husband and wife.
  • Methods "Distribution of roles in the family" (Yu.E. Aleshina, L.Ya. Gozman, E.M. Dubovskaya) determines the degree of realization by her husband and wife of a particular role: responsible for the material support of the family, the owner (hostess) of the house responsible For the upbringing of children, the organizer of the family subculture, entertainment, sexual partner, psychotherapist.
  • Methods "Typical Family State" (E.G. Eidemeyller, I.V. Yustitskyis) Allows you to identify the most typical state of an individual in your own family: satisfactory - unsatisfactory; neuropsychic stress; Family anxiety.

Diagnostics of the psychological compatibility of partners may include: Determination of the type of temperament (G.Aizenk), personal factors (R. Bakertel), Test "MMR1" (J. Makkinm, S. Hateway), Methods of Picturesque Frustation (S. Rosetvayig), Color Test (M.Lusher) and others.

Social worker needs to pay attention to how family leisure is organized, what are family interests and values. It is very important to understand how a young family behaves on the sociocultural level. It is known that the similarity of interests, needs, values, etc. It is one of the factors of marriage compatibility and marriage stability. The following techniques can be attributed to this diagnostic unit:

  • Questionnaire "Measurement of plants in the family pair" (Yu.E. Ealeshina, L.Gozman, Department of Social Psychology of Moscow State University) makes it possible to reveal the views of a person for ten spheres of life, the most significant in family interaction: 1) attitude towards people; 2) an alternative between a sense of debt and pleasure; 3) attitude towards children; 4) orientation on predominantly joint or mainly separate activities, autonomy of spouses or the dependence of spouses from each other; 5) attitude to the divorce; 6) attitude to the love of romantic type; 7) assessment of the meaning of the sexual sphere in family life; 8) attitude to "Forbidden Sex"; 9) attitude to the patriarchal or egalitarian device of the family; 10) Attitude towards money.
  • The Questionnaire "Interests - Leisure" (TM Papesnikova) identifies the ratio of the interests of spouses, the measure of their consent in the forms of leisure.

Very often in a young family of interests, needs, intentions and desires of spouses come into a clash, generating particularly strong and prolonged negative emotions. In such cases, talking about the married conflict. Young spouses are not always ready to make compromises, as a result of which the prolonged conflict can lead to the divorce. Faced with this problem, the social teacher can apply the methods of diagnosing marital conflicts:

  • A test questionnaire satisfaction with marriage (V. V. Stolin, P. Butenko, T.L.Romanova, Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University) is intended for rapid diagnosis of the degree of satisfaction-dissatisfaction, as well as coordination-rationalization of satisfaction with a marriage in a concrete marriage pair. The questionnaire is applied individually in advisory practice and in the process of studying a social group.
  • Methods "The nature of the interaction of spouses in conflict situations" (Yu. E. Maleshina, L.Gozman) makes it possible to characterize the examined family for a number of parameters: the most conflict areas of family relations, the degree of consent (disagree) in conflict situations, the level of conflict in the pair .
  • The Questionnaire "Constructive-Destructive Family" (CDS) (E.G.Eedemieller, V.V. Yustitzkis) facilitates the diagnosis of family rejection from the constructive direction.

One of the most important functions of a young family is the birth and raising of children. It is in the family that the identity of the child is formed, social norms and values \u200b\u200bare given. And on how close, confidential and positive parent and children's relationship will depend on the future mental development of the child and becoming it as a person. The child is most acutely experiencing any conflict in the family and the task of a social teacher to identify the cause of tensions in the family in time, to form a positive and responsible attitude towards the child in young parents. Methods and following child-parent relations are divided into two groups: Some explore interpersonal relationships in the parent-child system with the eyes of the parent, others - the eyes of a child.

The methods of studying interpersonal relations in the "parent-child" system include the following:

  • Test "Parental-Children's Relationship" (RIR) (American psychologists E.S. Shefer, R.K. Bell; Adapted by the so-callednet).
  • Test questionnaire analysis of family education and prevention of violations of education (QU) (E. G. Eidemeyller, V. V. Yustitskyis) is intended to study violations in the life of the family and the causes of deviations in family education.
  • The test questionnaire of the parental relationship (ORO) (A.Ya.Varga, V.V.Stolin) is a psychodiagnostic tool focused on identifying a parental attitude in individuals addressed for psychological help on education of children and communicate with them.
  • A questionnaire for studying the emotional side of the parent-child interaction (E.I. Zakharov) /

To the methods of studying interpersonal relations in the parent-child system, the eyes of a child include: a graphical test "Family drawing", which is widely used in numerous studies of interpersonal relations and practical developments due to the simplicity of the procedure for conducting and accuracy of indicators obtained as a result of work; Projective Methodology R. Gilles, exploring the interpersonal relationship of the child and its perception of intra-family relations, as well as the AG methodology Liders and I.V. Anisimova "Diagnosis of emotional relations in the family", developed for two age groups: for preschoolers and younger students; For teenagers.

To diagnose a family development situation, such work methods such as observation, conversation, survey, testing, survey can be used. A lot of useful information specialist receives, applying a biographical method and conducting an analysis of the documentation relating to the family and its members, their past and present, future ideas.

Based on the obtained diagnostic material, a family map can be made up, which will contain information about its members, their age, the formation of parents, their specialties, the work site of her husband and wife, family income, information about children (if any); state of health, housing conditions, the main problems of family relationship. Install to which risk group factor can be attributed. This map is desirable to make a forecast of the economic development of the family, to propose an assistance option (emergency, stabilizing, preventive) and argue the need for rehabilitation. To compile a family map, you can use the data contained in the socio-pedagogical passport.

1.3. Methods and techniques for working with a young family

A young family in modern Russian society is forced to adapt both to external conditions (state family policy) and internal changes associated with the adaptation process. Moreover, not all types of families are capable of increasing adaptive ability, in connection with which the complete or partial disorganization of the family comes. The state needs to protect the young family, as it is one of the most unprotected population groups and from the well-being of this family will depend on the improvement of the demographic situation in the country, which is one of the main tasks in modern society.

All social work on the support of a young family is conducted by social protection authorities. We highlight the main techniques and methods of working with a young family:

  1. Information work (identification, collection and analysis of information about young families in need of support). At this stage of the work, a database of young families in need of social support is created and accumulated.
  2. Propaganda of services provided by social protection authorities to support young families.
  3. Methodical work includes the study of information materials, literature, legislative acts on the problems of a young family, as well as identifying, learning and distributing the most valuable experience in interaction with the young family. Employees of social protection bodies at this stage are preparing software and methodological support for the implementation of family support: memos, recommendations, the development of algorithms of activity.
  4. Socio-psychological and pedagogical work includes the diagnosis of the problems of a young family, providing advice for family cooperation, overcoming conflict situations (family counseling), as well as socio-pedagogical and socio-psychological patronage of the family.

Socio-psychological and pedagogical work with a young family is carried out in stages, its effectiveness depends on the degree of contact with family members. We highlight the main stages of working with a young family:

Establish contact and trust relationships with family members.

At this stage, a social worker talks with family members and the closest relatives in order to identify and concretize the problems that the young family is experiencing.

Studying family

At the second stage, if a young family has psychological problems relating to the relationship of "spouse spouse", a complete diagnosis of marital relations is carried out, including: the study of microclimate in the family, the relationship between spouses, psychological compatibility, joint interests and values.

If there is a child in a young family and at the first stage, psychological problems relating to the relationship between the parent-child relationship are identified, it is necessary to diagnose child-parent relations. The social worker should examine the styles of education in a young family, the emotional color of the relationship in the "parent-child" system, knowledge and use by parents of methods and techniques of educational impact.

Very often in a young family, psychological problems are closely related to material and housing problems, in which case the social worker should carry out not only the psychological diagnosis of interpersonal relations, but also to evaluate the social status of spouses, as well as the level of material support and housing conditions. In this case, the following means can be used: visiting a young family at home, drawing up an act of examination of housing and living conditions, conversation, survey, etc.

Processing the results of socio-psychological and pedagogical diagnostics.

Support of a young family, with the use of family counseling and social patronage.

Family consulting, patronage is a targeted psychological impact on the family and its members in order to restore, optimize its functioning and improving relations between its members, the creation of favorable intramearial conditions for the development of the family and its members. It is intended to assist the family in the resolution of family conflicts, and is also aimed at their prevention, warning.

Family counseling is carried out by experts on the basis of knowledge of the patterns of the development and functioning of the family as an institution and the "small group", the main problems of the young family, the experience of practical work with people.

The main objectives of family counseling are the normalization of family relations so that a young family can adequately implement their functions, as well as the help of spouses in the ability to independently solve difficult issues of family life in the further enhancement of their personal capabilities, the formation of family needs and children. Family consulting is aimed at stimulating the social activity of members of a young family, moral and psychological improvement of their personality. It is intended to contribute to the best development of the personality of family members, serves as a better preparation for family life.

Social patronage of a young family is the individual activity of a specialist, thanks to which the family receives specific assistance and support from the social service, designed to mobilize and increase its adaptation opportunities. Socio-psychological patronage is implemented in various forms of long-term psychological and social assistance to young families experiencing conflict or stressful state.

Specialists carrying out psychological patronage conduct counseling; Find alternative ways out of conflict situations together with the family; perform intermediary functions between the client and its environment; Help to reduce the client a sense of anxiety from the client, while the specialist should qualify to combine family members into the process of planned changes.

Social patronage contributes to the study and clarification of the situation with the social and psychological state of the client when using funds that reduce the level of anxiety and providing emotional support, and is also aimed at providing specific assistance to eliminate the crisis or critical situation in the family and to stabilize favorable trends. In addition, with the help of social patronage, social workers include family problems.

Acting within the framework of patronage, the social worker performs a wide variety of functions: a friendly and competent interlocutor, assistant, an intermediary, adviser, defender. It has the ability to stabilize the current situation, control the course of patronage at all phases, to encourage its problems of members of a young family, consolidate success, as well as make the necessary adjustments to the strategy of further action. Thus, the social patronage of the family provides for the multiomethodological actions of a specialist in social work.

Socio-pedagogical patronage includes comprehensive and effective assistance to a young family having various problems, social services for social services, oriented on their own pedagogical capabilities, as well as on the resources of socio-pedagogical space. The social worker in the formation of social protection of the family works with each specific family situation. At the same time, it provides preventive assistance aimed at preventing the predicted adverse situation associated with the low social protection of the family and operational assistance aimed at permitting the established adverse situation as for the child and for the family as a whole. In the formation of social protection of the family, the social worker uses individual and group forms of work.

Individual forms of work, such as consultation, conversation, etc., social worker uses during the patronage of the family. The social worker in working with the family uses the most common consultancy techniques: emotional infection, suggestion, conviction, artistic analogies, etc. The ultimate goal of consulting work is to actualize the internal resources of the family and social protection, to correct the attitude of the family to the child and vice versa.

Group forms of work - lectures, train seminars, etc., are used by the social worker during operation in the center. Group methods of work allow parents to share families with each other, ask questions, get approval and pedagogical support.

The interaction of a social worker and family to form their social protection is successful if the dialogue is established between them. Important requirements in connection with this are imposed on the personal qualities of the social worker (empathy, flexibility, sociability, reflection, cooperation) and professional (the focus on the success of the family's parent, the tendency to notice is good and good in humans).


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