From nobility and chic to luscious lime: all shades of green are good for an elegant interior. Green color

Green is a symbiosis of two colors - blue and yellow, therefore, in psychology, the meaning of this color will also be twofold. On the one hand, there is boundless energy, and on the other, an all-consuming calmness.

For every person subconsciously green color, first of all, means growth, development and harmony in nature. Like green grass that pleases everyone after a long, cold and rather colorless winter.

What does green actually mean? And what is its psychological impact on a person?

Green value

Life itself, nature, harmony - this is what the green color directly means. In addition, it is this color that is accepted throughout the world as the safest; it is not for nothing that it is the green light of the traffic light that allows traffic.

For those people who have a favorite green color, generosity and reliability are the main distinguishing qualities.

The shades of this color also matter. For example, dark green means that a person loves stability. But the characteristic of the pale green color will be relaxation and even calmness. By the way, it is this shade that improves vision.

Green symbolism

The first wheat sprouts are considered green symbols. In general, green in psychology is a symbol of softness and calmness, and in some cases even hypochondria.

The special effect of green on restless people was also noted - it calms and creates a feeling of harmony and trust. In practical psychology, green has been widely used - it is in this color that it is recommended to paint those rooms where a person prone to neuroses and anxiety spends more time.

The effect of green on people

Positive characteristics

And what does green mean in relation to a specific person? Well, the positive qualities of lovers of this color include commitment, stability, perseverance, nobility of character and truthfulness.

People who prefer green are considered objective in psychology, since it allows you to see both sides of the coin. They use this opportunity for a sober assessment of their chances. A concrete calculation, which is always successful, is only for the good of such people - they enjoy authority among their acquaintances, moreover, it is their opinion that is sometimes considered decisive.

Green in psychology is a symbol of growth, so people whose favorite color is green are always tuned in to something new, which promises them both career and personal growth. Moreover, green psychology endows its connoisseurs with kind-heartedness, compassion and constancy.

Negative influence of green

However, green also has a number of negative properties. Sometimes its sedative effect on the human psyche is so strong that a person, being in the "green" world, simply does not want anything, as he receives a charge of a kind of energy from this color. Green keeps its secret, the secret of life, so some people may be distinguished by excessive secrecy, which will harm them. In psychology, this phenomenon is used to treat claustrophobic people, since being in a closed room painted in this color, the inner panic of such people is calmed down by the green color.

The effect of green has a different effect, it mainly depends on the percentage of yellow and blue. If blue predominates, then the color automatically becomes colder and at the same time - intense. But the predominance of yellow creates a light and harmonious atmosphere.

Green is the color of life

Green is the color of life, the color of living nature. Green means calmness, good luck, renewal, health, freshness, vitality, it is also a symbol of the environment. Green is the personification of naturalness and freshness, which is why dairy products are often sold in green packages. On the other hand, green is the color of jealousy, envy and immaturity (“green with envy”, “you are still green”, etc.).

Green is a natural color for the vast majority of people. Therefore, it is perceived as neutral, calm, not annoying.
As a symbol of spring and vegetation, it has become a symbol of the victory of life over death.

Green, being the color of vegetation, spring and new growth, denotes continuity and even immortality when the word "evergreen" is used.
Green is also interpreted as a symbol of fertility. Among the Incas of ancient Peru, it was a symbol of maize and food in general. And according to the superstitions of Irish farmers, if you hang a green branch of a tree on the wall of a house on the first of May, it will bring a lot of milk.

Green is a symbol of youth and hope in Catholic art. It is in this sense that it is used as the color of the clothing of an angel in the paintings of chrismation.
Green also symbolizes the negative aspects of youth, such as immaturity, inexperience, as well as underage and naivety. Negative values ​​of green in this case come from its associations with not ripeness of green fruits.

Green is the color of the world, which is born in the bosom of primitive waters. Green represents the first step of initiation - water. As a mixture of yellow and blue, green in the mystical sense symbolizes the connection between the natural and the supernatural.
Planetary matching green - Venus.

Green as the color of life has acquired additional significance as a symbol of prosperity, prosperity and stability.
It is not without reason that many states have chosen green as the color for banknotes.
But at the same time, green also has the exact opposite meaning - as in European countries, bankrupts were forced to wear green hats.
In ancient Egypt, it was considered a symbol of decay and mold and was the color of the dying and resurrecting god Osiris.

According to Chinese folk traditions, seeing "green" in a dream is good. However, an excess of green according to Eppley means an oversaturation of negative natural drives.
On state flags, green is usually placed to emphasize the abundance of forests or the role of agriculture.

Green in folklore is the color of elves, and hence the color of disobedience and leprosy. And those who wear green clothes should be given strength by the "little people". At the same time, it was believed that fairies might be offended by those who appropriated their color.

According to English beliefs, if at least one green item is included in the bride's wedding dress, it will bring misfortune.
Likewise, in England there is a belief that any greenery on stage will bring bad luck to the production and the actors.
S. Baring-Gould wrote that one day he had to hear serious reasoning about the fact that all the misfortunes that happened in England before 1914 were connected with the fact that green postage stamps worth half a penny were issued ...
In China and the Far East, green has become a symbol of greed, stubbornness and rapacity.
A green flag at sea is a shipwreck signal.

Green color as a symbol of nature, plants and the actual herbal infusion, has become a symbol of natural poisons, and then poisons in general.
The green serpent is an allegory of alcoholic beverages.

Green in Freemasonry is a symbol of overcoming and victory.

In Greece, based on traditional interpretations of green (life, development, freedom), it became the party color of PASOK (Pan-Greek Socialist Movement).
Green Line in Cyprus and Beirut in the 60-90s. XX century meant a neutral line, as it divided the opposing territories and was considered inviolable. The Iranians associate green with both rapid growth and freshness, and with misfortune, sadness, grief, therefore, they say about an unfortunate person "green foot", and about a cemetery - "green house". In Germany, in the past, cards were used in fortune telling, each suit of which had its own color and corresponding symbolic meaning, and the green suit meant sadness, grief, vexation, red - love, betrothal, wedding, etc.
In Germany and Northern Europe, representatives of environmental movements call themselves green.

During the third crusade, green crosses were the hallmark of the Dutch.
Ireland is called green in national folklore, and green is a symbol of the Irish liberation movement.
The Russian Empire is most often depicted on maps in green.

Green is innocence, liveliness.
The most delicate face of natural strength.
Holy allusion to rebirth
Spring color is dear and sweet.
Imagine: thaw, spring.
Chicks are ringing, not hearing themselves,
A cat creeps on a damp roof
And the cold becomes limp ...
Around, hissing with coolness,
The streams are flowing the remnants of the snow
And the morning bliss of the sun,
Warm gently the city.
Do you feel happy:
I would rather throw off my coat!
Flutter like a bird, and then
Swim in the rays like in the bay.
Already the smells of flowers
Like butterflies flutter in the sky
Love is back in a new light
Hearts are open to her.
And somewhere quietly, very timidly
On a wet, blushing trunk
Under the kidney layer, so deep
The sprout is ripening new life.
This is all your favorite color.
Includes undoubtedly
I described frankly
Warm in my soul.

Green is the bloom of the Earth,
Green is the color and life is full.
Green color is calm
Spring sings green.
And our life continues
Enclosed in green.
And that moment ripens
When the white light rejoices.
Green is always dear
All-conquering evil.
And let there be so much of it.
To make everything live and flourish.

Green swaying foliage
In thick clothes of maples by the river,
In birch capes with whiteness
And the word of mouth of alder.
A carpet of grass lies behind a quiet garden,
Lost in the edge of the meadow,
Endless landscape joy
Heavenly and spiritual heat chill.
The color of malachite splashes in the oak groves,
Where the nightingales have found shelter;
And the curly whales are empty
The long overgrown pond is silent.
That color keeps pearl dewdrops
Worries in storms and thunderstorms
And in the evenings it melts in a gray haze,
To appear again in all its glory in the morning.
Washed in a volatile brisk downpour
Those who have not conquered the persistent heat
His article is shaking with poplar
In the July dance there is a grove in the wind.
It will fade into the sad autumn color,
Where every leaf is like a yellow tear
And only always with its radiant light
Drawn to the green eyes.

The sky is charmingly blue
Washed out of the waters by the creator.
A spacious, shining tent
It is stretched over the earth.
It's like that! But it's dearer to me
Green fields.
Lovely cashmere rose!
In the spring, in the silence of the nights,
The nightingale sings love to her
With a quiet breeze of marshmallows.
It's like that! But it's dearer to me
Green fields.
The pale blue of the water is lovely!
In their crystal is the vault of heaven,
And the forest dormant in the coolness,
And the shine of spring nature.
It's like that! But it's dearer to me
Green fields.
Lovely lily of the valley!
In the clothes of a married couple,
Like a meek angel of beauty
Blooms in the deserts of Palestine.
It's like that! But it's dearer to me
Green fields.
Delightful are the harvest of the field!
In bright sunlight
They freak out in the fields
As if the waves are golden.
It's like that! But it's dearer to me
Green fields.

Where are we going with you
at such an early hour?
Taxi green light
lit up and went out.

See how green this world is
how green the seas are!
Let's celebrate this color
in the beginning of September.

The vine is still so green,
so green the grapes.
Let us be green
reward from awards.

And there is green wine in the glass,
and green eyes
and already swinging in them
green thunderstorm.

And now we hear this sound
a moment later -
green ringing, green noise
autumn rain.

But this moisture is not about us,
and late this hour
taxi green breeze
picks us up.

And it smells like rotten foliage,
and light as smoke
soaring green star
over the golden forest.

Green caresses shadow at noon,
He gives peace of mind and sight.
And the herbs are green, and the darkness is in the forests,
Green light fluctuates in the eyes.
Green is the outfit of any garden,
And for jasmine, the stem is like a reward

Green is the best, since it is similar at the same time
on a mountain emerald with its deep color.
From the Indian shores they bring him to us,
green and gold. To spoiled eyes
and the patient's liver - there is nothing more useful;
Shortness of breath, nausea, heart disease
he heals - and he alone
guardian of marriage bonds for women and men.
He drives away laziness, he brings a friend back,
before him the haughty enemy shy from fear ...

In Japan, green is a symbol of spring agricultural rites (May ivy is a bed for participants in spring orgies), in
For Europe it is a sign of earthly love and hope: “Put green on yourself, that is, in the clothes of lovers,” writes the Sicilian Herald, the author of a book about color. A knight errant who professes the cult of a beautiful lady must dress in green.
“And with the onset of May, I don’t want to see any other colors than green,” concludes Gerold.

In ancient Rome, green in men's clothing signified effeminacy and unnatural inclinations; in modern times in Europe - irony, buffoonery, bourgeoisness (as a condemned property).

Best of all, the magical effect of green is manifested in an emerald. Academician AE Fersman writes about this in the book "Stories about Gems": "It is difficult to find another gem, which in ancient times would have been valued more than the emerald - the" stone of radiance "of the Greeks. ... The luscious green color of the emerald was deeply valued as an expression of life, youth and purity. He was credited with possessing the mysterious power to heal ailments and bestow happiness. "

This stone is glorified by poets of all countries of the world. The color of the emerald, according to Indian legends, "imitates the color of the neck of a young parrot, young grass, water mud, iron, and the designs of a feather from a peacock's tail."
"Snake" - the Georgians called this stone, believing that in it, as in a mirror, all the secrets of the present and future are reflected.
The Roman scientist Pliny wrote that "this stone of nature is above all earthly blessings, that its beauty is more beautiful than the fragrance of a spring flower and that it should not be allowed to touch the virgin features of the artist's cutter."

Negative symbols: corruption, decay, demonism, disgust, anger, envy, longing, madness, horror of death.
These meanings come from the color of mold, decaying organic matter, evil mythological animals (snakes, dragons), mysterious inhabitants of the forests (goblin, Green king), the eyes of predatory nocturnal animals and birds, bitter poisonous herbs, as well as some detachable humans, testifying to the disease ...

S. Eisenstein writes about the symbolism of green: The color of the rebirth of the soul and wisdom, it simultaneously meant moral fall and madness.
The Swedish theosophist Swedenborg describes the eyes of madmen languishing in hell as green.

One of the stained glass windows of Chartres Cathedral represents the temptation of Christ; on it, Satan has green skin and huge green eyes ... An eye in symbolism means intelligence. A person can direct him to good or evil. Both Satan and Minerva - both madness and wisdom - were both depicted with green eyes ...
As A. Perrusho writes, the French artist Toulouse-Lautrec “saw something demonic in all shades of green”.

In Indian poetics, green means disgust. You can read about this in the story of D. Salinger "And these lips and eyes are green."

In modern Russian literature of the fantastic genre, a tendency towards negative semantization of green is noticeable. In V. Pelevin's stories, for example, the gates to the otherworldly "Workshop No. 1" are painted green, where the death of worlds, including the Earth, takes place.
The stories also feature the monster "Green Khidr" - an evil werewolf, the green chair of the plant director, in which the director turns into a skeleton; the narrator, who is mentally ill, has a green armchair and a greenish-yellow curtain at home.

The preference for green means: self-esteem, firmness, stability, naturalness and truthfulness in relation to oneself. Nobility of character, justice, willpower, constancy.

The green forest is noisy, worried,
Spring in a green dress.
Admires a snowdrop flower
A hundred-year-old, mossy pine.
Green, bright paint
Spicy May sparkles.
Our planet is affectionately
Warm the sun!

This bright color is definitely
Summer nature is all dressed up.
Since childhood, everyone knows that green color,
Greens are warmed by the warm sun!
The leaves are painted in this color,
Herb, cucumber, bunch of grapes,
Sour gooseberry bushes ...
And also the cabbage is glad to him.
Nature rewarded with greenery
Caterpillar, lizards, frog,
And also toothy crocodiles,
That the rivers come out to dry.
A grasshopper is hiding in the grass somewhere ...
Nice green planet!

The color green is the color of the grass,
Your emerald eyes
Blossoming foliage
And young shoots.

The color green is the color of luck
And an open path.
If the light is green, then
You can go ahead.

The color green is the color of fairy tales,
New Year tree.
The forest is dressed in green,
Coniferous needles.

The color green is the color of good,
Young and sonorous.
The game is bright green
Child's sincerity ...

Green color symbolizes spirituality, its personification, the color of the Anahata heart chakra. Associated with youth, life opportunities, birth and hope.

Green is the color of grass and leaves. For many peoples, green symbolized youth, hope and fun, although sometimes immaturity, lack of perfection. Green is extremely material and has a calming effect, but it can also make a depressing impression. Probably it is no coincidence that melancholy is called "green", and the man himself "turns green" from anger. The Iranians associate green with both rapid growth and freshness, and with misfortune, sadness, grief, therefore, they say about an unfortunate person "green foot", and about a cemetery - "green house". In Germany, in the past, cards were used in fortune telling, each suit of which had its own color and corresponding symbolic meaning, and the green suit meant sadness, grief, vexation, red - love, betrothal, wedding, etc.

In a green energy center tantric teaching finds, first of all, gaining power over his "I", a sense of inner strength and control over speech and feelings. Balancing male and female energies. Overcoming obstacles and difficulties.

This is especially emphasized Islam, where green is the holy color of the banner of Mohammed.

AND in Kabbalah green represents victory.

Green has a calming effect on the midbrain, which controls and coordinates various motor functions in the body. Since the midbrain is connected with Anahata and Vishuddha, green color simultaneously calms both of these organs of the energy body, creating the prerequisites for uniform and consistent reception of cosmic energy with inhaled air.

Green means health status and "elastic tension". Psychologically, this is expressed in active will, perseverance and constancy. A person who chooses green wants his own views and beliefs to triumph in everything, wants to feel that all his behavior is justified by the fact that he is the bearer of basic and immutable principles. As a result, such a person puts himself on a pedestal and begins to moralize and teach others. He needs to be recognized, and the positions taken by him remain unshakable, despite the resistance and opposition of others.

When exposed to the human nervous system, it exhibits intermediate properties between warm and cold colors. Green color normalizes blood and intraocular pressure. Increases visual acuity. Narrows the size of the retinal blind spot.

Leads to normalization of breathing and pulse, increases the duration of exhalation (compared to warm colors).

Green is used for healing some mental disorders, hysteria, nervous exhaustion. No wonder, by the way, tables for card games or for playing billiards and table tennis are green in most cases.

Green color controls character, emotions, feelings. It strongly affects the heart and blood pressure. Brings a feeling of renewal, freshness, purposefulness. It can be used to treat ulcers, headaches, colds, and to neutralize malignant cells. Calms and restores the nervous system.

When choosing interiors the rooms of your apartment, it is better to focus on those colors that are in harmony with the biological needs of a person. This primarily applies to wallpaper and curtains. For that room or corner of the room where one of the family members has to work often and for a long time - writing, reading, counting, mentally concentrating - it is best to stick to green tones, avoiding blue and blue. Otherwise, the one who works at the table will constantly fall asleep.

Green creates a slight but lasting boost in mental performance. Promotes concentration of attention. After getting used to green, the number of correctly solved problems increases by 10% while reducing the number of errors by 20%. There is a slight slowdown in the "counting numbers" reaction, as there is a certain underestimation of time.

The color green is most indicated for individuals who periodically suffer from neuralgias and migraines caused by high blood pressure. For, like no other, green contributes to the normal filling of blood vessels.

Green color raises vitality and creates a real feeling of relaxation in case of nervous irritability, hysteria or insomnia. Reduces the effects of motion sickness, alleviates motion sickness and prevents vomiting. It has a weak hypnotizing and analgesic effect.

It symbolizes spirituality, its personification, the color of the Anahata heart chakra is green. Associated with youth, life opportunities, birth and hope.

Green symbolism

Green is the color of grass and leaves. For many peoples it symbolized youth, hope and fun, although sometimes immaturity, insufficient perfection. Green is extremely material and has a calming effect, but it can also make a depressing impression. Probably, it is no coincidence that melancholy is called "green", and the person himself "turns green" from anger. The Iranians associate green with both rapid growth and freshness, and with misfortune, sadness, grief, therefore, they say about an unfortunate person "green foot", and about a cemetery - "green house". In Germany, in the past, cards were used in fortune telling, each suit of which had its own color and corresponding symbolic meaning, and the green suit meant sadness, grief, vexation, red - love, betrothal, wedding, etc.

In the green energy center, the tantric teaching finds, first of all, gaining power over one's “I”, a feeling of inner strength and control over speech and feelings. Balancing male and female energies. Overcoming obstacles and difficulties.

This is especially emphasized by Islam, where green is the holy color of the banner of Mohammed. And in Kabbalah, green represents victory.

Human exposure to green

It has a calming effect on the midbrain, which controls and coordinates various motor functions of the body. Since the midbrain is connected with Anahata and Vishuddha, green color simultaneously calms both of these organs of the energy body, creating the prerequisites for uniform and consistent reception of cosmic energy with inhaled air.

Green means health and elastic tension. Psychologically, this is expressed in active will, perseverance and constancy. A person who chooses green wants his own views and beliefs to triumph in everything, wants to feel that all his behavior is justified by the fact that he is the bearer of basic and immutable principles. As a result, such a person puts himself on a pedestal and begins to moralize and teach others. He needs to be recognized, and the positions taken by him remain unshakable, despite the resistance and opposition of others.

When exposed to the human nervous system, it exhibits intermediate properties between warm and cold colors. Normalizes blood and intraocular pressure. Increases visual acuity. Narrows the size of the retinal blind spot.

Leads to normalization of breathing and pulse, increases the duration of exhalation (compared to warm colors).

Green is used to treat certain mental disorders, hysteria, nervous exhaustion. No wonder, by the way, tables for card games or for playing billiards and table tennis are green in most cases.

Green color controls character, emotions, feelings. It strongly affects the heart and blood pressure. Brings a feeling of renewal, freshness, purposefulness. It can be used to treat ulcers, headaches, colds, and to neutralize malignant cells. Calms and restores the nervous system. Jesus Christ worked with this color.

When choosing the interiors of the rooms of your apartment, it is better to focus on those colors that are in harmony with the biological needs of a person. This primarily applies to wallpaper and curtains. For that room or corner of the room where one of the family members has to work often and for a long time - writing, reading, counting, mentally concentrating - it is best to stick to green tones, avoiding blue and blue. Otherwise, the one who works at the table will constantly fall asleep.

Creates a slight but lasting boost in mental performance. Promotes concentration of attention. After getting used to green, the number of correctly solved problems increases by 10% while reducing the number of errors by 20%. There is a slight slowdown in the "counting numbers" reaction, as there is a certain underestimation of time.

Green is most indicated for individuals who periodically suffer from neuralgias and migraines caused by high blood pressure. For, like no other, green contributes to the normal filling of blood vessels.

Raises vitality and creates a real feeling of relaxation in case of nervous irritability, hysteria or insomnia. Reduces the effects of motion sickness, alleviates motion sickness and prevents vomiting. It has a weak hypnotizing and analgesic effect.

This is a color that you cannot look at for a long time - it causes boredom, since it does not give anything.

Treatment - has a beneficial effect on claustrophobic people.

Green neutralizes the effect of other colors; helps dispel negative emotions. It brings calmness and tranquility, helps to concentrate and make decisions, helps with shock and has a hypnotic effect.


Shades - the more blue, the stronger, colder and more intense the impact of the color. The more yellow, the easier and more harmonious the color is.

Blue-green (turquoise) - the coldest of all shades, used to create refreshing coolness, the color of sterility.

Dark blue-green - rejected with nervous exhaustion; personifies cruelty and heaviness, creates a sense of isolation. It is preferred by people who make too strict demands on themselves, build their views into a principle and seek its observance with irreconcilable consistency.

Yellow-green - the latent energy that was in the green is released. People who prefer this color strive to establish as many contacts as possible, constantly want to meet other people, to learn new things. Next to white, this shade gives the impression of a strict and businesslike, as a rule, they tend to dilute it with gray - to remove obsession.

Brown-green (green + black + yellow + red) - expresses sensual passivity. Such people would like to enjoy a state that is beneficial to the senses and conducive to relaxation; seek excitement through pleasure.

The darker the green, the more introverted the person is. The color green is preferred by those people who strive to acquire a confident manner thanks to firmness and stability. Strive for confidence. Green is rejected by physiological exhaustion.

Tatiana Kulinich

Green is considered the color of life itself. Indeed, in spring and summer, during the heyday of nature, everything is literally buried in greenery. And greenery is both future fruits and shelter from the heat of the sun and wild animals. Therefore, at the deepest subconscious level, all living beings perceive green as a symbol of security and abundance. Few people know that the human eye is able to perceive the greatest number of shades of green. Biologists argue that this is due to the need to distinguish between predators and other hazards in the green thickets, the natural habitat of the ancestors of modern humans.

Shades of green

This rich color has a myriad of varieties. Many of them are named after precious stones. It is an emerald, dark and rich shade of green. Or malachite, slightly brighter green. Green mixed with blue is called turquoise. Other shades of green are named after the plants that have this color. The wasp color is green with a grayish undertone. Pistachio - slightly "dusty", surprisingly delicate green in light colors. In recent decades, the so-called neon green color has become fashionable. It is a very bright, poisonous light green hue. And then there is the bottle, the color of young grass, green-brown and many others. All the riches of this color cannot be enumerated.

The symbolic meaning of green

As mentioned above, the main meaning of green is life, growth, development. Many ancient deities associated with vegetation were depicted with this color. As an example, we can recall the Egyptian god Osiris, who is painted with green skin. Some Orthodox icons in green robes depict the Mother of God. This color emphasizes her mercy and motherly love for all of humanity. In many modern esoteric teachings, where female deities play a large role (for example, Wicca), they are also depicted in green tones. We can say with confidence that green is the color of motherhood, femininity, giving life and love.

Green is also considered a symbol of peace and harmony. Muslims consider this color to be the personification of their religion, where for them it means the freshness and fragrance of the Gardens of Eden. In hot countries, where Islam was born, a green oasis is truly a divine gift and a guarantee of survival in the unbearable heat. This color is also associated with naturalness, naturalness, closeness to nature. There is even an environmental party named after the shade, the Green Party.

Like any color, green also has negative meanings. They can be traced in some folk sayings. Too young, inexperienced, naive person is called "green". There is also the expression "longing for green," which reveals green as a negative symbol of stagnation. The image of a viscous, wet, sucking swamp fully conveys this negative meaning of a given color.

Physiological and health effects of green

This color has a mild, calming effect on the central nervous system. Deep greens can make you drowsy, while lighter shades just relieve stress. With the help of meditation on this color, you can reduce high blood pressure, relieve migraines and other pains. This color is also good for wound healing, immunity activation. That is why in many hospitals and sanatoriums the walls are painted green.

Like blue, green helps to reduce appetite and subconsciously adjust to healthy food. Many experts advise during the diet to eat from dishes painted green. Most likely, you will eat less than usual. In general, this particular shade can be called a symbol of health, psychological and physical. Therefore, it is also recommended to use it for people suffering from hypochondria, a tendency to seek out various diseases in themselves.

The psychological impact of green

This color relaxes a person, inspires him with the idea that there is no threat nearby. Literally in all countries, a green color at traffic lights or other signs means that traffic is allowed, it is safe here. Together with a calming effect, it also has a mild stimulating effect. Green liberates, inspires confidence and sympathy. Psychologists, teachers, doctors often paint their offices in this color so that clients who come to them feel freer. The premises of various hobby groups, yoga studios are also painted in this color. People in a green room become friendlier and more open with each other.

Shades of green muffle any negative emotions. With their help, you can quickly get rid of anger and irritation. However, those suffering from depression should be careful when using it. In a depressive disorder, the human nervous system is inhibited, and the calming effect of green inhibits it even more. But with a slight melancholy and sadness, light shades of green (herbal, pistachio) will quickly cheer you up.

Green in clothes, image

Green shades are great for both business and casual style. This color is truly versatile, it dyes young girls and mature ladies. Due to the richness of shades of this color, it is combined with both warm and cold colors. Remember that any outfit should be decorated in the same color scheme. For a warm pistachio color, it is worth picking up equally warm shades, for example, peach. Cold emerald is combined with gray, dark blue, black. Green can also be used to create a festive look. However, do not forget to dilute it with bright accessories, because green itself is a calm, not eye-catching color. Makeup artists advise using green shadows only for women with fairly dark skin. On lighter faces, this color can accentuate pallor.

The green shade is suitable for creating an image of a reliable, calm, soft person. It is suitable for service workers, those who spend a lot of time in communication with people. It should be used with caution by people who want to emphasize their leadership qualities. Green does not dispose to this. This is the color of a diligent performer, not a leader. Although if this color is not abused, but used only occasionally, it will help the leader to establish trusting relationships with subordinates.

Green color in the interior

This shade creates a homely, almost intimate atmosphere. Therefore, it is indispensable in the home interior of those people who value comfort and family warmth. When decorating home spaces, designers advise using warm variations of this color: grassy, ​​pistachio, malachite. They are perfect for decorating a nursery or bedroom. However, in the latter case, do not forget to dilute the green with brighter colors. Otherwise, the abundance of this color in the bedroom can negatively affect your intimate life. The kitchen, decorated in a green shade, will be conducive to pleasant communication while eating. But do not forget that green itself can slightly reduce the amount of food consumed. Add yellow to it, and your household will delight you with an excellent appetite.

Cool shades of green set the mood for work, so they can be used in the home office or at work. Turquoise is known for its positive effects on creativity. Even a short meditation on turquoise will help solve a difficult problem and attract new ideas. Therefore, this shade should definitely be used when decorating your office.

Green in advertising

With this color, advertisers try to inspire confidence in buyers, present themselves as reliable and polite specialists in their field. Please note that green is the color most commonly used in advertising for deposits. Thus, the bank promises clients that their money will be in a safe place. Green is often used by various financial fraudsters as well. After all, this color is not only a symbol of reliability, but also income growth without special costs. For example, the financial pyramid MMM 2011 used exactly green to guarantee its clients passive income. Often this color promises the naturalness and healthiness of the product being sold.

Color and character: love or rejection of green

A person who chooses green as a loved one has a soft, calm, docile character. He has a highly developed female energy. Its purpose is to take care, protect, nurture. Such a person, as a rule, quickly finds a common language with children and animals. Its disadvantage is excessive passivity. He tends to sacrifice his own interests for the sake of others, completely forgetting about himself.

Anyone who is annoyed by green has a too hot temperament. He is constantly looking for adventure, he does not sit in one place. Opponents of green are prone to unmotivated outbursts of aggression. They have difficulties in order to trust others, to open up to them in communication. Such people need to master relaxation techniques in order to learn how to release excess stress.

Green brings back memories of our earliest childhood, when we felt complete peace in our mother's arms. And as adults, we still seek the same security and warmth. A look at green gardens, plants brings us back this amazing peace. This color can be safely called a symbol of our common mother, the Earth, which astronomers call the green planet.

Tatiana Kulinich for All rights reserved. Reprinting of the article is allowed only with the permission of the site administration and indication of the author and an active link to the site