From whom is the Son of God born, and what is meant by "eternal birth"? The appearance of the child and the gender of the child - the enchanted soul

After returning from an amazing land of dreams, the question often arises: what did our subconscious mind want to say and what to warn about by sending us this or that image? People have been trying to understand the meaning of a dream they have seen since time immemorial, vivid examples of their exact interpretation are mentioned in history. And the famous story of how Joseph saved Egypt from starvation by correctly interpreting Pharaoh's dream of seven fat and then seven skinny cows is known from the Old Testament. Life goes on as usual, the comprehension of the information received during sleep is changing. But one thing remains unchanged - the Universe continues to speak to a person through his night visions.

Dream Interpretation: give birth to a son

Seeing a successful birth has always been considered a good sign. Because this process symbolizes making a profit, fulfilling the desired and remuneration for work. An important condition for the correct interpretation of sleep is its details. How and where the birth took place, what events in the history of the dream preceded this bright moment. Equally important are emotions, how the child looked and in what mood the awakening occurred.

To get a clearer picture, it is worth breaking the dream into its constituent segments. Then determine what each of them could mean and then tie the picture together. Seeing a healthy boy in a dream is receiving good news. A sick child, on the contrary, can promise strife and unpleasant chores. What else does the dream book say about this? To give birth to a son who immediately began to grow and talk, interprets the dream as very positive. This means that your efforts and work will not only be crowned with success, but will also create a good foundation for future profits. The vision speaks of happiness and well-being that will accompany you.


Any dream book interprets giving birth to a son as a positive dream if the boy is healthy. You are happy and have made efforts for the birth of a child, which means that in reality you will be rewarded for hard work with happiness in family life, success in business and career, or receive good news that will change your life for the better.

Childbirth at home

A very good sign is a dream in which the birth of a healthy son took place at home. This means that luck and prosperity have come to your home. For unmarried girls, such a dream promises a successful match for future marriage. If the birth you saw was a surprise, the process itself did not leave any memories, there is a newborn, and you are confused, but pleasantly surprised, then in reality expect pleasant and unexpected news, an increase in salary, promotion, gift or surprise.

Other visions

The birth of a boy, experienced in, promises her in reality an easy and quick birth. The dream book explains the dream of breastfeeding and the newborn son as receiving some kind of reward for the labors. Now the fruit of your efforts will be multiplied many times over, but you will not rest on your laurels and continue to develop what you started.

If you dreamed about the birth of a son, but then he is gone, and this does not bother you, then expect a pleasant, but fleeting meeting. The dream in which the boy was born sick, but you do not give up, look for help and save him, says that when the time comes to face difficulties in reality, you will emerge victorious from this situation. For which, by the way, you will be rewarded with success in business and family life.

Also, a dream can be a warning about the intrigues of enemies trying to prevent you from achieving what you want. But, thanks to the perseverance and diligence that are inherent in you, they will not be able to do this, and justice will prevail. What does it mean when you see someone have a son? The dream interpretation interprets this vision as receiving good news from this person. It may also be a sign that financial profit awaits you from him.

negative dream

And if you dreamed that a sick son was born? The dream interpretation is interpreted as follows: if efforts were expended during childbirth, but the child was born unhealthy (or dead), it means that in reality your efforts will not be successful. If an unsuccessful birth came as a surprise, but at the same time you are not disappointed, then petty quarrels, intrigues and squabbles will not particularly hurt you. A dream where you have an illegitimate baby, and at the same time you feel shame, warns of wrong behavior that can cause condemnation of others.

What else does the dream book say about this? To give birth to an ugly son or not to see his face behind the veil and experience fear, the interpreter regards as trouble. All of this can be your fault. It can also warn of wrong decisions, which can later turn into trouble.

What is he, baby? Interpretation

A dream in which your own son appears to you, the dream book can be interpreted differently, depending on how the child looks. If he is healthy, smiling and having fun, then in reality you will feel pride and joy for him, or you will receive good news related to your child. A little son crying in your dream warns of an illness. She might be watching him. A dream in which the son is ill or is involved in bad events warns that trouble or health problems may await him.

A child (boy) asking for help in a dream or crying portends failure in business. Therefore, you should pay attention to your surroundings, perhaps someone will deceive your trust.

What other interpretations does the dream book give?

An adult son dreamed of by those who do not yet have children - good luck in business, career growth and salary increases, but only when he is healthy and looks good. Otherwise, your labors will be in vain and will not be crowned with success. Seeing your little son in a dream as an adult and healthy is very good. This may mean that all your plans are destined to come true. You will be proud of your child and yourself.

The dream in which you are having a conversation with your adult son indicates that you need his support and miss him. The nature of the conversation should also be taken into account when interpreting. If the conversation is pleasant, it means that it will soon come true - you will meet with your son. But if you are dissatisfied with him, then in reality you will experience dissatisfaction and will not approve of his actions. The vision in which you walk arm in arm along the road with your son means a long happy life and a dignified old age.


Now you do not need to flip through the dream book. Dreamed of a son? This is the vision that, as a rule, has a positive interpretation. Although, of course, when interpreting it is worth considering all the details.

Explain, please, what does it mean "the Son of God is eternally born of God the Father"? He has always been, and at the same time is always born? What does "born of the Father" mean? One not very believing and non-church person asked me, how can one be born from the Father without a mother? I'm completely confused. Help me figure it out so that no doubts arise!

27.11.2005, Olga, Moscow

Dear Olga!

The question in which you are “confused” is worthy of it, for the truth about the Birth of the Son of God from the Father is incomprehensible to the mind, a God-revealed truth, according to which the birth from the beginningless Father is a personal property of the Son and determines the Image of His pre-eternal being. In His birth, the Son is inseparable from the Parent; He always abides in the bosom of the Father (John 1:18). The Father is in the Son, and the Son is in the Father (John 10:38). The nature of God is indivisible, unchanging and passionless, therefore the Only Begotten Son is born passionlessly (without combination or division) “and His incomprehensible birth has neither beginning nor end (and happens) as only the God of all knows it. Just as fire and light exist together, from which it proceeds - not before fire, and then already light, but together ... so the Son is born from the Father, not separating from Him in any way, but always abiding in Him ”(John of Damascus. Accurate presentation of the Orthodox faith). From these words, Rev. John of Damascus, it is not difficult to conclude that since God the Father abides eternally, then the Son of God is eternally born from the Father, and His birth is timeless and without beginning.

birth of the Son of God

Date of publication or update 05/01/2017

  • To the table of contents: The book "The Law of God"
  • Part four
    On the Christian Faith and Life

    About the Second Member of the Creed

    Conversation on the Eternal Birth of the Son of God

    We live in time, and the temporary everything changes - "everything flows, everything changes." When the world ends its temporary existence (at the second coming of the Savior), it will change and become eternal. Will " new sky(firmament) and new earth"(Isaiah: 65 , 17; 66 , 22; 2 Peter. 3 , 13; Apocal. 21 , 1).

    Living in the conditions of time, it is difficult for us to imagine eternity. But still, to some extent, we can imagine it (science - philosophy).

    So eternity immutable, it is timeless. God, the Most Holy Trinity, is eternal and unchangeable therefore the Father has never been without the Son and without the Holy Spirit.

    The Holy Fathers and Doctors of the Church explain that the Father was always together with the Son, born of Him, for without the Son he could not be called the Father. If God the Father ever existed without having a Son, and then became the Father without being the Father before, this would mean that God underwent a change, from the unbegotten became begotten, but such a thought is worse than any blasphemy, for God eternal And immutable. The Creed says: Who is from the Father, born before all ages", this means; before the existence of our time, that is, forever.

    St. John of Damascus explains: "When we say that He (the Son of God) was born before all ages, we show that His birth out of time And beginningless for it is not from non-existence that the Son of God is brought into being, He is the radiance of glory and the image of the hypostasis of the Father, living wisdom and power; hypostatic Word, the essential, perfect and living image of the invisible God, but was always with the Father and in the Father, and begotten of Him forever and without beginning".

    The concept of "birth", as a completely independent separation from the born, occurs only in the material world, because matter is temporary and limited. The spirit is not limited by anything and is not subject to material laws. Thus physical, natural, material birth is not applicable to spiritual birth at all. Therefore, the Ecumenical Councils, expressing the essence of the Divine birth of the Son from the Father, approved the words of the Creed: " Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, uncreated, consubstantial with the Father...", i.e., the Son of God in His essence is completely the same with God the Father, He is always - forever is born as "Light from Light", dispassionately, not according to the laws of the created material world. This greatest Divine truth, while we live in the concepts of the material world, we cannot fully comprehend, therefore the Trinity of God is called " Mystery Holy Trinity".

    But nevertheless, a certain concept, or rather, a certain semblance for explaining the Mystery of the Most Holy Trinity, is given by the Holy Fathers. St. John of Damascus says: "Just as fire and the light coming from it exist together, - not before there is fire, and then light, but fire and light together, - and like light, it is always born from fire and always abides in it and by no means is not separated from him: thus the Son is also born from the Father, in no way separating from Him.

    We can see the same similarity in the sunbeam, which, being on earth and performing its life-giving action, never separates (or, as we say, “does not come off”) from the sun. With this explanation, the words of the Gospel become clear: No one has ever seen God; Only-begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father(being in the being of God the Father), He revealed(revealed Himself to people on earth)" (Jn. 1 , 18).

    The Holy Evangelist John names the Only Begotten Son of God. Jesus Christ - Word : "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God"(John. 1 , 1). The name of the Second Person of the Holy Trinity - the Son of God is revealed from above Ap. John (Rev. 19 , 11, 13) and was partly secretly known in the Old Testament (Ps. 32 .6; Prem. 18 , 15).

    The Holy Fathers explain: “Just as the mind that gives birth to the word gives birth without illness, is not divided, is not exhausted and is not subjected to anything that happens in the bodies: so the divine birth is impassive, inexpressible, incomprehensible and alien to division.”

    "Like a word," says the Archbishop. Innocent, - "there is an exact expression of thought, not separating from it and not merging with it, so the Word was with God, as a true and accurate Image of His Being, inseparably and inseparably always existing with Him. The Word of God was not a phenomenon or property - by the power of God, but God Himself, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity."

    I often come across the fact that women and men want not just a child, but a child of a certain gender. Especially if the child is not the first. Although the first, many dream of giving birth to a son. But does it really matter?

    People try to plan sex, follow diets, calculate the necessary periods from the plates, and then they may be disappointed that instead of a son, “only” a daughter. Our expectations from the sex of the child create an additional load on him and on the space.

    One of my friends really wanted a girl, that's just madly wanted a girl. She already had a boy. It was her fixed idea, and she couldn't get pregnant. A whole year has passed in the attempts, she was already going to the doctor. And then I jokingly invited her to admit the idea that the soul of a boy could also come to her.

    At first she was very reluctant and opposed to such a thought. What a boy, I need a girl! And I suggested that she think about the fact that the boys were placed on top of her. And either boys, or no one at all. Well, you never know, suddenly here is such a plan for her. She considered. A month later, it flashed in the conversation - yes, I still want another child, even if it is a boy. In the same cycle, she became pregnant. Guess who?

    He seemed to be waiting for his mother to be ready to meet him, until she reconciled herself and stopped chasing images in her head. And as soon as acceptance happened, he came.

    We are not aware of the mechanisms for issuing a child of one sex or another. This is not an automaton from which you can calculate the algorithm and manipulate. We are trying to collect some kind of research base for this, we are creating a lot of myths. From what I personally heard (and at which I laugh at times):

    • In order to conceive a boy, in ancient times, men put an ax under their pillow and at the decisive moment frightened their wife with it (immediately the thought arises - if you give birth to a daughter - I will kill it!)
    • To conceive a girl, the father needs to go in for extreme sports, skydive, they say adrenaline kills "boyish" sperm
    • To conceive a boy, you have to eat meat. Lots of meat (which is probably why I have three sons)
    • If a man loves more, a boy is born, if a woman, then a girl (I immediately want to recall the scriptures, where almost all Holy women have only sons. Probably, they did not know how to love at all)
    • If the child’s hair is in a corner at the back, the next one will be a boy, and if it’s even, then a girl (the older one has a corner, the middle one has even, but not a single girl has been noticed :))
    • A cucumber belly is a boy, a round belly is a girl (I didn’t have anything :))
    • You have become ugly - you are waiting for a girl, you have become beautiful - a boy (for me, all pregnant women are beautiful)
    • Boys are born where the male energy is weak, and girls are born where the female energy is weak (although there is also a converse statement - who is right?)
    • It is necessary to calculate according to the table - Chinese or Japanese (then my eldest would be a girl for sure, the middle and youngest would be half)
    • Boys are given for merit, and girls are given for sins (here they took the Vedic concept and perverted it into the most terrible form)

    And so on. Many absurd signs and beliefs have been invented. And all in order to get not just a child, but a child of the gender we need. Why do we need such a floor? Because we initially have expectations from the child and everything connected with him. The son is the continuation of the family, the daughter - so that no one leaves in old age. Or any other templates and options.

    If you have a point about the gender of the child, then ask - why the son? Why a daughter? For what? Tried one, want to try another? And where is the concern for the happiness of the child and love? Or does it need to be like everyone else? To be with someone to play cars on the remote control? To have someone to dress in princess dresses? Or…? And it's all? Because of such trifles, so much noise and worries? But the truth is trifles compared with the life and fate of the child.

    In Asia, especially in China and even India, there is a boom in abortions after ultrasound. They see a child of the wrong sex - and have an abortion. Not wanting to feed the girls. Not wanting to waste the only chance to have a baby "wasted". This is not just stupidity, this is a real crime against the soul that has already come. So this mania is international, not only ours.

    To be completely honest, I will say that in the Vedic society there was also planning for the sex of the child. Lightweight. It was believed that the boys are the piety of the family, and the girls carried with them the working off of old sins. Boys accumulated karma, and girls worked it out. Therefore, at the birth of a daughter, a purge usually began, life became more difficult. And with the boys, on the contrary, everything grew and turned out better. The boys continued the lineage and traditions, worshiped their ancestors, while the girls left for the husband's family forever.

    Therefore, many wanted to have sons - and more. And there were rules for conceiving boys or girls. This happened on certain days of the female cycle (girls on odd, boys on even). But there are many exceptions, too. Such an approach requires great piety, so that conception, as in former times, happens from one time, on the exact date chosen by the parents. But even then there was the possibility of giving birth to a child of the opposite sex - if it was necessary by karma. How are we supposed to and why?

    Now everyone wants sons too. But it's not clear why. We do not make offerings to our ancestors, and if anyone does, it is only women. No one has good karma now, therefore both boys and girls often bear difficulties and cleansing. More and more often, sons leave their parents, and daughters drag them to the very end - both their own and their husband's parents. We also don’t have any special traditions to continue something. And it turns out that we certainly do not care who to give birth to. There is no difference in this age. It is not known what is better, what is worse. Just different.

    But we are again trying to control what we do not understand anything, what does not depend on us and where it is not worth climbing. At all. Our attachment to the idea of ​​having a child of the sex we want gives rise to many problems. The attitude towards the child should not depend on the body in which the soul came to us. How many I saw these girls who were expected as boys (I myself am the same). How difficult it is for them to accept their female body afterwards, how much hatred for everything feminine, hardening, fear in them. The same thing can happen with boys. Boys who would like to see girls. Out of love for their parents, they can also become softer and more accommodating, give up their male power. But who will benefit from this?

    Parents want to play with different kinds of kids. If there is a son, but no daughter, then mothers sometimes dress little boys in dresses and cling bows. For what? And why dress little girls like boys? Play with dolls, if you want to buy something - buy it and give it to your friends. Why should a child hang their labels?

    Children are a gift from God. A real gift that can only be accepted or rejected.

    How do we accept gifts? Whatever is inside, thank you. So why do I need it. And this “why” can be different for everyone.

    Sons teach someone to accept and respect men, they disturb someone with their “yang” energy and force them to live. Girls teach someone how to be a woman, they discover creativity in someone, they teach someone just to love, to love with all their hearts. Sometimes a child of a certain gender helps you solve your parent-child problems. Sometimes it takes you to another level of understanding of life. Sometimes God saves us from repeating the most difficult scenarios of our kind by bringing children of the opposite sex where these scenarios will be milder. And sometimes, on the contrary, it is precisely those with whom it is time to treat the ancestral ties that come.

    In any case, it's no coincidence. Nothing happens by accident. If a son comes, then there are some tasks for you related to him. If a daughter comes, she also brings her tasks to you. And we do not want to solve these problems, we like others more. Others seem more interesting and easier. Like those who live in the south, they like the middle latitudes for their balance, and the middle latitudes dream of a hot south.

    One of my friends really wanted a son. She had two daughters. She really didn't want to repeat the script. And then she decided to do everything for sure. There is an expensive medical procedure, like IVF, where only fetuses of the same sex are selected. After this procedure, she became pregnant. Son. She was very, very happy. But apparently she was not destined for a son, since the child inexplicably died in childbirth.

    There is another story. Ancient, exemplary.

    In ancient times, there lived one emperor, Akbar, who was known for his qualities and virtue, also dreamed of a son. But it never happened, only daughters were born. And the emperor was in grief and sorrow. One astrologer told him that in no case should he have a son, the son will destroy his life. But the emperor was blind to his will. He did everything possible so that it was his son who came to him, prayed, collected blessings. And the son did come. But it happened exactly as they said. He suffered from his own son, who ruined the entire empire, staged a rebellion against his own father. And later he was overthrown by his own son.

    Do you really care what gender the child is? This is again the concept of "having a child" - an expanded version of it - "having a child of the right gender." Or do you still want to become a mother again?

    There is no good-bad, right-wrong. Here God gives you a child - and you accept it. The one they gave. The gender that was given. And thank you sincerely. Learn to give thanks. Go through your lessons, open up and develop in what is already there.

    In this place, the society will “help” you with its stereotypes. If you have a girl, you need a boy; if you have a boy, you need a girl. And if you have two children of different sexes, then why the third pregnancy? Don't be offended by them, they really don't know what they're talking about.

    When they tell me that I am poor, unfortunate, gave birth to some men and now I am tormented that I need a girl and there is no life without her, that God forbid, someday a boy again - I smile inside. Now I'm smiling. When I learned to get out of social norms and trust God.

    I also smile because I know how cool boys are, who bring me flowers in the morning, kiss my hand, love me very much, care and protect me. Boys who call me princess. For whom I am the most beautiful and most beloved in the world.

    And next to them I want more boys-boys-boys, because they are a great happiness for me, as for my mother. I already know what to do with boys, I know how to handle them, at home everything is done for boys and for boys. Both the fourth and the fifth boy will be very useful for me.

    Of course, girls are probably great too. So far, I’m more of a theorist in communicating with them (I train on my inner girl). I don't know if I can be a good mother to my daughter. Will I be able to share with her the joyful attention of all my knights. Will I be able to overcome the scenario of a female relationship between a mother and a daughter of my kind. Will I be able to protect her and save her. Maybe God is saving me now by giving me sons. She saves me too. So that we are both ready for the meeting - if it takes place.

    And if this does not happen, and I will never have a girl, this is not a tragedy. Each of my sons will, I hope, have a wife. And I will be ready to accept them as my daughters. With love. Something that I never had enough of myself. To become for them not just a mother-in-law, but a loving second mother. Loving with all your heart. So I will definitely have girls - a little later.

    For me, there is always an option with adoption, which I often think about. Maybe the girl should come to me just like that? To play enough with dolls-bows-princesses and at the same time heal the trauma of his childhood orphanhood to the end? I don't know God's plans for me and our family. But I trust Him.

    He knows exactly what I need, when, how much and how. I know that God is wiser than stereotypes and rules - He knows to whom, whom and how much to give. Whomever he gives, all mine. I will accept everyone with love.

    I will open my heart to everyone. I will try to give everyone the best. And so I will be happy in any case, even if I have ten sons and no daughters. So, it is necessary. Why and why - not for me to decide.

    The child is a gift. Surprise. One hundred percent surprise in the package. You wear the box for nine months - and then you open it. And there is a miracle. A miracle that could disguise and hide on ultrasound. But in any case, a miracle is the most necessary and most important. It's exactly what you need.

    One man shared with me once that he madly wanted a son. Was obsessed. When he found out that his wife was pregnant with a daughter, he almost divorced. He shook her nerves, tormented her. And then she was born. Anechka girl with huge eyes. It so happened that he was the first to take her in his arms. Absolutely random. The wife gave birth so quickly that he did not have time to leave the hospital. And they took it to dad. He told how he, a forty-year-old man, stood in the corridor and sobbed, looking at how she was looking at him. What space in her eyes. And how could he not want her so much. And how happy he is now that his wife has forgiven him, that his daughter is with them, how it all changed his callous heart.

    What difference does it make what we deserve. The child has come - meet with open arms. And love it the way it is. And that's it.

    In real life, the birth of a son is always a joy. The birth of a son in a dream usually also means joy, material well-being, good luck, a chance to try yourself in a new business. But at the same time, the sign accompanies trials, difficulties and their overcoming, difficult relationships in personal life. Consider why the birth of a son is dreamed of in dream books.

    Basic values

    • A healthy and strong butuz, smiling and contented with life, as on postcards or in diaper advertisements, is a happy omen. You will get what you expect - a formal marriage proposal, a grand business proposal, promotion and career ladder. You will be lucky. In order not to frighten off good signs, be careful, do not talk too much, do not deliver happy news prematurely, do not brag. Hide your success even from those closest to you until it becomes a fait accompli.
    • For people involved in creativity, the birth of a son in a dream means that it is quite possible that you will be visited by the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating a real masterpiece that will make you famous.
    • The birth process itself means that you are very interested in some idea. For its full implementation, the active help of others will be required. It is quite possible that you will be able to interest everyone in your future brainchild. A boy in this case means material success, the birth of a girl - your authority will increase.
    • If a baby of a different race is born in your dream, do not rush to grab your heart. A dream means amazing news, incredible luck. Accept the ridiculous offer of the strangest job without delay and you will not lose.
    • A baby who walks, runs, talks, smiles, plays the violin and speaks different languages ​​right after birth is definitely an idea. A great and viable idea that can bring in millions if you approach the idea wisely.
    • A baby who only talks, but without signs of a child prodigy - to the visit of old friends who will make you very happy. Pleasant news, invitations, surprises are possible.
    • A child who cries, fights, demands food, is ready to eat solid food and you feel a strange coldness towards this creature - an obsolete relationship.
    • For a married woman, the dream of the birth of a son is most favorable. Sleep means peace in the family, love and respect. Especially if you do not tell anyone about the dream. If you start to tell, the meaning of the dream can change to the opposite with frightening ease. If you don’t want to receive reproaches instead of compliments and gifts, try to remain silent.
    • To take birth with someone else - to receive good news from afar.
    • If the birth of a son in a dream shocks you rather than pleases you, double your caution and vigilance. Such a dream is a warning. A cunning man is approaching you, who himself would like to take the place of a baby and receive unconditional love, care, care, without giving anything in return, except for the right to settle in his kitchen and take care of his house. You will have to show firmness, otherwise, even memories will not remain of your luck, luck and cheerfulness. Don't think that you are strong and you can handle it. Do not buy into the challenges - the previous ones failed, but you are special. However, do what you want, we warned you.
    • The birth of a sick son in a dream - to troubles, scandals, difficult situations. In this case, the child means the quality of your relationship - you were looking for joy and happiness, but you didn’t get exactly what you were striving for. The main meaning of such a dream is fear and disappointment.
    • If you dream that you gave birth to not one son, but a whole string of babies - do not be alarmed. Simply you will enjoy huge success. Do not rush into the first hugs that come across.

    Interpretations of authorities

    • Oriental and Chinese dream books unanimously assure that the birth of a son in a dream is an exceptionally auspicious sign, meaning complete well-being, prosperity for the whole house.
    • The female dream book promises a rapid and steady increase in social status, success in work. At the same time, the financial situation will improve. For the blessing as a whole, it is not very important who exactly in the family will become the direct source of wealth. You can use it yourself. If for some reason you refuse, luck will be intercepted by a person next to you.
    • To see the birth of the son of a friend or girlfriend, to experience exciting moments of expectation - to the appearance in your life of a person who will take care of you and solve many problems.
    • For an unmarried woman, a dream with the birth of a child is a call for caution.
    • Miller's dream book interprets the dream as a sign of future prosperity, peace in the family, and good health. For a man, a dream in which his son is born is a success. It is absolutely not necessary to supplement the dream with the birth of a real child if you are not ready for this.
    • The dream interpretation of pregnant women says that the birth of a son in a dream means a relatively easy birth without complications. The dream has nothing to do with the real gender of the baby. If you dream of home birth, this is for peace and prosperity. Don't refuse medical attention.


    The birth of a son in a dream is always a good sign for well-being, advancement, creative disclosure in reality. The implementation of grandiose plans requires caution, the ability to hide good news, diplomacy. Use your charm and ability to convince, do not be afraid of minor interference, failures - they are inevitable even in the most favorable scenario.

    And, most importantly, do not transfer control of your life to another person. Along with the right to dispose, you transfer your luck, in this case, you will have nothing left. Take care of your luck, luck and hold your wallet tightly. Try not to waste money or empathy and time on losers.