Postcard of a good holiday on vacation. Congratulations on vacation

Let the vacation be full of impressions! New meetings and joyful minutes! In Fireworks of Bright Entertainment, I wish you to relax! rating:27 ↓

We wish you in nature in a hammock - there is a kebab and drinking brandy, and all the holidays - just like that! 41 ↓

Happily resting among the nature, gain new forces, to the view of your rested everyone around us struck! 38 ↓

Congratulations on your holiday) I envy ... you will sleep how much you want, dancing, hang on the parties! In general, I wish you cool, super long rest! 31 ↓

Let only a passing wind blowing, let the sea be violent, and the shore - warm and azure! 33 ↓

Rest you from the soul
In Barcelona - do not rush!
And in Thailand, what to do there,
Just holy your body?
Go like you to the cottage,
All natives take it back!
Here adrenaline is trapped
Vacation is nicely yours will pass! 33 ↓

Have fun what is forces, time is not in vain, I congratulate you from the heart with the long-awaited release of you! 42 ↓

I wish you a vacation to spend in places of beautiful and cozy. Peace peaceful to find the most wonderful. Forget that there are things, care ... After all, resting so good, this is a sip of freedom! 29 ↓

Each person is realized by his right to rest with great pleasure, so that from the bottom of my heart I want to wish you a pretty rest, with pleasure, with feeling, to have enough rest for a long time! 36 ↓

How great when the work suffer is finished! You do not need to darkenly get up, the eyes of the ride, somewhere to sleep, dinner with something and somehow, and you can just relax ... Replenish the strength and zeal stock! What I want to congratulate you! 41 ↓

Congratulations on the long-awaited holiday, let the minutes do not rush as before! Let him longer lasts something alone! Good luck! 35 ↓

Enjoy the Sun, the Sea as unearthly,
And the wave that foams playfully.
Beach, Sand, Sea Surf ...
Enjoy everything that is beautiful there! 39 ↓

Here and rest before you with joy,
We type with me, nice you worked!
Rest, have fun and forget to work,
Let them go away now all your concerns! 40 ↓

Vacation, vacation finally
Will flying care!
On the sand, on the stones,
Well, hawk, on a chair,
Or in the candlelight hall -
The main thing is to rested! 39 ↓

We know the day is not easy,
But you are very glad to all.
We waited so much from vacation
It was absorbed at all.

You wish your strength
Immediately apply to business.
Nerves Those that were accurate
Try to save.

With vacation exit
We congratulate you
In colleagues on faces
Smiles flourish.

Waiting for you
Favorite work,
We are up to the seventh sweat.

End of vacation
We were looking forward to
Your exit is beautiful
Returned the mood.

Vacation gave
Health, strength
We wish it
For the whole year enough.

Congratulations on vacation exit. I wish with new forces and positive energy to start work, I wish to rapidly reach all the goals set and not to lose optimism, I wish you stunning success and constant inspiration, I wish the high wealth and lack of fatigue.

Here and your vacation is over,
It's time to work.
Congratulations on the day beautiful
And I scream you: bang.

Strength, I hope I have accumulated
So, jump right into battle,
For a whole year, let him not poke
Vacation pad dashing.

Vacation, vacation, where are you?
I walked like summer rain.
And today to work
Resuning you go.

So it is worth smiling
And to work to start.
And now to relax
Weekend need to wait!

Well, the vacation ended. Congratulations!
Or maybe more relevant to sympathize with you?
Just kidding, of course. Wish you wish
To work at work.

Let go swing cheer
Emotions, cases and new meetings.
I wish only successful enterprises,
And the nerves from any problem to protect.

There was a sea, sun and water,
I want it to be so always
On the sandbox whitewalk
On the waves of high ride!

Fresh juice and fruit abundance,
Two lilies grow in the pond,
Wherever there is a vacation - it is beautiful
But that your mind has not bothered,

Need to go to work
In the rain and snow somehow live,
To make money to gather,
We need to conquer vertices!

Here and the vacation flew,
There are so many things ahead,
Forget your concerns,
With the head of diving to work,
Let only in thoughts remain
Beach and flame sun,
Turning the longing and laziness
On my first working day!

Vacation is beautiful, there is no doubt
But he, unfortunately, is over!
I wish you a lot of strength, inspiration,
Back to new goals in the shower!

You are already waiting to work with impatience,
After all, who, how are you, her will be able to do it?
I know, it's not a hunt at all,
But thirst for salaries all laziness overcome!

From vacation, it is not easy to exit
After all, pulls back to the sunny beach.
But still wish career growth,
So that and at work catch your courage!

An employee is smart and very sensible,
It's time to go to work.
Work as before, but with the power of new,
Try to get a prize suddenly!

Well, it's time to work,
After all, it is waiting for you!
To goals need to strive again
And always go ahead!

Let ideas inspiration
Visit you again!
Gain strength, patience -
Let them do not dry!

It's hard to you today:
To work the first day
After the vacation you came out.
And you a little laziness ...

But loved work
The feeling will quickly lead.
Let the worker be mood
You will come to you on this day!

That ended the gulyans,
Strong sleep and silence,
You get up to the scooter,
It's time to work!

Congratulations, weekdays again,
You come for a chair, hold on,
With a new force until noon
Fruit worry!

Congratulations on returning to activities, with the end of the holiday. I wish with new forces and fresh ideas to start the workflow, I wish not to lose the skills and confidence in myself, I wish to go to work, as a holiday, and home - with the inner warm and feeling of happiness.

With vacation exit
We congratulate you
Collective solemnly
Joyfully meets.

Work accumulated -
Nepropy Kray
You are in her, like in the sea,
With dive head.

Hands tanned
New hairstyle!
Congratulations to all of you
With leave from vacation.

Do not be sad and not sad
Days went missing.
For work, be accepted
Roll off the ruins.

At work, life flies,
And in the writings of hot
Do not notice how again
Vacation is issued.

This is a holiday or not,
I do not know,
But with leave from vacation
I congratulate you
We missed you,
And now we are joyful,
So boldly this day
We treat holidays.
We wish in work
So that the holiday is luck
Came after you.

With the release of vacation, we congratulate you,
Plunge gently on weekdays from the soul
So that without stress cost, and went to work,
Well, we surround you sincere care!

Will dream of a warm beach with a golden sand,
And cocktails and cognac hot south nights,
It is imperceptible let it be somewhere height,
And go on vacation again very urgently!

Here again you are at work -
All in affairs and everything in care.
With the way out of you, colleague,
With the new creative race!

"To ak resting?" - I want to ask.
"And what is today at work?"
From vacation so hard to go out
And dive into new concerns.

I wish you time and strength,
Get used to it to your workers' weekdays,
So that every day as a holiday passed,
And it was even more beautiful and wonderful!

So it was nice to relax,
In the morning it is not necessary to get up,
On vacation plans to make up
Now it's nice to remember.

But the hour struck, it's time to work,
At least to work - reluctance,
And concerns appear,
And again on vacation you want something.

But do not be sad and not sad,
Remember to enjoy
Work boldly go
And optimism do not deprive.

Vacation flew
Seagull blonde,
Charged you
Cheerfulness and power.

In labor weekdays
With dick's head
Fresh ideas
Boldly put forward.

Floor shoulder any
There will be tasks
Behind you from vacation
Frequently comes.

Positive generously
You share with friends
Pleased the whole team
What are you with us again.