Pigmented spots on the face lack of vitamin. Nicotinic acid for the face in ampoules. What is the effect of nicotinic acid on the skin

It should be noted that nicotinic acid is widely used in the field of cosmetology and various systems for weight loss. To begin the study of the drug itself, its properties, action and when it should be used, we will first consider what niacin is.

Nicotinic acid is one of the main vitamins that takes part in most redox processes, and is able to form enzymes and the metabolism of carbohydrates and lipid components.

Indications for the use of nicotinic acid

This drug is an important element that stimulates brain activity, improves blood circulation, promotes the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, proteins and amino acids.

Due to its properties, this vitamin is able to lower cholesterol, lipoproteins and triglycelide, which can clog blood vessels, increase blood pressure and form blood clots.

  • Heart diseases.
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Mild forms of diabetes mellitus.
  • Gastritis.
  • Spasms in blood vessels, joints, arms, legs.
  • Skin and wound healing problems.

Also, this type of vitamins is widely used in the complex therapy of various types of infections, facial neuritis and atherosclerosis.

Forms of release and their scope

Nicotinic acid comes in a variety of forms. This extended type of vitamin is due to its direct purpose. We will consider what types there are, and for what treatment each of them is used.

  • Pills

This form is used for preventive purposes and for enriching the body with the missing amount of vitamin. Also, this type of drug is used for weight loss. After all, nicotinic acid improves metabolism, lowers cholesterol and removes a variety of toxins.

  • Ampoules

Nicotinic acid injections are widely used for various serious diseases such as stroke, vascular occlusion and also for prophylactic purposes.

It should be noted right away that injections can be either intravenous or intramuscular or subcutaneous. But unlike intravenous use, other types of injections are painful

An ointment based on nicotinic acid is considered very effective. Due to its properties to improve blood circulation and dilate blood vessels, this drug stimulates the growth of hair and eyebrows. It is recommended to use this type externally.

After we have figured out the release forms of the drug, we will tell you how to make effective masks for hair and face.

Hair masks with niacin

In order for your hair to be stronger, more beautiful, healthy and shiny, we offer you the most effective masks, recipes based on niacin.

These mixtures can be added to shampoo or any other hair care product. And the first results will be felt after the first session.

  • Aloe and vitamin PP

To create a mixture, it is necessary to mix nicotinic acid (2 ampoules) until a homogeneous consistency with aloe juice (1 tablespoon) and apply in the area of ​​the roots. Then wrap your head with a towel and hold the compress for 40 minutes.

  • Nicotinic Acid with Ginger

To create a homogeneous mixture, you need to mix 2 ampoules of vitamin with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ginger juice. All this mixture must be evenly distributed over the scalp and hair, and then wrapped with a towel for 40 minutes. Then you need to wash your hair under warm water with shampoo or conditioner.

  • Vitamin PP and herbs

In order to prepare such a mixture, you need to take two ampoules of niacin and a decoction (tincture) of herbs. You can apply this mask at any time and an unlimited number of times.

The use of nicotinic acid. Face masks

Since vitamin PP is a constituent of enzymes, it is also one of the components that takes part in cellular respiration. Simply put, due to a lack of vitamin PP, the skin will stop breathing.

Due to its vasodilating properties, niacin promotes improved blood circulation and, consequently, an improvement in the supply of oxygen to the skin of the face.

Also, this vitamin promotes the removal of excess fluid from the cells, which eliminates edema, and improves the condition of the skin.

The acid also promotes the production of a hormone such as estrogen, which prevents the appearance of wrinkles on the skin of the face.

Side effects

Unfortunately, the use of nicotinic acid also has side effects, namely:

  • Dizziness.
  • Numbness of the joints.
  • Redness of the skin of the face, head, upper body.
  • Rash.
  • Development of fatty hepatic dystrophy.
  • Reduced pressure.


What is the effect of nicotinic acid on the skin

First of all, it should be noted that this acid is a natural antioxidant that stimulates the production of collagen protein, which helps to restore the elasticity and elasticity of the skin. The substance penetrates deeply into the layers of the dermis, actively toning the integument, rejuvenating the face. Also, nicotinic acid acts as a substance necessary for giving the skin a healthy color and light blush.

Due to the use of the component, the cellular respiration of the skin is significantly improved, due to which metabolic processes and the regeneration of damaged epithelial cells are normalized. It is important to note that masks that include ingredients with so-called nicotine, such as vegetables (beets, carrots, avocados) and herbs (sage, hops, rose hips), stimulate blood flow to the dermis. As a result, the synthesis of protein, important for the skin, is carried out much faster and better.

The benefits of using such an acid are very great, since it is also anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent. With this in mind, the described component can be used to treat various skin diseases, such as acne, acne, etc.

How to use niacin in ampoules and tablets

Nicotinic acid is sold in virtually every pharmacy and can be in tablet form, or sold in ampoules. Tablets are taken orally - often this type of medication is prescribed to patients before plastic surgery on the face, which can significantly reduce the period of rehabilitation and restoration of the skin after the procedure.

Ampoule preparation is used in the form of injections under the skin or intramuscularly, as well as as a basis for the preparation of cosmetics. Often, liquid is added to ready-made cleansers, scrubs, gels and creams to increase their effectiveness. Under such conditions, the agent helps to smooth out age wrinkles, provides high-quality therapy for acne and rashes of various kinds. In addition to pure acid, you can purchase ready-made products that will contain it in the original composition.

Masks with nicotinic acid for facial rejuvenation

Nicotinic acid has a wide range of actions, from saturating and nourishing the skin, to smoothing age-related wrinkles on the face. At the same time, the means allowing for highly effective face skin correction can be made at home with your own hands. The following recipes are most popular:

  1. the composition of this mask is quite simple and consists of only two components - half a tablespoon of baby cream and 2-3 drops of niacin. A feature of such a product is that it does not need to be washed off;
  2. oatmeal cooked in milk with banana pulp is mixed in equal proportions - you should take a tablespoon of each ingredient. Then 10 drops of nicotinic acid are poured into the container and everything is thoroughly mixed. It is necessary to maintain the composition for a third of an hour, then rinse with water.

Recipes for effective acne treatments

For those who suffer from problem skin on which acne, inflammation, acne and other rashes occur, the following recipes for nicotine-based masks are suitable:

  1. to prepare the composition, you will need one tablespoon of aloe juice and the contents of two ampoules of acid. Now the ingredients should be mixed well, after which the product is ready for use. The mixture is applied to the face with a cotton pad. It is necessary to withstand the mask for twenty minutes, after which the agent is removed by washing with warm water;
  2. to make a mask according to this recipe, you should get one tablespoon of ginger juice by mixing it with two ampoules of nicotine. After kneading, the mixture is applied to the skin with a cotton pad and kept for 15 to 20 minutes, then washed off.

Nicotinic acid injections for a youthful face

Nicotinic acid injections are used for cosmetic and therapeutic purposes. For this reason, injections with the described remedy can be prescribed even to children under certain conditions. It should be understood that when the drug is administered subcutaneously, irritation may occur, as a result of which allergy is often diagnosed.

Injections can be pure acid, or diluted solutions of various concentrations. The effectiveness of this method is several times higher than with oral administration of the drug or its inclusion in the composition of cosmetics, but the risks of negative effects on the body also increase.

Are there any contraindications for use?

Like most drugs, this acid has a number of contraindications that limit the intake of the drug in any form. The product should be avoided in such cases:

  • if there is an allergic reaction to any of the vitamins included in the acid;
  • ulcerative lesions or mechanical damage to the dermis;
  • hypersensitivity of the skin, etc.

Video: preparing a mask for wrinkles with nicotinic acid

As part of the proposed video, recipes for several masks are considered, with which you can achieve significant improvements in the process of skin care. Each of the described masks has a fairly simple recipe, which allows you to make them at home without unnecessary difficulties.


Angela: The beautician advised me to use nicotinic acid as a face care product. I mix it with baby cream and apply it on my face before bed. I can say for sure that such a mask is very cool in the fight against problem skin.

Karina: Once in a cosmetology center I was offered to try injections with nicotinic acid under the skin of the face. I was scared at first, but agreed, and it was the right decision - it works better than butulin!

Pauline: Nicotinic acid, and even in the composition of some tonic for washing, is just a thing. I recommend it to everyone - a superb thing for everyday skin care.


Nicotinic acid, or vitamin PP for the skin, is an essential substance for the body., which takes part in oxidation reactions, nutrition of cells and elimination of toxins. Its highest concentration contains potatoes, milk, liver, beans, pumpkin, beets, buckwheat and mushrooms.

Nicotinic acid for the skin of the face is a panacea for many problems in cosmetology, it is a vitamin useful to the body, which is necessary for all organs.

Its main functions are reduced to preparing the body for the adoption of other beneficial substances, in other words, nicotinic acid plays the role of a catalyst. If there is not enough vitamin PP in the body, then other vitamins (which may be in excess) will not be absorbed so well.

Why does facial skin need niacin?

Vitamin PP has a beneficial effect on the functioning of all body systems, and also helps to maintain the beauty and healthy appearance of the skin. Foto-elf magazine « Skin care»We invite you to take a closer look at the unique niacin, which has the following beneficial properties:

  • dilates blood vessels
  • improves blood supply to organs
  • accelerates the outflow of excess fluid from tissues
  • has antioxidant properties
  • quickly eliminates inflammation
  • prevents the loss of moisture, thanks to which the skin of the face remains youthful and elastic longer
  • stimulates the regenerating processes of the skin
  • improves skin texture and complexion.

In the case of a lack of "nicotine" in the body, a person develops dermatitis, there is dryness and itching of the skin, loss of its elasticity, and all kinds of skin rashes often occur.

To eliminate such problems, not only the use of products containing nicotinic acid is required, but also its direct external use.

Recommendations for the use of niacin for facial skin

Facial skin needs proper and comprehensive care, so many cosmetics already contain this substance in an amount of about 3-5%. However, various creams, masks and lotions can be enriched independently.

To do this, you need to purchase nicotinic acid in ampoules (they are sold in any pharmacy), and then mix it with a cosmetic product (cream, lotion, tonic) based on 1 ml per 50 g of cream.

Such home cosmetics will retain their beneficial properties for a long time and become much more effective.

It is also very useful to eat foods that have a high content of niacin: buckwheat, giblets (liver, hearts), tomatoes, turnips, beets, mushrooms.

A lot of niacin is found in useful tinctures of ginseng, in teas and decoctions of rosehip and sage. You can prepare these drinks yourself without much difficulty. With proper and nutritious nutrition, the body will not need an additional portion of vitamins.

Niacin is readily available in pharmacies and is relatively inexpensive. Most often it comes in pill form and is sold without a doctor's prescription. Well, then everything is simple - a course of these pills is drunk, depending on what skin problems you need to get rid of.

If the skin of the face is worried, then we follow these rules:

  1. Before starting the course, consult with your doctor if possible. Nicotinic acid for the skin of the face is contraindicated for those who have an individual intolerance to this vitamin, it is also not recommended to use the drug for those suffering from diseases of the liver and kidneys, the cardiovascular system.
  2. It is not recommended to extend the course on your own, in addition, the first results should appear in a week. To prevent subsequent skin problems, you can start taking other vitamins in parallel. in the complex, a mask should also help with the problem - it can be made from a lotion that contains a vitamin.
  3. Don't be afraid of your skin's reaction to a new drug: within twenty minutes after taking the pill, most women face reddening, there is not the most pleasant sensation of "burning". All symptoms should disappear in twenty minutes.
  4. Acne nicotinic acid acts on cells in such a way that the blood begins to circulate more actively, it quickly approaches the pores, opening them, thereby preparing the skin to receive a new portion of nutrients.

As stated above, acid makes the pores open and the skin begins to breathe... In the process of this "breathing", the upper layer is cleansed: excess moisture leaves the epidermis, and you will soon say goodbye to daily edema, which arose either from heavy drinking or from an uncomfortable posture during sleep.

And also nicotinic acid helps in the fight against skin pigmentation. Of course, she cannot fight the freckles of red-haired girls, but for those who have sunspots - a seasonal phenomenon, she will help make them a little paler and less frequent.

In cosmetology, nicotinic acid is known as well as an excellent vitamin for hair growth. That's why at the same time as taking skin pills you will get strong strong curls.

Nicotinic acid for the face also receives reviews from those who use it for the overall health of the body. Vitamin will help in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, gastrointestinal problems and diseases associated with the activity of the brain.

And do not forget that the vitamin will show an effective effect only in combination with other supplements. An important role will be played by the normalization of daily nutrition, a correct lifestyle, sports and (don't be surprised!) A good mood!

On this, the PhotoElf magazine "Facial Skin Care" does not say goodbye to you, but prepares new, interesting materials for which the skin of the face will thank you with its radiant appearance and velvety, even tone.


Benefits for the face

Few people know about the great benefits of vitamin PP for the face. It helps a lot to prevent premature aging and also significantly improve skin condition through the use of homemade face masks. So, nicotinic acid for the face:

  • has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant effects
  • participates in cellular metabolism
  • moisturizes
  • improves blood circulation
  • dilates blood vessels
  • restores a healthy complexion
  • retains moisture in cells
  • makes the face elastic, fit, firm
  • protects against negative environmental factors
  • helps to produce collagen, smoothes wrinkles
  • tones up
  • relieves swelling
  • evens out the tone of the face, whitens pigmentation

Indications for use

Using niacin can help you deal with problems such as:

  • dry skin
  • problematic
  • fading
  • pigmentation
  • wrinkles
  • freckles
  • swelling
  • unhealthy complexion
  • acne


Remember that using this vitamin, you increase blood circulation and dilate blood vessels. Therefore, it can cause redness on the skin, but it goes away quickly. Contraindications:

  • I do not recommend using pure nicotine, only add to masks, lotions, creams
  • cannot be used if blood vessels are close to the skin
  • allergy to niacin
  • diseases of the circulatory system
  • exacerbation of stomach ulcers (if taken orally)
  • very sensitive skin
  • damage to the face
  • individual intolerance
  • can not be taken by children

Before using, be sure to consult a doctor, especially if you want to take the product in tablets inside:

  • when applying the mask, the face may turn slightly red and hot. This improves blood circulation. But it disappears very quickly
  • if you use an ampoule of vitamin PP in a mask, then remember that after opening it is effective for no more than 60 minutes. Further, if you do not have time to use this tool, then all the useful substances will disappear
  • can be added to skin care products such as lotions, creams
  • before use, cleanse the skin from makeup, impurities, use a scrub and a steam bath
  • apply the mask along the massage lines
  • keep on face for about 25-30 minutes

Facial niacin recipes

For dry skin (nourishes and moisturizes)

Mix 1 tablespoon. l. olive oil and 1 teaspoon. honey. Add the niacin ampoule. Apply the mask for 25-30 minutes.

For problem skin against acne

First, prepare a decoction of calendula and chamomile. Take a tablespoon of herbs, pour a glass of boiling water and simmer for 5-10 minutes.

Mix across tables. a spoonful of broth and base vegetable oil (take one of your choice - olive, burdock, almond, from grape, apricot, peach seeds). Add 1 ampoule of niacin.

Apply on face for 20-25 minutes.

For oily skin (cleanses clogged pores and removes oily sheen)

We mix 1 table at a time. spoon white clay and lemon juice, then add an ampoule of vitamin PP to the mixture and apply on the face for 20 minutes.

Adding to other care products

Take 1 serving of cream (mask, lotion, milk), add 1 ampoule of niacin and use this mixture on your face.

Whitening (against freckles and age spots)

Take 1 ampoule of niacin and 1-2 tablespoons. tablespoons of kefir, mix and apply for 15 minutes on the face.

For fading anti-wrinkle (for firmness and elasticity)

1 table. l. mix oat flour with 1 teaspoon of milk, add 1 table. l banana (soften it with a fork), 1 ampoule of vitamin PP. We keep the mask for 25 minutes.

Best regards, Irina Pelekh!



The beneficial effects of niacin on the face are scientifically proven. In this case, you can drink it in the form of tablets, pierce a course of injections, or simply regularly use cosmetics containing it (both branded and homemade). The effect will be approximately the same, since niacin, getting into different layers of the epidermis:

  • restores the protective functions of the skin;
  • removes excess water from tissues, thereby removing swelling on the face;
  • acts like a gentle chemical peeling;
  • heals minor injuries in the form of microcracks;
  • protects against an excess of ultraviolet radiation;
  • relieves acne on the face, since it stops the spread of inflammatory reactions;
  • treats dermatological diseases;
  • has a lifting effect;
  • makes flabby skin supple and firm;
  • smoothes shallow wrinkles;
  • has a stimulating effect on cells;
  • refreshes the complexion, returns a healthy glow to it;
  • prevents the development of cancer cells;
  • expands pores;
  • removes bags under the eyes;
  • moisturizes;
  • improves the condition of blood vessels, normalizing general blood circulation, due to which the epidermis is saturated with various nutrients, vitamins and oxygen in sufficient quantities;
  • is an irreplaceable participant in redox cellular processes, which are very important for skin rejuvenation;
  • eliminates age spots, freckles.

So if you have any of the above problems, nicotinic acid is what you need to quickly fix them.

Precautionary measures

In the course of research, it was revealed, and subsequently confirmed by practice, that niacin causes blood vessels to dilate. This explains a number of contraindications for its use, as well as the presence of side effects.


  • allergy;
  • pregnancy;
  • childhood;
  • hypersensitivity of the epidermis;
  • circulatory system problems;
  • internal bleeding;
  • rosacea;
  • lactation;
  • open damage;
  • liver disease;
  • endocrine system pathology;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • ulcerative skin lesions.

Most of the contraindications apply to injections and oral pills.

Side effects:

  • hyperemia of the treated area;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • burning;
  • fainting;
  • numbness of the fingers on both limbs;
  • temperature increase;
  • tingling sensation;
  • lowering pressure;
  • nausea.

Long-term use of this substance can provoke the development of asthenia and liver lipodystrophy.

If nicotinic acid gets on the face in its pure form and a strong burning sensation has begun, knowledge of chemistry will be needed: acids are neutralized with alkali. Therefore, the very first aid in such a situation is to wash with soap (preferably household soap). After that, everything should pass.

Brand cosmetics rating

You do not need to immediately rush to buy medications for niacin to get rid of acne or freckles. For starters, you should try branded cosmetics, which include it. They are safe to use, contain it in a low concentration, softened by additional ingredients.

In the assortment you will be guided by a special rating:

  1. Hoch Akti Milky is a highly active milk cream from Hinoki Clinical (Japan). $ 82.
  2. Corrective Eye Cream is a corrective cream from the Israeli concern Holy Land. $ 40.5.
  3. Revigorating Face Mask - a regenerating and stimulating mask from Janssen Cosmetics (Germany). $ 39.6.
  4. Moisturizer Aloe vera - moisturizer from Gigi (Israel). $ 35.5.
  5. Aqua fresh - deep moisturizing from Steblanc (South Korea). $ 34.2.
  6. Ginseng And Carrot Cream is a rejuvenating cream from the Israeli concern Holy Land. $ 24.2.
  7. Acid scrub from Isvara Organics (USA). $ 20.4.
  8. Ampule mask pack whitening - a whitening mask from Blumei (South Korea). $ 3.9.
  9. Apple lifting cream from Repharm (Russia). $ 3.6.
  10. Paprika Essence Mask - fabric cotton mask from Junico (South Korea). $ 1.4.

According to statistics, niacin is present in 50% of all cosmetics - only in different concentrations. In the above preparations, its content is quite high.

Application methods

Home and salon use of nicotinic acid as a cosmetic means its use in different forms. First of all, it is a pharmaceutical preparation, which is sold in tablet form and as a solution for injections. It is they who are most often used to prepare all kinds of masks and carry out anti-aging procedures.


  1. For intramuscular injection.
  2. Usually, nicotinic acid in ampoules is prescribed for severe dermatological diseases, before plastic surgery on the face, so that after the procedure the rehabilitation period is shortened, and the recovery processes proceed as quickly as possible.
  3. Can be used as an active ingredient in homemade external masks.
  4. They work well in a face cream if you add a drop of vitamin B3 to it before applying. The same can be done with gels, scrubs, serums, lotions to increase their effectiveness.

In tablets

The scheme of taking the use of tablets inside to improve the condition of the skin of the face:

  1. Start taking 10 days before menstruation: daily dosage - 50 mg.
  2. On the first day, they began to stop taking the drug.
  3. According to this scheme, it is necessary to drink nicotine twice more (the course is 3 menstrual cycles).
  4. Then an interval of 2 months is made, and the scheme is repeated again.
  5. The result is smoothing of wrinkles, elimination of acne and age spots, improvement of complexion.

Also, tablets can be crushed, and the resulting powder can be used to prepare homemade face masks.


Nicotinic acid injections are actively implemented in cosmetology - for example, they can be used for mesotherapy. In its pure form, in this case, it is rarely used so as not to provoke allergic reactions. Most often, solutions of various concentrations with additional ingredients are injected under the skin. It is recommended to carry out this procedure exclusively in the salon. Indications include excessive pigmentation, unhealthy skin color, extensive acne breakouts, the first signs of aging, and unsuccessful results of plastic surgery.

Injections accelerate the processes of cell renewal and blood flow, promote rapid rejuvenation. But you should always remember that with the subcutaneous administration of niacin, the risk of side effects increases several times.

Some particularly daring ladies practice this method of using niacin at home. However, the result of such an experiment is often numerous side effects rather than miraculous rejuvenation. And above all, you need to prepare for the fact that after an injection of nicotinic acid, the face turns red - and almost always. But in some cases it looks like a slight hyperemia that quickly passes, and in others it looks like an extensive sunburn. In this case, the following can be observed:

  • burning;
  • temperature increase.

To avoid such a nuisance, you must:

  • reduce the dosage of the injected drug;
  • give an injection only after a meal;
  • eat an apple an hour before the injections: pectin, which is part of them, slows down the absorption of vitamin B3 in the tissues;
  • half an hour before mesotherapy, take an aspirin tablet, any antihistamine or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug;
  • if your face burns too much and for more than a day, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Doctors and cosmetologists strongly warn: some methods of dealing with inherently harmless redness are very dangerous and have a lot of side effects (taking aspirin and other medications). Therefore, it is much more logical not to carry out mesotherapy at home, but to use the salon service.

To achieve excellent cosmetic results using nicotine for the face is possible only if certain conditions are met. You need to eat right, breathe more fresh air and it is desirable to lead a healthy lifestyle.


Homemade face masks containing niacin-rich foods stimulate blood flow to the skin and improve its condition. So, if you are afraid that there is too much chemistry in cosmetics with vitamin B3, prepare masks from the following ingredients:

  • avocado;
  • bananas;
  • melons;
  • ginger;
  • potatoes;
  • coriander;
  • coffee;
  • turmeric;
  • collard greens;
  • raspberries;
  • mango;
  • carrots;
  • nutmeg, pine nuts;
  • a tomato;
  • beets;
  • celery;
  • asparagus;
  • hops;
  • black tea;
  • sage;
  • rose hips.

Any of the described methods of using nicotinic acid will get rid of most skin problems.

Application rules

Nicotinic acid is a rather dangerous drug that in its pure form must be able to be used correctly, otherwise you can provoke a deterioration of the skin of the face.

General points

  1. Daily intake: no more than 4 tablets; for injection - 2 ampoules.
  2. After opening the ampoule, it must be applied as soon as possible, otherwise all the beneficial properties of the vitamin will disappear.
  3. The dosage of vitamin B3 and the duration of its use must be agreed with a beautician or dermatologist.
  4. On average, in order to eliminate the risk of side effects, the course is 2 weeks, but it can be adjusted according to the individual characteristics of the patient.
  5. It is possible to enhance the effect of niacin by taking vitamins of another group in parallel.


  1. Before applying the mask, the face must be thoroughly cleaned of any dirt: wash - be sure, steam over a steam bath and use a scrub - preferably (to improve the result).
  2. Nicotinic acid often provokes allergic reactions, therefore, when the same masks are applied externally, it is imperative to first conduct a test: apply a small amount of the prepared mixture with vitamin B3 in the composition to the wrist. If within 12 hours the skin does not scratch or become covered with a rash, you can safely apply the product for its intended purpose.


  1. The masks can be applied with a special brush moistened with cotton pads or fingertips, patting movements, along the massage lines.
  2. When applying, avoid contact with eyes and mouth.
  3. The duration of the action is negotiated in each recipe separately, as it depends on the ingredients.
  4. To remove residues, you can arrange a contrast wash to increase the effectiveness of the products.

If the use of nicotinic acid from the very first day is accompanied by uncharacteristic or long-term side effects, you should stop the procedure and seek the advice of a dermatologist or cosmetologist.


I do not like creams and other skin care products from stores. I used to spend a pretty penny buying new lotions and tonics every month. Now the costs have dropped significantly, and the effect is much better.

What happened? A friend-cosmetologist explained to me that the main components in expensive and cheap products are the same. Buying a cream for 1000 we get the same effect as from a cream for 100. The difference is in a loud brand name, a pleasant chemical scent and a hell of a markup.

However, both the one and the other cream is often significantly inferior in quality and effectiveness to the simplest remedies, which many ignore.

Perhaps the main secret of cosmetology, which my friend revealed to me, is the use of niacin.

@ ru.pinterest.com

Benefits of niacin in cosmetics

Nicotinic acid (aka vitamin PP, B3) can transform even the most problematic skin. It actively participates in the processes of oxidation and reduction in the body, and also participates in the growth of tissues and the conversion of fat cells into energy.

Lack of niacin leads to unpleasant consequences, including:

  • headaches and nausea;
  • digestive problems;
  • dryness and flaking of the skin;
  • early wrinkles;
  • severe weakness and insomnia.

Note that skin problems on this list appear first. So it is not always worth complaining about poor ecology and ineffective care products - most likely, you do not have enough vitamin B3.

Purchase niacin in ampoules from your pharmacy. Its use is always justified.

Here are the main changes that will occur to your skin after a couple of weeks of external use of vitamin PP:

  • The blood vessels will expand and the blood supply to the skin will improve.
  • The inflammation will be greatly reduced.
  • The skin will begin to retain moisture and stop drying.
  • The regenerating processes will start, the skin texture and complexion will become better.
  • The wrinkles will begin to smooth out and the skin will look significantly younger and fresher.

Vitamin Recipes

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There are many recipes that will help you prepare cosmetics with niacin at home. The ingredients in them are the simplest, and you can be sure of the absolute naturalness of the products.

1.Mask with aloe

Combine 2 ampoules of vitamin and 1 tbsp. aloe juice. Apply the mask to cleansed skin for 20-30 minutes. Then rinse it off with plain water.

2.Ginger mask

1 tbsp finely grated ginger + 2 ampoules of niacin. Using a cotton pad, apply the mixture to the skin, avoiding the area around the eyes, and leave it on for 10 minutes. This mask will help to get rid of oily sheen and pigmentation.

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3.Bleaching mask

Mix 5 drops of vitamin A with 1 tbsp. natural honey and 3 tbsp. lemon juice. This mask should be done twice a day for 20 minutes. After 3-4 days, the skin will become significantly lighter.

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4 revitalizing cream

Mix a couple of tablespoons of your usual face cream with 1 ampoule of niacin and ½ ampoule of vitamin C. It is best to apply this cream before going to bed on cleansed skin.

5 banana lifting

Whisk 1 raw chicken egg white. Mix it with 1 tsp. honey, 2 tbsp. mashed overripe banana and ½ ampoule of vitamin. Mix thoroughly and apply for 15-20 minutes.

6 mask for aging skin

After 40, the skin becomes especially demanding to care for. A mask with vitamin PP will help to maintain her tone. Mix 1 tsp each. liquid vitamin A, vitamin E, glycerin and mineral water. Heat the product in a water bath and combine with an ampoule of vitamin. Apply a thin layer on your face and leave on for half an hour.

7 hair mask

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The following recipe will help to speed up growth and strengthen even the weakest hair. Thoroughly lubricate the scalp with nicotinic acid, and rinse off after a quarter of an hour. I do not recommend taking more than 1 ampoule: if you have thick hair, then dilute the product with warm water.

Nicotinic acid in foods

With a normal diet, you can hardly be afraid of a lack of niacin. But if you decide to use the vitamin as a supplement to prevent problems, it is worth consulting with your doctor.

Vitamin PP is contraindicated:

  • pregnant women;
  • allergy sufferers;
  • people with intolerance;
  • suffering from diabetes;
  • patients with peptic ulcers, gout, atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension.

It's so easy to replace a huge number of creams and lotions with conventional ampoules of nicotinic acid.

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Trust me: the effect will be amazing! I replaced a lot of cosmetics with this miracle vitamin and clearly see that the condition of my skin and hair has changed for the better.


Where can we find nicotinic acid?

Vitamin PP is found in:

  • Groats: buckwheat;
  • Giblets of animal origin: kidneys, liver;
  • Vegetables: tomatoes, beets, turnips;
  • Mushrooms (natural, not artificially grown).

A lot of niacin is found in useful tinctures of ginseng, in teas and decoctions of rosehip and sage. You can prepare these drinks yourself without much difficulty. With proper and nutritious nutrition, the body will not need an additional portion of vitamins.

If the skin signals problems?

Quite often, even at a young age, girls notice skin problems such as acne, acne, peeling. The latter symptom often manifests itself after the frequent use of rough cosmetics, scrubs, in general, any substances that injure the skin. The restoration of the epidermis can be done with the help of medicinal creams - they are sold in abundance and many of them contain nicotinic acid in the composition. You can do it easier.

Niacin is readily available in pharmacies and is relatively inexpensive. Most often it comes in the form of tablets or ampoules, sold without a doctor's prescription. Well, then everything is simple - a course of these pills is drunk, depending on what skin problems you need to get rid of. If the skin of the face is worried, then we follow these rules:

  • Before starting the course, consult with your doctor if possible. Nicotinic acid for the skin of the face is contraindicated for those who have an individual intolerance to this vitamin, it is also not recommended to use the drug for those suffering from diseases of the liver and kidneys, the cardiovascular system.
  • Read carefully the rules for taking the medicine. As a rule, the course of treatment is a maximum of two weeks, and up to two tablets should be taken per day after meals.
  • It is not recommended to extend the course on your own, in addition, the first results should appear in a week. To prevent subsequent skin problems, you can start a parallel intake of other vitamins in the complex, and a mask should also help with the problem - it can be made from a lotion that contains a vitamin.
  • Do not be afraid of the reaction of the skin to a new drug: within twenty minutes after taking the pill, most women start to redden their facial skin, there is not the most pleasant sensation of "burning". All symptoms should disappear in twenty minutes. Nicotinic acid from acne acts on cells in such a way that the blood begins to circulate more actively, it quickly approaches the pores, opening them, thereby preparing the skin to receive a new portion of nutrients.
  • It is strictly forbidden for small children to take nicotinic acid tablets.

Among other things, this vitamin helps to fight other unpleasant female problems, such as cellulite. For greater effectiveness of the drug, it is recommended to simultaneously increase the consumption of fat-free cottage cheese. Together, these substances will help the resorption of the layer of fat under the skin.

How does acid act on the skin?

As stated above, the acid causes the pores to open and the skin begins to breathe. In the process of this "breathing", the upper layer is cleansed: excess moisture leaves the epidermis, and you will soon say goodbye to daily edema, which arose either from heavy drinking or from an uncomfortable posture during sleep.

In addition, oxygenated and nutrient-rich skin will begin to stretch, thereby removing fine wrinkles from the face and making the skin firm. In two weeks of taking, flabbiness should disappear, the skin of the face will freshen up and even begin to shine a little.

And also nicotinic acid helps in the fight against skin pigmentation. Of course, she cannot fight the freckles of red-haired girls, but for those who have sunspots - a seasonal phenomenon, she will help make them a little paler and less frequent.

In cosmetology, niacin is known as an excellent vitamin for hair growth. Therefore, at the same time as taking skin pills, you will get strong strong curls.

Nicotinic acid also receives reviews from those who use it for general health improvement. Vitamin will help in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, gastrointestinal problems and diseases associated with the activity of the brain.

And do not forget that the vitamin will show effective action only in combination with other additives and cosmetic masks. Normalization of daily nutrition will play an important role.

Vitamins are widely used in cosmetology. You can improve the condition of the skin of the face using various means - professional or homemade. Both of them can contain such a well-known component as nicotinic acid. What is its effectiveness and how to use the drug for cosmetic purposes, it is worth considering in more detail.


Nicotinic acid (niacin or vitamin PP) is a substance without which the body cannot function normally. It is synthesized by oxidation of pyridine compounds (nicotine, quinoline, picoline). The substance in question is widely available in the pharmacy network, since it is a drug. Nicotinic acid is available in the form of a solution (ampoule) or tablets.

The drug has many-sided effects on the body. The main effects useful in cosmetology coincide with general therapeutic ones. Nicotinic acid for facial skin has the following properties:

  • Vitamin.
  • Angioprotective.
  • Improving microcirculation.

The vitamin effect is explained by the inclusion of nicotinic acid in many links of metabolism as a cofactor of enzymatic reactions. It is involved in redox reactions, tissue respiration, the synthesis of nutrients (proteins, fats) and the breakdown of glycogen.

The vasodilating effect of nicotinic acid is widely known, due to which microcirculation improves and oxygen delivery to tissues is activated. The positive effect on the capillary endothelium is due to antiatherogenic properties and a decrease in platelet aggregation.

The activation of metabolism and the improvement of microcirculatory processes cannot but have a positive effect on the epithelium. After using nicotinic acid, the skin of the face is saturated with useful substances and oxygen, it becomes more toned and fresh. Its color improves, dark circles under the eyes go away, the prerequisites are created for eliminating acne.

The benefits of niacin for facial skin are due to its participation in many metabolic processes and an improvement in tissue blood flow.


Nicotinic acid is used as an effective additive to various cosmetics - masks, serums, lotions. The use of tablets is suitable for general health purposes, and the drug in ampoules can be used not only for its intended purpose (i.e. for injection), but also as a component of home remedies.

All products are recommended to be applied to cleansed and steamed skin. For this purpose, light scrubs and baths are used. Before using the drug externally, it is better to do an individual sensitivity test by applying a drop of the solution to the skin of the forearm. If, within half an hour, redness or itching occurs at this place, then the vitamin cannot be used.

Masks are a very common method of home cosmetic correction. It is in this form that nicotinic acid is most often used for the face. There are several recipes for PP vitamin based masks:

  • For nutrition and hydration (with olive oil and honey).
  • Against acne (with coconut oil, calendula decoction and birch buds).
  • Cleansing (with cosmetic clay and lemon juice).
  • Rejuvenating (with honey, egg yolk and banana pulp).
  • For blackheads (with cream, raspberry pulp and lemon juice).

After preparation, the composition is applied to the face with fingers or a special brush, evenly covering the skin. For the best effect, it is recommended to do this with patting movements, heading along the massage lines. The duration of the exposure of the medicinal mixture is 30–40 minutes. After that, the mask is washed off with warm, and then rinsed with cold water to tighten the pores.

With the help of niacin, it is possible to correct many cosmetic problems. You can choose a composition for any type of skin: dry and oily, normal and combination, hard and aging. In addition to masks, nicotinic acid for acne can be used in the form of a lotion. To do this, make a decoction of chamomile, sage and nettle, adding 2 ampoules of vitamin to it. The resulting solution is applied to the face twice a day (morning and evening).

Improving the condition of the facial skin with the help of nicotinic acid is most often recommended by adding a medicinal solution to the composition of various masks.

Precautionary measures

When using niacin for cosmetic purposes, there are safety precautions to keep in mind. First of all, we are talking about contraindications that limit the scope of application of niacin. They can be the following states:

  • Individual intolerance.
  • Telangiectasias (rosacea).
  • Erosive and ulcerative lesions.
  • Increased bleeding.
  • Open wounds, burns.

Certain common diseases, such as peptic ulcer disease, hematopoietic defects or diabetes mellitus, usually limit the systemic use of niacin (injections or tablets). For masks or lotion, these conditions are usually not considered, but pregnancy should be the basis for careful consideration of the likely risks.

Nicotinic acid is widely used in cosmetology, including for correcting the condition of the facial skin. The multifaceted biological effect of the vitamin concerns the activation of many metabolic processes and microcirculation, as a result of which the epithelium is nourished and toned. Niacin is recommended to be added to various masks used to rejuvenate and cleanse, eliminate acne and correct other problems. However, all this is best done under the guidance of a specialist.

Nicotinic acid: a magic anti-wrinkle remedy

I do not like creams and other skin care products from stores. I used to spend a pretty penny buying new lotions and tonics every month. Now the costs have dropped significantly, and the effect is much better.

What happened? A friend-cosmetologist explained to me that the main components in expensive and cheap products are the same. Buying a cream for 1000 we get the same effect as from a cream for 100. The difference is in a loud brand name, a pleasant chemical scent and a hell of a markup.

However, both the one and the other cream is often significantly inferior in quality and effectiveness to the simplest remedies, which many ignore.

Perhaps the main secret of cosmetology, which my friend revealed to me, is the use of niacin.

Benefits of niacin in cosmetics

Nicotinic acid (aka vitamin PP, B3) can transform even the most problematic skin. It actively participates in the processes of oxidation and reduction in the body, and also participates in the growth of tissues and the conversion of fat cells into energy.

Lack of niacin leads to unpleasant consequences, including:

  • headaches and nausea;
  • digestive problems;
  • dryness and flaking of the skin;
  • early wrinkles;
  • severe weakness and insomnia.

Note that skin problems on this list appear first. So it is not always worth complaining about poor ecology and ineffective care products - most likely, you do not have enough vitamin B3.

Purchase niacin in ampoules from your pharmacy. Its use is always justified.

Here are the main changes that will occur to your skin after a couple of weeks of external use of vitamin PP:

  • The blood vessels will expand and the blood supply to the skin will improve.
  • The inflammation will be greatly reduced.
  • The skin will begin to retain moisture and stop drying.
  • The regenerating processes will start, the skin texture and complexion will become better.
  • The wrinkles will begin to smooth out and the skin will look significantly younger and fresher.

Vitamin Recipes

There are many recipes that will help you prepare cosmetics with niacin at home. The ingredients in them are the simplest, and you can be sure of the absolute naturalness of the products.

1.Mask with aloe

Combine 2 ampoules of vitamin and 1 tbsp. aloe juice. Apply the mask to cleansed skin for 20-30 minutes. Then rinse it off with plain water.

2.Ginger mask

1 tbsp finely grated ginger + 2 ampoules of niacin. Using a cotton pad, apply the mixture to the skin, avoiding the area around the eyes, and leave it on for 10 minutes. This mask will help to get rid of oily sheen and pigmentation.

3.Bleaching mask

Mix 5 drops of vitamin A with 1 tbsp. natural honey and 3 tbsp. lemon juice. This mask should be done twice a day for 20 minutes. After 3-4 days, the skin will become significantly lighter.

4 revitalizing cream

Mix a couple of tablespoons of your usual face cream with 1 ampoule of niacin and ½ ampoule of vitamin C. It is best to apply this cream before going to bed on cleansed skin.

5 banana lifting

Whisk 1 raw chicken egg white. Mix it with 1 tsp. honey, 2 tbsp. mashed overripe banana and ½ ampoule of vitamin. Mix thoroughly and apply for 15-20 minutes.

6 mask for aging skin

After 40, the skin becomes especially demanding to care for. A mask with vitamin PP will help to maintain her tone. Mix 1 tsp each. liquid vitamin A, vitamin E, glycerin and mineral water. Heat the product in a water bath and combine with an ampoule of vitamin. Apply a thin layer on your face and leave on for half an hour.

7 hair mask

The following recipe will help to speed up growth and strengthen even the weakest hair. Thoroughly lubricate the scalp with nicotinic acid, and rinse off after a quarter of an hour. I do not recommend taking more than 1 ampoule: if you have thick hair, then dilute the product with warm water.

Nicotinic acid in foods

With a normal diet, you can hardly be afraid of a lack of niacin. But if you decide to use the vitamin as a supplement to prevent problems, it is worth consulting with your doctor.

Vitamin PP is contraindicated:

  • pregnant women;
  • allergy sufferers;
  • people with intolerance;
  • suffering from diabetes;
  • patients with peptic ulcers, gout, atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension.

It's so easy to replace a huge number of creams and lotions with conventional ampoules of nicotinic acid.

Trust me: the effect will be amazing! I replaced a lot of cosmetics with this miracle vitamin and clearly see that the condition of my skin and hair has changed for the better.

To maintain a youthful look, women are ready to do a bunch of procedures. Sometimes they turn out to be very unsafe. Plastic surgeries in some cases turn into unpleasant consequences that are not so easy to correct. Let's try to find a simple, inexpensive, but such an affordable tool that will help you stay beautiful against the background of aging peers. Nicotinic acid for face breaks records in terms of cost and effectiveness.

What is and where is it contained?

Nicotinic acid or niacin is a natural component that supports important processes in the body. It activates, tones, reduces inflammation. In nature, it is found in a number of foods that are often on everyone's table.

How does the substance act on the skin?

Nicotinic acid solves several problems at once, which are very often beyond the power of expensive creams. If you have at least one of the troubles that spoils the appearance, it makes sense to purchase this magic remedy in ampoules or tablets. You can take it orally, only you need to do it with the permission of your doctor. Because vitamins have contraindications, which means that you cannot use the substance thoughtlessly. Let's figure out what problems on the face are solved by "nicotine".

Contraindications for use

Niacin works quickly and the results are visible to the naked eye almost immediately. Just do not forget that there are a number of reasons why you should not indulge in all the sins of self-activity. Nicotinic acid is not as harmless as it sounds. Therefore, before local procedures and ingestion, consult a doctor who will tell you how best to use it in your case.

Anti-wrinkle mask

Which reduce wrinkles, acne and are easy to prepare and apply. If you want to nourish the skin, prepare a simple mixture, the ingredients for which are in every home.

  • Mix a spoonful of cream and a couple of ampoules of "nicotine";
  • Take a cotton pad, dip in the mixture and apply to your face;
  • Rinse off after 20 minutes.

After this procedure, the skin looks healthy, fine wrinkles become invisible. It is worth trying, and after a week you can do it again.

Acne mask

It is, like the previous one, easy to do. Give it a try, it will noticeably reduce acne and clear your skin.

  1. Squeeze aloe juice into a spoon and add nicotinic acid from two ampoules to it. Mix, now you can use;
  2. Take a cotton pad and spread the mask over your face. Wait fifteen minutes and go to wash.

Nicotinic acid is a useful and affordable product. You can find it in any pharmacy. In order not to harm the body, do not forget to consult a doctor before the procedure. Because in addition to the positive effect, there is also a negative effect on organs during the period of exacerbation of diseases.

Video on the effects of niacin on facial skin

In this video, you will learn several recipes for masks:

Hello dear readers. This article is about niacin for the face.

Vitamin PP (niacin or nicotinic acid) is becoming more and more popular in cosmetology, because it participates in the metabolism of skin cells, stops premature aging (the appearance of wrinkles), and restores a healthy complexion.

It can be found in foods such as buckwheat, pineapple, beans, rye bread, beets, mangoes, mushrooms, and liver.

Lack of this vitamin can lead to dermatitis, the appearance of wrinkles, loss of a healthy appearance of the face, firmness and elasticity, the skin will begin to flake off.

Nicotinic acid for the face in ampoules is used not only to improve its external condition, but also this vitamin is used to treat inflammation of the facial nerve (neuritis).

Benefits for the face

Few people know about the great benefits of vitamin PP for the face. It helps a lot to prevent premature aging and also significantly improve skin condition through the use of homemade face masks. So, nicotinic acid for the face:

  • has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant effects
  • participates in cellular metabolism
  • moisturizes
  • improves blood circulation
  • dilates blood vessels
  • restores a healthy complexion
  • retains moisture in cells
  • makes the face elastic, fit, firm
  • protects against negative environmental factors
  • helps to produce collagen, smoothes wrinkles
  • tones up
  • relieves swelling
  • evens out the tone of the face, whitens pigmentation

Indications for use

Using niacin can help you deal with problems such as:

  • dry skin
  • problematic
  • fading
  • pigmentation
  • wrinkles
  • freckles
  • swelling
  • unhealthy complexion
  • acne


Remember that using this vitamin, you increase blood circulation and dilate blood vessels. Therefore, it can cause redness on the skin, but it goes away quickly. Contraindications:

  • I do not recommend using pure nicotine, only add to masks, lotions, creams
  • cannot be used if blood vessels are close to the skin
  • allergy to niacin
  • diseases of the circulatory system
  • exacerbation of stomach ulcers (if taken orally)
  • very sensitive skin
  • damage to the face
  • individual intolerance
  • can not be taken by children

Application Tips

Before using, be sure to consult a doctor, especially if you want to take the product in tablets inside:

  • when applying the mask, the face may turn slightly red and hot. This improves blood circulation. But it disappears very quickly
  • if you use an ampoule of vitamin PP in a mask, then remember that after opening it is effective for no more than 60 minutes. Further, if you do not have time to use this tool, then all the useful substances will disappear
  • can be added to skin care products such as lotions, creams
  • before use, cleanse the skin from makeup, impurities, use a scrub and a steam bath
  • apply the mask along the massage lines
  • keep on face for about 25-30 minutes

Facial niacin recipes

For dry skin (nourishes and moisturizes)

Mix 1 tablespoon. l. olive oil and 1 teaspoon. honey. Add the niacin ampoule. Apply the mask for 25-30 minutes.

For problem skin against acne

First, prepare a decoction of calendula and chamomile. Take a tablespoon of herbs, pour a glass of boiling water and simmer for 5-10 minutes.

Mix across tables. a spoonful of broth and base vegetable oil (take one of your choice - olive, burdock, almond, from grape, apricot, peach seeds). Add 1 ampoule of niacin.

Apply on face for 20-25 minutes.

For oily skin (cleanses clogged pores and removes oily sheen)

We mix 1 table at a time. spoon white clay and lemon juice, then add an ampoule of vitamin PP to the mixture and apply on the face for 20 minutes.

Adding to other care products

Take 1 serving of cream (mask, lotion, milk), add 1 ampoule of niacin and use this mixture on your face.

Whitening (against freckles and age spots)

Take 1 ampoule of niacin and 1-2 tablespoons. tablespoons of kefir, mix and apply for 15 minutes on the face.

For fading anti-wrinkle (for firmness and elasticity)

1 table. l. mix oat flour with 1 teaspoon of milk, add 1 table. l banana (soften it with a fork), 1 ampoule of vitamin PP. We keep the mask for 25 minutes.

Best regards, Irina Pelekh!