Floor planning child. Lunar phases - to help. Separation of spermatozoa on x and y using special procedures

Often parents, waiting for the replenishment of the family, guess who will appear on the light - a boy or a girl? Thanks to the ultrasound diagnostic devices before delivery, it becomes known. But in this case nothing can be done: that God gave, he will be born. Therefore, many young families are interested in how to plan the sex of the child and is it possible at all. Consider options.

How to plan a child in ovulation

How often will hear the netting of parents that they wanted a boy, and a lovely girl was born or the opposite. In modern parents who are accustomed to everyone to count and think over, a logical question arises: "Is it possible to plan the floor of the child?" Accordingly, it is important and what actions need to be taken to embody the dream of parents and the child appeared in the family.

The sex of the child is a question of biological and physiological. A boy or girl will be born - this decision takes nature, operating with one chromosome - y. When the egg fertilizes a sperm with a X-chromosome, then the girl's body is formed, and if it attacked the carrier Y-chromosome, the heir will appear.

Since Y-chromosomes have a male code, then responsibility, according to scientists, for determining the floor of the future child assigned to dad. But is it all definitely? What can be taken to born the kid of the desired floor?

Let us turn to scientific knowledge. Doctors argue that sex of the child can be calculated on ovulation.

Ovulation is the moment when the egg is coming out of the ovary. It happens in the middle of the women's cycle, approximately the 14th day (the period between the 12-16th day of the cycle).

Sperm with y-chromosome is very movable, light and small, but not such alive, as with a X-chromosome. Therefore, to:

  • the boy was born, proximity should occur during the day before ovulation;
  • a girl appeared, make the conception for 2-3 days before the start of the movement of the egg.

If they decided to conceive a boy, such physical figures of the mother will help determine the best moment as:

  1. Basal temperature (before ovulation, the body temperature rises by 0.2-0.5 degrees).
  2. Color and secretion consistency: allocations become drum and transparent.

The viability of spermatozoa is calculated by hours. They live no more than 2 days, and then die. Since the female code is more enduring, then the girl is easier to conceive a couple of days before ovulation. When the egg appears, all the boys cells will die. There are only spermatozoa with X-chromosome, which are easily fertilized by the Mamina Cell.

How to plan a child's sex for blood renewal

From ancient times, a popular method of the child's birth planning is known, based on the calculation of the blood renewal cycle in women and men. In the first blood changes every three years, and representatives of a strong floor this process occurs every four years. To find out who will be born:

  1. The age of the mother will divide for three, and the age of the Pope - by 4, respectively.
  2. Compare the figures received: someone else is more, there will be half a child.

But at the same time, consider if Mom has a negative factor, then a boy will be born in this case.

The method is very doubtful in the plan of the prediction of the floor, because in this calculation is not taken into account, for example, blood transfusion or a large blood loss during operations, spontaneous miscarriages, etc.

How to plan the sex of the child: a special diet

If you plan to plan the sex of the child, then listen to the tips of nutritionists. They argue that by changing the system and its quality, moms and dad will affect the gender. In any case, compliance with the proposed diet will allow to give birth to a healthy heir or heiress.

To appear in the family, the boy, future mothers must enter into their diet:

  1. Products with high protein content: meat, fish, mushrooms, lentils.
  2. Some flour products and products with high starch: bread, semolina, potatoes.
  3. Fruits and dried fruits with a high content of carbohydrates: bananas, peaches, kuragu, prunes, dates.
  4. Food with high salt content, smoked.


  • dairy products;
  • seafood;
  • legumes;
  • cocoa and chocolate.

The girl will appear if the Mom menu will be:

  • Fresh fish and low-fat meat, eggs.
  • Cropless baking.
  • Sweets, coffee and tea.

With vegetables, who want a girl, have to be careful. Switching them to a minimum.

Many nations have their own faithful ways and methods of gender programming. Therefore, if you do not know how to calculate the sex of the child, then apply one of the already tested practices:

1. The abstinence method.

It is believed that the longer the sexual abstinence, the stronger the spermatozoa with the Y-chromosome. Therefore, those who are eager for the appearance of the heir, will have to abandon love merits by 1.5-2 months.

2. Calculation on the lunar phases.

It is believed that if the lunar phase of conception coincides with the lunar phase of the birth of the mother of the future kid, then the girl will be born. To produce such calculations, you need:

  • know the birthday of mom;
  • select the lunar phase that would coincide with ovulation.

3. Definition of gender on the genealogical tree.

This method is attributed to the British, obviously, because they are accepted to study their genital tree. Based on the observations of the change of generations and the prevailing of children - representatives of some one sex, it is concluded that the sexual belonging of the following born in the family.

4. Chinese table.

If a woman is 20 years old, then with a 100-minded guarantee, a boy can become pregnant from April to September.

Whatever ways and methods are applied, it is important that the child is desirable to make parents psychologically and socially ready for his appearance.

Who does not want to rely on fate on the issue of determining the gender of the heir, he can experience the proposed techniques.

To plan to plan the floor of the child? In general, is it possible to choose sex baby before conception? It is said that nature does not undertakely manage this process and there is a way out.

Despite the fact that the boys are born more, the number of female half of the population exceeds the male, and all because men often do not live up to 50 years. Such a phenomenon was named in the science "Ethnic Sheet Safety Reaction".

How is the floor formed?
Where does the sex take? It happens by chance: the men's cell can have both x, or and y chromosome, while the female carries only the first type of chromosome. The girl falls if the egg cell is a XX chromosomal connection, and if Y chromosome falls into the egg, the boy is born.

The analysis of this data suggests that for the floor of the child in the answer dad. But scientists do not think so. Some women are programmed by nature on the birth of a certain floor. In other words, only one egg cell is capable of fertilize them. But do not be upset that only a girl or boy is born, it means that fate decided so.

Fighting fate
Doctors are trying to give some guarantees when planning the sex of the child. There are several of the most famous methods of conception of the desired child.

Method number 1 - ovulation
If you conceive a child 2-24 hours before ovulation, then a girl will appear on the world. This is due to the fact that Y-spermatozoa lives long, faster reaching eggs. X-spermatozoa can live in a female body a few days waiting for the fertilization of the egg. But, as artificial conception shows, the number of boys and girls at the time of ovulation is the same.

But this does not mean that this method must be ignored. The main thing is to know my day ovulation. It can be calculated by measuring the body temperature in the colon. With a stable menstrual cycle, ovulation accounts for 15 days.


Each second pair exercises its attempts to get pregnant not in the inappropriate days of the female cycle. Therefore, briefly tell about the principle of operation of your menstrual cycle and the ovulation process.

Ovulation is called a process that occurs once per menstrual cycle, when due to changes in the level of hormones, the egg cell is released from the ovary. This is usually happening in 12-16 days before the start of the next menstruation.
Eggs are produced in ovaries. During the first phase of each menstrual cycle, one of the eggs matures for exemption from the ovary.

Closer to ovulation in your body is produced by an increased amount of estrogen hormone, which contributes to the increasing endometrial in the uterus and allows you to create a favorable medium for sperm.
The high level of estrogen provokes a sharp increase in the other hormone - LH (luteinizing hormone). The so-called LG emission contributes to the release of an egg from the ovary, and ovulation occurs.
As a rule, ovulation occurs 24-36 hours after the emission of LH, so LH is an excellent indicator to determine the peak of fertility.

Fertilies - a few days before and after ovulation, when the chances of getting pregnant are very increasing.

Fertile days you begin in 5-6 days before ovulation, but this is not the best time to conceive. The most favorable date for conceiving a child is considered the last day before ovulation (during fertile days). This is due to the fact that the life of the egg is 24 hours, and spermatozoa remain active up to five days. Therefore, you may be surprised to find out that the couple can conceive a child, having sex a few days before ovulation.

The two most fertile (probable for conception) of your cycle's day is an ovulation day and a day before it.

How to determine the period of ovulation in color of the selection?
With the help of a mucus of the uterus, which women are used to calling simply "highlights", you can determine when you have ovulation. Immediately before ovulation and before your fertilies begin, secretion changes color. It becomes almost transparent, hard and less thick. This is due to the enrichment of secretion by proteins, salts and glucose, which provide the perfect medium for spermatozoa. The actual ovulation begins at the middle stage of your fertilic days, during the so-called "climax of mucus", when the mucus becomes so much that it is not necessary to do without daily gaskets.

Calculation of fertile days with temperature
The body temperature of many women increases in front of their fertile days (before ovulation) by 0.2-0.6 degrees. This is due to the impact of the hormone of progesterone. Measure the temperature in anal passage, and called it basal. Basal temperature should be measured in the morning, not yet stuck out of bed. It will help you to accurately determine your fertilies. The basal temperature must be measured for several months in a row, not forgetting to record accurate results. It is best to make a special table for this.

Important: Infectious diseases, alcohol and lack of sleep can significantly affect ovulation.

Fertilization of the egg can occur within 24 hours after ovulation. If fertilization does not occur, the growing endometrium begins to flap from the walls of the uterus, and you begin menstruation. From now on, the new cycle is counting.

To calculate the duration of your menstrual cycle, you need to calculate the number of days from the first day of menstruation to the day preceding the beginning of the following menstruation. The duration of the cycle may differ from different women, but, as a rule, it ranges from 23 to 35 days.

How to get pregnant boy? - Have sex as close as possible on the day of ovulation, preferably directly on the day of ovulation or hours 12 before it is offensive.

How to get pregnant with a girl? - Plan the intimate proximity for 2-3 days before ovulation. By the time, as "ready", the ripening egg will come to the meeting, all the "boys" spermatozoa will have time to die (the life of Y-chromosomes is short) and only "Gergic" will remain.

Method number 2 - abstinence
Some experts converge on the fact that the sexual activity of partners affects the floor of the future child. With prolonged abstinence, there is more likely to appear on the light of the girl, and with a intense lifestyle - a boy. During the abstinence in the male body, antibodies that block Y-chromosoma occur. To give birth to a girl, you need to build about 1-1.5 months, even caress or thoughts about sex are not allowed.

Method number 3 - food
Some evidence suggests that salted salty foods and foods rich in potassium can facilitate the conception of the boy. But the food, which contains magnesium and calcium, promotes the birth of girls. Success is guaranteed by 70%, if you go to meals 2-2.5 months before conception.

Diet to conceive a boy:

1. Meat of all varieties, any fish, smoked.
2. Bread, rice, manka.
3. Mushrooms, potatoes, peas, lentils.
4. Bananas, cherry, oranges, apricots, peaches.
5. Kuraga, dates, prunes.
6. Salted food.

Dairy products, milk, mineral water with calcium, crabs, shrimps, caviar are not welcome. Products made of dough mixed on milk and eggs need to be minimized as beans, beans, walnuts, dill, cocoa, almonds, milk chocolate.

Diet to conceive a girl:

1. Tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, mineral water with calcium.
2. Fresh fish, meat of all varieties, eggs, fish.
3. Bakery products without yeast and salt.

In limited quantities you need to consume asparagus, eggplants, cucumbers, podpper, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots.

Method No. 4 - Blood Update
The cyclicity of blood renewal can be another method of conceiving a child of the right gender. Three young blood will be stronger. It is the owner of a younger blood that will solve the floor of the future child. The renewal of the blood from representatives of the weaker sex is happening every three years, and men - every 4 years. At the same time, the weight loss weight (miscarriage, transfusion, donation, operations, abortions) are taken into account. To calculate, the date of the last blood loss is taken, and add 3-4 years to time approximate to conception.

Plan the sex of the child in Polish
In Poland, the floor planning methodology was developed before conception, at which allegedly calculated the exact day when there should be sex in order to conceive a boy, and a separate day to conceive the girl. According to her, the boy is, sexual intercourse should occur strictly for 11-12 days before the new menstruation. How to get pregnant with a girl? - Have sex for 13-14 days before the arrival of menstruation.

So, - one day is able to change everything!

Chinese child floor planning method
This method is very interesting. It turns out that the ancient Chinese wise men are convinced that the floor of the future kid is entirely dependent on the woman. Floor planning a child in Chinese is based, firstly, at the age of the future mother at the time of conception, and secondly, for a month that, at this age, favors the conception of a boy or a girl at this age. How to get pregnant boy? - Yes, very simple. For example, a potential mother at the age of 23 is most likely able to conceive a boy in the autumn and winter months, and the girl - in the spring. At the 22-year-old mommy, the situation is equal to the opposite.

Planning the floor of the future kid on the Chinese calendar is one of the easiest way to use ways. The horizontal is located in which you intend to become a mommy, and vertically months to conceive a child of the right gender. At the crossing of these two lines - sex of the child.

This planning method was invented in ancient China, but what is curious - it is also very relevant (especially, given the Chinese restrictions "one family is one child"). To this day, the patterns of this table are not deciphered, and maybe they are not missing at all, so you trust it or not - everyone's personal matter. However, in most cases, the table determines the sex of the child with very high accuracy. In addition, the Chinese calendar of conception is very easy to check. For example, compare the date of your own conception, comparing the data of your relatives or friends.

Plan the sex of the child in Japanese
In antiquity theories of conception to compete with the Chinese, can the Japanese can. In the country of the rising sun there is its own, equally original method of how to get pregnant with a boy or how to get pregnant with a girl. In this case, you need to relate months of the birth of both parents with the month of the alleged conception. For example, if mom and dad kid were born in November, then they will be able to conceive the girl in July, and the boy in November.

The Japanese method of conception consists of a table and graphics. To calculate the appropriate time, it is necessary to determine the digit on the table, which is at the intersection of the birth of women and men. This figure needs to be found in the graph, it will also prompt the right time of conception. It is necessary to find the digit in the top line horizontally and track the changes to the vertical scale corresponding to this figure. According to some data, the accuracy of the data calendar of the Japanese method is almost 80% of coincidences. Otherwise does not give more than 55% of the accuracy of the definition.

British conception
British specialists, conducting a number of research on the influence of the sex of the future child, revealed an interesting pattern. It turned out that the man could rely on the birth of a son much more confident, in the case of his generic tree there are many men.

After analyzing the generic tree more than 900 families (over 500,000 people), whose ancestors lived, since 1600, the specialists came to a certain conclusion: than among the ancestors a man more representatives of the strong floor, the higher the probability of the birth of a boy in his family.

It is scientifically explained by the fact that in sperm these men, much more Y-chromosomes responsible for the birth of a boy, the body produces them in more quantities. It is a pity that the reasons for such a pattern, the scientist failed to find out. However, as detecting, some small-malomal dependence of the floor of the future child in women in accordance with their generic tree, nor in relation to the number of men nor in relation to the number of women in the family.

How to get pregnant with a boy or girl by the method of lunar phases?
Chances of planning the sex of the child also offer according to the method of lunar phases. According to this method, there is an individual cycle, which most predisposes to the conception of a child with a specific sexual sign. It is allegedly set from the very birth of a future mother and accompanies her entire reproductive age.

As this theory says, the probability of conception in principle is very large in that period of time when the moon is in the same phase as at the birth of the woman itself. Of course, this phase must coincide with ovulation. To determine the phases of the moon, you need to know the hour of birth. Further calculations are based on the fact that every 2.5 days of the moon overcomes the path between the male and female zodiac sign. When the time of the greatest predisposition to conceit coincides with the period, the passage of the moon of the women's sign of the zodiac, you can conceive a girl. When there is a coincidence with the period, finding the moon in a male sign - a boy.

The appearance in the child's family is an important event for each marital pair. Therefore, more and more families are planning pregnancy: they take a medical examination, take vitamin complexes, and also plan sex of the child, especially if the planned pregnancy is not the first and married couple especially want to have a child of a certain floor. According to medicine and the result of many marital couples, there are certain ways to schedule a child's child.Now there are several main methods of child planning techniques, consider each of the options available and find out how you can plan a child in advance.

The method of calculating ovulation in the child planning of the child

Scientists have proven that spermatozoa, which carry men's gamets, more movable and fast. However, they live in the genitals of a woman's short time, on average it is 2-3 days. The same cells that have female chromosomes can move much slower. However, their survival in such an environment is up to one week. Accordingly, if you want to give birth to a boy, then you should have sexual contact as close as possible to the day of ovulation or on the day of ovulation. The girl's conception involves the proximity of about a week before the expected date of the eggs. For planning for such a method, it is necessary.

Application of ancient Chinese table for planning a child

In order to schedule the floor of the future child in this way, the age of a future mother and a month in which pregnancy is planned. Further, on the table, determine the months in which you have to start the child of the welcome floor. It is then that you need to have unprotected sex contacts.

However, some doctors are incredulously refer to such a technique.

All due to the fact that the sexual belonging of the future child depends solely from the man. However, this method, in most cases positive feedback. Couples celebrate that, thanks to the counting, they managed to give birth to the desired son or daughter.

Floor Planning by the Japanese method

In order to schedule the floor of the future child, you can also use the Japanese method, which is also presented in a table consisting of two parts. In one of them presents the data on the month of the birth of the future dad and the future mother. To calculate, it is necessary to find cells with months of birth and spend direct from them. At the intersection of values \u200b\u200byou can see the number.

The found number is decisive and calculated for the second table.
In the upper range, find the resulting number. Then descend down and determine which months there is more likelihood to conceive a boy or a girl. The probability of the birth of a child of the right gender is indicated ***** Now find the number obtained in the following table, and see a month in which the likelihood of the child's birth of the right sex is the most high.

The more *****, the higher the chance of the conception of a girl or boy, respectively. Based on this, plan a child at a certain month. However, this method is not 100% significant.

How to plan the sex of the child to update the blood group

There is still a way to plan the floor of the child in the group of blood of future parents. So, according to this method, it is known that the blood of the male is undergoing an update every four years. Whereas women have a blood update every three years. European doctors argue that whose blood is "fresh" men or women, the child will be born a child. In order to schedule a certain floor, it is necessary to share the age of the future of the future to be divided into the number 4, the most you need to do with the age of the future mother, but the age must be divided by 3. Receiving the result, you must compare numbers. Who has a residue after division will be less, that blood will be considered more than fresh. Accordingly, the kid of male or female will be born. Let us give an example, so the future dad - 30 years old, the future mother - 28 years, we will pay:
Male - 30 ÷ 4 \u003d 7.5
Woman - 28 ÷ 3 \u003d 9.3
In a concrete example, a boy should be born in a pair. In this case, the method of calculation must be taken into account such facts as: blood transfusion, donation, serious operations or childbirth.

However, any blood loss leads to the fact that the process of blood update is shifted and the results may not be reliable.

There is another example of planning a child of a certain sex in a group of parents and their rhust factor.The essence of this method lies in the fact that a certain combination of blood groups affects the floor of the future child. Depending on the combinations of blood groups of parents, a certain probability of the appearance of a girl or a boy appears. There are various combinations of blood groups, so if the mother has the first group of blood, and the dad is the first or third, the likely to appear on the light of a female child. In two other cases there is more chances to give birth to the boy. If the future mother has a second blood group, then she needs to choose a partner with the same or fourth group to give birth to a girl. Women with a third group of blood can give birth to a girl if the father's father has the first blood group, etc.
The same can be said about the future mother with the fourth blood group, which can become a mother's mother - if the child's father will have a second blood group.
The reserves factors of future parents should be taken into account, which can also affect the likelihood of planning a child's child. So, if both parents have a positive or negative rhesus, most likely a female child will be born. If the Rh factors are not the same, it is worth waiting for the boy's appearance.

It is worth considering that the majority of feedbacks of young parents testify to the unreliability of the described method, although they are justified from a scientific point of view, the likelihood of obtaining a completely different result is always large.

In addition, it can be noted that regardless of the blood type in many families there are different children, it is connected with other factors that also affect the sex of the child, for example, the day of the child's conception, as far as he is close to the day of ovulation.

Thus, the specified method is not how much it allows you to plan the sex of the child, how much to find out what sex your child is likely to be born.

Compliance with the "French diet"

Scientists from France found out that the nutrition of future parents plays a big role in the process of planning and birth a child of a certain sex. Experiments conducted by scientists confirmed that approximately in 80% of cases, the diet is able to help parents conceive the child of the right sex. During the experiments, two special diet were developed, which contain a special set of products needed to conceive a child's child.

So, in order to appear in the family girl , The future mother must be observed a dairy diet, i.e. consume in large quantities, kefir and sour cream, i.e. Consume products with a high content of calcium and magnesium ions. Instead of meat dishes, it is better to take preference to vegetables, such as: cucumbers, tomatoes, green salad, pepper, eggplant and cabbage.

Detailed meals for planning girls, as follows:

  1. Milk and dairy products: milk, kefir, fresh sour cream, yogurt, cottage cheese, cottage cheese, glazed raws, cream raws, unsolved cheese.
  2. Meat products: boiled meat with minimal salt content: beef, veal, pork, chicken.
  3. Fish and seafood: river and sea boiled fish, shrimps, crabs.
  4. Eggs: All dishes on the basis of eggs (yolks).
  5. Cereals: Rice, Manka Manka.
  6. Bread and flour products: any kind of bread, crumbs, pasta, all kinds of baking without salt and yeast.
  7. Vegetables: eggplants, cucumbers, salad, garlic, beans, sweet pepper, onions, polka dots, asparagus radish, carrots, champignons, lettuce salad, pod, boiled tomatoes, fresh and canned vegetables.
  8. Fruits and berries: apples, pears, grapes, raspberries, strawberries, citrus juice, grapefruits, lemons, mango, quince.
  9. Drinks: Very weak coffee or cocoa, tea, chocolate, calcium mineral waters.
  10. Dried fruits and nuts: almonds, walnut, hazelnut, unsolved peanuts, raisins.
  11. Miscellaneous: honey, jam, jelly, sugar, spices, spices, fragrant herbs, gelatin, mustard, white mushrooms, butter or margarine without salt.

A couple wishing to conceive a girl should not abuse strong coffee, tea, carbonated drinks, beer, canned fruit juices. Limit the consumption of saline dried fruits, smoked, dried or salty fish, canned fish in marinade. Consumption of black and milk chocolate, salt, garlic, rooties, olives, brine, marinades, chips, yeast, soda, ketchup, spicy sauces and any canned food, also for the time planning it is better to limit or completely exclude.

To pair to schedule the birth of a boy, It is necessary a few months before attempting to conceive food with a large number of potassium and sodium ions, and as little calcium and magnesium ions, which is contained in potatoes, mushrooms and low-fat meat. Bananas, oranges, apricots and a cherry are perfect from fruits, since they contain the necessary elements in them.

Detailed meals for boy planning, looks like this:

In addition, it is worth limiting the consumption of dairy products, dried fruits and nuts, fresh vegetables and greenery, seafood, egg yolks, rice, milf, flour and confectionery.

It is worth saying, modern doctors tend to not recognize the French diet as they claim, a certain diet does not affect the selection of certain chromosomes in men's spermatozoa. However, French scientists explain the influence of nutrition to the sex of the child in that the microelements included in the diet affect the biochemical structure of the egg cell, which facilitates the penetration of spermatozoa with XX or HY-pair. In addition, as a result of the observance of the diet, the hormonal balance does not significantly change, which affects sex cells.

Anyway, the time compliance of the "French diet" will not harm or a future mother, no future child, because after the occurrence of pregnancy, the future mother can use everything that she wants.

Prayer to conceive a boy

Believers in the old days, not having an idea of \u200b\u200bmodern ways of planning the child's sex, often prayed to the saints to become pregnant with her son or daughter. Knowing the effective ways to plan the child's floor planning, but, on the contrary, the prayer can become very necessary for conception of a healthy child. So, in order to get pregnant with a boy, it is necessary to pray to the presence of Alexander Svirsky.

« Oh, the sacred angel of the earth, the godpox and the reverend Father Alexander, the porch of the Blessed, many people living in the grace of your faith and love for you. Ask for us, God's slaves (names of spouses), about the miracle of the long-awaited, new life of your sex. Possess your faith, the ruler of our world, the ruler of our world. May the Holy Church of God will be in the world. Be for us a wonderworker, in all kinds of circumstances and grief assistant. Do not frozen the prayer of ours, do not despise the humble prayers of our, but before the throne of the Trinity of the Liberal about us, we will advise in the villages of the royal grandeur, and the grace of God will come. Amen".

Prayer to conceive a girl

Pray to conceive the girl, you need the Holy Great Martyr Paraskeva Friday.

Paraskew's prayer for the birth of a girl does not include the most requests for the child, it should be added at the end, formulating in their own words. Test prayer is:

"Oh, Holy and Saint Martyr Martyr Parasivo, Krasoto, Devic, Martyrs Praise, Purity, Gnuffed Merzers, Wistered Surprise, Faith Christian Keepers, Idolovskaya Slolenitis, the Gospel of the Divine Beszynitsa, Commandments of the Lord Jealous, The groom your Christ is a light hazard, a shaved crown of virgin and martyr decorated! Molima, Holy Martyr, Budi about us sadness to Christ, the Eagle with the most familiar vision is accurately awesome. Moths of the globalovago, the worker in the word in the word blind hole, will save us from the disease of our freak, bodily coupled and spiritual; Raised by your holy prayers Dark darkness, who arrived from our sins, as soon as the father of the world, the light of grace with spiritual and bodily trap on our; Enlighten us, overshadowed sins, the light of God's grace, and your sake of holy prayers will give any sweet eyesight. Oh, the Great Hall of God!

Oh, the courageous devo! Oh, strong martyr Holy Parasivo! The saints of your prayers would be a sinful assistant, petition and pray for the appearances and the animals of unrelated sinners, speed up to help us, for the misfortune of Esma. Moths of the gentlemen, a pure girl, moths of mercy, the holy martyr, the moth of your bridegroom, a bride immaculate Christ, and you ended with your prayers, the darkness of the sinwhno ispro, in the light of the truth of the faith and acts of the divine Nowadays, you are now Lightly Blosschi, I am gladless and having funless, Slavorovyovy and chanting with all the heavenly forces, a trizzy one deity, father and son and the Sainry Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen."

Extracorporeal fertilization as a way to plan a child

The main recognized medical method of planning the floor of the future child before the conception is extracorporeal fertilization. Currently, it is the most effective, albeit expensive (so, one procedure of extracorporeal fertilization will cost 100 to 300 thousand rubles.) The method of calculating the sexual agent of the future child. Most often, family couples are resorted to it, which cannot independently conceive the baby, and also if there is a high probability of birth of a child with pathology and developmental deviations. With an extracorporeal fertilization of the physician, several eggs are extracted, the man also supplies its genetic material (sperm). Fertilization occurs in a special favorable environment, after which the doctors produce the resulting cells for several days and determine their sexual predisposition. Further, experts are selected only boys or exclusively girls and produce a transplant. The embryos are placed in the cavity of a woman's uterus, after which it is ready to endure and give birth to one or two kids. Often, such manipulation requires the admission of many medical drugs, this also requires a certain equipment and professional laboratory technicians.

Slavic calculation method for conceiving a child with a certain floor

According to the method, if the couple wishes the birth of a girl, then she needs to wait for an even number of years and carry out the conception of the child only in even numbers of the month. In addition, it is possible to plan the floor by another way, so to the age of the mother it is necessary to add the number of the month of conception, if the end is the even number, the girl is born, if an odd is a boy. Also to conceive a child of each sex in the Slavic calendar alternate: 11 day Boy, 12 Girl, 13 Girl, 14 Boy, 15 Girl, 16 Boy, 17 - girl. From 18 to 21 days it is advised to refrain from the proximity so that the offspring is born healthy. After 21 days of the cycle, the time of safe love comes. Another of the child planning methods is the age of the mother. If age is odd, for example, 27 years old, then planning the boy is best in the even months: February, April, June, August, October, December. If the age of the mother is even, then on the contrary, to conceive the boy is most likely in January, March, May, July, September, November, that is, in odd.
It is also important at what time of day the child's planning should happen, so Wednesday, Friday and Saturday are considered favorable for the birth of the girl. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday guarantee the conception of the boy. As for Sunday, this day, fate disposes independently, guessing as a child will not work.

Floor planning in lunar or zodiac method

Astrologers and some scientists note that the effectiveness of this method is at the level of 80%. The essence of this method is that the moon every 2.5 days passes through the necessary female sign, respectively, you can choose the most optimal days for the birth of a girl. First find out what the zodiac sign is the moon at the time you are going to conceive the baby. When a star passes on the signs of water and land, then the likelihood of the birthday of the girl is great. Such signs belong to fish, Capricorn, Scorpio, Virgo, Cancer and Taurus. If the moon is in the zone of fire and air signs, there is a high probability of conceiving a boy. These values \u200b\u200binclude twins, aquarius, lion and scales, as well as Aries and Sagittarius.

So, folk signs: To conceive a child with a female floor, it is recommended to put a comb, mirror, threads, strands under the pillow. These items should be in bed not only at the moment of conception, but throughout the menstrual cycle. To conceive a boy, you can put pants and the head of your husband, nails or any other male tool. Now, all this seems not much strange, but in the old days they trusted such methods and resorted to them.

There are other, less reliable and more involuntary ways of planning a child, such as visiting Varkhara and fortune-law, who promise to determine the sex of the future baby and help to give the desired son or daughter. However, there is no guarantee that everything will pass as you planned and your expectations may not be justified.

There are also fairly effective postures for child planning. This was discussed in detail on another site in the article: " Poses to conceive a child and how easy it is to become pregnant with a boy or a girl. "

Thus, each of the listed methods of the child planning can be used by future parents, both individually and all at the same time. In this case, the probability of birth of a desired boy or girl will increase. Despite the positive feedback, many methods are simply ineffective, therefore it is worth being ready for any outcome and not upset if the planned failed, much more important than the appearance of a healthy and welcome child!

One of the important issues to whom the couple is asked, solved to become parents, this is the floor of the future kid. It often happens that the child of the same sex is preferable than the other. Then the planning of the child, a girl or a boy comes to the fore. Spouses are looking for any information that helps to plan the gender in advance. But when it is elected, it is worth considering that not all methods have a scientific basis. Some, "folk" are based on prejudices, in no way related to reality.

Folk Methods

With them and let's start. But it should be borne in mind that the planning of sex in such ways is not confirmed by anything, and therefore their "effectiveness" is a simple coincidence or the result of the fact that the spouses tuned to the birth of a child of a certain sex, and it turned out. But if you believe in the effectiveness of these methods, then it is quite possible to plan the floor of the future kid will turn out to be.

To get a male kid, you need to follow the following recommendations:

  • in the even years of life, plan a kid for odd months, and vice versa;
  • observe a certain diet: feed on meat, fish, fruit, potatoes, but exclude dairy products and crabs and shrimps from the diet;
  • during sexual proximity, a man must reach orgasm before the spouse;
  • before sex act, a man needs to be washed with cold water, to stimulate the activity of the genital cells.

Planning a future female child is accompanied by such recommendations:

  • the year of life and the month of planning should be either even or no, but be sure to coincide;
  • the diet should include dairy products, fish, bread, vegetables, and it is necessary to eliminate the salt and spices, limit the use of meat;
  • it is believed that girls are more likely to appear where the woman loves a man more than he is her;
  • before the sexual act, her husband needs to warm the testicles to reduce the activity of spermatozoa.

These methods are pretty doubtful, but if you think that in war, all means are good, then why not try?

Japanese and Chinese methods

Chinese table

It is not known exactly which data rely on and its planning to conception, but scientists from the Beijing Institute of Sciences insist that its accuracy is 98%. Significant assumptions that this method is based on the Chinese lunar calendar. Others taller for the fact that it is based on studies conducted in ancient China.

According to the table, the floor of the future kid can be determined, knowing the age of the mother and the month of conception. To schedule the sex of the child along this table, you need to choose the age in which you want to give birth to a child, and, finding the icon in the table, indicating the floor you need, plan the conception that is this month.

Japanese table

Floor planning a child in the Japanese table is another option. This method is based on the assumption that a man at a certain period of time is more produced by Y- or X-chromosomes. But it should be borne in mind that the Japanese method speaks only about the likelihood of the birth of a child of a particular sex.

The Japanese table consists of two parts. In the first, the months of the birth of both parents are searched, and the number indicates on their intersection. The second table finds the resulting digit and the estimated month of conception. If the schedule is strongly deflected towards the child of any gender, for example, a boy, which means that the probability of conception is exactly the boy is highest. If the graphs are approximately the same, the probability is the same for both sexes, as lucky here. But it should be borne in mind that the tables presented are not a guarantee of the birth of a child of a certain sex.

Blood update method

According to some data, the effectiveness of this method is about 70%. Its essence is as follows: scientifically known the fact that blood is periodically updated. Moreover, in women this period is three years, and in men - four. If there happened a big blood loss - childbirth, operation, blood transfusion, then you need to count exactly from this moment, and not from birth.

Calculate how gender the child should be born, it is possible: the age of the mother is divided into 3, and the age of the father - by 4. In the result, you need to pay attention to the residue: more points to more "fresh" blood. If he was at Mom, the girl will be born, if dad is a boy.

Attention! If the mother has reserves-negative blood, then the calculations should be done differently: the age of a woman is divided into 4, and men are 3.

Weiently focus on ovulation

The difference between the method, which is focused on the time of ovulation, from all the previous ones is that it is based on confirmed scientific data. But it is worth understanding that the planning of the future child of a male or female is an exciting, but not always controlled. Therefore, this method cannot be perceived as a 100% guarantee.

To understand the essence of the method, you need to know about some differences between X- and Y-chromosomes. It is that X chromosomes, that is, future girls, more slow than y-chromosomes. But at the same time they live longer and more enduring. Based on this, the female should be postponed for a time preceding ovulation. X-chromosomes are able to live 3-4 days, so sexual intercourse is spent 1-2 days before it. So cells-girls will be strong enough for the fertilization of the egg. Moreover, in the sex paths of a woman, most likely, only "Living" X-chromosomes will remain.

If the couple seeks to conceive a boy, then the planning of the future child must be postponed directly at the time of ovulation. In this case, the shock and fast "boys" will take their heavy and slow "sisters".

Note! Refrain from sex contacts for four to five days before ovulation, then the likelihood of a boy conception will increase.

But in this method there is a complexity: you need to know exactly the time of ovulation. How to determine it? Some women literally feel on some signs: the pain is at the bottom of the abdomen, the nature and number of sex tract discharge, nausea, reinforced sexual attraction. But for greater accuracy, you can use tests on or follow the basal temperature - on the day of ovulation it will increase dramatically.

There is another explanation why the planning of the child's sexual ovulation time can be considered efficient. This is due to the fact that before ovulation pH of the vaginal discharge acts destructively on the Y-chromosomes. And during ovulation, the pH is changing, and this environment contributes to the survival of spermatozoa- "boys."

Poses for conception

The choice is rather a continuation of the previous method, in which the gender planning is carried out on a certain day. Additionally, certain poses can be applied so that the planning of the Babe floor is most effective.

Planning the future female child includes a choice of positions with shallow penetration - so the path to the egg becomes longer. This means that Y-chromosoma has less chances to get to the target. And for slow girls, who have more endurance, go through this path will not be difficult. The most acceptable posture is "missionary".

But the planning of the conception of a male child, on the contrary, implies postures with deep penetration. This will significantly reduce the path for men's cells. Then "weak", but quick spermatozoa boys will have time to get to the egg, before weakened and die. You can use such postures:

  1. Knee-elbow. The woman becomes in the knee-elbow position, the man is coming from behind;
  2. A woman lies on his back, a pillow is under the hips. A man is located on top.

This method "works" only if used in combination with the calculation of the ovulation time.

To schedule the sex of the child, you can use all the methods at once, or each separately. None of the methods - neither Chinese or Japanese tables nor the method of ovulation, nor folk methods - do not allow one hundred percent warranty. How to use - to solve future parents. But even if a child turned out, the child did not want to despair, because it is your most native little man!

This also includes a common myth that if a man loves more in a pair, a boy appears, and if a woman is a girl. We will understand in physiology.

In each human body cell there are 23 pairs of chromosomes. 22 of them are very similar. And only the pair that is responsible for the floor is different from the rest. In women, two sex chromosomes are the same (on appearance each reminds the letter X, from where it went). And in men, one of the genital chromosomes "lost" one tail and does not look at the other, resembling the letter Y.

In order for the world a new little man, a boy or a girl, two cells should meet: Men's - spermatozoa and female - egg cell. With their merger, a fruit egg is formed - zygote. Each of these cells contains a half genetic set. Moreover, all eggs contain X-chromosomes (there are simply no other women), and spermatozoids are two types: with X-chromosome and with y-chromosome. If the egg fertilizes the X-sperm - the girl is born, if Y is a boy.

Thus, the main responsibility for the formation of the sex of the child lies on a man, and not on a woman. However, everyone can remember the family, where only boys or only girls are born from generation to generation. Why does it happen? Apparently, there is some genetic predisposition to the birth of one sex children. And perhaps, the whole thing in the features of sperm, which affect the activity of the spermatozoa of the group X or Y.

Myth number 2. Boys are obtained in the middle of the menstrual cycle, and at another time - girls

Monthly in the body of a woman under the action of pituitary hormones in the ovary ripen a tiny bubble - follicle, which bursts in the middle of the menstrual cycle, freeing the egg. This process is called ovulation. Coming out of the ovary, the egg cell "captures" the uterine pipe and due to its abbreviations moves towards the uterus. His ability to fertilize the egg retains an average of 24 hours. During sexual proximity to the vagina, a sperm falls, which contains 300-500 million spermatozoa. And only a part of them penetrates through the vagina, the cervical channel and its cavity in the fallopian tube. These path they are done in 2-2.5 hours, and retain their fertilizing ability in a fallopian tube from 2 to 7 days, according to various sources. Sperm, carrying men's Y-chromosomes, lighter and movable than women's X-chromosomes bearing. However, their viability is lower and they die faster.

Therefore, the myth is partly faithful. On the day of ovulation, men's spermatozoa are "successful" first before the egg, if the sexual intercourse was 2-7 days before ovulation, then more likelihood of conception by surviving female spermatozoa.

To take advantage of this method, you need to accurately determine the date of ovulation. The easiest home method is the use of special test strips to estimate the level of luteinizing hormone, the amount of which increases sharply before ovulation. The test makes it possible to fix this lift, which will be evidence of the onset of ovulation in the coming after obtaining such a result of 48 hours.

There are also devices for determining ovulation in saliva. They are intended for reusable, but also cost more. When drying on the glass of saliva, before the release of the egg from the follicle is crystallized, and under the microscope, you can consider the bizarre patterns - the "Symptom of Fern". This drawing appears due to a sharply increased amount of estrogen hormone.

The measurement method of basal temperature lies in the construction of a temperature curve. To do this, it is necessary every morning without getting out of bed, measure the temperature in the rectum and mark it in the table or draw a schedule. On the eve of ovulation, the temperature in some women may decrease by 0.2-0.5 ° C, and at the time of the ovulation exit rises to 37.1-37.3 ° C and is kept at such a level for several days.

In addition, the day of ovulation can be traced on ultrasound, which, of course, is often used in the treatment of infertility, and not for the purpose of planning the sex of the child.

Myth # 3. When complying with future parents, a protein diet (meat, fish, smoked) are more often born boys, while observing a carbohydrate diet (fruits, vegetables, sweet) - Girls

It is also believed that the carriers of X-chromosomes are better survived in an environment saturated with calcium and magnesium, and y - sodium and potassium. This theory is very controversial and even is dangerous for future offspring.

Any organism is peculiar to maintain homeostasis - constancy of the inner medium, including chemicals. To achieve a serious shift of this indicator, a person will have to consciously cause a shortage of any substances, because from an excess the body will get rid of himself. The serious deficit will lead to a violation of functions, in particular, sexual. Therefore, a strict alignment, most likely worsen the ability to conceive (fertility), but not to the appearance of a certain gender. It is also necessary to recall that certain substances deficit may affect the health of the future child. For example, if you adhere to the "boy" diet, a folic acid deficiency may develop, which is contained in fresh greenery, cabbage, beets, carrots, potatoes with peel, bran, seeds and nuts. With a lack of this substance, the likelihood of children is significantly increasing, as vices of the central nervous system and spine.

If you adhere to the "maiden" diet, then there may be a shortage of vitamins of group B, and in the regions far from the sea - also iodine. Without iodine, the thyroid iron cannot normally function, and in women with a reduced function of this organ ovulation occurs very rarely, in addition, the disadvantage of iodine will subsequently affect the child's mental development.

Myth number 4. The conception of a child of a certain floor depends on the time of year and day

According to accept, with the autumn conception, boys are more often born, and if in the spring - girls. The method is based on again on the assumption that more comfortable conditions are needed to male sperm cells, and with a spring shortage of vitamins more chances of girls. As far as it is effective when planning the floor is unknown, because there are no scientific works on this topic.

Czech doctor E. Jonas suggested that along with the menstrual cycle there is a second, individual cycle of the greatest predisposition to conception, asked since birth to the entire reproductive period of the woman's life. This cycle is oriented on the phase of the Moon, which preceded the birth of this woman. Each return of the corresponding moon phase means for a particular woman the period of the greatest predisposition to conception. Girls, on Jonas, "get" in the days when the moon occupies "female" zodiac signs (Taurus, Cancer, Virgin, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces), and boys in the rest ("men's") periods. Perhaps this version makes sense, since the existence of biorhythms has long been confirmed by scientists. However, as in many other theories, confuses the complete ignoring of male influence, although it is known that the floor defines spermatozoa.

Myth number 5. If a man often visits a bath, then the likelihood of a girl is greater.

This method of floor planning, as well as a diet, can be attributed to dangerous for future offspring. After all, when overheating the ability of spermatozoa to fertilization falls, some of them dies, and part changes its anatomy. There is no evidence that only spermatozoa with Y-chromosome die, but the fact that the sauna visits reduces the ability to conceive - a fact. Those who love to get 2 times a week, statistically higher risk of developing male infertility compared to those makes it once a week. Any diseases with an increase in body temperature are also given to the deterioration of sperm quality, and such a state can be observed up to 3 months - the maturation of each spermatozoa in the testicles continues.

Myth number 6. The child will inherit the half of that parent, whose blood is "younger."

According to this technique, every 3 years in a woman and every 4 years the man completely updates the blood. Counting is simple: the age of future parents is divided, respectively, for 3 for women and 4 - for men. Whose residue is more, the blood is "Fresh and stronger", that floor and it will turn out. And the correction: if the mother is a carrier of a negative rhesus factor, then the result will be directly opposite. Also, blood is also updated when the blood, childbirth, abortions, operations are rented. The accuracy of this technique according to various sources is from 60 to 80%. But is it really? After all, even the concept of "blood update" is very controversial. Blood consists of a liquid part (plasma) and uniform elements. Plasma delivers and takes various substances from organs and tissues that run there and back, so there is no reason to speak about it. It is completely updated in a few days. The uniform elements of the blood also have a small lifespan: so, the red blood cells live 120 days, leukocytes - from several hours to several months, platelets - 10-12 days. What is updated in the blood once every 3-4 years and how it affects sex cells - remains a mystery. One thing can be said for sure - this method of planning is absolutely harmless.

Myth number 7. Paul child can be planned by Chinese / Japanese tables

There are tables with which you can count the floor of the future child by age of his parents. On the ancient Chinese method, only the age of the woman and the month of conception of the child takes into account. About the Pope donor of sex chromosome, the Chinese forgot.

The inhabitants of the rising sun has their own method of planning a child. The month of birth of a man and a woman relates here, as well as the month of conception. It turns out that one and the same pair at this particular month per year can have a child only one sex. Examples of refutation mass. Many families have all-choice children whose birthdays are near or match the calendar.

In Europe also received the use of two theories of age. The first is based on the fact that if you have an even number of years, then when conceived on an even month (February, April, etc.), the girl will turn out, and in an odd - boy. And, accordingly, if you are an odd number of years, then when conceived in an odd month, a girl will turn out, and in an even one - a boy. The best refutation of all tabular planning methods is the fact of the existence of diversified twins, the conception of which was going to the same dates.

And yet, the floor of the child can be planned!

Nevertheless, modern medicine allows you to choose the floor of the future child. You can do this using the ECO program when the conception occurs in a test tube, outside the body of a woman.

Pre-implantation genetic diagnostics (PGD) is a special testing of a chromosomal embryo set, carried out before the transfer of the embryo in the uterine cavity. In addition to the definition of sex, this type of study allows you to identify about 150 hereditary diseases, which significantly reduces the likelihood of a child's patient's appearance and improves the efficiency of the ECO procedure. Currently, in Russia, PGD for the definition of sex is used only in cases where the pair is a carrier of heavy hereditary diseases linked to the floor (hemophilia, muscular dystrophy Duchin, Sherchesev-Turner). PGD \u200b\u200befficiency to select the floor - 100%.

Abroad, the Erixon method is used - this is a way of sperm sorting, allowing you to separate faster spermatozoa, of which boys are obtained, from more slow, of which girls are obtained. For this, the sperm is applied on a layer of adhesive fluid located in a laboratory tube. Y-spermatozoa moves faster and earlier reach the bottom of the tube. To conceive the boy, the lower fraction is taken, and the girls are top. This method is cheaper than high-tech ways, is safe, but does not give a guaranteed result. In addition, in our country it is not used.

Agree that the child of any sex is a wonderful gift! And is it really important to what color will the ribbon on this gift of fate?