For what reasons are pregnant with hospital. How to arrange hospital during pregnancy. When the document is issued in mandatory

- This is not a disease, but often a woman tolerates it an order of magnitude harder than influenza or cold. Pregnant women are susceptible to increased fatigue, nausea, swelling, drowsiness.

And this is only a small tolik of all possible manifestations with which almost every woman is facing during pregnancy. Despite all of the foregoing, a woman in a position still needs to work and do it at the proper level.

Hospital sheet - official document

A certificate of disability or as it is also called, is a form, which indicates the inability of the patient to fulfill its working liabilities at the moment.

This form is discharged not only during the disease, but during the rehabilitation period after the disease or injury. And when entering the child, it is difficult to perform work even more than with one or another disease.

Which doctor can you ask for such a pregnant woman's document? It may be a leading pregnancy gynecologist. Depending on the problems that disturb the pregnant woman, it can be a doctor - therapist, urologist, neuropathologist, ENT.

Sometimes the terms "disease" and "disability" people are confused. For example, if you have lost your voice after the disease has been transferred Larygitis, this is a sufficient basis for the discharge of the hospital teacher or the seller. And if the voice disappeared from the seamstress or a loader, he will have to join, for what reason he prevents the lack of voice. Such details may be the reason for refusing to discharge the hospital doctor. Often it causes violent indignation in patients.

How can a woman in the position get a sick leave? What doctor to seek such a document? What complaints will be taken into account by Dr.?

Disability of a woman during pregnancy

If pregnant refuses the hospital, no one has the right to force it

In most cases, the doctor always seek to ease the woman pregnancy and with the most insignificant deterioration of its physical condition even insist on the extradition of the hospital sheet.

Each doctor, primarily a person who knows from personal experience What is pregnancy and is familiar with her on his own example or an example of his wife, relatives. He wonderfully understands how difficult it is even at the lowest time. It should be noted that it is the first three months that is the most difficult about the cause of toxicosis.

There is a category of women who carry a child who take pregnancy as some disease and abuse them. They insist on individual relations, even if there is no reason to doubt their health. Such women often do not appear in the workplace to the very, regularly extending the hospital sheet.

There is another important item. In the therapy of women who carry a child, there is always a primary factor - not to enable complications. The doctor first and foremost wishes to be restrained. After all, it is much more reliable to extend a little course of the treatment of a young mother, to increase the observation period, rather than then face those or other complications.

Vacation by Decree

Hospital can open not only an obstetrician gynecologist

Decree was previously called the time interval from the 7th month of pregnancy. From this period, the woman had a legitimate reason not to go to work. But in fact it is also a kind of hospital maternity form. Its duration from 140 to 194 days.

It directly depends on how difficult it was the process of childbirth, and on the number of children born. This form is issued by the attending physician, namely a gynecologist in this female consultation with the head of the department.

Absolutely every pregnant woman can claim to receive a sick leave regardless of the term. It is possible even at the first appeal to women's advice. Such an appeal should be no later than the 30th week of pregnancy or the 28th when having toed more than one fetus.

Forced pregnant to the exit to the hospital, no one can, if it does not have this desire itself.

Disability during pregnancy

According to the law, until the 30th week of pregnancy, a woman is obliged to perform his work obligations. It is often hard enough. Conventional diseases such as colds, bronchitis, cough are possible. And this is accompanied by such symptoms of pregnancy as vomiting or nausea, sleep disorders, painful feelings in the back, joints.

Can a woman qualify for a hospital list in such situations? Definitely yes. In the presence of diseases of a different nature or any complications, a woman walking to work has the legal right to receive such a form. If the deterioration of well-being is caused by the problem of not a gynecological nature, it should apply for such a document to the doctor - therapist.

If necessary, additional consultation therapist will addate directions to narrow-profile specialists: Laura, neuropathologist, eyepiece, etc. Gynecological problems are exclusively a gynecologist in women's consultation.

Disability leaf issued by a doctor - therapist

Poor well-being pregnant as a reason to go to the hospital

Consultation of the doctor - therapist Pregnant woman can get both in the clinic at the place of residence and in the women's consultation. A visit to such a specialist may be due to such symptoms:

  1. an increase in body temperature;
  2. chills;
  3. pain in the throat;
  4. uncomfortable sensations when swallowing;
  5. the presence of cough;
  6. having a runny nose
  7. pain in ears or migraine.

All of the above symptoms are a direct sign of a cold illness or respiratory diseases of viral etymology. In the presence of such symptoms, the doctor - therapist unoligantly discharges a sick leave for a period of 3 to 5 days. If, with a re-examination, the woman did not recover, the doctor must extend the term of such a sheet for another 5 days.

If after 10 days, the woman does not become better, to pour a hospital therapist can only after inspection along with the head of the department, which assures this document to its print. To extract the hospital because of a sharp respiratory disease, more than 10 days should be solid arguments.

If so are there, then a woman who is carrying a child is recommended to hospitalize or treatment of a stationary type. What complaints most often do the doctor visit the therapist? The most common are such complaints: pain in the back, in the lumbar department, in the legs. The pain causes the inconvenience of the future mother, shifts movements, prevents working. The hospital leaf with such complaints may write a neuropathologist.

The therapist may refuse to issue a sick leave. This happens with deviations from the norm in analyzing indicators, but without any clinical manifestations. For example, a slight decrease in blood hemoglobin without concomitant dizziness, lowering blood pressure or fainting.

Therapist cannot write down the hospital, based on complaints of the blood pressure. Especially if this fact was not confirmed when measuring the pressure in the doctor's office.

Hospital leaf issued by a gynecologist

Hospital with a long period is issued only in hospital treatment

Doctor - Gynecologist deals with complaints that are characteristic of pregnancy. Almost every woman familiar with them. It can be:

  • the presence of physical weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • increased fatigue;
  • sleep disorders;
  • vomiting or nausea;
  • painting sensations of a pulling nature in the abdomen;
  • allocation from the vagina.

Previously, the doctor - the gynecologist in the female consultation had the right to write down the hospital for a fairly long term with regular inspections. As of today, these rules have become stricter. Now, with the popular diagnoses of "toxicosis" or "threat of miscarriage", a pregnant woman of therapy course is required.

It can be both treatment with a round-the-clock stay in the hospital and visiting the day hospital for analyzes and performing appointed procedures. For a stationary type of treatment, the foundation must be argued.

Hospital sheet, written in the stationary compartment, can be quite long. If there is a need for, it can be extended for the entire period of toaling the fetus. It is possible to go to work for a short time.

Lightweight working conditions

Pregnant has the right to lightweight work

What to do a pregnant woman if it's hard enough, but there is no symptoms of the disease?
Women who wear a child have legal grounds for. This is not a hospital leaf. A woman is obliged to go to the place of work, but workloads should be an order of magnitude lower.

The need to facilitate the working conditions of work is discharged by the doctor - a gynecologist. Such a document must be provided to the manager with a statement of a certain form. Lightweight working conditions imply a complete lack of malicious factors, convenient working conditions, etc.

Despite the fact that pregnancy is not at all illness, the woman needs another and resting opportunities. Therefore, if the attending physician recommends writing a sick leave or a certificate of the need for lightweight conditions for work, it is advisable to follow his advice.

With the rights of pregnant, you will familiarize thematic videos:

Is it possible and how to go to hospital during pregnancy, how to take a sick leave with toxicosis on a small period? The certificate of disability, or the hospital sheet, is a document that provides the ability to work for some time. It can be issued not only during the course of the disease, but also at the time of the rehabilitation period.

How pregnant take or get a sheet, what are the features of the issuance of hospital pregnant with the therapist before maternity leave? During pregnancy, which is not considered a disease, it is not easy - fatigue, the toxicosis is perniciously affecting work, and therefore women are treated for hospital in the clinic. As a rule, doctors go to meet.

What are the features of the issuance of a hospital sheet of pregnancy and childbirth? Pregnant can get sick-based for the same reasons as other citizens: Due to infectious diseases and other diseases that can prevent ability to work.

When does the sick-making gynecologists during pregnancy and toxicosis for women in early periods give the maternity leave? In such cases, a certain specialist can be sent to the design of the hospital in the early periods of pregnancy: if the woman received a fracture or burn, the document is signed by the surgeon, if the ARVI is a physician.

What time can the certificate?

What time and how many days can I get a certificate and go to the hospital pregnant before the decree? How to make a hospital for pregnancy? According to modern Russian legislation, Article 255 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, woman can go to the hospital, starting with the thirtieth week of pregnancy. Less often, the reference is issued for a period of 28 weeks - multiple pregnancy.

Article 255, TK RF. Maternity leave

Women on their statement and on the basis of a disability issued in the prescribed manner, pregnancy leave 70 (in the case of multiple pregnancies - 84) calendar days before delivery and 70 (in the case of complicated birth - 86, at the birth of two or more children - 110) Calendar days after delivery with the payment of public social insurance benefits in accordance with federal laws.

Pregnancy and childbirth is calculated in total and is provided to a woman completely regardless of the number of days actually used by it before delivery.

When is this certificate give a gynecologist at the reception? To get sick leave at the thirtieth week, you need to contact the female consultation. However, not all future mothers hurry to leave work - some continue to work almost to childbirth. Although there are women for whom pregnancy - some illness and an extra reason to take sick leave.

A certificate of disability can provide if a woman is pregnant in extracorporeal fertilization, or eco. In the initial stage of the planning of Eco patient, a certificate of disability may be given.

At the time of the procedures necessary for fertilization, it is possible not to work - it is quite dangerous for women's health. The closing of the hospital in this case occurs after implantation occurred.

Also, sick leave can be issued if a woman has to make care of a child under 14 years old or for an elderly person.

Who provides?

As soon as the woman learned about his position, she needs to be registered with the female consultation at the place of residence and periodically arrive at the planned inspection to the gynecologist. If the well-being is not satisfactory or there is a threat to pregnancy, a gynecologist can write a sick leave.

Reasons for issuing disability certificates:

  • toxicosis;
  • tone of the uterus;
  • venusal infections;
  • the threat of interrupting pregnancy.

IMPORTANT! Even if the complaint does not concern gynecology, the gynecologist is obliged to send the patient to a narrow specialist for inspection.

The specialist in this case will be written in this case if there are reasons for opening it.

To get a certificate of disability, you can contact the therapist. The therapist does not follow so carefully behind the pregnancy, as the gynecologist does it. But the therapist may issue a certificate if:

The therapist usually proposes to conduct treatment in the hospital, but the decision remains for the patient. It is possible to carry out the necessary treatment without a 24-hour hospital - it is enough to appear in the clinic or in the hospital to undergo procedures and take tests.

However, there are a number of dangers in which the refusal of hospitalization is very dangerous for the mother, and for the child.

How to open early with toxicosis?

Toxicosis - the phenomenon is very typical during pregnancy.
Toxicosis can be the cause of dehydration, edema, nephropathy (violation of the kidney function) and other dangerous for mother and child ailments.

Such condition of the body is most worried about women who have 6-13 weeks of pregnancy. In the morning, toxicosis is most pronounced - most smells annoying, which causes vomiting.

If toxicosis is hard, then in the female consultation of pregnant woman will be offered treatment in medical institutions. Everything is quite simple if the woman is registered with a gynecologist for pregnancy. But what to do if pregnant has not yet registered?

In the event that pregnant is not yet registered, it is necessary:

The duration of the hospital with toxicosis is the same as in the standard issuance cases - is assigned individually to the doctor.


According to the legislation, the maximum number of days for sick leave in the outpatient conditions is 15 days. It is possible to extend over 15 days only with the help of the convocation of the medical commission, which will decide whether it is necessary to extend the hospital sheet. This requirement is one for everyone - both for women, and for men. Pregnancy is no exception.

IMPORTANT! The maximum term under outpatient treatment conditions is 15 days, but in the conditions of inpatient treatment there is no maximum permissible period of the hospital leaf.

A pregnant woman can put on saving, and then her sick leave can reach more than two to three weeks.

The doctor may offer pregnant to undergo treatment in a sanatorium, in this case hospital can be extended for up to 24 days.

According to Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, if the employee is missing for more than four hours in the workplace, he threatens dismissal. Therefore, it is better to inform the authorities about his nebid to work and intent to consult a doctor with the aim of obtaining a hospital.

Can extend and how much?

Extend the hospital after an outpatient treatment can only a medical commission.

One attending physician to increase the duration of the hospital has no right. The Commission discusses all the references, the conclusions of doctors and tests.

Based on this, the Commission decides whether there is a need to extend the hospital. If there is such a necessity, the Commission has the right to increase the duration of the hospital to ten months.

After inpatient treatment, the doctor decides whether to extend in the hospital. If a pregnant woman has indications for the continuation of treatment, then finding in the hospital can be extended for up to ten days.

As for the sanatorium-resort treatment, the hospital sheet can be extended for another 24 days, if pregnant has not restored.

What period can occupy?

The minimum term of the hospital for all citizens of Russia is three days.Thus, the future mother can get a certificate of disability at least three days. The reasons for obtaining such a hospital sheet can be a different: elevated or reduced pressure, increased temperature and chills, etc.

The maximum reference date of disability, which is a pregnant woman in the right to get - ten months. Such a long-term hospital is issued only by the medical commission.

Is it possible to leave before decree?

Grounds for issuing a document

Pregnant woman has the right to take sick leave, even if before the decree left for less than a week. But for the design of the hospital, of course, the causes are needed.

If the woman fell ill with bronchitis, ORVI or any other disease, the therapist is obliged to issue a sick leave for up to 15 days. Also before maternity leave, a hospital leaf can also give a gynecologistIf there is a threat of miscarriage.


Legislation remains on the side of pregnant women and tries to make their position as comfortable. Do not neglect the opportunity to take sick leave if there is a need for this. After all, health is more important.

Poor well-being during pregnancy is not uncommon. Who gives the future mother to the hospital sheet for disability, and how is it paid? How is a pregnant woman get a liberation from hard work?

When the sheet of disability is not pregnant

Health problems and well-being may arise literally from the first week of pregnancy. Morning painful, periodically accompanied by vomiting, general weakness, intolerance to the stuffy premises, pulling - here are frequent satellites of the first trimester. Unfortunately, a working woman who appeal to a doctor with such complaints, most likely, simply sympathize, will be given according to the correct nutrition and the regime of the day and it is encouraged that after 12 weeks it will definitely be better.

But in some cases, partial release from work is possible.

Help-release from work: how and where to get

Everyone without exception workplaces is certified for professional hazards. Depending on their danger to human health to wages, allowances are constantly accrued. Many of the hazards, very poorly affecting the body of a healthy non-pregnant woman, become a potential threat to the fetus or may cause unbearable. Therefore, a future mother, literally from the first day after conception, has the right to exemption from work in harmful working conditions for the entire period right up to leave for pregnancy and childbirth.

What is required for this?

  1. Take a certificate in the personnel personnel department or from a labor protection engineerwhich will indicate the entire list of professional hazards existing in the workplace of the pregnant woman.
  2. Come to women's advice to the state clinic to his gynecologist. He confirms the fact of the occurrence of pregnancy and will give a referral to a medical expert commission for receipt of reference. At the same time, the maternity record can be stood a little later - after the fulfillment of all surveys. Commercial medical institutions are usually not eligible for issuing such documents, because it is better to treat such legal issues at the place of residence.
  3. At the specified time of the expert commission, the Polyclinic to come with the direction, an outpatient card, passport and help from the place of work on reception. Get a certificate of exemption from work in harmful working conditions.
  4. Attribute the received document to the personnel department of his company.

A pregnant woman should be released from what professional hazards:

  • Total vibration (truck and public transport drivers).
  • Handwood lifting goods and their movement (about weight limitations for different terms, see).
  • Toxic pairs (for example, lead, formaldehyde, ammonia, acetone, various hydrocarbons, including gasoline) and dust aerosols that can cause a threat to the abortion of pregnancy or congenital anomalies for the development of the fetus.
  • Elevated or reduced temperature.
  • Contact with pathogens microbes.
  • Dangerous for developing radiation fruit.

These are the most frequent adverse factors. A complete list that is always available at the Chairman of the EEC is much wider.

For such harm, as the work overtime and in the night shift, business trips to another locality, removed so much that it is impossible to return home during the working day, additional shifts in the weekend without the consent of the woman, do not even require a certificate of medical expert commission. It is enough to notify through the personnel department of the employer about his interesting position so that the side of the future mother was labor legislation.

What gives a certificate of exemption from work

The main thing: this is not a sheet of disability, so it will still have to go to work, not late. But if the working conditions do not meet the reference specified in the certificate, the head of the enterprise is obliged to temporarily provide another workplace for the entire period of pregnancy, retaining the previous one. Either free it from all occupational harms in the same place.

When a pregnant woman is put a leaf of temporary disability

Cold? Intestinal infection? Injury? Any disease in which it is impossible to continue to work, gives a pregnant woman the right to get a hospital sheet in disability to complete recovery. The conditions for its extradition and payment have so-called general reasons. This means that they apply to the same state regulations as before conception. That is, the design of the hospital leaf is made by the doctor of the state clinic or hospital, which considered it necessary to temporarily completely free the future mother from work. For example, the threat of interrupt, which occurred spontaneous miscarriage in an early term, Gestosis, abortion - gynecological department of the hospital or obstetrician polyclinics, sinusitis - ENT, bronchitis - therapist, burn - surgeon.

Perhaps the only exception to the rules when a healthy future mother has the right to an official hospital sheet, this is an extracorporeal fertilization procedure. Liberation is carried out on all the preparatory procedures and surveys, on the road, to the manipulation itself and for the period of restricting physical activity before receiving data on implantation and normal pregnancy.

How to pay for a hospital leaf of pregnant

In case of liberation from work on the disease, the calculation of the sick leave is also carried out on the general grounds. This means that the accrued amount depends on the employment experience and from the wages received over the past 2 years. Full payment will be at 8 or more years, 80% - at 5-8 years and 60% - with experience from 6 months to 5 years. The manual who worked less than 6 months is equal to the minimum wage (minimum wage).

Example: how the hospital sheet is paid

Hospital sheet in ORVI on the period of 18 weeks of pregnancy is issued by a precinct therapist for 6 days. Insurance worker 6 years old. Earnings for the previous 2 years amounted to 400 thousand rubles. It must be divided by 730 - this is the average working days for the estimated period. We receive the average daily payment of 548 rubles. We do not forget about the 50% coefficient for insurance. I'll see: 548 multiply by 0.8, and we get 438 rubles. For 6 days specified in the hospital list, the woman will receive 438 * 6 \u003d 2630 rubles.

In some regions there are special correction coefficients, so if you wish, it is necessary to consider them yourself.

When maternally accrued for pregnancy and childbirth are guided by other legislative acts. Read about it.

Indeed, a normally occurring pregnancy in a healthy woman is a physiological process and cannot be regarded as a disease. Nevertheless, due to a serious hormonal restructuring and caused by this restructuring of changes in all systems, the well-being of a future mother may be impaired and sometimes quite significantly. It is not surprising that both performance in such cases also suffers significantly. Since many women during pregnancy in cases of degradation of well-being arise about the sick leave. In which situations are pregnant sick, and in what is the high probability to get a failure, and what to do in such cases?

Hospital during pregnancy

The principal fact is already hidden in the title of the Medical Document under consideration: Officially, it is called a "disability sheet", and not a "sick", which is inevitably associated with the disease. Indeed, most often disability leaves are issued due to various diseases. Nevertheless, the main criterion is precisely the temporary, due to the emergence of painful symptoms, the loss of working capacity, that is, the ability to qualitatively fulfill the usual professional activities. Therefore, each particular case is considered individually depending on the profession of a person: for example, a voice loss by a teacher of school, university, sales manager, artist, television or radio officers, etc. - a reason for issuing sick leave, and programmers, accountants, economists, representatives of other professions (if their communication with other people is rather limited and has no fundamental importance) - in most cases, in the absence of other painful symptoms, in the design of the hospital can be denied .

Due to the fact that, without exception, future mothers, regardless of the peculiarities of their work, from the very beginning (or almost from the very beginning) of the third trimester (28-30 weeks) on legal basis to issue a sheet of disability on pregnancy and childbirth, we will focus on Questions of obtaining a sick leave in the first two trimesters of pregnancy.

Pregnancy and childbirth sheet

  • The sheet of disability on pregnancy and childbirth is a special case. It is issued from the 30th week of pregnancy for a period of 140 days, and with multiple pregnancy - from the 28th week for 194 days.
  • Such sick leave during pregnancy is issued by the attending physician - an obstetrician-gynecologist of women's consultation or other medical facilities, where a woman is observed about pregnancy.
  • In the case where the childbirth occurred from the 22nd to the 30th week, a disability sheet is discharged in the hospital for 156 days.

Hospital during pregnancy: on general reasons

Unfortunately, during pregnancy, a woman is not insured against various diseases. With symptoms and diseases that are not related to the pathological course of pregnancy, it is necessary to contact the therapist. In turn, in the presence of testimony, the therapist can give a direction to a specialist of a narrow profile (ENT doctor, neurologist, surgeon, etc.), which can also issue a sick leave.

Cold.The most frequent in future mothers, as in all other people, are colds - acute respiratory diseases (ORVI and ORZ). Due to the fact that during pregnancy there is some decrease in immunity (it has developed an evolutionary, in order to avoid rejection of the fetus), any infections often so and "liput" to future mothers. This is often concerned, and not in vain: any viral and bacterial diseases can be dangerous for the course of pregnancy, and many effective anti-infamous and anti-sprinklers are not recommended for pregnancy.

In this regard, pregnant women are advised to avoid the places of large cluster of the people, contacts with ill people (relatives, colleagues), especially during the flu epidemic - the most dangerous ARVI. The best option will stay at home, of course, if none of the domestic is sick. Hospital sheet with a prophylactic goal is quite difficult, therefore, if there is an opportunity, it is recommended to take leave, goge, work on the house, etc., is recommended for an epidemiologically unfavorable period.). Hike to a hospital sheet in a clinic, where most of the sick people come, most likely, not the best option, especially since in the extradition of a disability leaf in the absence of illness and weighty grounds for obtaining it can and refuse.

If it did not work to protect yourself, and you were cold, then, of course, the appearance of a runny nose, cough, sore throat, increasing body temperature, the feeling of weakness, breakdown and other signs of colds during pregnancy requires a mandatory appeal to a physician (doctor call) and registration of the hospital leaf.

Weakness and drowsiness.This is a very frequent symptom characteristic mainly for early pregnancy terms. The hormone of pregnancy is facilitated by the emergence of weakness, lethargy and reduced performance - progesterone. Its influence is especially expressed in the first trimester of pregnancy (these manifestations are usually held by the second trimester).

However, even with very strong weaknesses and drowsiness, in the absence of such pathological symptoms, as pronounced anemia (a significant decrease in blood hemoglobin - below 110 g / l) and hypotension (low blood pressure, accompanied by clinical symptoms: weakness, lethargy, drowsiness , intolerance to the stool, heat, fainting, heartbeat), in the extradition of the hospital can be denied.

Dizziness, fainting.Dizziness and fainting are more serious symptoms, as they indicate hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the brain, which can lead to drops and injuries. The most often hypotension, toxicosis and low glucose levels, sometimes anemia are most often. All these states require correction and at least the treatment in outpatient conditions with the issuance of the hospital sheet. Among the causes of dizziness and fainting also appear diseases of the heart and vessels with sharp fluctuations of blood pressure, injury and diseases of the head and spinal cord, the pathology of the vestibular apparatus - all these states require consultation and treatment from the relevant specialists (cardiologist, neurologist, otolaryngologist, etc.).

When the pathology is detected, a sheet of disability is issued, treatment is assigned.

Dizziness may occur in the normal course of pregnancy, and in such cases is not a significant reason for issuing a disability sheet. The causes of dizziness may be strong overwork, chronic lack of sleep, sharp rise. Elimination of these reasons, as a rule, solves the problem of dizziness.

Pain in the back, joints.This is a frequent complaint of pregnant women, especially at the end of the second - third trimesters, when due to weight gain, the displacement of the center of gravity of the body due to the growing abdomen and associated with hormonal rebuilding changes in the bindings of all joints, the load on the musculoskeletal system increases significantly.

During pregnancy, the pain in the lower back is observed nearly half of women. Most often, this pain is associated with an increase in the load on the spine and the weakening of the abdominal muscles due to their excellence. Usually, such pain appears after the 5th month of pregnancy, sometimes he can keep up, and decreases and passes in the last weeks of pregnancy or after childbirth. It is intensified after exercise, long walking, long standing, seats. It is less likely to cause various neurological diseases pain, for example, the hernia of an intervertebral disc, explanatory radiculitis, requiring observation and treatment from a specialist. Back pain, joints often interfere with the future mother to walk, can disturb and sitting in the position, disturbing performance.

It is necessary to take into account that if the back pain bothered a woman before pregnancy, then during the waiting time of the child, the probability of their occurrence increases almost up to 100%. With the complaints listed, it is recommended to turn to the therapist or a neurologist, which in pronounced symptoms will issue a sheet of disability.

Cases when the pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe belt is accompanied by an increase in temperature, pressure, the appearance of edema rapid urination with the release of turbid urine, requires a mandatory appeal to the doctor and, as a rule, inpatient treatment, as evidenced by the disease of the kidneys that adversely affects the course of pregnancy and Fetal state.

Headache.The causes of headaches during pregnancy are different. The most often headaches in future mothers are due to an increase or a significant decrease in blood pressure; Migraine (although usually with an increase in the period of pregnancy, migraine attacks become more rare or not disturbed at all); The headache of the "stress" occurs due to the cervical osteochondrosis, the overvoltage of the muscles of the neck and the shoulder belt. Also, headacted may appear with inflammation of the apparent sinuses - sinusitis, with problems with teeth and gums, some eye diseases (glaucoma) and allergic reactions, in stressful situations, with lack of sleep, physical or psycho-emotional overwork.

Regarding the headache, contact a physician, which, if necessary, will send to a consultation to the doctors of narrow specialties (cardiologist, neurologist, vertebrol, etc.). Accordingly, the decision to issue a sheet of disability will take the attending physician: when diagnosing a serious disease.

Among the causes of the headache, arterial hypertension is especially dangerous, as it can be a serious threat to mom and child. A woman will be prescribed treatment, and perhaps hospitalization is proposed, in other cases the doctor may limit the recommendations on the regime of the day, labor and recreation, normalization of sleep, diet, physical stress, etc.

Thus, the issue of providing a hospital during pregnancy in the first two trimesters is solved in each particular case individually, as it depends on a large number of factors. As a rule, in most cases, even in the absence of diseases, but in the presence of pronounced symptoms of indisposition, doctors go to meet pregnant women and draw up a hospital leaf.

Nevertheless, it is not necessary to abuse this opportunity. In some cases (in case of refusal to issue a sheet of disability due to the lack of good reasons), it is possible to try to solve problems that have arisen by another: receiving a certificate about the need for easy labor, an agreement with the administration, an employer on the performance of work at home, vacation design, etc.

Until the 30th (28th) weeks, sick-making pregnant women is issued on the general basis.

  • The doctor may issue hospital for a period of no more than 15 days.
  • The question of further extension of a sheet of disability is adopted by a medical commission with the participation of the head of the department. By decision of the medical commission, the hospital pregnant woman can be extended to 10 (in some cases - up to 12) months.
  • Also, the right to issue hospital sheets for a period not more than 10 days have a paramedic and dentist.

Only for future mothers

With all the problems associated with violation of the normal course of pregnancy and all the symptoms due to this, it should be referred to their attending doctor to Akuster-Gynecologist, which is pregnant.

* Toxicosis of the first half of pregnancy.Nausea and vomiting in the early period of pregnancy occur almost every second woman. If these symptoms appear in a light form, treatment is allowed on outpatient conditions, although in such a situation, most likely, the future mother will be offered treatment in day hospital (if there is such an opportunity). Of course, in such cases, a hospital sheet is issued by a medical institution doctor, where it is observed about pregnancy or a day hospital doctor. In more severe cases, with very frequent vomiting, due to the danger of pronounced electrolyte and other exchange violations, adversely affecting the health of mom and child, hospitalization and treatment under a hospital with a mandatory execution of disability is recommended for.

* Threat of interrupting pregnancy.The symptoms of the presence of abortion abortion are the pain at the bottom of the abdomen, the appearance of sex tract discharge, the voltage of the muscles of the uterus (elevated tone of the uterus). The emergence of such signs often indicates serious violations of the normal course of pregnancy, therefore the attending doctor of an obstetrician-gynecologist with a high probability will insist on hospitalization. In case of refusing to a future mother in some cases, outpatient treatment with strict compliance with the beddown and the obligatory implementation of medical recommendations is allowed. Of course, in all listed cases of the future mother, a hospital sheet is issued.

If the hospital does not give ...

It is recommended to receive a certificate of the need for easy work implying a complete exclusion of professional hazards (vibration, raising and movement of weights, the effects of high and low temperatures, contact with toxic substances and pathogenic microorganisms), abbreviated schedule, providing a future mother of more comfortable working conditions up to translation Another place for the entire period of pregnancy before maternity leave is care.

The trend of recent years is frequent with the residence permit of a woman in such situations of the house: Usually, the doctor recommends treatment in a day hospital or hospitalization in the department of pregnancy pathology. This is explained by the fact that at high risk of normal flow and abortion of pregnancy, a woman may need emergency assistance that it is easier to render in the hospital.

Quite often, women during pregnancy complain of poor well-being and turn to the clinic for help. Since toxicosis, the reduction of hemoglobin and other manifestations may adversely affect the state of the baby, the gynecologist disclaims the future mom. This action does not contradict the norms of the law, because in most cases it allows you to preserve not only the health of the woman, but also the life of the future child.

In this article, we will consider the situation in detail and try to answer questions how to take the hospital to whom it is laid and how legitimate the employer's discontent in this case.

Pregnancy is a very difficult process, which necessarily implies the reorganization of the body and the emergence of new sensations. Taking into account the individual situation, problems may arise in the first week. Morning nausea and even vomiting can accompany the woman entire period of pregnancy. Especially strongly interfere with the work and other activities pulling pain in the abdomen and other symptoms.

Unfortunately, if a woman comes to a doctor with such complaints, it will only sympathize and prompt what nutrition mode to observe to experience smaller discomfort. Hospital in such cases is not discharged, since this is a normal manifestation of pregnancy, and the symptoms should be passed after 12 weeks. Only in some cases a disability sheet is still drawn up, but here it is about the situation in which the threat of life and the health of the future mother and the baby arises.

How to get a certificate for liberation from work?

Each workplace involves the execution of certain professional duties, taking into account the certification conducted. The higher the complexity and probability of the negative impact of work on human health, the more wages. For a pregnant woman, the presence of such conditions can become potentially dangerous. And it may be negatively affected by both the girl herself and on her future child.

In this regard, the employee is entitled to get liberation from his duties at work until the start of maternity leave. To get a certificate of this type, you will need to perform the following actions:

  1. In the personnel department of the company, where the girl employs, or at a labor protection specialist at the enterprise to receive a special certificate, where the entire list of harmful effects that occur at work in a citizen will be registered.
  2. Go to gynecology and after a pregnancy certificate to go to a special commission for full liberation. It is important that you can register a little later when all the necessary surveys will already be held. It is worth adding only to the government, since commercial clinics are not entitled to make disability sheets.
  3. During the expert commission, it will take: an outpatient map of the patient, a passport and a certificate of work. In the case of a positive decision, the citizen is issued a sheet of disability for the entire period before maternity leave.
  4. The obtained hospital will be taken to attribute to the place of employment of the woman and transfer to the personnel department.

As the main reasons for obtaining release, such as common vibration, weight lifting, high levels of toxicity and temperature, contact with malicious bacteria, hazardous radiation is possible. If there is even one of the listed reasons, the Commission takes a positive decision on handling.

Help is an option that suggests a woman's refusal from fulfilling his duties, but it is obliged to go to work. In addition, the employer can temporarily translate the employee to another work with acceptable conditions.

When does the document make out necessarily?

Any illness that does not allow the woman during pregnancy its labor duties may cause a hospital sheet due to disability. As a reason for his issuing, a specialist indicates general reasons.

Such the right is made by doctors in Mrenniquia, and most often certificates provide women who have a threat of spontaneous miscarriage at an early stage of pregnancy. The exception is the situation in which a healthy woman can get sick-sized in vitro fertilization. In this case, the liberation is drawn up for the entire period of the procedure and the conception of the baby.

Features of hospital payment

In case of receipt of a sheet of disability, a woman may not attend the workplace and do not fulfill its duties. The calculation and payment of the allowed manual is carried out by analogy with how payment is calculated for employees on the general basis.

Receiving funds takes place in the first wage after the appeal of the employee in the Regulation, with the relevant statement.


Prior to the onset of maternity leave, a woman who is in position has a legitimate right to issue a hospital leaf on a general basis.

This feature is provided for girls if the pregnancy proceeds not very smoothly or there is a threat of miscarriage. A sheet of disability is issued in a standard order and pays at the place of employment of the future mother.