Craft from a zucchini to make an autumn day quickly. Cartoon heroes of Smeshariki from potatoes and onions. Fruit Craft Ideas

Craft from a marrow "ship" - a wonderful way to use the generous in children's creativity. It is interesting to make and look at, so children of all ages like it very much.

An original do-it-yourself zucchini craft can be made using eggplant, cabbage leaves, carrots and walnuts.

They will be a good addition to the basic design. You will also need toothpicks, a wooden skewer and a sharp knife.

First of all, we form a skeleton from the zucchini. To do this, cut off its upper half, leaving a small piece intact - the bow of the ship.

Carefully make a small depression in the vegetable marrow. It is more convenient to work with mature zucchini, in which the skin has hardened well.

We take a large eggplant, cut off a small piece from its narrow part.

Now we cut off the tip of our zucchini from the side with which it was attached to the stem.

We insert a stick here (you can take several toothpicks), leave half of it outside.

We attach a cut piece to this stick.

Use the sharp tip of a knife to cut openings for windows in the ship's deck.

The craft is gradually acquiring a resemblance to a real ship.

We take large carrots, cut them into thin circles of different diameters.

Using toothpicks or pointed matches, we fix these circles on both sides of the windows in the ship's skeleton.

Place the mast in the center of the deck.

We will attach cabbage sails to it. Before making a zucchini craft, you need to soak the leaves in boiling water so that they bend easily and do not break. We string leaves of different sizes in turn so that the lower sails are smaller than the upper ones. Cut out a small top flag and decoration on the stern from the carrots.

We turn the walnut shell into a spare boat. To do this, we attach a toothpick to it, on the tips of which we place square oars cut from the same carrot.

We put the boat on the deck of the ship.

Ready! Before us is a wonderful option for kindergarten and school! In the coming days, he will attract the attention of many children, who will be happy to study the details of this one.

A sail can be made from pieces of paper. A sail like this is easier to make and maintains a tidy look for a long time.

Together with the boat, you can make a whale from a zucchini with fins and a fountain on the back.

See how to make a boat from a marrow in the video:

Crafts from zucchini: ideas with photos

Another amazing craft from a vegetable marrow is an airplane.

You can make a funny family with dad, mom and baby from zucchini.

Pumpkin and vegetable marrow can be used to make a beautiful snail.

The first educational institutions that parents and children go through are children's early development schools, circles, courses. The teachers of these establishments often ask to work with the kids at home, and in order to be able to check this, crafts from vegetables for the kindergarten are brought to the exhibition. Such contests allow each child to gain new ideas, knowledge and develop logical thinking. And to make it easier for parents to complete an interesting craft, we offer step-by-step master classes on the best options from vegetables.

Step-by-step lessons on making children's crafts from vegetables for the kindergarten

Crafts from vegetables for kindergarten can be very different and unimaginable. The more unpredictable an accessory is, the more attention will be paid to it, thereby increasing the child's self-esteem and creating a positive attitude towards him. In order for homework in the form of crafts from vegetables for kindergarten to be done perfectly, we recommend that you look through the best options for master classes.

Zucchini ship

  1. We prepare a zucchini, 30-40 cm long and 7-10 cm in diameter. It needs to be rinsed under water, dried with towels.
  2. We put the zucchini on the most stable side so that its rear end (with the spine) is slightly raised. If the vegetable does not want to become the way you want, then it is easy to cut it a little at the bottom to make the bottom even. With this treatment, the boat will not fall and tilt to the sides.
  3. Cut the upper part of the zucchini so that the edges of the vegetable remain intact by 5-7 cm. In this way, we have the nose and the rear of the ship closed.
  4. If, after cutting out the upper part, it turned out to reach the seeds and entrails, then they need to be pulled out and completely clear the zucchini from seeds. After this procedure, it is better to dry the vegetable with paper towels.
  5. Using a knife from one side and the other in the center of the zucchini, we cut out small square windows (3 pcs.), With a width of each side of 1-2 cm. So we will have a hole so that we can insert the "ship's oars".
  6. Near such windows, a vegetable anchor is cut out with a knife or a ready-made accessory is attached (made of cardboard, carrots, zucchini skins, etc.)
  7. At the beginning, end of the ship we insert wooden skewers, 10-15 cm long. Instead of them, it is allowed to take green branches of a bush or a vine.
  8. In the center of the vegetable ship, insert similar skewers exactly vertically, this will be the basis for the sails.
  9. We prepare sails from cardboard or thick colored paper. They can be of different sizes or the same, large or small, rectangular or square - all at the request of the child.
  10. We string the sails on skewers, slightly bending the cardboard. In this way, "inflated" sails of a vegetable ship are obtained.
  11. Through the extreme skewers and the central, highest, we pull the thread, which will imitate the ropes.
  12. We insert small wooden toothpicks or sticks into the cut-out windows, this will be the basis of the oars of the vegetable ship.
  13. Using plasticine, we sculpt the edges of the oars and attach them to the sticks that are already ready.
  14. It is allowed to decorate a ship from a vegetable marrow with any little men, animals, cartoon characters.

Eggplant penguin

  1. To make such a vegetable craft for kindergarten very beautiful, you need to prepare several medium-sized eggplants and bright purple, black coloring.
  2. We take a knife with a small tip (possibly a clerical one), we begin work.
  3. The green eggplant caps do not need to be removed, they will be penguin caps. But on the other hand, the spine should be cut evenly so that the animals are stable.
  4. Cut out 2 eyes from the vegetable with a knife, at a level of 1.5-2 cm from the top cap. A little lower we make a round hole for the nose.
  5. We take a small carrot, cut off 2 cm from its lower end and insert such a nose into the resulting hole for the nose.
  6. On the "belly" of the vegetable penguins, draw an oval with a knife and peel the eggplant inside to green pulp. From the skins that remain, cut out several circles with a diameter of 1 cm and use a toothpick to pin them in the center of the "belly". In this way, we got unusual buttons on the belly of animals.
  7. Gently make a small cut in the skin with a knife on the left and right sides of the eggplant, turn it 2-3 cm up. In this way, penguin wings will be obtained.
  8. It is allowed to decorate the original vegetable craft with herbs, autumn leaves, artificial snow or stones.

Funny faces or pumpkin people

  1. We take a few small pumpkins, wash them, dry them.
  2. Using a spray can of paint, cover each pumpkin with bright orange or yellow paint. We are waiting for the vegetable to dry.
  3. Using a black or dark brown felt-tip pen, a thin marker or a bold pencil, draw the outlines of the eyes, nose, mouth (if you want to create an unusual craft, then it is allowed to finish drawing the teeth, mustache, glasses, moles, nostrils).
  4. We paint the eyes, nose, mouth with the desired colors (blue, white, red shades of markers).
  5. Similarly, on the vegetable we draw the edges of the hair or hat, paint in the appropriate color.
  6. We put human pumpkins on a tray, decorate them with leaves, belts, earrings, beads, and other accessories and present them!

Original lamb from cauliflower

  1. We prepare small pieces of white cauliflower, long carnation flowers, hard black olives with pits, a knife, toothpicks.
  2. We pierce each clove with a wooden skewer and insert it into the cabbage. We carry out similar actions with 3 other spices. In this way, we get legs, wool of a vegetable lamb.
  3. We take one black olive as a head, pin it with a toothpick to the cauliflower.
  4. On the sides with a knife, cut small parts of the olive to make ears.
  5. We do the same with the eyes. In order for them to look more organic, it is allowed to use grains of round rice, buckwheat or white berries. Eyes are glued on artificial ones from old small toys.
  6. It is advisable to put the resulting vegetable sheep on green grass, moss or create a special composition for them.

Cartoon heroes of Smeshariki from potatoes and onions

  1. Prepare a medium-sized bright orange onion. My potatoes are of the same format, the color does not matter. Additionally, among the vegetables, it is possible to take beets, lemon, tomato, small squash.
  2. To make the vegetable figures stable, one edge of the bottom should be cut off a little with a knife.
  3. We knead multi-colored plasticine in our hands, make eyes, nose, mouth for each Smesharik.
  4. To make the vegetable craft effective, the body parts of the heroes should be made in the same color that is used in the body (onion with orange, beetroot with purple, lemon with yellow, etc.)
  5. Place the resulting vegetable Smeshariki on a beautiful pallet, after laying out the base with grass or autumn leaves. Such a simple craft will be even more original if it is supplemented with small multi-colored mushrooms, berries and fruits.

How to make crocodile Gena from cucumber and Cheburashka from potatoes

  1. For such a vegetable craft, you need to take several large potatoes, cucumbers, colored paper.
  2. Cut off a ring from the potato, 2 cm wide, put it across the remaining piece, pin it with toothpicks. In this way, we got a torso, a head.
  3. Cut off 2 circles of potatoes, 1 cm wide for the ears and pin them in the same way to the head with toothpicks or wooden skewers.
  4. We cut off several small pieces for the legs and arms from the potatoes and attach them in the same way.
  5. Using colored paper and scissors, we cut out the eyes, nose, mouth, buttons for the torso for the Cheburashka. We glue them with glue to the dried potatoes.
  6. Cut the cucumber into 2 pieces in proportions of 60%, 40%. The larger piece will serve as the torso, while the smaller piece needs to be cut from the whole edge and a small piece of toothpick inserted. In this way, we got an open mouth, we attach it to the body with a skewer.
  7. Cut off small pieces for the legs and arms from another cucumber and attach them in the same way.
  8. Cut out the eyes, nose from colored paper and glue it to the ready-made cucumber crocodile Gena.
  9. We decorate the vegetable composition of Cheburashka and Gena's crocodile with leaves, vegetables, fruits, and other gifts of nature.

Simple craft for children carrot flower using kirving technique

  1. Cooking several large carrots, washing under running water. It is desirable that such a vegetable be a little lethargic; for this it is recommended to leave it warm for 2-3 days.
  2. We clean the carrots with a knife along the entire length, make vertical triangular cutouts.
  3. Cut the carrots into thin slices. In this way, curly petals of the future vegetable flower are obtained.
  4. We prick the carrot circles on a skewer, bending them up. The largest petals should be lowered down, and the small ones will be located at the top.
  5. The leaves of such a vegetable rose from carrots are allowed to be made using onions, dill, parsley or other herbs.

Funny white cabbage hare for the autumn festival in the garden

  1. We prepare a small cabbage, separate the uppermost leaves from it - 2 pcs.
  2. We clean the carrots, cut them into 2 parts, make vegetable legs from each half.
  3. We attach the cabbage to the carrots, thereby obtaining the base of the hare on the legs.
  4. Attach the remaining 2 cabbage leaves with toothpicks to the top, making ears.
  5. We make the eyes and nose of the vegetable hare with black olives.
  6. The mouth is allowed to be made using red bell pepper.

Very beautiful autumn composition in a basket of fruits and vegetables

  1. Such a fancy vegetable craft should be decorated in a beautiful basket made of vine, zucchini or pumpkin.
  2. It is imperative to put bright tomatoes, peppers, cauliflower, corn, squash, zucchini, carrots, small watermelons in it.
  3. It is advisable to supplement the vegetable composition with lettuce leaves, dill, yellow, white chamomiles, field plants, cones.
  4. A basket of vegetables decorated with ears of wheat, oats or barley will be especially original.

Find out what you can do with your own hands.

Video tutorials: what can be made from vegetables on the theme of autumn

Crafts from vegetables for kindergarten can be both natural and artificial materials. Decorations of products with the help of applications, toys, different bouquets, animals look very unusual. To make such needlework pleasant for all participants, it is recommended that you watch video recommendations and lessons on the correct implementation of some points before starting work. We propose to consider the best videos that demonstrate the possible flight of children's imagination and methods of its implementation using vegetables (carrots, cabbage, zucchini).

Pumpkin lantern for the exhibition gifts of autumn in the garden

Workshop on making a giraffe from carrots

DIY potato and carrot duck

Apple, grape and cucumber frog

Photo ideas for autumn crafts from vegetables and fruits in kindergarten

Among the most popular children's handicrafts made from vegetables are animals (hedgehogs, bunnies, squirrels, bears), cartoon characters and cars. If you plan to create accessories for Halloween, then for this you definitely need to take a pumpkin, zucchini or watermelon and make unusual shapes out of them. The easiest way to do the job perfectly is to analyze the ready-made vegetable crafts in the photographs and the methods for their production. We suggest considering the best options:

Today we will talk about how to make beautiful children's crafts from vegetables and fruits for school and kindergarten with our own hands. Why do we love autumn? One of the reasons is the long-awaited one. When the summer heat begins to leave, it becomes cold and rainy outside, delicious, juicy fruits and vegetables delight the eye and so encourage to something new and creative. This is not surprising, because in the fall, nature is so beautiful that we get inspiration to create something.

You can collect bouquets of leaves or find the last beautiful flower and dry it in a book, or you can make your children happy by making children's fakes from the same collected fruits and vegetables! This is really an amazing activity, because we are used to using food for its intended purpose - to eat it, but food can not only nourish the stomach, but also please the eye. We will present you some types of beautiful fakes from vegetables and fruits with our own hands, let your child also be included in the manufacturing process, but remember that in this kind of fakes you need to skillfully work with a knife and other sharp equipment, so it is better for the baby to work under the supervision of adults ... And so let's get started, let's move on to teaching how to make crafts from vegetables and fruits for school and kindergarten that you can do with your own hands.

Crafts from vegetables and fruits do it yourself

Now we will bring to your attention a large number of crafts that can be made from fruits and vegetables with your own hands for children for kindergarten or school. Let's move on to practice.

The first children's craft from an apple that we will make ourselves, about which we will tell you, is called "Little people from apples". In order to make them, we need large apples, some pumpkin seeds, toothpicks and a knife. Manufacturing:

  • Take two such apples, so that one is larger than the other, and place it on top of each other (the larger is down, the smaller is on top). Then gently seal the fruit together with a toothpick. The body of our little man is ready!
  • Cut 4 small pieces from another apple. Two of them will be the legs of the man, and the other 2, respectively, will be hands. Also use toothpicks to attach the body parts to the torso.
  • Next, take a smaller apple and cut it in half. One of the halves will serve as a hat.
  • And in conclusion, we take pumpkin seeds and use them to make eyes and a nose. The mouth can be made separately by cutting off a piece from the apple, or you can carefully cut it out with a knife right on the "head".

A self-made fake apple for kindergarten and school is ready! Let's move on to the second children's crafts.

Carrot or potato giraffe

The second children's craft that we will make from vegetables includes potatoes or carrots. From these vegetables, we will make a giraffe with our own hands from carrots and potatoes. So, cooking method: take two potatoes of different sizes. The larger potato is the body of the giraffe, and the other, respectively, is the head. We make the animal's neck from carrots, which need to be cut off the tip. Fasten the body and neck with the same, ordinary, toothpicks. Giraffe ears from carrots can be made from seeds, or from matches, carefully sticking them into the "head" of the animal. The best and easiest way to make the eyes of a giraffe is from cereals, to do this, just press it into the potatoes, in this case buckwheat is suitable for the role of cereal.

And you can also make a giraffe from vegetables with your own hands, using only one carrot. To do this, as you might have guessed, you will need 7 carrots (4 for the legs and one for the neck, torso and head). Secure the entire structure with toothpicks and our homemade carrot giraffe is ready!

Let's go back to fruits again, only this time to pears. The next do-it-yourself pear craft is called « Pear mouse. " The list of ingredients differs from the previous ones only in that in addition to everything we need a small piece of wire. Making: take a pear and make two small cuts at the top on opposite sides, and then bend them slightly. These will be the ears of our mouse. Now we start preparing the eyes. We take pumpkin seeds, draw pupils on them with a black felt-tip pen, make small cuts on the pear where we want to place our eyes, and insert our ready-made eyes there. It remains only to make the tail. To do this, carefully stick a wire into the pear and do not forget to leave part of it outside, as if it were a tail. A couple of minutes and the pear mouse craft is ready for kindergarten!

People made from pears

Let's not deviate from the pear and consider another type of apple crafts in the form of men. Let's go back to the same people that we made from apples. Only with pears everything is much easier! If you want to cheer yourself up, you can make a funny person using the minimum amount of products! Take a pear and a knife. Carefully cut out the eyes, nose and mouth - done! You can also attach handles and legs using toothpicks. However, if this is too easy for you and you want something more original, you can add other components to the pear. We need one more pear, grapes and a banana.

Production: cut off two circles from a banana and draw two dots with a black felt-tip pen - these are the eyes. We attach them to the pear using toothpicks. As you probably already guessed, the grapes will play the role of the nose, and the circle cut from the second pear is the hat. The smile can also be carefully cut with a knife. That's all, the human-shaped pear is made by ourselves.

The next piece is called "Rat Lariska". Yes, just like the old woman Shapoklyak! To make a rat from a radish with our own hands, we need a radish, lettuce, a radish, a few olives, and, of course, toothpicks. And now the cooking steps:

  • We wash and dry the radish properly. This is the torso of the future rat. We remove unnecessary leaves, except for the place where we will have the tail, and remove the roots, except for the front, where the antennae will be.
  • Then cut off the front part of the radish and use a toothpick to fix the radish, the nose of our Lariska, in the cut place. You can also stick a couple of toothpicks next to the radish, this will be a mustache.
  • In order to make rat ears from leaves, it is necessary, as in other fakes, just to make notches on the body in the appropriate places, and carefully place and fix lettuce leaves in them.
  • In conclusion, we make the rat's eyes. To do this, cut the olives in half and attach them to the body with toothpicks. Ready!

Teapot and cup of apple and orange

Did you know that with the help of apples and oranges you can make a real tea set with your own hands? Let's try! This requires only two fruits and a knife. Using a knife, carefully remove the pulp from the apple or orange - it will be a mug or cup, whichever you want. Get creative and you can even cut intricate patterns into your crockery!

Yes, yes, we forgot about such a beautiful product as eggplant. Let's make beautiful baby penguins out of eggplant! There is nothing complicated, we need a couple of eggplants and, as in the previous craft, a knife. Penguin eyes can be made from beads. We cut the eggplant in half, the two halves are two separate bodies. We fix the eyes and make incisions where the penguins are supposed to have wings. You can use other vegetables in this fake, for example, carrots will serve as legs and nose, and peppers will serve as wings.

Cabbage duck and eggplant

How to make a duck from cabbage and eggplant with your own hands in the form of crafts for children in a kindergarten, for example. To do this, simply take a curved vegetable and one head of Chinese cabbage. The cabbage will serve as the body for the duck, and the eggplant, you guessed it, will serve as the neck. We fix the food with toothpicks, and the eyes and beak can be made from the same pepper.

Eggplant can be used to make not only animal crafts, but also home furnishings, such as a vase! To do this, take a medium-sized eggplant, carefully remove the pulp from it, and from the outside, use a knife to give your vase an interesting and original pattern!

With the help of zucchini and your sleight of hand, you can make a shark model as a DIY craft! All you need to do is take a knife to cut out the fins and tail! If you don't have zucchini on hand, replace it with a large cucumber.

Make beautiful shoes from the same zucchini at home! But you shouldn't go to them, let them be just an ornament. We take the zucchini, carefully cut out the pulp, leaving only room for the strap. Such a fake as shoes made of zucchini made with your own hands will be more to the liking of girls.

How to make a cute piglet from a vegetable marrow with your own hands for a child. We need a zucchini, a couple of rowan berries and a small cucumber. Manufacturing:

  • Peel all the skins from the zucchini.
  • Cut the cucumber into medium-sized slices and take 5 slices.
  • One circle cut in half can be used as ears.
  • The other two circles are the pig's nose.
  • And fix the rowan berries in place of the eyes. The pig is ready!

Move on. Let's go back to children's handicrafts made from cucumbers. You can make a wonderful train out of cucumbers yourself! For this we take 4 cucumbers. Two of them are wagons. Fix the third at the top of the first trailer for beauty, but cut the fourth into round pieces - these are the future wheels of the train. Everything, it remains only to fasten the ingredients with toothpicks.

Racing cars, crafts for children

Using the same cucumbers, you can make racing cars for kindergarten and school. Boys will love this kind of work. We need cucumbers and carrots. Cucumbers are machines themselves. You can shape them with a knife, and the carrots will serve as wheels for you. And, of course, the matter will not do without toothpicks, which will secure the frame and wheels together.

How to make flowers from vegetables

For the next craft of flowers from vegetables, we need carrots and corn. We will make beautiful baby flowers. We take a carrot and use a knife to give it the shape of a flower, carefully cutting out the petals. These are the buds of our future flowers from vegetables. After that, we put them on toothpicks - stalks. Make more of these flowers and you will already get a beautiful bouquet. Carrots can be substituted for corn. It is enough just to cut it into round pieces for flower cups. Everything, flowers made from vegetables with your own hands are ready.

Carrot ice cream

How can you and me make carrot ice cream in the form of a craft? It will turn out just like the real one, only the taste will be vegetable. For this vegetable fake we need carrots and cauliflower. Preparation: Wash the carrots well and place them in a glass with the narrowed end down. Take as many pieces of ice cream as you want. Fasten the cauliflower on top of the carrots acting as a waffle cup. The sight is very appetizing! A beautiful children's craft made from carrots in the form of ice cream is ready.

Cabbage lamb

How to make a children's craft in the form of a cabbage lamb? This does not require any effort, except for attaching the eyes of the animal with toothpicks, it can be currants, and with a knife slightly give the cabbage the shape of a sheep.

Man from vegetables craft to school

To make a man and a cheburashka for kindergarten and school with our own hands, that is, crafts, we need one medium carrot for the human body, and potatoes or onions for the head. Use toothpicks to hold these two ingredients together and use them to make the person's arms and legs. In order for a person made of vegetables to look natural, one must not forget about the eyes. They can be made from peas or any other grains. The final stage is cutting out the mouth with a knife. The vegetable man for kindergarten is ready!

Craft Cheburashka from potatoes

We proceed to the next potato crafts, cheburashka. To make a cheburashka from vegetables with your own hands, you will need potatoes. And so how to make a Cheburashka from potatoes? Cut it into circles of medium diameter. Count on the fact that you will have to fasten them with toothpicks, which means that they should not be very thin. Don't forget: body, arms, legs and ears. For the legs, it is best to take another small potato, cut it in half, and attach the legs to both sides. Black pepper can also be used for the peephole.

Pear and grape hedgehog

Add another pear fake to your piggy bank - a cute hedgehog. How to make a hedgehog from pears and grapes, photo example above. We need: a large pear, toothpicks, a little raisins and a sugar-coated cherry. If you initially want to peel the pear, do not forget to sprinkle the peeled pear with lemon juice, otherwise your hedgehog will quickly darken. Making crafts with your own hands: cut the pear in half, cutting off the very end a little. After that, stick toothpicks into it, they will serve as needles. Well, for the nose, of course, use our cherries in sugar, and for the eyes - raisins. Here is such a do-it-yourself hedgehog made of pear and grapes for a kindergarten or school!

We have already made a Cheburashka dish from potatoes, but we forgot about his friend Gena. In order to make crocodile Gena from cucumbers in the form of a DIY craft, we need cucumbers. We take a curved cucumber, which will serve as the body. Cut the second cucumber in half: one half is the crocodile's head, and the other is the tail. In the half that will serve as the head and mouth, carefully shape the teeth with a knife, cutting out small triangles. Using the third cucumber, cut out Gena's legs. Any berries can be used for the eyes.

Baba Yaga craft from vegetables

All children love fairy tales. We think that any kid will be interested in making some fairy-tale character! We are sure that your imagination will help you with this, but we, in turn, offer you to make a Babu Yaga craft. And so what we need and how to make a woman's handicraft with our own hands. To do this, we need 3 potatoes, 1 apple and 1 banana, our irreplaceable toothpicks, matches and, of course, a knife. Let's move on to the cooking process.

  • We take a large potato and make a mortar out of it. To do this, just carefully cut off a little of the top of the vegetable.
  • Then we make the body of Baba Yaga from the smaller potatoes, and from the third we cut off the average diameter of the strip to make the arms. Do not forget about the nose, the nose is also made from potatoes, a small piece is enough for this. Attach your arms to your torso with a toothpick.
  • Next we take the apple. The apple should be the smallest in size than all the potatoes, as this will be the future head. With the help of toothpicks, we fix the nose made of potatoes in advance on the head, and in place of the eyes we carefully pierce 2 matches with their heads forward. The head is similarly attached to the body with toothpicks.
  • We peel the banana and use the peel itself as Baba Yaga's hair.
  • The stupa is ready, only the broom remains! What is Baba Yaga without a broom? It is very simple to make it, also using a banana peel, only this time, starting with the tail. We attach the broom to one of the hands, and our fake is ready!

Winter is no less a wonderful time of the year for children: New Year, you can skate, play snowballs and make snowmen. But while it's only autumn in the yard, you can independently "mold" a snowman at home with your own hands from vegetables! Delight your little one and give him the opportunity to remember winter fun. In order to make a snowman craft from vegetables, you will need 3 pieces of potatoes of different sizes, carrots, green peas, parsley, cucumbers and mayonnaise (or sour cream). So, the manufacturing method:

  • Boil the potatoes, peel and fasten with toothpicks in descending order: at the bottom the largest, in the middle - the smallest, and the last - the smallest.
  • Then cut the snowman hat, arms and nose out of the carrots. Fasten your hands with toothpicks on the middle potato, and the nose, respectively, on the last, smallest.
  • Make the eyes and buttons from polka dots.
  • To diversify your vegetable craft and make it more realistic, take a plate, cut the cucumbers into thin plastics and lay them out so that they cover the dish. Then place the finished snowman on them. Top with mayonnaise or sour cream as snow. The real winter picture is ready! You can not only admire such a dish, but even eat it.

Bouquet of berries

DIY crafts can be made not only from fruits and vegetables, but also from berries! Here is one of such examples, we are now with you and we will try to do it. The next craft that we will do at home is called "Sweet bouquet of the year." To make it, we need the following ingredients: berries (cherries, strawberries and others), skewers (or the same toothpicks), any greens (dill or parsley). For decoration: tall glasses, beautiful napkins and always salty dough. The process of making a bouquet of berries, craft:

  • First, prepare the support for the bouquet, and it will consist of salted dough. It is very easy to make: mix 1 tablespoon of flour, the same amount of salt, half a glass of water and half a tablespoon of sunflower oil. After that, knead the resulting dough thoroughly. It should turn out to be elastic and not stick to your hands, just like yeast. If this does happen, add a little water (maybe you just need to wet your hands and knead again). The base of the bouquet is ready.
  • Then we wrap the kneaded dough in a napkin so that the top of the wrapped bag is open. There we will stick the very component of the bouquet. Place the wrapped dough in a glass.
  • Let's start making the bouquet of berries itself in the form of a craft. You can start with any ingredients like cherries. Wash the berries thoroughly, dry them and carefully put them on skewers. Let it be a kind of buds that have not yet opened. After you have fixed the berries on wooden sticks, stick them into the dough, which is in our glass, in a chaotic manner. The main thing is to end up with a beautiful composition.
  • Next, take the strawberries, wash and dry them as well, and then put them on other loose skewers. It is recommended to wear strawberries directly with the leaves, so there is less chance that the berry will soften and slide down. That's it, now we add the strawberry to the cherry. Place the skewers so that the berries do not interfere with each other and can stand freely, but, at the same time, next to each other.
  • And now the final part is the design. After we have stuck our "flowers" into the dough, the part not wrapped in a napkin still remains visible. We disguise it with our herbs (parsley or dill). It will be very good if, for example, the parsley is curly, just like flowers. Don't be afraid to overdo it with green, it's still a composition of flowers.
  • The last step is to take the most beautiful napkin, pack a glass in it so that the napkin inside is not visible and tie the dishes with a ribbon. Here is such a bouquet we have with you. We are sure that it will not only delight the eye, but also awaken the appetite! Those who come to visit you will definitely not refuse such a delicacy.

And finally. Crafts for kindergarten and school from bananas have become very popular. We suggest you make a banana dachshund with your own hands. We need a large banana for her torso, and a little less for her head. With a knife, you can make a dog's ears by carefully separating the peel and removing the flesh from this place, and, of course, do not forget about the eyes. Decorate them with raisins. Everything, man's faithful friend is ready! We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with an article on the same topic, which is also very interesting and informative, there is something to try to do yourself.

Autumn is not a reason to be sad at all! On warm, autumn evenings, do not sit in front of the TV or computer, but make crafts from vegetables and fruits with your own hands, please your children and loved ones. What we have described to you today is just some of what can be made from vegetables and fruits for children. Use your imagination and, perhaps, you will come up with new, your own crafts, which can not only please the eye, but also, for example, have a delicious dinner! Who knows, suddenly, after a while, someone, just like you, will now go to the site in search of something unusual and find your personal article! So feel free to experiment and share your experience. Remember, there are no failures in this business, you will still have fruits and vegetables! Good luck, you will succeed!

Using ordinary zucchini, you can create original crafts for school or kindergarten. To do this, you just need to show imagination, be patient and, of course, find plants that are suitable in appearance and size.

For making crafts, you need to choose even and undamaged zucchini.

Autumn crafts from zucchini

Squash vessel

To make a ship, you can take both a large and a small zucchini, wash it and dry it. Then, without first removing the peel, cut off the upper part in the longitudinal direction. The remaining workpiece should be approximately 2/3 of the original volume.

Then you need to carefully remove all the pulp and grains. For the manufacture of the flag and anchor, it is advisable to use some bright vegetables, for example, carrots, tomatoes, red peppers. You should also try to make the steering wheel and porthole catchy.

Beautiful ship

From the cut off part of the zucchini, you can build a semblance of a ladder. All additional details are well fixed with toothpicks. For decoration, you can use grass, flowers - it all depends on the preferences of the child.

A ship with scarlet sails made of cardboard

The most beautiful flag comes from white cabbage leaves. They can be pre-painted with gouache. If the cabbage is not at home, you can use a bright cloth attached to a wooden branch.

Zucchini penguin for school

When making a penguin, you will have to work a little more with a sharp knife, so a small child cannot do such a craft without the help of adults. To make it easier, it is advisable to take a plant whose walls have become slightly soft due to the fact that it was cut a few days ago.

On the sides of the zucchini you need to make cuts towards the "tail" and bend the resulting ovals to the sides. They will play the role of wings. In the center, you can cut out a small tummy. Then the little penguin will be very cute.

The eyes of a sea bird can be made of plasticine or small buttons, the beak can be made of pieces of a plastic bottle, carrots or beets - whoever has something at home. There is no perfect manufacturing scheme here. To make the craft unique, you must definitely bring something of your own into it, so feel free to experiment.

Penguin family

Airplane and helicopter from a small pub

If you need to make an autumn craft from a vegetable marrow, you should think about creating an air transport - an airplane or a helicopter. Both one and the other can very easily be made from a given plant.

DIY airplane

For an airplane, you will need two medium-sized zucchini. The first will serve as the base, so you don't need to cut it. It is good if he has a thin tip bent upwards. The second needs to be divided into three parts. The middle one can be put aside right away - you won't need it. In the remaining two, in the center, you need to make in-depth oval cuts so that in the future they tightly fit the main part of the craft.

To prevent the wings from falling, they can be propped up with skewers or toothpicks. The screw can be made from squash and carrots.

Zucchini helicopter

If you plan to make a helicopter, you can try to find a plant that resembles this type of transport in shape (as shown in the photo). Then all that remains is to attach bright carrot details to it and take the autumn craft to an exhibition in a school or kindergarten.

If all the zucchini that you have at home are round, you shouldn't upset - you can also make funny helicopters out of them.

Cheerful DIY helicopter

You need to put the plant on its side, cut off the peel from the front to make it look like glass in the cockpit. Make cuts on the sides in the form of windows. Attach the blades from above.

Cartoon helicopter

Put small potatoes instead of the chassis. If you decorate the helicopter with eyes and a nose made of other vegetables, then it will immediately come to life.

DIY green zucchini tractor

If you don't want to spend a lot of time on making autumn crafts at school, you can make a tractor. It will require a small vegetable of the correct elongated shape. On top of it you need to attach a semblance of a cabin, on the sides - wheels. What additional elements will be made of - carrots, zucchini of a different color, cardboard, plasticine - it does not matter. The craft will turn out to be interesting in any case.

Such a tractor is very easy to do.

Here is a more complex version of the manufacture of this type of equipment:

Step-by-step instructions for making a tractor from a vegetable marrow

Other Autumn Zucchini Crafts

Within the framework of one article, it is impossible to talk about all the methods of transforming a vegetable marrow. Therefore, below we present photographs of interesting children's works. Study carefully, take notes and be sure to create!



Figurine "Cat"

Little man

Crocodile Gena

In early autumn, schools and kindergartens hold contests and exhibitions of handicrafts and bouquets from autumn gifts - vegetables, fruits, flowers, leaves, branches. Beautiful and unusual hand-made compositions amaze the imagination with their individuality and creative approach. Crafts from natural material are not so easy for the child himself to make, especially if it is a preschooler or an elementary school student. Parents have to take the reins into their own hands.

On the Internet, you can find a huge number of photos of handicrafts made from natural materials: applications of dried flowers and leaves, all kinds of little people from acorns and chestnuts, bouquets of branches and cut vegetables. But you always want to do something original and at the same time not too laborious in terms of manufacturing. A ship made of squash and cabbage leaves can be just such a craft. Zucchini is ideal for the base of the future ship, and cabbage leaves - for the sail of the ship.

Advice! It is not at all necessary to do the craft for the child - it will be enough to help him, tell the nuances of working with natural material and explain the safety precautions for working with cutting objects.

Master class on creating a vegetable vessel

In order to make an original craft from natural material, you should prepare the following set of tools and materials necessary for work:

  • medium-sized zucchini (oblong zucchini fruit will do);
  • a few cabbage leaves (it is best to take the top leaves from the head of cabbage - even if they turn out to be too large, they can always be cut to the desired size);
  • several carrots (take fruits of different sizes, for example, 1 large and 2 small);
  • toothpicks and wooden skewers (can be replaced with matches and even twigs);
  • table (dessert) spoon;
  • knife with a sharp end;
  • decorative elements for the ship's captain: plastic eyes, beads, a small piece of plasticine for making a cap.

Step-by-step instructions for making crafts

  1. We take the unpeeled zucchini and cut off the stalk. Carefully wash the fruit and wipe it dry.
  2. We cut the vegetable lengthwise into 2 parts so that one piece is larger, and the second is only one third.
  3. Further in the work we use most of the zucchini. Using a spoon and a knife, cut out a core with pulp and seeds inside the vegetable, trying not to damage the edges of the future vessel.
  1. Cut the peeled carrots into rings. Cut the anchor out of the carrot. In the future, we will use small circles of carrots as portholes.
  2. We fix the anchor and windows with toothpicks (matches). To do this, we first pierce the carrot blanks, and stick the opposite end of the toothpick into the zucchini base.
  3. Cut out the details of the ship from the remaining upper part of the zucchini: ladders, benches, the base for the steering wheel and other necessary elements. We connect all the parts with toothpicks.
  1. The steering wheel can be made from a mug of carrots by sticking pieces of matches in a circle.
  2. We decorate the edges of the deck using stuck matches (head up) or cut out the teeth and through windows with a knife.
  3. We decorate the bow of the ship with a carrot tail.
  4. Cut the cabbage leaves to the desired size and string them on long skewers, forming a sail. If you have chosen a medium-sized zucchini, you can set several sails at once, but for a small boat, one small sail will be sufficient.
  5. We insert the sharp end of the skewer into the deck. On top we decorate the mast with a carrot flag.
  1. Now let's make the captain. It can be made from carrots or any other suitable vegetables and fruits (potatoes, cucumber, acorns, chestnuts). We glue the eyes and put on the man's head a plasticine captain's cap.
  2. We set the captain of the ship near the helm. If you wish, you can make the whole team - sailors, cabin boy, etc.

The ship is ready - you can safely demonstrate it at the exhibition! The only not too pleasant moment is that crafts made from fresh vegetables and fruits cannot be stored for too long. You will have to play with such figures no longer than a week - vegetables and fruits will begin to wither and even rot. However, to demonstrate the work at the exhibition, there will be quite enough time so that the craft does not have time to lose its presentable appearance.

Thanks to the step-by-step detailed description, you can easily cope with the task. And your handicraft will earn high marks from the jury and will certainly become a favorite in any competition and exhibition of handicrafts made from natural materials!