Crafts - do-it-yourself Ekibans from natural material on the theme of autumn: ideas, compositions, photos. How to make an autumn Ekibana from leaves, flowers, autumn fruits with your own hands for a kindergarten, school for an autumn holiday? Master Class. Ikebana "Autumn mood

Greetings! Today I have picked up a lot of ideas for you on the theme "Autumn". Or rather, we will figure out how to make autumn bouquets with our own hands. With the beginning of classes in schools and kindergartens, parents are often puzzled about what needs to be done. I believe that in the presence of fruits, leaves and dried flowers, it is easiest to create a composition of flowers.

And they turn out to be so beautiful that they are suitable for a gift for a ball, for Teacher's Day and for the autumn holiday itself.

And in order to facilitate the search for parents, I decided to make a selection, where I collected the most interesting ideas for bouquets using everything that is at hand: from paper to twigs and seeds. There will be simple ideas and more complex ones for those who have felt a creative touch and want to create a masterpiece.

One of the most affordable fall materials is leaves. They have already turned red and yellow. They are collected in beautiful compositions, make the basis for bouquets, or simply put in a vase without embellishment.

And we can roll a rose out of them. And already from such roses and buds to make a bouquet. This is not very difficult to do and for 1 rose you will need from 5-7 leaves. It depends on the level of openness of your flower.

It is important to take those leaves that are still easy to bend and do not break. Unfortunately, nothing will come of dry stuff.

By the way, take them so that there is a long tail at the base. It will help to comfortably hold the workpiece and it will also be easier to tie a "rose" with it.

So let's take:

  • 5-7 leaves,
  • threads.

Let's start by choosing the smallest piece of paper available. We fold it horizontally in half.

And we twist it into a tube. This is what we got in the middle.

We hold the middle with one hand. And the second one folds the next sheet horizontally again. We wrap it around the middle. Do not tighten too much.

We wrap it like this until the leaves run out. Not all of them can be used if you want to make a bud.

We open the "petals" and tie all the tails with a thread. To make it more convenient, ask your relatives for help.

These are the blanks. They can already make a bouquet.

I think that any student will be able to repeat these simple steps and create a bouquet of "roses" on their own.

And now we compose the composition. Indeed, in floristry, not a single bouquet is made without her. The idea always comes first.

You can combine such roses with fresh flowers, dried flowers or rowan.

The main thing is that there are no voids in the bouquet, otherwise there will be a feeling of incompleteness. Here's an example with the addition of regular leaves. After all, they are also beautiful in themselves.

And here the flowers lie on a beautiful substrate and the middle is highlighted with a bright accent.

If you try, you can make roses of different shades, which will look very realistic in a bouquet.

It is not a shame to present such beauty at the Autumn Ball or on Teacher's Day.

It is very beautiful when leaves of different colors and shapes are combined. Yet our autumn is very diverse and plays with all the colors of the rainbow.

Another idea when using green sprigs of plants.

I really liked how the leaves were beautifully wrapped in a tube in this photo. This immediately makes the composition stand out and personalized.

Here, in a composition with fresh autumn flowers, the leaves are also actively attracting attention. Agree, it turned out very original.

Another small composition on the theme "Autumn". A very cute and beautiful idea with an apple.

It is worth going to a park or forest and you can immediately collect a whole bag of material. Twigs of birch, maple, rowan, apple - everything will suit us.

A variant of the autumn tree in the form. It can also replace the bouquet. All gifts of trees are used: from leaves, to berries and cones.

The leaves do not need to be folded, but simply beautifully assembled and tied with a ribbon. You can withstand the color style. For example, take only green or only red leaves.

But you can use the twigs themselves! See how self-sufficient they look.

I think that any mother will be happy to help her child create such compositions. And the joint collection of leaves in the woods for a walk will only bring the family closer.

Autumn bouquets of vegetables and fruits

Autumn fruits can be used. Bouquets with them are now also very popular and look rather unusual.

For creativity, you need to pick up beautiful, small fruits. No dark spots or wrinkled sides.

Let's start to consider possible options for compositions from fruits and berries. And then let's move on to vegetables.

Here is an idea with tangerines and rowan berries. Fruits are strung on skewers for kebabs. For strength, they are fixed with tape or special floristic tape.

Here you can see that the apples are strung on skewers. They are beautifully combined with asters and mountain ash and bird cherry. Parents made a very original stand from birch bark.

Apples go well with any leaves and berries.

Here the emphasis is on the mountain ash. Coniferous twigs add splendor to the composition.

Such bouquets are made to order. It is important here to firmly connect all the blanks to each other.

I was captivated by the idea of ​​dyeing the fruit. For example, such "golden" apples look very expensive. You will not immediately understand that they are real!

Variations with fruits, cones and berries in a pumpkin. I'll show you how you can use this vegetable a little later.

You can put the composition not in a pumpkin, but in a vegetable marrow.

Apples go well with the "roses" that we made earlier.

Step-by-step video on making fruit compositions.

Now I will show you options for bouquets with vegetables. You don't have to collect all types. And include design fantasies and use only two types - pepper and garlic. See what came of it.

Small fruits make nice compositions.

The entire space between the vegetables, where the junction points can shine through, were covered with rowan berries.

By adhering to a certain color scheme, you can create a very stylish bouquet. For example, using cabbage and succulents. After all, autumn is different.

In this photo, I was captivated by a mat of rolled leaves. The composition is clearly visible here. Zest in the form of earrings falling under their weight.

See how beautiful the idea to paint the ears looks. Very bright and lively.

Now let's move on to the very common idea of ​​using a pumpkin as a vase for flowers and herbs.

Bouquets with pumpkin

It is convenient to put bouquets in the pumpkin. But in order for them to stand and not wither longer, all plants need water. How do you place it in this large vegetable?

There are three most convenient options: use a floral sponge, use a tin can, or combine the two.

So, take out the middle with seeds from the pumpkin. They can be dried and used for appliqués and panels. Below will be about this.

And put a floristic sponge inside. It is sold in many flower shops and art departments.

Then pour water on it and insert flowers. Most often, this option is necessary when you create a bouquet of live flowers. The sponge also helps to keep the shape of the composition when the stems are stuck into it.

You can also put a tin can inside. In this case, it is not necessary to remove all the pulp. The main thing is that the jar is not visible. We use canned pineapple containers. You can also pour water into it, or you can skip this if you are using dried flowers.

It is better to take a wide pumpkin for these purposes.

Instead of a can, you can use a glass. Its upper side designate the diameter that needs to be cut in order for the glass to fit. For fresh flowers, put a floral sponge inside and saturate it with moisture.

Pumpkin composition ideas are in front of you.

Decorate your vegetable vase with ribbons or braid.

There are only fresh flowers here.

And here we see the use of spruce branches, bird cherry and mountain ash bunches.

A whole composition on the theme "Autumn".

This craft will appeal to both schoolchildren and children of the older group of the kindergarten.

The main thing is not to be afraid to use the materials that are at hand. Composing a bouquet is a very entertaining and creative process.

How to make paper compositions on the theme "Golden Autumn"

I have an idea to make autumn paper bouquets. Initially, the flowers are harvested from which the composition is created.

It turns out very nicely when using the origami technique.


Let's add leaves in autumn shades to them.

This master class describes the detailed process of creating leaflets.

The ends of the folded sheet, coat with glue and join.

Maple leaves can also be made using origami techniques.

Here is a detailed master class.

If it is not clear from the photo, then I attach a video.

Everything is described in detail here. I think that you can definitely create a craft based on the video, repeating all the steps in stages.

Master classes and ideas from natural materials for kindergarten

For little kids, you need something simpler. Therefore, I suggest using natural material for bouquets. We will look at ideas from cones, peanut and pistachio shells, pumpkin seeds, dried flowers.


It turns out that the buds are very similar to flowers. Especially, they ate unopened things to put in water. They are saturated with moisture and open. My child, when he saw these metamorphoses, was simply delighted.

The buds can also be attached to skewers, sushi sticks, or toothpicks. To create a round composition, use round floral foam balls. I made them from ordinary polyurethane foam.

They come in different diameters. All kinds of plants and materials are stuck in them. You can use both fresh flowers and branches, and any other materials.

A beautiful bouquet when the cones are turned with their tips forward. It turns out to be a very neat composition. The tips themselves are decorated with beads, ribbons, rhinestones and flowers. They adhere well to hot glue.

How do you like this autumn composition. In my opinion, it is very original.

Also, the cone lends itself well to painting. They can be painted with gouache or spray paints. The color intensity depends on the number of layers.

dense gouache, can also cover the natural brown shade of the buds.

If you remove the inner branches, then the flowers will turn out to be more open.

Or you can take just one thing and make the center of the composition out of it.

Another idea from the gifts of the forest. Everything that lies at the trunks and under our feet is used.

Agree, cones are an excellent material for creating an autumn bouquet for children in kindergarten.

From pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds also work great as flower petals.

There are two types of buds. The first is to glue the seeds on the paper in several rows. Here is a detailed master class.

The middle can be painted or covered with a piece of dyed cotton wool.

Using plasticine, you can make such daisies.

Or such flowers.

Let's take a closer look at how this is done. Pumpkin seeds are inserted into a plasticine ball in rows. You can form different buds and inflorescence options.

Very interesting too, don't you agree?

From peanut shells

We rarely buy peanuts, but we often pick up the shells from friends after men's gatherings. To make such bouquets for the teachers once a year in the kindergarten.

Whole "hydrangeas" are obtained from pistachios.

It is convenient to attach them to plasticine.

It will be easy for children to make such daisies. Younger children can insert shell petals into plasticine. And the older ones connect them with hot glue.

Using floristic balls (I wrote about them a little higher), you can create the correct spherical shape of a sunflower. See how organic coffee beans look. After all, these are all gifts of autumn.

Whole pistachios and peanuts can be presented as a gift. To do this, combine them into small bags and arrange with corrugated paper.

With walnuts

Of course, walnuts cannot be ignored. You can make an autumn topiary from the shells.

Walnut bouquets with whole fruits look very presentable.

You can close the voids with pieces of napkins.

For interest, you can combine all of the listed natural materials and fruits.

From dried flowers

Dried flowers are very suitable for our autumn theme. They look noble, they can be painted. They will complement any composition.

Anything will do - dry herbs, cereals, leaves.

And here they painted the spikelets.

Cotton flowers wish the composition very delicate and airy.

A beautiful bouquet of dried flowers in a stand decorated with branches.

More ideas for you.

An interesting frame for a bouquet of branches.

We mix dried flowers and roses from leaves.

The golden ears have a very presentable appearance. But you will have to go far to get the material - on the field. Look for wheat that has not yet been harvested.

Dry grass and leaves are harmoniously combined.

I just loved many ideas.

Applications with flowers on the theme of autumn in the middle group

For the older group, you can offer ideas for applications or panels. They are made from leaves, dried flowers, cereals and seeds.

Idea with a vase into which twigs are inserted. Only the side edges and bottom are glued. The top remains free to allow material to be inserted.

Use a box of chocolates as a base and frame for the panel.

Leaves, pine cones and coffee beans create such an autumn bouquet.

Different types of flowers from pumpkin seeds for applique.

Use coniferous branches.

All seeds, seeds and grains adhere well to hot glue.

Paper leaves and flowers are no worse than natural material.

You can also take a regular frame for the base.

You can make applications in the form of bouquets simpler, or more complicated.

Autumn candy and corrugated paper bouquets ideas

Corrugated paper flowers look incredibly realistic and beautiful. For teacher's day, there is an idea for a small bouquet with sweets.

Or such a gift idea.

Flowers for a gift can be packed in autumn leaves.

You can use these flowers without candy.

Let's combine candies with natural materials: dried flowers, cones and leaves.

Composition with sweets in a basket.

And now for a detailed master class on creating roses from corrugated paper. It is easy to stretch and bend and can imitate real leaves.

Autumn colors are very cheerful and any yellow, orange and red flowers suit them.

I am attaching a video on how you can make several types of flowers.

Corrugated paper is sold in bookstores and stationery stores, in floristic, creative and party areas.

Ideas on how to decorate a bouquet

And now you have already decided what your autumn bouquet will be made of, even blanks are made. But you need to arrange it somehow so that it has a more marketable and presentable appearance!

Therefore, I offer several ideas.

For example, let's take the popular kraft paper today. Or packing dense netting or fabric.

You can make a beautiful envelope from the same corrugated paper. With such a design, it is not a shame to donate your craft.

Insert the craft into a paper bag. It can even be rolled up from scrapbooking sheets.

Polyurethane foam, foam rubber, floral sponge or polystyrene are inserted inside.

Ideas are beautifully obtained from reed napkins.

You will need:

  • napkin,
  • can,
  • cardboard,
  • pencil,
  • hot glue (glue gun).

We put the jar on the cardboard and circle the bottom. We cut it out and stick it on the tin. We will also glue the sides with cardboard.

We measure the height of the walls of the tin and cut off its size on a napkin. We wrap the sides and fix with hot glue.

That's all you are done.

The bouquet can be placed in hat boxes or shoe packaging. To do this, they are pasted over with a cloth or special paper. The bottom is lined with a film on which we put a floral sponge. We fill it with moisture and begin to form the composition.

There is a fun idea for decorating cans with plastic cocktail tubes. The main thing here is to cut them off neatly and evenly.

Insert dried flowers or paper flowers into paper boxes. Here's one idea. By the way, in this article I described very much, suddenly you will like something.

The cardboard fits very harmoniously into this composition. Original and beautiful.

To congratulate teachers, you can decorate the package with letters.

Or just put the bouquet in the basket. They are now made not only from vines, but also from newspaper tubes, paper and canton.

Thank you for your attention and wish you a productive joint work. I'm just sure that you will be able to find an idea on your own and create such a composition that you will not be ashamed to present to the teacher and send to the exhibition!

Ekibana is the oldest Japanese art of flower arrangement. Decorative combinations are created from natural and artificial materials. This set is a great way to decorate your home and develop your creativity. Engaging in this type of creativity will help relieve fatigue and cheer up any person.

Features of art

Composition in autumn style

Before you start making Ekibana, you should get acquainted with the peculiarities of this art form. ... Recommendations:

  • severity and conciseness are the basic principles when making combinations, you should pay special attention to the location of the main components;
  • during work, materials are placed on the right, and the container is at eye level;
  • live and dry gifts of flora are used, as well as trees, branches, berries, fruits;
  • the main material is the living gifts of flora, which have an individual philosophical sound, which must be taken into account when compiling.

DIY making: photo

The finished piece will depend on your imagination. It is worth presenting the result in advance and comprehending the shape of the bouquet. When drawing up, you should not restrain the flight of your imagination.

Striving for harmony- an important component of any creative process. But in order to get a beautiful and harmonious bunch, it is worth adhering to some rules when drawing up:

Variable artwork made of flowers

  1. In each architectonics, the main element is distinguished, there may be several of them.
  2. It consists of three central elements that symbolize heaven, earth and man.
  3. To give the dynamics of sound, it is worth placing some components at an angle.
  4. The presence of asymmetry is mandatory.
  5. Living gifts of flora are not placed next to heating devices.
  6. Materials are selected depending on the season.
  7. A vase is chosen inconspicuous and dim, which will not attract attention. The focus is on flowers or leaves.

It shouldn't be too big. This is its main difference from traditional European bouquets.

Of flowers

To start composing, first prepare everything you need: a small vase, gifts of flora, three shoots, a garden pruner, a floral sponge.

Sophisticated Japanese-style composition

A sponge is placed in a vase or bowl and water is poured.

Then the flowers are prepared. If possible, you can take traditional Japanese ingredients - sakura, chrysanthemums. If they are not there, any others will do, as well as fruits.

The long stem symbolizes the sky. It is placed tilted to the left. To secure you can use plasticine.

The second flower or sprout is 2/3 the length of the first. It is also tilted to the left. This is a symbol of a person.

The third sprout is also 2/3 long, it denotes the ground. Its tilt is to the right.

If you look at it from the side, you should get the feeling that there is one shoot in the vase.

Gaps are filling in small flowers or greenery, but you don't need to use many small elements.

Refined simplicity

All elements of Japanese bouquets have a certain meaning. Opened buds, as well as dry carpels and fruits, signify the past. Unopened flowers and fresh leaves symbolize the present. The symbols of the future are buds and buds.

Roses are a symbol of youth, sakura means devotion, bamboo - toughness, pine - vitality.

It is also worth considering color matching because not all types of plants are well suited to each other. For example, poppies with lilies are not compatible. Lilies of the valley, daffodils and roses also do not like the neighborhood of other flowers.

It is good if the flowers are complemented by shoots and leaves. Other decorative elements look original: ribbons, lace, stones.

From the leaves

Leaves in a basket

To draw up an autumn version they take a container with their own hands, twigs with bright autumn leaves or physalis branches, mountain ash, moss.

A sponge or foam rubber is placed in the selected container. Establish a high twig with a slope. Add smaller branches. Decorate with autumn leaves, moss.

To preserve freshness, water is poured into the vase.

As a container you can use pumpkin... To do this, cut off the top of it, clean out the pulp and seeds. Before the creative process, the pumpkin should dry out a little. Then they are made up according to the same rules as in a vase.

From fruit

Fruit basket

Such compositions cannot stand for a long time, so I make them t as a gift for any event.

They choose different fruits, as well as a vase or basket. They are used whole or cut into pieces. You will also need a sponge and skewers.

Then cut into beautiful shapes: in the form of hearts, flowers and other interesting elements. Put on skewers and insert into a sponge. This is how the whole vase or basket is filled.

You need to present such a bouquet on the same day, until they lose their attractiveness. Unfortunately, this beauty cannot serve as an interior decoration.

New Year's variation

To compose a New Year's bouquet use colors:

  • Red;
  • golden;
  • silver;
  • White;
  • green;
  • blue.

Bouquet with cones

To start determine the leading color... An additional one is added to it. Dilute with gold and silver.

In New Year's bouquets, not only flowers are used, but also other natural materials: cones, spruce shoots, cinnamon sticks, Christmas balls, candles, sweets, ribbons. The candle can be located in the center.

Put in the basket floristic sponge... The edges of the basket are framed with fir twigs. Branches, leaves, flowers are added to the sponge. Decorate with Christmas balls.

An excellent DIY gift for the New Year is ready!

A correctly composed bouquet will become an unforgettable gift and will be able to decorate any interior.

Photo gallery

You don't have to be a designer or florist to be able to compose composition of the gifts of nature, which will decorate a home interior, a loggia, a terrace, an office space or a garden area. So I also wanted to create an atmosphere of autumn comfort in the house. What I ended up with amazed all my family and guests.

And the source of inspiration for an unusual autumn composition was the mountain ash, which grew so beautifully in the country. In my opinion, it is the rowan fruits in color and shape that are just an ideal material for autumn creativity.

Rowan bunches look very attractive in a wreath or candlestick, and it is also appropriate to lay them out on the table or near the fireplace. These berries go well with autumn leaves, reminding us of our favorite season.

Compositions from autumn materials

However, you should not be limited only to rowan. Autumn fruits are very rich and varied. These are chestnuts, acorns, cones, branches of viburnum and bizarre-shaped boxes with seeds, as well as late apples, pumpkin, autumn flowers and outlandish leaves. They can be found in the forest, in the personal plot, in the garden, in every park or square.

Editorial staff "So simple!" prepared for you 21 bright composition using gifts of autumn... Create a sunny mood. You just can't take your eyes off!

  1. Such a magnificent multi-layered wreath using dry lavender, various greens, apples and decorative pumpkins can decorate not only the doors, but also the windowsill of a country house.
  2. And here is one of the simple, but quite elegant compositions using rowan fruits.

  3. Fire is a bewitching element, it is especially pleasant to watch it on cold autumn evenings. And if your house does not have a fireplace, you can use such an unusual and cozy one as a symbol of the hearth. candlestick made of natural materials... Would you like to have one in your living room?

  4. I just admire this composition for its extraordinary approach. Perhaps I'll take it on board!

  5. Amazing splendor!

  6. Who said that autumn floristry is just wreaths on the door and bouquets of flowers in pumpkins? How do you like this autumn cake made of natural materials? Surprise your guests with this unusual decor.

  7. Physalis wreath to decorate the front door.

  8. Pumpkin is best suited for creating autumn compositions. This ikebana is easy to do and, most importantly, it looks very impressive.

    If desired, it can be additionally decorated with flowers or simply decorated with very delicate and beautiful carvings. I also suggest that you familiarize yourself with interesting pumpkin compositions.

  9. Topiary is an almost eternal bouquet, which is not difficult to make with your own hands. Such a berry tree will elegantly complement the interior and add coziness and warmth to the house.

  10. Another wonderful wreath using rowan fruits.

  11. This fall, I really want to create a composition in the form of a cornucopia for my home. It is a symbol of wealth and prosperity. He is depicted mostly curved, filled with flowers, fruits, berries, seeds and, according to legend, brings prosperity and happiness to the house.

When preparing an autumn composition, it is important to pay attention to compatibility of natural materials and the harmony of their neighborhood with each other, as well as take care of the conditions in which they will have the best appearance. For some compositions, the selected elements should be in their freshest form, for example, cut flowers, branches of a shrub or tree, fruits.

Others require pre-drying of the workpieces. After drying, some elements can be polished and finished with varnish or a composition containing wax, for example, this can be done with chestnut fruits, dried leaves, cones, acorns.

You need to collect all the blanks in the forest or park in dry weather, never after rain. Materials for creativity should be chosen without traces of dirt and dampness, otherwise what is damp may become moldy.

Nastya does yoga and loves traveling. Fashion, architecture and all that is beautiful - this is what the girl's heart strives for! Anastasia is engaged in interior design, and also makes unique jewelry with a floral theme. She dreams of living in France, learns the language and is keenly interested in the culture of this country. He believes that a person needs to learn something new all his life. Anastasia's favorite book is "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert.

When autumn comes into its own, painting the world around with colorful cheerful colors, you want to wander endlessly in the garden, rustling with fallen leaves. And in order to preserve the mood of autumn for a longer time, you can personally create compositions from natural materials, which this season gives people in abundance. An excellent product will be a do-it-yourself Ekibana made from leaves "Autumn". In it, in addition to the bizarre forms of foliage, you can use dry flowers and vegetables with fruits.

What can be done?

From the materials that autumn presents, you can make various compositions together with children. These will be absolutely free handicrafts from pastures, but their value will consist in the warmth of the relationship between an adult and a child. In addition to moral benefits, such a pastime is also useful for children physically: fine motor skills of the hands, which is needed for speech, sensory abilities, and imagination, develop. This is especially important for young children in the early stages of their development.

The adult theme, developed by the designers, will allow you to place exquisite panels, paintings and compositions on the walls of rooms, for which you can use mixes from the foliage of different tree species. Chestnut, maple and oak leaves go well with each other.

Preparation of materials

Before making an ekibana or other composition, it is important to properly prepare the source material. This is done in several ways:

  1. Autumn leaves are laid between the sheets of albums and pressed on top with a load so that they do not curl when dried. Healthy, whole leaves are chosen for the bookmark. This preparation method is suitable for making herbariums, children's appliques or sheet collages.
  2. To make voluminous crafts and bouquets using autumn foliage, the latter must be processed in a special way, which will be discussed below. This is necessary so that the foliage does not crack when twisted, is pliable and does not lose its original appearance. This method is suitable for making topiary or dried flower compositions.

With proper preparation of raw materials - leaves - the crafts will retain their beautiful appearance, and the composition of leaves will not turn into twisted, shapeless, cracked masses. After all, you can make the semblance of roses, cornflowers, chrysanthemums, daisies and water lilies from foliage. Moreover, their color will not only be natural - red or yellow - the products can be painted with acrylic colored primers. A variety of patterns can be applied on top with a gel pen, and then varnished.

Activities with a child: ideas for Ekibana

For manual creativity, you can offer the following ideas:

  1. Application. For her, you can use dried castings and flowers for herbarium. On a thick sheet of paper, it is necessary to decompose the existing materials, combining them in color and shape. When the desired location is achieved, each element is glued using PVA glue or photo glue.
  2. Collage-Ekibana on the theme "Autumn". Such a composition is done under the frame. A layer of large bright leaves of dark colors is laid out on a thick sheet of cardboard or paper, on top - smaller and greener, and at the very top - small bright yellow and red leaves. You can mix autumn dried flowers, getting And also different shapes can be laid out from foliage and flowers.
  3. Beautiful compositions can be made from leaves, flowers and pine needles, fastening them to cardboard with a wire.
  4. Fallen twigs are fixed in the form of a tree, and leaves and flowers are fixed on it.

Preparation of raw materials for bulk crafts

Volumetric Ekibans from natural material "Autumn" are not made by folding dried leaves, as they will break. Therefore, the material for such work is processed in a special way.

This is done like this:

  • Prepare a solution consisting of 200 ml of glycerin and 400 ml of pure cold water.
  • Put fresh fallen leaves evenly and carefully in a plastic tight bag and fill them with the prepared solution.
  • The edge of the package with the contents is hermetically sealed with a heated knife or carefully sealed with adhesive tape.
  • The bag should be left in a cool, dark place for three to four days, and then removed and laid out on a paper towel to dry.

The leaves treated with this method will be flexible, retain their original appearance for a long time, and flowers of various shapes can be folded from them to create a stylish and original composition of leaves.

Material preparation for flat compositions

For flat crafts, there are several methods for drying raw materials:

  1. Drying with a hot iron. Autumn foliage and some small flowers are dried with an iron. To carry out this operation, the raw material is laid flat on thick cardboard and covered with thin paper. Then all this is gently ironed with an iron until the moisture completely evaporates. The iron should not be very hot.
  2. Natural drying: For this method, the collected flowers, folded in bunches, are hung on a rope in a dry room with good ventilation. The bunches are arranged with inflorescences down. Do-it-yourself “Autumn” created from such material from leaves from leaves will have an original natural look.
  3. Drying in the oven. This method is great for drying and preparing large single flowers (roses, tulips, peonies) for making ekibana and compositions. For this, a not very high temperature is set in the oven, within sixty degrees Celsius, and the raw materials, decomposed on the base, are slowly dried. In this case, you need to carefully monitor so that the flowers do not begin to turn brown or lose their shape.
  4. Volumetric drying of flowers. This method of drying is the best way to preserve the color and natural shape of the autumn flowers, which will make up the Ekibana leaves. With their own hands, autumn will be able to be preserved in this way for a long time. After cutting, the flower is placed in pre-calcined and dried sand for about one month. A container for this can serve as a drawer with a fine mesh at the bottom and a pull-out bottom. Terry, voluminous flowers, such as roses, dahlias or lilies, are placed with the stems down, and the flat inflorescences-baskets of flowers such as asters, buttercups, forget-me-nots or chamomile are placed with the stems up. At the same time, holding the flower in the desired position, it is carefully sprinkled with sand in layers to the top.

Tools for the job

Before making an ekibana, you need to prepare the following tools for work:

  • scissors, for adults - large long ones, and for children - small ones with rounded tips;
  • stacks - for children and a stationery knife - for adults;
  • an awl with a thin sting and a comfortable handle;
  • nail tweezers, in which the front part is flattened and twisted - for twisting some parts and wire;
  • long tweezers - for small parts;
  • thin, strong and flexible copper wire for frame crafts and toys 0.35 mm in diameter;
  • foil paper and foil for decoration;
  • threads and sewing needle - for fastening details and bouquets.

Materials for work

To create a do-it-yourself Ekibana from leaves "Autumn", you may need the following materials:

  • types of paper of different thickness, color and density (wallpaper, corrugated, parchment, velvet, copying, wrapping and landscape paper);
  • multi-colored polymer clay and plasticine - for sculpting additional details of the compositions;
  • PVA or "Mars";
  • brushes and gouache or watercolors are useful for painting materials and flat compositions;
  • for bulky work, you will need soft squirrel brushes and acrylic paints.

Rose from autumn fallen leaves

Ekibana on the theme "Autumn" will decorate the interior in an original and stylish way if it contains such a flower as a rose. You can make it yourself without much difficulty.

You will have to work creatively with plain maple leaves, strong threads, sunflower oil and golden paints. The foliage is pretreated with a glycerin solution, which is described above.

They turn out to be large, so five to seven of them will be enough for a bouquet. The foliage will be the same maple leaves.

Do-it-yourself Ekibana from leaves "Autumn" is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Fold the maple leaf in half with the right side out and roll it up.
  2. Place the bud into the base of a second maple leaf of the same color.
  3. Wrap the bud with the second sheet, thus forming a rose petal.
  4. Then take the next maple leaf and repeat the operation with an offset. The more such rose petals are made, the more voluminous the flower will turn out. For the appearance of a blossoming flower, each next leaf needs to be moved a little lower.
  5. A little higher than the leaf stalks, fasten the craft with a thread - and the first flower is ready.
  6. Make five to seven more similar flowers.
  7. To preserve their appearance - grease maple roses with sunflower oil and cover with golden paint.

At the final step, you need to take a small flowerpot, place several maple leaves in it and place the made roses in the form of a bouquet between them. Ekibana is ready and will delight the eye for a long time.