Understand that a friend likes me. How to understand at first glance that a guy likes you: we study male psychology. Unfamiliar men and colleagues

If a woman is silent, it means that she either paints her lips or comes up with what the man is again to blame. Well, if a man is silent, then things are bad. Because a woman is an emotional creature. After the first meeting with the man she liked, she can easily imagine how she married him and even knows what their future children will be called. And the man did not say a word about the wedding and future children ...

Therefore the question "Do a man like me?" for us women is paramount! But how to understand that a man likes a woman, that he is in love, if a man is silent all the time ?! Continuous torment and guesswork ... Look at the behavior of a man and outward signs? There have been cases in my life called "I would never have thought!". I just could not imagine that male indifferent behavior in my direction hides a volcano of inner passions.

But I will still list the well-known symptoms of male behavior when a man likes a woman.

How to determine that a man likes you - the main signs

A man gives flowers, makes dates, says compliments, escorts the woman he likes home, does not insist on sex on the first date. Everything is simple and clear! The woman immediately guesses: he likes me!

And if a man does not commit the above described romantic acts, does this mean that he is indifferent to a woman? It is not necessary at all, in this case we look at the man's instinctive reactions.

Here are some of the most common signs of unconscious male behavior when a man is in love:

1) The man looks more and longer than usual at the woman who attracts him. She tries not to let her out of sight, following her at some distance.

2) A man tries by all means to attract the attention of a woman he likes. For example, in the presence of a woman, a man can speak louder, take the initiative in conversation, and imagine, girls, he is even capable of reckless acts, just so that we pay attention to him.

3) And if it came to communicating tet-a-tet, then he will talk mainly about himself and about his accomplished deeds.

Also follows pay attention to the gestures and facial expressions of a man... So, open gestures, a smile, a tilt towards a woman when communicating are clear signs that a man is not indifferent to her. But you need to remember one simple thing - it all depends on the situation. We often tend to wishful thinking. Oh, these women's fantasies! Only a man can smile at us, because he is just in a good mood. And keep his hands on his belt, because it is convenient for him to stand like that.

In addition, in order to notice all these signs in a man's behavior, it is necessary to be with him in the same places and companies for at least some time. And if your relationship is mostly carried out by correspondence in Skype?

And I want to know now! And just then, when the unknown becomes simply unbearable, think about the man and formulate the question in your head: "How he treats me? Does he like me? ".

My congratulations! You just created a horary question. Is it the first time in your life that you hear about a horary question? This is the fastest and most reliable way to get accurate information about a worrying situation. By the way, people have been asking horary questions for more than one century and get the right answers to them.

Want to know how and why horary questions work? I'm telling ...

The fastest and most reliable way to find out is to ask the Horary question

First, a few words about Horary Astrology. This is the art of obtaining specific answers to specific questions from an astrological chart built at the time of asking a question. Such a card is called a horar (horoscope of a question), and a question is called a horary.

I must admit that for a long time I bypassed this branch of astrology, considering it something akin to fortune telling. With a basic technical background, it is difficult to use the method without understanding its basic principles. It was completely incomprehensible to me why the planetary positions at the time of asking the question give an answer to my question? Indeed, at the same moment in time, hundreds, and maybe even thousands of people can ask completely different questions, and the same planetary positions will give the correct answer to them?

And only after receiving a psychological education and becoming acquainted with the principle of synchronicity of Carl Gustav Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist, I was able to approach the study of Horary Astrology with full awareness. And then you can repeatedly verify in practice how accurately the horary map describes the situation.

Let's take a look at the main principle of why horary questions provide reliable information.

Why does Horar contain the correct answer to my question?

There is such a thing as synchronicity. For the first time, the founder of analytical psychology, Carl Jung, spoke about her in 1930.

What is synchronicity? It is a descriptive term for the relationship between two events related by a common meaning. It defines a relationship that is not causal.

For example, when a stone is launched into a window and the glass breaks, we are dealing with a causal relationship. The cause is a thrown stone, the effect is broken glass.

Synchronous relationship, unlike causal relationship, cannot be repeated and logically explained. It is based on the ability to observe your thoughts, feelings, premonitions, and intuitively associate them with certain external events.

So in Horary Astrology, for some reason you wait until a certain moment to ask your question. In other words, you are waiting for the Sun, Moon and other planets to take positions that will answer your question. Thus, the Universe generates a certain pattern of meaning that defies intellectual explanation, and you intuitively associate this pattern with your feelings and experiences. By the way, all the Signs and Clues of the Universe are also directly related to Jung's principle of synchronicity.

And some historical facts so that you don't think that Horary Astrology is a guessing or fortune-telling.

The heyday of Horary Astrology in Western Europe fell on the Middle Ages. At this time, the great English astrologer William Lilly worked, whose fundamental work "Christian Astrology", published in 1647, is still the reference book of modern horary astrologers. In addition, Lilly had no shortage of clients, since ordinary people visiting an astrologer often did not even know their date of birth, not that the time of birth, which is necessary to build a personal horoscope.

At the moment, the most famous horary astrologer is the Briton John Frawley. He is well known far beyond his native England for his accurate sports predictions and books on Horary Astrology.

I want to know the answer

If the horary question "Do a man like me?" You have created, now you just need to get an answer to it! We read how to do this.

Girls, why do we need to waste time on trifles? Can immediately know "Will we be together?" or "Will I marry him and will my marriage be happy?" Why torment and invent names for future children, if it is not That man?

Attention! Do not ask the answers to your questions from automated robots actively offering their services on the Internet. A motherboard and a hard-wired algorithm, instead of a heart, will hardly help you to understand the intricacies of love. Because in order to answer your question, in addition to professional skill, an astrologer needs intuition. And intuition is given to him only by a blessing from Above. Here we come to again.

Hope the question "Does he like me?" You are no longer bothered even if the man does not show "standard" instinctive responses. By the way, there is another proven way to find out what a man is silent about - just look him in the eye! :)
Good luck!

Imagine a situation - there is a guy or a man for whom you have increasing sympathy. And you seem to be not indifferent to him. Or maybe you are mistaken, and he absolutely "breathes evenly" towards you? It is common for a person in love to ascribe what he wants to the object of attention. How to understand that a man likes you? The article will help you figure it out and either start developing a relationship, or breathe sadly and look for someone else.

How to understand that a man likes you

You can, of course, just take and ask him: "Vasya, and Vasya! I like you, do you like me? "
That is, either drive him into a stupor if he is a timid dozen and is not spoiled by female attention, or get an immediate answer, which may not suit you. It’s awkward. It is better to act diplomatically and, based on various external signs, find out if a man is attracted to you.

How do you know that a man likes you without embarrassing him with awkward questions? Let's turn to psychologists for help. They argue that there are tons of signs that will definitely indicate that you are in the "zone of increased attention" of a man. Well, not Stirlitz, he is at the rate of enemies, in order to carefully disguise himself from everyone around! What should you pay attention to?


An open smile is the first and most important sign of one person's disposition to another. Men to women as well. An open, wide smile on his face indicates that he is ready to communicate and will gladly come into contact with you.


Not in the sense of well-groomed skin and the presence of a manicure. We look at the gestures. Does a man spread his arms wide to the sides when meeting you? He wants to hug you! Would he do that to someone he doesn't care about? Unlikely!
Does he tug at the collar of his shirt, touches his neck, straightens his tie and smoothes his hair while chatting with you? Feel free to credit a couple more points to your account! These are also signs of hidden sympathy on the part of a guy or a man.


Does he direct the toes of his shoes towards you when he sits? During a conversation, the whole body turns in your direction? Unconsciously copying your gestures? Three is zero in your favor!
The fact that a man is pleasant and comfortable to be in your company is also evidenced by such external signs: during a conversation he unfastens the top buttons of his shirt (if he is not wearing a T-shirt, of course!), Loosens the tie knot, slightly tilting his head towards you, demonstrates his open palms.


Do you love to touch what you like? A kitten, for example? Or a pretty box? This is an instinctive desire to touch everything that is inherent in the representatives of the strong half of humanity. So be sure that a man has sympathy for you if he tries to touch your hand at any opportunity. And not only to the hand ...
The classic of the genre - a man, while walking, holds the young lady by the elbow.
By this, he strives to show other males that the lady is not free and the place next to her is actually already taken.

Advice: when a man shakes hands with a lady getting out of transport, this is not necessarily a manifestation of sympathy. Most likely he is just well-mannered. Just check - see if he does it in relation to other girls? If YES, it’s just politeness. Thanks to his parents, they raised the boy correctly.

How to understand that a man likes you if you are not yet familiar

Above we were talking about men with whom you already know. And what to look for if you already like it, but it has not yet come down to it? Is it worth taking steps in his direction and as a result get a pleasant new acquaintance in all respects (if he likes you) or will it be "empty chores" with a loss of time and nerves?
Let's figure it out.

If you are not indifferent to him, he will try to flicker in front of your eyes as often as possible, collide with you - in general, fall within the radius of your visibility. "Back and forth, back and forth!" as one movie hero said.
And he will definitely try to stand out from the crowd of others in all possible and impossible ways. He needs to get your attention and he will use every opportunity to do so.
Periodically casting his fervent glances at you (do you notice his efforts?), He will speak to interlocutors much louder than usual (when you are not around).

One of the signs is that he will try to look more attractive outwardly. Pulling in the abdomen, straightening the stooped back and striving to stretch upward to appear higher are sure signs of a man's desire to attract your attention.

You and him alone

Are you lucky enough to be alone with a man with whom something is being born? Check it out for "I like you, girl!"
Does he ask questions about your interests? Leading a conversation on different topics? If there is a pause during a conversation, smiles broadly, reducing the awkwardness to nothing? We can safely say that he has more than just interest in you!

Does he not hesitate to examine you, while complaining that he still somehow had no luck in life with girls? A clear sign that he is hinting at how lucky he is to have you.

How to understand that a man likes you, communicating on the phone and the Internet

During a conversation, he is extremely tactful and polite. The voice can be gentle, velvety, as it is also called. He may also be agitated talking to you - this is already a sign of a more serious love. The man tries to joke, trying to make you laugh - in general, he does his best to leave a pleasant impression on you. A kind of "aftertaste" after a conversation with him, so to speak.

Communicating on the Internet, he inserts many pleasant emoticons into his letters, gentle words, and again jokes.
Unfortunately, some guys cannot "correctly" express their interest in a girl, and sometimes they simply hide it from her (and from themselves!) As a result, rudeness, inappropriate reproaches and sarcasm towards you appear. a sign of increased attention to your person. At this point, you have to choose - “send” such a boyfriend to hell, or “understand and forgive” ..

How to understand that a man likes you if you are work colleagues

Everything is simple here. You already know each other, every day in front of each other, so some signs will definitely indicate the presence of serious feelings towards you. It is important to distinguish between simple flirting (who doesn't flirt with young ladies in the workplace !?) from deep sympathy with the intention of developing a serious relationship.
Does he strive to touch you, passing by and gives unambiguous looks? That is, if he is not timid. Or, on the contrary, turns into a blushing freshman stuttering with embarrassment, not knowing what to say when he is around you? In both cases, there is a presence of certain feelings in him.

"Punch" him for the presence of love in a simple but effective way. Just ask him for help in some business that means you are alone with him. It was then that he “fluff up his feathers”, trying to show himself as a hero in your eyes! Will dig the earth!

In the meantime, he sweats out your request, start a conversation about something unrelated to your assignment. About a new film, about an interesting performance, for example. Or tell us about a cool cafe nearby.
Only an impenetrably stupid man will not take your hint and will not invite you to visit this exhibition, cafe or something you mentioned there with him. But you do not feel sympathy for the dumbass, so it is unlikely that he will not respond to your message. And if he still remains indifferent, then alas, he is indifferent to you. Sadness ...


It is only in this place and at this time. So there is no need to despair, everything can change at any moment.
How to attract a man is the topic of another article, but this one will end on an optimistic note: "You will definitely succeed, everything will be fine!"

In conclusion, as always, let's smile:

-My friend, you've lost a lot of weight lately ..

-Husband is cheating .. I'm worried, you understand ...

-So leave him, why suffer!

-Nooooo .. It's too early .. I want to lose another 5 kg!

How to understand that a man likes you? This question arises for most ladies after meeting an interesting person, if it is pleasant to spend time with him. According to statistics, women who are hopelessly in love with members of the opposite sex are often subject to love experiences. This same category of women is often most eager to know whether they are liked by the men whom they have sympathy for.

Signs of sympathy can be recognized by facial expressions, looks, gestures and other behavioral characteristics of the stronger sex. To discover all of this requires natural mindfulness.

Signs that a man likes you

How to understand that a young man sympathizes with a girl, if outwardly he does not show it? Male communication with a woman can actually tell a lot. Psychologists note a number of signs that help to understand that there is a certain male sympathy for a lady.

The most obvious sign of a man's good disposition towards a woman is an open smile. Through it, he sincerely demonstrates that he is glad to meet and is ready to communicate.

You can understand that a man likes you by gestures, paying attention to hand movements. If, when meeting, he spreads his arms wide to the sides, it means that he wants to hug the girl. The obvious signals of manifestation of male sympathy include touching your neck and your hair, touching the collar of your shirt, and focusing on your interlocutor with shoes.

In addition, an unconscious copying of female gestures will be evidence of male sympathy. Often, copying the gestures of a woman, a representative of the stronger sex wants to make a positive impression on the object of his interest. It will be a good sign if during the conversation the man is completely turned towards the woman. These signs include open gestures: loosening a tie, showing palms, unbuttoning the top buttons of a shirt. All these movements confirm that the interlocutor is comfortable in the company of this woman. Also, the reflection of interest includes attentive listening, accompanied by a slight tilt of the head towards the interlocutor.

You can easily talk about sympathy between a man and a woman if you are touched during communication. If a young man, when an opportunity arises, tries to touch a lady's hand, you can be sure of his sympathy. With the help of this gesture, the partner unknowingly shows other representatives of the stronger sex that this woman is busy.

If, during a walk, a young man supports a lady by the elbow, hugs, this indicates his desire to take the woman under his protection.

The evidence of a man's sympathy is the manifestation of gallantry. For example, he gives a hand, skips forward, helps to put on a coat. But this sign can also indicate a good upbringing. To confirm your guesses, you need to observe his behavior while communicating with other ladies. If the person of interest shows similar signs of attention to other ladies, then you should not attribute romantic overtones to his actions.

How do you know if an unfamiliar man likes you? This becomes obvious if he tries to meet as often as possible or seeks to systematically get into the field of vision of his desired object.

A man wants to be liked if he tries to attract attention to himself through emotional conversation or other tricks. So he tries to stand out from the crowd so that the girl for whom all this is intended will notice him, while he will periodically glance in the direction of his chosen one.

Alone with the object of his sympathy, a representative of the stronger sex will try to talk on a variety of topics, and will replace awkward pauses with a radiant open smile. A clear sign of interest will be questions about preferences, hobbies, women's tastes, and life in general.

How can you understand that a man likes a girl? If a man does not hesitate to look at the girl, then this suggests that she is interested in him. If a man is skeptical of the fair sex and says that he can’t meet the right girl in any way, then this probably means that you are the right girl.

You can understand that a man likes you from a telephone conversation, if the voice of the interlocutor is excited, polite, tactful, and a large number of jokes, pleasant words, emoticons will help to recognize signs of sympathy by correspondence.

It is important to remember that certain representatives of the stronger sex, not being able to express their sympathy and in every possible way hiding their interest, turn into rude ones. Grown men can often hurt with caustic remarks and frank reproaches.

How do you know if a married man likes you? A man who is next to a lady he likes tries to look taller, and at this moment his body is slightly stretched up and tense. When talking, it is important to pay attention to his face and if the eyebrows are slightly raised, expressing surprise, then this indicates sympathy.

During communication, you should also pay attention to the tone of the male voice, if the tone is measured, then this indicates interest. It is necessary to pay attention to whether the man is making eye contact. If it holds, then this also indicates sympathy. It is required to focus on how he behaves if someone approaches him. If, after talking with other people, he immediately forgets what your conversation was about, then the girl is not so important for him. If a man admires the appearance, compliments the female mind, then this also speaks of deep interest. If the chosen one is interested in his personal life, carefully finds out all the information, then this is a sure sign that he has certain plans for the girl. If a lady catches a man's gaze from head to toe, then this indicates that the man admires her.

You can understand that a married man likes you by his body movements, which also participate in the conversation. If a man often leans over to his lady to say something to her; if the body is turned towards her, then this is a sign of disposition and openness to communication.

If a man looks away when suddenly a woman notices that they are looking at her, then this is a sign of interest with a desire to hide this moment. A sign of a good attitude is pleasing little things, insignificant gifts, providing any kind of service, but frequent calls, messages and letters will indicate deep passion and love.

How to understand that your male colleague likes you? It is not difficult, it is only important to be able to distinguish the desire to flirt from sincere sympathy. A sign of a colleague's sympathy is a man's behavior. A brave colleague, passing by a woman, can throw unambiguous glances and, as it were, casually touch a woman's hand. A humble colleague in love in the presence of an object of sympathy is often lost, behaves clumsily and awkwardly. He tends to be either overly active, or overly squeezed.

Applying a woman's trick, you can find out how much a colleague is interested in a woman's person. To do this, you need to ask for help and be alone. If a colleague is in love, then he will prove himself a hero. While the man is busy with business, you should start a conversation on neutral and abstract topics. You can start a conversation about a new exhibition, concert, film. Any man will understand such a hint and if he has sympathy, he will take the opportunity to keep the lady company. If he has no sympathy, then he will not take advantage of this situation.

Hello! I cannot understand the attitude of my director to myself, maybe you can clarify the situation. In general, everything is fine and within the normal range, we communicate at work, but there are times when I don’t understand, either this is elementary politeness, or his sympathy for me. He is married, and I am free, and he knows it. He somehow unobtrusively tries to take care of me, helps in small things and is always very friendly with me and smiles. Please help me understand what it is.

Hello. I hope you will answer my comment. I like a man, he is 27. I am 20 and the age difference confuses me a little. He says he is "gluing" me. (He works as a counselor) I said that he might find another one. To which he replied, he was looking for a granny. (I just said that I was 20 and I was old) For the new year he invited me to his place, but I refused. When I meet, I am ashamed to look at him. Once, he grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and hugged me. When you meet, he constantly hugs. He says that he likes me, but he does not write. I am afraid that I will let me in, and he will deceive me. Help

  • Hello Anna. Whether this guy deceives you or not, only time will tell. Any relationship is dynamic, and even if the guy is sympathetic to you now, then everything can change after some time. Enjoy today and the moment, allow yourself to be happy.

Hello! I'm 36. I've been married for almost 10 years. In marriage, I have always felt happy. The love of my husband was enough for me and the attention of strangers caused unpleasant sensations. But a few months ago a young man called out to me. I drove out of the courtyard of the house, and he drove in. I had to stop to let him pass. And instead of hurrying up he asked: "Do you like coffee?" “Yes,” I replied. "I love coffee, but only in the morning and with my husband." She smiled and left. In the evening I told my husband. We laughed. The man was handsome, in a nice car. I liked that situation, so I remembered it. And everything would have remained just some pleasant occasion, but I began to notice that very car. I began to wonder who the coffee lover came to. It turned out that he was my upstairs neighbor. We periodically began to meet at the entrance, but every time he pretended to see me for the first time. I have a dog. When we come across him, and at this moment I am with the dog, he examines it, turns around, but does not raise his eyes at me. When I see him in his car, he looks at me. I can't stand this gaze and is the first to break eye contact. Once it seemed to me that he suddenly saw me, got scared and left.

Hello! I like the neighbor downstairs, young, lonely, not stupid, we met when they received the keys to a new apartment, my mother became the initiator of communication with him, at the first meeting she asked about me that I was who I was, I didn’t ask anything like that ( I'm 26, he is 28), the first month we moved, often on weekends I went to visit, for tea, but everything was limited only to conversations on general topics, repairs, moving, not a single hint of anything, but when on the street I crossed paths with my mother always asked about me if I was at home, and so on, then disappeared for two months, did not come to visit, showed up a couple of weeks ago, just came to visit as unprecedented, we had a nice conversation on general topics, he invited me to visit him in the evening, show what furniture I chose, all the conversations on general topics, and that's it, I went to my room, on the weekend I went to visit again, drank tea, talked on general topics, no hints of anything. I began to lure him with pies, pastries, I came with joy, I treated him, and that's all, I like him as a man, but I have never had such an experience of communicating with men, all the men I liked always showed signs attention, hug, joke, talk about personal topics, and this is the first time, I don't believe in friendship between a man and a woman, so I can't understand if he comes just as a neighbor or he likes me, but he is either in no hurry, or he has somebody. I never openly showed the first man that I liked him, the initiative was always from the man. From what I know about him: he has an older brother and sister, he loves his mother very much, in my presence he spoke very nicely to her on the phone and called her “mommy” (but my mother lives in another city, she does not often see her) , lives alone, was not married, very independent, bought an apartment himself, moved, did everything himself, did not see him with women. Friends advise to take everything into their own hands, but he does not look like an insecure man, he is purposeful, held in my opinion.

When I come to visit, I always meet with a smile, I say that I am glad to see.

Hello! I'm 25! Could you help me! I can't quite understand! I have a man at work who is 33, I liked him! But I don't understand him! I constantly catch his eye on myself, I notice that sometimes he tries to be where I am! For some time they corresponded, talked about interests, work, family, he shared with me about his ex-wife! But live conversation does not go well at all, and if something needs to be decided at work, then he tries to arrange a step and leave, or starts to get nervous and aggressive! What does this all mean?

  • He really likes you ... that's why he gets nervous when talking or even retires so as not to spoil everything! Take the first step yourself, in the sense of joking, start different conversations on any topic, and make him feel comfortable next to you, you will see that as soon as this fear of ruining everything goes away, it will open to you!

the man paid signs of attention for a long time, but did not take the first step at all. in the end, I waited so long and did not wait. then he somehow completely closed himself off from me.
when we saw each other, he even stopped looking at me, did not say anything to me, and when he said hello he looked at the floor.
liked to hurt something
but this all gave way to the fact that he was worried why I was without a hat in this weather, if I would freeze - as if by chance

and I'm confused, I don't know how to behave

what can you say about all this?

Hello. I'm 21. There was only one relationship. Free now. I came to visit a friend. She lives with her brother. He is 3 years younger than me. At first they did not communicate. And then it got better somehow. And we could sit and talk for hours. Basically, he came when he saw me and told different incidents from his life. I listened to him, laughed, it was interesting. So we started to communicate more often. I noticed that he was staring into the eyes. Often catches my eye. During a conversation, especially if I say something, then he looks very attentively and intently into the eyes, I try not to avert and also look. And then I feel that I can't help but watch. What a special atmosphere. Over time, I began to notice that during a conversation she straightens her hair, touches her neck and arms, even pulled up her socks. We got hooked on coffee in bags and when he went to the store, he bought them for me. It was nice. Then we often played the fool with him. When I was in no mood, he tried to support, asked about my family, personal life. And he himself gave some rather personal information about his family and previous relationships, although I did not ask. Once I was going to the store, got up from the stool, and he put his hand on his shoulder and sat him back down, saying that he would come with me. And in the end, he often put his hand on my shoulder. When they walked alongside, he seemed to touch me with his body, even in the store he put his hand on his shoulder when he said something. Then I noticed, as it were, accidental touches. When we were talking again, he touched my elbow, when he passed me and I had to move away, he touched my side slightly. When he sat down next to show the video legs. When the bracelet broke, he took my hand straight and began to repair it, and then he was like this: he didn't take it off. And then he took it off his hand and fixed it. When he passed something, took it from my hands, it was as if he was touching it on purpose. He also looked intently at the same time. He said that with people like me he can behave naturally and be himself. I noticed in my character what others did not notice. He seems to see right through me. Such an atmosphere was ... When I look at him_ as if there was some kind of connection. But. He has a girlfriend he recently started dating. And one day he said that he was in a hurry. The fact that it is good with her, but when she is next to him he wants to leave, and when she is not, he wants to meet with her, communicate, and so on. I understand the story is very long. But I want to understand: is it friendly sympathy or something more?

  • Hello Maria. Male psychology is such that men are experimenters by nature, who, over time, have a desire to diversify their own existence. The stronger sex is very flattered by the attention from the representatives of the opposite sex and the presence of permanent relationships is not a hindrance to this. Understand - friendly sympathy or something more, you can eventually, if the guy decides to look after you.

    Hello Maria. To understand this, you need to step back a little, deprive him of the opportunity to be with you. Looking at his reaction, you will understand everything yourself. If you like him, tell him that you cannot see him so often, this is not good in relation to his girlfriend. Then he will make his choice. A man, losing something important, will strive to conquer it. And, having spent some effort on this, he will value and be afraid of losing.

    Most likely more! Otherwise, he would not have revealed himself so much, especially since he hurried with his girlfriend ... give him time, right now he just got confused ...

Hello. I have a fatal situation. Familiar, the entrance to the house. When we remain in unity, it burns when a rock is straight with someone. We constantly correspond, see each other often, but I cannot understand him. We are both not alone.

Hello! I need help ... 9 months ago we broke up with a man (he thought I was jealous of him and hung up). After almost 4 months, I called him myself. Since then, I sometimes call, talk about everyone and everything, just not about our relationship. He helped me buy appliances for the house, helped me with the child. But he doesn't call himself. Recently asked for help with furniture. I agreed. How to assess his behavior? Does he want our relationship back? We've been dating for almost 4 years. And we are already over 40 ...

Hello, I'm an adult girl, but I can't fully understand if he likes me ?!) Six months ago, there was no action on his part, we work together, and now he is even trying to touch me. Passing me, either a chair or me will be touched. The other day, in general, he took me by the waist, removing his hands, she quickly left him, did not expect this. Explain what it is ?!) P.S. I really like him. Thanks.

  • And what is his look ??? What words does he say ??? Does any pleasant action ??? Type of protection, help in something, compliments, gestures ... write for more details

Hello! I got into a slightly incomprehensible situation. In recent days, one friend began to write every day, to be interested in how I am. We seemed to communicate normally before, I generally listen to all my acquaintances with pleasure, but to write every day. I respect this person for certain reasons, but this is not love. He is married and has a child. He says that I am his good friend and acquaintance, he was glad to meet me. She always calls her kind, smart, beautiful. Perhaps I am worried in vain and maybe this is true from a purely friendly gesture, he writes and says something similar. I just don't want to be in an awkward situation, especially since this is one of my former teachers from foreign language courses.

  • Hello Lada. Write to a friend about your feelings and doubts directly "I would not like to be in an awkward situation", the situation will immediately become clear for you.

      • Good afternoon, Svetlana. You're right. The topic covered in this thread is not a psychological problem. If you want to understand the attitude of a representative of the opposite sex to yourself, it is not a difficult task for a mature person.

Hello. Tell me please, I would very much like to know ... My friend looks at me, but as soon as I notice it, he immediately looks away. When communicating, he looks from his eyes to my lips. A couple of times I noticed how he was watching me. We communicate just like acquaintances. How can you assess all this?

Hello. Thoughts of my colleague's sympathy for me began to creep into my head. We are constantly fooling around like children, and if someone sees us, they will definitely say "kindergarten!" All the time he tries to hurt me with a word, say something not very pleasant, it got to the point that we (as a joke, naturally) begin to pinch each other, he tugs at my hair and jacket, spanked and pinched my butt several times .. And several times he scolded me for not picking up the phone, of course during working hours, outside of work we do not communicate, we also have dinner separately. The fact is that he is married, of course I have little experience, but it seems to me that a married man should not behave this way in relation to a colleague. I would not say that I have sympathy for him as a man, but our jokes help to make the process of work not so boring or something. Maybe there is no subtext, and a young man (30 years old) is also trying to somehow distract himself from working days?

Tell me these are the signs that I like me or it seems to me. ??? In general, from my intuition, I always had a complete ok (I am a scorpion), but in this case I do not trust myself - I like this comrade too much. We work together, he has been working with us recently, but I have known him for a long time, he worked in our company, but in another division, now he works with us. he is not the biggest boss, but big, he is focused on ethics, subordination, and in general he wants to be correct, he always gets attention and me too, so an affair at work is dangerous and not what he and me need. he is gallant and well-mannered, so I don't pay attention to politeness and constant compliments ... But there are signs that make me think-1. blushes when we meet in private, one day I suddenly went into his office, he looked at me with absolutely mad eyes, I asked if it was possible to come in looking at me - dumbfoundedly silent, I had to go in without permission - I don’t know what he was doing there, maybe he slept? Then it seemed that I woke up and began to do what I asked but was very twitchy - instead of just looking at my calendar, I opened the whole computer to me - I won't go to him again. He always smiles broadly, radiantly, and quietly, and even I would say greets gently - although he never complained about his voice - moreover - every time he greets me more and more quietly and on Friday he generally switched to a whisper. whispered - hello Svetlana - I'm not sure in shock that someone else greeted me like that. True, I can only smile in response because my throat squeezes and I'm afraid to squeak in response, so I don't answer anything at all and just smile. 2 all the time I see so many random encounters I have no skem I decided to check - I got up in the corridor and talked with my colleagues - I walked by five times. - thought that usually his route does not lie quite there. 3 He speaks to me quietly with my colleagues, laughs like a horse in front of me, jokes with my friends - not with me - only smiles. He tends to joke a little patronizingly - for example, giving his assistant sweets - do not eat too much stomach ache, with my colleague, my closest colleague in general suddenly became a best friend - he will not pass by without sharpening and bonjour Michael (my colleague of French origin) and a beard he will comment on him, nothing has ever happened to me, she dyed my hair bright red - only the lazy one didn’t say anything to me about this, only he didn’t - it would be better to be so kind to me. 4 assent to me and often says “that he too,” for example - my leader, his subordinate, says - here Svetlana loves India, he was delighted to talk about me too - although no one asked him, recently he spoke in paints about his difficult past - for a long time he worked in the same position as me and was in the same group as me. Although I see that our points of view really coincide in many respects and our assessments of the situation are similar .. And people have already begun to notice this ... I say this crap needs to be reduced by 2 cm, he comes - he says - it's better to make this crap less than 2 centimeters. so ... In group disputes, he always supports me, especially when I am pressed - although this may not be an indicator, it may just be that I am always right)). Our meetings with him are always delayed for 2 hours instead of the planned 30 minutes, I am pleased to talk to him there is a suspicion that the rest of the people are dying for him too - when will they shut up ?! :)) 5 when we just start group communication and I come or he comes - at the first moment he does not look at me at all as if I am not there - everyone is already looking at me, but not he, when I already address him directly - he gives me his embarrassed smile and finally starts talking to me - I must say I not the last person in the company - why should he ignore me ?? it pisses me off. He didn’t make a good point about me, I said behind his back, thinking that he had already left - what is this ignore? But he apparently heard the file that he was going to send to my manager - he sent me and put my manager in a copy - why so sharply react to women's whims ?? Where is his business ethic finally? 7 When he thinks he doesn’t see him, he has a very harsh expression on his face and he fusses a little, but in my presence I can say that he is an absolute darling and his back is absolutely straight. I do not speak about the strange tasks that he directs me with enviable regularity through my leader, because, perhaps, only to me they seem strange - in fact, they may contain a huge strategic meaning, which I cannot understand with my almost abandoned mind. I like him, so I can't always control myself and I understandably also signal unconsciously that I like him, perhaps I myself provoke him, although no one has told me yet, thank God, that it is noticeable that I like him. What kind of person he is - he is emotional, I suppose that he is a little adventurous, he expresses his desires quite freely what he likes and what he doesn't like, loves to give advice, but he is a very well-organized person, smart and pragmatic enough, he is an adult, but the difference is in us mind not akhtung-6 years old, although I'm sure he thinks that I'm younger. In general, I have recently been going to work like on a holiday! :)) so what would you say?

Hello, why did a stranger gaze intently, for a long time and often into the eyes, and when the gazes met, did not look away? I constantly felt his gaze. And when they met by chance, he blushed and passed, trying not to look in the eyes

Hello. I like one colleague who is not free, he thinks that I am also not free. We meet often, but talked little, it seems to me that he always looks at me appraisingly. Recently he came to my office and for at least 10 we talked mainly about me, more precisely, about my other places of work. In the course of the conversation, I tried to transfer the conversation to him, like where did you work, etc. It seemed to me that we talked so well, but on the same day I met him in a place where we usually crossed and ... when he saw me (I'm sure he saw), he turned his back on me and pretended to communicate with colleagues, but did not see me ... Could this be an indication that the person has lost interest? Did I frighten him with something? Thank you in advance for your response.

Hello, I am 14 years old.
In your article it was written that if a guy escorts home, then he is interested in it, and so a similar situation with my classmate is just along the way and he often walks home with me.
My friend also says that he looks at me during the lesson, although he sits behind me and I think that not at me, but at the board. Even from 2nd to 4th grade, he pissed me off, then he would pull the scythe, then kick my chair, and in the 5th grade he changed dramatically and became friendly and even supported in difficult times.
Due to the fact that we often communicate both in class and at recess, our classmate asked me right in front of him if I liked him, and I replied: “Are you crazy? Of course not, I am not interested in such nonsense like love. " (I was 12 then), but he did not react in any way and simply kept silent, but did not stop communicating with me, but on the contrary, he would prompt me in the lesson, or treat me with a tasty treat.
I am not strained by our relationship, but I do not know if I like him, and if he likes me?
Please help as an adult child.

Hello. Here in my yard there is a boy, he is a year younger than me, I like him, his behavior shows that he can like me too. After all, he finds a moment constantly to touch me somehow, to play a trick (but not offensive), in general he does not treat all other girls like he does. But another girl from our yard likes this boy and, in comparison with me, he constantly laughs at her and does not seem to notice her, but on the contrary, he notices me and treats me much better. There were moments when he had a choice with whom to sit closer to me or to another girl, and he sat down to me, also huddled. And when I fell, he helped me to get up, when I could not climb a tree - he helped me by extending his hand. Of course, I think that he likes him and to check this I want to hug him before leaving, since I have never hugged before. Do you think it is worth confessing your sympathy for him, or is it better to wait a little longer when he does it?

  • Hello Yana. Better to wait, boys like to conquer girls. Admitting that you can scare the boy away from yourself, he may lose interest, because the male sex at a young age is afraid to show his weaknesses in the form of an open manifestation of sympathy.

Good day! My name is Tatiana, I am 28 years old. I am married, my husband is 19 years older than me. Together we are 7 years old, no children. I love him, he also loves me very much, he is ready to do anything for me. Previously, I did not look at other men at all, but after a long separation from my husband 2 years ago, it seemed to break me. Since then, I have been freely flirting with men, but it never came to concrete love. A year ago we met with a classmate, he got a job with my husband (he is the head of the security department). Now we see each other periodically. Previously, at the school, we did not really communicate, he was not interesting to me at all, but now I like it, but it’s so good that I dream from time to time, I’m already afraid not to speak in my sleep. In general, the point is that I had a feeling that my relationship with my husband has become obsolete (and I have sympathy for this guy. Usually I feel if a man likes me, but I would like to know for sure, I'm still married. his behavior:
Yesterday I needed to talk to him on a very delicate topic: a friend was depressed from unrequited love, I asked if he had unmarried friends. His first answer was:
- do you want to marry me?
“No,” I say, “I don’t want to marry you!”
Gradually moved on to the question of why he is single (my age). To which he replied that his requests were too large.
All the time from the moment of the meeting, he did not stop smiling, looked at me point-blank, approached a distance of 40 centimeters, no more. I know him from school, he is always positive, so I get lost. During the conversation, he first smoked, then put his hands in the pockets of his trousers and did not take them out.
Please help me understand the degree of his sympathy.

My name is Natasha, I am 30 years old, married, my son is 5.6 years old. I met a 40-year-old divorced man, by chance, at a meeting with classmates. I will not say that I don’t love my husband, no, I love him and is faithful to him, even though he is rude to me, he even raised his hand before. But in communication with this man, his name is Sasha, I realized that I liked him as a man. I used to be able to flirt with men, but I never went further than flirting. But this time everything is somehow different. I am quite well versed in people, not only on the basis of my conclusions, the profession compels (I am a neuropathologist-psychotherapist), helped many friends to keep their families together. I see and see well that this man also liked me, even at the first meeting, and he told me this directly. He was married, 2 children from marriage, did not abandon them, which speaks of decency, but also affection for his ex-wife ... He wants to continue our communication ... But I can not decide whether I need it or not. But I know for sure that I really want new feelings. I ask for advice!

  • Hello Natasha. The ethical code of a psychologist prohibits giving advice to a client, since any advice is a decision from the point of view of the person who gives this advice. Advice is an instruction, an indication of how to proceed, based on personal experience, including complexes and prejudices.
    Nobody knows better than you what to do. Only you know all the features of your situation.

Hello, my name is Nastya, I'm 14. There is a boy in my yard (a year older than me). When I started walking in the yard, we didn't communicate so well, but then after a while we got into a very good conversation. For a year now we have been communicating every evening, I like him, but if he likes me, I don’t know. There was such a case when he yelled at my friend and me out of anger, well, we took offense and left the gazebo, I am an emotional person and therefore burst into tears. But in the evening at 23 (as usual at this time we start chatting) he sent a huge letter of apology. And there is another boy in our yard (he is a year younger than me) and I think that he likes me because when we were running he ran and slapped on the butt. And when we watched the video with a friend, he lay down chtoli on my lap to see what we were watching. I don’t know who I might like, help me figure it out.

Hello !!! I like one guy, he is 4 years older than me (I'm 18). I have never had a boyfriend, so I don’t understand much. Help, the situation is this: we work together, he is cute, funny, sociable. With me He jokes all the time, scoffs, calls her plump, black, funny, strange, awkward, and so on (all in an affectionate version, a smile on his face, as if he gets pleasure from it). All the time he bully, pushes, pokes. And I also noticed that when he jokes, he looks at me. Sometimes it seems that he likes me, but sometimes he can call me a little girl, kids, brother. It seems that he’s joking. All the time he asks why I don’t have a boyfriend. this is how he communicates, and by the way, I already know his mother. Could it be that he likes me or does he treat me like a little sister?

Hello. My name is Sofia. I am 14 years old. There is a guy in the class that I like. He is trying in every possible way to draw my attention to himself, slaps on the shoulder, etc. He takes my things and is trying to make me laugh, while looking straight in the eyes. Then he will take my backpack or put it on himself, or put it on another desk. He jokes in front of me. As stupid as it may have been, he gave me the jumper. If I ask him something, he will answer with a joke. Sometimes I notice glances on myself. For example, one situation that happened recently. He did something funny, I laughed, he says like “high five, well, let’s not break off” just as when we were sitting next to him, at one point, for no reason, he began to look into the eyes for a long time. Without looking away. Could this mean something? He treats other girls differently, does not show any of the above. And if this means something, then how can I get the first step from him, how to show that I am also not indifferent to him?

Friendship and relationships. There is sometimes such a thin border between these concepts that a girl in friendship with a guy, willy-nilly, may begin to ask the question: "Do he like me, or am I just a friend for him?" Therefore, I propose to consider how to find out if a guy, a man at work, or a boy at school likes you. Indeed, many girls and women who like this or that man are interested in the desire to understand the answer to this particular question.

In order not to get into an awkward situation with a showdown, it is worth figuring out whether you really like you, or is it just a fantasy played out. Because men are not always great examples of verbal explanations of feelings. However, by studying the male behavior and actions of the guy, the girl can see clear signs of his interest in her.

So here we are going to look at some of the signs of male body language that will help you determine whether he likes you or not, and whether he has warm feelings for you or not?

How to know if a guy or a man likes you

How he talks to you. The way a young man communicates with you can say a lot about his attitude towards you. That is, he treats you as his girlfriend, or still, as a friend? Try to highlight the following points:

  • Does he keep eye contact with you during a conversation, or hide, lower his eyes? Perhaps the fact is that he is just ashamed of you, because he likes you!
  • How easily is he distracted from the conversation and from you? Perhaps during a conversation with you someone hailed him, or called. If after that the young man immediately forgot about the subject of your conversation, maybe he is simply not interested in what you talked about, or he considers it not important to himself.
  • Does he compliment you? If so, and moreover it happens quite often, most likely, the young man admires you. Or, for example, he often uses your name because he likes it.
  • Pay attention also to what he says to you. Does he tease you? Don't be in a hurry to be offended. Of course, jokes are different, but if in his conversation he sometimes jokes harmlessly about you, this may indicate that he is just flirting or trying to please.
  • Sharing him with you something personal is the next way to know if a guy likes you? It is not typical for a man to share personal feelings, any worries or problems with just anyone. Sometimes they keep emotions in themselves for a long time. This means that if a young man shares with you such experiences, personal plans for the future, family problems - this means that you have won his trust and, most likely, he wants a serious relationship with you.
  • Is he interested in your past? In the process of communication, sooner or later, the conversation may turn to the past. Namely about past relationships. What is the evidence of the fact that the young man supports this topic, moreover, he asks questions about it? That he is trying to figure out if you like other guys, if you are free, if you want a new relationship.

Also, in how to understand that a guy likes a girl, an important sign is his attitude towards other girls.

  • Pay attention to how he relates to your opinion. Is it special and important to him? Or are you just another girlfriend for him, with whom he, as with all girls, behaves the same way?
  • Listen to what he says about past relationships. If his stories are short, full of humor or sarcastic remarks, it is possible that he himself is not serious about the relationship, and you are not an exception. But be careful, sometimes this attitude hides a desire to make you jealous.
  • How do you communicate when you are not around? Does he write to you, or does he only remember from meeting to meeting? Does she get excited when you are on the phone, or maybe she writes witty text messages? Yes, this is not the most important indicator, and perhaps he simply does not like communication on the Internet. Therefore, do not rush to get upset if you do not communicate on social networks as often as you would like. Maybe it is more pleasant for him to see you in person?

The next tip on how to determine if a guy likes you is to analyze the time and place in which you are dating.

  • What time and place can tell? Remember, do you always see each other only in noisy companies, at parties, visiting mutual friends, or does he only call you for a walk together? And if you stop by for a bite to eat, is it a noisy, crowded place where you hardly hear what the interlocutor is saying, or does he prefer a calmer, even romantic environment? Or maybe he showed you something special - “his” place, where he likes to come to think about something important.
  • Do you meet only when it is convenient for him, for example, after his work, some business, or does he take into account your circumstances? If all of the above situations or circumstances still speak in favor of the guy's liking, do not rush into action. Make sure that all this does not just seem to you against the background of your own love. If you are sure that he likes you, or you just think that there is nothing wrong with that, you can tell him about your feelings yourself.
  • After all, oddly enough, but often in a couple where there is mutual sympathy, both are afraid to admit it only because of fear that the other does not experience these feelings. But do not overdo it with signs of attention, recognition or expression of feelings, so as not to scare the guy, even if he likes you. You hardly want to seem like a mad hunter. So let everything go on as usual, it is not without reason that it is said that "everything has its time." Be sincere, be yourself and feelings, if they really exist, will definitely show!

Signs that a man likes you

Body language can also tell a lot about how a man or young man treats you. Try to pay attention to how he behaves with you:

  • Does he supposedly touch you "accidentally"? His knee touches yours when you watch a movie and he doesn't seem to notice it. Or his hands hold your hand a little when you pass something. This may indicate that the guy would like to be closer to you.
  • Does he often surreptitiously glance at you? Have you noticed that in a noisy company, where there are many people, he, nevertheless, most often looks at you. Especially if you think you don’t notice his gaze?
  • What does he do for you personally? Let's say he knows what you are fond of, what you love. Does he try to use it to please you? (, you can find out by reading the article on the site).
  • Does he care about you? On a cold evening, is in a hurry to put his jacket on you or comes to pick you up after school / work, so that you do not travel in noisy transport? Always ready to help if something breaks with you and, of course, spoils you with your favorite sweets? If so, write down a couple more points in your favor.

  • Is he there at difficult times? As we have said, men are strikingly different from women. And women’s tears irritate them altogether. Therefore, if a guy is still next to you when you are sad, wipes your tears away and tries to comfort you, most likely he is not indifferent to you. Otherwise, he simply wouldn't be wasting his time.
  • In how to check if a guy likes you, pay attention to one feature - synchronicity. He will consciously or unconsciously imitate your movements. For example, when you drink from a glass, he also drinks. If you cross your legs while sitting, he does the same. Or if you have similar colors of clothes, you sit in the same position - these are all good signs. When you both are surprised by the same things, that's a big plus. If he laughs at your jokes, that's extra points.
  • The man often smiles, looking directly at you. At the same time, he has some kind of special grin or a smile that applies only to you and none of the other women. His eyebrows go up, not dramatically, but enough to make you a special girl. He laughs when you laugh, because he wants to be on the same wavelength.
  • Is he trying to get to know you better? For example, in a company he tries to be closer to you, often looks for reasons to meet in the middle of the week, finds out what films you like, or what hobby you have, where does the scar on your knee come from and what are the names of your pets, then you should know that he has a purpose ... Most likely, this goal is to become closer to you, more interesting.
  • He really likes you if he supposedly casually plays or touches your hair. Men love beautiful female hair more than you think. The longer his hands stay on your head, caressing your hair, the clearer the signs that the guy likes you.

  • How does he represent you in society? As funny as it sounds, if a guy likes you, chances are he will have trouble introducing you to his friends. And all because introducing you as a friend would not be entirely true for him, if he experiences feelings greater than friendship. But he cannot call him a girl either, because he is not sure whether you feel such feelings for him. Therefore, do not rush to be offended if the guy hesitated, trying to introduce you to his friends and acquaintances.
  • Do you know his family, friends? You must admit that it is not so important to introduce an ordinary friend to a mother or childhood friend as it is to a girl you like. If a guy invites you home for a family dinner or introduces you to his best friend, most likely he has plans for your future relationship.

How to tell if a boy likes you

Let's take a look at a number of signs his body language can tell you that he likes you. By the way, a huge indicator of desire and sympathy is as frequent physical contact as possible.

  • The boy tries to hug you from behind. This is unusual, but it probably means that he lacks the courage to hug like an adult. But he's very happy to see you and can't wait for you to turn around to look him in the face.
  • He grabs your elbow.
  • Hugs you while walking.
  • Looks for excuses to playfully touch your hand or hold your hand.
  • He crashes into objects: desk, table, board due to nervousness.
  • May forget basic information about you: name or address, because she is nervous.
  • Plays on fingers with any rings due to nervousness.
  • Rearranges all the objects on the table without finding a place for them. He needs to do something with himself because he is afraid of his emotions.
  • He tries to look more mature and serious in your presence.

  • Due to the sudden amount of energy at the sight of a girl of his sympathy, he can behave like a small child: make noise, playfully fight, jump with other classmates. These are all signs that the guy at school likes you.
  • He suddenly needed to straighten one of his socks and pull it up — an old trick.
  • Constantly smooths her hair in your presence. Since he is driven by the desire to look better in order to noticeably stand out against the background of other young men.
  • Looks at you for a long time.
  • He smells of cologne perceptibly, especially if this has not been noticed before.
  • His posture has improved to look more confident, stronger, more courageous.
  • He licks his lips, usually subconsciously.
  • He tries to protect you because he feels confident and wants you to treat him as a protector.
  • Oddly enough, but he can hum in your presence or whistle some kind of melody, because he is happy and free.


You met a guy with whom you began to be friends, communicate, but his behavior is unclear, and you do not know if they have any future other than friendship. This is a classic situation where you regularly communicate and get bogged down in a relationship that counts as more than friendship but less than love. Therefore, the thought resonates in women's heads, how to find out that a guy likes you? Because most men, as mentioned earlier, are not ready to directly tell the girl about it. In view of this, it is worth observing the body language of a guy who often speaks more than words of confession.

Quite a few books have been written about how and how to understand that he liked you. There are whole techniques of seduction and hidden calls by which you can understand his feelings for you. So that you do not take idle talk as a manifestation of sincere feelings, we invite you to take a closer look at the guys you know and, according to our advice, reveal their intentions towards you.


A simple test will help you figure out if a guy really likes you. Just ask him for help. By his reaction and action, you can immediately determine whether he likes you. Undoubtedly, during the execution of the request, he will not miss talking with you and demonstrate maximum skills while providing the necessary assistance. Pay attention to what aspects of your life he is interested in - if there are interests, then you definitely like them. He may volunteer to take you home.


The man will use every opportunity to touch you. If your hands accidentally touch, he will not remove his.

On occasion, a man will not miss the opportunity to hug you - there can be any reason.

He can touch you in a comic form, pat you by the cheeks and ears (this is not always pleasant and looks stupid, but what can you do). The touch should be spontaneous and awkward. And again - take a closer look at how a man behaves with other women. Maybe touching girls is normal for him.


When a guy compliments him, it’s a clear sign of sympathy. He notices any changes in your appearance (whether you dyed your hair or), will admire the beauty, will not miss the opportunity to admire even the smallest details. In addition, the guy will be polite not only towards you, but also towards others. He will make way for pregnant and elderly people on the bus, help friends and girlfriends, impress you in any way, but so that you can see it all.


If a guy is passionate about you, during communication he will behave stiffly, blush, lower his eyes, look away and stutter at times.

He may just forget the words and smile stupidly.

In order to gather strength and speak with you, it takes him a long time, while with other girls he can speak easily and not feel embarrassed. The guy will be interested in your interests so that he can keep the conversation going and surprise you.

Other signs include:

  • He will not gossip and speak with indifferent phrases;
  • Will be somewhat intrusive towards you;
  • If you have not been to an event, he will mention this during a conversation with you and will look upset;
  • Through your girlfriends, he learns about your interests and what you like to do in;
  • If you spend more time with other people than him, he will get angry, twitch and show aggression;
  • Is attentive to your mood and pays attention to your needs;
  • Introduces you to your friends;
  • Calls often;
  • Doesn't see your shortcomings and mistakes;
  • Doesn't embarrass you;
  • Shows sensitivity, attentiveness and care towards you;
  • He tries to protect and preserves as best he can;
  • Bored in your absence;
  • Perform unusual and memorable actions;
  • Trying to get your attention;
  • Comparing you to other girls, exalts you above all of them;
  • Find out your phone number and start the correspondence first;
  • Will be active on your page in;
  • In front of you, he will joke, seem witty and funny.


The duration of the correspondence. If a guy likes you, he will strive for long-term communication and will not interrupt your correspondence after a few days.

Correspondence activity. Analyze how often you interact with your boyfriend - every day, every other day, or once a week. A loving and very busy man will always find a few minutes for you and at least ask how you are doing.

Who writes first? If, after seeing you online, a guy starts scribbling letters - this is a good sign. If you write first, and he still dares not to answer, the communication should be stopped.

Questions. See what questions he asks you. Is he interested in what you do, what you like to eat, watch, read, where to go? Or does he focus solely on his personality, or is he openly rude to you, or makes an obscene proposal and insists on an early meeting with the purpose of intimacy?

Signs of attention. Does he like your photos, songs and captions in? Does it track changes on the page? Does she watch when you are online to write to you as soon as possible? If so, that's a good sign.

Is he trying to end the correspondence quickly. If he does not seek to run away and is disappointed when you go somewhere, be sure that he likes you. Additionally, he may ask when you will be online again and if you can devote time to him.


To understand if a Cancer man likes you, you will need to turn on all your observation, because this zodiac sign is secretive enough... in every way they try to hide their feelings, being afraid to look like idiots and be offended by you. In any case, a Cancer man in relation to a girl he likes will become sweet and sensitive. Sociable crayfish can become embarrassed and withdrawn into themselves. But he will not miss the chance to compliment you.

Crayfish men in love show penchant for maximalism... He will be ready to do anything for you. If the flowers are a huge bouquet, if the restaurant is chic and expensive, if the rest is the most romantic and in the best hotel ... In general, for the sake of his beloved man-cancer, the mountains are rolled up and the moon will get out of the sky.

Crayfish are distinguished by pathological jealousy... A man will be jealous of you about and without, so you have to think 100 times before smiling sweetly at some man.

Cancer man will not show weakness in your presence... He will always ask for trouble, will be in the center of events. If suddenly he gets sick and goes down with a temperature, you will be the last one to know about it.

Love cancer can change his habits for the sake of a girl, but it's worth a lot. This will happen gradually, but it will happen.