Congratulations on the day of the nurse to the aunt. Congratulations on the day of nurses. Nurse's Day: holiday history

Happy Nurses Day - May 12

Every year, in the second decade of May, the Day of Nurses is celebrated all over the world. More than 100 years ago, the International Council of Nurses was founded, which today unites 132 national associations. At the initiative of this organization, the day dedicated to nursing began to be celebrated in 1965, and from 1974 a specific date for the celebration was introduced - May 12.
It was decided to celebrate the Day of Nurses on the birthday of F. Nightingale, who became famous for her activities in the medical field. In the middle of the 19th century, this English nurse made a real revolution in the organization of military hospitals, medical statistics and advocacy for the prevention of disease. In addition, she was the founder of the world's first nursing school. That is why it was decided to celebrate the holiday of nurses on her birthday, given the significant contribution that she made to the formation and development of nursing.
Both Ukraine and Russia celebrate this date. In many countries of the world, nurses are sorely lacking due to the low prestige of this specialty and low wages. The professional holiday is intended to draw public attention to both this and many other problems of nursing. Congratulations on the day of nurses are addressed to all junior and middle staff of hospitals, clinics, sanatoriums, from nurses to surgical nurses.
The importance of the role of nurses is also evidenced by the fact that in Russia it has been customary to honor representatives of this profession since 1891. Their contribution, as first assistants to doctors, in caring for the sick and wounded is enormous, but often underestimated. It is interesting that the famous Russian surgeon N.I. Pirogov disputed the fact that Nightingale was pioneering in organizing care for the wounded, since it was during the Crimean War in Russia that the Holy Cross Community of Sisters of Mercy was founded, which served as the prototype of the International Red Cross Movement.

Nurse, performing work,
The environment is created for the patient,
Dedicating every second
To nobility - to the necessary work.

Without her care and attention
All treatment is down the drain,
Mercy is her soul's nature,
And my first toast to the nurses!

Let the sisters of sorrows do not know
Let life take its course
The sick nurse understands
Let all the bad be scrapped!

We ourselves wish the nurses
To be young in spite of the years
We are always sincerely worried
For the sisters. They are our support!

And, of course, good health,
We want to wish nurses
So that there are no conditions in the hospital
Correct the condition of the body!

Let there always be order in the house,
After all, when everything is fine in the family,
Then the mood of the sisters is very sweet,
And from this around it is light, fresh!

The nurses' eyes are sharp like syringes
They have dignity, reason, kindness,
Let's drink to health, so that the nurses
They also knew the rest sometimes!

Happy Nurse Day !!!

She has a sharp needle ...
All appointments will be fulfilled
Yes, and fast on the leg!

With such a nurse
Cold, heat are not dangerous ...
Patients will provide
And care and peace!

On the Great Nursing Day
Let the fire warm your soul!
And I wish that success would be
I open my arms to you!

Varnikova Oksana specially for http: // site /

Nurse -
A symbol of tenderness, kindness
If you get to the hospital,
Then you will call her.

She hurries to the rescue
To ease your pain.
On the shoulders - any weakness, -
She has such a role.

He'll give out pills in the morning
It is necessary - he will make an injection,
Everyone - both adults and children
Respect for nurses.

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
A nurse on her own day
We wish you happiness, joy
Nearby - only close people.

So that the sick are patient
Doctors are not talkative.
And good luck only in business.
And salaries, so that: "Ah!"

So that there is enough for candy
Dresses, fur coats, boots!
So that there is such a sum
I forgot about the debts!

A nurse is a special profession,
And not everyone is ready to cope.
Maybe sweet and strict,
We all respect nurses.

They used to say - mercy
The sister saved everyone in the war.
And now in hospitals he helps us,
Eases pain with a desire for good.

At the reception - the first assistant
At the doctor's. If necessary, he will give advice.
The department will fill out the documents everything
Prepare the right tool.

Treatment is unthinkable without her,
And the patient lies in the morning and waits,
The moment when she, the sorceress,
He will decide everything, ease the pain - he will come.

On the day when little sisters with their own holiday
Congratulations to all family and friends
We want to wish you good and happiness
So that a friendly family is waiting for you.

To make all desires come true
So that you are lucky with luck in life!
So that your beauty and youth
All enemies flourished in spite!
Kolmykova Svetlana for http: // site /

Congratulations poems for the day of nurses

Life saves until the morning
People are a miracle nurse.
Congratulations on your day!
People remember let him.
Your mission is important -
Eternal war with pain.
Be you always healthy
To fight the pain again

Happy nurses day today, congratulations
And we wish polite patients
To appreciate your most important work -
Thanks to your hands, they live.
You are a nurse, eternal guardian of health!
May your invaluable labor be respected;
Let them pay more money for work
So that you can spend them on everything.

Nursing is not an easy profession.
Patients are different,
But its responsible mission
The nurse is doing it right!

Vakulinskaya Victoria for http: // site /

There is no time sadder and sadder
Than the time when the disease mows us down.
We are weak and helpless, sick,
And it seems that the light around is dimming.

But you come in, sister in a white robe,
You bring us a warm ray of hope,
You are a fairy, you are a sorceress. We believe,
That you will cure, help and save.

No wonder your holiday is blooming May day,
It's time for love and joy, it's time
After all, this day, like you, carrying good,
Blessed as you are, nurse.

We congratulate you with all our hearts,
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
May God protect you from troubles,
May the angel protect you from adversity.

Be happy, bloom and smile
From morning to night, from night to morning,
And never give up on illness
Hello nurse.

The sky is glossy in May,
Blue rain wanders around.
How could we get better
If not for the gentle hands

Our strict, glorious nurses?
Our very best, sweetest.
In the sky, the sun is a pink Easter cake
That the frozen spring blinded.

A mischievous breeze caught a cold
But the illness doesn't last long in May.
And the nurses have a holiday today
And we congratulate them from our hearts!

Here the sun has made a fire,
Until the summer - a few weeks.
Today is a holiday - Nurses Day,
People who will share the trouble with us,

Whose hands will take away both pain and heat,
They will give medicine and consolation.
The soul always asks for support
In moments of weakness and confusion.

Ward off the disease - a heavy dream,
Recovery is on the doorstep.
Nurses! Low bow to you all,
After all, your work is valiant and not easy.

Since the war, along with the heroes,
We also remember nurses.
Special efforts of the soul, tripled,
Their work still requires them.

Special care and vigilance,
Special sensitivity to everything
Nurses are our earthly saviors
In the war against disease, in its smoke,

But the morning will be transparent, rainbow,
Looks into the snowy silence of the chambers.
May this day be light, festive,
Nurses, glory and praise to you!

The whole May is like a recovery from winter.
Happy Nurses Day, congratulations!
Alexandra for http: // site /

Happy nurses day
The work of a nurse is important,
So it has been for a long time!
Health of people close to us
All riches are more valuable in the world!

They will always save, help,
Not letting you fall into the disease maelstrom!
The injection will be delivered masterly
Everything will be explained seriously!

At any of the local clinics
Ile private foreign clinics
They can't do without a nurse,
At least everyone will break into a cake!

The doctor cannot administer
If there is no nurse with him,
The vaccine will not deliver itself,
If the nurse leaves her post!

All people understand this
Happy nurses day congratulate you.
May there be more joyful minutes
Patients will bring you!

You are a nurse, which means
You are a very kind person,
Do you love people, and not otherwise,
There are no more such in the world,

You will not pass by the patient,
You will always cheer up with advice
It's always courageous to call
At least during the day, at least at night you are in a hurry,

Injections, enemas and pills
You see every day, sister,
Marked you can be seen with a mark
It is your destiny to heal people

And no matter how easy it is,
You carry your work with dignity
And salary additions,
You don't expect from the leadership

Swore an oath to Hippocrates,
You always remember this
You rush to a sick person as to a brother,
You are a sister from birth

I wish you good health
To you and your whole family
Happy Nurse Day, I want to congratulate
Let all the problems disappear!

Merciful from God,
She's on her feet in the morning
After all, there is a lot of work,

Enemas, droppers are waiting
And injections at work
And the sick in any way can not,
Without her love, care,

She shines with good
White robe sparkles
She fights against evil
Helps people who are weak

And sometimes he does not sleep at night,
If there is a shift,
Will never allow
Your post of treason,

No matter how easy it was
She loves patients
I like to do good
Receive compliments for her

I like her robe
The one that sparkles with whiteness
Look fresh in the morning
He helps the nurses

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts,
Dear nurses,
Always be happy
You make it a habit

So that the salary grows,
Grateful patients
Never get sick
You are worthy of compliments!

Affectionate hands, kind eyes,
The nurse will find the medicine and the words.
It will help, soothe, comfort and understand
Until recovery, the path will go with you.
Congratulations on the holiday of dear sisters!
Let fewer patients have to be treated!
Let them hear thanks, let them wear flowers!
They are deserved by a difficult profession!

On Nurse's Day
Please accept our congratulations!
Kindness and love are you!
There is no cure without you!
Doctors know everything about illness,
Only next to the sick nurses.
Will soothe, they will console
Early in the morning and late in the evening.
They spare neither heart nor strength,
Apparently, this is not work, but a vocation.
If only the heat of their souls did not cool down!
Love and diligence have not disappeared!

congratulations on the day of nurses in verse

The holiday brings with itself
May fine day.
Let someone ask you about him,
If he doesn't know.
You will say everything as it should -
It's not the first time for you to answer;
Patients are waiting in the wards
And it's time to celebrate;
May all your answers
It will be easy and fast!
Happy holiday, young ladies -
Happy Nurse Day!

The nurse is ready to help
Will always come running to the call
Nurse is such a word
Calls let her
Sincere gratitude
For this hard work.
May only joy come to you
And all worries will go away.

How many smiles, kindness and warmth
At our own nurse!
We want you to have good luck
Because you are kind to the sick!
Let the trouble pass you by
Give us joy and light!
And may the bright angel always keep you
From grief, misfortune and misfortune!

On the battlefields, in the wards of all hospitals
Everything will stop without you, without the glorious nurses!
You are guardian angels for the sick and the wounded,
We would be lost without you, without the ardent and desperate!
Happy nurses day, please accept my congratulations
I wish you happiness, joy at work and in your family!
May labor give honor and satisfaction,
May happiness always smile in your destiny!

I will say thank you to the medical nurse,
You are a guardian angel and you are a deity!
You possess the healing power wonderfully
And your treatment is almost magic!
Let them keep you on earth and in heaven,
Give you smiles and a sea of ​​flowers,
May the necklace please you - health,
Wonderful happiness and a fairy tale - love!

Our life trembles in your hands
Health pulsates in your hands.
You will help us, you will heal with a word,
You will get rid of anxiety and pain.
We kiss hands for care and patience.
Bring the smiles of incomparable light!
May God give you love, blessings,
Strong health and long life!

Who will be the first to respond to a groan,
no matter how many times you call
It's not for nothing that she is called a sister
And not just - the medical staff.
We congratulate you sisters
After all, today is the day of nurses.
From the bottom of our hearts we wish you all the best,
To erase the bad from memory
This day. And let you always
a guiding star shines.

It prevents me from sleeping in the morning.
"For injections!", "Procedures!",
Everything here is fair, no hack.
I, sister, tired of being treated,
I'm ready to marry you.
Your robe drove me into anguish
I didn't get any healthier.
From that on Nurses Day
The syllable is critical and sharp.
Be kind to me, sister,
Let me sleep in the morning.

[in prose]

By the Day of the Medic on our website:, congratulations

Original congratulations on Nurse Day 2019

Sterile robe, excellent figure,
She is diligent and pedantic at work.
Patients are waiting for tests and procedures,
Tablets, injections, solutions, medicines.

Our beauty has a lot of work,
All patients like her very much.
She should be on the catwalk and in Hollywood
But our patients are already waiting for her.

She is a savior angel from sickness and pain,
Such is her medical share.
Today we should say thank you to her
All doctors and patients of the country.

More often sweets, give gifts,
Thank her for her care
Give smiles, attention, flowers,
Today is world nursing day!

And beautiful and kind
Her profession is beautiful
She is a first-class physician.

Heals body and soul
Calms the patient
In very difficult times.

And nourishment and care
She takes over.
It's hard for our nurses
They give a piece of soul

All patients in the hospital
To brighten the faces
To make hearts sing again
The sick wanted to live.

Our dear nurses
For the sick, you are like family
We love you, we respect you,
Congratulations on the holiday.

Congratulations to your girlfriend on the day of the nurse

My best friend
He saves everyone from illness.
I think that in medicine
She will be at the top.
She's a nurse for now
But I know that one day
Will become a nurse minister
And then the salaries are fast
She will increase the doctors,
All seriously without compromise.
I congratulate you girlfriend
I love the nurse.
You rest today
Shine brighter than the sun
I wish you a lot of happiness
Be active and healthy!


Nurse - she's like an angel ,
What protects the sick
And without asking for a reward
The pain of the disease relieves.

Noble calling
Do everything for healing.
This is a good wish
Arouses respect.

Everyone who was in the hospital
Remembers affectionate hands
And smiling faces
Nurses who knew no boredom.

Like bees in the chambers
They fly day and night
Over and above responsibilities often
All the work is done.

And today in gratitude
Gifts, congratulations to them.
Patients give joy
Smiles and poems!

You look great in a white robe ,
You are a nurse - a beauty, it is clear to anyone,
Congratulations to you the coolest today,
On nurse's day, I wish you love from my heart

Love of family and friends, friends and patients.
May there be more joyful moments in life
Happiness and health, patience and faith,
I wish you luck and a cool career.


TO It would seem that we, patients, are an unsightly sight, but every time you rush to us with a smile, and looking at you, we understand that everything will be fine ... On this bright day, accept our congratulations on your holiday - Nurses Day! Be healthy and happy with your life, may there be more happy moments in it!

C Happy Nurse Day
I wish to keep a lot of patience
And always helping patients
Only give care and affection.
There are many important and difficult professions.
You save people so easily.
You also help them spiritually
In this you are a master, almost a sorcerer.
Helping to save body and soul
You treat with your care, your smile
And I congratulate you today
I will give a verse and a little rubles.

H what can be nobler than mercy? When defeated by an illness, it seems that the world is rapidly losing its colors ... But here you are, like kind angels, and hope immediately warms your heart, and when it comes time to check out, it’s even a pity to part with you ... I congratulate you with all the warmth on Happy nurses and wish you all the best!


V great mood
You came to work;
Today is an unusual day:
Where are the routine matters?
You never turned around
Like a squirrel in a wheel -
The doctor doesn't give orders
All the sick sleep peacefully;
Visitor, out of habit
The floor is shyly trampling,
Doesn't bother the nurse
Please call a doctor.
In general, now everything is fine -
At least from where you look!
Right! Your holiday has come!
Happy Russian Nurse Day!

T You will surround you with attention, you will monitor the cleanliness, regimen and compliance with the instructions of the attending physician ... Congratulations on Nurse's Day! It's so good that you are in the world, caring women, ready to help patients not only recover physically, but also not hang their noses! Let me wish you many years and love today!

I AM I want to raise a glass with pleasure
For nursing staff
For femininity, for your beauty
For those who are on duty day and night.
May the nurses be lucky
Let the chief physician give you bonuses
Let them give you smiles and flowers
And may all dreams come true!

D horny nurse,
You are beautiful and kind!
To your golden hands
I'll give myself everything!
Happy Birthday!
Let there be luck in life
Patients love everything
And bloom in all its glory!

B White is a symbol of purity and peace, and you are pure in heart and character, and this color, even in shape, suits you very much! Happy Nurse Day! I not only wish, but also believe with all my heart that the best, bright and kind awaits you ahead, as if it came to you for happiness from a kind fairy tale!

NS Happy Nurses Day! This is a holiday not only of faithful doctors' assistants, but also of just angels in white coats! Today we wish each of you to live in joy! Let your hands be light and your hearts hot! Love and be loved!

T You approach the sick with a light, flying gait, and now the injection is not painful at all, and nothing is scary at all ... Happy Nurse Day, you are the adornment of this noble profession! Always be beautiful, loved and unique in your charm! Let little suns always shine in your eyes!

NS white alats
And the hands are strong
Always skillful
In the fight against disease
You are selfless
And there is no more useful
Callings of this.

TO It’s so good that our doctors are not overwhelmed with troubles from head to foot, and that they have such wonderful assistants who flutter like birds with ease and surprisingly diligently perform their duties! Today we congratulate you on the Day of Nurses and wish you to work well and live in perfect happiness!

T s, nurse, in a white robe
You hurry with a brisk doe to the patient:
How to forget about problems with health
You will solve the problem for the patient.

On the day of the nurse, I wish you
More healthy and fewer sick
May people always honor your work,
You only work for them!

L with a light hand will smooth out the pain from the injection,
At the first call, he will come to help.
Spend the whole night by the patient's bed
He will find time for everyone else.
We are grateful to you for your work,
Which is often not easy at all
Medical sisters love and care -
And our health is in good hands!

V our life trembles in your hands,
Health pulsates in your hands.
You will help us, you will heal with a word,
You will get rid of anxiety and pain.
We kiss hands for care and patience.
Bring the smiles of incomparable light!
May God give you love, blessings,
Strong health and long life!

V all the care of the sick
They lay down on you
In your powers
Fight with illness.

We wish you victories
And there are not many patients.
May you good luck light
Will light up the road!

M nurse
I have luck!
She knows everything about me!
Raising in her honor!

Toast! - I pick it up !!
To health and beauty!
I trust myself to her,
I will give her a star!

NS Happy Nurse Day! Today for you - flowers, congratulations and wishes from the team and from everyone healed by your beautiful and soft, skillful hands! Believe me, without you, we would be completely knocked off our feet! And therefore, stay with us for many more years, and may every day begin with a smile, which you have is perfection itself!

M oya girlfriend, nurse,
And if someone gets sick,
She will give me an injection
He will always measure the pressure,

Will tell you what hurts and where,
Symptoms at once will determine
Directs you to the right doctor,
I want to say thank you!

WITH little mercy
Wearing a robe
Care and diligence
She saves life.
Thank you for your patience!
You are always worthy
Generosity and respect
And best praise!

NS congratulations for the young,
The sweetest nurse.
Always be so cultured
And you are not rude to the sick.

More tenderness in the look
You are a miracle good!
And in your white outfit
You are not a woman - a dream!


WITH Today, on Nurses' Day, I have a kind word for the sweetest sister, whose future must certainly be wonderful, like roses and the moon! Probably, you will not change your profession already? I ask you to save us, sick sick people and further, and let all your dreams come true!

I gladly want to raise a glass
For nursing staff
For femininity, for your beauty
For those who are on duty day and night.
May the nurses be lucky
Let the chief physician give you bonuses
Let them give you smiles and flowers
And may all dreams come true!

Happy Nurse Day! From your hands, the bitter mixture is like honey! Even if you do not have a solid doctoral diploma, you cannot measure your spiritual qualities! With all my heart, I wish you to live in a bright, joyful world, where it is always spring, where flowers bloom and dreams come true!

Medical sister,
Like a small bird
Lives in the department
Health gives us all!
We congratulate today
We wish you to be happy
And loved by all of us
Every day to be with flowers!
To make all eyes shine
Handles so as not to get tired
And a smile every time
Only made us happy!
You love and be loved
Kept by God every hour
Give everyone your warmth
Get good from everyone!

A little light you are on your feet until late darkness,
Work, akin to yours, will have to look,
After all, you are the bulwark of universal kindness,
Your vocation is to help people.
We want to congratulate you on this glorious day,
I wish you health, joy, hope,
So that there is always enough strength for the family and home,
So that your soul never loses warmth.

Dear Nurse,
You are beautiful and kind!
To your golden hands
I'll give myself everything!
Happy Birthday!
Let there be luck in life
Patients love everything
And bloom in all its glory!

You will surround with attention, make sure the cleanliness, regimen and compliance with the instructions of the attending physician ... Congratulations on Nurse's Day! It's so good that you are in the world, caring women, ready to help patients not only recover physically, but also not hang their noses! Let me wish you many years and love today!

We wish you nurses
Like a fast train
Fly your sorrows
So that men notice
So that the salary is powerful
So that husbands love their mother-in-law.
Patients to appreciate
And flowers to give you
So that they are not afraid of injections,
Leaving you, they laughed
Everyone recovered.
And for every spring
On a professional holiday -
There are many different congratulations.
So that you always have everything
Everything worked out and was lucky.
We congratulate you very much
And kiss on both cheeks.

On the feast of the daughters of the Red Cross
We always congratulate them from our hearts.
We know their work is not easy
Life rarely imagines paradise at all.
Let's wish the girls love
We wish you strength, warmth, care.
After all, they will come when you call,
This is their hard work.

In a great mood
You came to work;
Today is an unusual day:
Where are the routine matters?
You never turned around
Like a squirrel in a wheel -
The doctor doesn't give orders
All the sick sleep peacefully;
Visitor, out of habit
The floor is shyly trampling,
Doesn't bother the nurse
Please call a doctor.
In general, now everything is fine -
At least from where you look!
Right! Your holiday has come!
Happy Russian Nurse Day!

What could be nobler than mercy? When defeated by an illness, it seems that the world is rapidly losing its colors ... But here you are, like kind angels, and hope immediately warms your heart, and when it comes time to check out, it’s even a pity to part with you ... I congratulate you with all the warmth on Happy nurses and wish you all the best!

For a difficult job
You bow down to earth!
Every day will be like a miracle -
May he bring joy.
Be cheerful, be happy
Don't let patience fail.
And great prospects
Life will be filled with hopes.
Be yourself always healthy.
I am pleased, and do not hide
You sincerely, with love,
Happy Nurse Day!

Irreplaceable, priceless
Your work is so important and difficult
Necessary work, sacred,
You can't leave the post.
Only you are the key to recovery
So sisterly kind to us,
We congratulate you only sincerely
Happy day of our, Russian, nurse

Happy Nurse Day
I wish to keep a lot of patience
And always helping patients
Only give care and affection.
There are many important and difficult professions.
You save people so easily.
You also help them spiritually
In this you are a master, almost a sorcerer.
Helping to save body and soul
You treat with your care, your smile
And I congratulate you today
I will give a verse and a little rubles.

It would seem that we, patients, are an unsightly sight, but every time you rush to us with a smile, and looking at you, we understand that everything will be fine ... On this bright day, accept our congratulations on your holiday - Nurses Day! Be healthy and happy with your life, may there be more happy moments in it!

I wish you on the day of the holiday
Positive and kind
To make you happy
So that injections and pills
You handed out with a smile
So that only good people
On the way I met.
All diseases in our world
Let them disappear forever
And the main medicine will be
May love and kindness.

Nurse's Day is the most important holiday,
All good, heart medicine!
Necessary, worthy, but hard work -
Fight for the lives of the sick to the end.
May only great victories await you,
There will always be a favorite work
Let not misfortune and misfortune touch,
In happiness, let the trains take you away!
We wish you health for years
Let life flow like a transparent river,
In the house - cloudless clear weather,
Honor to the people of your profession!

With a light hand will smooth out the pain from the injection,
At the first call, he will come to help.
Spend the whole night by the patient's bed
He will find time for everyone else.
We are grateful to you for your work,
Which is often not easy at all
Medical sisters love and care -
And our health is in good hands!

It's so good that our doctors are not overwhelmed with troubles from head to toe, and that they have such wonderful assistants who flutter like birds with ease and surprisingly diligently perform their duties! Today we congratulate you on the Day of Nurses and wish you to work well and live in perfect happiness!

Who is a nurse?
And beautiful and smart!
Knows clearly his business,
Performs everything skillfully!
I want to wish with a soul
So that there is peace in life,
For the watch to be paid,
To appreciate hellish work.
May every day be candy
And gorgeous bouquets.
So that there is no emergency,
And the bosses helped.
To give way,
People to become kinder.
Let no one forget
Who resorts to help.
The nurse is the keeper
A violent brave tamer,
The angel that we have by our side
Helping the whole world en masse.

This is not an easy profession,
The one we call a nurse
Understands a sea of ​​pills
Dexterously controlled with a needle.
That hurries to night shifts,
Then he makes a detour with the doctor,
Patients are waiting for her in the wards,
Well, at home - the family is waiting for her.
May your eyes shine with happiness
Well, in life - love and kindness,
We wish from the very heart
Anyone whose profession is a nurse.

May 12 International Nursing Day

"A nurse is not a servant, she is a certified and full-fledged specialist." (V.V. Samoilenko)

For the first time, the service of sisters of mercy was organized during the Crimean War

International Nurses Day is celebrated annually on May 12. In other words, today it is necessary to congratulate and thank the representatives of one of the most humane professions.

The professional nursing holiday is celebrated on the birthday of one of the famous English women, Florence Nightingale, who organized the world's first nursing service during the Crimean War (1853-1856).

It is known that among the sisters of mercy who went to the front of the Crimean War, there were also Russian nuns from the Moscow Nikolskaya monastery. Subsequently, many Russian aristocratic women worked in hospitals, including the wife and daughter of Emperor Nicholas II.

It was during the war years that a stable stereotype was formed: a nurse is a nurse who takes out the wounded from the battlefield or stands at the operating table.

Although in fact the holiday is already more than one hundred and fifty years old, it was only in January 1974 that an official decision was made to celebrate this day on May 12. Nurse Day is celebrated since the unification of sisters of mercy from 141 countries into a professional public organization - the International Council of Nurses.
Restraint and patience are the foundation of the medical profession, and medicine is based on these qualities. Today, the nursing profession is consistently among the top three most respected. Nursing is an independent science and an independent profession. But all medical professionals, without exception, must possess the knowledge and skills of patient care. A real nurse, in addition to professional skills, must have a rich, kind soul. After all, we all so lack in this life someone's sympathy, empathy. Indeed, sometimes it is not the pills distributed with a cold-blooded hand that are so important to patients, and not the thermometer under the armpit at the appointed time, but a warm look, a kind word, a sincere conversation.

In Russia, the holiday has been celebrated since 1993.

With a light hand will smooth out the pain from the injection,
At the first call, he will come to help.
Spend the whole night by the patient's bed
He will find time for everyone else.
We are grateful to you for your work,
Which is often not easy at all
Medical sisters love and care -
And our health is in good hands! ©

Nurses celebrate their holiday today.
You are the mainstay of medicine, everyone knows about it.
I want to wish all sisters medical
Let fewer cases come to the doctor.
May the sun smile for you more often,
Let flowers, friends, smiles delight your eyes.
May dreams come true, let the nightingales sing!
I sincerely wish you happiness and love! ©

May happiness, without knowing obstacles,
Brings you gifts today
And the birds sing, congratulating
Happy Nurse Day!
So let the compliments ring out
And wishes sound!
Today may all patients
Thank you with flowers! ©

Companion eternal to doctors,
It helps all people.
We are a nurse
Health improves.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts
For your heart and care!
And now we want to wish
May work bring joy. ©

You help all the wounded, sick,
That require care and attention.
One - injections, bandage - the other.
You will support up to the doctors of the parish.
I am international nursing day
I would like to congratulate all the assistants,
And wish that all dreams come true
And so that spirit and body are in harmony. ©

They will heal the bruise and remove the bruise,
After all, a simpleton cannot figure out medicines.
Should an injection be done, or is it time for a compress?
It is not for nothing that there is a position in medicine - a nurse.
We know that your work is important, and it is not at all simple.
And we are raising a toast for you today!
We wish you success and congratulations to the helmet.
He who lives good will help a person. ©

Sisters, dear, dear, soldiers called you to war.
And someone saw them as a friend, and someone, perhaps, a wife
And on themselves, just girls, they pulled out those
Who was wounded on the battlefield, tanker, gunner or marine.

But they have a holiday today, a world holiday for nurses,
And let a huge chorus of voices merge in congratulations.
After all, medications are not always important and I am “FOR” with both hands,
And just a sincere conversation and those kind eyes. ©

You sit quietly on a gurney
Since this morning ...
You sit down - we do not mind!
Let the nurse rest -
Rarely does she do that
In the turbulent flow of days ...
Let the patient turn
Not your buttock!
Let it appear for some reason
A lot of all kinds of luck:
There will be less work
The head doctor will become kinder,
The ships themselves will cleanse themselves,
Breaking through the floor with a gong;
Will suddenly become gray everyday life
On a festive joyful day;
Bathrobes will become white
Suddenly elegant, variegated;
The salary will rise sharply ...
Will dream already! Enough!
Closer to reality it is necessary -
Happy Holidays! Happy Nurse Day! ©

Surround me with care
Pay attention to everyone.
Always watch out for the sick -
Support, cheer.
Lovely and kind infinitely,
You are the purest soul man!
Thanks for everything, nurse!
I wish you health, happiness forever! ©

Let's say thanks to her together,
For her hard work,
She can't make mistakes
You have to be here and there,
Whom to put a thermometer,
And who to inject,
Do not leave without attention,
Or issue validol.
Everything in the world is in time
Our (name) is a nurse,
And in the world, let everyone know
Where she is, there is kindness. ©

Happy Nurse Day
I wish to keep a lot of patience
And always helping patients
Only give care and affection.
There are many important and difficult professions.
You save people so easily.
You also help them spiritually
In this you are a master, almost a sorcerer.
Helping to save body and soul
You treat with your care, your smile
And I congratulate you today
I will give a verse and a little rubles. ©

Congratulations in prose
Dear Nurses!
You are real angels, it's not for nothing that you are dressed in snow-white robes! It can be seen in your faces, kind, beautiful eyes and gentle smiles! You are the personification of spirituality, femininity, mercy and help! Your labor is honorable! I wish you health for many years!

Happy Nurse Day
White robes
And the hands are strong
Always skillful
In the fight against disease
You are selfless
And there is no more useful
Callings of this.

Happy Nurse Day
Sister of Mercy,
Just a sister ...
An ancient profession
It’s very difficult.
After all, it is known -
Anyone will tell you -
Not everyone is interested
Listen to pain.
And you need people
To love selflessly
And with an eternal idea
Work and live.
We wish the nurses
Always good luck.
Sincerely congratulate
The time has come.

Your skillful smart hands
We are saved from troubles and misfortunes,
Your finest knowledge of science
Gives people health and happiness.

Measure pressure, listen to the pulse!
Give a potion, drip drops,
The temperature rises suddenly
Everyone calls the nurse again!
Today we congratulate you,
We wish you love and joy!
Health, happiness, beauty
And dreams come true!

Give us hope
White clothes!
And they really would
Nimbuses would do.
Us with any wounds
Will be cured in the end.
Happy holiday, angels!
Happy holiday, gods!

If people do not get sick, -
It's not a pity to stay without work!
Your work is glorious! Your labor is hard!
May God grant you health and happiness!

The world owes a nurse
To many in this life.
Help in any trouble -
An unbreakable principle.
Thanks for the labors
We send her
And good luck all the days
We wish the nurse.

The concept of enduring hope
The concept of participation and kindness,
They are still connected with you, as before,
Our caring nurse.
You helped, you saved in battles,
You walked forward, generous with warmth.
And I started all over again,
Hurrying to the call: "Hurry, nurse!"
Reverently taking over the baton,
Today you are wiser than yesterday
Direct roads to you, big light
Victory for all ailments, nurse!

Your profession does not know random people!
She accepts only those who are devoted to her oath!

Be faithful to the chosen path,
And let him get wisdom and strength
Live happily, calmly, without anxiety,
And so that your work only brings joy.

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