Happy Birthday Congratulations Born in Christmas. Christmas greetings in prose. Merry Christmas Congratulations

Collection of beautiful toasts and congratulations Merry Christmas. The editors of the site collected the best options in verses and prose, most of these wishes fit into the standard SMS message of the mobile phone. These Christmas greetings are suitable for official meetings, colleagues, friends and relatives.

When snow is tightened
And Christmas will come again,
I raise a glass for happiness,
For peace, for friendship, for love!
And so that without grief and doubt
Live you a lot of bright days
Save comfort, peace family
And respect for friends!

The evening seems to breathe magic ...
Happy holiday! Merry Christmas!
All of us miracle waiting in the holy night,
We ask the sky in life to help us.
Now the star of love is burning,
The world gives his kindness.
Let you keep you all from evil and trouble
God, love, warmth and wonderful light!


Let Christ say Christmas
Give all your magic
And away will go boredom, laziness,
Happy will make your day.
From now on everything you have
Well just super, the highest class!
Huge, clean love you,
Lord all bless you.

Merry Christmas! The star has already lit,
What Vulsum announced this,
So that love around the world has spread
To faith totally gained strength.
To commenced the benefit of the news
In every house where there is a soul is alive!
Be happy that God is in the world!
Merry Christmas, relatives, congratulations!

Congratulations Take
In the bright holiday of christmas.
Give your loved ones
Sea of \u200b\u200blight and heat.
Giving, we once
Everything will get a hundred times.
Let everyone be happy
And the grace is rich!

Let the christmas tree
Decorates the house and garden.
And on branches not needle,
Putch dollars hang!

In Christmas, Christ is kinder
The world is sullen, throwing all things.
Will become all welcome, softer and lighter,
As if the fairy tale bloomed.
Let the ice melting ice and blizzards on the heart.
Let the frost paints wonders in the windows.
It is necessary only in happiness on this night to believe -
In Christmas, the cherished dream will be fulfilled.

Christmas ... Quiet falling snow, smell of candles and flowers, Christmas tunes and long star nights ... I froze from admiration for the universe, for the Savior came, and the world was filled with joy and light. This radiance is restless.
For a wonderful Christmas holiday, which makes all of us better and cleaner!

Holiday light, christmas,
To you knock on the house again,
Take it
And meet with the cake.
We wish to live happily
In the soul so that there was peace
In the house there will be beautiful,
So that the prosperity was big.
In the house, let him agree
Let love in the family live,
May the Lord do not take care of
Help always gives you.

In January, the number of seventh,
For a long time, from year to year
Christmas holiday Christ
Notes our people.
Let the fun there will be a lot
Full bowl will be a house
And let the soul believes in God.
Merry Christmas!

Adults in a miracle do not believe
They do not believe in magic,
And yet let me in your doors
A fairy tale will enter Christmas.
Garland let go to the
Fatigue and sadness disappear,
And the best will happen to you
Your dreams will come true.

Merry Christmas Congratulations,
May the holiday be fun to pass,
Be sad, how snow melts,
And love in your home will come.
Will become all warm, cozy,
All each other will be forever
And what happened it before
Together, the gaze will be implemented.

On a day wonderful christmas
I wish you magic,
To fall white snow,
So that the work was success.
So that there is wealth in the house
So honey was only sweet
And without impurities of the precedes.
So that you rejoiced more often
I wish you today.
Merry Christmas congratulations!

From the early years, children know about it -
Ourselves ours are omnipresent and invisible.
And for everything beautiful in the world
God thank God in Christmas.
In Christmas, I wish you happiness,
Like all your family.
Let the hail house bypass
Live in good and good.

Page and fire, grain and millstone,
Sequirs of the edge and truncated hair -
God saves everything, especially - words
Forgiveness and love, as your own voice.
I want to wish everyone to love us. Love to each other, attention and forgiveness. This is what brings us to God, makes kind and cleaner. For Christmas!

In ancient times, prayer existed in England:
Give us, Lord, a little sun,
Some work and some entertainment.
Give us earned in labor
Our daily black bread and some oil.
Give us health and love
Give us a little songs, and a fairy tale, and a book.
Give us, Lord, the opportunity
Become better for yourself and for others
While all people do not learn how to live like brothers.
Wonderful words in which all the persons of the people are collected about happiness, about a calm, godly life. I read this prayer every year on Christmas Eve. And her simple, but truly magic words towed my soul.
Let's drink a bright Christmas holiday and thank God for all his gifts!

Toast for Christmas holiday:
I wish you happiness and good!
Don't offend each other,
Dreams in reality embody!

Day when Christ was born -
The day of the Great and Holy
God's Son appeared
Under wonderful star.
Happiness to you and flourishing
For good pay good
Let wolars be fulfilled,
Merry Christmas!

Sparkled pure original snow
And in the fairy tale winter with you invites you.
Let every person be happy
Who, together with us, Christmas meets,
Who miracle is waiting for christmas night,
When a star over Bethlehem will reach
All lube, bad evaporates away
And the world around the magic and wonderful will be!

Let nothing we have
Will spoil celebrations!
So raise glasses
For the day of Christ's christmas!

To us, Christmas came today,
And we will raise a glass again,
So that happiness did not forget us.
For christmas and for love!

I wish you christmas in Christ
So that the magic is visited more often:
Wonderful evening, fabulous success,
And so that it would be enough for everyone.
Star let in life leads you
Let there be tons of happiness about the stock,
Let the festive abundant will be a feast
And let it be good for this world.

Let him bring you christmas
What is important for all -
Give you love
Good luck will give health,
Let the life of fullness
Let the birthday of Christ
Fate will smile
Let all you succeed!

Take congratulations to Christmas.
Let the miracle happen in your life
Let joy, inspiration and good
We will be able to settle in your home.
Let Nadezhda, Vera, Heat
You do not leave for a moment in life,
Let any dream come true,
I sincerely wish you better!

Let in christmas morning
Will be fabulous dawn:
Meet the snowmall pearl
And the sun will give the sun.
And let the soul will be
Nice evening of christmas,
Let lovely wake up
Thoughts, feelings and words.
And christmas tree
Bring let the house be comfortable.
Let everyone close in it for a long time,
Peerly, happily live.

Came to us a holiday, bright and magical,
Wonderful day - the seventh of January.
Let's live in harmony of spiritual
His support to the neighbor giving.
Let him come true about what they dreamed
And our happiness does not leave the house.
We are this holiday, as if fairy tale was waiting.
Love, warmth, health! Merry Christmas!

Magic christmas night,
Snowflakes are circling - and they have fun.
Christ was born, we globify him
Congratulations are heard from the Christmas Eve.
I wish you now good,
Love, heat, divine light,
And so that in the soul always bloom in spring,
And the colors of summer were added to it.

What to wish you in christmas?
So as not to have segments, sorrows and troubles,
So that the children were happy, healthy,
And let it be so many, many years!

Christmas is a day when Jesus Christ entered the world with love. This is a day of all apartments, light feelings, day, when love triumphs. Let it be shuffled in this holiday and will not rise into the air any rocket except the fireworks! And let the love of neighbor and long! Merry Christmas!

So again christmas -
Heavenly Celebration Forces:
On this day, Christ came,
To save our world from angry.
Glory eternal to him
Converging darkness.
Congratulations to the whole soul
With this joy big.

To us, Christmas came today!
And we will raise a glass again,
So that happiness did not forget us
For christmas and for love!

In this bright day January
I want me to wish
Kindness, fun, happiness,
Never lose heart
Believe in bright hopes
Perform your dreams.
To in the souls of Christian
There was no emptiness
To be filled with happiness
House, and heart, and soul,
To your life would be
Alpassed good.

Guests tell!
Doors wider open!
Christmas arrived!
We start the celebration!

My toast for christmas! So that we are visited by God's grace so that there are no problems, troubles and discord! We raise the glasses for the bright holiday of Christmas!

Let quietly, imperceptibly
Magic comes to the house
New Year's fairy tales
And miracles for Christmas!
Stars of radiant shyanya,
Warm words and kindness!
Let the worship come true,
All happy dreams!

Congratulations on the holiday wonderful,
Joy and good come with him.
Let poems sound and pour songs
Let the Christmas be happy!
Let the sadness go without a residue,
The correct will be all the ways.
I wish you peace and wealth,
Forces of spiritual, faith and love!

Merry Christmas!
Let the house be rich.
All health and good luck,
Happiness personal in addition.
Do not get sick, live a century,
And love cruciate.

St. Nativity Day
Collects family together.
In a mig wonderful celebration
There is no deception and flattery.
I wish you joyful smiles
Good and joy in your home
Light life without errors,
Let all sorrows become sleep.

Today is the birthday of Christ!
Walking on the planet of the message of the good.
I wish this holiday christmas
Consent and joy without edge.
Appreciate every moment and every hour
Let the soul be filled with praise!
Let happiness poured on you
And the heart is healed by love!

It is like a guest, christmas on the threshold,
Pleasant troubles, snow January.
I wish you to live the road
Were only to success and only in the distance.
Forget today to the longing and bad weather,
Let the Christmas bring kindness.
Love to you, patience, great happiness!
Coziness, all the best and still warm!

Let the snow spinning outside the window,
Like the Pooh, Looks everywhere.
You congratulate you on Merry Christmas
We wish to believe in a miracle.
Hopefully not losing,
To dream to find the road,
Do not remember evil, be able to forgive,
Appreciate the fate lessons.

Give a feeling of rest
Let good power of magic
Get rid of misfortunes, grief.
Let this day and this year
Will be held in good and peace
Without quarrels, seals and adversity,
And it will always be so!

What do you wish today
In a wonderful holiday of christmas?
So that every day, as New Year's,
There was an anticipation of celebration.
So that the life of the error for goodbye to you,
So that love flourished in the heart,
Eyes like stars, shine,
And smile again and again!

Merry Christmas! Let this magic holiday fill your life with light, warm, joy and well-being. I wish you peace, good, love, family coziness. Let the keeper angel protects from all the troubles and adversity!

I want to raise a glass for christmas!
For miracles that come to the ground
For what I am waiting for what I believe,
For this night magic.
For the fact that I believe in love,
As it would be naive.
For how together were inextricably,
And parting, so that they meet again.
No matter how cool, and this is magic.
So let's drink for the fact that so vague!
I want to raise a glass of myself
For faith, for love, for christmas!

We light the candles
In the wonderful holy evening!
We celebrate Christmas -
Life is a bright celebration!
Merry Christmas congratulations
We wish the world and love!

Let the christmas come to our house
So that happiness settled in it,
With light joy, wave
We are waiting for the Day of the Lord of Birth.
Let Christ bless
For life without grief and offense.
Let the bright holiday with you
Giving happiness and peace.

Merry Christmas! Have fun, people!
Let it come to your house good, let him be happy!
Cover the table of speeds, decorate the Christmas tree,
Invite friends, generously treat!
Let hopes and dreams suddenly come true!
In the glorious holiday of christmas sin not to raise!
Congratulations, I wish you happiness from the soul!
Catch up, I already pour a glass!

The Great Holiday is already again;
Everywhere fun, peers, celebration ...
Recall what the word told us
He whose celebrate now Christmas:
"Everyone will always be merciful
To weak, orphans, poor, patients!
What it will share with the poor
And calls him his brother! "
So replace the same, Friend, fate:
Many will meet Christmas!
Good deed - great happiness.
It is the Holy Soul Celebration!

Wonders and Sea Magic
You in the Christmas of Christ!
Let the soul rushes
From the happiness premiered.
The family reigns peace, comfort,
Love in hearts glow
And every angel in heaven
You will send joy!

When a star in the sky will shine,
When everyone congratulates Merry Christmas
Let your house be blessed
Let everything be filled with good!
Let everything be better in Christmas, cleaner,
Health and prosperity will come to the house.
Star hope with light be laundry
You will bring everything good today!

Merry christmas congratulations.
Health, joy and happiness you wish you
Keep you god from evil language and any ailment,
From a cunning enemy and a petty friend.
So that live in your home hope, faith and love,
And with them there lived peace!

Snowflakes in the air are circling,
Call the bell everywhere!
Let the holiday give a lot of happiness,
Health, joy, warm! Merry Christmas!

Christmas is a fabulous hour,
After all, his atmosphere is magic.
His music pleases us
And gifts are wonderful, priceless.
Let her give you christmas
Constant, eternal happiness,
To always be in life lucky,
So that in the shower was a place for passion!

Snow embraced fields and roads,
Forest, like a wizard, is pretty and strict.
Traveler trail on the snow lonely
The last leaflet was warm.
Many centuries people celebrate people
The image of the Lord shakes the whole world.
Let Always Lights Your Life
This wonderful christmas light!

I wish you from the heavenly shadow
To you on this day descended grace!
And so that you always have for loved ones
And you didn't have to scold anyone all year.
Well, even (not all finished)
You allow my toast to pop:
I wish you a year that will become
Do not survive with difficulty
And with joy to live!

In a wonderful Christmas night
Drive sorrow and anxiety away
Let the snow be covered outside the window -
Peace warm warm of your house
Love, joy filling the heart,
You will relieve soon for a miracle door,
Let cherished dreams come true,
Everything will be just as you want!

Savior was born, Christ was born,
He delivered to us and believed to us.
Let the holiday log in a bright asterisk to the house.
With magic, wonderful all Merry Christmas!
Let them go with open skies
Shining lights miracles
And everyone breaks a piece from paradise.
All-all Merry Christmas I congratulate!

When the Snow White Snover wandered the Earth, and the New Year's Eve fills the soul to the invisible waiting for fabulous miracles, I want to congratulate you with the coming holidays. Let the hearts filled with happiness, the fire of love is always burning in the soul, and the house reigns the world, peace of rest and prosperity. Merry Christmas! Guess your desires rather, because in such a wonderful time they are just obliged to be fulfilled!

Merry Christmas Congratulations,
Thank you wish!
So that the Savior is our Christ
Peace and good brought.
Let my mercy be shifting
Sins will be released and forgive.
Hope, faith will give us
Love will be awarded to all of us.

Let in a quiet christmas night
All people will come insight.
Let evil it goes away from the soul
And the kindness in the heart will decrease to us.
Let's live, as Christ said:
Love each other, do not sick, do not lie,
So as not to shed combustion tears,
And receive grace from faith.

Snow quietly over the earth is spinning,
Angels are good news:
Christmas is christmas in the house
With him and happiness, and love will come!
Congratulations on the holiday Magic,
Wishing you peace and good.
Will be your home cozy, light
And open joyful Wests!

The star of good and magic was lit -
Happy holy christmas.
Let God keep and people help
Let the star light in the soul fade away,
Let happiness and wealth full of home.
Love, Health, Peace! Merry Christmas!

So again christmas -
Heavenly Celebration Forces:
On this day, Christ came,
To save our world from angry.
Glory eternal to him
Converging darkness.
Congratulations to the whole soul
With this joy big!

In the sky, the stars shines,
Night candles.
Merry Christmas Congratulations
In this wonderful evening.

Happiness, peace, prosperity,
Jasom new to you.
Let wolars be fulfilled.
Merry Christmas!

Star lit ... Christ was born,
And the world love with love!
Let happiness come in every house!
With beautiful light christmas!

In christmas we are waiting for happiness,
Let it come to the house
Slowly, at the dawn,
In a snowy quiet January.
Let him go without keys
We will find how children
And luck - like white
Mushroom, in Lukoshko wanted!
Let's go to the winter park to walk,
To find health.
Sit for family dinner -
And love we find,
Money will find us
Our career is easy route:
Become the director of miracles
Five, four, three, two, once ...
Merry Christmas, guys, you!

Let in a bright holiday, in christmas,
You are surrounded by magic,
Break joyful hearts
And happiness will be without end.
Susta on a festive table,
Kahors sparkles in a crystal.
Today, our Christ was born,
And the world immediately transformed.
I wish you for strength and patience,
Good, love, blessing.
Let the star be shining in the sky
And the path of your light is illuminating.

When Christmas stars flasl off in the night sky, and fluffy snowy canvas will shine thousands of squirrels, let the angel descend into each house and one wing will see the fire of the family comfort, which will fill the hearts with pleasant warmth, peace and tranquility. I wish the Christmas night to give a beautiful fairy tale to everyone who believes in a miracle. Happy holiday!

We wish you christmas wonders
And light mood in your heart.
And thoughts of peaceful, exactly winter forest,
And always with your loved ones.
Let and your stars lead you,
As the star of Magi led to the baby.
Heat and light, let you love, are waiting.
And rejoice in life, as if children!

I wish you from the soul in Christmas,
So that everyone is good, what is in this light,
In your house today I have to come,
Let Lord Your Desire notice!
Let this bright holiday forever
You will get rid of the seals and care!
Let's fortunately a guide star
You rather, my friend, will lead!

Let me give Christmas
Confidence and strength,
And will be the world around you
Smiling and cute.
Let the heavenly lights
Accompany everywhere
And will always be good
Native people!
Let be joy, and sadness
Passes by side
And happiness, friendship and love
Will be with you!

Christmas is miracles time,
Christmas is the time of gifts.
Merry Christmas! Let it be from heaven today
Light stars are especially bright.
Let your dreams be fulfilled
And adversity will pass by themselves.
Let all thoughts be chicted
And let the Lord keep all your loved ones.

Horror of candles on the Star Sky,
Joy in the world - Christmas arrived!
All the wines and bread are enough today.
Let them always have warm in the heart.

He knocks in the Christmas window.
To soul and heart sang,
I wish you all
That you yourself wanted.
I want to wish health
And be in the shower sometimes careless,
And never lose heart

Beautiful, wonderful,
Holy Christmas.
In the soul, let them settle
Good and magic.
Let them think lightly
Sinless things
So that life is only the most
Good gave!

Joy shine face
Good heard words -
Through everything goes borders
Bright Christmas holiday!
This day means so much -
God's thoughts celebration.
Happiness, wisdom, good luck
I wish you in Christmas!

In a christian good holiday
On the day of St. Nativity
Let the sky shine brightly
Guiding star!
Let the angels of the Lord
Fence you from adversity
Let the happy and successful
Will be this bright year!

Holy Holiday, Orthodox
We will meet in the world, with good.
He is because the main thing for us -
My heart with Christ!
Family holiday Note
With Christmas tree, home heat.
Let this day be bright!
All of you, friends, Merry Christmas!

Beautiful holiday, bright day!
We are all in a pleasant anticipation
Togo happy mom
When the shadow falls on the ground
And let's say: Christ was born!
I raise my glass,
So that this moment soon has come
And the world love with love!

Let in open doors
With warmth, blessing
Love and happiness will come to you!
To winter bad weather
Only a Purga is good
And, all the unclean
You are lucky balobal.
So that the wheelchair sound
To the best welcome
Surpassed all the expectation,
To this christmas
Everything came true and everything grew!

Blessed was an hour and the sacrament was accomplished:
Christ was born in the world of people.
Everybody gave the Divine Grace
He is the clear light of his goodness.
Let God's Son in trouble leave you
And in life the correct help to choose the path,
Dreams will help to come to Javi,
And you - for happiness heart open.

Merry Christmas I congratulate you,
Only good and good wish.
Only heat - on the heart, the world - in your souls,
Bowls are complete - in the house and everything you need.

Quiet on Christmas night
Magic walks into the world:
Walks a fairy tale home
In dreams peering to us.
Christmas Darrites
Heart joy and peace
And hope that shines
We are christmas star.
I wish in this holiday
Happiness to all, love, good.
Bring us peace and joy
Let the birth of Christ.

When it is difficult for me, I read Psalms:
"God is my light and salvation.
Who will I be afraid of?
God is the power of my life.
So whom I'm scared? "
In this wonderful Christmas evening, when our whole family gathered at the festive table, I want to wish everyone to feel divine light and warmth in the soul. Let our hearts themselves in a grateful prayer of the Redeemer who saved the world. For Christmas!

Let the christmas singing
This day blesses you,
Let joy be brightering snow,
Let the fate favors.
Let the christmas celebrate you
Magic Light Golden
Let the success of the sun shines,
Live, love and be loved!

In christmas we want to wish you,
So that the world in the house and grace
Let everyone be happy in the family, healthy
And more in the life of new impressions!

Again the star shines light
On the birthday of Christ.
Heart joy sogreto
Away goes out.
Be merry, healthy
And we want to wish you
Good deed, good word
Clean your soul!

Merry Christmas!
We all grace.
Learn to believe
And forgive enemies.

Merry Christmas!
The stars are shined brighter again.
To your cozy home
He became happy and richer!
All the insults - for later
Holiday on the threshold.
Let Christmas come
Joy and with God!

Merry Christmas Congratulations,
With this bright winter day!
And sincerely I wish
You good luck in everything,
To always shine
Guiding star,
To make you love.
Be happy always!
So that in affairs always lucky
So that the evil passed
So that successfully accompanied
Life would flow without interference
Long and calmly
And it was worthy!

You congratulate you today
Wishing peace and good.
To the breadcrising table -
And the pinkish, and caviar.
So that the way was and wealth,
To be sweet every day,
Happiness to come to your house -
All with Christ Merry Christmas!

In Christmas, Christ
Let the miracle happen!
I am good and world
I wish you people!

Beautiful arrival of christmas,
As quietly this holiday and leveled!
We are good hearing words -
They are adults are welcome and children.
So let the Lord on this day
All adversity will take away from you.
Jesus invisible shadow
Let it lead through years.

Merry Christmas! The holiday has come
All people with the universe lightly illuminated.
Purity of spiritual, peace, kindness,
Health and luck, less fuss.
To good angel accompanied us
From a dashing attack in life fenced.
And love and faith - stronger than granite.
And the Lord of the Most Highs Let all of us keep us.

I cordially congratulations
Merry Christmas all you!
Happiness sincerely wish
In this bright hour!
Let you illuminate the shine
From Star Height
And the desire will be fulfilled,
Plans and dreams.
Let an unexpected luck
Wakes up blood.
And, of course, mean a lot
Friendship and love!

Let christmas like a magician, a wizard,
Like a precious talisman
Health, cheerfulness and fun,
And let my happiness give you.

Let dreams come true
On this christmas,
Let people all fall in love -
Love carries warmth!
Let luck fabulous
Fate will reward
On the heart will be joyful
And happiness will win!

Merry Christmas!
Peace you, love!
Let the Lord fill
Happiness your days!
Silver sparkles
Let fluffy snow.
I wish joy
You have for a whole century!

In heaven, the star fell down,
And Christmas has come.
Family for dinner gathered
Cozy and warm.
Let a bright holiday of christmas
Will give joy and peace
Smile will fall on the mouth
And the world will envelop love!

We are waiting for miracles for christmas,
Though for a long time, not children,
But we consider magic
Good holiday this.
The light of the christmas star
Let heart warm up
And let it be happy
Who truly believes!

Congratulations Merry Christmas! In this bright holiday, I want to wish peace and calm in every home, good, mutual understanding, wealth, love, happiness, mental balance, success in all endeavors, more joy, good health and all benefits! Let all expectations and the most cherished dreams come true!


Miracles are granted
To you on Christmas night.
I wish you happiness
Mira, magic.
Let him sing, bodies,
All honest people.
Good health
For a whole year!

Let this christmas holiday
A star sparkles in the sky.
Let's forget bad
Forgive each other forever.
Let the angels tender from the sky
To the ground are grace
Hearts fill with love
So that people give it away.

Quiet christmas night
And the stars are bright shimmer.
All the alarms go away
And Christmas is all celebrated.
I wish you happiness from the soul,
Let life be always beautiful,
Acts will be good
And thoughts - and kind, and clear!

Knocks on the windows Christmas,
To soul and heart sang.
I wish you all
That you yourself wanted.
I want to wish health
Love and joy cardiac,
And never lose heart
Let happiness be infinite!

The winter fairy tale comes
Visits all at home -
This miracle happens
On the eve of Christmas!
Even stars brighter steel
In the sky above the ground shine
To celebrate this light
We could not forget!
So that good luck and health,
Joy, happiness and success
Settled in this house
And always sounded in it laughter!

In the bright evening of the Nativity of Christ
From the heart I want to wish you,
So that beautiful were and healthy,
And with a smile to meet every day.
To your address always sounded
The most beautiful words.
So that everything came true, what dreamed of
In this bright Christmas holiday!

Beautiful fairy tale from christmas skies
Let your dreams come down to you.
I wish a lot of true wonders,
Heat, love, spiritual purity.

Let everything be good, on good,
And let the heart not know the sadness.
I wish you in all of you lucky,
So that God shore and people have shown!

Favorite, the only husband
I congratulate you on Christmas.
And I am unity shower
For us, as before, I wish.

In work, always flourishes,
Let your work be in vain,
More often hug me -
And everything will be fine in life!

Let the christmas bring you
Peace on the heart, life joy.
All that is what the soul will ask
Yes, gives the Lord to reality!
Good, good luck, world celebration
Let it give this christmas!

Christmas greetings in verse

In the bright evening of the Nativity of Christ
From the heart I want to wish you,
So that beautiful were and healthy,
And with a smile to meet every day.

To your address always sounded
The most beautiful words.
To all come true, what dreamed of
In this bright Christmas holiday!

We celebrate Christmas.
And I wish you, daughter,
To be a bright celebration,
In all matters to put a point,

Today you need to rest.
I wish you health
And optimism not to lose
You can do a lot, I know!

In christmas we want to wish you,
So that the world in the house and grace
Let everyone be happy in the family, healthy
And more in the life of new impressions!

Beautiful Christmas Congratulations

My favorite is the best
You are a man on earth!
There is no you in the light of the cooler,
And I wish you

In this christmas good luck,
So that all the dreams come true,
Become wiser and richer
To be happy you!

Favorite, it seems sometimes
That christmas is your personal bright holiday,
After all, you're clean a beautiful soul,
And a lot of words will tell you beautiful.

My angel, you are always wonderful if
Always keep the same gentle
Love me, and forget about others,
And, dear, more often smile!

Let this bright holiday
The house joy will bring.
And let it be good
All the coming year!

Let the desire come true
After all, on the holiday of christmas
We, as someday in childhood,
We are waiting for a miracle, magic!

Christmas greetings

What do you wish today
In a wonderful holiday of christmas?
So that every day, as New Year's,
Was anticipating celebrations,

So that the life of the error for goodbye to you,
So that love flourished in the heart,
Eyes like asterisks, shine,
And smile again and again!

What to wish you in christmas?
So as not to have segments, sorrows and troubles,
So that the children were happy, healthy,
And let it be so many, many years!

Beautiful arrival of christmas,
As quietly this holiday and leveled!
We are good hearing words -
They are adults are welcome and children.

So let the Lord on this day
All adversity will take away from you.
Jesus invisible shadow
Let it lead through the years.

Original Christmas Congratulations

I wish you in Christmas
Meet a holiday without worries.
From the heart I congratulate!
Let alone always lucky.

Do not be sad and not sad
Do not lose heart and not be bored
Everything is good because it just begins,
From Christmas everything will be only on "five"!

I wish you great happiness,
And for this year and further - by year,
Will be allowed by your home all bad weather
Merry Christmas! Do not get sick!

"Christ was born!" I say and congratulations,
In Christmas, I wish you
To live in full health and joy,
Without seals, sorrow and envy.

Merry Christmas Congratulations for Friends

Let dreams come true
On this christmas,
Let people all fall in love -
Love carries warmth!

Let luck fabulous
Fate will reward
On the heart will be joyful
And happiness will win!

Wonderful holiday!
Christmas Christ, here!
I want to wish
Impressions this year!

So that you find a lot
And in a career and in fate
So that the line was the road,
In general, joy to you!

We celebrated the New Year
Today is christmas!
I wish virtue,
Let not affect evil.

And there will be only happiness,
Today and always
Safes and inside
Will never be!

Wishes and Congratulations Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas, Favorite!
Let dreams come true!
I wish you, honey,
Happiness, peace, beauty!

As soon as the first star in the sky
On the Christmas Eve expands heat rays,
Holy holiday of Christmas comes,
Cover the table, carols, joy, laughter!

Guests of anyone today are brought
To give them should be beneficial
Cardishly Merry Christmas Congratulations
God so that the aid was for us, for everyone!

I congratulate Merry Christmas
Beloved man,
Be happy you are with me together!
There is no reason for sadness.

Best Congratulations Merry Christmas

Wilts on the Bang of Jordan,
Illuminated their bright star light,
Illuminated their path, blessing,
So the old one was covered!

And they found in the nursery of the baby,
There was a savior for people born
Holy for us since then this moment
Congratulations on light christmas!

Christmas evening -
For angels ball.
Decorate Milky Path
Heavenly metal.

Let the stars give up
Delicate your light,
After all, the miracle happens
Although we believe, even - no!

Beautiful holiday in the yard -
Christ is Christmas!
And on this day is beautiful in January
Do not daring you under the blanket!

Come down the street, my friend,
Frosty air you breathe deeply
Congratulate you all friends, girlfriends -
And the world will become a little better!

Poems, Congratulations Merry Christmas

We wish you
Special blessing,
So that you forgot about fear,
Opened success, luck.

Let the close to you give you
His love and caress
Dreams let them come true
And become a Christmas fairy tale!

On the street frost, blizzard,
And the soul is calm and warm.
I wish you the same
After all, today - christmas!

Let your life be lit.
Light of good and the light of happiness,
And on this day - the seventh of January,
Other you will wear overnight!

In the Christmas instrument
There are a lot of what to say:
And the wishes of the city
I want to desire:

Good luck and fun
Health - not to take away!
In a good way
You meet every day!

Behind the window January.
Well, we look into the calendar:
Ba, what are the case,
Birthday you have.
What, you need to congratulate
And something desire.
The main thing is necessary,
So that in the soul was a fade.
And luck will come in handy
And patience, so as not to be angry.
Without love it is impossible
Fortunately, to led the path.
To help - loyal friends,
To strength - jet cheerfulness.
For order - not to be lazy.
All your worship come true!

Let health become strong
Like January frosts
Clean the fate of let manit
Like infant tears.
That life is beautiful -
Bloomed with a white rose
To the angels stored -
Distracted all threats.
Let snowflakes, having similate
Happiness under my feet lay down
Happy Birthday Congratulations!
Let your dreams come across!

In this special January day I want to congratulate you on the day
Birth! Let every day give unforgettable memories that
You will carry with love throughout your life. Let every year you
You will discover something new and fascinating!

Birthday in January,
When trees in silver.
You congratulate you today
Kindness, I wish you love.
Let Fortun smile,
You will not return bad to you.
Still joyful moments
All desires of performances!

January day, frost blizzard.
I wish the heart of the thaw,
And in the wallet a snowdrift currency,
So as not to be missed a minute.
Let the fairy tale give inspiration
In life so that all lucky,
Live happily, happy birthday!
All the troubles are called.

Lucky you, however,
Birthday in January.
This means that gifts
Get you doubly.
I wish you happiness,
WHO money, good bag,
Very good health
So that the morning until the morning.
Understanding of the authorities
Only devotees,
Optimism and good luck
Mass creative ideas.

Your birthday in January,
When the trees are sleeping.
When raging in the yard
Buran and snowfall.
But even though blizzards and swelling,
In your soul always
Magic flowers bloom,
And in the heart - warmth!
And you are lighter than winter,
Beautiful stars,
And than fringe snowflakes
Some more tender you.
You be a queen and a dream,
Madly good.
Be closest, tender, that
About com sow soul.

January - joker, rich for holidays -
That new year, then christmas, baptism.
From the house in the company's house rushing.
And you have a birthday today!
We congratulate and heart heat
We wish you sincerely.
Way of life let it be light
And even if the desire will come true!

You have one holiday in January,
Wishes are doubly and gifts too.
I wish you smile more often
Life enjoy and much happiness!
So that frost on the window, wrote "Happy Birthday!",
White snow on Earth brought inspiration!
To a good gnome left tracks,
For which the treasures can be found.
Wealth to you and joy a lot.
Love, passion, success huge,
And there is always a native man near
Cute, good, noble!

You look outside the window as beautiful,
All trees are in silver.
The wizard presented such a diva
Those who were born in January.
And we want to congratulate you.
Love mutual wish.
Let God always send you
When the roads do not see!

Happy New Year was born
In one, consider the month,
So it will be your life
Nice to flow and fun.
And it means strict winter
You will not freeze you
Will come luck to you myself,
And happiness will not forget!

Congratulations born in January

Z. Amelessly warm and sincere congratulations from our
The site will definitely warm your loved ones born in cold January.
At this time, there are strong frosts on the street, often sweatshirts, and
It seems that warm sunny days are completely far away. Besides light
the day just started to arrive and actually still very
short, that is, most of the day over the earth rules the dark
night. As if a person did not rejoice in his birthday, yet
The time of year on many acts in depressing. Maybe our
Congratulations will make your birthday girl look somewhat differently
around, see the snow beauty of the White World and rejoice again
His holiday and life at all.

Everyone who was born in January
Wish You happiness and health!
Stand frosts in the yard,
Well I congratulate you with love!
Let the birthday in winter
And do not get roses for the holiday,
Mark you with a soul,
And they are not afraid of frosting you!

You were born with the New Year,
In January, when the circle of snow,
In clear frosty weather
Although it could be a blizzard?
I wish you a bright life,
Days beautiful, as if white snow,
Happy birthday today congratulations,
And I wish you happiness forever!

Showed me a calendar
Behind the window - January!
So soon in January
I'll come to you again,
To congratulate on the birthday of the birthday
And gifts to press!
There are candies and cookies,
And pile pill!
Happy Birthday Congratulations,
Happiness, I wish you joy!

Your birthday is a bright day!
Let him not bloom now lilac,
Do not smell roses under the window,
But is it just in that?
Take a look in the eyes of friends,
What could be their eye warm?
They have roses and lilacs,
In them, the sea is affection on this day!

January - frost and snowed.
Start of year. Winter peak.
Your home is Uuben. Your look - gentle.
In response, we give a smile.
And let us wait for concerns tomorrow.
Forget about them at least an hour.
On your birthday, as notes,
Play at the table now:
"Before" - we drink for beauty,
"RE" - for the mind and kindness,
"MI" - for the will and reliability,
"Fa" - for tact and caution,
"Salt" - for generosity without roller,
"La" - for the talent of the housewife!
Well, "SI" - we will finish the last toast very simple:
We raised six glasses, all "played on notes",
On the seventh, we want to say:
"Sit very good!"

Oh, what is lucky to us!
We are spoiled by fate:
And christmas, and new year,
And the wonderful birthday is your
We celebrate in January,
Living in your calendar.
So let the clock be happy!
Let you take you under the wing
And the good old Santa Claus
And the newborn Christ!

Although you were born on the winter day
Perhaps in the snow and rainy.
But on your face always
Smile glows fine.
And we want never
With a smile, you did not part!

Birthday Our winter,
New Year was born
Maybe that's why
Such heights achieved!
Speak under the New Year
What does not want
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true!
Here's eyes burn now
Yubilertar brightly
It seems he wants
Get gifts!
Take as soon as possible
Congratulations to friends!

Who will be born in the new year,
That whole life is lucky!
You are a typical example:
Everything is in order with the life of personal
At work you are in honor,
Together with the whole relatives live.
Be healthy, be loved,
Be cheerful and happy
And let your ringing laugh
I am glad in all!

If in January born,
You will be to the stars you strive.
Bright brilliance amber
There will be stars of January!
Calling Creek Singer Bird
Songs of life will pour
Let the snow melts
And your laughter will remain!

Today, in the snow january,
I want to open you:
Girlfriend Pretty to overlap
And happy birthday to congratulate!
I sometimes happened sorry
You did not trust anyone
His heart sadness.
But the admiration caused
How hard to carry rock,
Who was tough to you.

SMS greetings Merry Christmas

"Beautiful fairy tale"
Beautiful fairy tale from christmas skies
Let your dreams come down to you.
I wish a lot of true wonders,
Heat, love, spiritual purity.
Let everything be good, on good,
And let the heart not know the sadness.
I wish you in all of you lucky,
So that God shore and people have shown!

"Bright Christmas Day"
Let a bright holiday of christmas
Give a feeling of rest
Let good power of magic
Get rid of misfortunes, grief.
Let this day and this year
Will be held in good and peace
Without quarrels, seals and adversity,
And it will always be so! "Favorite husband, Merry Christmas!"
Favorite, the only husband
I congratulate you on Christmas.
And I am unity shower
For us, as before, I wish.
In work, always flourishes,
Let your work be in vain,
More often hug me -
And everything will be fine in life! "Let the christmas bless"
Let the christmas blessing
For good actions
The Lord will reward health
And everyone will forgive misdemeanor! "Christmas Magic"
In christmas, like a miracle,
Magic happens.
Bottled everywhere
It knocks on every house!
Problems were? All will go!
Sorrow, sorrow - there!
Let only joy await you,
Let happiness be in your life! "In the bright evening of the Nativity of Christ"
In the bright evening of the Nativity of Christ
From the heart I want to wish you,
So that beautiful were and healthy,
And with a smile to meet every day.
To your address always sounded
The most beautiful words.
To all come true, what dreamed of
In this bright Christmas holiday! "Girlfriend, Merry Christmas!"
My girlfriend is expensive,
You today Merry Christmas
I sincerely congratulate
Let with this bright celebration
The wonderful path of fate will begin.
You never disappear
Let the edge be poured through the edge
Live, love and flourish. "Daughter, Merry Christmas!"
We celebrate Christmas.
And I wish you, daughter,
To be a bright celebration,
In all matters to put a point,
Today you need to rest.
I wish you health
And optimism not to lose
You can do a lot, I know! "Meet every day with good!"
Let the christmas miracle
Give you your warmth,
Let never be bad
Meet every day with good! "Thank you in Christmas"
From the early years, children know about it -
Ourselves ours are omnipresent and invisible.
And for everything beautiful in the world
God thank God in Christmas.
In Christmas, I wish you happiness,
Like all your family.
Let the hail house bypass
Live in good and good. "This holiday love and loved"
This holiday love and loved,
The essence of him is sacred and clean:
On this day in the whole Christian world
Celebrate the birth of Christ!
Let the christmas give you happiness,
In the soul so that everything is calm and light,
The Lord will force all the misfortunes,
I wish You all the best! "Favorite Mom"
Mommy, Favorite, Happy Holiday!
Congratulations sincerely I am Merry Christmas!
Let the Lord Music
Will let it forget the road to your house.
Happiness, health, good luck, I wish
More often do not cry, but smile!
Once again, native, congratulations on you
And I promise to meet more often! "Favorite, Merry Christmas!"
Favorite, it seems sometimes
That christmas is your personal bright holiday,
After all, you're clean a beautiful soul,
And a lot of words will tell you beautiful.
My angel, you are always wonderful if
Always keep the same gentle
Love me, and forget about others,
And, dear, more often smile! "Live, love and be loved!"
Let the christmas singing
This day blesses you,
Let joy be brightering snow,
Let the fate favors.
Let the christmas celebrate you
Magic Light Golden
Let the success of the sun shines,
Live, love and be loved! "Favorite, Merry Christmas!"
My favorite is the best
You are a man on earth!
There is no you in the light of the cooler,
And I wish you
In this christmas good luck,
So that all the dreams come true,
Become wiser and richer
To be happy you! "I wish you in Christmas"
I wish you in Christmas
Meet a holiday without worries.
From the heart I congratulate!
Let alone always lucky. "My daughter is mine!"
Merry Christmas to you, native,
My daughter is mine!
I wish you happiness
To come true your dream! "Let the dreams come true"
Let dreams come true
On this christmas,
Let people all fall in love -
Love carries warmth!
Let luck fabulous
Fate will reward
On the heart will be joyful
And happiness will win! "Christmas is a soul holiday!"
Christmas is the sacrament of the meeting!
Christmas is a soul holiday!
Believe in good, that our life is eternal,
And friends to congratulate everyone!
Happiness, Peace, Health and Light
On this day, we want to wish!
Let love guard the planet,
After all, the Lord on the planet is one! "Merry Christmas to you, son!"
Merry Christmas to you, son!
I wish from the heart
So that everything could be achieved.
Cute, congratulations! "Congratulations with Light Merry Christmas!"
Wilts on the Bang of Jordan,
Illuminated their bright star light,
Illuminated their path, blessing,
So the old one was covered!
And they found in the nursery of the baby,
There was a savior for people born
Holy for us since then this moment
Congratulations on light christmas! "Christmas is a fabulous hour"
Christmas is a fabulous hour,
After all, his atmosphere is magic.
His music pleases us
And gifts are wonderful, priceless.
Let her give you christmas
Constant, eternal happiness,
To always be in life lucky,
So that in the shower was a place for passion! "Merry Christmas to you, Favorite!"
Merry Christmas, Favorite!
Let dreams come true!
I wish you, honey,
Happiness, world, beauty! "If there is a bottle of wine"
Christmas - a great holiday!
New Year has already passed ...
Well, the forces are still decent -
Marking the turn came!
I wish you success
And spiritual heat
After all, frosts are not a hindrance,
If there is a bottle of wine! "We celebrated the New Year"
We celebrated the New Year
Today is christmas!
I wish virtue,
Let not affect evil.
And there will be only happiness,
Today and always
Safes and inside
Will never be! "Let the christmas award you"
May the Christmas rewards you
For good deeds
Let life give you joy,
Love - will not be evil.
Let your light eyes
From joy always,
Over the head of the skies
Never fumble! "This day is a great holiday"
This day is a great holiday,
I wish you christmas in Christ
So that you are once lucky
And happiness to the house came to you.
Came and forever left
After all, you all deserve it!
To all of you work,
Greetings enough forces! "Come on the street, my friend"
Beautiful holiday in the yard -
Christ is Christmas!
And on this day is beautiful in January
Do not daring you under the blanket!
Come down the street, my friend,
Frosty air you breathe deeply
Congratulate you all friends, girlfriends -
And the world will become a little better! "Wishes for Mom"
On the day of the Great Birth
Let everything be on the shoulder,
Peace, tenderness, fun
Mom want to wish.
Be always the same cute
Warming up your warmth
Good, affectionate, playful
And in the view with a light! "Today is christmas!"
On the street frost, blizzard,
And the soul is calm and warm.
I wish you the same
After all, today - christmas!
Let your life be lit.
Light of good and the light of happiness,
And on this day - the seventh of January,
Other you will wear overnight! "Dad, Merry Christmas!"
Christmas - Family holiday,
I will congratulate dad,
Very many words beautiful
I want to tell you.
Happiness, joy, success
And health wish
Less sadness, more laughter,
Never lose heart. "My only spouse!"
My only spouse!
Merry Christmas I congratulate
You are reliable, faithful friend
I wish you so much. "Christmas nights"
Great holiday in the yard,
Christmas nights
Stand trees in silver,
You wonder everything, prophesy ...
We wish you love, good,
Fun without despondency
So that there were full magic,
All happiness, people now! "It came to visit us Christmas!"
Do not forget - a wonderful evening,
It came to visit us Christmas!
Let be joyful meetings,
To always be lucky in everything! "Motherhood, Merry Christmas!"
I want today Merry Christmas
Congratulate Tamer dear
Let the father's house flourishes!
I'm kissing in both cheeks.
More beautifully, the mother-in-law not find!
And I wish you health,
Barriers do not be afraid on the way
Live, only flourishing! "Christmas IS A Very Happy Time"
IS A Very Happy Time,
Snowflakes Are Playing with US
Giving us a chance to smile.
Santa Claus is coming over
Bringing Gifts and Smell of Sweets,
HE's a good old fellow rover
Perfect Friend for Little Kids. "Happy Goodness"
Brought Angel Blagovest Mary,
That she is elected to the feat
And gave birth to the Messiah
In Khlev, in the nursery at Donkey.
Greed the baby with their breath,
Soft lips horse with donkey,
Happy Good, Charming,
Bring let the happiness Christmas! "Favorite Mom, Merry Christmas!"
My favorite mother
I want to congratulate Merry Christmas
Believe me, I say from the heart:
I want you, mom, glorify,
For your kindness
In life, always helped.
Will not fade your beauty!
I wish you did not miss you. "My favorite man congratulations"
I congratulate Merry Christmas
Beloved man,
Be happy you are with me together!
There is no reason for sadness. "What do they want in christmas?"
What do they want in Christmas?
Live, not beyond and not bored
To always be lucky everywhere -
And I sincerely wish you! "Favorite aunt! Merry Christmas! "
Favorite aunt! Merry Christmas
I want to congratulate my native!
Let it be calmly on your heart,
I wish my health and happiness! "Favorite girlfriend congratulations!"
My favorite girlfriend
I congratulate Merry Christmas
We will help each other,
In life, we always alone! "In a wonderful evening of christmas"
In a special holiday light, clean,
In a wonderful evening of christmas
I wish I hear from loved ones
Always nice words! "We want only better desire"
You are ready for christmas day
All congratulations to take:
And nothing worry about -
We just want to wish. "Merry Christmas mother-in-law!"
Merry Christmas Mother
Congratulations to the whole soul!
Let everything be easier in life,
Be always like this! "Beloved dad! Merry Christmas!"
Beloved dad! Merry Christmas
Today I congratulate
Let go lucky you in everything
I sincerely wish! "You, grandfather, Merry Christmas!"
You, grandfather, merry christmas
Today I congratulate!
Let God be helped in everything,
I wish on this day. "My dear spouse!"
My dear spouse!
Merry Christmas I congratulate you
You in life my girlfriend,
You will continue to live, loving! "This evening so quiet and mysterious"
This evening so quiet and mysterious.
The whole world is illuminated by magic.
Congratulations, my dear,
With Schyatcher and Merry Christmas!
Will be a quiet coat of christmas
Let our family be enveloped
Let it be healthy and smart
Our daughters and sons! "Uncle, Merry Christmas!"
Today we do not need to be sad,
Do not think about the bad.
I want you, my favorite uncle,
Now congratulate Merry Christmas!
Success I wish you
Health strong splin
Live laughing, not diligent,
Let in the heart reigns spring! "Take Congratulations to Christmas"
Take congratulations to Christmas.
Let the miracle happen in your life
Let joy, inspiration and good
We will be able to settle in your home.
Let Nadezhda, Vera, Heat
You do not leave for a moment in life,
Let any dream come true,
I sincerely wish you better! "Merry Christmas!"
I congratulate you today
With beautiful, bright, clean day,
I only wish happiness
Health, peace! Merry Christmas! "Christmas came to your house"
Christmas came to your home,
Happiness broke around!
Let the smiles in him vit
And I wish you:
Kindness and beauty,
So that all the dreams come true,
Let health fails
And good luck let it go! "Good and World Celebration"
Let the christmas bring you
Peace on the heart, life joy.
All that is what the soul will ask
Yes, gives the Lord to reality!
Good, good luck, world celebration
Let it give this christmas! "Happiness and love in your home!"
Congratulations on Merry Christmas!
Happiness and love in your home!
And health is so decent
So that everything is fine!
And boilers so that wine
Would you drank to the bottom!
Let the Lord save
From the seals and adversity! "Let the new year and the holiday of Christmas"
Let the new year and the holiday of Christmas
Give the feeling of magic!
Let the light of the candle will warm the house
Let the smell of fresh needles be in it!
Let close friends be near
Let be happy and joyful family. "I wish you big happiness"
Do not be sad and not sad
Do not lose heart and not be bored
Everything is good because it just begins,
From Christmas everything will be only on "five"!
I wish you great happiness,
And for this year and further - by year,
Will be allowed by your home all bad weather
Merry Christmas! Do not get sick! "Let the desire come true"
Let this bright holiday
The house joy will bring.
And let it be good
All the coming year!
Let the desire come true
After all, on the holiday of christmas
We, as someday in childhood,
We are waiting for a miracle, magic! "Favorite Son, Merry Christmas!"
This holiday is the great entered each house,
Great power is hidden.
I want to congratulate now Merry Christmas
Native, beloved son.
Good and health wish you
Love to meet
Lucky and joy in life, in fate
And the holiday is perfectly celebrated. "Merry Christmas"
Merry Christmas,
Higher benefits wish durable
Do not delay "for later",
That now the soul will want.
Forget resentment, sadness,
The thing that heart sharpened so much.
God will help everyone
Give health, faith, strength. "The midnight star was lit"
Fastened a full-length star
The star of the hope of our hope was lit!
So let it always burn,
So that the world is kinder became more painful!
Let you give christmas
All fulfillments of desires!
And let their charming
Sicks us all the magic! "Favorite wife, Merry Christmas!"
My beloved wife
My soul mate
Let life be your picture!
Only the best desire
I want you my native,
And promise to help
Love and believe I promise! "Beautiful christmas arrival"
Beautiful arrival of christmas,
As quietly this holiday and leveled!
We are good hearing words -
They are adults are welcome and children.
So let the Lord on this day
All adversity will take away from you.
Jesus invisible shadow
Let it lead through the years. "He knocks on the Christmas window"
Knocks on the windows Christmas,
To soul and heart sang,
I wish you all
That you yourself wanted.
I want to wish health
And be in the shower sometimes careless,
And never lose heart
Let happiness be infinite! "What to wish you in christmas?"
What to wish you in christmas?
So as not to have segments, sorrows and troubles,
So that the children were happy, healthy,
And let it be so many, many years! "Merry Christmas!"
Merry Christmas
I cordiously congratulations!
Happiness and health,
I wish you good
Holiness, lucavia -
Moderate to all.
Joy, good luck,
Poor - nothing. "In christmas we want to wish you ..."
In christmas we want to wish you,
So that the world in the house and grace
Let everyone be happy in the family, healthy
And more in the life of new impressions! "Congratulations on Merry Christmas!"
Congratulations on Merry Christmas!
I wish a lot of happiness and good,
Let you always be healthy,
Let it be strong your whole family! "In christmas"
In the Christmas instrument
There are a lot of what to say:
And the wishes of the city
I want to desire:
Good luck and fun
Health - not to take away!
In a good way
You meet every day! "The first star in the sky"
As soon as the first star in the sky
On the Christmas Eve expands heat rays,
Holy holiday of Christmas comes,
Cover the table, carols, joy, laughter!
Guests of anyone today are brought
To give them should be beneficial
Cardishly Merry Christmas Congratulations
God so that the aid was for us, for everyone! "And with light christmas!"
Happy New Year
And with light christmas!
Let winter give freshness
And decorate everything around!
Freeze water in rivers,
Wints fields, forests!
Let it be on joy to people
Magic and wonders! "What do you wish today?"
What do you wish today
In a wonderful holiday of christmas?
So that every day, as New Year's,
Was anticipating celebrations,
So that the life of the error for goodbye to you,
So that love flourished in the heart,
Eyes like asterisks, shine,
And smile again and again! "You are purity and happiness in Christmas!"
Son sent his father to forgive people
His road - flour to undergo!
Savior today we will pray,
We show that it was not for nothing he took a cross!
He lived in the middle of us, he was cargo, fisherd,
He is in poverty and poverty born
All Zlato - dust, one love is wealth,
You clean and happiness in Christmas! "Christ was born!"
"Christ was born!" I say and congratulations,
In Christmas, I wish you
To live in full health and joy,
Without seals, sorrow and envy. "When snow is tightened by land ..."
When snow is tightened,
And Christmas will come again,
A glass for happiness raise you
For peace, for friendship, for love! "Christmas tale"
We wish you
Special blessing,
So that you forgot about fear,
Opened success, luck.
Let the close to you give you
His love and caress
Dreams let them come true
And become a Christmas fairy tale! "Christmas good"
Let christmas goodness
You will illuminate today
Always borrow sweetness from life,
Let the Lord reward! "In this bright day you wish you"
I congratulate Merry Christmas
This holiday celebrate hundreds of years.
In this bright day you wish you
More in life to make victories
So that winter blizzards are all sorrows
Snowflakes joy and good luck brought.
And let the distant stars lights
You will be illuminated, wherever you live! "Wonderful holiday!"
Wonderful holiday!
Christmas Christ, here!
I want to wish
Impressions this year!
So that you find a lot
And in a career and in fate
So that the line was the road,
In general, joy to you! "I wish you good luck"
Christmas day is beautiful
The light of the sky is ill.
That of us is involved in it,
Who is in love with fate.
I wish you good luck:
Without crosses, struggle
On the desire of their own! My mother! "
Merry Christmas to you, native,
Mom my mother!
I congratulate from the soul
With this holiday you! "I Wish Your Christmas to Be Bright"
I Wish Your Christmas to Be Bright
And Covered Up with Shining Light.
I Hope Your Dreams Will All Come True
Wish Many Lucky Days to You.
And Let This Winter Bring You Love
That Would be Blessed from High Above
I Wish You Awesome Christmas Day,
And all your fears to go away. "Christmas Eve"
Christmas evening -
For angels ball.
Decorate Milky Path
Heavenly metal.
Let the stars give up
Delicate your light,
After all, the miracle happens
Although we believe, even - no! "Merry Christmas Congratulations!"
Impurity, purity of the child,
Grew up in our Savior
On this day especially and thin
Feels in each of the monastery.
Holiday for all in the world of Orthodox,
Holiday of light, joy, good.
Merry Christmas Congratulations!
Love, faith, truth and heat! "There will be magic in life"
You are the best wishes
Deserve to christmas
There will be no disappointment,
And there will be magic in life! "Friend, Merry Christmas!"
In our world is very difficult
Friend faithful to find
Take care as soon as possible
If I met on the way.
I have a perfect friend,
And I wish him
At Christmas is clear,
To be happy! "In the bright holiday of christmas"
In a bright holiday christmas
Health strongly wish you
Let your head already have a sediment,
In the shower you are young, I know! "People in christmas kind and cleaner"
In the moment of birth, I was starring light,
Born and new star,
The beginning of the New Testament,
We are lesson - love and compassion!
People in christmas kinderies and cleaner
Open their own hearts
Give feelings just, without care,
You are from our love of the Holy Gift! "Grandma, Merry Christmas!"
Favorite grandmother, good,
I want to congratulate you Merry Christmas!
I wish you only younger and more
Your face became every day.
Let our lord gracious will give
More health, patience and strength,
Let you live only good gives
So that God for good all awarded. "I wish you good!"
Let you always be lucky, in everything!
Let on the holiday of christmas
Problems will be nipple
And kind words
Let only sincerely sound!
I wish you good,
Congratulate you friends want
After all, it is time to celebrate. "Aunt, Merry Christmas!"
Today is an aunt dear
I have a hurry to congratulate Merry Christmas
I wish her life such
What will be wrapped with magic.
Health - I also need a lot,
So that life is a magical live,
Let them be joy award
To always be happy! "Mothery, Merry Christmas!"
My favorite mother-in-law!
Merry Christmas I congratulate you
After all, only kindness, love
I always get from you.
Let the Lord squeeze you
Health, joy, success,
Will be rewarded for all cases
And there will be more in the life of laughter! "Wonderful Christmas holiday"
Wonderful holiday of Christmas
For all, perhaps, there is a lot
Special words sound,
The snowstorms were offen.
And I want to wish you,
So that warm love warmed,
Do not forget your friends
Stand forward in life boldly! "My favorite friend wish"
Favorite friend I want to christmas
Good luck wake up on the way
As well as spiritual our relationship
In life, be able to carry. "Uncle Merry Christmas!"
I want you, my uncle,
Congratulate Merry Christmas.
Live, not looking back, -
Life will be magic! "Cute grandmother, with a holiday!"
Cute grandmother, with holiday -
The solar, light and joyful!
Respecting and very loving
Merry Christmas Congratulations!
Let the Lord defended you,
From adversity protects.
We all congratulate you together,
We wish you long and health! "Grandfather, Merry Christmas!"
Grandfather native, beloved,
Merry Christmas!
Whether you are the Lord's storage
Every day let good
And luck and happiness
Your heart will reveal
Be healthy, Favorite Prasrat!
Remember - experience will win! "Dear mother-in-law congratulations"
Dear mother-in-law Congratulations
In this fabulous day Merry Christmas!
I wish you health from the heart
So that your home has always been cozy! "More expensive than all the treasures of the world"
More than all the treasures of the world
The wealth of the Spirit and Soul.
And you are born to be happy.
Your life is expensive.
And believe: in the world they rule strength ...
Substitute to them and darkness, and light.
And you, like a son for them, loved,
The obstacles to success are simply no! "Granny Congratulations"
Granny congratulations
Today Merry Christmas
And I wish from the heart
I'm joy all!

Congratulations on Merry Christmas Tet - Poems, Prose, SMS

My native aunt
Merry Christmas!
Let your life be a paradise
The soul will be filled with good!
Let God are healthy will send
You and your whole family,
From all the incommion will save
Give a lot of clear days!

My dear, nice aunt,
Merry christmas you,
Congratulations today from the heart,
And I wish you health, good!
And I wish you longevity,
So that your dreams come to life,
Did not lose so that you are the upset
To happiness filled days!

In Christmas, you expect
Aunt cute, miracles.
Ask God now
The patronage of heaven.
Per day saint, magical, wonderful
I hear exactly the Lord,
Let him give the spirit he cheerful
Healing flesh from a pigeon.
Let him settle down
In the heart and big soul
Let us allow blessing
He is on a beautiful day to you.

In a Christmas holiday, I wish you a tete
So that her life is light, wonderful,
So that my aunt never be sad
But only from happiness, like a rose, bloom,
Let me bring her good luck
Dreams will perform success,
Let my aunt be wise and honest,
And gives it more often for us a ringing laughter!

Let the snowflakes mourno
A day magic outside the window
Congratulations today, Aunt,
From the soul, I am Merry Christmas.
I wish you happiness,
Good thoughts, nice things,
To bright, kind angel
For you I was watching.

Christ was born, with which I cordiously congratulate!
Let the world and the road always reign
I am happiness, aunt, I wish,
To help you always have been glad!
Let the eyes always light away from happiness,
And on the holiday wonderful everything will be filled with good,
And the heart suddenly will believe in miracles!
Congratulations, dear, Merry Christmas!

Let the aunt not be
Grief and big problems
In christmas I want to aunt
I would smile to all
Let her eyes shine her
And happy will look
There will be aunt let beautiful
How many years ago!

Merry Christmas, aunt,
Optimism at work,
Only happiness in the life of personal -
So that everything was fine!

Aunt in christmas you are health
Happiness and moments of good.
To be today only miracle, light,
Joy, warm, great success.
The light of the holiday let the soul insight
And let the magic let you be amazed.

Funny, Favorite,
Merry Christmas to you!
You are indispensable
My nice.
Let Winter-Beauty
Good happiness
Will give you what you like
Light sore!

Congratulations on Christmas sisters - poems, prose, sms

Today, under the night cover,
God's son was born!
Sister, merry christmas,
Let there be a thousand reasons
To be happy and beloved,
To believe, live, love, dream!
Let every mig be unique
Let's get happily shine!
Let the Lord protects
Leads on the right track
In all of you, let him help
Where the outlet is not easy to find!

My sweet sister,
Merry Christmas,
Magic wish, happiness,
The house will be filled with good!
Let lights shine brightly
Enough miracles,
And let it be all right,
Let the dream come true!

This evening a fairy tale is born,
Magic comes time
This evening the dreams come to life
This is the time of wonders, christmas.
This evening, I wish you sister,
So that your all the desires come true,
That life is bright and long,
So that happy days began!
So as not to know sadness and grief,
So that your shower bloomed,
To the angels of the house guarded,
From envy, grief and evil!

Sister dear, in christmas
I wish you everything from the soul,
What have you already wish for a long time
So that all the cherished dreams come true!
Let it be full of the house of heat, coziness,
Brings happiness every minute
Let the Lord from the trouble stores you,
And your whole family will protect yours!

Dear sister, congratulations from the heart,
And in the holy this holiday I wish you:
Let luck and happiness will always be with you,
Do not be sad, not sad, never never!
You are so simple, you are so native,
I am another such, for sure, I do not know in this world!

Holy evening comes
You're galage,
You are opening the wider doors,
Happiness in the house will soon be!
Let your year be wonderful,
Magic to you, good,
Joy, good, success,
Merry Christmas sister!

My good sister
Merry Christmas.
There will be wonders more
In the world, you are not easy.
Fight your desires
In the sky thoughts let go
Let the Savior helps
On the big way.

Dear sister, in a holiday of good and light christmas from the soul
I want to wish the colorful world and the accomplishment of all hopes, joy
For heart and light for the soul. Let Christmas give a lot of fun and
Sincere emotions, happy smiles and strong hugs.

Cute little sister, congratulations on Christmas. I wish to warm
a sense of love and feeling of happiness, I wish you sincerely hope for
The best and expect only good, I wish to believe in a good dream and live in
The atmosphere of the magic fairy tale.

So lit in the sky brightly
Guiding star.
Christmas gives gifts,
Get yours, sister.
Let the present be beautiful
And carries you good
Let love there will be a drop
Luche of the world and warmth.
Let all of what you ask for
Will, honey, given.
Let you have a lot of happiness
It will be destined in life.

Congratulations Merry Christmas Mom - Poems, Prose, SMS

Mother is my mother,
I wish the Christmas,
So that you and our whole family
Was happy and healthy!
I wish the eternal beauty,
And so that God kept you,
So that all cherished dreams
The Lord easily implemented!

Mother my native
Merry Christmas.
Let the Lord set the joy
In the heart of a gentleman.
Let him give health, strength,
Faith in happiness will strengthen
Let luck pull you
In your networks like a magnet.

A star broke out in the sky
The night waved the sleeve.
Congratulations on a nice evening
My mom, Merry Christmas.
Let the Lord protects
For the strength let you give you
Life worthy, good
Let him slowly only flow.
Let the magical holiday this
Give a big heat charge
So that, as before, light
And the source of good.

Today, Christ was born,
So, there is no wonderful holiday!
You in christmas I am my mother's mother,
Health and happiness I wish!
Let God love you, always sews,
After all, faith in your heart really lives,
Let Christ help you to live like this
How did you draw in cherished dreams!

Mommy, I congratulate you on Christmas and I want to wish harmony in
Your soul, warmth and good in your heart, well-being and happiness in
Your house, magic stories and warm meetings in your life. Mom,
Let this christmas turn into a joyful and bright holiday in
a circle of expensive and close people filled with bright moments and
wonderful moments.

Congratulations, Mom, Merry Christmas
Let the Lord of you from the troubles will save
Good luck, mommy, let it be waiting for you,
And the happiness of the light in the eyes is burning!
I wish you dream of execution,
As much as possible in the life of clear days,
And God's blessings
So that every mig is light!

Christmas Christ, Mom,
And you congratulate you
On this day, wonderful, kind
Brighter sun let him shine
You live as long as possible,
Do not pain and do not give up
Be happy, tender, cute
And you stay!

Cute mom, my native man, I congratulate you on Christmas. IN
childhood you gave me a beautiful fairy tale and faith in miracles, filling
This holiday is a magical shine and good smiles. Let now
Christmas will give a fairy tale for you, let your soul again believes in
Miracle, let the heart be filled with love and sincere joy.

In christmas, native mom,
I wish the world.
So that harmony is big
In your heart just lived.
Let him give a holiday this
Light hope.
Be keeper of happiness
You always, as before.

Behind the window it's time, Wow, frosty,
But the landscape of January,
Snow shines, like starry sky ...
Merry Christmas, my mother!
Be healthy, cheerful, happy,
Surprise friends with optimism,
Let the gait comes in a hurry
And will remain in your life
Let the success of mischievous
Will be joy in fact huge
So that the whole world filled with himself!

This is a photo of amulet dated by official historians by the 3rd century BC. It depicts a crucified man whom most people would immediately determine how Jesus Christ. However, Greek inscription testifies that before us "Orpheus-Bakhus", one of the pseudonyms of Osiris Dionysus ...

Who was born in christmas?

In the Gospel of Matthew First, the ancestors of her husband Mary - Joseph are listed. And all this is issued as a pedigree Jesus. However, in the same Gospel it was written that Mary was already pregnant when I was married to Joseph: "... before they were combined, it turned out that she had in the womb of the Holy Spirit ..." (Matt. 1,18). Those. Joseph is a carpenter from Knee Davidova - there has nothing to do with this case. On the date of the birth of the baby, whose birth was supposedly related to the relevant personality, speaking on Earth as gods, nothing is said, not a single word!

In the Gospel of Mark Not a word is not told about the conception, not about the birth of the Son of God, nor about Mary, or about Joseph. There everything begins with some John, who baptized everyone wishing to water. About there is mentioned only when he already adult himself came to be baptized to John ...

In the Gospel of Luke Another interpretation is already given by this "divine" events. There, a certain angel spent a polytheph directly with Maria, handing it clear instructions: "... And now, you will warm in the womb, and give birth to your son, and you will give him a name: Jesus ..." (Lux. 1, 31). About the process of birth of a baby mentioned, too, very casual, as if a puppy had a puppy with a son, not a son, according to biblishers ...

Gospel from John It begins at all interesting: "... In the beginning there was a word, and the word was God, and the word was God ..." (John 1,1). And understand how you want! But it's not that. There, too, more or less connected story begins with the prophet John, who baptized the public with water. And then an adult Jesus appears already, who also walked down.

That's all! And no dates, no events for which you could catch up to accurately determine at least something! In all the gospels, loudly referred to in the Bible "Holy Gospel", about this the greatest event - the birth of the Son of God - is written to the indecent one! And what surprises most - not a single date, not a single name or locality of the settlementFor which it would be possible to determine at least something. There is a hard impression that the Bible has not written in order to tell about something, but in order to hide something! We will have to explore this question more thoroughly and seriously ...

Find the exact date of birth of Jesus Christ we failed. But we managed to know something about the date of December 25. In the movie "Spirit of Time", we first heard the information that caused us not just surprise, but immense surprise. It turned out that Jesus Christ had several "twins on fate", also born December 25. But that's not all! It turned out that some of these twins were also crucified, and everything, as one, was resurrected! Some - also in 3 days! For example, these are instances:

1. Mountains, Egypt, 3000 years BC Born on December 25 from Isis-Virgin. When he was born, the star was caught fire in the east, with which 3 found the place of birth of the Savior. At the age of 12, he taught the children of the rich. At the age of 30, he accepted the spirit of dedication from man named Anu. He had 12 students with whom he made miracles - healed and walked around the water. He was called truth, the light, the son of God, the Shepherd, the Lamb of the Lord and others. After betrayal by Typhon, the mountains were crucified on the cross, was buried, and after 3 days rose.

2. Attis, Frigia, 1200 years BC. Born by the Virgin on December 25th. Crupped, rested after 3 days.

3. Mitra, Persia, 1200 years BC Born by the Virgin December 25th. He had 12 students. Worked miracles. After death was buried and after 3 days. He was called the truth, light ... Day of worship Mitre was Sunday.

These are such unexpected and amazing information, sometimes you know when you find a real, undischarged information when you find and read the books of honest and courageous authors who were not afraid to learn and write the truth for which a lot of lives was taken away, the best lives!

Returning to our investigation about christmas holiday December 25We see that everything is not so simple and clear here, as it seems the usual person, just a regularly eating Christmas turkey and not opposing any subtleties and details. Here everything is specially distorted and confused very long ago, carefully and skillfully! However, we will try to figure it out in this matter ...

The history of Radomir's life

Apparently, today it really has time to reveal the secrets hiding from people many centuries. Not so long ago, we were allowed to know that the earth is not flat, but has a form close to spherical. Then we learned that the Earth is not the center of the Universe that there are other planets, stars, galaxies, the universes ... But the most important thing from us still try to keep all the forces and means. The most important thing is that Not lonely in the universe! It was trying to speak by Poped Bandites Jordan Bruno. Back in the 16th century, he tried to tell people that the universe is completely ill and there is very many inhabited worlds. And it was for this that he was alive burned in papal inquisition at the fire. And the idea that the Earth is a unique planet, and that humanity is the only and unique creation of some kind of God is diligently drove into the consciousness of people.

Our planet fell into the sphere of hostilities a little more than 100 thousand years ago. And since then, events related to this war are constantly occurring on Earth. Many authors try to somehow cover these events, but almost a complete lack of information on this topic and ignorance of basic information, the foundation, around which everything can be properly lined up, does not allow at least a little closer to the truth. For the first time, the truth about it wrote academician Nikolay LevashovAfter releasing the first volume of his unique book in 2007. " In this book, he gave fundamental knowledge about who we are, how and why we fell to this planet, which happened to us earlier and is happening now. He gave just that foundation around which it is now very easy to add the other pieces of historical mosaic life of our civilization. So far only in his books and in his wife's book Svetlana de Rogan-Levashova This information contains many centuries from all of us.

But the truth is really impossible to destroy! In this, concrete case, truth found the way to freedom so an unusual way that the enemies could not provide such. Therefore, we can now read what many hundred years have been hidden from human eyes. So, we present you fragments of the description real life Radomir (Jesus Christ) taken from the 1st volume of the book Svetlana Levashova ...

That is why they hide the truth enemies of mankind. That is why they distort and destroy everything, which can reach their dirty, sticky, clawed paws. And they are very afraid of truth. They are afraid to convulsion The fact that people will find out the truth about them, about them, who were going on several thousand years old, about their plans to destroy the almost entire population of the Earth. They are afraid of everything and live in this fear all their lives! They do not envy them, but this does not justify them. They are afraidAnd therefore hide, distort and try to destroy any information spilling light on real events occurring on earth and abroad. However, their time ended! They did not have time to complete the bloody plan of the dark on Earth during the last night of the weld and, as a result, suffered a defeat in this long, non-commercial battle. And the truth is really impossible to destroy. Only full ignorants may hope to do something similar.

Real Jesus killed 900 years ago!

Our searches for this date of birth Radomir (Jesus Christ) have not yet led to success. But we found the exact date of his murder. This happened at all 2,000 years ago, and February 16, 1086 of our era. From here, of course, it is possible to approximately calculate the year of his birth, based on the approval of the Bible, which he lived 33 years old. But we have not been brought to a long time from this false book. Yes, and by date on December 25, it most likely has nothing to do. That's what I wrote about the time of the murder of Radomir in section 2.30., 2nd chapters of the 1st volume of the book:

"... The crucifixion of real Jesus Christ took place early in the spring when his strength was at a minimum, and he was not able to block the Psi-Exposure of Jewish High Priests on the Folk Mass, what is written in the New Testament ..."

Yaroslav Kesler, just reading the English-speaking version of the Bible, discovered a significant discrepancy with the Russian-speaking version. This allowed him to make a confident statement. about the place of the execution of Jesus, which took place in Constantinople, not where today's Jerusalem is located.

And Nikolay Levashov explains how churchmen managed to deceive all so deft for many centuries. It turns out that the whole thing is in the absence of our necessary information necessary. We just did not know earlier that ten centuries ago jerusalem was not called some particular city (like today), and the city where he was high Priest Rate. When the headquarters of the High Priest moved, they began to call another city. Analogue term "Jerusalem" Serves term "capital" - The city in which the ruler (government) is located. If the government moves to another city, he already begins to be called the capital.

So, ignorance by us such a simple thing allowed enemies to turn everything from the legs on the head and deceive us a very long time. However, according to the Russian proverb: "How much rope does not see, it will still be the end." So here: the truth still became known! Let so far in general terms, but the main thing is found! The right foundation was found, which will now easily collect together all the other links of the chain of knowledge ...