Holidays and events 4 September. September in history

Traditionally, in early September, residents of the Russian capital celebrate the birthday of their beloved city.

City Day in Moscow in 2019(or, briefly, ) in accordance with Law No. 56 of September 22, 2004, may be appointed on the first or second Saturday in September, depending on the decision of the city authorities.

Earlier, the day of celebration of the Day of the capital of Russia was always the first Saturday of September.

However, after the tragic events in Beslan in 2004, the Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism was appointed on September 3, and a memorable date could also fall on Saturday. Carrying out festive events dedicated to the Day of Moscow, at the same time as such a tragic date, of course, is unacceptable. Also, the first Saturday of autumn may coincide with September 1 (Knowledge Day), which remains a holiday and is an important date for the inhabitants of the Russian Federation. On September 1, many thematic festive events are traditionally planned throughout Moscow, which should not be combined with events dedicated to the celebration of the City Day in Moscow. In this regard, it was decided to officially fix the possibility of transferring the Day of the City of Moscow to the second Saturday of September.

When is City Day in Moscow in 2019:

Due to the existing uncertainty (the fact that the date of the celebration can be set both on the first and on the second Saturday of September), residents and guests of the capital are interested in the question When will Moscow Day be celebrated in 2019: September 7, 2019 or September 14, 2019.

Every year at the beginning of July, the Decree of the Government of Moscow is issued, which determines the date of the city day in the capital of Russia.

Before its release, it can be assumed that Moscow Day 2019 will be celebrated on the first Saturday of September - September 7, 2019.

That is, City Day in Moscow in 2019 will be celebrated by:
* September 7, 2019.

On September 4, many holidays are celebrated in our country and other states. Therefore, you can read about them in the article below.

Russian events September 4, 2019

Russian Nuclear Specialist Day

This holiday was created by decree of the President of the country in 2006. The celebration is celebrated every year on September 4 on the anniversary of the creation of the Special Department under the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces in 1947. H

and this headquarters was entrusted with the leadership of nuclear weapons testing. At that time, two departments were involved in the creation of the atomic bomb - the military and the nuclear industry. The first nuclear test was carried out on August 29, 1949, at the same time that it ended the US nuclear monopoly.

Since then, 715 nuclear tests have been carried out. And the last one happened in 1990 on October 24 on Novaya Zemlya. The usual stereotypes were forced to reconsider the Chernobyl tragedy. The Russian Federation has strategic nuclear forces.

What else is happening in the world September 4, 2019

Day of the Rescuer of Armenia

At a meeting of the Armenian government in 2008 on September 4, it was announced that such a date would henceforth be considered the Day of the Rescuer. The Armenian rescuers have a hard experience in dealing with the consequences of emergencies.

It is worth recalling how in 1988 the rescuers, together with other volunteers from all over the USSR, saved the lives of many residents of the north of Armenia who were affected by the earthquake. The country's rescuers played a big role during the brutal war in the early 1990s. hundreds of people were saved thanks to the heroic action of the rescuers.

In the country, long before the creation of the rescue service, there were many glorious rescuers, whom the state is proud of today. Physicians occupy a special role among the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. It was they who saved their comrades under the whistle of bullets, sometimes even at the cost of their lives. Employees of the rescue service on this day receive congratulations from colleagues and the state.

Day of the customs officer of the Republic of Moldova

This professional celebration is celebrated in the country every year on September 4th. The history of the activities of the country's customs service begins as soon as the state declared independence in 1991 on September 4th. At the same time, the Presidential Decree “On the Subordination of Customs Institutions on the Territory of the Republic of Moldova” came into force.

Such a decree provided for the transfer of all customs structures that were located on the territory of the country. This service is the central administrative body, which should ensure the economic security of Moldova and implement the customs policy.

The goals of the customs service may include ensuring, in accordance with international standards, the economic security of the country, facilitation of trade procedures in communication with the business community and civil society. The Republic of Moldova since 1994 has become a full member of the world customs organization.

September 4, 2019 in the folk calendar

Agathon Ogumennik

On this day, according to the church calendar, people celebrate the memory of the martyr Agathonikos of Nicomedia, who suffered suffering for his faith. As the old legend says, on this day the goblin comes to the threshing floor in order to make fun of the straw - throw the sheaves, untie them and drag the straw all over the district.

So the peasants went out on patrol to guard their supplies. When the men gathered at night, they put on the sheepskin coat inside out, tied a towel around their heads, and took a poker in their hands. The poker had to draw a circle around the threshing floor and sit inside it. It is in this case that the goblin will not be able to approach the threshing floor. In folk legends, the goblin was a forest spirit who made sure that no one harmed his household. This is exactly how the goblin treated people.

If a person was kind, then they did not touch him, and if he was bad, then he could wander around the forest in circles and go into the very thicket. Leshy is given a couple of remarkable days in the folk calendar, and this holiday is one of them.

Who should celebrate the birthday on September 4, 2019

Alexander, Alexei, Ariadne, Athanasius, Vasily, Gabriel, Ivan, Hilarion, Isaac, Makar, Mikhail, Fedor, Felix.

Significant events on September 4

  • 1700 - by decree of Peter I, the Order of Mining Affairs was established.
  • 1781 - the day the city of Los Angeles was founded.
  • 1888 - George Eastman received a patent for a film-powered camera and registered the Kodak trademark.
  • 1975 - the first broadcast of the television club of experts What? Where? When?
  • 1987 - in Moscow, the trial of Matthias Rust, a pilot who violated the border, who landed his plane on Red Square, ended.
  • 1999 - as a result of a terrorist attack in Buynaksk, a residential building was destroyed, 58 people died.

September 4th were born

  1. François-Rene de Chateaubriand 1768 - French writer.
  2. Eugene Lansere 1975 - Russian graphic artist and painter.
  3. Richard Nathaniel Wright 1908 - American writer.
  4. Kenzo Tange 1913 - Japanese architect.
  5. Eduard Khil 1934 - Soviet and Russian opera singer.

Today, September 4, Russia celebrates the Day of the Nuclear Security Specialist, Armenia celebrates the Day of the Rescuer, and in the Republic of Moldova today is a professional holiday - the Day of the Customs Service Worker.

Nuclear Specialist Day (Russia)

The Day of the Nuclear Specialist Day, which is celebrated annually on September 4, was established on May 31, 2006 by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation.
The departments of the military and atomic industry worked on the creation of the atomic bomb in the USSR. The preparation and testing of the atomic bomb was carried out by the Special Department of the General Staff, the main result of which was the creation of the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site, where in 1949 on August 29 the first nuclear test was conducted in the USSR, which put an end to the nuclear monopoly in the United States.
715 nuclear tests have been carried out since that time. On October 24, 1990, the last nuclear explosion took place on Novaya Zemlya.

Rescuer Day (Armenia)

The Day of the Rescuer has been celebrated in Armenia every year since 2008, when September 4 was declared the Day of the Rescuer at a meeting of the Government of the Republic of Armenia.
Rescuers of Armenia have extensive and difficult experience in dealing with the consequences of emergencies. Together with thousands of volunteers from the Soviet Union, in 1988 they saved the lives of the inhabitants of the north of Armenia, who suffered from the strong Spitak earthquake, one of the main lessons of which was the creation of rescue services in Armenia and other republics of the former USSR. Then, thanks to the heroic actions of the rescuers of Armenia, the lives of hundreds of people were saved.

Day of the customs officer (Republic of Moldova)

In the Republic of Moldova, every year on September 4, a holiday is celebrated - the Day of the Customs Service, the history of which began on September 4, 1991 - after the declaration of independence of this state and from the moment the Decree of the President of Moldova "On the subordination of customs institutions on the territory of the Republic of Moldova" came into force. This Decree provided for the transfer of customs structures, which at that time were located on the territory of the Republic of Moldova and the internal customs of the capital Chisinau, under the leadership of the Government of Moldova.
Since then, the customs service of the Republic has become the central administrative body that ensures the economic security of this state and implements customs policy. This body in the Republic of Moldova directly manages all customs activities.

Unusual holidays 4 September

Today, September 4, you can celebrate such unusual holidays: Unfamiliar Roads Day, Curious Day and Reckless Day

Day of unfamiliar roads

It is known that unfamiliar roads love the most daring, courageous and most curious. These roads are hidden from the fearful. They are especially fond of tramps, and constantly prepare surprises for them. If you are a brave and courageous tramp by nature, if you are overcome by curiosity, you are not afraid to go out on an unfamiliar road and get lost, then today, September 4, is your day - go ahead! And who knows what might be ahead? Maybe the legendary Blue Bird is waiting for you?!

Curious Day

Is it not in vain that you disturb your drowsy spirit with useless knowledge? Only in those who suddenly look into the abyss, she will look into the soul too ...

Retrieve Day

You can have a good time any day, but on this day you can have a good time! After all, today, September 4, is a holiday - Retard Day!

Church holiday according to the folk calendar - Agathon Ogumennik

In the church calendar, on September 4, the Orthodox commemorate the martyr Agathonikos of Nicomedia, who in the 4th century suffered suffering for the faith of Christ. The first part of the name of today's holiday comes from this date, but the second part is associated with an ancient folk custom that has its roots in pagan times.
On this day, according to an old folk belief, the goblin comes to the threshing floor in order to throw sheaves, untie them or drag straw all over the district.
The Slavs went out on patrol that day to guard their supplies. The peasants, intending to watch at night, put on their sheepskin coat inside out, took a poker in their hands, and tied a towel around their heads. Then, around the threshing floor, they outlined a circle, sat inside it. Our ancestors believed that only in this case the goblin would not approach the threshing floor.
Goblin in ancient folk legends is a forest spirit that makes sure that no one harms his household.
Leshy is given many holidays in the folk calendar, so Agathon Ogumennik is one of them. Exaltation (September 27) was also considered a special day when the goblin drove the beast through the forest and it was mortally dangerous for a person to get in the way of this caravan.
There were such folk signs on Agathon: if the day is clear, then sunny warm autumn weather will last another four weeks.
Name day September 4 with: Alexander, Alexei, Ariadne, Athanasius, Vasily, Gabriel, Ivan, Hilarion, Isaac, Makar, Mikhail, Fedor, Felix

September 4th in history

1957 - The first flight of a jet passenger aircraft "TU-104A" began on the route Moscow-New York
1959 - A novelty appeared on sale in the USA - tights
1962 - The Beatles began work in the studio on their first single.
The beginning of the Cuban Missile Crisis: President John F. Kennedy warned Fidel Castro that the United States would fend off the Cuban military action in the area of ​​its interests by all means; on the same day, Moscow declared that direct US intervention against Cuba would lead to a global conflict.
1964 - NASA launches its first orbiting geophysical observatory into space.
1965 - In Kyiv, during the screening of the film "Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors", a protest rally was held against new political repressions.
1970 - Prima ballerina of the Theater. Kirov Natalia Makarova granted political asylum in the UK
1975 - The first issue of the game “What? Where? When?"
1985 - In Israel, a monetary reform took place; the shekel (since then called the "old shekel") was withdrawn from circulation and a new shekel was put into circulation. The exchange rate of old shekels for new ones was 1000 to 1.
The remains of the Titanic on the Atlantic sea floor are photographed using a remote control.
1991 - Sverdlovsk again became Yekaterinburg.
The property of the CPSU was nationalized in Armenia.
For the first time, a blue-yellow flag was raised over the building of the Verkhovna Rada in Kyiv.
A declaration on the state sovereignty of Crimea was adopted.
1997 - A grandiose four-day celebration of the 850th anniversary of Moscow began in Moscow
1998 - Google founded

Every person who is at least a little versed in astrology knows that even people of the same sign have a different zodiac characteristic. Which also depends on the date of birth. Virgos of the first decade, for example, usually take on all the qualities of this sign. But people who were born in the second third of the zodiac month are a little Capricorn. These include the Virgo, born on September 4, which will now be discussed.

Personal characteristic

The first thing worth noting is that these people are extremely partial to awards and honors. Deep down, they dream of the status of a high boss and rapid career growth. And for people born on September 4, this is not just a desire, but a goal! The thought of achieving which gives them great confidence. This desire helps them overcome any obstacles that arise on the way. Strong, motivating leaders - that's what happens from people whose birthday is September 4th.

What zodiac sign endows its representatives with even more impressive perseverance and hard work, except for Virgo? A rhetorical question. Everyone knows how Virgo is purposeful, hardworking, hardy, pedantic and prudent. They are perfectly characterized by the phrase "burning at work."

Negative qualities

It is worth noting that Virgos born on September 4 are sometimes overly critical and picky. In work, maybe this is not bad, but only these qualities are manifested in personal life. Which does not play into the hands at all.

Even these people often break down on their relatives and friends. It can be very difficult for them to control negative emotions. It is difficult to keep them in oneself, so the splash occurs instantly and thoughtlessly - on those who are nearby. Because of this, it can be very difficult for partners of the Virgos of the second decade to feel the warmth and cohesion of the union. Frankly, only very patient and understanding individuals can get along with them.

However, Virgos are wonderful interlocutors, well-read and versatile. So they are, for the sake of which to endure.


Well, the general characteristics are approximately clear, but now we can specify. So, what are they - the girls who were born on September 4? Women whose zodiac sign is Virgo have excellent taste and nerves of steel. Surprisingly, they combine rigor and rationalism with charm and ease of communication.

They are very educated, you can discuss anything with them - starting with musical novelties, ending with the technical features of diesel generators. An impressive outlook of interests makes these girls welcome guests in any company.

Men, by the way, like their way of thinking and way of life. However, achieving a girl born on September 4 is not easy. These persons agree to enter into a relationship only with the person in whom they will be 100% sure.


What can be said about the representatives of the strong half of humanity? Unrestrained, rude and harsh - these are the first impressions made by guys who have a birthday on September 4th. Men of the zodiac sign Virgo can really seem like that. But in fact, they are courteous, sociable, diversified, and also persistent and gentle. However, only with loved ones. To show their true nature, they need time to get to know a person better and get used to him.

But this is not the only characteristic of a man. September 4 (zodiac sign - Virgo) - such a birthday suggests that a person will be distinguished by a craving for everything new. These men like to constantly learn, discover new horizons for themselves. They also value freedom. For this reason, they are in no hurry to marry - these men enter into marriage only out of great love, and in adulthood.

Relationships with others

If that Dev of the beginning of the first decade and outrages in other people, it is their arrogance, duplicity, unnaturalness, inflated self-esteem and vanity. With such persons, they try not to even get involved.

But they try to make their loved ones happy. But only if they themselves are satisfied with life.

Situations related to interpersonal relationships, they see subtly. Because in each of them, as soon as it first occurs, Virgos are always carefully sorted out. Their goal is not to quickly solve the problem, but to see and understand the entire structure of relationships, motives and intentions. That is their approach. It gives them a complete picture of further developments.

Also, people born on the 4th day of the first autumn month often analyze others. Often they surprise with the ability to foresee trouble where they are not even aware of it. Because they manage to calculate everything in advance. The importance of a sense of order and calm Virgo constantly encourages this.

business horoscope

He should also pay attention when studying the characteristics of the zodiac sign on September 4th. Women and men who are Virgos of the second decade always believe in their victory, and do not succumb to any external provocations. Even if they are told a million times that their project is unsuccessful, unpromising and stupid, they will still finish what they started. Moreover, the skepticism and insecurity of other people will only inspire them to succeed.

But in the Virgo team of the beginning of the second decade, they gain trust and authority immediately. At work, they are very attentive - they always listen to their superiors, analyze new information, and conscientiously fulfill their duties. However, in one place, as a rule, these people do not stay long. It is important for them to go to work as if it were a holiday, to have some excitement for the position, to see the prospects. Therefore, they quit as soon as it loses this value.

What is the meaning of their life?

It is also worth trying to answer this interesting question by studying the specific features of people born on September 4th. The zodiac sign Virgo endows them with incredible ambition, practicality and an acute need for stability.

They work hard for their own good. Sometimes without knowing the measure. Therefore, sometimes they need to ease the mental tension and take a little responsibility off their shoulders. Regular stress often brings the nervous system of Virgo to complete exhaustion. But since these workaholics cannot live without work, a long-term vacation is not for them. Therefore, the best way out is a competent daily routine, in which there is a place for relaxation.

By the way, the dominant theme in the life of those born on September 4 is creation. Sometimes it seems that even if they own all the wealth of the planet, they will still establish a new structure for the sake of its successful functioning in practice. Planning, generating and further translating into reality all sorts of ideas is their favorite "horse".

Family and personal life

This is something that people born on September 4th are extremely demanding on. They will either be in a harmonious, almost perfect relationship without conflicts and quarrels, or they will remain lonely.

Virgos of the beginning of the second decade try to meet with different potential partners, but if they notice insincerity emanating from a potential soulmate, then they immediately end what has begun. Also, they do not hesitate to end the relationship if they themselves have lost their sharpness of feelings. And they do it peacefully - it is important for them not to bring the situation to a confrontation.

Most of all, Virgos are concerned about the emotional component of long-term relationships. They are so rational that even in marriage they look for expediency. If the Virgos see that the relationship with the second half does not bring them anything, then they get divorced in order to make room for new, more promising contacts.


I would like to talk about this in the end. As it was already possible to understand, the Virgo of the second decade is not the easiest person, and not everyone is able to get along with him.

Good prospects can be with Taurus. Perhaps crazy love between these two will not flare up, but deep affection and sympathy are quite possible. They are united by practicality and realistic outlook on life, which is the foundation of a relationship for both.

Relationships with Cancer are also possible. Tenderness and affection in them will not be enough. Such an alliance is full of business conversations, discussions of intentions and plans for the future, promising ideas and thoughts. And it suits both. In any case, everyone in this union will be provided with spiritual and material benefits.

But perhaps the best option for those born under the sign of Virgo on September 4th is Capricorn. The union of these two will know no quarrels, no separations, no sorrows, no disappointments. They are kindred spirits who not only understand each other perfectly, but also experience a strong mutual attraction. Both Capricorn and Virgo believe that the intellect should rule over feelings, and they both perceive selfless work and concern for the future as the most important value in life. This unites them and makes them truly happy.

September 4 - The Day of the Nuclear Support Specialist was established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2006 N 549 "On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation."
The first Soviet nuclear bomb IOSIF-1, named after Joseph Stalin, was detonated at the Semipalatinsk test site on August 29, 1949. Since that day, 715 nuclear tests have been carried out. The last explosion took place on Novaya Zemlya on October 24, 1990.
The creation of a nuclear bomb in a war-ravaged country is an example of the concentration of intellectual, material and spiritual resources.
On this professional holiday, events are held to reward veterans of special risk units and perpetuate the memory of the dead.

September 4th events.

1479 - After 4 years of fighting the Portuguese, Spain received the Canary Islands.
1611 - Russian Patriarch Hermogenes distributed a letter with a curse on False Dmitry and Marina Mnishek.
1650 - in Pskov, after a six-month rebellion, the power of the governor was restored
1669 - The leader of the Cossacks, Stepan Razin, arrived in Astrakhan to confess to the Russian government for robberies against the Persians and Turkmens.
1742 - During the Russo-Swedish War, the encircled Swedish army capitulated in the Helsingfors region.
1781 - 44 Spanish settlers founded the city of Los Angeles, California, USA.
1791 - Louis XVI signed the first constitution of France.
1799 - city councils were established in the Russian Empire
1802 - German philologist Georg Grotefend presented the world's first successful translation of Babylonian cuneiform.
1810 - Prince of Abkhazia Georgy Shavarshidze took the oath of allegiance to the Russian Tsar
1821 - Alexander I declared a part of America from Alaska to Oregon a zone of Russian influence and closed the waters of Alaska to foreign ships.
1841 - The German poet August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben introduced the song he wrote "Deutschland, Deutschland, über alles", which became the German anthem (the words were superimposed on Haydn's Austrian imperial anthem).
1842 - After 284 years, the construction of the Cologne Cathedral resumed.
1866 - Traffic was opened along the Ryazan-Kozlovskaya railway.
1870 - Emperor Napoleon III was overthrown in France and the Third Republic proclaimed.
1882 - In New York City, Thomas Edison turned on the world's first commercial electric light (there were a total of 85 paying customers).
1884 - The autonomy of universities is abolished in Russia.
1885 - The first self-service cafe in the United States opens in New York City.
1888 - George Eastman trademarked "Kodak" and received a patent for a camera using rolls of film.
1909 - The first Boy Scout parade took place in England.
1913 - The last great geographical discovery. The expedition on the icebreakers "Taimyr" and "Vaigach" under the leadership of Boris Andreevich Vilkitsky discovered the Land of Nicholas II and the island of Tsarevich Alexei (now Severnaya Zemlya).
1914 - Britain, Russia and France promised each other not to conclude a separate peace with Germany
1928 - Council of People's Commissars of Ukraine approved a new Ukrainian spelling (valid until 1933).
1932 - The Institute of Red Professors was established in Ukraine.
1937 - The League of Nations approved the project for the creation of Jewish and Arab states.
1937 - In Lausanne, agents of the NKVD shot one of the leaders of the Comintern, I. Reis, who had previously announced his transition to the Trotskyist camp and a break with Stalin.
1938 - The phrase "If they kill me, consider me a communist" was first used in the newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda.
1939 - Defense of the Parachute tower in Katowice (Poland).
1939 - Japan declared non-intervention in the European war
1940 - The American broadcast system "Columbia" demonstrated a color television picture on station W2XAB.
1941 - The first battalion of the Legion of French Volunteers went to war against the USSR
1942 - The newspaper "Krasnoarmeyskaya Pravda" began publishing "Vasily Terkin" by A. Tvardovsky.
1944 - Finland stopped hostilities against the USSR (see the article The Soviet-Finnish War (1941-1944)).
1944 - the British government decided to send all prisoners of war of Russian origin to the USSR
1945 - The State Defense Committee was liquidated in the USSR.
1946 - The Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks criticized the film "Big Life".
- Exclusion of M. M. Zoshchenko and A. A. Akhmatova from the Union of Soviet Writers.
1947 - The first theater festival opened in Avignon (France). It was organized by Jean Vilar.
1957 - The first flight of the TU-104A jet passenger aircraft began on the Moscow-New York route.
1959 - In the United States, a novelty appears on sale - tights.
1962 - Beginning of the Cuban Missile Crisis: President John F. Kennedy warned Fidel Castro that the United States would fend off the Cuban military action in its zone of interests by all means; on the same day, Moscow declared that direct US intervention against Cuba would lead to a global conflict.
1964 - NASA launches its first orbital geophysical observatory into space.
1965 - For the ninth time, the Beatles climbed to the top of the American hit parade with the song "Help!"
- In Kyiv, during the screening of the film "Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors", a protest rally against new political repressions was held.
1970 - Prima ballerina of the Theater. Kirov Natalia Makarova was granted political asylum in the UK.
1975 - The first issue of the game “What? Where? When?".
1980 - Signed for printing "Small Land" by Leonid Brezhnev.
1985 - Israel passed a monetary reform; the shekel (since then called the "old shekel") was withdrawn from circulation and a new shekel was put into circulation. The exchange rate of old shekels for new ones was 1000 to 1.
- The remains of the Titanic on the Atlantic seabed are photographed using a remote control.
1987 - In Moscow, the trial of Matthias Rust, which had been held since September 2, ended. The pilot - the violator of the border - was sentenced to 4 years of corrective labor. A year later he was released.
1991 - Sverdlovsk again became Yekaterinburg.
- The property of the CPSU was nationalized in Armenia.
- For the first time, a blue-yellow flag was raised over the building of the Verkhovna Rada in Kyiv.
- A declaration on the state sovereignty of Crimea was adopted.
1997 - A grandiose four-day celebration of the 850th anniversary of Moscow began in Moscow.
1998 - Google is founded.
1999 - terrorist attack in Buynaksk (Dagestan).
2009 - US paratrooper Stephen Green received 5 life sentences for atrocities against civilians in Iraq.