Examples of folding paper napkins. Serving napkins for the festive table and more. How to fold tissue and paper napkins for serving. Methods for a beautiful table napkin setting

New Year is coming soon, and this time I decided to prepare thoroughly for it. It is necessary to think over not only the New Year's menu, but also how to decorate the house and the festive table.

Last year, while at a corporate party in one very successful company, I noticed unusual table setting... I just couldn't take my eyes off the exquisitely folded cloth napkins that had been shaped like a butterfly.

But when arranging a dinner party or a family dinner, it will not be superfluous to know how to fold napkins beautifully, since it is this detail that can give the table setting a special charm and charm.

Editorial staff "So simple!" prepared for you 7 delicious ways of table setting using napkins. Your festive mood is in your hands!

How beautiful to fold napkins

  1. Herringbone
    On the eve of the New Year holidays, the art of creating a Christmas tree from a napkin of the appropriate color is more relevant than ever. And to make such a figure is not difficult at all.

    First you need to fold the napkin in four. Then we bend the free edge with a triangle and bend the sides to an irregular rhombus. After that, we fold each corner and decorate it with a decorative bow that replaces the top of the tree.

    And here is another version of the Christmas tree that I once saw in one of the expensive restaurants.

  2. French envelope
    This option of folding linen napkins is very popular in classic serving. It can be used both for dinner and for a big celebration.

    A square napkin is folded into a square in the usual way, then the three upper corners are folded neatly and evenly. After that, you need to correct the bend of the corners, as shown in the diagram, with the same interval. And finally, you need to bend the left side and put the cutlery.

    I really like this option in a pale pink color.

  3. Heart
    If you, like me, do not like to use complex schemes for folding napkins or there is simply no time for this, but you want to surprise the guests with an original serving, you can implement this simple scheme and focus on well-chosen colors.

    This option is a great solution for a romantic dinner.

  4. Rosebud
    Fold, roll up, slightly loosen the top and slightly bend the "petals", and then put them in the glass. A clear photo is the best instructor! Look closely at the diagram and try to repeat it.

    With such a red rose, you can decorate a festive table on Valentine's Day.

  5. Asian fan
    We put the napkin with the wrong side down, then bend down one fourth of the upper part. We turn the napkin over and bend a third of the bottom part up. After that, you need to fold the napkin from bottom to top in half. We fold the resulting figure with an accordion to get five even folds.

    And finally, hold the open side in your hand, pull out the folds hidden in the depths in opposite directions and fix them. And of course, let the fan unfold.

    I am delighted with the result!

  6. And this is an unusual and very beautiful way to create a chrysanthemum flower from paper napkins. Making such a table decoration is not so easy, but with practice, you will definitely learn!

  7. And a few more simple options. No complicated patterns, just roll up your napkin and use different decorations.

    Simply amazing, isn't it?

I also suggest that you familiarize yourself with schemes for folding curly napkins in this video. Enjoy your viewing and inspiration!

Anastasia Davidenko

Nastya does yoga and loves traveling. Fashion, architecture and all that is beautiful - this is what the girl's heart strives for! Anastasia is engaged in interior design, and also makes unique jewelry with a floral theme. She dreams of living in France, learns the language and is keenly interested in the culture of this country. He believes that a person needs to learn something new all his life. Anastasia's favorite book is "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert.

Every hostess wants her festive table to be impeccably served and create an appropriate atmosphere. Napkins play a special role in serving. This irreplaceable accessory today not only serves as a means of hygiene, but also opens up great possibilities for decoration. Originally laid products can add special solemnity to a festive feast. This article shows you how to set the table with napkins in a glass.

Today, napkins are available in a wide variety of sizes, shapes and colors. When planning the setting of the festive table, it is important to take into account all the features of this element:

  • The size... For tea drinking, medium-sized napkins are suitable, large-format products are desirable for use at celebrations.
  • Material. Napkins are made of paper and cloth. Ideally, both materials should be present on the holiday table.
  • The form... Basically, the assortment is represented by square napkins with chopped edges. However, oval, round, as well as products with openwork edges and fringes are not inferior in popularity to square ones.
  • Colors. Bright colors will suit the table of a children's party, pastel shades for social events. The color must be in harmony with the tablecloth and dishes.

Make sure the napkins are exceptionally clean. Only fold them with washed, dry hands. When shaping, wrinkle and fold them as little as possible.

It is advisable to pre-practice so as not to spoil the pack of new products before the arrival of guests. In addition, napkins must be folded so that it is convenient for guests to unfold them.

Decor options for a common table

If you don't have a napkin holder at hand, or it doesn't quite fit the theme of a party or celebration, then a pack of napkins can be unusually and elegantly put into a beautiful glass or cup. This option is easy to perform, but not inferior in elegance to other serving methods.

The easy way

Take two packs of different colored paper products. Form the first row: fold 4 napkins in a corner in a glass, alternating colors. For ease of insertion, wrap them around your fingers. Gently fold the upward-facing corners behind the outer edge of the glass. Fold the second, third, fourth rows in the same way as the first, alternating colors in a circle, but the corners are no longer bent.

"Pink flower bed"

If you wish, you can create a beautiful flower bed with roses on the table. To do this, take a shallow, wide cup and a stack of paper towels. Spread them out into rectangles, roll them into small rolls and fold them moderately tightly into the cup, vertically. As a result, the composition should look like a flower bed or a vase of roses.

"Two-sided waterfall"

Take a low, stable glass. Unfold each paper napkin once into a rectangle and fold along its length into a narrow strip. Then stack the strips on top of each other. Bend the resulting stack in half and put it in a glass so that they hang beautifully on the sides of the dish.


Fold each napkin diagonally in half and roll it into a tube perpendicular to the base of the triangle. Fold the straws tightly into a glass and straighten the protruding ends a little so that they look like a candle flame.


This method is perfect for a children's party, especially if you use colorful, bright napkins:

  • Bend one corner of the unfolded square to the center.
  • Roll the paper product as thinly as possible from the fold to the opposite corner. To prevent the tube from unfolding, secure the corner with a drop of water.
  • Place the straws in a glass.

Jewelry in individual glasses

Napkins are folded into a glass both for general use and for each guest individually. Usually linen or cotton napkins are used as individual decorations, but sometimes they are replaced with paper ones. The main thing is that the products are dense and multi-layered. To keep them in shape, fabric options are carefully starch.

Individual napkins look great both in wine glasses and in simple glasses. Several popular ways of serving this are described below.


Take two napkins. Lay them perpendicular to each other and lift them up, holding them by the center. Shake so that the edges hang down evenly and nicely. Twist the center a little and carefully, without crushing, put the “bouquet” into the glass.


Fold the napkin in half. Fold the resulting rectangle with an accordion in increments of 2 cm. Bend the accordion in half and put it in the dish. Fan the protruding end.


Fold the napkin two times. Fold the two opposite corners towards the middle, then fold the bottom corner just above the joint of the side corners. Roll up the shape and insert it into a glass or glass.


Fold the square in half. Fold the corners towards the middle. Turn the triangle over to the other side and bend the sides towards the middle as well. Then fold the resulting shape so that its top and bottom corners meet. Roll the shape around and place it in the glass.


Fold the napkin in half diagonally. Roll the resulting triangle tightly from base to corner. Then the roller must be bent in half and put into a tall glass.

"The Rose"

To complete this decoration, you will need two red and green napkins. First you need to make the leaves. To do this, fold the green napkin diagonally twice. Then you can start making the flower. Fold the red product in half diagonally as well. The resulting triangle, connecting its top and base, fold in half. You will get a flattened trapezoid.

If the napkin is large, the last step can be repeated. The resulting trapezoid must be rolled up into a tube. This will make it look like a rosebud. Place the bud in the leaves and place the entire structure in a beautiful glass.


To complete such a figure, take two napkins of different colors and a tall glass:

  • Unfold one napkin completely.
  • Fold the second diagonally in half and lay it on top of the first. The base of the triangle should be just below the diagonal line of the napkin at the bottom.
  • Fold the corner of the bottom napkin over the top.
  • Fold a strip 3 cm wide from the bottom twice.
  • Flip the resulting triangle to the other side and roll into a tube.
  • Insert the structure into the glass.

The festive table is not only beautiful and tasty dishes, but also the correct setting, which will not be complete without original laid napkins. Beautiful table setting is an art in which there are no trifles, in particular, such a detail as a paper napkin can turn an ordinary family dinner into a festive one. It doesn't take much effort to lay the napkins effectively - desire, patience and wrapping napkins.

Napkins in a napkin holder

7 ways to fold paper napkins beautifully and original

In order for napkins to become an ornament and to be pleasant to work with, they must be of high quality, harmoniously combined with the tablecloth and dishes. It's not bad if they also correspond to the theme of the feast. For a children's party, bright, with pictures, for a business dinner or a romantic date - calm, monochromatic are suitable. Get creative with napkin folding and guests will appreciate your efforts by rewarding the best hostess with compliments. Depending on the occasion for the feast, the napkins can be shaped to the desired shape. So, for a romantic dinner, napkins-candles are suitable. How beautiful to fold napkins on the festive table - diagrams and explanations. Some photos show models made of cloth napkins, but they are also available in paper versions.


We take large, solid, solid napkins. Expand and place it face down. Now bend it diagonally into a triangle. At the place of the fold, fold a strip 1.5 - 2 cm wide. Now you can proceed to twisting the "boat". The tube is obtained on a stand, we fill the protruding corner inward. You can also insert a real candle into the tube.


We already know how beautiful it is to fold paper napkins in a napkin holder, here is another version of a desktop fan.

Sasha - for both family and business lunch


This napkin can become a highlight of the table at any event. We need large plain napkins and explanations for the scheme.


For spring or children's holidays, a napkin in the shape of a rabbit will look original.

Christmas tree

A Christmas tree made of napkins will add a New Year's mood to the festive dinner. You can even pick up green ones and decorate the top with a toy (icicle or star).

A spectacular rose for any occasion

And 12 more ways beautifully

How to surprise guests with an original table setting? We offer several ways to beautifully fold napkins on the table, which, thanks to step-by-step photo instructions, are not difficult to repeat yourself with your own hands.
Easter Bunny

Fold the unfolded napkin two times. Place the resulting narrow rectangle horizontally. Tuck the bottom edge up to an obtuse angle. We repeat the action for the second side. The corners of the resulting figure should also be bent: we turn the lower right and left corners to the middle. The result is a blank in the form of a square.
We turn the napkin over and place the corners up, after which we bend the bottom corner - in the future, this fold will be the head of the animal. It remains to twist the figure in half lengthwise, and fix the lower part from dissolving with a pin or paper clip. The Easter Bunny is ready. He can decorate a basket of treats or a served table.

Figure "Diagonal sachet", in which it is convenient to store cutlery

One of the classic ways to fold a cloth napkin for table setting.
Fold the unfolded napkin in half: first vertically, then horizontally. Bend the upper right corner of the resulting square and attach it to the lower left corner. Do the same with the second upper right corner and the third. In this case, each subsequent edge should lie under the previous wrapped layer of fabric.
The next step is to fold the resulting figure in half: first the left side, then tuck the right side. In this case, the resulting diagonal pockets should remain at the top. The napkin is ready. It remains to fill it with cutlery and put it on the table.

Napkin "Autumn carved leaf"

The unfolded napkin must be folded diagonally to form a triangle. The left edge should be bent by 2-3 centimeters. After that, the resulting spine must be connected to the middle of the triangle so that folds form between them.
Moving from the right corner to the middle, continue folding the napkin and creating folds. As a result, it should turn out so that the left and right corners of the triangle converge. After that, we take the bottom edge, from which the folds diverge, fix it and fasten it with a thread. Next, we straighten the napkin with our hands and make it look like a sheet. It remains to put the figure on the plate.

Napkin "Butterfly"

A beautiful option to decorate the festive table with a folded cloth napkin in the shape of a butterfly. We unfold the napkin face down. Fold the two sides towards the middle, making a narrow rectangle. Move the free upper ends diagonally, and then do the same with the ends of the lower half.
We begin to tuck the upper side into the shape of an accordion to the middle - this will serve as the wings of the future butterfly. You should have at least 5 folds. We roll up the second side of the napkin in a closed type, that is, with a tube to the middle.
Turning the workpiece over, open both folded sides outward. So that the work does not bloom, we hold the middle, after which we fix it with a thread or wire. The butterfly is ready!

"Rose" napkin

To make a flower, you need to use a square napkin. By connecting the two edges diagonally to each other, you need to create an even triangle. We place the sharp side of the figure away from ourselves - at the end it will serve as leaves for the rose. Further we will work only with the base.
Further, observing the parallelism of the long side, we begin to twist the base of the triangle as follows: from the bottom edge to the top. This must be done until the fabric is wrapped up to 4-5 centimeters towards the end of the sharp side.
Then we begin to twist the left end of the resulting shape. At the same time, make sure that the fabric takes on the shape of a rose. Then bend the sharp ends of the former triangle in the opposite direction. The rose is ready! It can be used to decorate a glass or other dishes.

You can use a plain or patterned cloth. Lay it down with the front side down. Then fold in half to form an isosceles triangle. Fold the sharp end of the triangle about 4-5 centimeters to the middle, and wrap the base until a long rounded napkin is formed.
Fold the right edge back to a 45 ° angle, and do the same with the left side of the workpiece. In this case, the ends of the folded sides must intersect. Fold the top point of the shape with the resulting bottom corner. Then thread a ring or other round object through the middle to secure it. Pull out the ends of the blank and the bow is ready! It remains to put it on a plate and serve.

Cloth cutlery envelopes

We fold the napkin of the required size first vertically, then diagonally. It turned out to be a small square. Then we turn off the top layer of the fabric corner diagonally. Repeat the action for the second layer. The second corner should not be bent over the entire length, but leave one centimeter between the layers. The fold lines should be well ironed. Then we turn off the third layer, leaving a gap of one centimeter with respect to the second.
We place the resulting figure face down so that the bent corners are tightly pressed against the table surface. We fold the right and left corners to the middle by about a third, so that their tips touch. Smooth the corners to keep the cutlery envelope in shape.

Tiara and lily

Place the napkin face down. We smooth it diagonally with a fold at the bottom. Then, at the base, we connect the two side corners with each other to make a small square. In this case, one corner should protrude above the other by about 3 centimeters.
Bend the top spine a third to the middle, then make another fold covering the first layer. Fold the sides inward and insert one side into the other, creating a cylinder shape. The piece can now stand on the table. Fold back the two side roots so that they outline a circle and set the resulting lily on a plate. Now you can decorate the table.

How to beautifully fold a paper napkin on a festive table so that it can be used for both hygiene and aesthetic purposes and create a positive attitude? This dilemma can only be of interest to a true mistress, whose home is always striking a cozy atmosphere, even in the smallest details. There is no need to be an origami expert to bring a unique look to a paper or woven napkin. You can use pretty light schemes.

First of all, it should be noted that serving napkins are not only paper, but also fabric. The second option creates splendor, adds detail. But it will not always be advisable to use them. If you plan to organize a friendly skit, a children's party or a dinner in a close circle of relatives, then it will be optimal to use colorful original napkins, initially folded in an unusual way, and suitable for a solemn theme.

When thinking about how to fold paper napkins for table setting, there are several criteria to consider that will help you achieve a brilliant result. These products should be folded so that those at the table do not have to unfold them long before they are used for their intended purpose.

Napkins must be chosen in harmony with the color of the tablecloth, napkin holders and other attributes that are on the festive table. On top of that, you have to practice ahead of time to get the hang of it, and this activity doesn't take much time and effort in your pre-holiday chores.

  • How to fold cloth napkins
  • Napkin "Starfish"
  • Napkin "Shirt"
  • Napkin "Fish"
  • Napkin "Hourglass"
  • Napkin "Royal lily"
  • Napkin "Royal mantle"
  • Napkin "Fan in a ring"
  • Napkin "Handbag"
  • Flame napkin
  • Napkin "Sea urchin"
  • Napkin "Everest"
  • Napkin "Train"
  • Napkin "Asian Fan"
  • Napkin "Easter Bunny"
  • Napkin "Diagonal sachet"
  • Napkin "Gate Arch"
  • Napkin "Star fan"
  • Napkin "Table fan"
  • Napkin "Frill"
  • Napkin "Artichoke"

How to beautifully fold paper napkins in a napkin holder

It is even impossible to imagine table setting without napkins. A particularly common product is disposable wipes. They are practical and inexpensive. Of course, these items do not look as durable and solemn as the elegant fabric models, but they can be used. It is enough just to choose the original option, how to fold paper napkins for table setting.

Recently, housewives have put napkin holders on the table instead of vessels - since they are very comfortable, practical and functional. The main thing is to place the napkins not only in an unusual and attractive way, but also so that they can be easily removed without pulling everything out at once.

How to fold cloth napkins

It is worth noting that the procedure for folding napkins from fabric and serving them on a festive table is more laborious than paper ones and requires a slightly longer preparation. To begin with, cloth napkins must be prepared - they must be well starched and ironed.
And to make cloth napkins look spectacular in napkin holders or vessels, you can add fresh flowers to them. These products, folded in an original way, are desirable to be in harmony with the tablecloth. Various simple schemes will help you understand how to fold fabric napkins beautifully.

How to beautifully fold paper napkins on the festive table of the scheme

If the hostess does not know how to fold paper napkins for table setting, then she is quite capable of using various schemes. Original folded items are perfect for any festive occasion.

Napkin "Starfish"

The napkin must be folded in the shape of an accordion, in six strips, of which the top must be directed away from you. Place the top right corner inward. The same steps must be done with the two corners located below. Just lay all three corners to the left. And the third part of the figure on the left needs to be bent to the right. Fold half of the folded part to the left. Do the same for the right side. The corners are raised from above. Now you're done.

Napkin "Shirt"

You need to put the napkin face down on the surface, and the inside out - up. All four corners must be rolled into the center of the napkin. The right and left sides are folded inward towards the center. Next, you need to turn the napkin and bend the top about two centimeters. Then you need to turn the napkin over again and tilt the corners to the middle so that they touch each other. Next, the lower parts of the product are turned off, and the "sleeves" of the product are obtained. Raise the bottom and push it under the shirt collar. All is ready.

Napkin "Fish"

The product folds diagonally and has a fold on top. The bottom corner tilts upward. The left curved corner tilts. Do the same with a right angle. The left side must be bent to the middle vertical line of the product. On the right, you need to do the same. At the end, you need to turn the figurine to the other side so that the fish is ready.

Napkin "Hourglass"

It is necessary to fold the napkin in half, inside out. Bend the center of the top corners. Similar actions are done with the bottom, bend them in the center. Now wrap the resulting corners towards the middle so that the vertices bond.

Napkin "Royal lily"

The napkin is folded diagonally. The left and right corners are combined with the upper side of the triangle. Next, you need to fold the napkin in half along the horizontal axis. Reject top. The right angle is tied to the left one behind the product, put one in the other, turn the upper corners inward. At the end, you will need to put the figurine vertically so that the flower is ready.

Napkin "Royal mantle"

Initially, the napkin is folded diagonally downward. Align the left and right corners with the apex of the triangle. Then they will need to be bent. The top of the lower triangle slopes up towards the middle. Next, fold in half again by going to the top half of the napkin. Bend the lower part back. Fix the side corners to each other and pull out the points of the "mantle", which bend and fasten behind the welt.

Napkin "Fan in a ring"

Initially, the napkin is placed face down on the surface in a straightened form. Next, you need to fold the product in the shape of an accordion. Fold it in half in the middle. Fill a napkin into a ring (or place it in a drinking vessel) and straighten the fan.

And here is the diagram of the "Column" napkin

You might like the windblown napkin

Napkin "Slipper with a train"

Initially, the napkin is folded in half, inside out. Its two upper corners fold in the middle. Next, you need to fold the top of the bend. Turn the napkin facing away from you and re-fold the upper corners to the middle. Flip the figurine over from you and fold the folds at the bottom. Then it will be necessary to put folds under the square, pressing them in the middle with your fingers, and dissolve the resulting "fan" on both sides.

Napkin "Handbag"

Initially, the napkin lies on the surface inside out. Then it will need to be folded in half along the vertical axis, and then again in half along the horizontal. The fold should be done at the bottom. The top two corners are wrapped in the center. And then you will need to bend the top layer in half. The rest of the piece also leans towards the middle. Bend the resulting corner down on the first triangle. The figurine is ready!

Flame napkin

Lay the napkin face down on a surface and fold it diagonally. Next, you need to bend it in the shape of an accordion, starting from the long side, and not from the small corner. Then you need to leave a small part not assembled into an accordion. It is necessary to fix the accordion with the formed top, in other words, we wrap the corner so that it is on the top of the accordion. Keep your finger in the middle, fold the product in half. Fold out the folds neatly. And if you fix the resulting figurine of flame with a napkin ring or some decorative object, then it will become even more pleasant!

Napkin "Sea urchin"

It is necessary to fold the napkin, like an accordion in six strips, of which the top should be directed away from you. Place the top right corner inward. Do the same for the two corners below. Place all three corners on the left side in the same way. The third piece on the left should be bent to the right. Roll half of the folded part to the left. Repeat the same operation on the right side. Raise the corners up.

Napkin "Everest"

Initially, the napkin is folded halfway horizontally. The upper corners on the diagonal axis are folded towards the center. The sides of the triangle are aligned so that the sharp corners are at the bottom. Rotate the shape and bend the ends that will support it. The fold of the vertical axis is directed inward. Place the figurine vertically so that it really looks like a slide.

Napkin "Train"

It is necessary to fold the napkin along the diagonal axis. The left and right corners of the formed triangle are aligned with its apex. Fold the figurine in half horizontally. Attach the right corner to the left behind the figurine, place one inside the other. Turn and pull the sharp corners right and left. Place the resulting figurine upright.

Napkin "Asian Fan"

Initially, the napkin lies seamy side down. About one fourth of the top folds over. Turn over. About one third of the bottom is bent up. Fold the product in half from bottom to top. Fold like an accordion to make five equal folds. Hooking the open side with your fingers, pull the folds out to opposite sides and secure them. Open the resulting fan.

Napkin "Flower of the East" in the video

Napkin "Easter Bunny"

First, fold the napkin diagonally upward. Roll the triangle into a tube starting at the bottom. Wrap the product in the middle. Lift both ends up like ears. From the center of the napkin, build a ring into which you need to insert the egg. Tie the "ears" with a ribbon over the ring. By the way, there is a detailed one.

Napkin "Diagonal sachet"

Initially, you need to fold the napkin inside out in half, and then in half again. Next, you will need to bend the upper right corner to the central part by about five centimeters. Then, along with the curved corner, the top layer will need to be bent along a diagonal axis. And now, on the second layer of the product, the upper right corner needs to be wrapped inward, also about five centimeters. Next, the left edge of the figure is folded under the bottom. The same actions are carried out with the right edge. Further, as the sachet is ready, all that remains is to put a knife and fork into it.

Napkin "Gate Arch"

Initially, the napkin is folded diagonally. The two side corners are aligned with the top of the triangle. Fold this figure horizontally by pulling the bottom corner downward. The side corners tilt forward. So the "arch" has taken shape.

Napkin "Star fan"

Initially, the napkin is on the wrong side outward. The top and bottom edges fold towards the middle. The bottom folds upward, holding the fold firmly. Form a napkin like an accordion (no less than four and no more than six). Hold the top of the figure with your fingers and pull the bottom folds forward. Place "fan".

Napkin "Horizontal sachet"

Initially, the napkin is folded in two, facing inward (folded down). Fold one third of the top layer down, creating a fold in the middle. Face the opposite side towards you. Fold the sides over so they touch the middle. Fold it up again. And after the sachet is ready, forks and knives can be folded into it.

Napkin "Table fan"

Initially, the napkin is folded halfway out (up). Three-quarters of its length are gathered in the form of an accordion, bending the first fold down. Fold this garment in half so that the pleats are on the outside on the left side, not the folded part on the right. Next, you need to take a napkin in your hand so that the open ends of the folds rise up. Fold a piece of the product along a diagonal axis to create a kind of stand. Next, you will need to tuck the resulting stand between the folds and put the figurine on the table.

The "Beveled pocket" napkin is presented in the video