Project for primary classes "Prevention of cruelty and violence in a school environment." Prevention of cruelty in a teenage medium

Prevention of cruelty and aggressiveness in the school environment and the ways to overcome the Maltsev OA, K.PS.N., Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Androgogiy Togirro Scriabin O.S., Student IPPSU Tyumgu Malzeva OA, K.PS.N ., Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Androgogia Togirro Scriabin O.S., Student Ippsa Tyumu

School Violence School violence is the type of violence in which the use of force between children or teachers towards students is taking place or - that in our culture is extremely rare - students in relation to the teacher. Violence is any behavior that violates the rights of another. School violence is the type of violence at which the use of force between children or teachers in relation to students is taking place or - that in our culture is extremely rare - students in relation to the teacher. Violence is any behavior that violates the rights of another.

School violence of ridicule, the assignment of nicknames, endless comments, biased assessments, ridiculous, humiliation in the presence of other children, rejection, isolation, refusal to communicate with the victim, etc. Beating, strike, slap, slap, plowing, damage and extending things, etc. Emotional and other Physical violence violence

Classification of various types of violence physical. Sexual violence or seduction. Mental (emotional) violence. Neglecting the interests and needs of the child. Physical. Sexual violence or seduction. Mental (emotional) violence. Neglecting the interests and needs of the child.

In the conditions of the school, direct signs of mental violence over the students are considered: threats to the learner; intentional isolation of studying; presentation to the learning excessive requirements that do not apply to age; insult and humiliation of dignity; Systematic unfounded criticism of a child, withdrawing him from mental balance; constant negative characteristics of the studying; Demonstrately negative attitude to the learning. threats to the learner; intentional isolation of studying; presentation to the learning excessive requirements that do not apply to age; insult and humiliation of dignity; Systematic unfounded criticism of a child, withdrawing him from mental balance; constant negative characteristics of the studying; Demonstrately negative attitude to the learning.

School violence contributes: the anonymity of large schools and the lack of a wide selection of educational institutions. Bad microclimate in the teacher's team. Indifferent and indifferent attitude of teachers. Anonymity of large schools and the lack of a wide selection of educational institutions. Bad microclimate in the teacher's team. Indifferent and indifferent attitude of teachers.

Family influence on the tendency of children to violence incomplete families. Families in which the mother has a negative attitude to life. Power and authoritarian families. Families that are characterized by conflict family relationships. Families with genetic predisposition to violence. Incomplete families. Families in which the mother has a negative attitude to life. Power and authoritarian families. Families that are characterized by conflict family relationships. Families with genetic predisposition to violence.

Prevention levels Primary prevention: 1. The study of the mechanisms for the formation of maternal and paternal behavior, such as families and upbringing. 2. Studying and correction of violations of mother-child relations, which serve as a reducing the emotional well-being of the child and deviations in its optimal mental development in infant, early and preschool age. 3. Formation of healthy life style, high-functional behavior strategies and personal resources. 4. Directive awareness of the existing personal resources that contribute to the formation of a healthy life style and highly efficient behavior. 5. Development of personal resources that contribute to the formation of a healthy life style and highly efficient behavior. 6. Development of highly efficient behavioral strategies and skills. Primary prevention: 1. Studying the mechanisms for the formation of maternal and paternal behavior, such as families and upbringing. 2. Studying and correction of violations of mother-child relations, which serve as a reducing the emotional well-being of the child and deviations in its optimal mental development in infant, early and preschool age. 3. Formation of healthy life style, high-functional behavior strategies and personal resources. 4. Directive awareness of the existing personal resources that contribute to the formation of a healthy life style and highly efficient behavior. 5. Development of personal resources that contribute to the formation of a healthy life style and highly efficient behavior. 6. Development of highly efficient behavioral strategies and skills.

Secondary prevention: 1. Early interference in the correction of clinical and biological disorders in the child; 2. The study of the family geneograms; 3. Correction of family relations, physical and emotional relations, determination of children's-parent borders; 4. Definition of clear family roles. Tertiary prevention is carried out in relation to adolescents who committed an offense, and its goal is the correction of the behavior of a teenager and its development. Secondary prevention: 1. Early interference in the correction of clinical and biological disorders in the child; 2. The study of the family geneograms; 3. Correction of family relations, physical and emotional relations, determination of children's-parent borders; 4. Definition of clear family roles. Tertiary prevention is carried out in relation to adolescents who committed an offense, and its goal is the correction of the behavior of a teenager and its development.

The main factors provoking the cruelty in the student community are intrapersonal aggressiveness of students depending on individual characteristics; preceding the experience of the vital activity of schoolchildren, which includes the manifestations of their own aggressiveness and observing similar manifestations in the nearest environment; Intringency aggressiveness of students depending on individual characteristics; preceding the experience of the vital activity of schoolchildren, which includes the manifestations of their own aggressiveness and observing similar manifestations in the nearest environment;

Insufficient level of development of communicative skills, including the absence of examples and experience of non-violent relationships and knowledge of their own rights; Traditions of school medium provoking and stimulating cruelty. These include: an insufficient level of development of communicative skills, including the absence of examples and experience of non-violent relationships and knowledge of their own rights; Traditions of school medium provoking and stimulating cruelty. These include:

A) General psycho-emotional background of educational institutions; b) "political" system of educational institution; d) system of relationships inside the class team; e) the presence of generally accepted social roles, including the roles of "victims" and "host"; (e) Traditions in society, promoted by the media. a) General psycho-emotional background of educational institutions; b) "political" system of educational institution; d) system of relationships inside the class team; e) the presence of generally accepted social roles, including the roles of "victims" and "host"; (e) Traditions in society, promoted by the media.

Do not require work from students, but to work with them. Give students the opportunity to adopt the work position by identifying themselves with (beloved) as a teacher, and not by execution (abstract) "over-me" requirements, manipulating in the process of pedagogical manipulation.

Forms of implementing aggression of the shape of the implementation of aggression (according to the method of 13t Ammon) forms of implementation of aggression of the implementation of aggression (according to the method of 13t of Ammon) Social acceptability of the manifestation of aggression, the ability of the individual to resist its impacts for it. Social acceptability of the manifestation of aggression, the ability of the individual to withstand the impacts harmful to it. Direct, associated disruption of moral norms Manifestation of aggression, destruction and deformation of the relations with others, there are divinted and criminal components of behavior, and various personal disorders play a significant role. Direct, associated disruption of moral norms Manifestation of aggression, destruction and deformation of the relations with others, there are divinted and criminal components of behavior, and various personal disorders play a significant role. Low level of social activity, insufficient development of behavioral skills that contribute to the implementation of aggressive motives. Low level of social activity, insufficient development of behavioral skills that contribute to the implementation of aggressive motives. "Constructive" form "constructive" form "destructive" form "destructive" form "deficient" form "deficient" form

System of psychological and pedagogical prevention Diagnosis of psycho-emotional environment and motivational and educational work with the administration; Consultative and educational work with pedagogical personnel and parents; Consultative and correctional work with children undergoing ill-treatment; information and educational work with children; The formation of a psycho-emotional educational environment, which includes a system of relationship between all subjects of the educational process. diagnosis of psycho-emotional environment and motivational and educational work with the administration; Consultative and educational work with pedagogical personnel and parents; Consultative and correctional work with children undergoing ill-treatment; information and educational work with children; The formation of a psycho-emotional educational environment, which includes a system of relationship between all subjects of the educational process.

Events aimed at cohesion the school community Improving the psychological climate in school; increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of adults (parents, teachers); Improving the level of communicative culture of students. Improving psychological climate in school; increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of adults (parents, teachers); Improving the level of communicative culture of students.

Work with personal constructions Prevention and correction of deviations in the emotional sphere of adolescents; Reducing the asocial behavior of schoolchildren; development of stress-resistant qualities of the personality of students; Prevention and correction of deviations in the emotional sphere of adolescents; Reducing the asocial behavior of schoolchildren; development of stress-resistant qualities of the personality of students;

Formation of a healthy life style, high-function strategies and behavior skills; Skills of assessing the social situation and liability for their own behavior in it; skills of perception, use and provision of psychological and social support; Skills to defend their borders and protect their personal space; Skills of protection of your I, self-support and mutual support; skills of conflict and effective communication; The directional awareness and development of the present personal resources contributing to the formation of a healthy life style and highly efficient behavior. formation of a healthy life style, high-function strategies and behavior skills; Skills of assessing the social situation and liability for their own behavior in it; skills of perception, use and provision of psychological and social support; Skills to defend their borders and protect their personal space; Skills of protection of your I, self-support and mutual support; skills of conflict and effective communication; The directional awareness and development of the present personal resources contributing to the formation of a healthy life style and highly efficient behavior.

The maintenance of the psychological and pedagogical module includes psychological and pedagogical approaches to the correction of aggressive behavior; recommendations for the correction of aggressive behavior of adolescents; recommendations for working with children prone to suicidal behavior; Recommendations for the prevention of anxiety and fears in children and adolescents; Individual work with the child. psychological and pedagogical approaches to the correction of aggressive behavior; recommendations for the correction of aggressive behavior of adolescents; recommendations for working with children prone to suicidal behavior; Recommendations for the prevention of anxiety and fears in children and adolescents; Individual work with the child.

When working with aggressive teenagers, it is possible to use the following diagnostic techniques of the Bass-Darka questionnaire (aggressiveness); Scale of the reactive and personal anxiety of Spielberger Hanin (anxiety); Freiburian questionnaire on identifying a tendency to aggressive behavior; Test "Leaning to Risk"; "The scale of hostility" Cook medley; PDO (A.E. person); The method of express diagnostics of neurosis (K.Hek and H. Hess). Bass Dark questionnaire (aggressiveness); Scale of the reactive and personal anxiety of Spielberger Hanin (anxiety); Freiburian questionnaire on identifying a tendency to aggressive behavior; Test "Leaning to Risk"; "The scale of hostility" Cook medley; PDO (A.E. person); The method of express diagnostics of neurosis (K.Hek and H. Hess).

Organization of a safe environment of the educational process 1. Teacher Double role of the teacher - manages training and promotes the development of children; Performs the role of the leader. 2. A set of special events with the help of a pedagogical team. 3. Tradition of publicity of acts of violence at school. 1. Teacher Double role as a teacher - manages training and promotes the development of children; Performs the role of the leader. 2. A set of special events with the help of a pedagogical team. 3. Tradition of publicity of acts of violence at school.

Specificity: - Adults and adolescents take part in equal; - such games suggest a high level of independence and responsibility of each participant, the freedom and independence of its actions, the continued need to choose and make decisions; - Distribution of roles that does not depend on the age and social status of participants, modeling unusual relationship systems - all this makes it possible to change the existing position and build relations between children and adults in a new way. Specificity: - Adults and adolescents take part in equal; - such games suggest a high level of independence and responsibility of each participant, the freedom and independence of its actions, the continued need to choose and make decisions; - Distribution of roles that does not depend on the age and social status of participants, modeling unusual relationship systems - all this makes it possible to change the existing position and build relations between children and adults in a new way. Role-playing games

According to R. Baron and D. Richardson, the training of social skills in aggressive behavior consists in the following procedures: 1) modeling, involving the demonstration of persons who do not have basic social skills, examples of adequate behavior; 2) role-playing games offering to imagine themselves in a situation where the implementation of basic skills is required, which makes it possible in practice to check behavioral models that the subjects trained in the process of modeling; 3) establishing feedback to encourage positive behavior ("positive reinforcement"); 4) Transferring skills from an academic situation into a real life situation. According to R. Baron and D. Richardson, the training of social skills in aggressive behavior consists in the following procedures: 1) modeling, involving the demonstration of persons who do not have basic social skills, examples of adequate behavior; 2) role-playing games offering to imagine themselves in a situation where the implementation of basic skills is required, which makes it possible in practice to check behavioral models that the subjects trained in the process of modeling; 3) establishing feedback to encourage positive behavior ("positive reinforcement"); 4) Transferring skills from an academic situation into a real life situation. Social skills training

As measures for the formation of a non-violent environment of the educational institution, it is also allocated: - expanding freedoms and opportunities for the choice of activities; - the introduction of the principles of "pedagogy of cooperation" and "pedagogical support"; - expansion of the system of joint activities of all subjects of education; - Creating a psychological climate of mutual respect and trust. As measures for the formation of a non-violent environment of the educational institution, it is also allocated: - expanding freedoms and opportunities for the choice of activities; - the introduction of the principles of "pedagogy of cooperation" and "pedagogical support"; - expansion of the system of joint activities of all subjects of education; - Creating a psychological climate of mutual respect and trust.

Forms of school bulling 1. The behavior of the student: physical aggression; Verbal bulling; Intimidation; Insulation; Extortion; Damage to property. 1. The behavior of the student: physical aggression; Verbal bulling; Intimidation; Insulation; Extortion; Damage to property. 2. Adult behavior: the humiliation of the student who does not have time / succeed in studying or vulnerable in other respects. Negative or sarcastic statements about the appearance / origin of the student. Easy and threatening gestures or expressions. 2. Adult behavior: the humiliation of the student who does not have time / succeed in studying or vulnerable in other respects. Negative or sarcastic statements about the appearance / origin of the student. Easy and threatening gestures or expressions.

Typical features of students, inclined to become Bulli (D. Olveus) - are experiencing a strong need to dominate and submit to other students, seeking such through their goals; - impulsive and easily come into rage; - often defiantly and aggressively behave in relation to adults, including parents and teachers; - do not have sympathy for their victims; - If these are boys, they are usually physically stronger than other boys; - there are a strong need to dominate and subjugate other students, seeking such through their goals; - impulsive and easily come into rage; - often defiantly and aggressively behave in relation to adults, including parents and teachers; - do not have sympathy for their victims; - If these are boys, they are usually physically stronger than other boys;

(According to I. Kolmeva) - in the lesson constantly attracts attention to himself, enters into barcia when receiving a negative mark, hot-tempered and rude; - manipulates the circle of friends and acquaintances, many children fear him or look in front of him; - can lie or cheer to avoid responsibility for their actions; - Complaints from both children and adults come to his behavior; - Walking school, often happens in the company of peers from other schools, districts; - It is part of a small deviant group, a terrorizing class or school; - Speculates on misunderstanding, hostile society, avoids social and useful activities, as this can be interpreted as a sign of weakness. - in the lesson constantly attracts attention to himself, enters into the rancings upon receipt of a negative mark, quick-tempered and rude; - manipulates the circle of friends and acquaintances, many children fear him or look in front of him; - can lie or cheer to avoid responsibility for their actions; - Complaints from both children and adults come to his behavior; - Walking school, often happens in the company of peers from other schools, districts; - It is part of a small deviant group, a terrorizing class or school; - Speculates on misunderstanding, hostile society, avoids social and useful activities, as this can be interpreted as a sign of weakness.

The most common victims of school violence are children who have: - physical disadvantages - wearing glasses, with reduced hearing or with motor disorders (for example, at cerebral palsy), that is, those who cannot protect themselves, physically weaker than their peers; - Features of behavior - closed, sensitive, shy, disturbing children or children with impulsive behavior, are not confident, unhappy and have low self-esteem; - Features of appearance - red hair Freckles, hopped ears, foot curves, special form are ready, body weight (fullness or thin), etc.; - physical disadvantages - wearing glasses, with reduced hearing or with motor disorders (for example, at cerebral palsy), that is, those who cannot protect themselves, physically weaker than their peers; - Features of behavior - closed, sensitive, shy, disturbing children or children with impulsive behavior, are not confident, unhappy and have low self-esteem; - Features of appearance - red hair Freckles, hopped ears, foot curves, special form are ready, body weight (fullness or thin), etc.;

- undeveloped social skills - often do not have a single friend and successfully communicate with adults, rather than with peers; - Fear of school; - the lack of life experience in the team (home children); - diseases - epilepsy, ticks and hypercines, stuttering, enuresis (urinary incontinence), enchnoprezre (incontinence of feces), violations of speech - dilacia (oblique), disgrave (violation of written speech), dyslexia (violation of reading), discalcium (violation of the account ability ) etc.; - Low intelligence and difficulty learning. - undeveloped social skills - often do not have a single friend and successfully communicate with adults, rather than with peers; - Fear of school; - the lack of life experience in the team (home children); - diseases - epilepsy, ticks and hypercines, stuttering, enuresis (urinary incontinence), enchnoprezre (incontinence of feces), violations of speech - dilacia (oblique), disgrave (violation of written speech), dyslexia (violation of reading), discalcium (violation of the account ability ) etc.; - Low intelligence and difficulty learning.

The behavior of the victim is determined by the following indicators (I. Kolmen) its school supplies (textbooks, notebooks, personal belongings) are often scattered in class, or hidden; The lessons behave secretly, fearfully when answering, noise, interference, comments begin to spread in the class; During the change, in the dining room, keeps away from other schoolchildren, hiding, runs away from peers and senior schoolchildren, trying to be not far from teachers, adults; His school supplies (textbooks, notebooks, personal belongings) are often scattered in class, or hidden; The lessons behave secretly, fearfully when answering, noise, interference, comments begin to spread in the class; During the change, in the dining room, keeps away from other schoolchildren, hiding, runs away from peers and senior schoolchildren, trying to be not far from teachers, adults;

He is insulted, teases, give offensive nicknames, on aggressive actions on the part of other children he reacts a stupid smile, tries to strangle, escape, crying; Get well with teachers and poorly with peers; late to the beginning of classes or late leaves school; During group games, classes, it is ignored or choosing the last. He is insulted, teases, give offensive nicknames, on aggressive actions on the part of other children he reacts a stupid smile, tries to strangle, escape, crying; Get well with teachers and poorly with peers; late to the beginning of classes or late leaves school; During group games, classes, it is ignored or choosing the last.

Comparative table of psychological portraits of the victim, aggressor and self-confident child action attitude towards the surrounding victim brings themselves sacrificing, suppresses his desires, feelings and emotions, suffering, is alarming; Allows others to make a choice for themselves; avoids conflicts, does not reach its goals feeling sympathy, guilt or contempt towards rivals, reaches its goals due to the incidence and integration outside the school agresser seeks its goals at the expense of other children; Prefers to express his emotions and harm others, makes a choice for others or insults if his opinion ignores himself with the winner, more often attacks what is being defended, like an outsider, it may be in isolation from peers confident child approves his own position ; acts in their own interests; adequately expresses its feelings; Respects the rights of other people, usually reaches their goals, keeps respect for themselves and others feel respect for their needs and is able to openly express their thoughts and feelings; It has the ability to achieve the goal; Standingly tolerate conflict situations

Psychological aspects of the prevention of bulling against the post-stress consequences of the bulling the primary prevention is implemented in three directions. 1. Creating the conditions for preventing the bulling. 2. The speedy and competent disagreement of the child (adolescent) with appropriate stressful effects. 3. Strengthening the protective forces of the personality and the body in confrontation between the grass, both for conditionally healthy children and adolescents and for already having somatic or mental pathology. With regard to the post-theater effects of the Bulling, primary prevention is implemented in three directions. 1. Creating the conditions for preventing the bulling. 2. The speedy and competent disagreement of the child (adolescent) with appropriate stressful effects. 3. Strengthening the protective forces of the personality and the body in confrontation between the grass, both for conditionally healthy children and adolescents and for already having somatic or mental pathology.

Recommendations to teachers, psychologists, school administrations 1. Start with an accurate acceptable to your educational institution for determining the Bulling. 2. Install the bull rings that take place in your school. 3. Find out what methods are supported by teachers, administrative workers, school students. 1. Start with an accurate acceptable to your educational institution for the definition of bulling. 2. Install the bull rings that take place in your school. 3. Find out what methods are supported by teachers, administrative workers, school students.

4. The organization of actions should be started after studying the problem of violence at school using the questionnaire, studying special literature and video recordings. 5. Discussion of the problem. Conversations with schoolchildren both individual and in the group are very important and useful. 6. Determine the behavior of the school personnel, which contributes to positive interpersonal relations between students. 4. The organization of actions should be started after studying the problem of violence at school using the questionnaire, studying special literature and video recordings. 5. Discussion of the problem. Conversations with schoolchildren both individual and in the group are very important and useful. 6. Determine the behavior of the school personnel, which contributes to positive interpersonal relations between students.

7. Do not exclude "offenders" from sight. Be sure to talk not only with the guilty, but with their parents, even if it is difficult to do. Basic ideas for working with offender companies working with abuser, "divide and conquer" - offenders need to be empowerly and effectively expose; Do not write to punishment, it will only enhance the group solidarity of offenders; Working with one person, you need to skillfully use the power of confrontation of everything, for example, the class community. 7. Do not exclude "offenders" from sight. Be sure to talk not only with the guilty, but with their parents, even if it is difficult to do. Basic ideas for working with offender companies working with abuser, "divide and conquer" - offenders need to be empowerly and effectively expose; Do not write to punishment, it will only enhance the group solidarity of offenders; Working with one person, you need to skillfully use the power of confrontation of everything, for example, the class community.

8. Help the child who has become a victim to solve the problem, of course with the help of others. 9. Work constructively with parents. 8. Help the child who has become a victim to solve the problem, of course with the help of others. 9. Work constructively with parents.

Response technology for identified or installed bulliga facts (trauma) 1. When establishing a fact or a suspicion of the existence of a bullying situation, a specialist reports an important situation to the representative of the administration. 2. The administration, together with the psychological service of the School, decides on the emergency response to the identified fact of aggression. 3. Emergency work with victims and persecutors. 1. When establishing a fact or a suspicion of the existence of a bullying situation, a specialist reports on the current situation by the representative of the administration. 2. The administration, together with the psychological service of the School, decides on the emergency response to the identified fact of aggression. 3. Emergency work with victims and persecutors.

Psychological and pedagogical approaches to the correction of aggressive behavior The first step is to achieve the harmonization of the emotional sphere of adolescents through the organization of various events and psychological stocks: School-wide activities like "Minute Glory", "Star Factory", etc. "Dating Planning" or "Our Opening". "Star Day", "Day name". Organization "Exhibitions of Achievements". Organization of games that contribute to reacting negative emotions. The first step is to achieve the harmonization of the emotional sphere of adolescents through the organization of various events and psychological shares: common events like "Minute Glory", "Star Factory", etc. "Dating Planning" or "Our Opening". "Star Day", "Day name". Organization "Exhibitions of Achievements". Organization of games that contribute to reacting negative emotions.

The second step rehabilitation "I". Events: organization of clubs or studios, in which various children will participate in the work. Large psychological games. Individual correction classes. The third step reorienting behavior through various programs and training, the purpose of which is to modify behavior. The second step rehabilitation "I". Events: organization of clubs or studios, in which various children will participate in the work. Large psychological games. Individual correction classes. The third step reorienting behavior through various programs and training, the purpose of which is to modify behavior.

How to work with aggressive children: Recommendations for parents and teachers depending on the reasons for aggression in work with adults it is necessary to make several accents: a change in the negative installation in relation to the child for positive; Changing the style of interaction with children; Expansion of the behavioral repertoire of parents and teachers through the development of their communicative skills. Depending on the revealed reasons for aggression in working with adults, you need to do several accents: a change in the negative installation in relation to the child to the positive; Changing the style of interaction with children; Expansion of the behavioral repertoire of parents and teachers through the development of their communicative skills.

Practical recommendations to parents and teachers, how to behave with children, showing aggression against adults or peers. 1. A calm attitude in the event of a minor aggression. 2. Accent attention on actions (behavior), and not on personality. 3. Control over its own negative emotions. 4. Discussion is offense. 5. Doast the positive reputation of the child. 6. Demonstration of a model of non-aggressive behavior. 7. Reducing the tension of the situation. 8. Work of restorative reconciliation. 1. A calm attitude in the event of a minor aggression. 2. Accent attention on actions (behavior), and not on personality. 3. Control over its own negative emotions. 4. Discussion is offense. 5. Doast the positive reputation of the child. 6. Demonstration of a model of non-aggressive behavior. 7. Reducing the tension of the situation. 8. Work of restorative reconciliation.

Types of aggression in children and ways to build relationships with them 1. Hyperactive-aggressive child. Such children, educated in the family of "idol" or in an atmosphere of permissiveness, getting into the team of peers may become aggressive. It is necessary to competently build a system of restrictions using including game situations with the rules. Stimulate the ability to recognize your own mistakes. Teach them not to hide your guilt on others. Develop a sense of empathy, sympathy for others - peers, adults and to all living things.

2. Aggressively touchy and depleted child. The childiness of the child may be associated not only with disadvantages in education or learning difficulties, but also with growth illness, the peculiarities of the ripening of the nervous system and the body. Increased sensitivity, irritability, varying can provoke aggressive behavior. Help the child to discharge mental tension, you will talk with him in a noisy game. And strive to avoid overvoltage situations if the child is almost always aggressive.

3. Aggressive child with opposition-defiant behavior. If the child is often rude, but not everyone, but only parents and familiar to him people, then, probably, in your relationship something is wrong. You rarely do and communicate with the child; You are no longer a sample to imitate, as before; The child is boring, nothing to do, and he transfers his own mood and problem, shifts responsibility for his behavior. Try to solve problems together, in collaboration with the child, but not for him.

4. Aggressive-childish child. Hostility, suspicion can be a means of a child sewn from imaginary threat, "attacks". Work with fears, model, that is, create a dangerous situation and overcome it together with the child; In this case, the situation should be on the verge of pleasant with an unpleasant with a predominance of pleasant.

5. Aggressively, an insensible child. There are children who have the ability to have an emotional response, empathy, sympathy to another is broken. The reasons may be in adverse conditions of family education, disorders of the child's intellectual development, as well as in the devices of emotional coldness, worn, compassion, increased affective (emotional) excitability, which are transmitted from parents or loved ones. At the same time it is difficult for him to understand that another, that is, offended 5. Aggressively, an insensible child. There are children who have the ability to have an emotional response, empathy, sympathy to another is broken. The reasons may be in adverse conditions of family education, disorders of the child's intellectual development, as well as in the devices of emotional coldness, worn, compassion, increased affective (emotional) excitability, which are transmitted from parents or loved ones. At the same time it is difficult for him to understand that another, that is, offended, badly or hurt. Try to stimulate humane feelings from such a child: Friend, iron cats and dogs, take care of animals; Pay attention to the child to the sad, depressed state of another person and stimulate the desire to help. If this does not help, count the child to be responsible - "work out" for your aggressive behavior ("And now go and apologize", "Purchasing on the head", "I wish the hand", "offer a toy to the child offended by you" and the like).

Directions of correctional work with aggressive children 1. If the aggression is a conscious, controlled act by the child, then for an adult it is important not to succumb to this manipulation. 2. If aggression is an expression of anger, it is possible to use a variety of strategies of impact: teaching children to control their emotions and methods for expressing negative feelings without harm to those who surround people; Learning the ability to make a partner to communicate his feelings through their progress and invitation to cooperate; The formation of such qualities as empathy, confidence in people. 1. If aggression is a conscious, controlled act of a child, then for an adult it is important not to succumb to this manipulation. 2. If aggression is an expression of anger, it is possible to use a variety of strategies of impact: teaching children to control their emotions and methods for expressing negative feelings without harm to those who surround people; Learning the ability to make a partner to communicate his feelings through their progress and invitation to cooperate; The formation of such qualities as empathy, confidence in people.

Literature Berkovits L. Aggression: causes, consequences, control. SPb.: Neva, with Beron R., Richardson D. Agression. SPb.: Peter, with Guggenbul A. An ominous charm of violence. SPB: Academic Avenue, - P. 98. Grebenkin E.V. Prevention of aggression and violence at school. - Rostov-on-Don, "Phoenix", Kleberta Yu.A. Psychology of deviant behavior. M.: Sphere, P. 47. Romanova O.L. Program for the prevention of cruelty "stop cruelty". - M.: Globus, Semenyuk L.K. Psychological features of aggressive behavior of adolescents and conditions for its correction. M.: Flinta, - p. 27. Berkovits L. Aggression: Causes, Consequences, Control. SPb.: Neva, with Beron R., Richardson D. Agression. SPb.: Peter, with Guggenbul A. An ominous charm of violence. SPB: Academic Avenue, - P. 98. Grebenkin E.V. Prevention of aggression and violence at school. - Rostov-on-Don, "Phoenix", Kleberta Yu.A. Psychology of deviant behavior. M.: Sphere, P. 47. Romanova O.L. Program for the prevention of cruelty "stop cruelty". - M.: Globus, Semenyuk L.K. Psychological features of aggressive behavior of adolescents and conditions for its correction. M.: Flinta, - p. 27.

Teenage cruelty is the topic, unfortunately, remains relevant today. Most often aggression is shown by children whose parents pay little attention to their upbringing, and often life support.

I am a specialist in social work a branch for N / L in need of social. Rehabilitation in conditions of temporary shelter, where children are contained, whose parents do not fulfill their duties for their upbringing and content. Therefore, the cruelty among our pupils is often a protective nature, it becomes a way to prove with adults that it can be independent. In this case, the cruelty is a splash of anger, resentment to the disaffected woman, attention. The child will twist others for injuries, moral humiliation, while not understanding the degree of responsibility for the sodden misconduct. From here there is a need for events aimed at legal education of minors. Timely explanatory work gives a chance to prevent adolescent desocialization.

In Giauson, Polarninsky Kzson, with the aim of social and pedagogical rehabilitation of children and adolescents, a "comprehensive program" Social ABC "is implemented.

I have developed and introduced the "Legal Education of Juveniles". During the implementation of which children receive knowledge about the appointment and content of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child; about equal rights and opportunities for all children, the need to respect the rights of other people; On the responsibility of parents and the state for creating conditions for the full development of the younger generation.

We strive for the fact that, as a result of our work, children learned to respect the rights of other people, to understand that the penalty provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation should be understood.

Rehabilitation activities are carried out with children in both group and individual form, in class and out of occupation. When planning and conducting group and individual events, a contingent, level of knowledge, age, various methods and reception are taken into account.

When working with children of preschool and younger school age, conversations are used with reviews, work with a book, poster, iso-activity. The guys are offered small tasks in the game form ("who did wrong", "good words", "what is good and what is bad", "Help the bear to ask for forgiveness"; playing situations during the plot games: "Hospital", " Family "," Help Service "; games - entertainment" Uninhabited island "", Didactic games "Mail confidence", "Who needs to work", etc.

Individual conversations and tests, psychological training and workshops, legal quizs, lectures, lection and educational activities are held with the older children, lectures, and duties, "My family," "who will come to help", "big care Little Children "," Children's Labor "," My Rights-MY Freedom "," Form of communication with adults, high school students and peers: conflict situations, ways to solve them ", the manufacture of booklets" Criminal and administrative responsibility of minors "," violence ", "My rights and duties", "how to survive if you are threatened with danger", etc.

Especially informative and useful meetings and events with the participation of representatives of the guardianship sector and guardianship, inspectors of PDNs, medical workers in the framework of the Regional Action "Decade SOS" and "Legal Week".

In 2015, with 40 minor pupils aged from 7 to 18 years old, 10 group events were held on the topics: "My Rights and Responsibilities"; "Cruel treatment of children"; "Criminal and administrative responsibility"; "Meet the regulatory framework of the Russian Federation to protect the rights of children"; "Cruel World of Internet"; "Legal hour"; Quiz "What do I know about my rights?"; "Decide today you will be tomorrow, do not drink alcohol"; conversation "Drugs, law, responsibility"; organization of the book exhibition on the topic "Choose Life"; Design from the corner "All colors of creativity against drugs", "Children's Rights". During the events, the children showed genuine interest, shared knowledge gained from personal experience.

The main directions in the prevention of aggressive behavior in the adolescent environment.

1. Diagnostic - allows you to set the status of the problem. At the initial stage, it is carried out by a psychologist through question mark and testing. Specialists working on the group identify such children by observation.

2. Formation of a favorable psychological microclimate in the team of pupils through leisure activities organized for our institution as part of interdepartmental cooperation with cultural, sports, youth policy, additional education.

3. Information and educational work, both with employees of the institution, minors and their parents, and with the "Risk Groups", which includes:

Issue and distribution of thematic booklets and memos "Drugs, Law, Responsibility", "Rights and Responsibilities of Parents", "Cruel treatment of children", "criminal - administrative responsibility for non-fulfillment of parental duties," My rights and obligations "," signs of ill-treatment and violence "," Types of violence "," punishing, think about "," Education of children in the era of the Internet ";

Registration of information stands in 4 offices at the subordinate territory.

Publication of the aforementioned material on the website of the institution.

4. Work with parents. An explanation of the role of family relationships and methods of education in the emergence of such an aggressive form of behavior as cruelty, in particular, the impact on this type of behavior of physical punishments, suppressing the independence of adolescents and the prevalence of authoritarian education methods, maintaining the child's self-assessment at the proper level. Consulting parents on the topic "Errors of family education and their influence on the formation of a child's value system", "Teach the child to do good"; "Etc. Psychological training" Interaction with an aggressive child. "

This form of working with parents, as parental meetings cannot be fully implemented in connection with the reluctance of parents to come to contact, but in Tech. 2015 3 such kind of activities were organized on the themes: "Regulatory and legal framework of the Russian Federation to protect the rights of children", "ill-treatment of children", "Violence".

5. Individual work (correctional, rehabilitation, advisory) specialist and psychologist with adolescents allows you to identify the causes of cruelty, to establish contact, cause a sense of trust, to train the methods of psychologically competent expression of aggressive feelings. To carry out this type of events based on the institution there is a touch room, a gym, a games room.

For 2015 With 5 pupils aged 12 to 18 years old, targeted work was carried out at the prevalence of cruelty (individual consultations with specialists of the GDN of the Department of Internal Affairs, But Aleksandrovsk, the custody and guardianship sectors, CDNs and ZPs, a psychiatra-narcologist).

In conclusion, it should be noted that the relationship in the children's environment is a mirror reflection of relations to their parents, teachers of relationships between adults. That is why it is so important that the atmosphere of love, mutual understanding, confidence reigned around the children.

The history of mankind is full of terrible events. Torture, war, violence against children and women, neglect of old men - these are only certain examples of cruelty, which accompanies the development of any society. People pay great attention to overcoming aggressiveness, considering it one of the most important social problems. So, all sorts of psychosocial technologies are created, which are aimed at preventing aggressive people. In our country, there is also a problem of teenage cruelty. Prevention of children's aggressiveness is an objective need.

As the weakest and least protected members of society, the kids are the first to become victims of poor circulation in various institutions, family. After a short time, the society for this they pay with interest. From the article we will learn, adolescents, and also how it can be corrected.

Evil's cult

There is a huge number of facts that confirm that in completely normal families sometimes grow embittered children. Therefore, family well-being does not guarantee that the child will, if necessary, stretch the hand to help in need. The cruelty of adolescent causes is mostly deeper. Often it arises due to school education. Not every teacher today will go to find out the true cause of the conflict between the students of its class.

In a child, the character has to manifest itself in early childhood. A class teacher is easy to identify who from the students the leader who is a "whipping boy", as well as who in relation to the rest of people often exhibits aggression. Do not ignore the emerging atmosphere in the classroom.

Sad results are known how to end the grazing of the student with his classmates. It is impossible to pretend that nothing happened. There is a possibility of timely interference to even save the child's life. Many adolescents feeling themselves are on the edge of suicide. Brutal children begin to strive the child, which is absolutely unacceptable. This is a situation that comes out of the rank. It is necessary to attach all pedagogical skills in order for this position to correct.

When a child sees that no one pays attention to the cruel appeal, the bullying becomes even more terrible. It is necessary to collect a class as often as possible for an explanatory conversation, as well as try to find common points of contact and interests. Often, such control gives positive results.

Specificity and causes of aggressiveness

The identity of the child is formed in the environment surrounding it, and not independently. This is especially important in this role of small groups, where interacts with other people. Initially concerns this family. Various authors distinguish the types of disadvantaged families in which the cruelty of teenage girls (and boys too) appear. These classifications are complemented, and do not contradict, sometimes repeating each other.

Combination of factors

It is worth noting that the combination of adverse psychological, biological, family and other social factors distorts the lifestyle of children. For them, it becomes a characteristic violation with the surrounding people of emotional relations. They fall under a large influence of a group of leaders, often forming asocial vital values. Lifestyle, culture of adolescents, environment, and style contribute to the development of deviant behavior.

A negative microclimate in different families determines the appearance of rudeness, alienation, dislike of some part of adolescents, as well as the desire to do everything against the will of the elders, called. This creates prerequisites for the occurrence of demonstrative disobedience, destructive actions and aggressiveness.

A family

Children's psychologists and specialists around the world are trying to find out the reasons for the intensive aggression, which girls and teenage boys are now being exposed. They come to the conclusion that in the family it is primarily a processes that contribute to the formation of the bullion of the baby. Oddly enough, the parental blind love becomes mainly its cause.

If, for example, parents are walking and guarded by their child, while in it without seeing personality and not appreciate his personality, he in the soul is born to prove and show that he is able to do something in his own way and himself. And on this path, the girls and teenage boys often make aggressive acts in relation to people surrounding them. In order to avoid this situation, the child needs to give the right to choose, provide him with a personal space, while not losing control.

Lack of prohibitions

The second dangerous generation of parental blind love is considered permissiveness that no arguments can justify. The child arises a sense of impunity. Ignoring misconduct and the execution of any whims will not help build a normal relationship, as well as establish a connection with other children. A little later, this is the cause of destructive and aggressive behavior, and the child will begin to call a "difficult teenager".


Almost all children criticize peers perceive more sensitive than the arguments of the parents. Always acute remains the problem of "bad company" - an aggressive and arrogant child is able to ask an example and tone of the behavior of the group of children, while the desire to correspond to his style and the inner dissonance only aggravate the cruelty of adolescents.

The release of such a situation will be the gradual development of new interests and values: it is necessary to "face" what exactly the child is interested in sports, dancing, creativity, etc. He will be able to give more time to hobbies, there will be in other friends, in which it only needs to be encouraged.


Almost every schoolboy came across at least once with the most common difficulties - misunderstanding teachers or rejection by classmates. The child, and even more newcomer, thus, can become an object of bullying and outcast from the other students for various reasons - it can be a commitment to another religion, belong to another nationality, to be stupid, smart, with the peculiarities of appearance. The cruelty of adolescent borders does not know, they can unjust do with peers only because of their dissimilarity on all others.

By the same occasion, they can be attacked and from part of the teachers. The scandalous sensational film "School" Valeria Gai Germanica just tells about the difficulties of today's secondary education institutions.

Internet, television

The cruelty of adolescents has increased to frightening sizes in the XX-XXI centuries. Specialists see the reason for this in the availability and dissemination of the Internet and television. The most exciting and popular films necessarily contain violence scenes that strongly affect the children's inconvenched psyche. Various computer games suggest killings and battles for winning. Videos that show debauchery, irresponsibility and rudeness, there are free access on the Internet.

Our children were boringly "just" to fight - it is necessary to take it on the phone, after which the video is online. What to do with it? The child's attention to switch to other, constructive classes, as well as bring the arguments to protect the fact that cruelty and aggressiveness is not "cool."

Hard teenager: detection

Prevention of cruelty in the teenage medium begins with the identification of the emotional and mental state of each child by questioning students. With the help of such a procedure, it is possible to find out how often the teenager has to face an unfair or cruel attitude towards himself, and other questions.

Baby - Sacrifice

To identify this problem, you must carefully follow the behavior of a teenager when he comes from school. Attention should be paid to minor, the slightest changes in the usual behavior. Each mother will see if suddenly the child disappeared the desire to go to school that he sometimes comes in ripped things, died appetite. These are signs of the presence of a problem. It should talk to him for souls. Of course, to bring it to such a conversation will be very difficult. Not every family has a trusting relationship. From the small years of his daughter or son to show that parents are the best and reliable friends.

When conflict a child with peers to find the output together will be much easier. If he does not want to share, it is necessary to try to show benevolence and caution. Do not be chopped under pressure information. Demonstrate him that you are on his side entirely and completely. In this case, in this case, he considers it necessary to ask for help, reveal.

The child in this case fears that only aggravates his difficult situation with such revelations with loved ones. He believes that the desire to tell all parents is an indicator of a weak nature. It should be convinced that it is not.

You will choose an adequate solution together, find the right way out of the established conflict. Over children's problems do not mock, stating that it is all nonsense. A similar attitude, a vulnerable young soul can be very offended.

News sites have recently been literally overflowing with various materials on cases of increased aggression in adolescents. At the same time, the abundance of computer games with various elements of violence and violence is not reflected in the child's psyche. A large number of adolescents after beating by classmates tried to commit to life. In addition, such scenes, as mentioned above, are filmed on the camera and laid out for everyone to review the Internet.

How to avoid aggression?

Teenage and has already become a specific social phenomenon. At the present moment, the correction of aggressive behavior of adolescents involves the involvement of all public institutions. At the same time, you need to start with the family, continue - in kindergarten and school, then attract the sections and circles, and finish with universities and workers' teams.

It is worth noting that violence using special cruelty is a widely encountered concept in criminal law. Consequently, adolescents, especially those who have reached the age of criminal responsibility, can be punished for their misconduct.

But the bulk of cruel adolescents are not sociopaths and sadists, which means they are able to correct without medical and correctional institutions. They need support and assistance to adults, parents and teachers in the first place, then mentors and coaches, conscious senior comrades.

Of course, it is not necessary to seriously punish the entire group of committed violence over other children, but only their leader, especially if he is a clear sociopath or sadist.

With the other children and their parents, preventive serious conversations need to be carried out, as well as take control of the authorities.

In addition, to improve the emotional psychological family climate, to help adolescents and children in overcoming psychological internal problems it would be good to pass from an experienced psychologist a course of family consultations.

And finally ...

Adolescents are required by the leadership of an adult, which should have an authority, charisma, inner power. In archaic societies, no wonder always put forward the role of mentors the brightest, interesting people. But now the pedagogical sphere is not always coping with this task. Fortunately, there are also leaders of circles, coaches, teachers who have the qualities of the mentor, only that are more and less.

It is worth noting that aggression is not necessarily bad. It makes it possible to defend its territory, offspring, fight for life, to achieve goals, overcome difficulties. When aggression is functioning normally, it works like water, torque mills life.

Oksana Nikiforova
Consultation "Children's aggression and cruelty and its prevention"

purpose: specify the reasons

aggressive and cruel

student behavior; factors

influencing children's cruelty;

bring examples prevention

children's aggression and cruelty.

Issues for discussion:

1. What is cruelty?

Forms of manifestation cruelty.

2 reasons children's cruelty.

3 Prevention of childhood


"If the child teach good, in

result will be good, teach evil

as a result, it will be evil - for

the child is not born ready

man who needs him


V. A. Sukhomlinsky

The topic of our meeting is serious and difficult and in

recently, it became very relevant.

This is the topic of manifestations by our children.

cruelty and aggression. Unfortunately,

these manifestations live among us,

adults and among children. What is this

phenomenon and whether we should talk about him?

Worth it. And if so, let's look at

what is myself aggression I.

cruelty and how we, adults, we can

help children overcome it.

What is cruelty?

Cruelty is human

feeling not knowing pity

regrets, sympathy. it

the ability to cause

suffering people or


Why children are indifferent and cruel? - often

we ask. How to help children become sensitive

generous, merciful, as timely

put barrel cruelty and worn? Everyone

of us wants to raise children so that of them

it turned out good people. But when a child

becomes aggressive or manifests cruelty,

parents are lowered hands. Why kid so

behaves behaving? Children from nature are prone to be

egocentric. Their some actions are simply not

fit into any framework. At the same time, parents

perplex: Where did the baby come from this?

Forms of manifestation cruelty

targeted cruelty

hostile cruelty

straight cruelty

indirect verbal


Features cruel behavior

Victims aggression is often becoming

close people

not all cruel Children are brought up in disadvantaged families

Cruelty often occurs

without a real reason

Many brutal Actions Teenagers,

are the consequence of the personal crisis

Cruelty Children under three years unconscious.

Parents may seem like kid

does it specifically and it needs it crucial

punish. For example, a child can

throw a cat about the wall. Doesn't he feel sorry

cats? In fact, the baby does it

not to take revenge. So

plays. Children still do not know all sensations -

what happens to hurt, and from what not. It

may just not understand the cat when

it is painful.

Such cruelty the child is only the stage of its development and

forming personality. When he is in the same way

hit the wall to the soft toy, mom will not

remarkable, because it is an inanimate subject. Moreover,

parents with understanding to this receded: baby

he knows the world. And in fact, children are equally played with

alive, and with non-residential objects. The only difference is

what is easier to play with alive. Child cruelty

preschool age unconscious. It's just

the stage of personality development, which he will soon turn around.

Another thing - cruelty consciousWhen baby

purposefully causes harm to another (always more

weak, getting pleasure from it and not experiencing

feeling guilt. It is extremely important to consolidate skills

socially acceptable behavior in preschool


It should be noted that cruelty Preschoolers usually have

other reasons than in older children. In-

first, behavior of adult settings

characteristic for age 3-4 years due to the fact that the child

begins to realize his "me", and with the help of unacceptable

conduct is trying to dissociate the rest. Secondly,

cruelty small children based on many

physiological grounds - for example, children with reduced

the painful threshold simply do not understand how they can

causing someone harm if they don't feel anything

similar situation. Thirdly, children are like

react to a bad psychological situation in the family -

quarrels, scandals, contempt for individual family members.

The main thing is that up to 6 years like behavior in principle

amenable to adjustment. Sometimes just that

to adults adjusted their behavior.

Our world cruel, and children begin to act the same

methods that see around. Parents do not show

proper example, and children first look at

his family. Children often protest, if they

see the inconsistency between what parents say,

and what they do. This protest matures inside and can

pour out different problems, including in

cruelty. For the child it is important to adult

good feeling. The most effective method

(however, it applies to almost all children's

problems) - Personal Example.

It happens that a kind child who cries over

cats and dogs can offend their

peers. Why? Dogs and kitty -

this is something fabulous toy, for them

child as a patron, and children's team

This is a certain society where it is necessary to fight for

survival. IN children's team often

one child of another starts to perceive

as a competitor, rival. This is

adults so - dogs regret, and people

hate. And it turns out that we teach children to live

according to law "Jungle"- it is sad.

Aggressiveness and cruelty Children can manifest if a:

Parents do not establish the rules of the behavior of children at home.

Do not follow the location of children.

Do not apply appropriate educational measures

(punishment or promotion). Huge value of B.

raising children promotion: in a word, look,

gesture, action. Very significantly for a person and

It should be immediately misconducted.

Explained by the child. It is harsh, but not cruel.

It evaluates the effect of the child, and not his human

Do not try to resolve emerging

problems and crisis situations

using compromise solutions.

"Golden" Rules of education:

Learn to listen and hear your child.

Try to make only you

removed its emotional tension.

Do not prohibit children to express negative

You will be able to accept and love it like it

Obedience, obedience and

performing will be where they

it is reasonable.

TO aggressive manifestations in behavior

the child leads family aggressiveness.

Cruelty And violence among children is a very scary phenomenon. But

there is something really terrible - indifference, indifference

parents in relation to their children and their problems. Exactly

this is the root of all troubles.

Kindness is needed to all people,

Let a bigger good.

Speak not in vain when meeting

"Good day" and "Good evening".

And no wonder we have

Wish. "In good time".

Kindness - she from century

Man decoration ...

thanks for


Faced with manifestations of cruelty in a child, adults are often lost. Indeed, how can you imagine that a smiling kid with smells on the cheeks is able to torment kittens and puppies, rushing to the birds in birds, do it hurts the one who is weaker than him? However, such behavior is found quite often. Why are little children are cruel? And most importantly, how to behave with them to parents and caregivers?

Why children are cruel

"If a person teach a good - teach skillfully, cleverly, persistently, demanding, as a result will be good. Taught evil (very rare, but sometimes)As a result will be evil " .

Aggression is in each of us. This personality property needs a person to protect himself and his loved ones. With age, a person learns to control his negative emotions, but a child who is just beginning to know the world is not able to cope with it. He needs the help of the closest people - Moms and Pope, who will teach him to cope with their feelings, will explain how to do, and how unacceptably.

The cruelty of small children is radically different from the cruelty of teenagers. In most cases, preschoolers do not understand what they hurt, and do not realize the consequences of their actions. This is a certain step of growing up. In addition, if an aggressive external environment is strongly affected on the behavior of the schoolchild (Television, computer games, Internet, negative processes in society, etc.), then preschoolers, by virtue of age, are still delivered from such an influence. They are in the foreground family and the near circle in which they rotate.

"Children - in every sense - our future.
If we do not want to have a cruel future,
We are obliged to withstand cruelty and violence in the present. "

Tk Golikova, Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation

It is very important to react to the cruel behavior of the child. On the one hand, it cannot be ignored, and on the other hand, the harsh punishment can lead to even more serious problems. For a better understanding of the situation, it is necessary to know the causes of such actions. Unconscious cruelty in children can be due to a number of factors. Consider them in more detail.

Curiosity and misunderstanding. Children want to know how the world is arranged, they explore the surrounding objects to understand and explore, it is very important for them to find out what is inside the typewriter, dolls, nevosha. Such. "Study" All that is interested in the child is exposed. He also does not see the difference between the living being and the toy. The child does not understand that the bird, a kitten, a butterfly may be hurt, and causes them the unknowingly, by ignorance. The task of adults is to invest in it.

Imprint. The kids are learn not only objects of the surrounding world. Their attention attracts different behavioral models that they try on themselves about the same way as we try clothing. Children adopt the actions of adults and peers, imitate the characters of cartoons, books, games. Such imitation is needed to understand how to behave in different situations.

Compensation or revenge. Often parents and educators notice that the child "Punishes" Toys. He scolds them for certain "Offer" Either character traits can apply to them and physical punishment. Sometimes it transfers similar actions from toys on pets or younger children in the family. For the most part, this is due to the behavior of adults towards him. Sometimes he compensates for the insult inflicted by his peers. In this case, cruel behavior allows him to feel strong, powerful, invulnerable. This is a way of self-affirmation, as well as the opportunity to indispens your anger on those who cannot answer.

Attracting attention or manipulation. In the book of A. Lugovskaya, O. Chevnina "Let's be friends!" An example of the cruel behavior of a child, due to the desire to earn mother Love, is given: the boy was tormented by kittens, because Mom repeatedly spoke at him, which hates cats.

Such actions are trying to attract the attention of adults when they lack parental love. Perhaps the child is simply trying to attract the attention of adults to his problems or make them make something for him. In this example, another aspect-aggressive statements of adults increase aggression in children.

Protest. The child can show cruelty in response to infringement of important needs for him: Suppose he selected some important thing for him, they invaded his personal space, broke his creation, etc.

Desire to be like everyone else. Even young children can manifest the so-called old instinct (committing cruel actions as a result of collective action). The child may not want to hurt others, but emphasizes through himself, because they do everything in his company.

Family behavior model. In preschool age, the main source of knowledge for children is the family. Examples of aggressive behavior, approval and justification of cruelty, the use of physical punishment to a child form a aggressive model of behavior. With a large share of the probability, it can be argued that it is such a scheme of relationship it will also be applied to others.

Energy release. Often outbreaks of aggressive behavior are directly provoked by settings or forbids adults. In children, especially in active, accumulates a lot of energy, which must be spent.

According to the first law of physics, energy does not disappear without a trace, but in the child it is abused. If you prohibit the children to play, run, jump and even make noise and hang, you will certainly encounter children's aggression. The child's body will find exactly such a way out of the situation so that not "explode" From an oversupply of energy.

Sometimes children make cruel acts without visible reasons. The very purpose of such behavior is the informed causing of harm, the child intentionally and coolly enjoys the causing pain of a living being. In this case, you need to contact a specialist (psychologist, neurologist, psychiatrist)which will help to find the cause and adjust the behavior of the preschooler.

How to prevent baby cruelty?

It is completely incorrect that the view is that cruelty and aggression is characterized only by children from disadvantaged families. This problem can come to any house, so work on the prevention of cruelty should be started from the very early age, because to raise a good, sensitive child, who will always leave the hand to help in need and will not be offended by the weak, is the dream of any parent.

How to avoid the problem related to the child's cruelty:

  • from an early age, use any opportunity to show and tell the child the rules of behavior in this world. This is a constant and continuous work;
  • show an example with your behavior. Parents for the kid - the only undisputed authority, so it is important that your words do not disperse with affairs;
  • speak a child about your love, praise it for good deeds, even if they seem insignificant;
  • try that the child does not see an aggressive behavior model in any reality, nor on TV, nor on the Internet;
  • tell him about wonderful animals and their heroic actions, about what you need to protect and protect all the living around;
  • tell your child about what you need to forgive others, those who have voluntarily or unwitting it. Such conversations have a positive effect on the nature of the baby and form him the right attitude towards life and others;
  • pay attention to the child to the fact that all people are different. They may look different, talk not as he, to think differently, but we all live on the same planet and should be able to love and respect each other;
  • find the child an interesting lesson in which he can show himself. Such can be sport, games, creativity, etc.;
  • show good kind cartoons and movies, listen to children's songs with him;
  • read and discuss books with your child. Let in fairy tales always wins good! Arguing about the actions of fabulous heroes, you can give examples from life, to ask the opinion of the child himself. This will help to form him understanding what is good and what is bad.

In modern society, human cruelty has become a problem No. 1. Newspapers, television, internet every day prove this fact. Only people themselves choose - live in a cruel world or try to change it. It's easy enough to do it: from the earliest childhood to prevent the penetration of malice, hatred, aggression into the life of children. If every adult will teach a child to good, then such a concept as cruelty will simply disappear.

How to cope with children's cruelty?

If the problem appeared, first of all, it is necessary to calm down, do not panic and not to look for demonic features in the child, assuming the worst. It may aggravate the situation and solve it without a specialist will be difficult. While any deviation in the behavior of the child is a help signal that must be provided in a timely manner. So why start?

1. Do not ignore.

Do not close the eyes on the cruelty of the child. Do not justify his actions, fearing accusations of your own insolvency and helplessness. If I ignore the problem, then changes in his personality can become irreversible.

2. Find out the reason.

Children in their essence are very responsive creatures, they have no anger, they do not want to hurt. Therefore, every manifestation of cruel behavior has its own reasons. They need to be understood and eliminated.

3. Give a negative assessment.

Making a kid by "Crime Site" should behave very strictly and severely. He must understand - his behavior is unacceptable and parents are very distressed.

4. Pedagogically punish.

Each unacceptable action of the child must find a response opposition from the parents. However, physical punishments not only do not solve the problem, but are one of the causes of child cruelty. Therefore, it is recommended to look for pedagogically justified punishments. For example: Comment, reprimand, deprivation of something pleasant, etc. The type of punishment is selected depending on the severity of the offense.

5. Analyze the style of family relationships.

In preschool age, the influence of the family on the actions of the child is especially strong. The probability of its aggressive and cruel behavior depends on whether he sees the manifestation of aggression at home. It is important to try to manage your negative emotions, consider what scream, insults, the approval of cruelty, an increase in votes is also a manifestation of aggression.

6. Pay enough attention.

The child is very important to hear from parents that he loved. Therefore, it is important not to miss any opportunity to remind him that Dad and Mom are happy to be the parents of such a wonderful child, as he is proud of them. It is important to listen to his problems, no matter how small they seem. The child simply needs a view or advice of parents.

7. Explain.

A little baby practically does not know anything about this world. He does not understand why one can do one thing, and another can not. Parents need to explain everything to him. If you do not specify with him the causes of prohibitions, then in itself this effect can be absolutely meaningless.

8. Praise.

It is important to celebrate and maintain any positive actions and quality of the child. It will form him a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat to be kind, sensitive, and cruel, evil - bad.

9. Provide the opportunity to spill out emotions in another way.

Sometimes a child just need to spill their feelings. It is necessary to show him the constructive ways of expressing anger and aggression: to arrange a fight with a boxing pear; Skick, throw away, break several sheets of paper; Draw your anger, etc.

10. Take patience.

Children's cruelty is a serious problem. In a word or one action, it is not solved. Gradually, if adults are constantly working in this direction, the child will understand what is good and what is bad.

In conclusion, we give a list of references for parents and educators, which will allow you to learn more about the affected problem and the options for its solution.

  1. Alekseeva E.E. Psychological problems of preschool children. How to help your child. - SPb.: Speech, 2008.
  2. Barkan A.I. Ultramodern child. - M.: Drop-Plus, 2007.
  3. Barzetskaya N.F. Tips of an experienced nanny. - M.: AST-PRESS BOOK, 2007.
  4. Georges J. Children's stress and its causes. - M.: Ripol Classic, 2003.
  5. Kolosova S.L. Children's aggression. - SPb.: ID "Peter" , 2004.
  6. Kravtsova M., Chevnina O. Little Robber. How to be if the child behaves badly. - M., Eksmo, 2006.
  7. Lugovskaya A., Chevnina O. Let's be friends! How to help the child to overcome problems with communication. - M.: Eksmo, 2006.
  8. Mannellis N.G. 5 days with supermen, which will teach you to communicate with your child. - M.: Reed Media, 2013.
  9. Potn R. Aggressive, hyperactative, irritable child. What to do? Tips for a psychologist. - SPb.: ID "Peter" , 2012.
  10. Svirskaya L.V. 76 recipes for proper communication with your child: tips parents and caregivers. - M.: AST; SPB.: PRIME EVNOGOK, 2008.
  11. Shapiro E.I. It knocks, bites, also calls! Psychological assistance to parents of aggressive children. - SPb.: Letter, 2013.
  12. Engelgardt L.O. What is good and what is bad? Book to help the baby. - M.: Eksmo, 2012.

Material prepared and implemented Klyuev Oksana Vasilyevna, teacher-psychologist MBDOU "Dresses" Fairy Tale "