Difference to toilet and perfume water. The difference of concepts: perfume and perfume, toilet and perfume water. How to use toilet water and spirits

Competently chosen perfume is an important part of the image of any person. In the modern world, special requirements are presented to it. The fragrance should express the entire essence of the nature of the owner, to be combined with its individual smell, impress the representatives of the other sex and so on. Creating a unique bouquet of flavors, perfumes for years, goes through jars with essences. Then the compositions go on sale in the form of perfumes, colognes, perfume and toilet waters. Regarding the first two types of perfumes, doubt usually does not occur. Otherwise, the situation is in the case of other scented products. "Toilet water or perfume - what is better?" - asks an inquisitive buyer. You will receive an answer to this question in this article.


The concept of "toilet water" was invented in the XIX century in France. This type of perfumery is made on the basis of a water-alcohol solution of mixtures of infusions and fragrant substances, designed to flavor body. Parfum water is also called toilet spirits. It is used during the daytime day and does not annoy others with a saturated or sharp odor. This flavoring agent has an optimal balance of price and quality and is the most demanded by perfume products today.

Composition of goods

Toilet or perfume water - what is better? Let's try to get into the selected item. Any type of perfumery consists of alcohol, extract of fragrant oils, dyes and differs from others only by the percentage ratio of components. The composition of the toilet water contains 5-10% essential oils by 80-90% alcohol. It has a stronger fragrance. This is explained by the fact that the concentration of fragrant extract in it reaches 10-20% by 90% of alcohol.

Opening aroma

All aromas are multi-layered. As a rule, they possess three stages of opening. The top (initial) notes appear when opening the vial and is kept in a pure form about 10 minutes. Usually they consist of quickly evaporating fragrant materials: herbal or citrus notes. Then there comes a queue of medium notes, or "notes of the heart". They consist of more resistant to evaporation of essential oils, so they hold longer on the skin. The latest ultimate, or basic notes appear. They stay on the skin longer and do not change until the smell is completely disappeared. Toilet water or perfume - what is better? The first will provide you with only a light flavor of the flavor, while the second will enhance the fragrant cloud.


Since the concentration of fragrant essential oils in perfumed water is greater, it keeps it much longer. It does not need multiple application during the day. The best perfume water is kept on her hair and skin up to seven hours. The toilet water has a thinner and light smell that evaporates for two or three hours. To maintain the effect, you will need to apply perfume again and again. The resistance of the aroma also depends on the individual characteristics of the human body. On different people, the same perfume will not only last a different amount of time, but it will smell differently.


Toilet water is designed for daily use. Its lightweight fragrance is perfect for use during work, summer walks, sports, shopping hiking. If you are waiting for a solemn output to light, and you put on yourself outfit for special occasions, you should give preference to perfumed water or spirits. However, many modern manufacturers do not consider it necessary or possible to produce their products in the form of classic spirits, so perfumey water is an obvious choice. Only correctly selected fragrance will be able to emphasize all the sophistication and elegance of your image. Toilet water or perfume - what is better? It depends on how appropriate will be your perfume in a particular setting.

Form release

Flakes with perfumed water are usually equipped with spray guns that allow you to evenly distribute the flavor on the body in sufficient quantity. Eau de toilette has a thinner and volatile odor, therefore, it is released both with a pulverizer, and without it. Both types of perfumery products are presented on the market in a very wide range. Often manufacturers produce the same aroma in a more and less concentrated version, that is, in the form and perfumed, and toilet water. The latter is presented in packages of various volumes (100, 75, 50, 30 ml).

Male perfume

The perfume for the strong half of humanity was for the first time produced in France during Napoleon's rule. One day, the Great Communion said that a man should not smell like a woman, and the intelligent French perfumes immediately invented perfumes in which there were no fruit and floral notes. Modern fragrances for men are usually produced in the form of toilet water or cologne. This is explained by the fact that the proportion of aromatic extract in them is so sufficiently high, the smell holds for a long time and remains sustained for a long time. Toilet water for men is represented mainly wood, herbal or citrus notes. Each self-respecting modern gentleman is obliged to choose a stylish and elegant fragrance suitable for his image.


Toilet water or perfume - what is better? Everyone must answer this question for himself. Eau de toilette is in great demand due to the available prices and variety of release formats. Of course, this type of perfume products has cons: it is consumed faster, its smell is considered less interesting. However, for daily use in the usual setting, toilet water is the perfect option. Parfum water is designed for special occasions. This product has undoubted advantages: the optimal balance of price and quality, more convenient for use and transportation (spray-sprayer) form of release and affordable price. For example, Parafumed Water "Chanel" combines all these advantages, its aroma is distinguished by unique sophistication and elegance.

The main difference, of course, is the concentration of essential oils. For example, in spirit the highest concentration - 20-30%, in perfumey water - 12-20%, and in toilet water, only 8-10%. This means that spirits have the highest rates, which means a greater resistance of fragrance.

Perfum (Parfum) - This is a combination of alcohol solutions, various fragrant substances and infusions. As a rule, perfumes have no daily use, but are designed more for evening outlets or solemn incidents. Considering the high concentration, there is enough of only a few drops in order for the fragrance to be fragrant for a long time. Typically, the spirits are applied to the ripple zones - behind the ears, on the temples, on the fold of the hand. The amount of fragrant substances constituting the composition varies from 15 to 60, depending on the fragrance. Ethyl alcohol, which is added in the manufacture of spirits, as a rule, 96%. When creating a certain fragrance, each perfumer introduces its trends and innovations, which is why even the same in the title of spirits, but made by different perfumes, differ in the smell. After all, the main aroma triad ("initial note", "cardiac note" and "final note") is compiled individually. And even on the nature and mood of the perfume, the outcome of the preparation of spirits may depend on.

Perfum (Eau de Parfum)water is more concentrated, so it keeps longer. Compared to the spirits, the smell of perfumey water is much softer. This perfumed tool is intended mainly for everyday use. Ethyl alcohol contained in perfumed water has a concentration up to 90%. The fragrance is able to keep about five hours, for this reason it is quite possible to use perfumey water 2 times a day. Apply it better in small quantities on clothes and skin.

Eau de Toilette (Eau de Toilette), Perfumeric flavoring agent in the form of alcoholic solutions of fragrant substances. Usually in the toilet water contains from 4 to 10% of essential oils dissolved in alcohol 80-90%. Usually, the toilet water differs from the spirits of a less sharp and less resistant aroma, as well as the smaller content of essential oils. Use toilet water is best in the morning or on weekends. If you carry out an experiment and take one perfume brand, but in various interpretations (perfume, toilet water and perfume), then the people who do not know can confuse odors. This happens due to the fact that initially the toilet water sounds much sharp, and it may seem that it has a stronger concentration.

Cologne (Eau de Cologne) - The easiest view of perfumes used mainly for men. The appointment and properties of the cologne are the same as in toilet water, but the concentration of fragrant substances is even less - 3-8% in 70-80% alcohol.

What is different toilet water from perfume? Looking into a perfume boutique, it is possible to wander in the cycle of smells for a long time, occasionally "shaking off" with yourself the dope of coffee beans.

And so, finding finally the very fragrance, you approach no less difficult decision - in what kind of it is to purchase it?

Perfume, toilet or perfume water - what is the difference, what option will be more resistant and beneficial for purchase?

The recipe for the manufacture of fragrant means is the same for any kind: water and alcohol are complemented by an exquisite perfume composition.

The resistance of the flavor on the skin depends on the proportion of mixing, the manifestation of the three main notes and, of course, the cost.

So, perfumeful water, unlike toilet, is eaten slower, longer holds and reveals the composition in all colors.

The higher the concentration of essential oils (and the scatter varies from 1% to 30%), the more impressive price will be. Let's figure out what the perfume means are to whom they are more suitable and what the percentage of fragrant substances are in them.

1. Perfume: Concentration from 20 to 30% (usually 23-24%)

The packaging is indicated by the usual word Parfume. Over 24 hours are delayed on the fabric, on the skin - at least six.

The spirits have very obvious loop (finish, finite) notes, so in the morning it is not recommended to apply a highly concentrated fragrance.

The proportion of essential oils and alcohol plays a crucial role in the resistance, fragrance saturation, and even in its opening on the skin.

In the cheap, handicraft method produced by toilet water will feel the smell of alcohol, often interrupting the main bouquet. But the strong spirits allow you to thoroughly feel the composition, from the upper notes and music of the heart to an excitement loop.

2. Perfume water: concentration of 15% or a little more

EAU DE PARFUME (EDP) - The middle sister in this family, close to the spirits in composition and resistant moral. On the clothes, perfume water keeps almost all day, on the skin - about four to five hours.

Sometimes it is called toilet or "daytime" spirits, emphasizing its intermediate arrangement and flavacy of the fragrance. Brighter in the bouquet manifests the average notes of the heart.

The smaller concentration of the ethereal basis is practical in everyday use.

First, it is a means of cheaper than the older fellow, secondly - not so sharply manifests the strong, loop chords. In general, the fragrance sounds softer, all notes are balanced and do not shout.

3. Toilet water: concentration of about 8-10%

Eau de Toilette (EDT) - Junior relative of solid perfumes. It is easy to easily displace the brightness of the upper and heart notes and absolute indifference to the loop shades.

Ideal during sports, in the hot season, during a period of various activities and recreation.

Toilet water is very popular due to low prices (you can have a set of aromas on the shelf). She is unenviable, but it can be updated at least five times a day.

4. Cologne: concentration usually 3%, maximum 5%

Cologlon (literally Eau de Cologne.) - Another representative of the world of perfumery, familiar to domestic gentlemen. On the body holds only a couple of hours, then disappearing without a trace.

Practically does not distinguish between the three phases of disclosure in their bouquet: at the time of application, and in an hour it is perhaps identical.

It is characterized by rescued alcohol nuances and a common tendency to the final, tart note from the first minutes.

5. Weak facilities with perfume additives

These include a perfumed deodorant, as well as sports, or refreshing water (the concentration of ethers is not greater than 1-2%).

In addition, European brands produce care products with basic fragrant additives (shower gel, milk and body cream, fluid and hair polish).

All of them leave a lightweight perfume loop after use, but they sound unobtrusively and naturally. They are ideal for those who do not like to wear a bright fragrance and prefers natural nuances.

And more similar means can be combined with toilet or perfumed water from the same collection. Then the fragrance will enhance on all sides and will last even longer, for two or three hours showing notes of the heart.

Perfumes: What is the difference and what to choose

In the question of resistance, not only the concentration of fragrant substances is, but also concrete essential oils.

For example, cinnamon fragrances, cardamoms, amber, sandals and cedar are heard longer than citrus nuances.

Therefore, the "woody" cologne may turn out to be a longer than fruit-flower water.

Tips from stylists and perfumes

In the cold season, give preference to spirits and perfume water.

In summer, a light toilet or refreshing-sports water sounds harmoniously.

In the hot period, we carry floral, fresh "water" and citrus flavors, and heavy bouquets leave for offseason. The warmer on the street, the stronger there are spicy notes, but in the cold they sound muffled.

In the evening the perfumes are better manifested by perfume, in the morning - perfume or toilet water.

Mature, adults, luxurious, autumn, evening the flavors who are assigned categories: "Eastern", "woody", "chip" and "fuys". They are clearly felt by sandals, moss, spices, musk, patchouli, coumarin.

Young, ideal for first dates and morning tea drinking, floral, citrus fruit bouquets are considered.

High-quality perfume can be worn all day without parting with him even at night. But for some persistence - not so plus. This applies to those who like, but quickly annoy the strong, spicy, tart spirits.

For them, the option with the toilet water is also acceptable and because it is disrupted faster. And the false fragrance can always be updated.

At first I wanted to write all the information to one article, but then I decided that there is no, it is better to divide it into several articles, each of which will have their thematic content.

In the first article we will define the difference between perfumes, perfume water and toilet.

The difference between the spirits, perfume and
Toilet water

I am sure, many women at least in general understand the difference between the spirits and the rest of the perfume, but what the difference between perfume and toilet water is not known everything. Although at prices, I think many are oriented. The most expensive perfume is perfume, perfume water is under the price, and even below the toilet. Why such pricing policy let us understand.

How I told before, perfume - The most expensive perfumery. This is due to the fact that they contain the largest percentage of aromatic substances, 90% of alcohol 20-30% of the aroma. Therefore, their smell is so resistant, it is obliged to hold on a body at least 4-6 hours. And about a pronounced loop and not to talk. We all familiarize the situation when a woman has passed, and in the air, the fragrance of spirits will be very long, and everyone standing on his way, breathing, melts from moutigation.

Perfumery water Several weaker spirits, because the content of aromatic substances by 90% of alcohol in it is significantly lower, approximately 11-20%. Of course, this smell will be weaker. It holds less, just 4-5 hours, and the loop will be lightweight and speeding.

Toilet waterbut - cheapest perfumery products. Her aroma is light and unstable. He stay only 2-4 hours and you will not receive any loop. Why is the toilet water so weak? All because it contains 80% of alcohol only 7-8% aromatic substances.

All of this perfumery products of one brand may contain the same aromatic substances, but with their different amounts of smell they will have different.

How to determine what you buy in the store: perfume, perfume water or toilet. Yes, very simple - everything is written on the package.

  • Parfum means that you are a perfume.

  • Eau de Parfum - you hold perfume water in your hands.

  • Eau de Toilette - you are offered toilet water.

Now it has been very popular to sell perfumes on spill. In principle, there is nothing bad, a good alternative for those who cannot afford perfume in beautiful packaging. Aroma, which is on the spill, that in the packaging version can be completely the same. Just in the first case, you only pay for the flavor, and not for the beautifully designed manufacturer's name.

However, there is a small catch, the manufacturer can sell perfume water under the type of spill spirits in order to save on the ingredients.

How to define the smell of spirits

It is important to determine correctly the smell not only for the spirits, but also for perfume and toilet water. In each self-respecting perfume shop you will be offered to choose the smell using a blotter. But to speak honestly, such an opportunity is provided only in large specialized stores. In all the others you will be given to sniff the cap, which is pre-sprinkled. But so you will never recognize the true fragrance. Only Blotter helps you feel the whole composition that manufacturers have invested in perfume. I think the word Blotter now many have caused an intriguing interest. What it is, in general, such.

Blotter - what is it?

This is a special tester paper. The name it was invented by perfumers and chemists. And she serves to me with you, buying spirits in the store, could correctly determine the fragrance of one or another products, without any distortion, just as he conceived and created his perfumer.

It can just be a white paper without a logo or on it can rub the brand logo or perfume water that you are offered to test.

What is the blot paper?

This is a rectangular strip of special paper without glue and odorless, sufficiently loose structure, which makes it easy to absorb moisture. Standard blot size 10-18 cm by 0.5-2.5 cm.

How does blotter so impregnate?

The strip of the blotter is lowered into a bottle with a liquid, if it is without a spacing, to a depth of 1 cm or make several pencils on it. Then you need to wait until the fluid is absorbed into paper, usually takes a few seconds. Then you can start testing the smell.

For this, the blotter is brought to the nose at a distance of 1-2 cm and inhale the flavor. If you immediately did not feel the smell, do not rush, continue to keep the strip, not approaching it to the face. From your heat, the liquid will begin to evaporate faster and the flavor will become more pronounced.

On this testing of perfumes, perfume or toilet water does not end. Their fragrance on the blotter is only the first stage, acquainting you with real perfume notes. But the smell that you felt on blotter can be somewhat different from the fragrance of the same spirits on your body. Therefore, the next stage is to test them on the wrist of your hand.

Why can smells differ? Perfume molecules or perfume (toilet) water are located in a bottle in the form in which they were created. Blotter - Neutral and molecule paper in no reaction with it do not come, which cannot be said about the human skin.

Each of us has its own natural smell, different one of the other. Pour here sprays, cream, shower gels that we use. They are also different in all. So it turns out, we all have our own unique smell.

And if the same person tested the same spirits, but in one case, being sick, in the second healthy, he will feel different fragrance. This is because the smell of the body at these two states is absolutely different.

Therefore, the same perfumes, or perfumery water, or toilet will open on our skin in different ways and can have a slightly different fragrance. You may like perfume on the blotter, but do not look like on your body. Therefore, it is necessary when buying, carry out both testing.

I think today information is enough. In the next article, let's talk about probes, miniatures, testers and we will deal with how to buy perfume in the online store.

I wish you all happiness, Natalia Murga

Perfumes are known since ancient times, the Egyptians often used this perfume as one of the important elements of the worship of the gods and sacrifice. However, wealthy people indulged themselves with exquisite spirits and in everyday life. The popularity of this type of perfume in antiquity was so big that even several references to its use in the form of aromatic oils remained in the Bible.

The medieval Persian scientist Avicenna was engaged in the manufacture of perfume through distillation. A similar procedure is also applied at present.

It is believed that the first spirits were created in Mesopotamia, and then from there they spread to other countries - Egypt, Persia and Ancient Rome. Spirits were obtained mainly from the extract that was recovered from different colors. In Europe, the first stem samples fell in the XIV century, thanks to the spread of Islam. Modern perfume manufacturers use a classic spirit recipe: first is the initial note, then the notch of the heart, and then the final one.

The term "toilet water" appeared in the world only in the XIX century. Entered this name Napoleon Bonaparte himself. During his stay on the island of St. Helena, his cologne unexpectedly ended, and then the Operation French Emperor invented his own version of the aromatic water with the addition of Bergamot, Lavender and Rosemary to the diluted alcohol of essential oils. Napoleon called his creation to the toilet water, and then this concept has acquired the official value.

If the toilet water is compared with spirits, its aroma is less resistant, but more thin. In addition, it contains less aromatic base (oils).

However, if you look into more ancient history, it is possible to find out that animals and canopies were sprayed with fragrant water in the ancient world. In addition, it was even allowed instead of ordinary water to fountains. When an ancient Rome fell, such a kind of perfume was widespread in the east.

The toilet water is a flavoring perfume agent in the form of an alcoholic solution with the content of fragrant substances. As for the content of essential oils in it, they are present here from 4 to 10%.

What is different toilet water and perfume?

The main difference of perfumes from the toilet water lies in a higher percentage of the perfume composition (combination of balms, essential oils and other components) - 15-30% and more than 96% alcohol. And in the toilet water, in turn, there are only 4-12% of the composition, and everything else is 85% alcohol. Of course, with a similar scenario, the smell of spirits will hold much longer, and the toilet water evaporates much faster.

As for the value of these two species of perfume, a considerable one is also noticeable. Perfume to create more difficult, since they are spent more source materials, and therefore their price is higher. The design of spirits is a fairly difficult task. For them, fashionable exquisite bottles are created, while simpler requirements are presented to the tanks for toilet water.

Summarizing, it can be concluded that the difference between the toilet water and spirits is as follows:
- alcohol in toilet water 85%, and in perfume 96%;
- Toilet water contains less aromatic oils, and the spirits are more;
- the aroma of the toilet water is held not so long than the spirits;
- The cost of the toilet water is more accessible, the price of spirits is much higher;
- The bottle for spirits are designed more sophisticated and exquisite than the tanks for the toilet water.