Differences in the appearance of Rene Rouge and Volpina. What mistakes in appearance make you look unattractive? Their appearance, acquiring these

Mom always repeated to me: they meet me according to their clothes, they see me off according to their minds. In terms of dress, I found the Americans very different from what I was used to at home. Today, I'll tell you about five oddities in American appearance that caught my eye upon arrival in the United States.

1. Walk in running shoes
How can you accurately distinguish an American, say, in Europe or in our homeland? If a person wears casual clothes, a shirt and at the same time sports running shoes, you can argue that this is an American! Yes, running shoes are comfortable, yes, you can go out in them all day and your feet will not get tired, yes, Americans are very concerned about their comfort. However, I still don’t understand why people who drive a car everywhere should care about the comfort of their legs?

If you go to the hinterland of the United States, then you can still find the image from the Marlboro advertisements - men and women in cowboy boots or boots. The Americans even have a saying: how to distinguish a European? Most likely he or she will be wearing trendy shoes, not sneakers or boots. All of the above, however, applies to a lesser extent in large metropolitan areas. You may not find people in boots in New York, but very much people in running shoes!

2. Wear a shirt and jacket under jeans
So, if you see a person in casual clothes and running shoes, you already know that they are American. Let's now assume what will be worn on top of it? Well, most likely, it will be jeans, and if he goes to work, then a shirt and a jacket will be attached to the jeans. Remember Steve Jobs? He was original - so he wore a turtleneck instead of a shirt, but jeans and jogging shoes were with him.

Steve Jobs in his famous turtleneck, jeans and trainers Steve Jobs in his famous turtleneck, jeans and trainers
Steve Jobs in his famous turtleneck, jeans and sneakers
Which shirt and jacket go with jeans and running shoes? Certainly not one-color fashionable Italian patterns. The shirt will most likely be checkered and the jacket will be a simple, loose cut, and a T-shirt must be visible from under the shirt. So, the American image will be completed. Although, it must be admitted that this applies more to the older generation, but the further into the outback of the United States, the more young people share the tastes of their parents.

3. Use a gel with a "wet hair" effect
It's nice to leave the house in the morning with clean, well-groomed hair. A woman's hair is for me an indicator of how much a woman looks after herself. I am sure that beautiful, well-groomed hair attracts the attention of both men and women and attracts them. I am also sure that American women share my opinion. Only the concept of grooming and beauty for my taste among American women is a little strange.

I have often seen women heading to work or university in the morning with a lot of wet hair gel. It seemed that they were coming from the beach or they simply didn’t dry their heads after a shower. The "wet" hair contrasted strongly with their everyday attire.

Apparently, this is how the owners of "wet" hair imagine themselves
Apparently, this is how the owners of "wet" hair imagine themselves.
After living a little in the USA and witnessing how popular the “sporty” image is among Americans, I make the assumption that “wet” hair is popular precisely because it looks “sporty” - as if you were a dashing surf goddess who came ashore to honor office with its divine presence. Although, the concepts of beauty and fashion are a little different everywhere and I am already used to “wet” hair.

4. Put on a sports uniform for a walk
The first time we saw a man walking under our windows in sportswear, we did not think to be surprised - he was probably doing a jog and just took a step to rest a little. But when we saw him the second, third, fourth time, and then other people, we became interested. It turned out that they put on sports uniforms on purpose, not even going to run, so that a person who regularly walks in the evening with neighbors in front of the windows would not arouse suspicion.

Walking in the evening, and at any time of the day, does not seem strange to our person, but if you are in the USA, and even more so in the private sector, then walking in this way in front of your neighbors' houses can arouse suspicion and the case may end with a conversation with the summoned , vigilant residents, the police. There is nothing wrong with that, but do not be surprised at this turn of events if this happens to you.

5. Come to the supermarket in pajamas
I already wrote about this once, but I will repeat myself. In our country, you must admit, we sometimes make fun of ourselves, noting that the further into the hinterland we go, the more magnificent and brighter the outfits that people wear in everyday life. Agree, you would not be surprised to see a respectable mother in fashionable shoes on a large platform and a huge stiletto heel, in a short skirt and with evening make-up in a district town during the day. Americans who visited our outback asked me: why do your women sometimes dress like strippers?

Any individual, according to which one can judge about him, his hobbies and standard of living. One person can characterize another just by looking at him, so people do not even know what others think of them.

But it is worth noting that it is wrong to judge a person by appearance; perhaps, due to certain circumstances, he is forced to look like that. After all, life is a difficult thing, and there are different situations in it.

Etiquette in the culture of appearance

The first thing that people notice when they meet a person is what they are wearing. Clothing makes up 90% of the entire look, which is why proper attention should be paid to its choice. Therefore, the proverb is relevant about what is greeted by clothes.

The appearance can tell about the inner world of a person and his moral points of view. Clothing speaks of personal tastes and preferences.

If a person is dressed "with a needle", then we can talk about his refined taste and status. In choosing an outfit, its color is of great importance. According to psychologists, clothes should be selected according to the place, nature and time of an event.

What is called appearance?

Appearance is such a concept that is important for every modern person. It is on him that the present and future of the individual depends. For example, to meet a guy, a girl must have a beautiful appearance that will draw attention to her person. But not only in personal life, a person's appearance plays a role, it also affects a career. Choose a formal style for your interview if you want it to end well and be hired.

But clothes are not the only ones that can make the first impression. To knock a man down, you need to choose a good outfit and show your best emotions and qualities. The most important thing is not to seem like a fool, and it is better to follow the example of business women who have achieved success in their lives.

Each of the girls is unique, and in order to please a guy, you need to show your exclusivity. You need to demonstrate your talents, if you have them. To create an attractive appearance, it is recommended that you wear makeup, wear nice clothes, exercise your mind and look at the world correctly.

Business man

Appearance can speak of a person's status. When it comes to a business person, suit companions and employees can determine his professional status, income level, reliability and success.

If a person comes to a meeting in an expensive outfit, he should be combed and smell good. At first, anyone is judged by how he is dressed, and only then the rest of his qualities are noticed.

But in order to appear to your partner as a worthy person, you should not brag about your wealth with him, you need to behave as usual, without showing how you prepared and dressed up for this reception. Also, you should not wear jewelry to a meeting with a business partner, so you can show your frivolity.

The appearance will tell about the profession and hobbies of the person

Each individual is a psychologist in his soul, and, seeing a stranger in front of him, he mentally begins to imagine what he does in life, how he lives and what he enjoys. There are people who betray their lives with all their appearance. For example, it is very easy to spot a teacher or cultural worker among the crowd. As practice shows, most people choose clothes for themselves according to their hobbies and activities.

The profession leaves a considerable imprint on a person's appearance. After all, if people work in an office, then, most likely, they will be wearing a formal suit.

When it comes to creative personalities, they are more likely than other people to use extraordinary clothes and seemingly incompatible styles in their wardrobe. In order to look unusual, it is enough to complement your image with accessories.

People who belong to popular trends - goths or emo - stand out from the crowd immediately, as they have their own wardrobe. For the Goths, everything is black, emphasizing their isolation and solitude.

Appearance Add-on

Natural beauty complements the look, such as expressive eyes or beautiful posture, which speak volumes. In addition, gestures and facial features can communicate much more about a person than their clothes.

When it comes to open people, they are almost always in motion, they can rarely be seen sitting on a chair with crossed legs or arms. They are open not only with their soul, but also with their whole body.

If we are talking about an introverted person, then he dresses strictly, practically does not use makeup, and shyness can be seen in his manner of communication and gait.

At a subconscious level, an individual is able to feel the energy of another person. If she is warm, then everyone can understand this, all people want to communicate with such a person, they admire and respect her.

The clothes and appearance of a person are evaluated only at the first meeting. Indeed, very often appearance is deceiving, and a person begins to open up some time after meeting.


If we are talking about a business person, then he must definitely wear accessories and jewelry. The description of the appearance is based primarily on clothing and accessories.

If a woman takes a handbag with her to meetings, then the latter must be made of genuine leather. All items where documents are stored must be made of the best materials.

An indispensable attribute of any business person is a watch, which indicates that an individual values ​​time. You should give preference only to expensive models in order to emphasize your status.

You should not get too carried away with jewelry, it is better to put on an inconspicuous bracelet and ring on your ring finger. If you want to show off your arsenal of jewelry, then you should only wear them for evenings or holidays.

Men should wear cufflinks to meetings, it is better if they are made of gold or silver. Typically, cufflinks should match a tie clip and can be decorated with small stones.

Also, any business person should have a fountain pen and a notebook for notes.

Requirements for the image of a person

When it comes to entrepreneurial activity and work in a serious company, then there are special requirements for the appearance of employees. If a person adheres to a business image, then this can be called the first step on the path to success and career.

The requirements for the appearance of a person working in a prestigious company can be presented as follows:

  • Material texture compatibility.
  • Unity of style.
  • Compliance with the style and the situation faced by the employee (office work, negotiations, business trip, personal meeting).
  • When choosing an outfit, you must adhere to the rule of three colors.
  • Combine quality clothing and footwear with accessories. For example, a folder for documents should resemble a person's shoes in texture.
  • Ability to match colors in choosing a suit.
  • Pattern compatibility.

Be sure, in addition to a neat suit, a person should have accessories that emphasize his individuality and business style.

How to behave at the reception

Remember: the success of his affairs directly depends on the appearance of a person and how he behaves in negotiations. It is necessary to sit upright and open, not covering yourself with your hands - this speaks of a person's openness. If a man has crossed his legs, then he must make sure that the trousers do not rise above the toe. In this case, hugging your knees with your hands is not worth it, and it is also not recommended to swing your leg. Remember you are at a business meeting. It is best to sit in the middle of your armchair, sofa, or chair.

When a woman sits on a chair, she can cross her legs, but this is not allowed if she sits on a chair or sofa.

If you suddenly wanted to cough at a meeting, then you need to turn your head to the side and do it, covering your mouth with your hand. When you are sick and need to go to the appointment, do not forget to bring a handkerchief. If you want to sneeze, then you need to try to do it quietly.

It is also important for any businessman how he will look - what matters is his suit and the perfume that he will use.

The article examined how a business person looks and how he should behave. If you have never met such people and their appearance has not formed in your head, then you can find information about what the appearance should be. Photos of any successful person will help you with this.

Below are some tips on how to behave in business meetings. First of all, you need to remember that there are no trifles in this matter.

It is not necessary to buy an expensive suit, the most important thing is that the outfit is in good condition, in size, clean and ironed. The businessman's shoes should be cleaned.

If we are talking about a woman's image, then her clothes should be complemented by accessories, hairstyle and makeup. The most important thing is to emphasize individuality.

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) encouraged people to keep their clothes clean. He disapproved of the appearance of a person in public in dirty clothes, since he had the opportunity to wash or clean them. Thus, he made it clear that a Muslim's clothing should always be clean, and that his appearance is good and pleasing to the eye.
Let's briefly list the adabs that should be observed in clothing and appearance:

  • it is necessary to observe cleanliness in clothes;
  • clothes should not emphasize the contours of the body and be transparent, especially women's clothing, which should cover all parts of the woman's body, except for the face and hands;
  • it is considered preferable to wear white clothes. Men are not allowed to wear silk clothes, but women are allowed. Also, the Sharia prohibits men from dressing in women's clothing, and women are prohibited from wearing men's;
  • observance of the Sunnah is to wear beautiful clothes for performing namaz, especially for Friday prayers and other festive namaz;
  • it is necessary to dress in a secluded place where they cannot see you, so as not to show unauthorized body parts;
  • shake well before putting on clothes;

اَللّهُمَّ لَكَ الْحَمْدُ أَنْتَ كَسَوْتَنيهِ أَسْأَلُكَ خَيْرَهُ وَخَيْرَ ما صُنِعَ لَهُ وَأَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ شَرِّهِ وَشَرِّ ما صُنِعَ لَهُ

“O Allah! Praise be to You, You have clothed me with this. I ask You for his good and the good of what it was made for. I also ask You for protection from his evil and the evil of what it was made for. ";

  • having bought new clothes, it is better to give the old one to others;
  • you need to start dressing on the right side, and take off your clothes on the left, this is following the Sunnah;
  • When wearing regular clothes, it is advisable to read the following:

اَلْحَمْدُ للهِ الَّذي كَساني ما أُواري بِه سَوْئَتي وَأَتَجَمَّلُ بِه بَيْنَ النّاسِ

"Praise be to Allah, Who has clothed me with what I cover my‘ awrat with and adorn myself with among people. ";

بِسْمِ اللهِ الَّذي لآ إِلهَ إِلاّ هُوَ

"With the name of Allah, there is no god besides Him"... The removed clothing must be folded neatly.
Among the teachings of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is the command to watch your hair, put it in order and decorate it, as it is legalized in Islam. This means keeping them clean, combing them, anointing them with incense and giving them a beautiful shape. The Noble Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) never disregarded what related to the appearance of people, and if he saw a slovenly dressed and unkempt person, he was sure to reprove him for not taking care of himself. At the same time, a Muslim should do all this in accordance with the teachings of Islam about the need to adhere to the golden mean in everything, in other words, the teaching about the need to adhere to moderation, which does not accept any excesses or omissions.

New words: ‘Avrat.

Questions for self-test:

  1. What should be the clothing of a Muslim?
  2. In what order should I dress and undress?
  3. What should be the appearance of a Muslim?

Learn the dua and adab given, which must be observed in clothing and appearance.

Avrat - body parts that should be covered from others. In men - from the navel to the knees, and in women - the whole body, except for the face and hands.

Hello my coffee bags!

I've been doing a poll here for a long time ... You decided that you want to see theories about Volpin. But I thought something and decided that I want to combine Volpina and Rena in one post. And I was looking at their photographs and I got the idea to compare their costumes. Here, in fact, I am writing.

So look.

Number one.

The main difference is the main color. Take a closer look and you can understand that Rena Rouge has a darker orange color than Volpina's. Is it really interesting to know why? Maybe the artists just confused the color palette ... Or, does this have its own meaning?

Alas, I will not answer this question. I am still inclined to believe that the artists have changed the color image and there is nothing special here.

Number two.

Another interesting difference is that Rena Rouge has a much shorter flute than that of Volpina. There is definitely some sense here! True hidden ... And incomprehensible to me ... Honestly, Volpina's flute is more beautiful. She's long!

Number three.

There is also a difference in the ears. No, not inside the ears! Their size is the same, but the structure is different. Volpina's ears are tilted back, while Rena Rouge's ears are straight and splayed. Rena also has black "tassels" at the end of the ears. It's more likely, too, just a new image.

Number four.

Tail. Or rather, the transition of the suit to the tail. Look at Volpina's belt.

And to the crossing at Rena Rouge.

There is a difference? There is also a big one.

Of course, these are not all the differences. The mask is also different, and indeed they are different!

With this post, I would like to show that these are two completely different characters and it annoys me very much when Alya is called "Volpina".

I ask you not to do this anymore, because you will be terribly wrong!

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“The ability to dress is based on three pillars - simplicity, good taste and the habit of taking care of yourself - and it's not expensive at all,” Christian Dior once said. Some of us sometimes forget about the third whale, which negates all efforts. Many are familiar with the situation when all the beauty of new chic boots is completely killed by the price tag that has not been removed from the sole.

site will remind you of 10 seemingly little things that others instantly notice and for which they do not have the best opinion of us.

1. Faded clothes

A black dress can turn a girl of the most ordinary appearance into a queen. But if traces of numerous washes are visible on the fabric and its color is far from ideal black, alas, an inconspicuous appearance will also become sloppy. Faded clothes of not only black, but also other saturated colors will make the image unkempt.

  • What to do: Wash bright and black items in cold water, do not tumble dry. Vinegar, strong black coffee, or tea added with rinsing will help preserve the color. Dye is removed most quickly from fabrics that contain acetate or linen, slower from fabrics that contain wool or nylon.

2. Not perfectly white things

White clothing, like black, is capable of a lot in a good way, but only if it is perfectly white. But the yellow or gray shade of the once white thing makes a person as inconspicuous as a field mouse. Sweat stains on white things are especially pathetic.

  • What to do: Take a new white garment and compare with it all the white garments you have. Light signs of yellowing can be removed by adding hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, or lemon juice during your wash. It is better to get rid of clothes in which yellowness has eaten tightly.

3. Casually rolled up sleeves

Correctly folded sleeves on clothes will make the look more dynamic and youthful. But the sleeves rolled up like an accordion will turn you into a person who has just arrived from some very remote place and put on a shirt for the first time in his life.

  • How to do it right: Unfasten the buttons on the sleeve, straighten and then turn the cuff inside out, making 1-2 turns of the full width of the cuff. If the fabric on the cuffs on the seamy side differs in color from the main one, you can make an Italian turn-up of the sleeve (see this video from 1.25 minutes).

4. Harem trousers

Trousers with a low crotch seam (also called "zouaves") do not raise questions if they are worn by a representative of hip-hop culture, an Orient or a fairy-tale character. In all other cases, this thing looks like an attempt to appear younger or more fashionable. Unsuccessful attempt.

  • What to do: If you cannot refuse such trousers, then it is better to wear them with sports shoes. As the top element of the outfit, a top or a T-shirt with a simple cut, without voluminous details such as flounces, will be appropriate.

5. Dandruff on clothes

Dandruff marks on clothes look completely unaesthetic, and the only thing that those who saw it want to do, especially close, is to step back.

  • What to do: Dandruff is a sign that you are doing something wrong. Overdrying your scalp, for example, or not consuming enough vitamins. A trichologist will help you figure things out, and until then, try not to wear a dark top.

6. Too many decorations

Too much jewelry, especially in combination with bright makeup, can turn even a carefully thought-out image into something awkward.

  • What to do: The great Coco Chanel advised to take off the last accessory before leaving the house. After all, it is he who most often turns out to be superfluous.

7. Unkempt beard

A man's beard, like a woman's makeup, can emphasize the pros and even mask flaws. But only if the facial hair is neat and well-groomed. But a beard, which is not given proper care, makes any representative of the stronger sex look like a person without a fixed abode. What can we say about food debris that sometimes gets stuck in the beard.

  • What to do: To give the correct shape to the beard, which should be chosen in accordance with the type of face, and better in the salon. In the future, you can keep in shape on your own using a trimmer.

8. Shrunken pants