The development of fine motor skills in children 8 years old. Simple, effective exercise. Match games

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The development of fine motor skills in preschool children

The development of fine motor skills in preschool children

What is fine motor skills?

Fine motor skills- the ability to manipulate small items, transfer objects from hand to hand, and perform tasks that require coordinated eye and hand work. Fine motor skills associated with the nervous system, vision, attention, memory and perception of the child. Also, scientists have proven that fine motor development and development speeches are very closely related. And the explanation is very simple. There are centers in the human brain that are responsible for speech and finger movements. They are located very close. That's why, developing fine motor skills, we activate the zones responsible for the formation of children's speech, which increase the child's working capacity, his attention, mental activity, intellectual and creative activity.


At the initial stage of life, it is fine motor skills reflect that, how the child develops, testifies about his intellectual abilities. Children with ill developed manual motor skills awkwardly hold a spoon, pencil, cannot button up, lace up shoes. It can be difficult for them to collect the scattered parts of the constructor, to work with puzzles, counting sticks, mosaics. They refuse sculpting and applications that are loved by other children, do not keep up with the children in the classroom.

Target: development of fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements in preschool children through various activities; improving conditions for development of fine motor skills of the fingers, preschool children.


To form coordination and accuracy of hand and eye movements, hand flexibility, rhythm;

- develop fine motor skills of the fingers, hands;

Improve general physical activity;

Promote the normalization of speech function;

-develop imagination, logical thinking, voluntary attention, visual and auditory perception, creative activity.

I bring to your attention games and exercises for development of fine motor skills that you can do at home.

Button Games

Development fingers are facilitated not only by finger gymnastics, but also by a variety of actions with objects. Various kinds of mosaics or button games, develop attention, perception.

Drawing on semolina, flour, buckwheat

You can draw on semolina, flour, buckwheat. A child's painting of these bulk materials is a creative product, and develops sensory perception, fantasy and imagination.

Collecting cut pictures, puzzles, cubes

These games develop visual perception, spatial orientation, visual - motor coordination.


With the help of applications not only fine motor skills develop... A child, performing applications, will be able to compare figures large and small, wide and narrow, long and short, dark and light.

Clothespin games

You can also play with clothespins development in children creative imagination, logical thinking, fixing color, counting.

Rolling the pencil in the palms

Rolling the pencil in the palm of your hand helps to stimulate biologically active points, toning the body as a whole.

Drawing and coloring with pencils

It was pencils, not paints or felt-tip pens, "Force" the muscles of the arm to strain, make efforts to leave a mark on the paper. The child must learn to regulate the force of pressure in order to draw a line of one thickness or another. In the process of drawing children develop not only representations, creativity, the emotional attitude to reality deepens, but elementary graphic skills necessary for development of manual dexterity mastering letters. By drawing, children learn to properly handle graphic material and master various graphic techniques, they have small musculature of the arm develops... Need to teach children paint carefully, without going beyond the contours of the objects depicted, evenly applying the desired color.

During classes at children develop fine motor skills fingers and imagination, they learn to coordinate hand movements and gain new sensory experience, learn to complete the work. Classes promote development emotional responsiveness, developing self-reliance, perseverance, accuracy, diligence, the formation of skills in modeling.


Such games develop spatial orientation, attention, form lacing skills, develop creativity, promote developing eye accuracy, sequence of actions.

Assignments and exercises aimed at development is a lot, if you connect fantasy and imagination, you can come up with them endlessly. The main thing here is to take into account the individual characteristics of each child, his age, mood, desire and opportunity. Our task is to support the child, provide assistance if necessary, and of course be patient and calm. After all, skillful fingers will not become immediately. To interest the child and help him master new information, you need to turn learning into a game, do not forget to praise the child.

Systematic and systematic work on development of fine motor skills of hands in children promotes the formation of speech, intellectual abilities, has a positive effect on speech development, and most importantly, contributes to the preservation of the physical and mental health of the child.

Related publications:

Self-education report "The development of fine motor skills of hands in children of primary preschool age" Period of work on the topic: 2015-16 academic year (first year) When it is supposed to finish work on the topic: May 2017 Report form: creative.

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The project "Development of fine motor skills in senior preschool children" Duration: long-term (September - March). Project participants: children of the senior, preparatory groups attending the speech center, educators ,.

Development of fine motor skills in preschool children The development of fine motor skills in preschool children The famous teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky said: "The mind of a child is at his fingertips."

For the development of fine motor skills in children 4-5 years old, you need to perform simple exercises and massage the hands. Experts advise giving babies to open and close jars, pour cereals from glass to glass, and teach them how to tie knots. All these games for the development of fine motor skills in children will not take a lot of time, but they will be of undeniable benefit, because the way a child knows how to coordinate his movements largely influences the development of his speech and thought centers.

The development of fine motor skills and coordination of movements of the fingers plays the most important role in the development of the child. Therefore, it is very important to engage with the child from an early age through special exercises, games and tasks for the development of fine motor skills. The development of fine motor skills at 4-5 years of age affects the maturation of the speech and motor areas of the cerebral cortex, which are in close proximity to each other. By developing motor skills, we influence the intellectual development of the baby.

At this age, parents should carefully observe the child, because the harmless turning of the sheet when drawing or painting indicates a rigid fixation of the brush. This can be checked as follows: ask the child to draw a circle with a diameter of about 5 cm.If he effortlessly drew a circle of the required diameter with one line, then you can be calm: he is fine with fine motor skills. If the child drew not a circle, but an oval of a small size and in several steps, while moving the hand, then this is already a violation of the coordinated movements of the hand.

Hand massage for the development of fine motor skills in children

Hand massage has a beneficial effect on the development of fine motor skills of the child. It is performed with one hand, while the other fixes the massaged surface.

Massage movements are done from the fingertips to the forearm. The duration of the massage is 5 minutes. Massage is carried out daily or every other day (10-12 sessions per course).

The interval between massage courses for the development of fine motor skills in children can be from 10 to 30 days.

Requirements for the massage of the hands: the hands of the massage therapist should be clean, without jewelry, nails should be short.

The hands of the person being massaged should also be clean. You can use baby cream or powder if your hands are sweating. This is necessary for better sliding of the masseur's hands during the massage.

Preparatory exercises for fine motor skills before a massage for children are as follows:

1. The child's hand lies freely on the table. An adult, fixing the wrist with one hand, with the other hand alternately raises each finger of the baby to the maximum position.

2. The child's hand lies on the table with the palmar surface up.

An adult holds his palm with one hand, bends his fingers inward with the other.

So, the child sits, the hand rests freely on a hard flat surface (on the table).

Here's how a hand massage is performed to develop fine motor skills in a child:

  • the masseur with the whole palm makes a plane stroking of the back of the child's hand from the tips of the fingers to the middle of the forearm. Repeat 3-5 times;
  • the massage therapist makes a forceps-like stroking separately for each finger of the child's hand from the tips to the base of the finger;
  • the massage therapist makes a forceps-like circular rubbing of the fingers of the child's hand from the tip to the base of the finger;
  • the massage therapist makes a circular rubbing of the back and palmar surfaces of the hand from the base of the fingers to the wrist;
  • repeats movement No. 1;
  • the masseur, with the help of a hand or a vibrating massager, makes dotted movements of the back and palmar surfaces of the hand and fingers from the tips to the wrist;
  • repeats movement No. 1.

Correct coordination skills will be essential in the later life of the baby, as in order to dress, draw, write and perform other activities, you need to do a lot of precise, coordinated movements. Massages and exercises for the development of fine motor skills in children can be performed with music or using poetry and songs.

Games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills in children

How else can you develop fine motor skills in a child at home? Various exercises and games play an important role in the development of fine motor skills and coordination of movements of the hands and fingers.

A constructor can be used to stimulate fine motor skills.

It is better to start with large parts, gradually replacing them with smaller ones. Then move on to collecting puzzles, stringing beads, etc.

Examples of how to develop fine motor skills of hands in a child 4-5 years old:

1. Pouring any cereal from glass to glass. This exercise develops muscular hand coordination. Once the child has mastered it, you may be allowed to pour or pour water or other drinks.

2. Tying knots. Teach your child to make knots. It also develops coordination, fine motor skills and dexterity. You can start with a thick string, then move on to a thinner string, such as a string.

3. Opening and closing cans of various sizes. Place jars of different sizes, bottles, vials with lids in front of your child. Ask him to open all the covers and close them again. This activity is also aimed at developing fine motor skills of the hands.

4. Small bags can be sewn and fill them with, for example, semolina, large pasta, rice, cotton wool, etc. Let your child feel these bags and guess what is in them.

This is not a complete range of games for the development of fine motor skills in children, coordination of hand and finger movements. Parents can supplement them with other exercises.

Skills of children 6-7 years old

Primary school children should have basic hygiene skills. They are already quite independent and quite capable of self-service. They are able to brush their teeth themselves (under adult supervision), rinse their mouths after eating, wash, take a shower or a bath, dress and undress themselves, tie their laces, fasten buttons, and keep an eye on their hair. Such skills are especially important, since at this age children begin to go to school, where their parents will no longer be around.

It is very important that younger students are taught to be neat. They need to understand that wrinkled, dirty things look bad, and sloppy hairstyles and dirty nails make them ugly.

Primary school children should be. Very often, parents strive to relieve the child from work duties and do everything for him that he could easily do himself (for example, put toys or put things in order on the desk). Children 6-7 years old who do not follow the daily routine, are not accustomed to work and do not have the skills to perform socially useful work, it is very difficult in the school team. At school, they will definitely have new responsibilities: class duty, help in preparing the class for the lesson, and others that they will have to cope with on their own.

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Modern parents begin to engage in child development literally from the first days of his life. Pediatricians and psychologists recommend paying special attention to fine motor skills, as it is directly related to the formation of speech. Toy manufacturers have long grasped this idea and brought it to life, releasing numerous educational toys. But many of them can be made by hand.

Why you need to develop fine motor skills

Many people know about the need to develop fine motor skills in children from an early age. However, not everyone understands what it is for and what such activities are.

Fine motor skills are the ability to perform precise actions with the hands and fingers. It is coordinated by the work of the nervous, muscular, bone and visual systems. Its development begins in the first months of a child's life by looking at its own fingers and pens. Then the baby gradually learns to master them by taking toys. Motor skills have a positive effect on manual dexterity, the formation of a student's future handwriting, and on the speed of reaction.

It was found that the level of development of a child's speech directly depends on the degree of formation of the movements of the fingers. In the human brain, the centers responsible for speech and motor skills are located nearby. Thus, when one site is stimulated, the other is also activated.

DIY toys for the development of fine motor skills in children

Children's store shelves offer a wide range of educational aids. It's no secret that their cost is quite high. For interested mothers, it will not be difficult to make toys for fine motor skills with their own hands. And the main thing will remain uniqueness - after all, they will be executed with great tenderness.

Sensory pouches

Sewing sensory bags with your own hands is a snap. You will need a dense fabric of different colors and textures and a filler, which can be used as:

  • pasta (spirals, shells, bows, tubes);
  • cereals (millet, buckwheat, pearl barley, rice, oats);
  • flour and starch;
  • legumes (beans, peas, soybeans, beans, corn);
  • sweets;
  • nuts;
  • natural materials (acorns, chestnuts, shells, pebbles);
  • erasers of various shapes;
  • cotton wool or synthetic winterizer;
  • buttons and beads.

Safety regulations

Natural materials must be washed and dried thoroughly before use, and toys with food must be stored in a dry place - pasta and cereals are afraid of moisture. The pouches should be sewn or tied in such a way that the baby under no circumstances could reach their contents.

Video: how to make sensory pads with your own hands

Photo gallery: homemade sensory pouches

These bags are easy to make on your own, even without a sewing machine. The filler can be inserted not only into the fabric: dense balloons are suitable for this.Tactile perception can be developed not only with the help of filler, but also using fabrics of different textures The bags can be of different colors and sizes.

Sensory cube

Such a toy is a cube, on the edges of which there are three-dimensional objects of different shapes and shades or applications from all kinds of materials.

How to make a cube for the development of fine motor skills

In order to make a touch cube with your own hands, you will need:

  • small pieces of fabric of different textures and colors;
  • synthetic winterizer or foam rubber as a filler;
  • non-woven fabric;
  • decorative elements (buttons, ribbons, strings, rings, fabric remnants, thermal stickers);
  • threads;
  • iron;
  • sewing machine.

From scraps of fabric (this can be cotton, silk, velvet and others), you need to cut 6 squares with edges of the same size.

From the non-woven fabric, you need to cut out squares with a side 1–1.5 cm less than from the fabric. Non-woven blanks are applied to fabric blanks and ironed - both parts will stick together, get a rigid structure and keep their shape well.

Each square is designed in accordance with the idea: it can be figures of animals and birds, geometric shapes made of fur or felt, thermal stickers, buttons, locks and much more.

When the design is finished, you need to sew 4 squares in one strip.

The two remaining blanks are sewn to one of the squares from above and below.

The seams are made along the contour of the non-woven edges, after which they are fixed. Further, the sweep is stitched in such a way that a cube is obtained.

On the last face in the corner, you need to leave a small hole and carefully turn the cube through it. The toy is filled with foam rubber or padding polyester and sewn with a blind seam. Together with the filler, you can also place rustling paper or a bell in the cube.

Video: how to make a developing cube with your own hands

Tactile pillow

Sensory (tactile) pillows are suitable for babies from 2-3 months to 3 years. It all depends on the set of those elements that are placed on it. For the smallest, a small amount of simple materials are suitable. Before giving such a toy to a child, you need to make sure that all the elements are firmly fixed: if the baby pulls one of them into his mouth, it should not come off.

For children from 1 year old, you can pick up and sew more diverse and complex educational items: zippers, buttons, lacing, Velcro, bows and strings that can be tied and pulled. You can make such a toy using a ready-made pillow and sewing a pillowcase for it with decorative elements.

Photo gallery: sensory pads of different shapes

This pillow is suitable for babies from 2-3 months. For the image on each of the squares, you can use a fabric of different texture. This pillow is suitable for children from 1 year old. It presents more complex elements: buttons, ribbons, bows, Velcro, clasp Such a turtle has several faces, each of which contains different developmental elements: a carabiner, lacing, buttons. It is suitable for children from two years old

DIY pillow for the development of fine motor skills

You can sew such a pillow at home.

To make it you will need:

  • fabric - green (53 × 30 cm) and blue (83 × 20 cm);
  • non-woven fabric (53 × 50 cm);
  • fabric for the back side (50 × 55 cm);
  • felt of different colors and mouline thread to match;
  • zipper 50 cm long;
  • Velcro, buttons, braid, ribbons, hat elastic;
  • Whatman paper, pencil on paper;
  • scissors;
  • threads, needles and pins for sewing;
  • pillow 45 × 50 cm.

Before you start sewing, you need to make a sketch of the future pillow in full size. You can use stencils for this.

The blue fabric is cut into two strips (the first is 30 × 20 cm for the pocket, the second is 53 × 20 cm for the base). A piece of green fabric and a blue flap prepared for the base are duplicated in size with non-woven fabric. The pocket section folds in half.

The sun is connected from yellow felt and ribbons: a circle 10 cm in diameter and 7-8 strips of 10 cm in length each.

The felt sun with beams-ribbons folded in half is attached with pins to the blue fabric prepared for the pocket.

Details are sewn on a sewing machine or by hand with small neat stitches.

The elements of the main body (blue and green) and the pocket are connected together.

The base of green fabric is located at the bottom, of blue at the top. A pocket with the sun is attached to the upper left corner

Then the base and non-woven substrates are connected with pins, and then stitched.

Elements from a drawn sketch are cut from felt.

"Felt waves" are interconnected. For each fish you need two parts (you can have different colors) and an elastic band 10-15 cm long

Elastic bands with knots tied at the ends are placed between the elements of the fish and sewn together. The waves are laid out on the base (stepping back from the edges 1–1.5 cm for seam allowances).

Colorful fish are placed between the waves and fixed. The elements of the river are sewn first at the bottom, then along the entire perimeter.

The next element is a tree. For each of them, you need two blanks of the crown, one trunk and several apples or pears. The details are sewn together, while the fruits are located inside between the two crowns, and the trunk remains on top.

The blank for the railway is made of gray felt. Its size is 53x5 cm.

The railway is placed on a green meadow, which already has a river and trees.

For the manufacture of a steam locomotive and a trailer, you will also need two elements. The front details are made using felt of different colors (wheels, windows, pipe). Details are sewn on top. A small button is attached to the rear edge of the locomotive, and a small ribbon loop is attached to the trailer. A 50 cm long ribbon is passed through the unsewn edge, at the ends of which knots are tied. The structure is located on the rail and is fixed.

Clouds are made of blue felt - also two elements each. A braid is passed through them, like through a small train, the ends of which are sewn to the blue part of the base.

Flowers are cut out of felt of different colors, for the middle of which Velcro is used, and placed on a green meadow next to the river. The seam is made along the edge of the Velcro, and the petals remain free.

Following the example of fish, a butterfly and a bee are made. Velcro is sewn onto the back of each figure - so insects can land on flowers.

A lock is sewn into the middle of the piece of fabric that was chosen for the back of the pillowcase.

The front and back of the pillowcase are folded with the right sides inward and sewn around the perimeter, leaving seam allowances (1–1.5 cm on each side).

If you wish, you can make figurines of animals that will ride on the train. They can draw muzzles with a marker.

The pillowcase is ready. The kid can play with her, placing animals in the trailer, rolling the train on the rails, planting insects on flowers, looking for fruits in the trees.


Modeling effectively contributes to the development of the motor ability of fingers. Plasticine, with which all parents are familiar from childhood, is dangerous to give to a one-year-old baby, because he tastes everything. Ordinary dough comes to the rescue. You can make it yourself from safe ingredients.

Modeling dough recipe

For it, you will need finely ground salt and water (one part at a time), flour (2 parts).

  1. Combine salt and flour in a deep bowl, add water.
  2. Mix well.
  3. Knead the mass until the consistency of soft plasticine.

If after cooking the dough sticks to your hands, you can add salt and flour to it (keeping the proportion). If a crumbly texture is obtained, it is sufficient to increase the amount of water.
If your toddler loves to sculpt, you can make a lot of dough at once. You need to store it in the refrigerator, pinching off the "working" pieces as needed. But such material should not be stored for a long time - over time, the dough loses its elasticity. For older children, you can add food coloring during cooking. After drying, the dough figures become hard and durable. They can be colored and used for games.

Photo gallery: DIY dough figurines

You can make such a basket together with your baby - this is an exciting, creative and useful activity.
You can mold figures of your child's favorite animals from the dough. Dried crafts can be painted with acrylic paints You can make up whole pictures from the figures and use them to decorate the children's room.

Collapsible elements

A game with small details develops motor skills very well.

Felt coats

All large details on such samples (pockets, sleeves and even a collar) are removable. The child himself will be able to create interesting models by combining colors. These toys are suitable for kids from two years old.

Mathematical strings

When the baby begins to show interest in numbers, you can offer him mathematical strings. They not only develop fine motor skills well, but also help to learn the count.

Video: didactic games with shurki


Such devices are great for improving the motor activity of fingers and pens. After all, a multi-colored rope should not only be taken - it should fall into a small hole.

Simple lacing can be made from any safe surface: wood plank, plastic lid, or regular thick cardboard. On them, using a screwdriver heated on a candle or with an awl, holes with a diameter of 5 mm must be made in random order.

An even easier way to keep your child busy with lacing is to use a colander.

More complex lacing can be made in any shape. This will take a little more time, imagination and material.


Sorters, in addition to fine motor skills, allow to develop perseverance, attentiveness and quick wits in the kid. Making them with your own hands is also possible, although a little more difficult than lacing or mathematical strings.

The sorter requires a cardboard box and several small toys of different shapes. On one side of the box, you need to cut holes that correspond to the shapes of the selected items, only slightly larger in size.

Photo gallery: handmade sorters

Round holes are cut slightly larger than plastic caps
Such an original large sorter is suitable for babies who already know how to walk. For the simplest version of a homemade sorter, you will need a box and cardboard blanks

Developing stands - universal didactic devices

The developing stand can combine elements of all the described objects and games.

Fine motor skills- the coordinated work of the muscles of the fingers and hands, the first step in the formation of a child. The need for dexterous and coordinated finger action
indisputable. The developmental process includes the work of the bone, nervous and muscular systems. Level
improved motor skills affect mental development.

The development of fine motor skills in children.

From the first days of your baby's life, start to improve. fine motor skills... Massage
palms and fingers activates points that are associated with the cerebral cortex.

The developed fine motor skills of the baby allows him to satisfy his own
needs and helps to know the world around him.

Going to first grade, the child is checked for the readiness of fine motor skills of the fingers to
learning: imagination, writing, concentration and speech.

How to develop a child's fine motor skills

Parents should take into account the age characteristics of their children. It is hard to imagine
a month-old baby with plasticine or a six-year-old with a rattle.

  • Massaging your hands and fingers is the first step.
  • ... Babies of this age already have a well-developed grasping
    reflex. Use rattles made of different materials for its development: plastic, wood, fabric, stone, so that the baby gets different tactile sensations from
  • By this age, the baby can already sit down and
    study with pens the objects around him. Special help in development
    rugs where details are selected in different colors and shapes.
  • At this age, the baby gets up on his own and even walks. All the things around him help in development. Developing centers have been created especially for this age. They develop such movements: turns, pressing, twisting, pulling, knocking.
  • ... At this age, you can play different games with your baby.
    finger games, nursery rhymes, songs with movements. Also very important at this age
    start laying out basic self-help skills.
  • ... Age "I myself", the formation of personality. Need more complex
    development mechanisms: modeling with plasticine and dough, drawing with paints and pencils,
    cutting with scissors, appliques.
  • ... Fine motor skills of this age will cope with the basics of writing quite well:
    circle by dots, connect numbers, spelling letters and numbers.

What toys will help in development

There are toys that a child can play with at any age. The older the younger
the tester and the better developed the fine motor skills of the fingers, the more interesting are
applications for toys:

Exercises for fine motor skills of hands

Development from 0 to 2 years:

  • White-sided magpie (bend your fingers and pronounce the nursery rhyme);
  • Okay, crackers (clap your hands);
  • Hide and seek (close your eyes with your palms);
  • Bunny (wiggle your ears);
  • Hello fingers (say hello to each finger);
  • Strong fingers (interlock, slightly bending, fingers together).

Development from 2 years:

  • Fisherman (catch small objects with a spoon in a plate);
  • Track (sprinkle a track, circle, triangle from any cereal);
  • Sweet tea (put sugar and stir in a mug);
  • Salute (tear a sheet of paper into small pieces and throw it over you);
  • Lump (crumple the paper into a lump);
  • Collect (put sticks, buttons, beads in a box);

Development from 3 years:

  • Labyrinth (draw and teach the kid to find the right path);
  • Beads (start with bagels, then pasta, buttons, beads, beads);
  • Path (draw a winding line, let the baby draw along it);
  • Figures (cut out various figures and glue them on the sheet);
  • Gift (wrap a small item in several wrappers and ask
  • Clothespins (learning to use);
  • Treats (we sculpt from plasticine).
  • When exercising with your baby, include relaxation movements,
    stretching and compression;
  • Massage your hands regularly;
  • Consider the child's developmental age;
  • Assist in the movements and fix the arms, if necessary;
  • Learning goes from simple to complex movements;
  • Praise your child for new moves.

All the necessary skills for the development of motor skills of the child's fingers are laid in
preschool age. It is enough to take a little time, and the baby will amaze

Hello reader! Today we have a somewhat unusual article, the topic of which is fine motor skills. There will be a lot of exclamation and question marks - I will swear. Mostly for psychologists, but you will probably get it too. I will scold psychologists for their attitude to the issue under consideration, namely to the development of fine motor skills. Parents will get it for using the principle of sufficiency in the upbringing of their children.

Fine motor skills

Fine motor skills is a set of coordinated actions of the nervous, muscular and skeletal systems, often in combination with the visual system in performing small and precise movements of the hands and fingers and toes.

Exactly fine motor development in children, psychologists attach particular importance and at the same time associate the development of fine motor skills with the development of speech. The fact is that in the brain the zones responsible for the projection of the hands are located next to the zone responsible for speech skills. Here, as a rule, they mean the "Broca" zone, which is responsible for speech, or rather, for articulation. This is the official opinion of psychologists. Great psychologists teach this in institutes of psychologists to little ones, and they write about this in all books for parents, but I have a number of questions ...

Firstly, in addition to Broca's zone, Wernicke's zone is also located nearby, which is responsible for understanding speech. But this is not so important. What interests me the most is where the rest of the zones in the brain of psychologists have gone ?! It seems that for psychologists in Broca's zone the light has come together like a wedge. You can teach a child to speak on time, just by constantly talking to him. This works very well too. But I've met great talkers in my life. They spoke very well and quickly, but by and large it was complete nonsense. A great example: a girl - a nanny from the cartoon "Super Family".

Let's return to our rams ... There are many more zones in the brain around the representation of the hands than psychologists believe. Areas responsible for attention and concentration, for imaginative and spatial thinking, memory, etc. Simply put, hands pulls all the intellect! And it seems to me that the presence of speech skills in a child cannot be an indicator of general development.

More ... Broca's and Wernicke's zones are located in the dominant hemisphere of the brain. For right-handers in the left, for left-handers in the right. And again the question. Why do psychologists always talk only about the development of the dominant hemisphere? It seems that we have one-sided children. But what about the second hemisphere, which is responsible for creative thinking and processing of novelty? We're kind of develop motor skills of both hands, not just one. Therefore, the development of fine motor skills also develops the creativity of the child.

The lag principle

One more thing ... I am worried about the very peculiar approach of psychologists to the use of techniques development of fine motor skills... The same applies to parents! In general, it looks like this: a child is born to parents. He grows up in his crib, plays with rattles, laughs. Cheerful and healthy toddler. But time passes, and the child does not speak. Time passes, he is already three years old, but he speaks very badly. And then the parents understand: “Oh my God !!! Something went wrong!". They take him to a psychologist, and the psychologist says: “Your child is lagging behind in development (otherwise we ourselves did not guess). We will develop. ”And he begins to develop his fine motor skills, he specially works with him. The speech was developed - and excellent. We observe further, and he holds a pencil like a shovel ... “Oh my God !!! We urgently teach you to hold a pencil! " Further ... “Oh my God !!! He doesn't know how to fasten buttons! " Well, etc. Question: Why do psychologists and parents expect deviations in the development of the child? Wasn't it easier to deal with him from birth ?!

Sufficiency principle

But this already smacks of a conspiracy 🙂 It is generally not clear why psychologists and parents develop skills in children to the level where they can normally exist and interact with others, that is, to the average. And it all stops there. It seems that psychologists don't like being too smart. And who set these standards in general? What norms can there be in the development of intelligence ?! And it is completely unclear why all of the above suits the parents? Is it because psychologists tell you so? 🙂 It seems to me that every parent wants to raise at least a genius. So why isn't anyone doing this ?!

I invite all parents to use the principle of inadequacy in the development of their children. That is, the achieved result is good only at the moment of its achievement, and then it is again not good enough. You must understand that the foundation for the further development of a child is laid precisely in early childhood. And how effectively this period is passed, the rest of life can be so successful. Not a fact, of course, but the chances will increase many times over. So don't wait! Start working with your child from the first months of life. And advice ... Only constant systematic training will give you a positive tangible result.

Here I will not describe the ways of developing fine motor skills in children, because there is enough information on this on the Internet without me. Just type in "Fine motor development" in the search engine and you will be taken to the right place. And my site is not about children, but about adults.

Development of fine motor skills in adults

And again, the position of psychologists that is completely incomprehensible to me. Everything related to the development of fine motor skills is dedicated to children. Well, the child grew up - so what? Development got stuck ??? remained the same, the number in it is the same, the number of connections between neurons has significantly decreased (this is the specificity, I will explain another time), so why not develop fine motor skills further? From development fine motor skills adults will get all the same benefits as children. Speech skills are unlikely to improve significantly, but thought processes are very much. This must be done!

There is a small snag in the way of development. After all, the fine motor skills of adults are already sufficiently developed. We already have all the basic skills. It means that something else is needed.

For the development of fine motor skills in adults, learning to play a musical instrument is perfect. I would choose something popular. For example, a guitar. In general, I chose it 🙂 In addition to the applied purpose (development of fine motor skills), the wife can always play the guitar. Or not your wife 🙂 And besides fine motor skills, learning to play a musical instrument will pump your brain very strongly. A whole new system is forming in your brain, and this is a very valuable bonus.

If you already play some musical instrument, then learn to play another. Move from strings to keys or wind instruments. But you can try something else. For example, you can master the ten-finger printing method. From life observations I can say that all those who have a ten-finger typing method have a very high speed of thinking and outstanding intelligence. Reflecting on this relationship one day, I thought it might be a coincidence, and I did a small and unobtrusive survey among friends and family. And this relationship was confirmed.

There are many different tutorials for learning to play musical instruments. It is worth looking online. And for teaching the ten-finger method of typing, I personally use the online keyboard trainer "Key Race". A very original idea for a keyboard trainer. Register on the site, read everything carefully and start training. And remember that only regular systematic exercises will give tangible, sustainable results.


It is an innate or developed ability to wield the non-dominant hand as well as the dominant one. The bottom line is ... The ease with which your dominant hand is wielded roughly reflects your mental and cognitive development. Do the following exercise: Write down any sentence with your leading hand. Rate how easy it was. Next, write down the same sentence with your non-dominant hand and rate how difficult it was. The difference in ease of writing with your leading hand and your non-leading hand is roughly equal to the potential dormant within you. Surely after this simple exercise, many will be amazed at this huge difference.

Another advantage of ambidexterity ... To solve the problems of some epileptics, neurosurgeons have to take countermeasures - epileptics have their brains cut open. Separate the hemispheres from each other. Then the patients are monitored for some time, and these observations led to the next discovery. The activity of the dominant hemisphere increases, while the non-dominant hemisphere practically stops its activity. What is the conclusion here? A poorly developed non-dominant hemisphere, due to its underdevelopment, slows down the dominant hemisphere of the brain, preventing it from revealing its full potential. It is very easy to check this.

Do the exercise I described above, but after you write the sentence with your non-dominant hand, write the same sentence again with your dominant hand and evaluate how much faster, lighter, and smoother your old handwriting became. This happens literally instantly. The effect will be stronger if you write longer with your non-dominant hand. Developing your non-dominant hand is a very important moment in developing your abilities. So exercise.

By the way, the world famous genius Leonardo Da Vinci developed his possession of the non-leading hand to perfection, which I wish you too 🙂