Drawing on the theme of the family coat of arms. Family, school, group coat of arms templates. Animal symbols on the emblems

How did the history of the coat of arms begin? It is very simple - for the first time feudal lords and knights began to use the coat of arms in the XII century, in order to distinguish their own from strangers. The most convenient surface for the decal is the shield. This is how the coat of arms appeared. It may be a real work of art, but it is very important to read it correctly. First, the background color is called, then - what is shown, while the central image is sounded first. In this article, you will find how to correctly compose family coat of arms with description of symbols and what you should pay attention to.

Let's start by looking at our family history in order to choose the main image. You can focus on outstanding personalities, any feats of ancestors, a special feature of the whole family, the sound of a surname, any family history or legend, etc.

The second task is to choose the shape of the shield. You can choose the traditional one, in the shape of a triangle, or you can show your imagination and create it yourself, or choose from the many options already available. Also, the shield can be divided into several sections. Whether there will be two of them, denoting mother and father, or more is up to you.

The family motto is placed on the ribbon under the shield. He should briefly characterize your special features, what you are constant in.

Description of the colors for the coat of arms of the family:

  1. gold means generosity;
  2. white (silver) - peace and tranquility;
  3. black - constancy and sadness;
  4. blue - loyalty to your family;
  5. green - hope and joy;
  6. red suggests that family members have military professions;
  7. purple is special, it could only be used by members of the royal family.
Despite the fact that there is still disagreement about the meaning of certain symbols, there are still several meanings that are accepted everywhere. So, the traditional symbols for the family coat of arms:
  1. fire - zeal;
  2. a burning heart - passion;
  3. ax - obedience, consciousness;
  4. the bridge is a symbol of judges;
  5. crescent - enlightenment;
  6. crown - power;
  7. cross - Christian feelings;
  8. French royal lily - purity, or that the family is of French origin;
  9. hand - faith, sincerity and justice;
  10. heart - sincerity;
  11. deer antlers - purity of spirit;
  12. the moon is his Lordship, used by the dukes;
  13. oyster shell - there are travelers in the family;
  14. sword - readiness to fight;
  15. ring - fidelity;
  16. the sun is glory;
  17. star - nobility, noble origin.
Also on the coats of arms were depicted objects of civil and military affairs (helmets, swords, guns, sickles, hammers), objects of the surrounding nature (rainbow, clouds, mountains, trees, branches, wreaths), symbols of various professions (architectural structures, carpentry, locksmith, construction and musical instruments, compasses, anchors).

The coat of arms is the face of the family. Its creation should be approached with all responsibility, to embody the features of the whole family on it, but at the same time so that it is as simple and understandable as possible.

The family coat of arms is a distinctive sign of the family, which symbolically reflects the merits of the family, achievements, history, of course, if there is something to be proud of in this story. Long since the coat of arms was ...

Symbolic images telling about the merits of a certain kind were actively used by people in ancient times. This tradition has not lost its relevance after many centuries. Already in pre-revolutionary Russia, the family coat of arms was an integral attribute of any noble family. Now it is not only a symbol of the continuity of generations, but also a worthy way to unite the family. Creating your own family emblem is an insanely exciting creative process that cannot leave anyone indifferent. Let us dwell in more detail on the question of how to draw the coat of arms of a family.

Identifying shared values ​​and interests

First of all, you need to decide on the subject of the image. Perhaps one of the family's ancestors had their own symbol, the details of which will become the basis for the future coat of arms. If it was not possible to find such information, then it would be useful to arrange a collective meeting. The presence of all family members is imperative. The purpose of such advice should be to identify shared values, interests and hobbies. For example, fans of sports and outdoor activities can take a soccer ball, cap or backpack as a basis for the image. Connoisseurs of home warmth and comfort should think about using a candle or a burning fireplace as a background. If it was not possible to come to a common denominator regarding common values ​​and hobbies, then any universal symbol can be taken as the basis for the coat of arms. Examples of such images will be discussed below.

Also, the motto or slogan of the family, reflecting a kind of generic "credo", should become a reason for general discussion. Brevity, capacity and brevity in this case are only welcome. Such sonorous signatures as “walking forward”, “warriors of light” or “generous and forgiving” evoke only positive emotions and give rise to a sense of pride in their own family. However, the use of a slogan is far from a prerequisite. If this stage of creating the coat of arms causes any difficulties, you can refer to it last or omit it altogether.

Working out the details of the image

The process of creating a coat of arms should begin with drawing the background. In his role, any object that reflects the hobbies and interests of the family, as well as various standard elements, can act. The latter include all kinds of geometric shapes, trees, coat of arms or flag of the country, knight's helmet, shield or order. It is desirable that the background image not only look as catchy and effective as possible, but also be close in spirit to all family members. Here are some examples of images that can serve as a worthy basis for a family coat of arms.

Having decided on the background of the coat of arms, you can proceed to the selection of iconic family symbols. Often, their role is played by the first letters of names and surnames, paintings, all kinds of decorative elements. Having information about ancestors will help in developing the details of the coat of arms. Profession, title, hobby or lifestyle of descendants - all this information can be used wisely when creating an image. It is important that the selected details are harmoniously located against the background of the drawn base. The attached video will help our readers decide on the question of how to draw the coat of arms of the family.

Meanings of flowers and animals

Before proceeding with the "revitalization" of the coat of arms, it is necessary to inquire about the symbolism of the various colors. In heraldry, a whole section is devoted to this issue. The same symbol, decorated in different colors, can have completely opposite meanings. Here are the interpretations of several popular shades:

red - courage and bravery;

blue (blue) - beauty, greatness, loyalty, development, movement forward;

black - sadness, prudence, humility;

gold - wealth, power, faith, justice and mercy;

silver - purity, nobility;

green - freedom, joy, hope;

purple - generosity and piety.

It is worth noting that many modern families create family coats of arms, guided not so much by heraldic canons as by their own tastes and preferences. In this case, the color is selected taking into account the aesthetic principles of composition. If, however, images of animals are used as a background or details of the coat of arms, then it is still worthwhile to attend to their interpretation. After all, some of them can have very unexpected, and sometimes even negative connotations. Here are the meanings of animals most often used in heraldry:

bull - work and patience, a symbol of cattle breeding and fertility;

wolf - anger, greed, gluttony (often depicted as a sign of victory over the enemy);

bear - strength and foresight;

cat - independence;

lion - power, strength, courage and generosity;

sheep - meekness, kindness, a symbol of rural life;

boar - fearlessness and power;

deer - a symbol of a warrior running after the enemy.

Thus, creating your own family coat of arms is not so much a difficult and time-consuming process as a fascinating process. Searching for information about ancestors, drawing up a slogan, selecting symbols, preparing sketches - each of these stages is interesting in its own way. In addition, a common cause brings the family together in the best possible way, gives a sense of unity. And an excellent result will be the best confirmation of the effectiveness of collective creativity.

    Recently I drew the Coat of Arms of the Family for a kindergarten and I had to think about what could be portrayed so that the child would be very clear and accessible. With school With such a task, the situation is somewhat different, because most adult concepts are already available to an adult child. So on the coat of arms of the family you can show how the family lives, family common hobbies. By the way, this is a good reason to understand for yourself what hobbies and interests in this family are common and whether they exist at all.

    It is possible to depict the family itself on the coat of arms, even if it is symbolic. For example. it will be a family of swans or pigeons - birds that are famous for their devotion and loyalty.

    You can draw a circle and in it a family would also be nice to draw birds and a house in the circle.

    You can use such a drawing in the middle, write in Russian - family and your last name. In my opinion it's cute.

    If you draw well, you can draw a coat of arms that looks like real emblems.

    Family coat of arms Medvedev:

    Such a task was received by the son of our friends - a student of the 4th grade. But before giving such homework, the teacher explained the meaning of the colors used for painting: blue symbolizes loyalty, yellow - generosity, white - sincerity, red - love, black - constancy ... And also explained which ones can be used heraldic symbols on the family coat of arms, for example, it can be animals, birds, insects - a fox (mind), a lion (courage), a bee (hard work), a tiger (valor), an eagle (determination), or some objects - a book (wisdom), heart (love, understanding), sun (glory).

    So, our student first picked up the words that characterized his family - kind, strict, love and mutual understanding reign in it ..., and then he began to draw.

    Here is such a coat of arms

    First you need to imagine what should be depicted on the coat of arms. I would draw objects associated with the professions of parents, the child's own hobbies. It is also necessary to portray common hobbies. You can decorate everything in the Gothic style. After the child receives an A, the coat of arms can be inserted into the frame and hung in the most conspicuous place. There will be something to be proud of, the coat of arms of the family, after all.

    Drawing a family coat of arms for a school is a very creative task. Everyone can approach him from a different side. But in general, the drawing steps should include the following:

    1) Choosing a shield, that is, the shape of your coat of arms;

    2) After you think about what will be drawn, sketch with a pencil;

    3) After that you begin to draw in detail;

    4) At the bequesting stage, paint and label as needed.

    I can offer the following coat of arms options:

    First option:

    Second option:

    Third option:

    Fourth option:

    Find the meaning of your last name. After that, one of the main elements can be identified. That is, if the surname is from the profession, for example, Tkachenko or Kozhemyakiny can be depicted as an element of a piece of cloth or a symbolic leather skin as the main element. if the profession is not here, but a surname, for example Ivanovs you can limit yourself to a capital letter, in this case And. Interview your family about the color scheme for the main background. What colors do children and adults like. In the center of the image, let, for example, be schematically depicted figures of a mother, father, children, as in children's drawings. You can take a video tutorial as a basis.

    I don't remember what the colors were, but we puzzled over this question for a very long time. As a result, I drew in the form of a standard coat of arms (like a shield). I drew a lake house with trees and a symbol of love and happiness, it’s a heart and a child’s smile.

    To draw a family coat of arms, we need to first come up with the idea itself, and then implement it. First, let's figure out what shape it will be ... as usual, it is customary to draw a shield, but it will be round with several sharp points or one - it's up to you. A tape should be applied from below or above; there will be a short slogan on it. Followed by paraphernalia, for example, your family's surname is Morozov, then you need to draw snowflakes in the center, etc.

    Choose your shield. Usually 1 type of shield is used. He is shown in the picture. We draw it, then choose what are the best qualities in your family and depict them. You can make a large drawing in the middle, or several along the periphery, you decide.

In schools, students are constantly given developmental tasks that may affect their families.

Drawing up pedigrees, a family tree, portraits or stories about the family - all this has a positive effect on the psyche and self-development of a child or schoolchild.

A new and unusual activity has appeared in kindergartens and schools - drawing up a family coat of arms.

Of course, if you have not done it, then you definitely need to familiarize yourself with its features and the rules for compiling it.

This will require samples, templates, a special scheme that will help you understand how to draw the family coat of arms.

The family crest is a significant part of every family and surname. It is a personal property that reflects personal values ​​and character traits.

But in order to choose it correctly, it is worth working hard, because it must ideally fit the pedigree and surname.

Its useful to note! Each family family has symbols and meanings that are used to create the coat of arms.

A large number of images and drawings that are used to create the main family value should reflect the belonging of the genus to niches in society.

The search for the family coat of arms is carried out taking into account the measures:

  • If you are researching your own pedigree, then you should have the necessary background information. Information about the genus is analyzed by experienced genealogists.
  • As the data on the genus are found, the accuracy and authenticity of the information must be clarified.
  • After confirming the accuracy of the information, they are sent to the appropriate archives, from which information about the family's belonging to a particular genus is provided.
  • From the archive, experts find pictures, symbols, images of the family coat of arms.
  • The processing of pictures and descriptions that correspond to the genus is carried out.

Ready examples and mottos

If it is not possible to search for a suitable family coat of arms, then you can do it yourself.

Drawings and symbols can be chosen by yourself, the main thing is that they correspond to the family, family values, traditions.

It should be borne in mind that the coat of arms is a symbol that should carry complete information about the family.

To make your own family coat of arms for a kindergarten or school, you can consider ready-made examples:

  • Divided into four fields. In each part, a figure can be depicted that reflects the qualities and actions of the family.

    You can find samples or templates on the internet that you can download and print. The child will need to paint them in the chosen colors.

  • To compose a family coat of arms, you can use a layout depicting a profession.

    Blanks of this type are used for families in which special attention is paid to professions.

    On the craft, you can draw cars, microscopes, plants, stick photos and drawings. All these subjects speak about the family's belonging to the type of profession.

  • Ornaments and patterns. In famous families, patterns, ornaments, symbols that characterize the history of the surname are passed from generation to generation.

    These include the Dubrovsky and Troekurov families, these are princely families. The finished coat of arms with patterns and symbols can be framed.

Additionally, to design the family coat of arms, you can use a motto or slogan that can express the mood and goals of the family. It can be written on a special tape and glued from below in the form of a craft.

In order to make an original expression of the motto with your own hands, it is worth remembering a few rules for compiling it:

  • Short statements can be written in the form of captions. To do this, you can use the mottos that characterize the views of the family, for example, "Skill and work - they will grind everything!"
  • The slogan can be used to highlight professional knowledge. The saying "We know for sure: the unknown is known!" would be a suitable option for mathematicians.
  • Templates for kindergarten and school may have poetic slogans. A good example would be "Family is an interweaving of kindness, love, forgiveness!"
  • For sports families, the option "We only need victory, we will fly to the end of the world!" It is suitable if the family consists of athletes.
  • For large families, the optimal motto is "The more children, the more happiness!"

Family characters and meanings

To draw the family coat of arms yourself, it is worthwhile to first consider the symbols that are used to create it.

It is advisable to know the meanings and descriptions in order to choose the right one. This will be the main asset of the family, so it should reflect its principles and values.

The table below contains the meanings of the figures that are used to create the family coat of arms:

Figure Meaning
The sun Wisdom and warmth, readiness to respond to a military strike at any time
Bees Untiring commitment to work
Crane Vigilance
Peacock Vanity
Lilies Success
Laurel branches Victory
Axe Consciousness
a lion Strength, courage, generosity
Eagle Strength, power, independence
Bear Wisdom and strength
Dog Loyalty and dedication
Snake Wisdom, precaution
Pigeon Peace and purity
Falcon Beauty, courage and intelligence
Rooster Combat symbol
The Dragon Power

How to come up with yourself

How to draw the coat of arms yourself? This is a simple matter, all the more you can find special samples and templates that will facilitate this task.

In school textbooks for the 5th grade on art, there are schemes for making the coat of arms of the family.

Important! When drawing up a family coat of arms, it is worth considering the image in detail.

Find symbols and pictures that will describe the family and its history. The family attribute should be filled with pictures and photos.

To create the coat of arms yourself, you should use the scheme:

  • Come up with suitable images, symbols and descriptions for them.
  • Choose a slogan and logo shape.
  • Prepare a sheet of cardboard with a dense structure. It is required to draw an emblem on it and cut it along the contour.
  • Divide the coat of arms into parts. In each part, glue the selected drawings or draw.
  • A beautiful emblem can be glued along the contour.
  • Choose colors for your coat of arms.
  • At the end, the motto is applied.

The finished coat of arms can be hung at home in a conspicuous place. It will reflect the values ​​of the family, become its symbol and attribute.

The main thing when drawing it up is to use suitable symbols, drawings, colors. It is recommended to create a unique, capacious slogan or motto for it, it should carry a meaning.

Useful video

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  • Date of publication: June 4, 2014

The main focus of this lesson is on drawing the coat of arms of the Russian Federation - a two-headed eagle. And also you will find in the article detailed recommendations on how to create the coat of arms of a family or school.

It is quite difficult to draw the Coat of arms of Russia, since it has a large number of details. However, the task is simplified by the fact that it is almost symmetrical. In order to draw the coat of arms of the Russian Federation correctly, you should use a ruler and draw a sheet in advance. By focusing on the construction lines, drawing will become much easier. This is a very detailed step by step tutorial and has enough patience. You will need an HB pencil and a softer pencil (such as 2B or 4B). Also prepare an eraser and a ruler. I recommend painting on thick, specially designed paper.

Draw a square and divide it into 4 equal parts. Take advantage. Do not put pressure on the paper, as in the future we will erase all construction lines.

Now draw diagonal lines as shown. Note that the lines do not come out of the corners of the square.

We begin to draw the wings and legs of the eagle, focusing on the construction lines. Try to draw the right and left wings the same size. The same goes for the paws.

In the center of the coat of arms of the Russian Federation there is a shield with the image of George the Victorious slaying a dragon with a spear. Mark the borders of the shield in the form of a rectangle. Note that only a third of the shield is at the top of the picture. And two thirds of it are located below the line dividing our coat of arms horizontally. We begin to draw the neck of the eagle, outline the tail. The green lines show the height of the eagle's heads (the heads are located below the tips of the wings) and where the bird's knees are. We will draw them in the next step.

The lower part of the legs appears in the bird. Instead of claws squeezing the scepter and orb, while drawing circles. The eagle's knees are at about the same level as the border of the shield. Draw the necks with rounded lines, smoothly merging into the heads.

The eagle now has a beautiful bend of wings, predatory beaks and 3 crowns. Small crowns are located on the heads of the bird, with a large crown hanging between them. The eagle has a large fluffy tail. We mark its outlines in the form of a fan. Do not forget to observe the symmetry of the picture.

We start drawing the details, due to which the coat of arms looks more beautiful. We decorate the crowns with ribbons, in the eagle's right paw we depict a scepter (a long stick with a two-headed eagle at the end), in the left - a power (ball). We draw the eyes of the bird, and also clarify the shape of the shield - round the lower corners, draw a pointed "pimp".

It's time to draw the paws, or rather the claws of the heraldic bird. We also finish drawing the ribbons on the crowns, we begin to draw the feathers. Be sure to draw a curved tongue in the beak of each head.

And now we detail the whole body of the eagle, drawing beautiful even feathers. We decorate the orb with stripes and circles.

We erase unnecessary construction lines. It remains for us to draw a rider with a spear in the center of the coat of arms. Most likely, the image of St. George on a horse will turn out to be very small in your drawing, so it can be drawn very schematically. If you are drawing a coat of arms of a large size, then you can see the lessons on how, and. This will make it easier for you to understand the structure of the animal. A defeated dragon lies under the horse's hooves.

If you want to draw the coat of arms depicted in rubles, then you can also use this scheme. Note, however, that these coats of arms are not identical. On banknotes and coins, the eagle's wings are lowered, and the mythical bird is also devoid of various attributes - crowns, ribbons, scepter and orb. Let's just say that this is a simplified version of the coat of arms of the Russian Federation. Or rather, it is the coat of arms of the Provisional Government, adopted in 1917.

How to draw the coat of arms of a family with a pencil?

Do you need to draw the coat of arms of the family? I can give you some advice. Think about what common basis you can unite your family members? You can draw the coat of arms of the family, starting from the type of activity. Perhaps in your family it is customary to study to be doctors, teachers, tailors, artists or physicists? Many grandparents are proud when grandchildren follow in their footsteps. There are objects and phenomena that symbolize a certain profession. Use them to create a family coat of arms.

How to draw the coat of arms of a family in kindergarten?

Each person is a person with their own desires and talents. Therefore, children are far from always choosing the profession of parents. How to proceed in this case? You can choose a plant, flower, animal or bird, which are known in mythology. It doesn't have to be a tiger, lion, bear, or horse. These animals are very often found on the coat of arms. Sometimes, even small inconspicuous animals symbolize something kind and light. For example, the hummingbird - the smallest bird in the world - is a symbol of energy, strength, the ability to perform the most difficult tasks. Salamander carries meanings such as wisdom, tranquility, renewal. The fox symbolizes wit, wealth, abundance and longevity.

How to draw a family coat of arms with your own hands?

There are many mythological creatures that are not devoid of nobility. For example, unicorn, griffin, centaur, sphinx, gamayun. You can choose one of these animals (demi-human animals) for your coat of arms.

It must be said that in different countries the same animal can be associated with a variety of phenomena, things that are not always kind and positive. But your task is not to please everyone. By the way, this is generally impossible. Take a snail, for example. In Christianity, it symbolizes laziness and sin. But in Ancient Egypt and Babylon, this mollusk was a symbol of fertility, eternity. According to Feng Shui, the snail symbolizes calmness and serenity. Just choose the value that seems closest to you. Another example: in our country, thistle is considered a weed, no more, but in Scotland this plant has been one of the main state symbols for the past 500 years. The Scots associate thistle with retribution. Why? ... In a word, everything in this world is relative.

How to draw the family coat of arms of a family?

It is customary to use a minimum of symbols in the coat of arms. Don't try to cram all the family's interests into this image. Of course, you can divide the space of the picture into 4-5 parts, but it is not a fact that this will make your coat of arms more attractive. There is a great danger of overloading the image. Although, there are quite harmonious coats of arms from several parts. For example, the coat of arms of the famous Hogwarts school. The four parts of the coat of arms symbolize the four houses - Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin.

What else can you start from in order to come up with a family coat of arms? Think about your family traditions? Maybe every summer you all go on vacation together to a certain place? It can also become your symbol. Do you know the meaning and history of your surname? Often the surname can serve as the basis for the coat of arms due to its symbolism.

Do you have family legends? Perhaps there were prominent personalities among your ancestors? What were they famous for? Or has an unusual incident happened to someone in your family? Was this incident so interesting that it has been passed on by word of mouth for several generations? This event can also be used as the basis for the coat of arms.

Try to create a fairly laconic, but at the same time, not boring image. If your drawing looks boring, add more detail. Decor elements such as ribbons, geometric or floral designs will decorate the family coat of arms. Look at the coats of arms of old families of the Russian Empire or other states to understand which composition you like best. Each region in our country has its own heraldry. Read the description of the regional coats of arms, this will also serve as a guide for you.

Many schools bear the name of a founder, honorary teacher or principal who has worked at the institution for a very long time. The symbol of the school emblem can be an image of such a person in profile or full face. Some educational institutions are biased towards a specific subject or several subjects. Take advantage of symbolic subjects from these areas of science. Education is also symbolized by books, scrolls of paper, a globe, growing branches of a plant (students), an owl (wisdom).

Now about the color scheme. As a rule, 2-3 primary colors are used in the coat of arms and there are small blotches of other colors for drawing details.

Each color also carries a certain meaning. For example, yellow (gold) symbolizes nobility, wealth; silver (white) - nobility, purity, innocence; red - courage, blood shed in battle; blue - generosity, loyalty, heaven; green - hope, freedom, joy, green meadows; purple - piety, generosity; black - wisdom, caution, sadness.

How to draw the coat of arms of a school with a pencil?

Some coats of arms do not use images of birds and animals. Instead of them, there are ornaments, any objects. Often we can see the family motto on the coat of arms - a short phrase that matters to your family members. The school may also have a motto. You can also write the name of the school or family name on the coat of arms if you are drawing a family coat of arms.

In some cases, the coat of arms does not symbolize anything, does not contain subtext, but simply serves as a distinctive sign of the family (owner). And even the motto depicted on the coat of arms can be so mysterious that only the owner knows its true meaning. This is also possible.

So what makes a coat of arms different from a regular design?

- clear geometric shape at the base (rectangle, circle, oval, triangle)

- symmetry (even if the coat of arms is not completely symmetrical, its sides must be balanced with each other);

- Minimum colors - 2-3 primary colors + 1-2 colors for drawing details;

- a generalized image of a symbol (often animals, plants and other symbols are depicted in outline, without drawing details);

Many artists specialize in creating coats of arms. Such creators are called so - heraldic artists. Currently in Russia, many creative people paint coats of arms. There is a Guild of Heraldic Artists in our country. Take a look at the works created by the masters:

Have you read the text? Have you seen the pictures? Now remember that the rules are made to be broken and draw the coat of arms the way you want it to be. Good luck!