Serious causes of pain in the entire left side of the body and limbs. What are the Left and Right sides of our body responsible for?

We choose our own body. Therefore, it is stupid and even dangerous to express dissatisfaction with your appearance. Our higher mind has made a choice in favor of the body that we have now. And it is the most suitable tool for our life, for performing certain functions in this world.

Our body is a reflection of our thoughts. Therefore, if we want to change our body, for example to make it more slender, more beautiful, then it is necessary to change our thoughts in the subconscious program. It is very important to love and accept your body and your appearance as they are. And only then act.

Left side of the body

Symbolizes receptivity, absorption, feminine energy, woman, mother.

Right side of the body

Symbolizes masculine energy, man, father.

Do not forget that man is an integral being. Both male and female energy circulates in him. In Eastern philosophy, a lot of attention was paid to the correct circulation and harmony of the energies of the masculine principle - yang and the feminine principle - yin. The exchange of these two types of energies must be balanced. That is, there must be harmony between the masculine and the feminine.

How do you know if there is a balance between masculine and feminine energy in your body? This is very easy to do. Your relationships with women / men in life reflect the interaction of internal energies. Analyze your relationship with the opposite sex. Start with your parents. If you have even the slightest negative thoughts about your parents and the opposite sex, then this means that the balance is disturbed, and this, in turn, leads to all kinds of suffering: scoliosis, diseases of the genital area, and others. Reconsider your attitude towards parents, since the father in the child's life symbolizes the masculine principle of the Universe, and the mother symbolizes the feminine principle. Let go of negative thoughts about yourself and the opposite sex. In this way, you will balance the masculine and feminine in your life, in your body, left and right.

Overweight, overweight, obesity

I already wrote above that the state of our body at a given moment in time is a reflection of our thoughts, feelings and emotions. If you are overweight, then do not rush to look for a miracle pill. Look within yourself - the reasons are there. There is no need to force yourself and your body. Exhaust him with hunger and different diets. Of course, in this way you can achieve a certain result for a while. But if you do not radically change your attitude towards yourself, then the fullness will return again.

Here are some thoughts and feelings that can be reflected in completeness.

Fear and need for protection. Often, overweight people feel insecure. And fat performs a protective, buffering function.

I have found that obese people are very sensitive, but since they cannot cope with their feelings, fat symbolically helps them to dull unwanted emotions and experiences.

Completeness is one of the manifestations of discontent and self-loathing. You are so unhappy with yourself and criticize and scold yourself so often that your body is forced to defend itself.

A woman of incredible size came to a friend of mine in a hairdresser's. She hated and despised fat people.

These ugly fat people, terrible fat folds, disgusting to look at. Yes, I just hate them, - she said, as soon as she saw her own kind.

All overweight people are united by one quality - self-loathing.

When such patients come to me, first I teach them to love themselves, to accept their body.

Many women begin to put on weight after giving birth. They attribute this to hormonal changes in the body, and doctors say the same thing. But is this the reason? After all, there are women who give birth to both two and three children, and even more, but at the same time remain slim. Of course, hormonal changes in the body of a woman giving birth occur: the calcium content in the bones changes, the pelvis expands, the nose lengthens by a fraction of a millimeter, the chin becomes a little heavier, etc. But this is not the reason for the fullness. The reason is that with the birth of a child, a woman pays less attention to herself. All attention is to the child. And this is a gross mistake.

I believe that after the birth of a child, a woman should pay twice as much attention to herself as before. She should start doing this already during pregnancy. Moreover, attention should be paid not so much to your appearance (although this is mandatory), as to your thoughts, feelings, and your behavior. After all, the health of a child depends entirely on the state of thoughts and emotions of his parents. Therefore, the more love and tranquility there is in the mother, the healthier the child will be. This means there will be fewer sleepless nights.

I was visited by a woman who had given birth to a child a few months ago. Immediately after giving birth, she began to recover. Turning to the subconscious, we found out that the reason for its completeness is in a negative attitude towards oneself.

Yes, - the woman agreed, - it is so. I've always been unhappy with myself. Even before the baby is born. Even before marriage. I have always looked for and found some shortcomings in myself.

I think, ”I said,“ being overweight will make you feel different about yourself.

You're right.

Are there any other reasons for completeness? - I asked her to ask a question to the subconscious.

Yes, there is a doctor, - answered the patient, coming out of a state of trance. She wanted to say something, but tears flowed from her eyes. After she calmed down, she continued: “After the birth of the child, our relationship with my husband changed,” she said, wiping her eyes with a handkerchief. - He became somehow different. There is no longer love and satisfaction in our relationship. That is why I try to get satisfaction at least from food.

But you don’t love yourself, but you want your husband to love you. Your husband is just a reflection of how you feel about yourself. Everything is very simple! Start loving yourself, and you will see how your husband will change his attitude towards you.

A month later, a completely different woman came to my appointment: beautiful, slender, fit.

Doctor, you know, I don’t recognize my husband. It feels like we are on a honeymoon. Tomorrow I will bring my friend to you. She also wants to lose weight.

To love and accept yourself is very important. If you are dissatisfied with yourself, then there must be an external manifestation of this dissatisfaction. The outside reflects the inside. It has long been noticed that when a person loves himself, his body takes on the ideal weight and shape. Very often, a person tries to replace the lack of love and satisfaction in life with food, since the soul does not tolerate emptiness.

One patient of mine of imposing build tells me:

Doctor, you know, as soon as I am fond of any man, that is, when I have a love affair in my life, I immediately lose weight and gain my ideal weight. But after the breakup, I get fat again.

I know of one such case, - I tell her. - One of my acquaintances, a very plump woman, while vacationing in Yalta in the summer, met a famous singer. Spent only one night with him.

But this greatly affected her appearance.

Just one night! And she lost twenty kilograms when she returned home. Still impressed by this meeting, she took care of herself: she changed her hair, began to monitor the diet, began to go to shaping and massage.

And I have the same story, - the patient confirmed. - Only the artists have not yet come across.

Why is my help needed in this case? I ask. - Meet a man and fall in love - and the problem is solved.

Well, it’s hard, so straight away, ”she replies. -First you need to meet such a man.

So I can hardly become the hero of your love story, - I tell her. - You, of course, an attractive woman, but I like another. A love affair has already begun in my life, and I am not going to interrupt it.

The woman laughs:

Doctor, you know what I mean.

Of course. We will choose another way. We will cause you a state of chronic love, and the extra pounds will disappear. You will always be slim and beautiful, regardless of whether you have a man or not.

Latent anger and unwillingness to forgive can also be a cause of overweight. It is noticed that overweight people are very touchy. Resentment contributes to the accumulation of body fat. If you remember from the first book, resentment is the desire to change the attitude towards oneself, that is, the desire to love, respect and value oneself. And again it all comes down to love, to a change in attitude towards oneself.

One of my patients, a young girl, after the first session lost four kilograms, but then the process stopped. From communication with the subconscious, we found out that she was prevented from further losing weight by her resentment against her father and his new wife. The fact is that when my patient was fourteen years old, my father divorced her mother and went to live with another woman. It was then that the girl began to recover.

Realizing the reasons and changing the attitude towards her father and his personal life, the girl was able to find the ideal weight.

A mother's concern about the health of her children can lead to obesity. This is because concepts such as health and good, abundant nutrition are often associated.

I had one interesting case. A very plump woman came to my appointment. She began to recover during pregnancy, and after childbirth she grew even more fat.

Doctor, - she asked me, - save me from gluttony. I hate myself already. I hide from my acquaintances so as not to frighten them with my appearance.

The patient turned out to be an excellent hypnotic subject. From communication with the subconscious, we found out that the part of the subconscious that caused excessive appetite took care of the health of her son, who recently turned nine years old. It turns out that as soon as the woman became pregnant, her mother constantly instilled in her: "If you want your child to be healthy, eat well." All nine months of pregnancy she lived in the house of her mother, and she made appropriate suggestions to her every day. By the way, the woman's mother herself was very fat. What is interesting about this whole story is that the patient did indeed boast of her son's health. But at what cost! Her subconscious simply did not know other ways of behaving to take care of the child's health.

Too often, binge eating is a neurotic way to carry out positive subconscious intentions. Gluttons endow food with some special properties, in addition to what is associated with the satisfaction of physiological hunger. For example, with the help of food, a person seeks to fill an emotional void. In the subconscious, a connection is established: filling the stomach - filling the emotional emptiness, achieving the fullness of the emotional state. It can mean being connected with people, being loved and appreciated. Lack of love and satisfaction in life leads to the fact that a person uses food as a means for quick and momentary pleasure. But since this is self-deception, the body constantly requires new and new portions.

I would like to say one more thing. Rely only on your inner resources, not magic cures. If you are counting on the help of chemicals, then you are denying your inner strength. The process of gaining the ideal weight is, first of all, work on oneself: internal and external. Internal is bringing your thoughts and intentions into a state of harmony and balance. External is the cleansing of the body from toxins, changes in metabolism, proper nutrition, regular physical activity to maintain muscle tone.

They symbolize a change in direction in life and ease of movement.

Arthritis, rheumatism

This disease is acquired from constant criticism of oneself and others. People with sore joints always strive to be "perfect" in everything and want the world around them to be perfect. And it becomes an "unbearable burden" for them. How can criticism and condemnation do something or someone better? Can evil defeat evil?

I noticed this peculiarity: people with rheumatism usually attract people who constantly criticize them, because they themselves are very critical of others. Remember? Like attracts like.

There is a lot of violence in the thoughts of such people, but they themselves are very critical of various manifestations of power. They experience a strong deficit of love for themselves and for the world around them, do not love themselves and feel that they are not loved either.

These people treat life as if life is hard and unbearable. They feel like too much has been piled on them. But it is they themselves who take on an unbearable burden.

As one patient with sore joints told me:

I hate being pressured. I am not you wearing this.

Why is arthritis common in older people? Because they "stagnate", "harden" in their convictions, become inflexible.

Sometimes arthritis is a physical obstacle to triggering anger, anger, and hatred. When a person wants to hit someone or something, the subconscious mind holds him back in a similar way.

A woman with arthritis came to see me. She got sick several years ago. With the help of hormones and anti-inflammatory drugs, it was possible to slow down the development of the disease, but the disease still progressed steadily. The patient herself told me that she developed the disease after stress.

Five years ago, I experienced severe stress, the woman said. - Then my husband and I lived in another city. One day my son was severely beaten by teenagers. When he entered the house, it hurt to look at him. My husband was a hunter and he had a gun. He grabbed a gun and shouted: "I will kill these scoundrels!" - ran to the door of the apartment. But I clung to it with a death grip and did not release it until it “cooled down”. And literally a week later, my joints began to twist.

By turning to the subconscious, we figured out the behavior that led to the creation of such a stressful situation. Realizing the causes of the situation, and therefore the causes of the disease, the woman felt much better. In addition, I have selected homeopathic remedies for her. And after a few months, all the symptoms of the disease, which had lasted for many years, gradually disappeared.

This case once again convinced me of how important it is to eliminate the true causes of the disease.

Symbolizes flexibility. The ability to see what is happening near and behind. Neck problems (for example, muscle stiffness) are stubbornness, lack of flexibility, unwillingness to see other sides of the issue.

I had one patient who got torticollis whenever she disagreed with her husband.

As soon as he begins to grind all sorts of nonsense, - she said, - so I defiantly turn away from him and try not to listen.

Another woman, as soon as she showed stubbornness or began to criticize, immediately stiffened her neck.

The back is a symbol of the support of life. The spine symbolizes the flexible support of life.

Back and spinal problems reflect a lack of support and support in life. You perceive life as an unbearable burden, as a constant transfer of life's hardships.

A woman came to my appointment with a recent spinal fracture. When we began to investigate the subconscious causes of the injury, she said:

You know, doctor, I have never felt any support from my husband.

Support for what? I asked her.

Well, you know that a woman always wants to feel a support in a man. And I did not feel it. I had the feeling that he did not love me, but only lived with me because of the children. Yes, and there was not much material support.

Very often, fear for money, for their material well-being leads to problems with the lower back.

Recently I went to visit my friend.

Listen, - he asks me, - today he pulls the lower back all day, gives in the leg. What is the reason for this?

You have some worries about money, I tell him.

Exactly! I handed over a large sum of money this morning and I don’t know if it will be returned to me or not.

When people come to me with osteochondrosis of the spine, you can often hear the following phrases from them:

I put it all on my shoulders.

I take on too much in my life.

This is an unbearable burden for me.

I have a feeling that my son sat on my shoulders and dangled his legs.

This is my "cross", and I must carry it through my whole life.

A young woman is sitting in front of me. The reason that made her see a doctor is back pain.

Doctor, I have been pulling everyone and everything on me all my life. I earn more than my husband, and therefore I am considered a “breadwinner” and a “breadwinner”. I also help my parents. And I also have my own "cross" in my life. This is my brother who is disabled. I help him too. If you knew how tired I am, how I want to throw off this heavy burden. Help me! Teach me to take care of my loved ones with a sense of joy and lightness.

I believe that we should joyfully endure all the vicissitudes of life. After all, only our attitude towards life turns it into a burden. And therefore, before taking on other people's problems on your own shoulders, deal with your life first. Innovate your worldview: learn to see how life cares for you and supports you.

I felt for myself how, as I took responsibility for my world, my life became much easier. A heavy burden of guilt, resentment, criticism and condemnation has been lifted off my shoulders.

We turned to the subconscious of a patient who had recently severely sprained ankle ligaments.

"What positive intention did you want for me to fulfill with the help of this trauma?" - we asked his subconscious.

“I care about your safety,” the patient received a mental response.

It turns out that on the eve of the injury, the man had to conclude a deal with one firm for a large amount of money. He had doubts about the legality of this deal, but he still decided to go. And now, already leaving his house, he stumbled on the steps and twisted his leg. The trauma forced him to stay at home that day.

And you know, a week later this company burst, - the patient reported. - But somehow I did not connect these two events. Although I was glad that I was carried away. But why did my subconscious choose this painful way of caring for me?

Probably, they did not understand in an amicable way.

That's for sure. Even when I met these people, I already had a premonition of something bad, but I did not pay attention to it.

The condition of the legs reflects how we walk, move forward in life.

Foot diseases, foot problems

This is a strong fear of the future. Unwillingness or fear to move forward in life.

The man developed a vascular disease of the lower extremities. We found out a subconscious reason - it is fear for the future of our children.

Lack of purpose in life or the wrong direction can be the causes of leg problems.

Protects our identity. In addition, it is an organ of perception that is huge in terms of area and capabilities.

Skin diseases

I believe that skin diseases do not happen at all. There are internal diseases with external manifestations on the skin. Therefore, it is absurd and even harmful to use ointments. Covering up external manifestations, we thereby drive the disease inside. The use of external agents is not a cure, but a suppression of the disease. Any illness is a signal that a person commits harmful actions in his life or allows negative thoughts and emotions into his soul. This is even more obvious in case of skin diseases.


“Paresthesia is a sensation of loss of sensitivity in an area of ​​the skin or tingling sensation, localized along the pathways of the peripheral nerves. The disease can be temporary or permanent, "- this is the definition given by the compilers of the popular medical encyclopedia. Some are alarmed by such problems, while others do not attach any importance to this. However, in some cases, such ailments are symptoms of serious diseases. The onset of the most dangerous of them (strokes, brain tumors, etc.) is signaled by numbness on the left side of the body.

Read about the ways of distinguishing temporary paresthesia resulting from long sitting, lying, about the consequences of the disease, methods of treating numbness on the left side of the body, calculating its cause, read here.

How malaise occurs

The cause of paresthesia is problems with the passage of impulses along the nerve processes. Skin numbness is caused by a breakdown or damage to nerve fibers. Not receiving a signal, a section of the integumentary tissue loses its sensitivity.

There are five main factors in the onset of malaise that determine the nature of the disease. In other words, knowing which part of the body has lost sensitivity, it is easier to name the factor in the occurrence of the symptom.

  1. The signaling is stopped by the brain.

Cases like this are very serious. The face or one of the halves of the body is exposed to paresthesia.

  1. Deviations in the work of the nervous system.

Pinching the nerves makes it difficult for the signal to pass to parts of the body. For this reason, various parts of the body can go numb: cheeks, chin, fingers, thighs, knees.

  1. Circulatory problems.

In case of infringement, the vessels receive an insufficient amount of oxygen for the normal functioning of the body. This leads to loss of body sensation.

  1. Muscle cramps, making it difficult for the impulse to pass through the nerve endings.
  2. Substances adversely affecting the skin.

For example, if you drink too much alcohol, your fingers become numb. People whose profession requires contact with chemicals - shop workers, construction workers, metallurgists - are more susceptible to loss of limb sensitivity. In such cases, numbness of the body can occur under the influence of hazardous substances: arsenic, lead, mercury, solvents. Also, a similar problem arises among visitors to the dental office. If the filling material gets into the tooth canal, there is a possibility of loss of sensitivity in the area of ​​the lips, tongue, nose, cheeks.

Types of numbness

Numbness is, first of all, the body's response to unfavorable environmental conditions. However, in some cases, its appearance has more serious consequences. Sometimes this is the first signal of diseases such as stroke or atherosclerosis. Therefore, it is important to understand the types of ailment, when it is a natural reaction of the body to irritation and does not require treatment, and when medical intervention is necessary at the first appearance.

In case of numbness, you do not need to see a doctor if they:

  • Short-term (last several minutes, do not repeat).
  • Unpleasant sensations appear after long sitting or lying in an uncomfortable position.
  • Accompanied by a slight tingling sensation, goose bumps on the skin.

A doctor's consultation is required if the numbness:

  • Repeated periodically.
  • Do not go away for a long time.
  • In addition to tingling, they are accompanied by burning, vomiting, involuntary urination, etc.

Numbness of the first type often occurs due to prolonged presence of the body in one position. So, after prolonged work at the monitor, sleeping in an uncomfortable position, there are tingling sensations, goose bumps appear, and sometimes the skin turns pale. The second factor of such symptoms is a change in temperature - sometimes after a walk in the cold, tingling of the face or fingers and toes is observed. If the numbness persists after the massage, you should see a doctor, possibly frostbite.

It is worthwhile to diagnose the body when paresthesia manifests itself periodically, the discomfort does not disappear within a few minutes, and is also accompanied by:

  • Redness or blue discoloration of the skin.
  • Vomiting, headache.
  • Puffiness.
  • Loss of coherent speech.
  • Impaired motor functions of the limbs.
  • Uncontrolled urination and bowel movements.

These are warning signs of serious illnesses.

Pathological numbness of the left side of the body

Numbness of the left side of the body is a symptom of three diseases. Most often, ailments are usually associated with a stroke. This disease occurs due to a violation of the blood circulation in the brain. The vessels supplying nutrients to the important organs of our body become clogged. In some cases, due to a stroke, hemorrhage occurs directly into the brain or under its membranes. The main feature of paresthesias in stroke is their one-sided nature. This means that numbness on the right side of the body is also a symptom of this condition. The entire half of the body, together with the face, or only the limbs, is exposed to paresthesia. In addition to numbness, the disease is accompanied by speech impairment, changes in vision, and impaired coordination.

The unilateral nature of paresthesia is also a sign of a brain tumor, similar ailments (vascular aneurysms, hematomas of the dura mater). The main symptom of such ailments is their frequency: from time to time, pains arise and then subside, accumulating intensity with each cycle.

There is a loss of sensation of the extremities and in violation of the central nervous system - in patients with multiple sclerosis. Part of the sheath of the nerve endings of the brain is destroyed and begins to be replaced by connective tissue. In this regard, the body becomes numb, the mobility of the limbs is lost, and vision deteriorates.

Less serious cases of paresthesia occur in people with polyneuropathy and radicular syndrome. The first group of people most often includes diabetics. With an increase in glucose levels, they have disorders of the peripheral nerves and blood vessels. It is characterized by numbness in the periphery of the limbs (hands, fingers, feet). The second group includes patients with sciatica. With the disease, nerves are pinched in the segments of the spine and spinal cord. Parts of the limbs become numb: several fingers, a hand. With radicular syndrome, patients experience a burning sensation of a numb part of the body, which intensifies at night.

Also, numbness can occur due to Raynaud's syndrome, after recent surgeries and with vascular atherosclerosis.


If the body goes numb too often, you need to see a specialist. First, you need to identify the cause of such pathologies. To do this, you should carry out a variety of procedures:

  • Pass blood and urine tests.
  • Diagnose the condition of the spine, joints, brain, blood vessels.
  • Check the condition of the heart.

Now that you have identified the cause of the numbness, you need to take certain measures.

  • If a stroke is suspected, the patient should be hospitalized immediately. The sooner dangerous symptoms are discovered, the more chances of successful treatment will be. 4-4.5 hours after the appearance of the first signals of the disease, brain disorders occur that cannot be corrected.
  • If paresthesias are associated with a neoplasm in the brain, MRI of the brain and ultrasound of the head and cervical vessels should be performed. After that, you need to see a doctor who will analyze the test results and draw up the necessary treatment program.
  • If the first signs of multiple sclerosis appear, the patient needs treatment in a neurological hospital under the strict supervision of a specialist. He will also determine the stage of the disease and prescribe the necessary medications.
  • When there is a risk of polyneuropathy, it is necessary to take a fasting blood test and consult an endocrinologist. The neurologist will help to cure the radicular syndrome and refer you to the necessary examination of the problem area.


Any disease can be avoided through proper prevention. To prevent numbness, the first step is to find a couple of minutes for exercise.

A well-structured workout, in which static load alternates with a dynamic one, helps to avoid pinching of nerves, as well as numbness of body parts. Ideal if charging becomes a daily habit.

Eating well is important to reduce the risk of diabetes and atherosclerosis. It is better to limit the consumption of foods high in carbohydrates, enrich the diet with fiber and vitamins.

The malaise also occurs during rest hours, so take care of choosing a comfortable place to sleep.

It is worth refraining from treating numbness with folk remedies. "Grandma's recipes" have a superficial effect, only temporarily relieving discomfort. In the future, the problem may worsen, so it is better to seek the help of a certified specialist.


Numbness is a signal of possible health problems. Do not despair and give up. This problem is solvable. Get tested, make an appointment with a doctor. And pay more attention to your body: go in for sports, more often get out into nature with friends and family. Enjoy life, and there is simply no room for disease.

Think about one interesting fact! Where do diseases accumulate in your body, left or right? Which half of your body suffers the most?

If you obviously cannot see it, then maybe remember where you have more bruises and injuries, on the left or on the right? Which half of the body suffers more in life, left or right?

We have revealed what lies behind cause of human disease... Let's discuss a little the situation of dependence of a person's diseases on the presence or absence of male and female energies in his life.

If any of you have studied Chinese philosophy, then you know that in this philosophy there are two basic concepts on which, in essence, this whole philosophy is built. These concepts are very clearly depicted in the form of the "Great Limit" monad, which is a very accurate graphic illustration of spiritual development.

It is clear from the figure that the entire diversity of the world consists of only two principles, black and white, and the entire universe, all events in it arise from the interaction of these two forces.

Each half exists in the Universe only thanks to the other half. They are different, but they strive for unity. There is a constant struggle between them. They weaken, deny, but also support each other. What is it? These are male and female energies - YIN and YANG.

In fact, the entire universe, all the events of the universe arise from the interaction of these two main energies, male and female.

Building relationships with people around we are living through this whole universal situation of interaction of male and female forces.

And we cannot build the right ones family relationships, we cannot find happiness, we are not successful, in fact, in our families because we do not know the laws of male and female power. And this is something deeper than just the skills that a woman should smile more and a man should make more money.

These are deeper patterns that we talked about on the pages of the site, and not only talked about, but also learned all this.

So, female and male energy, female and male strength!

In ancient treatises on yoga, it is mentioned that inside our body, our personality, there are many subtle channels through which internal energy flows. And there are two main canals that run along the spinal column, left and right.

So the male energy flows to the right of the spinal column, the flow of female energy to the left of the spinal column.

You ask, what does this have to do with the diseases that we started talking about. Some more information.

If you are in the slightest degree familiar with astrology, then you know that there are two main positive planets that have a powerful influence on our horoscope. What are these two positive planets? This is the sun and, accordingly, the moon. Why did we mention this?

Male energy is an active, expansive energy, energy to achieve something in the world. This is the energy of the Sun. The sun wants to shine, it expands, it gives this warmth, it gives protection, including the protection of your family and patronage of the female mind... Male energy is solar energy. The source of male energy is the Sun.

The source of feminine energy is the moon. Notice the action of the moon is completely different. It does not expand, it softens, it takes some of our problems. Look at the moon at night, and you will immediately feel calm, this is exactly how a woman works, she calms, softens.

This energy is not active, it is not associated with will, it is associated with harmony, to pacify, calm, to give some kind of softness.

Now, what does this have to do with our disease?

The point is that you and I come into this life through our father and mother. Father and mother are karmic gates and through these gates we come to this world. At the same time, through the father, the influence of the sun comes into our life, in other words, male energy, and through the mother, the influence of the moon, female energy, comes into our life.

If you have a broken relationship with your father, if you have any resentment, hatred, rivalry, some kind of displeasure or something else, whether you like it or not, the right half of your body will suffer. Check, please! It doesn't matter who you are, man or woman.

You are severing this subtle karmic channel of interaction with the sun, simply by treating your father incorrectly. The right half of the body will suffer, there will be chronic diseases, there will be bruises and injuries, and when you fall, you will hit life, precisely with the right half.

If you have a broken relationship with your mother, if there are resentments, discontent and everything else, you break, literally block the channel for the entry of female energy. This means that the connection with the source of female energy will simply disappear, which means that diseases will come on the left side of the body.

It is necessary to restore blocked, lost channels through which it enters your life female and male energy... This is possible only through spiritual liberation, only through forgiveness. And the exercises will help us with this " Forgiving yourself», « Forgiving parents"And other exercises of the heading" Meditations, exercises "

But the influence of female and male energy on our life does not end there. What else is manifested in female and male strength? You will learn about in the next article.

In the diagram below, you can find, if you think about it, the approximate cause of the illness of your body:

Left side of the body- male energy, or everything related to father, husband, son, male sex.

Right side of the body- female energy, or everything related to mother, wife, daughter, female sex.

NB! Eastern philosophy teaches the opposite, I know that. Therefore, I tested my knowledge. Of course, I turned to my highest spiritual mentors. Only when absolutely necessary is a short verbal answer given to me. Usually they tell me: "You yourself know everything!" This question was answered by: “This is the highest level. Why don't you watch yourself? Everything!"

Medium Hilya asked why I see the placement of energies differently than others. Here's what they answered:

“In the copy of the physical body, male energy is on the right, female energy is on the left. This is a form of total energy, whose level is already surmountable for a person. Moreover, humanity needs such an overcoming.

For Luule, the revealed form of energy is the highest level of man, without which a physical man does not exist. This is a projection of a person as a whole at the level of subtle matter, a whole that never disappears, but incarnates again and again, if there is an order from the Cosmic Register.

Magnetism is a form of spirituality of all living and nonliving unity. It determines the strength of the inevitability of physical unity. And already it expands to the level of gravitational fields.

The essence of magnetic energy becomes visible through forgiveness. Using magnetism for healing will enable humanity to survive. "

Lower body- energy associated with the past; the lower, the more distant the past. The closer to the ground, the more material the problem is.

Upper body- energy associated with the future.

Front of the body- the energy of the senses accumulating in the chakras or energy centers:

- I chakra- the energy of life force, or vitality; located on the inner surface of the coccyx;

- II chakra- sexuality, located at the level of the pubic bone;

- III chakra- power and domination, the so-called solar plexus; located at the level of the navel;

- IV chakra- love, located at the level of the heart;

- V chakra- communication, located at the level of the larynx;

- VI chakra- hope or balance of the world of feelings, the so-called third eye; located at the level of the forehead;

- VII chakra- faith located at the crown of the head.

NB! If a person has faith, hope and love, then he has a future. Back of the body- will energy, or willpower.

At the back of the body is the spine. The main energy channel is located in the spinal canal, from which energy moves to the lateral channels and from there to organs, tissues and other parts of the body. The spine plays a critical role in the functioning and performance of the physical body. With a close examination of the spine alone with the third eye, all diseases of the body can be determined.

From each vertebra through the energy channel, energy moves to a specific organ. If the vertebra is damaged, then the corresponding organ gets sick.

No one! the vertebra is not damaged for no reason. All illness is caused by a blockage of energy caused by stress. If the flow of love energy slows down, then everything in life starts to go awry. If the flow of love energy stops, then the person dies. Then even the most powerful resuscitation apparatus will no longer help. The best doctor in the world will not save.

Here I would like to allay the concerns of many people with multiple sclerosis regarding the use of eggshells for medicinal purposes. Calcium does not increase, but decreases sclerosis. When the skeleton is strengthened, the inner male side of a person is strengthened. Sclerosis is ossified

uncompromising attitude. By consuming eggshells, you reduce your male grudge as the culprit in the economic collapse of the world. This happens even when you do not want to forgive men and do not know how to free yourself from ingrained ideas. The body will help you with this.

The movement of the energy of love is blocked by fear.

When fear attracts bad things, then anger begins to destroy the body.

Modern civilization has accumulated stress within itself over many lifetimes and generations.

Popular literature considers stress as a stressful state of the body, a kind of defensive reaction to negative factors. In fact, stress is an invisible energetic connection with bad.

Anything that is bad for a particular person is stressful for him, while for another it is not necessarily stress.

The medical understanding of stress encompasses its physical level - the underlying disease and its probable cause. Both medicine and humans usually understand stress as mental stress followed by illness. In fact, the accumulation of invisible negative energy occurs long before physical illness occurs.

Everyone has seen drawings depicting the human biofield; it is like a wreath of rays. The rays connect a person with the events of his current life, as well as previous lives. Each positive ray - white - is connected with a good event, each negative ray - black - goes back to a bad event that remained uncorrected. It is possible to fix everything, regardless of the time of the event, and fixes forgiveness. Forgiveness alone contains the magical power that unleashes bad things.

Everything that is good for a person is bad learned in previous lives. Anything that is bad has to be learned in this present life. If we do not do this, then we will have a debt of karma, and in the next life it will be more difficult to atone for it - negativity is constantly doing its job.

The place to which the black ray is directed continuously loses its positivity and gradually becomes ill.

Any wrong thought attracts black to itself. If we want life and health to be good, we must break the black tie, or stress.

PEOPLE, for some reason (some kind of professional observation) wait all the time for something bad to happen, and then they start trying to do something about it. What for? These are the bad things, you need to get rid of them in advance, even before they appear. By the way, in one ancient treatise it is described that fate has different STAGES OF MANIFESTATION. And the first stage is just a seed that has hatched. Nothing else, there are no external events. It's just that something has hatched on a subtle plane, some kind of negative program. The next stage is when the soil, you know, is already a little swollen and something will come out there. Also, so far nothing is visible on the external plane. We still have money, health is normal, good relationships with someone, but we already have some subtle signs. Some kind of negative program has already emerged. The next, third stage is the stem and leaves. The negative event begins to show its power. It enters our life. Some kind of destruction. And the fourth stage is when everything is already falling apart. So, there is no need to wait for the fourth stage, you need to work at the level of these seeds. So, in the course of this training, we want to study this subtle science “what is fate”, “how does it work”, “what negative consequences of our actions we already have” and “how it can be competently influenced”. This is the first task. And the second task is why this knowledge of the laws of fate is needed. These are the positive developments. Well, really, we don't like it? When we have more money, when we have more health, when we have confident, good relationships, stable, and we know for sure that this will not stop, these are positive factors of fate and we can STRENGTHEN this, in fact, if we we live competently in this world. One way or another, we need knowledge to influence these two factors. Negative and positive.
We do not need information, we need a living experience, as a kind of illustration of how the laws of FATE work. So please do a little analysis of where diseases are accumulating in your body. Left or right? So left or right? Chronic diseases, where do you accumulate them? Which half of your body suffers the most, the left or the right? Injuries, bruises, where are they more? With which half of your physical body do you cling to life more, left or right? And now someone may notice that, indeed, yes, more accumulates on this part of my body. Why? You can ask this curiosity. Someone accumulates in the middle, this also happens. Someone has both left and right, and above and below. This is a special situation. This is some external fact that you and I have, and pay attention, we may not even have noticed that it exists. That it is precisely the left or right half of the body that suffers. But now we noticed. So, there are two most powerful positive planets, WHICH we want it, believe or not believe, INFLUENCE US. What are these planets? This is the SUN AND THE MOON. By them we build our whole rhythm, get up in the morning, live at last. In other words, the two main positive forces are solar energy and lunar ENEGY. In fact, everything in this world comes from the sun and from the moon, in large measure account. Because solar energy is masculine energy, and lunar energy is FEMALE energy. And these two forces - they form our life. If someone is familiar with Chinese philosophy, maybe sometime, remember this sign of such a mutual transition. Yang and Yin. Feminine and masculine principles, which mutually flow into each other. This is the transition, interaction. Our life with you is formed by the combination of these two energies - male and female. The sun and the moon - they act on us. Once again, these are the two main forces of our destiny. But how do they work? Rather, a more accurate question: through whom do they act? What do you think? They work through our parents. Through man and woman, through father and mother.
In various SPIRITUAL practices it is known that our left half of the body is built by feminine energy, and our right half is built by masculine energy. So, if your relationship with your father is simply severed (this is a psychological fact, in this case, I am now talking in psychological terms), that is, there is some kind of resentment or some kind of anger, or some kind of dissatisfaction that the father something he did not do for you, what he should have done, as you think, then simply because of this negative attitude of yours towards your father, this solar channel is blocked. This masculine energy is overlapping, whether you like it or not. You will receive several facts about your destiny. And one of them is manifested diseases on the right side of the body, if you are right-handed, by the way. If left-handed, then vice versa. What is the left half of the body, and what are diseases of the left half of the body, in your opinion? This is the relationship with the mother. This interrupts the contact of the connection with the moon, with the lunar energy, with this energy. You get problems on the left side of the body. But that's not all, in fact. Because what is masculine strength? You need to understand this very well. It is necessary to understand its basis, and not just say that it is some kind of sexual energy there, female or male. Masculine strength is the strength that AFFIRMS something in the world. Note, this is a force that expands itself. Male energy is an energy that achieves something in this world. Who is a man, really? What do women appreciate above all? They value this kind of DECISION, this kind of dynamism, this kind of inner confidence, isn't it? This is the male energy.
If you have broken contact with the Sun, you live as you have to, in the morning you get up not at sunrise, but for example at 7-10 o'clock, you can get two results. First, this energy does not manifest itself in your life, in general. This means that you are an UNSUCCESSFUL person who cannot achieve anything in life. He simply has nothing to rely on in himself. There is no gasoline, this energy is not there, with the help of which he could somehow act. But the second thing you get, if, nevertheless, this energy was strong and it nevertheless made its way through these broken channels, you will receive this energy in a HARD version. This is the man who walks over the heads. This is male aggression. This is modern business, in fact. When everyone is puzzling each other and everything else. When a person pays no attention to others, when nothing remains of the family, he simply dominates - and that's it. He is ready to destroy anyone who resists. And, again, you may notice such roots in yourself - when just someone does not agree with you, you just become angry immediately. This is the MANIFESTATION. Once again, this is a severed contact with masculine energy. She is inharmonious. She is like a river that has broken through. What happens to the river, which ... after all, it broke through a narrow channel ... There was a wide channel, but somewhere there was a blockage. And so it accumulated there and then broke through all this, and it flows. How does it flow? Here it is, you know ... here, the boulders are rushing and breaking everything on their way. Female energy. What is severed contact with her? This means that there will be no HARMONY in your inner world, because the Moon, what is she doing? She is soothing. If you and I go out at night and look at the moon, what happens to us? There is a metaphor for "cooling moon light". It is this subtle force that soothes, harmonizes and, pay attention, gives the taste to vegetables. Do you know why vegetables are delicious? Because it is the influence of the moon. That is why vegetables grown in greenhouses are like blotting paper. There is no influence. There is a lot of taste in this. The women themselves are very sophisticated. Taste in everything, really. This kind of self-confidence is feminine, this kind of aestheticism, a sense of beauty, the ability to somehow present oneself - all this is this feminine energy. Once again, if this contact with the mother is broken, there will be problems, simply, in presentability, in inner confidence. There will be no such harmony. Woman - she smooths corners. Why does a man appreciate a woman? And, above all, why does he value her? This is a question for men. It's just that when I'm next to her, I just calm down. Do you understand? All mine, this tough male energy, which boils all the time, it calms down. It flattens my character. She gives me inner harmony. She gives some kind of support. This is the feminine energy. Once again, we return to the same thing, if this channel is broken, if it is broken, one way or another, at a subtle level, you will get problems in this area.
I wanted to show quite a bit how it all works and what these invisible laws of fate are, how they work. Here ... Well, as for the central line, the problem is that you do not realize yourself in life, because the central line is the line of the spine. This is the central axis. Chakras are located along it, in fact. Notice. And, here, in fact, this Kundalini energy - it rises up the spinal column. If you do not have fulfillment in life, if you do not live in accordance with your purpose, do not simply realize yourself as a person, but simply adapt in life and there is a lot of fuss, when you spend yourself on some such trifles, you just waste my life energy, I will have problems along the central pillar. It will be a skew in the spine, there is some kind of pain and everything else.