Dust brush. Can a duster replace a regular rag?

Dust settling on the surfaces of furniture, carpets, TV screens is the enemy of the inhabitants of big cities. Firstly, the layer of dust is very noticeable, and the aesthetic appearance of the room suffers from this. Secondly, small dusty particles cause undeniable harm to the human body. Dust contributes to coughs, asthma, allergies and other ailments. Scientists' calculations are amazing: up to 10 kg of dust passes through our apartments every year.

Why change a rag for a brush?

In foreign countries, housewives have long switched to new cleaning devices. Our women shy away from novelties a little and prefer an ordinary rag to a modern panicle. A wet or damp cloth leaves traces of streaks on the surface of the furniture, which are especially visible in the light. An ordinary brush quickly and easily sweeps away dust particles, but after half an hour you will find that they have settled again in the old place. Dust particles simply float in the air for a while, then land.

Scientists have developed a special panicle called "Duster". This is an innovative device that helps to "kill two birds with one stone": it does not leave streaks and collects dust. The advantages of panicles:

  1. speed of cleaning;
  2. minimum physical effort;
  3. penetrates into hard-to-reach places;
  4. special material of the villi "attracts" dust particles;
  5. the ability to handle fragile items.

We will tell you how to choose the right whisk and how to use it.

According to the material from which the villi are made, panicles can be divided into 2 main groups:

  • natural (sheep wool, horse hair, bird feathers);
  • artificial (rubber, polypropylene, microfiber).

Both materials have their disadvantages and advantages. Experts advise switching to the use of brushes only with artificial bristles. An antistatic whisk has the ability to electrify dust particles and attract them.

To make the work of maids and housewives as easy as possible, the developers have improved the outdated model. Now you can find an electric duster on the home appliance market, which helps save time and effort spent on collecting dust. However, the electrical device has not only advantages, but also disadvantages.

The design of such a device is simple: a handle made of plastic or other material with a ring at the end, a long pile of special material. To make the cleaning process more attractive, the brushes are made of bright rainbow colors. Most often, the "fur coat" (pile) is made of polypropylene. This material has antistatic properties. In addition, such a brush is a real salvation for allergy sufferers.

If you are accustomed to collecting dust with a rag with smooth movements, the procedure for using a whisk is significantly different. The pile must be leaned against a vertical or horizontal surface and the handle must be rotated. Duster should be a kind of roller that collects dirt. If you begin to notice that the dust is no longer “sticky” to the pile, you need to wash the brush. Wet it over the bath and wait until it dries completely.

To enhance the anti-static properties, rub the pile on fur or artificial fabric.

An anti-static broom has three main advantages over a rag:

  • the ability to remove dust not only from smooth, but also from rough and fabric surfaces;
  • saving time;
  • showing interest in cleaning.

electric whisk

The design is not much different from the classic duster format. There is one difference: the handle is much wider because it contains batteries (about 4 pcs.). Accordingly, the weight of such a device is greater. On the handle there is a power button and speed control. The electric brush contains a set of several brushes of different lengths for cleaning all types of surfaces.

This device will help get rid of settled dust on a variety of surfaces and in the most inaccessible places:

  • computer keyboard;
  • bookshelf;
  • chandeliers, sconces, figurines, picture frames, decorative elements on wooden furniture;
  • dishes;
  • blinds, ventilation grilles.

You do not need to rotate the handle, just press a couple of buttons to select the desired speed. Before washing, do not forget to remove the nozzle with pile from the handle. To enhance the antistatic properties, the pile is advised to be rubbed against fur or synthetics. This device has only 2 disadvantages: the high price and the constant change of batteries.

Special panicles

When it comes to special whisks for cleaning, a bright fluffy whisk, which is often shown in foreign films, appears in the imagination of women. However, there are a number of special devices for certain types of cleaning.

  1. Blind tongs. Outwardly, this device looks like a hair straightener, only the tips are covered with microfiber. These pliers are double sided. They are designed for cleaning dust on blinds and ventilation grilles.
  2. Antistatic brush. Reminds the tip of an ordinary panicle. Made of soft pile and designed to remove dust from small decorative elements on furniture.
  3. Floor brush. Designed to collect dirt and dust from the surface of tiles, linoleum or laminate.

Don't be afraid to experiment with household appliances. Many novelties will win you over. A dust collector is convenient, beautiful and inexpensive.

For our grandmothers, a rag was enough to clean up small litter. But there are drawbacks to this method. If you use a dry rag, dust particles will fly around the room and settle elsewhere. And that makes the process pointless. If you wet it, it will leave behind white stains.

Since then, technology has come a long way. Even without using household appliances, you can quickly and efficiently clean up your home.

What is the name of the dust brush

Pipidastr - such a funny name has a multi-colored brush (panicle) for brushing dust from various things and surfaces. She got the name because of a similar version in English - PPDuster. Panicles have artificial fibers made of rubber, microfiber or polypropylene. They are natural, made from horsehair, feather and sheep's wool.

Dust brush

To date, the dust brush has been improved by developers. Now there is a device that runs on batteries or batteries. This greatly facilitated the life of housewives and maids. By brushing, they spend much less time and effort.

The electric brush differs in the volume of the handle - it is much larger than the classic version of the whisk, as it contains batteries or an accumulator. This makes it heavier than the usual model. This is a minus of the device, since the hand of a person sweeping dust will get tired faster.

But, on the other hand, the device speeds up the cleaning process and fatigue will not have time to overtake you. On the handle there is a power button and a key for switching speed modes and controlling the speed of the brush.

The set includes several types of nozzles of different lengths, diameters and shapes. An electric brush can easily cope with hard-to-reach places, as well as qualitatively or a computer. Safely removes dirt from fragile interior parts, as well as ventilation grilles and speaker openings.

Antistatic dust brush

Panicles with antistatic agent are designed for cleaning dust and small debris on furniture, decor and other things. Its villi are made of a special synthetic fiber. They instantly attract rubbish and dust, preventing them from falling and scattering around the room. In contact with various objects, the bristles of the panicle neutralize the charge, this is the reason for attracting debris.

It is enough to swipe once on the surface and all the dust will be on a miracle panicle. It doesn't take much effort to clean it up. Simply rinse under running water. The anti-static dust brush is easy to use and lasts quite a long time and reliably, without damaging the surface due to its soft and delicate bristles.

Carpet and floor brush

These devices are used not only to remove dust on furniture and other interior details, but also to clean carpets. Brushes easily remove dust and small debris from any floor surface. The main thing is to choose the right brush.

Choose a fixture depending on the floor covering. They can be long and soft pile or short and rather hard.

Blind brush

With the help of such devices, it is also quite simple. The blinds brush resembles a regular hair straightener. So, we put the “iron” between the parts and draw it back and forth several times. Do not forget to periodically rinse the device under running water. If there is heavy soiling, use a soapy solution. This brush is perfect for cleaning both vertical and horizontal blinds.

Whatever dust brush you like, the main thing is to clean as often and thoroughly as possible. Then you will achieve perfect cleanliness and freshness in your home. And also avoid the risk of dust allergies, which affect about 40% of the world's population.

It's no secret how fast dust collects in our house. This is especially visible during the day, in sunlight. In car interiors, dust collects even faster than at home, and it is not so easy to remove it. During normal cleaning, dust scatters in different directions, and, as a rule, settles on completely different objects. Yes, and when we try to wipe the dust with a damp cloth or a wet cloth, we do not wipe it at all, but just smear it on the surface, leaving dirty stains. So there is an almost daily, useless struggle with dust. As you know, dust has a negative impact on the human body. Dust can cause asthma, respiratory diseases, can cause allergies, and there are also dust mites.

Often, in a car, we can’t remove dust everywhere, it’s inconvenient to crawl somewhere, somewhere our hands don’t reach at all, but somewhere it’s just smeared! With this dust on the chandelier problem will help to cope antistatic brush, it will reach all hard-to-reach places, collect all the dust. And in your car as well!

To remove accumulated dust from the outside of the car body, it is best to use an anti-static brush, it will not leave dirty streaks on your beloved car, as a regular rag could. Takes much less time to clean up. With such a brush, less effort is required, and cleaning your car will become a pleasure! With an antistatic brush, you can clean not only from the outside of the car body, but also inside the cabin. Just with one movement of your hand, assemble the plastic cover into an accordion, and after work, put it back on with the same ease!

With an antistatic brush, you will forever forget about wet cloth rags! It consists of conductive synthetic fibers, which are fixed in a plastic handle. It is very convenient to hold the brush in your hand, it does not slip when working. The thin tips of these fibers neutralize the static charge, and thereby remove small debris from the surface, as well as collect all the dust.

Dust brush care

The dust brush can be used not only when cleaning inside the car, but also at home. After all, at home there are also many hard-to-reach places where we cannot reach with our hands, and the dust from this will not disappear by itself. After all, if we do not see it, somewhere on the closet, this does not mean that it is not there, but, nevertheless, it is necessary to remove the dust! An anti-static brush will help with this, which will quickly collect dust. You can wipe everything from wall paintings, TVs, ending with curtains, cabinets. Dust will be removed in the most inaccessible places.

The anti-static brush is in a plastic case, which is assembled into an accordion.

Depending on the degree of contamination, the brush can be washed under the tap, with the addition of various mild detergents. After washing, let the brush dry naturally, then put the plastic cover back on. It is not recommended to store a wet brush in a case, otherwise it will deteriorate. Take good care of your anti-static brush and it will last a very long time!

Removes dust with ease!

I bought myself this wonderful brush to remove dust. The villi collect dust very well, do not leave streaks on any surfaces. Thanks to the brush, I can easily tidy up the blinds, chandelier or curtain, and now I don’t have to stand on a chair. Satisfied with the purchase!!!

Pelageya Artemova

My irreplaceable assistant.

I ordered a dust brush a few years ago. She still makes me happy. With it, you can get rid of dust much faster throughout the house and even in hard-to-reach places. During use, the brush has not deformed and I hope that it will serve me for many more years.

Vasilisa Bogolyubova

Dust sweeps away in a second

Dusting is now a pleasure. No wonder I bought a special brush to remove it. The material of the brush is made of a material that attracts all the dust like a magnet. Now, even in the narrowest places in our house, not a single speck of dust can be found. Excellent brush.

Uliana Kharitonova

Magic brush is comfortable and easy to use

My friends bought this brush and recommended it to me. It ideally removes dust from all objects. It is especially convenient to remove dust from vases, chandeliers, paintings. The main thing is that it does not scatter dust! We are glad!


The fight against dust in any home happens all the time, just like they did a wet cleaning, as it appears again. But it is impossible to stop in this process, because it is dust that provokes most diseases and creates not very comfortable living conditions. Therefore, whatever one may say, a dust brush is still needed, because with its help you can deal with the problem much faster and for longer. Why and how exactly, as well as what kind of dust brushes are, you will learn from this article.

Why do you need a brush?

You can remove dust with various devices - both special and improvised. The easiest option is to brush it off, but in this case it will not be removed, but will simply settle on other surfaces in your home.

Wiping with a damp cloth would not be the best way, since although it will be possible to remove most of the plaque on furniture and floors, often after such cleaning far from aesthetic white stains remain.

Using special brushes for cleaning dust, there is a chance to remove all plaque, and quite quickly and easily, as well as to prevent its rapid reappearance.

What are the brushes?

The range of such cleaning devices today can amaze the imagination of even the most advanced housewife. Tool manufacturers offer various models that differ in several ways:

  • appointment;
  • functionality.

Important! Of course, the price of a dust brush will also be an important factor, but most often it is fully justified by the effectiveness of the tool.

Types of brushes by purpose

For many, a dust brush is associated only with the device that we often see in films - a kind of multi-colored fluffy stick. By the way, if you are puzzled by the name of the dust brush, know that it has the name “Pipidastr”. Of course, you can arm yourself with this tool, but if used incorrectly, it will not be of any use.

Important! Pipidastra looks like a multi-colored fleecy mass on a stick. This tool is intended for brushing off dust. But before doing this, in order to avoid soaring dust in the air, it must be slightly electrified. The easiest way to do this is to put it in a plastic bag for a few seconds, rub it lightly. As soon as the villi become “on end”, they will attract small particles of debris to themselves. That is, the brush is ready for use. Then it's a matter of technique, just run it over different surfaces in your home.

The best solution is to buy several brushes, each of which you will use in a particular case. Now we’ll tell you what a dust brush can be.


This type of cleaning tool is a fleecy brush, which must be endowed with electrostatic properties. Due to such features, with its help plaque is easily removed from smooth surfaces, as well as from polished furniture. When used, the dust is simply attracted to the pile.


Such a device will come in handy if you have your own library or at least several shelves have books or at least 1 cabinet is allocated for them.

Such a tool is made from pig bristles and goat hair. Thanks to this, plaque is removed after only one movement.


Almost everyone in the house today has blinds, for several years they have remained “in trend”. A layer of dust often accumulates on both plastic and metal lamellas, and it is not very convenient to remove and wash the entire structure every week.

If you are puzzled by this topic, you will definitely need a dusting brush in the form of tongs. With its help, you literally in 5 minutes will put your protective blinds in full order.

Important! Such tools are just as convenient to use when caring for curtains.


The crescent-shaped dust brush is designed to make it easier for you to remove dirt deposits in narrow gaps between furniture, in crevices, near household appliances and other items located in niches and wardrobes.


You will not be able to do without such a tool if you are the guardian of perfect cleanliness in the house. This long-handled horsehair dusting brush is designed for quick and easy cleaning of dirt particles settling on ceilings, chandeliers and walls.

Important! Separately, we note that there are also brushes for carpets and floors. We will tell you below how best to choose them.

Types of brushes by functionality

All of the above types of cleaning equipment are far from the entire list of devices available on the modern market. Each manufacturer strives to make their products more convenient and efficient, so 2 noteworthy varieties have appeared relatively recently.

Anti-static dust brush

An anti-static dust brush is a very handy option. Due to the special synthetic fiber pile, dust and small debris are instantly attracted and do not fall, do not scatter throughout the room.

In addition to this factor, the advantages can be noted:

  • ease of handling;
  • durability;
  • cleanliness without damaging furniture materials.

Important! To clean such a brush, it is enough to rinse it under water.

Electric brush

If you decide to buy an electric brush, you are unlikely to regret your choice. From now on, cleaning will not be a compulsory duty for you, but an easy and pleasant pastime.

The principle of operation of such inventory is similar to the previous variety. But greater efficiency is achieved due to the presence of a built-in motor that runs on batteries. This ensures rapid rotation of the pile and accelerates the collection of small debris many times over.

The design device, as a rule, is made in such a way that the dust brush can quickly cope with even the most secluded and uncomfortable corners and crevices. Including such a tool perfectly cleans the keyboard of a laptop or a stationary PC.

Other advantages:

  • no need to use household chemicals, which is very important for people with allergies;
  • ease of cleaning even the most fragile items - due to the lightness of the pile;
  • multifunctionality - different models have a certain set of nozzles (short, long, flat, round).

Important! All these advantages determine the fact that an electric dust brush is a rather expensive pleasure. But it's worth it.

Choosing brushes for floors and carpets

Dust brushes can be used for more than just cleaning furniture and other interior items. They are also used for cleaning floors and carpets. In order not to damage the decorative finishes or pile of the flooring, consider these guidelines when choosing the right fixture.