Sweet gifts for February 23 for boys. Homemade gifts from girls in the class and relatives - photo gallery

I don’t know about you, but I think that it’s more difficult to choose gifts for boys than for girls. This is especially true for middle and high school students.

Therefore, I decided to prepare a list that allows you to pick up gifts for boys on February 23rd. Although, these positions can act as hints for any holidays.

What to give boys on February 23 in elementary school (6-10 years old)?

The best gift for a boy of this age is a toy, despite the fact that he is already a student. What options to consider?

1. Themed toys: machine guns, rifles, machine guns, pistols, sets of soldiers, tanks.
2. Vehicle toys: cars, helicopters, airplanes, tractors, trains, etc.
3. Various options for robots.
4. Universal gift - puzzles.
5. School supplies: original pens, interesting pencil cases, pen holders, colored pencil sets.
6. Sweets in the form of medals, for example.
7. Sets "Young electrician", "Young chemist", "Young physicist".
8. Original piggy banks. Children love to raise money to make their dreams come true.
9. Toy - grabber. This is a novelty in the world of toys, it develops dexterity, coordination, reaction, thinking.
10. Universal gift - (Monopoly, UNO, Scrabble, Adventurer), Twister.
11. .
12. The best gift is always a book.

Gifts for boys 11-14 years old on February 23

1. Key chains.
2. Original flashlights.
3. Computer games.
4. Sports equipment, equipment.
5. Board games.
6. Original mugs with a cool inscription or picture.
7. Puzzles. Boys at this age love to solve puzzles and puzzles. They just develop intelligence and logical thinking.
8. Unforgettable impressions, emotions: tickets to the cinema, karting, rollerdrome, rock climbing, circus, zoo, visiting game attractions. A subscription to the pool, water park, entertainment center with attractions is also suitable.
9. Gadget accessories. For example, flash drives, headphones.
10. Complex constructors.
11. Intellectual board games with economic plots.
12. Prefabricated wooden models, allowing you to create original items for decorating a boy's room.

What to give boys on February 23 (15-17 years old)?

Boys of this age spend most of their time on gadgets and computers. Therefore, you can safely buy a useful and inexpensive gift for a classmate of 15-17 years old - an original mouse pad, a flash drive, a memory card, a wireless mouse, headphones, headphone accessories.

A good option is gift mugs with congratulations on the theme of the holiday.

Another group of gifts: housekeepers, business card holders, wallets.

If the children have a friendly class, cinema tickets, a collective trip to bowling, paintball, or a water park are suitable as gifts.

I think high school students will like a gift in the form of a creative notebook and an original pen.

An expander, a hand trainer, a press roller are gifts suitable for boys who take care of themselves.

Each person is pleased to receive a gift in which someone has invested their love, attention, care. Girls at a labor lesson can knit warm scarves for boys. A photo collage would be a good gift option.

What else can be presented on February 23 as a gift? Congratulatory posters, postcards, handmade.

And girls can organize a small concentric in honor of the holiday with interesting contests. For example, with nominations - the smartest, the strongest, the most inventive, the fastest, the bravest. And as a reward, use medals and cups, with inscriptions in which particular nomination the guy won. I think that such competitions will appeal to all the guys, regardless of age.

You can also organize a sweet table with tea drinking for the strong half of humanity.

In schools, congratulating boys on Defender of the Fatherland Day has already become a good tradition. So why not support her. Only girls need to prepare well before the holiday.

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On this day, it is customary to congratulate not only them, but also the boys, because they are the future defenders of the country.

What to give the boys for the holiday, so that the gift brings joy, usefulness, appropriate and necessary.

When choosing a gift, you must take into account age, and most importantly - hobbies, hobbies.

Gifts for February 23 for boys can be very diverse: toys, useful things for school, books, gadget accessories, a cool T-shirt, mug, sporting goods.

What to give boys at 6 - 10 years old?

At this age, boys are very fond of gifts. They are not spoiled enough yet, they will enjoy any interesting gift, especially toys.

1. A disk with computer games will become an actual gift, because at this age this hobby is especially popular with children.

2. Toys should be chosen any unusual, developing imagination, thinking. Puzzles, puzzles, constructors, cars are also suitable. An older boy will be very happy with a controlled tank, an armored personnel carrier, an electric railway.

3. If the boy is fond of music, you can give a toy guitar, saxophone.

4. You should also pay attention to gifts that are always useful at school, but with some thematic theme: robots, weapons, equipment.

It can be a diary, a pencil case, bookmarks, a sketchbook, pencils, a notebook, paints. They will be a reminder to the boy that he is a future man.

5. It is appropriate to give small things such as a key chain, a phone case.

6. For a book lover, books about knights, adventures, pirates, battles that will introduce boys to courageous, brave people are suitable as a gift.

7. Boys also like sweets. Therefore, in addition to the main gift, pick up interesting, unusual chocolate medals or other sweets, but in an interesting design: cars, soldiers, weapons.

What to give boys at 11 - 14 years old?

1. At this age, the boy has a tablet or a computer, so a memory stick in some original design, a computer mouse, will be a good and useful gift. Such useful gifts will be remembered and will not go unnoticed.

2. It is interesting to give an impression as a gift: a ticket to a concert, circus, theater, cinema, bowling, perhaps a riding lesson, a 3D cinema.

3. Small things also will not be superfluous: phone case, key chain, tool kit, DIY modeling kits.

4. Discs with films telling about types of weapons, interesting battles, great generals, famous warriors.

5. At this age, you can give clothes: a vest, a camouflage T-shirt, a cap.

6. Sports equipment: dumbbells, balls, expanders.

7. Souvenir mugs, piggy banks, LED flashlights, which come in different models: wall-mounted, table-top and even head-mounted.

Such flashlights will not leave boys indifferent. You can immediately give a set of batteries to it.

What to give boys at 15 - 17 years old?

Children of this age are difficult to surprise with anything. But they also love gifts. You will have to spend a little more time choosing a present.

1. The guys are seriously passionate about computers at this age, so they will not be superfluous: an unusually shaped USB flash drive, a fashionable mouse, a wireless keyboard.

2. In order to somehow express themselves and stand out, the guys like cool, funny T-shirts with unusual, original drawings, inscriptions.

3. A thermal mug is a very convenient, necessary thing. And most importantly, using it for its intended purpose, the young man will also remember the giver of this gift.

4. Unusual keychain, which, if necessary, can be found with a whistle.

5. Sports equipment: hand trainer, press roller. It is appropriate to give them a disk with a set of exercises.

6. Stylish fashionable, youth watches of different colors, sizes, designs, an expensive pen in a case.

7. If you know a guy's hobby, you can give goggles for swimming, things for fishing, for hiking.

Don't forget about gift wrapping. Always attractive packaging. Optionally, you can add a funny card with congratulations to the gift.

What to give classmates?

It should be an inexpensive present, since everyone will have to buy it, and the budget is usually modest.

In our material you will find 13 gift ideas up to 300 rubles.

1Zombie Zity

Collectible zombies in a bag. Boys usually love these green monsters, so they will like such a gift.

Each bag contains a jumper figurine.

They can be repeated, but it doesn't matter: friends like to change among themselves.

2. Aircraft model

Which of the boys does not dream of becoming a pilot or an astronaut ...

But even if not, the aircraft model is beautiful in itself and will take pride of place on a classmate's shelf.

3. Blowgun

A toy gun that fires soft foam bullets.

You can arrange a "war" in the yard, you just need to protect your eyes.

And remind your friends that shooting animals is strictly forbidden!

4. Set for playing balls “Zig Zag”

Desktop version of cricket.

The rules of the game are simple: place flags with numbers and gates, and then roll the balls with your fingers in the order determined by the flags.

Whoever does it the fastest is the winner.

You can play this game at the next break, and then show it to your family at home.

5. Play magnetic set

Pocket set of the most popular logic games.

Perhaps someone from your class has not yet learned to play chess, so there will be a reason to get acquainted.

And then it will be possible to arrange a small tournament.

6. Magic tricks with Hmayak Hakobyan

A small set with instructions may reveal the talent of a classmate and make him a real illusionist.

The kit includes props and a guide for one trick. It can be flying matches, a money factory and much more.

7. Blendy Pens

With their help, you can create beautiful and unusual drawings.

These differ from ordinary felt-tip pens in the ability to change color as you draw: connect two pieces in a special cap, hold for 10 seconds, pull it out and draw.

You can supplement the gift with a small task: ask them to draw a small picture on the theme of February 23.

8. Postcard to the Defender of the Fatherland, a set for making

Ask your parents for permission and the teacher's help, stay in the home economics room and make such cards with your own hands.

You can make them at home, but together you will have much more fun. Make the postcards personalized or the same, this is optional.

But getting individual ones will, of course, be more pleasant.

9. Origami Planes

This set will introduce classmates to Japanese paper folding techniques as well as famous Russian military aircraft models.

Scissors are not required for the manufacture of such aircraft.

The most beautiful crafts can be signed and left in the classroom.

10 Fighting Beetle

This small interactive insect can avoid obstacles and get back up if it falls. Real robot!

To complicate the task for the baby, you can build a small maze on the desk.

Or organize real bug races.

11. Encyclopedia "Dinosaurs"

Any boy would like to know more about these ancient lizards.

A wonderful book with color illustrations will tell the kids about dinosaurs.

To test new knowledge, you can arrange a fun quiz in the classroom about the inhabitants of ancient periods.

12. Memo

A fun memory training game.

Its essence is simple: all cards are first laid out face up, and the participants try to remember their location. Then you need to search for the same pictures from memory.

At the end of February, the whole country celebrates Defender of the Fatherland Day. On this day, it is customary to congratulate men, grandfathers and boys of all ages. Teachers, parents and girls are thinking about how to come up with gifts for boys on February 23 at school. The article describes the ideas of congratulations and gifts for boys of primary, middle and senior school age.

A festive concert from girls in honor of February 23 for boys is always fun, provocative and pleasant for each side. The period of preparation in the strictest secrecy, the moment of performance, watching the performance and accepting congratulations - emotions that will be remembered in years to come with special trepidation

You can congratulate the boys on the Defender's Day in an original and fun way by creating collective or personal congratulations.

Parents can decide to buy the same prizes for all children, or give the girls the right to choose what to give to whom. The main thing is to pay equal attention to each boy so as not to leave anyone aside.

The main thing is to give equal attention to each boy - glazed gingerbread from February 23

Congratulations to the whole class

The teacher is able to organize mass congratulations to the “male half of the class”

  • arrange holiday concert , where girls can show their acting talents and please the audience with ditties, songs - alterations, dances and humorous skits.
  • play out win-win lottery . The main thing is to prepare surprises with the same value for the boy.
  • Create congratulatory wall newspaper with photos of the heroes of the occasion and playful slogans (it is very important to stick to tactics in order to prevent offensive criticism and ridicule), to emphasize the best qualities of classmates.
  • Organize after class awarding honorary certificates and medals all the boys. Choose an acceptable title for everyone and a sweet reward.
  • circus visit or a dolphinarium in honor of the holiday, will please the children, no less than the received surprise.

A trip to the circus in honor of the holiday, for example, Du Soleil will be a joy for the guys, and the taste develops

Gifts for boys 6 - 9 years old

When choosing a gift, you should be guided by the age restrictions of the male representatives. Young children will be pleased with toys, and grown-up teenagers will be pleased with cool accessories.

The range of gifts for primary school boys is quite large:

    Constructor "lego".


    Kit toy soldiers .

    Military typewriter or a tank.

    Album and a set of pencils.


    Pistols with bullets or sound machines.

    Mask superhero.

    laser wand or other luminous objects.

    chocolate bar, in a personalized wrapper or in a superhero costume.

    Air gun .

    Policeman's set .

Figurines of small Lego soldiers - the dream of any boy

Might come in handy too! .

    Shield and sword"knight".

    Children's darts , using a target and Velcro balls.

    clockwork toys .

    Little locomotive and Railway.

    cars- shifters.

    Children's books (It is advisable to take the advice of parents).

    original whistles .

    Sweet toys (homemade chest filled with chocolate coins, or cars - sweets)

    Toy tools or children's work equipment.

When considering what to give boys on February 23 at school in grade 3, you need to take into account the tastes and hobbies of this generation. Perhaps a toy character from a popular animated series will please the children more than sweets and "military items".

A children's building kit with tools is a great opportunity to accustom to work and an opportunity to reveal the boy's abilities

Gifts for boys 10 - 14 years old

Teenagers still gravitate towards toys, but they also crave recognition of their growing up. You can give them one of the following options:

    Calculator .

    Modelku car.

    interesting thematic pen and notepad.

    Stand for handles in the form of a soccer ball.

    Construction set famous landmarks (Eiffel Tower, Mausoleum and so on)

    Mugs with names or portrayal of TV characters.

    small puzzles cities or animals.

    encyclopedias various kinds.

    Board games : walkers, dominoes, lotto, checkers, chess, "Manager" and so on.

Board games, in particular Ekiwoki, perfectly train erudition, broaden your horizons, and playing it is incredibly exciting and fun.

Might come in handy too! Read the article at the link and get inspired by ideas A: Perfect gift for New Year and Christmas.

    Darts .

    Original pencil case .

    Disk with a computer game.

    Sharpeners and erasers in the form of sneakers or horror movies.

    Souvenirs with jokes .

    Magnets with jokes or topics of interest.

    twister .

    Thematic set cards .

    cool masks , toffee worms, dracula false teeth and so on.

    Bright scarves .

    Spinners .

    Magician's set or a young archaeologist.

    Assemblies airplanes .

    Magnetic bookmarks .

    coasters for books.

    colorful folders for notebooks.

    Sets for applique or sculpting.

    Finger football .

    Children's magazines for boys.

Finger football for boys 10 - 14 years old - just what you need

Might come in handy too! Read the article at the link and get inspired by ideas P gift ov DIY teacher's day How to make an original gift for a teacher.

Youth souvenirs

For boys aged 15 and older, it is worth picking up cool and practical presents.

    Headphones .

    Rug for a computer mouse.

    Mugs with fun and inscriptions of classmates.

    Interesting keychains .

    Pocket flashlights .

    coasters for mobile phones.

    USB flash drives in the form of a grenade.

    Pens in a case.

    magnets with photos of classmates.

    Stylish notepads or notebooks.

    Cool piggy banks .

    Case for mobile phone.

    Original icons and pennant.

    Medals with jokes.

    Scary masks .

    Leather bracelets .

    Thermo mugs .

    Painting with a joke.

    Manual expander, for pumping up the muscles of the arm.

    baseball caps with funny captions.

    Backgammon or chess.

A personalized mug with an individual congratulation for each boy is great and touching

It might be interesting! Read the article at the following link .

    Poker set kart .

    Hourglass or pictures - antistress.

    Musical speaker .

    Wrist watch or themed alarm clocks.

    Covers for a passport.

    Football ball .

    Male gel , shampoo.

    T-shirts with funny captions.

    Towel with symbols or decorated in the form of a soldier.

    Photo album or a photo frame.

    original figurine- a souvenir in the form of a ship or an airplane.

    Leather gloves - mitts.

    Tickets in the movie theaters.