The big nail of the omen is broken. Signs if the nail on the right hand is broken. How to prevent negative signs

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Many people are pretty superstitious. Especially girls. And it is not surprising that they often ask the question: "Why did the nail break?" There really is a sign regarding this. And how it makes sense is worth telling.

Right hand

Start by talking about what to expect if your thumbnail breaks. The sign says that this is a failure in business. Therefore, if something important is planned, it is worth preparing for this as much as possible. And just in case, count on the worst. If all else fails, there is no great loss. And if the outcome is successful, then there will be twice as much joy.


When on the right hand - this is a sign of depression and difficulties in relationships. On average - to the fast road. And, most likely, it will be pleasant. And if the nail is broken? A sign promises a quarrel with parents. If on the little finger - to the loss of a large sum of money. Moreover, this can be either the usual loss of a wallet or dismissal.

Left hand

And what can you expect if a nail is not broken on the right hand? Signs in this case will be different. If it was a thumb, then in the near future there will be a pleasant meeting, perhaps even a long-awaited one. Broken marigold on your index finger? Also not bad - it means that the girls will soon begin to listen to the advice of the girl.

If it was the middle finger, then to a successful risk. Nameless - to the news. And, finally, the little finger - to unexpected guests. But they certainly will not bring trouble.

As you can see, depending on the hand, the meaning changes very much, even if a nail is broken on the same fingers. By the way, a sign, by the way, gives certain information, but you shouldn't believe it too much. Everything does not always come true. After all, the nail could break not due to the fact that troubles are approaching, but due to a lack of calcium, for example.

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What else is good to know

By the way, they not only talk about why the nail broke, signs. On the left hand (as well as on the right, in fact), on the nail plates, white specks are often seen. They also sometimes find a certain meaning. If they are observed on the thumb, this is a good sign: a salary increase should be expected. Noticing them on the index means sadness and sadness. If spots are visible on the nail of the middle finger, this is a long-awaited and very pleasant purchase. But on a nameless one - to trouble. But the spots on the little finger nail promise travel, strong and long-lasting love, as well as a lot of pleasant impressions.

Many people who have become familiar with these or those meanings will have a logical question: why exactly do they symbolize? Well, everything has its own explanation.

The thumb, for example, is a symbol of thought, willpower, intention. Therefore, if a nail breaks on it, it means that something will interfere with the planned plans. Such an explanation is given regarding why the nail broke, signs.

Is the index finger plate damaged on your right hand? This means that you will have to fight for your authority. After all, the index finger is responsible for power. And a person will have to take serious action so that nothing gets out of control.

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The middle finger usually symbolizes the road and path, and the ring finger is associated with matters of the heart. The little fingers are responsible for surprises and unexpected situations. In general, if you study all these values, you can understand what is what.

However, opinions differ regarding the interpretation of the omens. So, for example, many esotericists claim that a broken nail on the index finger is not at all to the fact that a person's advice will finally begin to be taken into account. This, supposedly, on the contrary, is a warning - you should not insist too hard on your own: in some situations this is inappropriate. And the middle finger does not symbolize the road and the path, but itself. Is his nail broken? The sign assures that it's time to take care of your nervous system. Perhaps the person is tormenting himself too morally. He needs to get rid of the false sense of guilt, if any, to forgive himself for everything and move on. In this case, the broken nail symbolizes its owner. He, too, is on the verge of breaking.

In general, there are different opinions on this matter. But even if a person believes in omens, one should not focus too much on this. After all, more often than not, these are just coincidences.

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Many peoples of the world believe that the longer the nails, the more rich or learned the person who wears them. And to break a nail means to spoil your destiny in a certain sense.

There is a certain amount of common logic in this belief: it is impossible to do any physical work, if you have very long nails, they will quickly break, or at least turn into a terribly dirty and unpleasant sight.

In any case, girls are extremely offended when their nails or at least one nail break (not to mention the fact that it is corny painful, albeit not too much). And if the nails are extended, it is also an unplanned financial waste.

Most often, such a trifle as a broken nail is deposited in consciousness, somewhere on the periphery, and as a result, a person begins to expect some kind of trouble. This is how signs are born, connected in one way or another with broken nails. There are, to put it mildly, very, very many.

As is the case with most other signs, signs about broken nails are divided along the sides of the body.

It so happened from time immemorial that the attitude to the left and right sides is completely opposite. Something good and positive is always associated with the right, and everything negative and negative with the left. Why this is so is a mystery, but this interpretation is confirmed by many authoritative teachings, such as Feng Shui.

But the sides of the body are not everything, because each finger has its own influence. Otherwise, there would be no practice to wear the wedding ring on the ring finger, and the index finger - to dispose and simply point.

Some Signs About Broken Nails

On the thumb, according to legends, human willpower is concentrated. He is responsible for plans, intentions, thoughts. You can guess why the nail on the thumb broke: some unforeseen gap will soon appear in your plans and they will not be destined to materialize.

A nail that breaks on the thumb of the right hand interferes with luck, and on the left, on the contrary, removes all obstacles to the implementation of the plan. Which is what you should be glad about, because, for example, you can neutralize or unravel someone's bad plan.

A broken nail on the index finger of the right hand indicates that soon the situation, whatever it may be, will begin to spiral out of control.

You yourself are unlikely to understand why this is happening. This is due to the fact that the index finger symbolizes authority and power. Perhaps you should expect some minor troubles, such as disobedient children, or maybe you should wait for a crisis at work, because your subordinates will refuse to fulfill their assigned tasks, or they will not cope with the task.

But if a nail on your left hand breaks, on the contrary, it means that soon your subordinate will please you with something, or you yourself will receive a hint that you should not listen to some stupid order.

Fast track and possible quarrels

The middle finger is responsible for the road in the broadest sense of the word. A broken nail on the middle finger foreshadows your imminent departure. If a fingernail or toenails break on the right hand, this path may not be very pleasant or desirable. And if on the left, then everything will be as successful as possible, perhaps you will go on a paid vacation or go on a very curious business trip.

The ring finger is responsible for relationships. These are feelings, matters of the heart, and so on. And therefore, if on your right hand you have found such a nuisance as a broken nail, then this means that you should take a closer look at your behavior with people close to you. You may have to quarrel with your parents. And if the nails of your left hand break, then soon you will learn some good news. Nobody knows why such a differentiation of "responsibilities" on the sides of the body works.

Finally, why the nails on the little fingers break - everything that is responsible for surprises is concentrated on these fingers.

So if a nail on the right little finger breaks, then you may soon have to lose some amount of money. And if on the left, then expect the arrival of guests, or a meeting of new love.

However, there is another, completely accurate sign about why nails break. It is accurate because it is based primarily on physiology. If you have weak nails that break easily, then you should not wonder whether or not to wait for the arrival of guests or quarrels, but go to the doctor and ask if you have enough calcium in your body. Simply put, signs are one thing, but your own health is another. In addition, spots and bumps on the nails can indicate problems with the cardiovascular system.

For a long time, our ancestors noticed signs. People are quite superstitious creatures, especially girls. They are interested in what to expect if a nail breaks. Much has been written about this in collections on esotericism. The prediction is influenced by such factors as: on which finger, which hand, the nail broke. Each case should be considered in more detail.

As the signs predict, if a nail is broken, then this indicates a failure of the energy program. A person is weakened, hence all his failures and endless problems on the path of life. Negativity and trouble are prophesied especially for those who bite their nails. Their vital energy is weakened by addiction.

In popular beliefs, it was said that it was necessary to bite nails only for newborn babies up to one year old. It was forbidden to trim marigolds at such a small age, since there was a sign that the baby would grow up unclean. In ancient times, parents patiently nibbled their children’s marigolds. Now, unfortunately, this tradition is forgotten..

There are signs that share the meaning of "breakage" on the right or left hand. It is believed that this detail affects what will happen to a person in the future.

Right hand

Let's start with the dominant hand for most people.

The nails on the right hand can break more often, since most of the actions are performed by it.

Consider each finger separately:

Left hand

Now it is necessary to analyze the signs of why the nails on the left hand are breaking. The predictions will be different:

White spots on the nail plate

In addition, people can often see white spots on their nails. They can also be used to judge what awaits a person:

If there is a people on earth who did not endow their hair and nails with magical abilities, it is difficult to find such a thing. The sages of the past and modern esotericists unanimously assert: each of us carries special energy points from birth. Almost personal channels of communication with cosmic energies! Moreover, if it is difficult to keep track of hair loss, then each broken nail is a kind of bell: in one of the spheres of life, problems have begun! Blindly trusting the opinion of superstitions is both stupid and harmful - you will only pull your nerves in vain. But it doesn't hurt to take them on a note. Just in case.

What to wait when your nail is broken

Long, well-groomed marigolds, so beloved by today's beauties, were appreciated in the old days. And not only because of their mystical properties. Simple logic dictates that only representatives of the nobility and people of science who were not engaged in manual labor could afford a neat manicure. For them, nails served as an additional sign of high origin, like the long sleeves of boyar fur coats and the snow-white faces of noblewomen, and any "breakdown" became an extremely unpleasant event. Let's remember that a cracked nail is sometimes also very painful, and it will become clear: such an event could not go unnoticed. And for a superstitious person, accustomed to seeing signs in every sneeze, even more so. Everything that happened next was carefully remembered, analyzed and a new sign was born. Oddly enough, she could be both good and evil.

Signs for the left and right hand

If you are interested in omens, you have already heard more than once that the right side of the body is considered generous for good predictions, since there is an angel behind it, and the left, hiding a devil behind it, is for bad ones. But it’s not like that with the nails! It is just the left hand that makes the best predictions. This is because a cracked nail symbolizes broken plans: on the right side - good angelic ones, on the left - malicious ideas of evil spirits.

If a white speck is found on the affected nail, it is in any case considered an indication that the current events will not end as you expect.

On the thumb

This finger is called "big" for a reason. It symbolizes willpower, perseverance in achieving goals, our desires, plans and aspirations.

  • A broken nail on your right finger is a sign that some of your plans are in danger of being thwarted. Either ponder them more carefully, or postpone implementation.
  • A damaged nail on your left hand means: the obstacles that stood in your way are broken and nothing more interferes with the fulfillment of your plans.
  • From the point of view of modern esotericists, the "accident" with a fingernail warns that you are taking on too much. Your motto, by any chance, is not "Do you want to do it well - do it yourself?" Relax and let others take over some of your responsibilities, and at the same time get rid of the habit of striving for excellence in everything! The hour is not yet, you yourself will break.

Other, less common beliefs predict a great happy event or the disappearance of a person from your life, communication with whom gives you unpleasant experiences. Maybe the old enemy will change his place of residence and leave for distant lands, or the annoying neighbor will suddenly stop annoying with conversations?

On the index

As the name implies, this finger exists in order to powerfully point, distribute tasks and severely threaten negligent performers. It is easy to guess that he is responsible for authority and leadership habits.

  • If you are a leader, a broken fingernail on your right hand is interpreted as a decrease in your importance in the eyes of the collective or the appearance of a new recalcitrant employee. If you yourself obey someone, the omen promises difficulties in the service. You will definitely overcome them, just do not fall into despondency, the likelihood of which the incident hints at.
  • The nail on the left hand, although it predicts about the same development of events, adds that it will benefit you. Maybe a harmful employee will actually turn out to be a responsible guy who found a way to modernize the work and simply did not have time to explain his idea to you. Or you yourself will be stubborn and stop obeying the one who manipulated you for a long time.
  • Esotericists disagree about the index finger. Some believe that a broken nail advises not to try so often to insist on your own where you can easily do without it. Stop bending others into an arc or be left without friends! Others see the event as a sign of people's respect for your experience and advice. Ponder over your behavior and you yourself will understand which of the interpretations is correct.

On average

In the world of symbols and signs, this finger represents your conscience. And also moral attitudes and intuition.

  • The nail on the right hand, it is not entirely clear why, means a long and difficult road and financial difficulties.
  • On the left - the path, although long, but pleasant. And also the risk, by deciding on which you can benefit greatly. But do not rush headlong into gambling and scams! It turns out that the nail broke by pure chance, and you are already without money, in debt and with a damaged manicure ...
  • From an esoteric point of view, the sign indicates your nervous and emotional exhaustion, as well as a sense of guilt, which you have already given free rein to lately. Stop harassing yourself! And take a closer look at those around you. Right next to you there is someone who is ready to surround you with warmth and care, but you do not even suspect.

On the nameless

Do not be discouraged, it is fortunate!

A finger that is trusted to wear a wedding ring simply cannot fail to communicate the affairs of the heart. These are your feelings, emotions and relationships with those closest to you.

  • A broken nail on the right hand means a quarrel with the soulmate or, if she is not yet there, with her parents.
  • The left marigold suffered in an attempt to convey good news to you. Moreover, it will be associated either with a person dear to you or with money.
  • Esotericists call a broken nail a sign of your self-doubt, your attractiveness to the opposite sex or in a partner. Maybe it's time to do something with your complexes?

Sometimes the middle finger is associated with health. Broken nail on your right hand? Wait for illness. On the left is healings. Or, let's say you have the opportunity to go to a good sanatorium.

On the little finger

The smallest fingers are your ability to communicate and make new friends. Is it not from here that the childish saying "make up, make up and don't fight anymore", which is uttered, clasped with little fingers, came from? And broken nails on these fingers are associated with unexpected twists in fate.

  • Broken nail on your right hand? Signs threaten you with misunderstanding in the family or loss of money. For girls, the prediction has a particularly high chance of coming true! A good manicure is expensive, it will have to be updated, and whether the faithful will understand such expenses is a big question.
  • Cracked nail on your left hand? Wait for a new strong feeling or the arrival of welcome guests.

How to prevent negativity

For some reason, the belief considers a nail broken for Epiphany to be an incredibly bad omen. Especially if it's the nail on the middle finger of the left hand! In this case, connoisseurs will accept in front of the mirror and turn around their axis three times from right to left, after which the negative prediction should immediately lose its power. But we would not advise you to practice magic, even if such a harmless and homely one, on the day of a bright holiday. If you are a religious person, go to church and pray. If not, trim your nail and forget about it. And in fact, and in another case, it works flawlessly.

One old belief says: if a girl's nails begin to break one after another at some period of her life, she will soon meet her chosen one. Say, it's enough for you, young lady, to scratch your way in life with your own claws, a strong and reliable defender, your "stone wall" is already on its way ... The prediction is pleasant, but controversial. But what if the girl's body lacks calcium? Or metabolic disorders? Or was the "breakage" due to a microscopic notch in a poorly done manicure? In general, when reading the signs, do not forget that nails break due to a thousand real reasons, and do not take their predictions to heart.

Well-groomed hands are a woman's calling card. For this reason, a broken nail turns into a real tragedy. In addition to its aesthetic unattractiveness, some see this trouble as a sign from above. If a nail is broken, a sign can portend both good and bad.

Left and right hand

It is generally accepted that the right side is responsible for positive events and right actions, since the Lord himself stands behind it, while the left symbolizes wrong and bad. In the case of nails, everything is different, and the left hand carries positive predictions. This is due to the fact that a broken nail identifies the collapse of the plans of the angelic on the right and the devil on the left.

There is a sign that, regardless of the side, indicates the collapse of the plan. We are talking about a white spot on a missing nail. A common sign is that a person takes on too many worries. It's time to let others take the initiative, otherwise there is a great risk of breaking yourself.

The nail falls off to a happy event or to the disappearance of an annoying person from the life.

When an unmarried girl's nails break one after another, the people perceive this as a sign that she will stop paving the way with her own hands in the near future. Soon she will meet her betrothed.

Several broken nails at once does not mean, as one might think, a continuous negative. In the near future, a unique event will take place in life that will drastically change it. Sometimes a person himself guesses what is at stake.


It is considered riding, the main one, standing apart from the rest of the fingers. Symbolizes willpower, aspiration, new achievements.

  1. A broken nail on the right hand is a sign of a threat to disrupt a plan or venture. The details should be planned more carefully, or the implementation of the idea should be postponed.
  2. On the left is a sign that obstacles to the accomplishment of undertakings no longer exist. It's time to act.


This finger, as the name implies, is intended for giving orders. Symbolizes authority and leadership.

  1. If the index finger of your right hand is the victim of a breakdown, your position at work or your reputation will be in jeopardy, the situation will get out of control. For managers, this means a decrease in authority, competition, and the emergence of a rebellious employee.
  2. A similar situation on the left promises about the same, but with a positive ending. It is about hardening willpower when overcoming difficulties, the emergence of new profitable ideas from recalcitrant employees-innovators.

One of the interpretations says that a person's self-esteem goes off scale, he abuses his position. You should be flexible and listen to the opinions of others. Other esotericists claim that a broken nail on the index finger is a sign of respect from others in relation to your activities.

Middle finger

This part of the hand symbolizes the moral side of a person, his conscience and values:

  1. the catastrophe occurred on the right hand - expect financial difficulties and an emergency of problems;
  2. on the left - signs indicate pleasant chores, a justified risk, a bustle awaits ahead, long and tiring, but the results will be worth the effort.

The general interpretation of this sign is an indication of moral exhaustion, fatigue, and also a feeling of guilt constantly felt by a person. Rest is urgently required. You need to stop harassing yourself with or without. We cannot influence all the events taking place around. Esotericists are advised to take a closer look at others. Nearby is someone who is ready to lend his shoulder.

Ring finger

They say that the line of the heart runs under this finger, it is not for nothing that the wedding ring is put on it. Responsible for human feelings and emotions, innermost desires.

  1. The nail broke on the right hand - an early quarrel with a loved one. It can be a lover or one of the parents.
  2. The left nail was damaged, bringing good news to its owner. She will be associated with something or someone who is dear.

Experts say that the nail on the ring finger breaks in people who are unsure of their attractiveness and complex in relationships with the opposite sex. The incident has also been linked to health problems.

A broken nail on the ring finger is a sign of a speedy recovery after a long illness, as well as a trip to a health institution.

Little finger

Small fingers are responsible for sociability and friendliness. Hence the saying "make up, make up" followed by a shake. Sometimes the interpretation is reduced to a sudden incident.

  1. A broken nail on the little finger on the right - to a loss of understanding in the family, a quarrel with a friend or lover.
  2. On the left is a new love, the arrival of a loved one. It is not excluded that a loyal friend will be found in a person who until then was just an acquaintance.

In the old days, little fingers were associated with children. If one of the family members, especially the mother, broke off a nail on this finger, the sign was associated with younger household members. When it came to the left hand, they expected academic success, the disclosure of new abilities in children. You should have been on your guard if the nail fell off on the right. This could mean a cold, the child's getting into an unpleasant alteration, his lag in studies.

Preventing negativity

What if a nail on one of the fingers of your left hand is broken, can an unpleasant event be prevented? Believe it or not believe the omen - it's up to you. You should not unconditionally rely on superstitions and omens, raise panic and change the course of events. To calm the soul, it is recommended to stand in front of a large mirror, turn from right to left around yourself three times. In this way, you can drive away the negative.

Our ancestors considered a broken nail on the middle finger on Epiphany holidays to be a particularly bad sign. Going to church helped scare off bad events.


You should listen to the signs, but do not forget that our fate largely depends on ourselves. Signs serve only as a hint on the path of life.