Tips for carrying shoulder bags. What to wear with a clutch over your shoulder: photos of fashionable images

fashion or life

Maria Telegina especially for site

Shoulder bags are the most practical and the best you'll ever see. But with the fashion trend for clutches and small backpacks, we completely forgot about these beautiful handbags. Luckily, bloggers and fashion influencers have reminded us of them and shown us how to update your style with the latest trends.

Shoulder bag will become part of any outfit. If you are going for casual wear consisting of jeans and sneakers, you can choose a bag in a bright color, such as blue, red, green. Such elements bring a dull outfit to a new level, and an eye-catching detail will attract all attention to itself.

Studded bags are also perfect for a simple everyday set. By the way, some bloggers add funny straps to their shoulder bags.

This month, we noticed that a small red shoulder bag has become very popular among bloggers. This baby should definitely live in your wardrobe! Bags with a variety of prints or images of animals will also be a great addition to your everyday clothes. Special fashionistas love the contrast between clothes and accessories - pay attention to this if you want to get a truly stylish outfit.

Even if you are going to a celebration, and you have prepared the set in advance, the handbag will become a wonderful accessory. An elegant dress is great paired with a black, silver or gold bag. For a sense of completeness of the image, it is better to choose shoes to match the handbag.

Choose a role model among bloggers and be the most stylish this fall! And we remind you that a bright handbag will improve your outfit three times!

A women's handbag is not only a necessary thing, but is also considered to be one of the most fashionable and stylish accessories. Naturally, if it is correctly chosen. It would seem, well, what's so difficult to choose a bag? I figured out whether the option would suit you in color, whether there would be enough space in it to carry everything that you used to have at hand, evaluate the financial possibilities and voila - the choice is made!

In fact, fashion is now quite democratic and does not oblige you to choose a bag by color for something, now a bag is quite an independent accessory. Therefore, even if you do not have anything blueberry in your wardrobe, but you really like the bag, it has the right to exist in your wardrobe. Another thing is whether this bag is suitable for you in shape, for example? After all, the things that we wear, if not chosen correctly, then instead of decorating us, they begin to emphasize flaws.

If a girl has a fairly large figure, then a small clutch bag will aggravate this “size” even more: holding such a bag in her hands, the contrast will be very obvious. Bulky bags are more suitable for such girls, maybe even a little bulky. Owners of miniature figures, on the contrary, should not get carried away with large bags, no matter how fashionable they are. The owner of such a bag will simply lose all her grace and fragility and will resemble an ant with a burden rather than a fragile little inch. For a girl with magnificent breasts, the habit of wearing a bag with a short strap on her shoulder will add this splendor, but, alas, this will rather distort the figure than give it sexuality. If you have an angular figure - give up strict geometric shapes, rectangular bags, cases, briefcases - definitely not for you.

It is very useful to always have everything at hand, but the well-known female habit of carrying a whole arsenal of things with you can harm your health. Look into the bag more often and carry out an audit there, getting rid of unnecessary things, because a weight of more than 3 kg can have a negative effect on the spine in the future. If your bag does not belong to the light category, then you should adhere to little rules:

1. Ideally, a backpack bag is suitable for you, which is worn on two shoulders and the load is distributed evenly. Although, of course, the style of clothing should be appropriate.

2 .Every 10 minutes, and if you feel heaviness, then more often, change your shoulder, periodically carry the bag on your arm with your elbow bent. But the key word here is "periodically". This variation is only suitable for temporarily transferring the load. You can’t carry a bag like that all the time, because. the bag can compress the nerve.

3. It is strictly forbidden to load a handbag with a thin strap with an excessive burden. The strap will dig into the shoulder and negatively affect the nerve located there. Such manipulations can lead to loss of sensation in the hand.

When choosing a bag, be able to find a compromise between beauty and health, because at a certain moment the understanding comes that everything that is not healthy cannot be beautiful by definition.

Any woman cannot leave the house without a handbag. The choice of bag must be approached very responsibly. It reflects the style of a woman. Next, we will look at how to choose a handbag for each occasion to look stunning.

Before you go to the store for a bag, you need to determine what you need it for. Many will now say that why do we need a separate handbag for each occasion, because you can get by with one. But this is not the case, because it is unlikely that you will take a bag for the beach to work, or a clutch for going to the store.

To work

For work, you need a practical bag so that it has enough space not only for powder and lipstick, but also for work documents, a diary, etc. A business handbag should not be chosen in bright colors, choose something from black, gray or brown. Outwardly, it should look simple and elegant.

It is best to choose a briefcase bag. It is roomy and goes well with a business suit. Genuine leather is what an accessory of a business and successful woman should be made of, because this is the impression you want to make on business partners. It is also important to choose a well-known brand, even if not the most expensive one.


Everyday bag should be neither small nor large, with many pockets. So that you can easily place in it all the items that you may need on a walk. In such a handbag, you won’t have to look for a cell phone and a mirror for a long time, because there will be a separate place for each thing.

For evening

For a theater, club or restaurant, you need a handbag as small as possible, such as a clutch. For such events, large bags will be considered bad form, especially since you will not need anything other than a phone, keys and a cosmetic bag. Here you can let your imagination run wild and choose something from bright colors. Just remember that it should emphasize your individuality, and not make you a parrot.

For housewives

It is possible that you will make big purchases. Therefore, in order not to burden yourself with five bags, you need a roomy and durable bag. Do not take on this occasion an expensive and elegant one. Better make sure that it is made of environmentally friendly material.

To the beach

The beach bag should match your swimsuit or beach outfit. Take a bright color with an original pattern (preferably with a marine theme) and waterproof so that it is not scary to leave it on the shore.

How beautiful it looks when the handbag is in harmony with the whole female image. How to wear a stylish handbag and how to do it correctly, read the article and see photos of fashionable images! And also in articles such as: "Jolie Bags" or "Fashion bags of the famous Kourtney Kardashian"

What to wear with a blue bag

Choosing a bag can be no less interesting than choosing shoes or jewelry. Many lovely ladies buy a lot of handbags that are hard to match with their outfits, and many buy one favorite bag that looks great with everything in their wardrobe. In this article, you will learn how to wear a bag with different things for a beautiful and fashionable look.

Red bags. What to wear

Any red bag can become the basic item of your wardrobe. It can be combined with jeans in blue colors, as well as with classic outfits in gray, black or beige. And recently it has become fashionable to combine a red bag with pink and crimson outfits. That is why the question of what to wear with a red bag is solved very simply.

If your wardrobe is not bright, if you wear denim in summer and choose classic black and white in winter, then a red bag can become the basic bag of your wardrobe. By the way, a small red bag will look very bright with white flying sundresses and dresses of any soft colors. It can also be a bright addition to an orange soft sweater or a dress made of dense fabric with an oriental pattern.

What to wear with a blue bag

It depends on its nature and purpose. A daytime casual bag can be worn with beige, orange or blue clothes, as well as black clothes, especially if the bag is suede. A blue evening bag will look beautiful with leopard dresses, a champagne-colored dress, as well as a trendy lemon dress.

What to wear with a green bag

During the day, it can be worn with various white and beige blouses, with green skirts and dresses, and in the evening with leopard print outfits, complemented by golden shoes.

A green bag of small sizes with a long handle will be an ideal option for a safari style in sand, orange and olive shades, as well as with green flying tunics and translucent loose-fitting dresses. This is an ideal option for those who love natural colors close to the natural range.

What to wear with a brown bag

She will look beautiful with beige daytime outfits, especially if the bag is not red, but chocolate. It can be worn with white dresses and blouses of the same color, as well as with airy pink evening dresses, especially if you are the owner of luxurious brown hair. In the evening, you can wear a chocolate bag with blue dresses in bright colors, as well as with noble purple hues. It will look interesting with white dresses.

How to carry a bag

Evening options can be worn without a handle or on a thin chain, as well as on a thin handle with a small handle. Daytime options are determined by your style of clothing. Classic bags with handles are worn with classic-style clothes, and youth models with long handles or backpacks with jeans and skirts in a sporty youth style.

Therefore, any bag will look very bright and stylish only when it matches your style, and for this you should not combine youth clothes with classic bags, but a glamorous dress with an Adidas handbag.

Beige bag. What to wear

In any version, it will look great with red dresses, pink, beige or white outfits, as well as blue, light blue and bright jeans. You can also wear a beige bag with leopard print dresses and trendy lemon tunics.

They will look very interesting with orange dresses, yolk-colored tunics, as well as with chocolate tones. The only color that you should not wear a beige bag with is gray, as well as cherry shades in any combination.

What bag can be worn with a down jacket

It should be made of thick leather or its substitute, as well as matching the color of your fur. Ideally, if they are the same shade and color. The details of the bag should match in color with the shades of the decorations on the down jacket.

How to wear a shoulder bag

Very simple. It will suit any jeans, T-shirts and tunics in youth style, as well as summer short dresses and tunics. The only option that a shoulder bag will not fit is a classic dress after size 50. After all, a shoulder bag in itself suggests a free style.

What bag to wear with a fur coat

It should not be transparent, thin or summery. A bag made of thick leather or its substitute will look best with any fur coat, but denim models should not be worn with a fur coat of any color.

Gray bag. What to wear

With any things in bright and cold colors. Depending on the look you choose, it will look great with both gray and bright things. In the cold season, a gray bag can be worn with black, gray or cream outfits, complemented by shoes and a classic red or lingonberry belt.

In summer, a gray bag will look beautiful with pink dresses made of airy fabrics, with raspberry or turquoise dresses with large flowers, as well as with delicate elegant sandals with thin heels. The only color you shouldn't wear a gray bag with is brown.

What to wear with a burgundy bag

In everyday colors, it will go well with any deep black outfits, especially if your lipstick and accessories match the bag. You can also wear it if you have a lot of white or gray on you, only then the burgundy bag needs to be supplemented with a leather belt or jacket to match.

In an evening dress, a burgundy chain bag or clutch will go well with white outfits or a gray or pearl dress, as well as a red dress to match the bag. It is very important here that the shades of burgundy color blend well with each other.

What to wear with a yellow bag

It depends on its shade. If it is close to the color of a daffodil or a shade of egg yolk, then with black, olive and orange outfits, as well as with any shades of peacock feather or black.

If the color of the bag is colder and resembles a cool shade of lemon, then such a bag can be worn with any jeans from pale blue to dark blue, as well as with youth suits with bright acid patterns, among which there is a lemon shade.

What bag to wear a parka with

The bag that you carry with such a jacket, in any case, should not be too small and elegant. You can wear a square shoulder bag, a leather or denim backpack, or a large square bag with short handles.

Blue bag. What to wear

It will look beautiful with summer dresses in a small flower of blue, beige or white, with airy floral blouses, as well as blue or white dresses with large polka dots.

In the cold season, pale shades of blue can be combined with orange and terracotta tones, as well as with red jeans and caramel tones.

What to wear with an orange bag

This item can easily become a staple in your wardrobe if it is dominated by black or gray tones, as well as warm caramel and red shades.

With it, you can create both bright youth and avant-garde images, as well as images in an oriental style. With any outfit, a bag of rich orange tones will look bright, catchy and bold.

What to wear with a black bag

It can also become the basic item of your wardrobe if you choose classic colors in clothes and do not like to draw a lot of attention to yourself. With black tones, she will help you create a classic and very stylish look, and with white, red, pink and lilac dresses - romantic and evening.

Much also depends on the material from which it is made, as well as the style of its execution. Therefore, with black bags of different styles and styles, you can create a huge number of images, the main thing is that they are combined with her style.

What to wear with a lacquer bag

She will add brightness to the classic style, as well as coquetry to a romantic outfit.

A small and elegant lacquer bag can be safely worn with airy summer dresses, blouses and short skirts, as well as flirty sundresses, but a large lacquer bag will look good with trouser suits and classic mid-knee dresses.

What to wear with a white bag

It is suitable for any romantic outfits in cold colors or for dresses with white patterns or prints. It can be worn with outfits in light champagne colors, with white dresses in evening style, with bright crimson dresses, as well as with white denim skirts and matching trousers.

A bright white bag will enhance the beauty of any outfit with white lace or trim, so it can become a staple in the wardrobe of someone who prefers soft and light tones to dark shades.

What to wear with a pink bag

She will look beautiful both with romantic black dresses with a fluffy and short skirt, and with blue jeans, pink and raspberry dresses.

This item can become a staple in the wardrobe of a bright, flirtatious and romantic fashionista who loves feminine and short skirts and dresses, as well as summer blue jeans or shorts for them.

Turquoise bag. What to wear

It will look beautiful with summer clothes, as well as with dresses in the Greek style or ethno. In winter and in the cold season, it can be supplemented with a blouse, a sweater or a scarf to match, as well as a jacket or gloves, and in summer - sandals or patterns on a dress or sundress.

A turquoise bag will look great with chocolate and copper tones in clothes, with white sundresses and tunics, as well as with evening dresses in chocolate tones, especially those made of shiny materials.

What to wear with a red bag

It will look beautiful with warm caramel tones, as well as with bright blue or light blue jeans or matching dresses. It will be very unusual to combine a red bag with purple and lilac outfits, as well as with long skirts and tunics made of a rather dense opaque material.

What bags are worn in winter

Most often, this is a classic bag made of thick leather, such as "Leather bags from Vaska" or its substitute, square bags with thin handles, as well as small chest bags over the shoulder, which can be both large and very small.

It is important that the model of the bag is comfortable and goes well with your outerwear.

What to carry in your bag

It depends on where you are going with it. For work or study, you can put textbooks, a tablet, notebooks and documents in it, as well as such necessary things as cosmetics, keys and a mobile phone, and for the evening only a cosmetic bag or a small mirror, wallet, keys and a mobile phone will be enough in it .

What to wear with a leopard bag

It will go well with monochromatic outfits of various tones. In everyday life, they can be worn with black tracksuits, leather trousers and jeans, and in the evening wardrobe with elegant dresses of various lengths in black, red, gold, burgundy, pink or purple.

Be sure to pick up elegant pumps on a thin hairpin to match her.

How to wear a men's bag

It is worn in the hand or over the shoulder when it comes to youth denim style. Some men's bags are worn on the belt, but this option is only suitable if the man is a conductor. In other places, it is better not to carry such a bag.

What to wear with a light bag

With any light outfits, as well as with drawings and patterns in light colors. She will also look contrastingly with black clothes, but in this combination she must have an addition.

How to wear a waist bag

It needs to be fastened, choosing the length of the girth that you need, and worn with sports-style outfits. But remember that black waist bags are out of fashion today, so if you don't want to look like a bus conductor, buy colored bags that will go well with your tracksuit or dress.

Shoulder bag

It is ideal for tunics, denim style, as well as denim overalls, tops and trousers. This is a very good option for a walk, outdoor recreation or a picnic.

Many use this option for study, but experts do not advise carrying notebooks and textbooks in such a bag, as this can lead to a curvature of the spine. It is best to carry ordinary things in such a bag.

What to wear with a fur bag

If it is small in size and made of high-quality beautiful fur, then it can be worn both with a long sweater and with an evening dress.

Large bags are worn under outerwear with or without fur, while the color of the fur and handbag should match in tone.

What to wear with a purple bag

In the casual version, it will look beautiful with purple and gray sweaters, as well as with bright things in caramel, beige and orange. In the evening, it can be worn with a long leopard dress, as well as with sand, beige and golden outfits.

Lacquered bag. What to wear

With leather jeans, with tight tracksuits and leather jackets, as well as with airy evening dresses, white blouses made of airy translucent fabric, as well as with any plain materials without shine.

What to wear with a briefcase bag

With classic dresses to the knee, trouser suits of classic styles, as well as with clothes in a business style.

How to carry large bags

They are worn simply in the hand, even if it is possible to put them on over the shoulder, because they can deform the spine and interfere with the development of correct posture.

Some models have long handles that are comfortable to carry on the shoulder, but in this case, the bag should not be too heavy to make it comfortable for you to carry.

What to wear with a bag

With casual wear in a classic style, as well as with summer dresses above the knee and with strict matching shoes. Bags look very nice with classic blouses made of airy fabric, as well as with any business-style clothes.

What to wear with a bag bag

It will look beautiful with any tight outfits, including short dresses, tops, jeans.

A leather bag of this style will look beautiful with almost any youth clothing of any direction, from elegant dresses and colorful tunics to brutal rocker clothes.

What to wear with a bright bag

With any soft colors, depending on the specific color. Red bags are best worn with gray, black or beige colors in clothes, acid tone bags with denim style, and a fruit tone bag (purple, green and orange) with brown or caramel tones.

What to wear with a golden bag

It gives a festive touch to any outfit, so it can be worn with solid colors in dark tones, without glitter and patterns, such as black, brown, purple, red or pink.

What do girls carry in their bags?

If it is small, then only the necessary things such as a phone, glasses, notepads and pens, as well as keys, money and cosmetics. In a large bag you can carry magazines, documents or notebooks, as well as a folding umbrella.

On which shoulder to wear a bag

Which one is convenient for you, as long as it is comfortable and not overloaded with things.

What to wear with a lilac bag

With any things in warm colors, for example, with tangerine, peach, caramel or beige outfit, as well as clothes in chocolate tones.

What bag to wear with a sheepskin coat

Thick, leather or suede with a good fastener and a thick handle, no matter how long it is. Such a bag should match the color of your sheepskin coat and blend well with the fur on it.

How to carry two bags

They do not have to be the same size and color. In this case, one of them should be on the shoulder, and the other in the hands.

What bags do celebrities carry?

In appearance, they may not differ much from what is sold in stores, but they are made of luxury material. Many of them are made with gold clasps with real diamonds, as well as from rare expensive materials.

Therefore, the cost of such bags can be quite large, but at the same time they look quite ordinary, attracting little attention to themselves.

What to wear with a backpack bag

With youth clothes, starting with regular jeans and overalls and ending with light dresses and flowered tunics. Like how "Backpacks of the Spanish brand MO"

What to wear with a raspberry bag

With black dresses in various romantic styles, with gray cashmere outfits in casual style in winter, and in summer with bright colorful dresses, sundresses, T-shirts and tunics with beautiful bright patterns.

Shopper bag. What to wear

This model is universal for going to the store, so it can be worn with jeans and tight dresses. But for the beach, this model should not be used.

It is also important to choose a bag for your figure. In the next video "How to choose the right bag" described in detail how to do it.

It is impossible to imagine any modern woman without a bag. There is no difference where to go: to work, holiday, picnic, walk or to the store - the bag is always with its owner. Therefore, it is very important that the bag is fashionable, comfortable and emphasizes all the advantages of the owner of this thing.

Choosing the perfect bag

There are many important things to consider when choosing a bag.

  • First of all, you should consider your own style, favorite color and the color of clothes that are often worn.
  • When choosing the color of a handbag, you can not focus on the color of the shoes, but focus on the color of frequently worn clothes.
  • Or vice versa - choose a bag, and under it already choose clothes, shoes and accessories.
  • The color and style of the bag also depends on the season. Summer A light-colored bag is best. You can also choose bags made of fabric, textile or straw. in winter bags of dark colors made of leather or suede are also suitable. Furs are fine too.
  • The size of the bag is also important. Now there are a lot of bags with different sizes: from very small ones, in which you can put only a wallet and keys, ending with very large ones, which can fit everything. In this regard, it is better to be guided by what exactly this bag is bought for, why it is needed and what should fit in it. If there is a need to carry a lot of different things, then it is best to buy large bags. V small but not everything you need will fit, so you have to take a bag with you, and this is very inconvenient.
  • But in terms of having a large number of things, one point should be taken into account - it is necessary that the bag can withstand the weight of everything that fits into it. Also, do not forget that access to things should be convenient.
  • It should also be taken into account body type. Since a large bag can visually add extra weight. It is best to choose the size of the bag opposite to the type of figure - small handbags are suitable for full women, and large handbags for thin women.
  • The way you open the bag is purely a matter of personal preference. You should not buy a bag that fastens with clasps or buttons if you do not like them.
  • The length of the handles depends on personal preferences and desires. If it is convenient to carry a bag on the shoulder, then it is best to buy a bag with long handles; if not, then with short ones.
  • But if a thin girl thinks through her image to the smallest detail, then a small handbag will only decorate her.
  • The design of the figure should also be considered.
  • For overweight women, for example, bags with long handles that are worn on the shoulder will not work, as such a bag will add extra pounds.
  • The presence or absence of various cells or pockets is also purely individual preferences.

Yes, personal preference matters a lot.

But besides them, one should also take into account the lifestyle, physique, style and color of clothes or shoes, and the season.

If you take into account all these factors, then choosing the next bag from a tedious and boring task will turn into an exciting and interesting activity. Well, a well-chosen bag will make a woman beautiful and harmonious.

If you are in doubt about which of the accessories plays a leading role in a woman's wardrobe, just go outside and take a look at the representatives of the fair sex hurrying and walking along it. It is well known that the vast majority of women - from schoolgirls to elderly ladies - do not leave the house without a bag. The types of women's bags are amazing with their variety of shapes, colors and finishes.

Your bright accent in the image

From the Chanel collection

They can be miniature or have impressive dimensions, they are worn in the hands or on the shoulder, and in order to describe the range of colors and the variety of shapes and materials from which women's handbags are made, you will need to write an entire treatise.

Dolce & Gabbana Collection

How to choose accessory No. 1, how to wear a bag and combine it with other wardrobe items, as well as what types of handbags exist, read further in our article.

Small creations by CHANEL

Waist, transparent plastic, straw, round - this is the variety of bags we see in the images of street style and the instagram of famous IT-girls.

Transparent plastic bags

Variations of wicker bags

Woven straw bags

Types of women's bags: a variety of shapes and styles

Wear on the shoulder

Having only one bag in your wardrobe is a real crime against fashion. Business, sports, evening or casual sets should be complemented by an accessory of the right style.

There are dozens of types of main female assistants, we list only the most popular:

Structural (hard)

These are bags, most often rectangular, well-kept in shape, made of leather (or its imitation), with one or two short handles. As a rule, they are quite capacious - they easily fit A4 documents. The size and strict lines of the bag make it indispensable for women adhering to a business dress code. The most famous structural bag can safely be the legendary Birkin from Hermes.

Legend - Birkin by Hermes

Satchel (satchel)

It is similar in shape to the previous one, but has a soft structure. This is the shape of the famous Mulberry Alexa.

Satchel form (satchel)

Dome bag

Medium to large with a flat bottom, rounded top and two short handles. Such bags can be made of leather or textile, the model is quite versatile. A prime example is Speedy by Louis Vuitton.

Speedy Uniform by Louis Vuitton

Messenger (postman's bag)

Made of soft leather or textile, with a large flap and two clasps, the messenger bag is carried over the shoulder on a long strap and perfectly complements the wardrobe, ethno or casual.

Postman form


Three-dimensional model made of textile, straw, leather or its imitation, with two handles for carrying over the shoulder, on the elbow or in the hand. Ideal for shopping trips, the reference shopper is Louis Vuitton's "non-fillable" Neverfull.

Louis Vuitton's famous Neverfull shopper shape

Sac (doctor's bag)

Roomy rectangular model with short handles made of dense, well-kept leather, with a metal clasp at the top. A bag of this size is the perfect complement to a retro-style wardrobe.

The shape of the bags

Hobo (hobo)

Soft bag made of suede, canvas, semi-circular textiles, on a belt handle or a wide chain in a bohemian style.

Hobo options


Small, rectangular, oval or other shape. The clutch material can be anything: leather, suede, brocade, textiles, decorated with embroidery or sequins. How to wear a clutch correctly? In any way convenient for you - on a thin chain over your shoulder, in your hand or on your wrist. Fashionable for the last few seasons, maxi-clutches are best carried in hand.

Variety of clutches

Bag envelope

The closest relative of the clutch - this bag is distinguished only by a triangular valve and a rectangular shape resembling an envelope.

Such different ENVELOPES


Evening small bag of solid shape, rectangular, oval or reminiscent of a precious stone. Minaudières, as a rule, have a rich and sophisticated decor - they are trimmed with rhinestones, semi-precious stones, and embroidery.

Evening exit - minaudiere (minaudiere)

A purse on a chain

Small, with an elegant long chain handle, which is worn over the shoulder or on one shoulder. The standard for such a handbag is 2.55 or Flap bag from.

Basic shape - Flap bag by CHANEL


It resembles in shape an element of a tourist's equipment, soft in shape, with two soft long handles.

flat bag

Small, with a long shoulder strap, square, rectangular or semi-circular shape.

Using the Flame Lock

Here are the most popular types of women's handbags. The list is endless: designers offer us sling bags and purses, boxes and buckets, round ones, suitcases, bags, pouches, muffs, pills, baskets.

Summer models in images

The choice is yours - you just need to correctly combine the accessory with other elements of your wardrobe.

Choosing and carrying a bag correctly

How to choose a bag for clothes and how to wear a bag correctly - these questions concern every woman, because the main ladies' accessory, if it is chosen incorrectly, can easily both decorate the simplest outfit and spoil the most carefully thought-out image. Here are some tips for making the right choice:

Wear on the bend of the elbow

Choose an accessory in proportion to your build. A small handbag will look caricatured in the hands of a large lady, and equally, the disproportion will be evident even if a miniature girl chooses an oversized bag.

Girls with "forms" are better off choosing models with clear, geometric lines - these "collect" the image and add grace to it.

You should not wear a bag in the area, the volume of which you would like to visually reduce: do not wear a bag on your hip if you do not want to emphasize their fullness. Want to hide big breasts? Do not carry the bag under your arm and do not hang it over your shoulder, especially if the model has short handles.

Selection by style

How to choose a bag for clothes? Choose models that match the style of your wardrobe.

saddle shape

Business style involves wearing structural leather bags, a casual wardrobe is complemented by bowling bags or a messenger to carry over the shoulder.

Bohemian style and hippie chic style suggest a hobo, and a bright backpack is indispensable for the wardrobe. While many fashion bloggers are adept at breaking these rules by pairing vintage Prada handbags with pumps, don't follow suit unless you're confident in your ability to mix and match and look stylish instead of ridiculous.

On the road and around the city Barrel (Barrel)

As for the color scheme, it all depends on your preferences. Traditionally, dark models are supposed to be worn in the cold season, and light ones in the summer.

Actual design from CHANEL 2015

A classic white handbag in summer can be easily replaced by light beige, pale blue or cream - these shades look no less fresh, but do not require daily cleaning.

Wristlet shape with wrist strap

You should not try to pick up a bag, shoes and a belt that exactly match in color and texture - this fashionable rule has not been relevant for a long time. Choose accessories in the same color range or, conversely, contrasting - such combinations will make your look more complex and interesting.

Do not save on quality when choosing a bag. Remember, a bag is a smart investment in your style. Poor-quality thing reduces the cost and nullifies the charm of any image. And in no case do not buy fakes under famous brands! Firstly, the owners of the originals, as a rule, can easily distinguish a copy, and secondly, a high-quality model of a more democratic brand will look just as good.

Do not limit yourself to one bag - choose different types and shapes, wear them on your elbow, over your shoulder or in your hand, boldly combine colors and textures. Let the main of women's accessories make your image complete and harmonious every day!

Not so long ago, the beautiful half of the population wore small clutches and bags exclusively as hand luggage. Girls and women began to wear a handbag on their shoulders relatively recently, having appreciated the main advantage of this method - complete freedom of hands.

A shoulder bag for girls is a classic accessory that never goes out of style. Original and stylish models are steadily popular with modern fashionistas and ladies who prefer practical looks.

A brief overview of the main models of shoulder bags

Minaudière is an evening accessory that attracts with its miniature size and original design. A small handbag can be rectangular, oval or square (chic products with rhinestones and semi-precious stones are often found in the hands of representatives of the world stage, show business, and cinema).

Hobo is a roomy option that has remained in trend since the days of "hippies". The main feature of the models is a large volume. This is an invariable accessory for business women and girls who appreciate the perfect combination of style and convenience. The accessory goes well with business suits, jackets, long skirts and dresses.

A saddle bag with a long strap that is comfortable to carry on the shoulder. Models attract with medium sizes and a unique shape with rounded edges at the bottom. A great addition to a student's look and casual style.

Postman bag. The main advantage is versatility. An accessory with a long rectangular belt is perfect for both a girl and a representative of the stronger sex.

The modern variety of choices allows you to become the owner of miniature accessories on a thin chain, massive trunks or shapeless knitted options - modern fashion trends favor the brightest and most original combinations.

Basic rules for carrying bags:

  • it is recommended to choose a handbag on a belt or a chain, depending on your height. As a rule, the product is located at waist level or ten centimeters lower (important: a handbag in the middle of the thigh will constantly hit the legs). If the accessory is supposed to be worn obliquely, the strap of the product should be much longer so that the handbag does not turn out to be an armpit;
  • a girl with broad shoulders is recommended to opt for rectangular shapes (saddle bags, postmen);
  • for a lady with wide hips, the best option would be a voluminous design in the hobo style;
  • young girls with curvy shapes are strongly advised to abandon miniature options or rounded handbags. The ideal choice is products with strict straight shapes that can add elegance to the image and emphasize natural grace;
  • women with a large bust are contraindicated in accessories to wear diagonally. It is better to carry a small shoulder bag or choose a voluminous hobo model;
  • one of the universal simple rules - you can not overload the bag, even if its volume allows it. Shoulders get tired from too heavy shapeless trunk, posture is disturbed.

Additional tips for wearing - a compact ladies accessory can always be supplemented with more capacious products. The original option would be a combination of two small elements, designed in the same style and hanging on one shoulder.

How to wear a men's shoulder bag

The rules for choosing male elements are somewhat different from the recommendations for women. First of all, male representatives practically do not use small models, preferring roomy and functional products.

A men's shoulder bag should combine the following aspects:

  • practicality. As a rule, men opt for mail carriers, which provide complete freedom of hands and convenience in carrying oversized items;
  • solidity. Men's accessories are required to emphasize the status, individual style of the owner. These can be accessories made of leather, less often of dense fabrics in dark tones;
  • durability. If ladies can change their handbags several times a day according to their mood, everyday and evening attire, then men prefer a practical thing that will last for many years.

The main selection criterion is that the bag should not only bring aesthetic pleasure to the owner, but also deliver maximum comfort while wearing it.