Ways to use the juice and leaves of psyllium for acne on the face and body. Recipes for healthy face masks from plantain Plantain juice for acne reviews

Some of the most vivid childhood memories are bruised knees smeared with brilliant green. Mom worked with brilliant green on bloody abrasions, but first aid was provided by friends, roaming on the sides of the road, in search of plantain. Then it seemed that one leaf would help, almost instantly, get rid of the pain. It turns out that this statement is not so far from the truth.

The leaves of this plant contain phenylcarbolic acids, flavonoids, as well as organic acids, including vanillic, protocatechuic, fumaric, ferulic and chlorogenic; and plantain face masks are enriched with vitamins K and C, tannins and bitter substances. They have become so popular due to their tonic and cleansing effects.

We will tell you about the simplest, but at the same time, the most effective mixtures, the regular use of which will make you fresher and younger. Ready? Then go ahead!

Rinse a few fresh leaves of the main component with boiled water, and then pass through a meat grinder. Squeeze out the gruel. In the morning and evening, lubricate your face with the resulting juice.

  • If you have an oily type, this procedure will narrow the pores and relieve inflammation, get rid of acne and black spots.
  • If you have a dry type, the juice of this plant must be diluted with water (ratio 1:3).
  • If you have a normal type, dilute the juice in water at a ratio of 1:1.

Plantain mask for aging skin

So where do you start? You need to grind the leaves of the plant and pour them with boiled water (ratio 1:3). Bring the mixture to a boil and boil for 3 minutes. Cool the broth and soak in it pre-prepared gauze with cutouts for the mouth and eyes. Keep it like this for 20 minutes, and then wash with warm water. Repeat the procedure every two days for three weeks. This will improve your circulation.

If you have very light skin, then you are likely to burn very often. To restore the skin after such unforgiving influence of the sun, chop plantain leaves (2 tbsp) and add 1 tbsp. or sour cream. Apply the mixture for 15 minutes and rinse with cool water.

Anti-inflammatory mask

To stop the inflammatory process, mix the juice of the main ingredient with 10 gr. dry yeast and 1 tbsp. sour cream. Mix all the ingredients and apply the mass on the face. Leave it until it dries, and then gently wash off the residue with cotton pads previously soaked in warm water.

Another possible option is to use nettle leaves and plantain (1:1). After mixing, add a couple of drops of lemon juice, mix everything and apply on the inflamed areas for a quarter of an hour. Wash it off later with cool water. There are other masks from various herbs.

It has long been known that rubbing ice cubes on the skin helps it stay fresh and toned. The decoction cubes of our main ingredient guarantee even better care. First, chop the leaves of the plant and pour them with one glass of boiling water. Leave for 2 hours to infuse the broth, and then strain it. Pour the broth into ice cube trays and refrigerate.

Rub it on your skin several times a day. This simple method will help get rid of sharp and deep wrinkles. Plantain face masks are indeed considered effective. Many people have already tried their capabilities on themselves. Why don't you use this method?

Since cosmetics were not sold in stores before, women used the gifts of nature to preserve beauty and youth. Plantain was considered one of the most effective plants, from which masks, lotions and other cosmetics were prepared.

Plantain is still famous for its healing properties, as it accelerates wound healing and has an anti-inflammatory effect. However, this plant also has many useful properties in terms of cosmetology:

  • Substances contained in plantain relieve inflammation and heal wounds;
  • Promotes the regeneration of damaged tissues;
  • Helps to get rid of skin diseases (eczema, acne, etc.);
  • Effectively cares for oily and problem skin, eliminating oily sheen and normalizing the sebaceous glands;
  • The components of the plant strengthen the walls of blood vessels, remove toxins and excess fluid, so plantain is often used to combat cellulite.

In addition, psyllium is an effective skin softener and is often included in hand creams. Plantain is also useful for hair, as it returns shine and silkiness to dry and damaged hair. This ordinary, at first glance, plant will also be useful for women with mature and, since plantain not only tones the skin well, but also saturates it with useful substances and vitamins.

And although the plant has some contraindications, they only apply to preparations based on plantain for internal use (for example, increased acidity of the stomach).

For cosmetic purposes, plantain can be used without restrictions. But still, it should be borne in mind that plantain, like any other plant, can cause allergies, so before using any remedy, it is imperative to conduct a sensitivity test.

Effective Recipes

There are many recipes for plantain masks that are suitable for almost any skin type.

Against dryness and flaking

A leaf of fresh plantain should be crushed to a state of gruel and mixed with a tablespoon of cream of maximum fat content. The mask must be thoroughly mixed and lubricated with dry and flaky skin.

After ten minutes, the product is washed off with cold water. To eliminate severe peeling, a few drops of lemon juice can be added to the mask, but in this case, the duration of the mask should be no more than five minutes.

For refreshing and nourishing facial skin

This is a very simple mask that . Two leaves of plantain are carefully crushed and mixed with two large strawberries. The mixture is applied to the face and neck for 15 minutes and washed off with plain water.

Rejuvenating mask for mature skin

Three leaves of fresh plantain are finely cut and poured with water (proportion 1:3). Next, the liquid is put on fire and boiled for three minutes. After that, the tool should cool down. In it, you need to moisten a fabric or gauze mask with holes for the eyes and lips and apply a compress to the face for 20 minutes. After that, you just need to wash with clean water.

To relieve irritation

To soothe irritated skin and relieve fatigue, prepare a mask of plantain and oatmeal. Crushed plantain leaves (a tablespoon) are mixed with three tablespoons of flour, a teaspoon of sugar, the juice of half a lemon and a tablespoon.

Mix the mask very thoroughly so that the mixture becomes homogeneous and evenly distributed over the face. You need to wait a maximum of 15 minutes and just wash with water at room temperature.

For normal skin

To keep the skin young and beautiful for a long time, as a preventive measure, you can make a plantain mask once or twice a week. Plantain leaves are crushed and mixed with linden flowers. A mixture of herbs (a tablespoon) is poured into a third glass of warm milk and let it brew for 15 minutes.

For moisturizing

A good nourishing and moisturizing agent will be a plantain and cream mask. To prepare it, a pinch of finely chopped leaves is poured into a glass of hot water and insisted for half an hour. After that, the herbal decoction should be filtered and a mask prepared: take a tablespoon of decoction and cream, two teaspoons of honey and an egg yolk.

The product is applied to the face for 20 minutes and washed off with plain water. To achieve maximum effect, after washing, you can rinse your face again with the remaining herbal decoction.

Other cosmetics

Other cosmetics can also be prepared from plantain, not only for the skin of the face, but also for hair and hands. Eg:

  • Lotion from a tablespoon of freshly squeezed plantain juice and 100 grams of vodka is used to wipe the face in the morning and evening;
  • To eliminate deep wrinkles on oily skin, ice can be prepared based on plantain infusion. To do this, two tablespoons of leaves are poured into 200 grams of hot water, insisted and cooled, and then poured into ice molds. In the future, herbal ice wipes the face for rejuvenation.
  • Fresh plantain juice is also added to creams to further enrich them with useful substances.
  • A slurry of fresh plantain leaves is used to eliminate acne by simply applying the product to the skin.

An infusion of fresh plantain leaves is also used as a hair rinse, and a slurry of crushed plant leaves is used to relieve burning and redness after sunburn. In addition, decoctions of the plant are used to prepare baths for hands and feet, as plantain softens and nourishes rough skin well.

For most of us, beauty and attractiveness is primarily a face. We worry about him the most if there are problems. Many people suffer from inflammation, acne, blue spots after acne for years and do not know what to do, because the teenage period has long passed, and the skin is still imperfect. Many girls make a big mistake by masking their flaws with layers of cosmetics, thereby aggravating the situation. You can solve the problem, start with simple and affordable methods, for example, today we will tell you about plantain for the face. Recipes based on it can help and will simply be an excellent prevention for those who have normal and clear skin.

Why plantain is our helper?

We are sure that you know very little about this herb - what grows by the road, that you can always apply it to a sore spot if you are hurt or scratched. And this is true, but not all that underestimate the power of the plant. Plantain has many beneficial components that can positively affect the body both from the outside and from the inside.

Important! To help your skin improve, you must understand the cause of inflammation and acne - it can be malnutrition, diseases, improper care, bad habits. The skin needs to be treated comprehensively.

Plantain in facial cosmetology can give you the following positive effects:

  • remove redness, make spots after acne less noticeable;
  • heal small wounds, relieve inflammation due to its natural bactericidal properties;
  • make the tone of the face more pleasant, remove the earthy tint, give a healthy glow and blush due to the vitamins and minerals in the composition;
  • cope with peeling and help eliminate itching;
  • masks and decoctions based on the plant perfectly help prevent early aging, make mimic wrinkles less noticeable. Due to the polysaccharides in the composition, the plant has a surprisingly positive effect on all skin types;
  • plantain is suitable for oily skin, which often causes rashes, an ugly shine. Due to tannins, the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized;
  • with regular use, the plant can help to cope with acne, blackheads, blackheads and other problems of all women. Venison in the composition promotes tissue regeneration;
  • has a slight whitening effect due to citric acid in the composition.
All recipes are environmentally friendly and safe, you do not have to spend a lot of time, effort, money to make masks, lotions at home, which will be described below. Plantain has been known since ancient times and not only due to the fact that it could be applied to a sore knee.

Plantain for the face: effective recipes for tired and problem skin



  • This mask is suitable for problematic and normal skin, as it helps to nourish the tissues, makes them elastic. A plantain bush is cut off so that it contains about 6-8 leaves. Then they are thoroughly washed, ground in a blender or twisted in a meat grinder. A spoonful of sour cream is placed in this gruel. If the skin is non-greasy, then the percentage of fat content can be taken from 20%. Beat one egg with a whisk and pour into a cup with ingredients. Apply half an hour every other day.
  • Three strawberries and three plantain leaves need to be ground in a blender bowl. Such a mask can be applied to the face every day, the skin will become many times better, brighter, healthier.
  • Vegetable oil, better unrefined, it has more benefits, you need to heat it in a water bath. Volume is about 1/3 cup. Further, chopped plantain greens are applied here in warm oil - 2 teaspoons. This mixture should be simmered for 2-3 minutes after boiling, then pour ½ tablespoon of table juice from the aloe leaf. This mask is made for 15 minutes, it nourishes and disinfects the skin.

From mimic wrinkles.

  • In a blender bowl or in a meat grinder, mix one banana and 4-5 leaves of the plant. Then pour in the base cocoa butter or wheat germ - 15-18 drops. This mask is applied for 20-30 minutes. It saturates tissues very well, helps to remove shallow wrinkles, make scars and spots less noticeable.
  • 4 sheets of plantain should be finely chopped with a knife, then pour 150 ml of boiling water, let stand. Leaves must be removed. Further, a tablespoon is taken from the infusion and combined with the same volume of cream, honey - 2 teaspoons, one beaten egg yolk. Everything is mixed and applied for 20 minutes. The remaining infusion can be refrigerated for later use or washed off the psyllium face mask.

From sunburn and pigmentation.

  • Often in the summer the skin burns and dries up a lot, again plantain grass can help us. Everything is very simple - the leaves can be applied to the face as a whole, washing them and slightly wrinkling. You can grind the plant in a blender or meat grinder and apply the gruel on your face. The same procedure can be performed every day as a prevention of various skin problems.
  • Combine a spoonful of plantain juice with the same amount of lemon juice and kefir. Apply a mask on the face every other day to get rid of age spots and freckles.

Advice! In order for plantain face masks to work better, they must be applied to clean and preferably steamed skin. It is useful to wash off with decoctions of herbs.

For tired skin.

  • Frequent stress, ecology, malnutrition can lead to the fact that the face always looks tired, gray. A good antioxidant mask will help us solve the problem - 4 plantain leaves need to be washed and finely chopped. When the juice stands out, a teaspoon of seaweed or kelp powder is poured here (can be sold in pharmacies). Then mix everything and apply on the face. If little juice stands out, then you can add more to make it easy to apply the mask.
  • Grind 4 leaves of the plant in a blender bowl, add 2 teaspoons of steamed oatmeal here, pour in the juice of 1/3 of a lemon, add base oil - wheat germ, jojoba, cocoa of your choice - a tablespoon.

Plantain for acne.

  • For sensitive skin, a mask made from a decoction of crushed plantain and lime blossom is suitable - each in a spoonful of 1/3 milk. In the decoction, you need to moisten the gauze, apply it in 2-3 layers on the face for half an hour, 2-3 are done per week.
  • Grind plantain leaves, combine them with a spoonful of tea black clay, pour in mint oil - 5-6 drops. The consistency should be well applied to the face. The mask is made for 15 minutes 2-3 times a week.
  • Mix a tablespoon of cream with a spoonful of plantain broth, a teaspoon of white clay and the same amount of bran. The decoction is made from a spoonful of table grass and a glass of water, which are boiled for 7-10 minutes. If the mask turns out to be liquid or, conversely, thick, then add either more liquid components or dry ones. Applied for 20 minutes.
The simplest thing you can do is grind a bunch of plantain every day, squeeze out the juice and moisten gauze in it, and then apply it on your face. Juice can be rubbed into the skin, so it will regenerate faster after inflammation.

Important! If you are starting to make some kind of mask or use another tool for the first time, then always follow the reaction. If you see redness, itching begins, then it is better to abandon this recipe.

Lotions and decoctions

Masks, as a rule, are made every other day, but you can wipe the skin with decoctions and infusions every day. It is easy to prepare such a homemade plantain lotion for acne on the face and other problems. To make an infusion, you need to brew a tablespoon of dry or fresh chopped leaves of the plant with a glass of boiling water and let stand for 15 minutes under a lid and a towel. Then strain and use for washing, rinsing the face, for removing masks. The infusion can be poured into a spray bottle, with which you can spray your face throughout the day.

You can also use a decoction that will help fight acne and fine wrinkles, and nourish the skin and help it recover faster. The decoction is done like this - pour 8-10 plantain leaves with a glass of boiling water, simmer for 10 minutes, cool, filter and use for its intended purpose.

Advice! You can use ice, which is prepared from a decoction or infusion, for the prevention and treatment of acne and other skin ailments, and the face is rubbed with it in the morning and evening. The effect is colossal.

alcohol lotion

Of course, we all know that remedies have always been used for acne, where there is alcohol, which disinfects and dries. On the basis of plantain for the face, you can make such a remedy at home - you need to infuse a teaspoon for seven days in 50 ml of vodka or cognac. Then dilute it all with boiled water - 90 ml and pour a teaspoon of peach oil here. Use both pointwise and by wiping the face with a cotton pad in the morning and evening.

The healing power of herbs has been known to people since ancient times, and even today, when medicine introduces various innovative technologies, it is often possible to cure a disease only with the recipes of ancient herbalists. The role of medicinal herbs in cosmetology is also important. What kind of cosmetic preparations based on herbs have not been invented: these are masks, shampoos, balms and serums. Herbs are also widely used in home cosmetology, especially such common ones as nettle, burdock, plantain. So, plantain for the face sometimes does more than ready-made cosmetics, you just need to know which recipes are used in a particular case.

The composition and benefits of plantain

Plantain is an inconspicuous, but known to everyone since childhood, because we applied its warm and smooth leaves to our wounds on long-suffering knees, and, as if by magic, the wounds quickly disappeared. It turns out that people did this many centuries ago, discovering the healing power of grass growing along paths and roads. Our ancestors left a lot of handwritten evidence of how plantain was used for various ailments, both external and internal.

The strength of plantain comes from its composition, which contains vitamins, flavonoids, tannins, thanks to which plantain heals wounds and stimulates tissue regeneration. They also make it extremely effective in the fight for the cleanliness of the skin of the face.

Polysaccharides moisturize dry areas of the skin and dry out oily ones.

In addition, plantain helps to smooth wrinkles of all types, soften the skin and cure purulent inflammation.

Psyllium-based home remedies can help with:

  • early skin aging;
  • redness and inflammation, itching;
  • scars, microcracks;
  • skin peeling, dryness;
  • wrinkles;
  • oily sheen;
  • pimples, blackheads, acne marks;
  • hyperpigmentation.

Apply funds from plantain to a face cleansed of cosmetics.

How to use plantain for facial beauty

Plantain for the face is used in the form of infusions and decoctions that are easy to prepare at home. They are prepared from plantain leaves, which are poured with water and prepared according to the recipe, then cooled and filtered. Usually the proportions are 2 tablespoons of chopped raw materials in raw form per 0.5 liters of water.

It should be remembered that decoctions and infusions are stored for a short time even in the refrigerator - no more than five days. For oily skin, you can make ice cubes from this decoction and wipe the skin to improve its condition and tone. Ice cubes with plantain and for those with pronounced wrinkles will help.

There are many other options for using psyllium for facial skin:

  1. decoctions and infusions of plantain are suitable for treating oily skin that has enlarged pores and looks loose and dull. Plantain infusion is prepared as follows: for each tablespoon of dry raw materials of plantain leaves, take a glass of boiling water, boil without intense boiling for ten minutes, insist and drain the liquid. It is recommended to wipe the skin at least five times a day, as oily sheen appears on it. If the skin is of a combination type, then wipe those areas where the sebaceous secret is most strongly secreted;
  2. for oily skin, plantain masks are also used: for cooking, you need to scroll through fresh leaves and apply a mass to inflamed skin areas. You can wipe acne, pimples and inflammations with plantain juice - in this case, the cake is squeezed out and the skin is taken care of with the help of the resulting juice twice a day. Masks are made once a day until the problem disappears. For oily skin, undiluted juice is used, for dry skin - diluted with three parts of water, for normal - diluted in half with water;
  3. to get rid of wrinkles and whiten the skin, you need to make the following composition: dilute a spoonful of potato starch with plantain broth until you get the consistency of sour cream. When the mass swells, apply it on the face. Wash off the mask after 15 minutes;
  4. in order to cleanse the skin of acne, you can also prepare a soft lotion on plantain leaves - take ten tablespoons of milk per tablespoon of leaves and insist raw materials on milk for about twenty minutes, after which they filter the infusion through gauze and wipe their face twice a day;
  5. another lotion recipe based on this plant will help narrow enlarged pores and cure purulent inflammation. You need to take 12 g of plantain in dry form, pour it with 50 ml of cognac and insist this liquid for a week. After that, strain the tincture and add 90 ml of water and 6 ml of peach oil to it;
  6. a mask that provides deep nourishment to the skin is prepared as follows: take 6 plantain leaves, twist through a meat grinder, add 20 g of fat sour cream and a beaten quail egg to the gruel. Apply to steamed face skin for 20 minutes, then rinse with chamomile decoction;
  7. to smooth out wrinkles, you should use this recipe: take 4 fresh leaves of plantain, twist them through a meat grinder. Add 18 drops of cocoa butter and puree made from one banana to this mass. The mask is applied to the face and left for half an hour, then washed off;
  8. A simple plantain leaf mask will help restore facial skin after a sunburn. It is enough to take a few fresh leaves of the plant, finely chop them or twist them in a meat grinder. The resulting mass is applied to the skin, left for 20 minutes. After that, gently wash off the mixture with warm water;
  9. for oily skin, you can use plantain infusion on vodka: take 100-120 ml of vodka per tablespoon of freshly squeezed plantain juice and wipe the skin in the morning and evening, after shaking it well.

For skin rejuvenation, fresh psyllium juice is added to a daily serving of morning moisturizer and applied to the skin, gently working the enriched cream with your fingertips.

Any woman wants to stay beautiful and young longer. Of course, for this we use creams, masks and lotions. But do not forget about folk remedies! There are many herbs that help prolong youth and beauty.

Take, for example, plantain. This simple plant was popular in ancient Egypt.


Plantain leaves are just a storehouse of useful substances. They contain vitamins K and C, flavonoids, the most useful organic acids, aucubin against bacteria, and nutritious olein. Therefore, this plant restores the structure of cells, if it is damaged, rejuvenates and cleanses the face,

This plant has the following effect on the skin of the face:

  • tannins relieve redness and inflammation;
  • acids resist the appearance of acne and pimples;
  • flavonoids increase tone, rejuvenate and strengthen tissues;
  • vitamins slow down aging;
  • venison accelerates regeneration;
  • polysaccharides moisturize dry skin and dry oily skin.

Plantain leaf face mask helps with:

  • burns;
  • pimples and acne;
  • wounds, scars;
  • itching, inflammation and redness;
  • wrinkles, dryness;
  • oily sheen;
  • early aging.

How to use psyllium for face

You can make masks, lotions, homemade lotion, ice cubes and cream. Folk recipes offer a lot of useful products made from this plant.

But first of all, we must remember that the funds can not be used often. Twice a week is enough.

For oily skin:

  • to get rid of shine, you need to prepare a decoction. Pour boiling water over dry leaves, boil for five minutes. And then wash your face morning and evening;
  • Another remedy can be made from juice. Rinse fresh leaves and twist. Squeeze out the juice and apply it on your face in the morning and evening after cleansing.

For dry

  • plantain juice will also help for a person with dry skin. It is necessary to dilute the juice with water in a ratio of 1: 3 and apply on the face for several minutes, and then rinse with water;
  • crush fresh leaves in a mortar. Add water and honey in equal amounts and then apply on the face for twenty minutes. Then wash up.

For sensitive:

  • a special mask will help with such skin. Take a tablespoon of dry leaves and fill them with water (1:3), heat and cool. Mix the infusion with starch to get a watery consistency. A cotton swab will help the application, and you need to wait 20-30 minutes. Wash off the mask with soft (boiled) water and moisten these areas with something, cream or at least glycerin;
  • you can wash your face with an infusion of chamomile and plantain (you need to take them in equal amounts). Or you can mix the plant with mint. These herbs are soothing and invigorating.

What else can be done from plantain for facial skin

Lotion is good. To make it, you need to dilute about 20 ml of fresh juice in half a glass of vodka. This lotion should be periodically wiped face.

Try the Scandinavian traditional herbal milk lotion recipe. To do this, pour fresh cut leaves with milk in a ratio of 1:10. After 20 minutes, strain and the lotion is ready. It's best to warm it up before use.

Ice cubes are an excellent remedy for wrinkles and premature skin aging. It is very easy to prepare them. Make an infusion of leaves, then strain the liquid and prepare cosmetic ice in molds. When it freezes, wipe the skin in the morning.

If you don't like cold cubes, make cream. Put a part of any face cream in a separate container and add psyllium juice there. Mix everything and use the cream once a week.

It is useful to make a face mask from plantain and horsetail.

Horsetail has a disinfectant, anti-inflammatory and wound healing effect. Therefore, it is useful to prepare such a mask from it and plantain.

Pour boiling water over both plants and insist, then add ground oatmeal flakes. You should get a creamy mass. So it should be applied to the skin for 15 minutes. Such a mask will soothe and soften the skin, relieve irritation, remove wrinkles.