Statuses of love. Wise statuses about love

If you are not a shy person, but have tender feelings for someone, then you may also be a little nervous. Subconsciously, each of us is afraid of rejection, but it is unlikely to admit it to ourselves. But we still can't say directly, so we invent all sorts of workarounds and maneuvers. For example, in the same Odnoklassniki or vKontakte we use love statuses. The person you are interested in comes to your page, sees love statuses and understands how you feel about him. Love statuses can also be used to write a variety of love messages, they will do for this too. Always it's cool to confess your love to the person you really like.

In order for you to have cool love statuses, you need to show a little imagination and ingenuity. Introduce the object of your interest, think about what words you would like to say to her or him when you meet, how you would talk about your feelings and experiences. And then put it all in a short phrase, and you have great love statuses. If there is no fantasy, but there is one hard work, then go to look for love statuses on the Internet. There are a lot of useful sites here, such as a site where you can find various love statuses for Odnoklassniki, vKontakte, ICQ, Skype and even Agent. You just have to choose the most suitable one in your opinion and place it in the right place. You can also use love statuses in your forum signature or e-mail, where they will look no less organic than on social networks.

Almost every day you can see new love statuses here, sometimes even very unusual ones. Choose such love statuses that convey the fullness of your feelings and place where the object of your sighs will notice and appreciate.

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Love is forgotten in 2 months, great love in 2 years, and true love will change your whole life!

I miss you already! I miss your touches, sweet smile, tender words, gentle hands, sweet lips! Damn, now I understand that I need you.

A gentle look and the accidental touch of your hands made me believe in a fairy tale ...

Give me the letter I. She is cool. She can connect whatever you want: heaven and earth, day and night, you and me ...

Erase with a coin and see who I love \u003d))

Do not waste your life, it is not endless, Appreciate every breath, moment and hour, After all, in this world, even if it is not impeccable, There is one who prays heaven only for you!

The best place on earth is in the arms of a loved one ...

Happiness is when you are understood, great happiness is when you are loved, real happiness is when you love.

Take my hand hold on, You are more than life to me ...

  • I don't need anything, no flowers, no gifts, no passionate phrases ... I just want to hold your hand and feel your gentle breath on my cheek.
  • Love cannot stand those who defiantly turned their backs on it for too long. Love loves the decisive and courageous, who do not make mistakes precisely because they are not afraid to make them.
  • Love is not the sum of cheap promises and nonsense is when feelings are in your heart at least to the grave.
  • You love, but I will not ... you write, but I will forget, I loved ... you broke down, and now you give up fucking! ...
  • Love is cooler than a plastic surgeon - it rejuvenates, refreshes and changes without a scalpel - with one touch to the heart

  • Love is a game. Whoever said “I love” was the first to lose ...
  • The one who is always faithful knows only the frivolous sides of love; only those who cheat will recognize her tragedies.
  • In family life, the main thing is patience ... Love cannot last long.
  • When we dream of an ideal partner, we involuntarily describe ourselves - without flaws and weaknesses, choosing the right gender. Martin Page
  • Love is foolishness done together. Napoleon

  • Call me whatever you want, just be sure to add "mine" at the end.
  • If my boyfriend leaves for another, I don't regret him. Since childhood, my mother taught me to give old toys to those who are less fortunate!
  • We love, but we pretend that we do not care. We are indifferent, but we pretend that we love.
  • I love Just watching you laugh .. I love to call you my sun .. I just love to look into your eyes .. and only you can tell I love you!
  • I closed the door to my heart and wrote - NO ENTRANCE! But love came and said simply: "I can't read ..."

  • You need to be able to close a boring book, leave a bad movie and part with people who do not value you ...
  • Quitting love is just like quitting smoking. Everything seems to be under control until you get drunk.
  • A soulless beautiful doll with a piece of ice instead of a heart, empty, with cold eyes and head held high. This is how I became ...
  • Bitter tears quietly fell into the pillow ... I am not your love, but just a TOY.
  • In my entire life, I have not allowed anyone to cause me as much pain ... as I allowed you, in such a short time ...

  • All you have to do is carry me in your arms. I will climb on your neck myself.
  • - Will you marry me? - And can you do something else for you?
  • Heart: I still love him. Memory: I still remember him. Brain: I'm still thinking about him, so I'll take it now and call! Pride: And in the face ??
  • Good girls believe in pure love, bad girls believe in frequent love, smart girls believe in quality ...
  • The most pi * date answer to the phrase "I love you" is "Got it"

  • It is easy to hide hatred, difficult - love, and even more difficult - indifference.
  • And it doesn't matter anything ... I don't care now ... In this life I have lost everything ... And my love with a broken heart disappeared ..
  • If you have a choice between two people, then choose the second. Because if you really loved the first, then the second would not have appeared!
  • I know what love is .. but because of this love, I lost all understanding of life
  • If 10 people love you, then I am among them, if 5 people love you, then I am among them, if 1 person loves you, then this is me, if no one loves you, then I am dead.

  • You need to love one person in such a way that you pass hundreds of others and never look back.
  • If you want to catch a person, you will have to put your heart on the hook.
  • You can go in for sports, work, but not love. Because you can quit sports, quit your job, and love cannot be avoided.
  • Love is like a butterfly: if you squeeze too hard, you crush it, let it go, and it will fly away.
  • Love the one you can kneel before, not the one that kneels before you ...

  • - The sun .. - Not the sun! - Zay .. - Especially not zay! - Sweet. - Where did you see the cute one? - Darling ... - Well, that would be right away
  • And for some reason my mother is always against my boyfriend ... nothing .. you tell him that he has a vila in the Maldives, she will love him.
  • I'm tired of being strong, tired of smiling when I want to scream with heartache, I'm tired of pretending that I don't love anyone and don't suffer, I just want to cuddle up to my beloved guy and cry quietly ...
  • I know that you are not exactly who I need, but I don't care, because I love you
  • I remember the day I got sick with you. And I haven't found a cure for this yet ...

If someone has problems in love, do not be discouraged, but read cool statuses about love

What a pity that I'm not sick with you ... but with an extra mug I drank yesterday ...

So I want to hear from the opposite sex "I love you". Should I call my dad?

Did you really come to me from a fairy tale? - Yes - And from which one? - From the good .. - Kicked out? ..

People have such a need for love that some even love their spouses.

I love him ... I really like him ... and to whom this is dedicated, who the hell would guess

Anyone can have dinner with a girl, but breakfast must be earned ...

In a love triangle, one of the corners is usually blunt

When my beloved starts kissing and hugging me, I go to a psychologist, because I have no boyfriend!

A story about a love triangle. Cast: me, refrigerator, computer. Melodrama

So fall in love. First the crown will fall, and then you can completely lose your head.

It seems to me that you are not sick with me.
It seems to me that you are sick in life.

Love makes a person purer. At least it makes you wash, shave and wash your socks.

When you quarrel, and then reconcile, and after a day you don’t remember what you were quarreling about, this is true love. However, sclerosis manifests itself in the same way.

We are all in a bustle of love ... then we are not those ... then we are not the same ...

Female logic: Scum ... scoundrel .. creature ... BACK !!

I wanted to call him, but realized that the subscriber is temporarily ... not worthy!

Sometimes you see a person and feel - this is the one you have been looking for all your life. And he does not care, he goes for bread.

Do not meddle in our love triangle, there are seven of us here!

From love to hate - 1 step. And from hatred to indifference, in principle, too 1 but ..., bitch, so long ...

In general, I love cherry pies. They, of course, don't reciprocate, but they don't behave like a schmuck.

Oh, bananas are blooming in the field by the stream, I fell in love with the young Negro. The Negro fell in love with her misfortune, I am afraid during the day, I will not find him at night.

Jealousy is a mixture of ownership, mistrust, and defeat. In this case, the presence of a feeling of love is not necessary!

Loves the one who is jealous all the time, Loves the one who is silent when meeting. And not the one who kisses all the time, And always talks about love ...

A person is jealous not when he loves, but when he wants to be loved.

Jealousy is a suspicion that not only you are cheating, but also you.

A woman rarely forgives jealousy and never forgives her absence.

Jealousy for any reason does not paint a man. However, the horns do not decorate it too much.

Jealousy is stupid, it's a fact! And love is different ... Whoever does not love is a fool! And who loves - twice!

Sometimes divorce is enough to achieve happiness in your personal life.

There was a moment when I was scared that all my friends and girlfriends would become family and there would be no one to hang out with. But then, fortunately, they began to get divorced.

It is impossible to “drink a little”, “smoke rarely”, “cheat on your wife within reason”. There is no "golden mean" in determining the degree of depravity. You cannot degrade in moderation.

Mishandling a woman, depending on status, can lead to marriage or divorce.

The baker who is cheated on by his wife is not horns, but bagels.

If your wife cheated on you, then this is very good. It means that besides you, there are also worthy and wonderful people in the world.

Nothing strengthens a marital relationship more than a couple's unsuccessful love affairs.

Some grow wings from love, others - horns.

There are no beautiful partings ... only bridges are beautifully raised.

Sometimes you want to love so much that you don't want to live ...

Happiness is - It cannot but be

Do not rush until YOU understand that I am alone, and there is no more dear to me ... When YOU walk a hundred roads of fate, and you cannot be one hundred and first without me.

I know how to love, I know how to forgive, I know how to bite, I can caress ... I stamp my foot loudly ... I will touch my hand, I will say with my eyes that you are mine ...

Our life is a book, and love is its best pages ...

How important it is to be loved! For real, seriously. The only one necessary to madness, to tears! Beloved to be without fear, without suspicion and anxiety, without fear and empty doubts, since God intended love !!!

It just happens sometimes that life divorces two people - only to show both how important they are to each other.

There are 1,000,000 guys, but why is he needed alone? Because, he is 1, and all the other 000 000 ...

Your boyfriend is not a hero, not tall, not slender. Fussy at times, often restless. He is not a millionaire, there is no car in sight. And he did not act in films and did not paint pictures. A suit, the wrong cut, Chanel will not buy himself. Your boyfriend is not a hero ... He just loves you!

Shout - anyone will hear, whisper - the nearest one will hear, and only I will hear what you are silent about ...

Do you know what will happen in 5 years? -What? -I will marry a handsome man, give birth to his son, and I will also love him madly. -And what about me? -You marry a psychopath and you will be happy ... -And what about us? - Silly, I'm talking about us ...

Standing at the edge of the mountain, she asked: - Do you love me? - I love you! - Then jump! He smiled, looked into her eyes and said: - Do you love me? - I love you! - Then push ...

I sincerely congratulate you on Valentine's Day, on the day of lovely eyes, illuminated with love! Let the sadness melt, like a winter snowflake, help you with this -Valentine !!!

If a person appears in your life with whom you forget the past, then this person is your future!

5 words about the ideal person: The One Who is With Me Now.

Love is when you get up early to make him a cup of coffee, and the coffee is ready.

There is no difference between the phrases "I love you" and "I will wash the floor" until you have done anything.

Lord, sometimes it seems to me that I cannot live without him! - You're right! - answered the Lord, - ... you only think ...

The heart decides whom to love ... Fate decides with whom to be ...

More recently, statuses that many of us use on social networks and when communicating with friends have firmly entered and consolidated in our lives. As a rule, statuses reflect a person's mood, his dreams, desires, feelings and experiences, as well as what he is doing at a certain moment. By the way, the concept of "status" implies two definitions. According to the first, this is the position of a person in society, but another definition, which is considered the most popular today, consists in certain phrases or expressions that personify the state of a person.

Appreciate those people who sincerely talk about their feelings, because they are the most courageous, loyal and reliable.

A loved one will always be perfect, even with any of its flaws!

Separation has one big plus, because only after parting with a person, you feel who he really is for you, and how much you need him.

Everyone can love. But not everyone can be loved. If you want to become one, love the one who loves you.

Do you think happiness is about looking like a glamorous bitch and gathering crowds of fans at your feet? No, happiness is being close to one beloved guy who appreciates and adores you even without makeup and in home clothes, just because you are you!

If I said "I love", then I will not betray my feelings, because life has taught me to be responsible for my words.

I need you ... - For what? - Just for happiness.

With just three words, you can give a person the desire to live by saying “I need you”, with three words you can lead to crying by saying “Let's be friends”, and with three words you can increase your heartbeat by admitting “I love you”. What three important words are you willing to say to me?

If you ask me to hug you as hard as I love you, you run the risk of being strangled!

Each person is an angel with only one wing. Therefore, we can fly only by hugging our soul mate!

Only with that person it is worth being close, at the very thought of which there is a happy shine in the eyes and warmth in the soul. Everything else is a waste of time.

Between the destiny of people destined for each other, there is an invisible thread that connects them, which can get confused, stretch, but still, in an unknown way, will lead these people to each other.

Happy loving eyes decorate better than any makeup!

It's not that butterflies flutter in my stomach ... I have samba hippos dancing.

A person who respects himself and his choice will never change!

People sent to us by fate will never leave our lives, no matter what we do. And therefore, you should not worry if a person disappeared from your life, it means that it was simply not your person.

You meet love exactly when you least expect and seek it.

You can go crazy with happiness when in the morning a person, thinking that you are sleeping, gently kisses, with admiration running his hand through your hair, and you just lie with your eyes closed, dreaming that this happiness will last as long as possible.

I so want to be with you
And forget the past with you,
To love and always feel reciprocity,
Understand, this is not a whim, but a necessity!

Friendship is friendship, but you want to kiss.

Forgiveness is always the first to ask for the one who values \u200b\u200bthe relationship more, and not the one who is actually to blame.

Never talk about your love without feeling it inside, and do not be silent about it if you are sure of its existence. It is these two mistakes that prevent most people from being happy!

I fly with happiness, goosebumps ... When, confessing "I love you", I hear "Me too."

Love is the best antidepressant, slimming agent, energy drink and drug in one bottle!

If you love - love, if you do not love - do not fool your head, move away and do not bother to love others.